Busy day today. Had a bunch of stuff going on, then went shopping for some new shirts in the big and fat section at JCP (that’s right bitches, I only sport upscale stuff like JCPenneys). Got a couple of shirts, and as always, got a kick out of asking the cute young girl by the door to direct me to the “clothes for fat people.” They reliably giggle and blush because they feel obligated to say I’m not fat, but always just stammer and point in the right direction. It’s cruel, probably, but it’s the only revenge us fat bastards have on you judgmental pricks.
Washed the denim bib overalls so they will be nice and clean for the Madison meet-up, and tomorrow I am going for a hair cut and to have the neck-beard trimmed so I look somewhat presentable in the big city. Other than that, I’m starving because I didn’t start cooking down the roma tomatoes until about 4:30, so my spaghetti dinner isn’t ready yet. Good sauce takes a while, and after waiting five hours, it would be criminal to not give it the extra time it needs. And no, I don’t fucking put sugar in my sauce. I do always put two anchovies in with the onions and garlic, unless I know vegetarians are coming.
And the Pirates are getting demolished, so I think I am going to watch something else on the idiot box. Also, too, those of you who suggested Steve’s name was bugger because he demanded constant attention were spot on. And I love that about him.
What are y’all up to?
*** Update ***
Will be here on Saturday. New throne for the new boss. This one might use it.
This should be here next week.
welp, I’m off to bed early today. just finished watching. Luther Season 1 & 2 marathon on Netflix. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Idris Elba as Luther is compelling and the whole thematics of the show is engrossing and eerie and very interesting and intense. Can’t wait for Season 3 on BBC Americ in September. Only complaint: do all British series tv shows have such short “seasons”??? the first one was 6 episodes. the 2nd was 4 and the 3rd will be only 4 as well. guess it does keep you wanting more.
Comrade Mary
Marry me, you magnificent bastard.
(Yes, I used the same line on JSF last night. I’m picking myself up again after that terrible rejection.)
Chicken tikka and a tomato/cucumber/feta salad. Then a walk with the dogs. Big doins at our house.
Gin & Tonic
Still trying to figure out the difference, if any, between fluke and flounder.
The Moar You Know
Holy smokes. You need a clothing intervention.
The seasons get shorter the more in demand the lead actors. Have you seen Case Histories by chance? Jason Isaacs is fantastic in this series.
Possible good news. Drone program could get an end date. But will it even make a ripple. Unlike the big lie of a story that had the GOS in a fit today.
And the disconnect between Wikileaks and real rights groups is interesting http://www.latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-snowden-wikileaks-asylum-20130801,0,5224509.story
the Conster
I keep hearing the the first few notes of the banjo music from Deliverance.
TaMara (BHF)
Shredded carrot. Adds the right touch of sweetness to enhance the salt & spices and reduces the acidity of the sauce. Trust me on this, it doesn’t get much more Italian than my last name. It will take your sauce to the next level. Which I’m sure is magnificent to begin with.
Looking for suggestions of things to do/see and places to eat in Savannah or Charleston, SC. Also looking for a must-see minor league baseball stadium along the eastern seaboard. Anyone? Anyone?
Princess Leia
I wonder if Steve will use the tower— it will take him away from your side! Now maybe if it was right next to your chair….
Bob In Portland
My gal is roasting some sort of chicken dish. Smells good. I shouldn’t have eaten so many sesame-covered almonds this afternoon.
I must say, John, I favor JC Penney t-shirts, LXL. Even with shrinkage my belly isn’t exposed.
Comrade Mary
I think the new throne for the boss needs some appropriate accompaniment.
Michael G
It has been a bittersweet day here at casa MomSense. We celebrated the dog’s birthday and heard back from the vet that we need to do more testing to rule out tumors, cancer, and other horrible no good very bad things. He ate a little bit of rice and wet food–but not much for a dog who has been ruled by his belly.
The boys are taking turns sleeping downstairs with him since he tries to do the stairs but they clearly cause him pain. Ugh. He is not my first pet–I had no illusions about what happens if you are lucky enough to have a long time with them –but it is still just so awful
Oh god. Do we get a video of you putting this thing together while Steve chirps impatiently behind you. I always LOVE putting these damn contraptions together with their circular instructions to insert part A1 into part B3 and so forth.
Princess Leia
@Josie: I hope you don’t live in Texas. Those insertions are not allowed.
@Michael G:
Do bib overalls count as pants?? Is the real reason Cole is packing bib overalls because the pants are connected to the bib and therefore impossible to forget?
You know who else violated the Facebook Terms of Service?
The Next Wingnut Scandal: Obama’s Illegal Re-Election Campaign
@MomSense: I am so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is, since we had to put my big dog Teddi down last year due to the fact that she could no longer stand up or walk. We had 13 wonderful years with her, but it is never enough. I still think about her all the time and miss her so much. I know this must be very painful for you and your boys, but they are learning about feelings and compassion from you, and that is worth a lot.
Sugar in a tomato gravy/sauce! Yuk! We are both anglo/saxon in background from western Pa but never, never, never did we experience sugar in a tomato sauce until moving to central Pa. and learning of this atrocity of a sauce from the local “dutch’ cooks Yuk again. The many friends’ nonnas we both knew growing up would be giving us the evil eye with such a suggestion.
Keith P.
Anyone here have one of those cat toys on TV where it’s a yellow cloth circle with a spinning “mouse” underneath it? Seems like a great toy for cats, but I’ve bought some toys that seem like surefire winners that my cats wind up not even touching. In fact, the only one I have had universal success with is catnip-laced cardboard scratching boards, and even with those, my cats spend more time sleeping on them than scratching.
And glad to hear there’s someone other than me that doesn’t sweeten their pasta sauce. I had pizza at a work meeting today that a co-worker raved about, and there was so much sugar in the sauce AND dough, that I would have stopped after 1 bite if my blood sugar wasn’t so low.
@Princess Leia: Lol – I actually do live in Texas, but it is a big state, and I figure what they don’t know won’t hurt me.
Omnes Omnibus
What makes you think they or any form of pants will actually get packed? Luckily, pants are available for purchase in Madison.
Got to spend 45 minutes on the phone with the estate lawyer today. Yay. Not surprisingly, things are not quite as cut-and-dried as my brother kept telling me, though they are pretty messed up. It seems my father’s mania for paying as little in taxes as legally possible led him to make some dumb decisions about how he set things up.
The Other Chuck
@Josie: Every cat tower like that I’ve put together has been a simple matter of just twisting the sisal posts in with double-sided bolts. It’s idiotproof.
Which means Cole will probably inflict grievious injury on himself putting it together, yes.
Gin & Tonic
@melissaD: Wow. You call tomato sauce “gravy” in PA? I thought that was just a New England thing.
In Savannah, try Belford’s. It’s in the area called City Market, between the riverfront/historic district and downtown proper. Definitely plan a meal at the Boar’s Head, a little place on the riverfront. Everything’s great, but the she crab soup is to die for.
Haven’t been to Charleston in a long time, but if it’s still there, check out Poogan’s Porch for delicious low country food.
@Comrade Mary: That better not be “The Rains of Castamere”…
(At work. Can’t watch.)
Kristine Smith
@MomSense: Good thoughts for you and your pup.
Ben W
At home with the kiddos while the wife travels for work. They’re currently tearing the living room apart to build pillow towers.
The Other Chuck
Don’t forget the straw hat. Please tell me you’re joking?
@melissaD: But I will agree with a comment above that the mild sweetness of carrots can add a taste that works in some sauces. I add them to my chili base. But a hunk of sugar to a marinara, yuk again.
Thank you, Josie. The boys are being so good about it–especially the way the older boys are looking out for their little brother. I feel like he and Rangeley were puppies together. Range would always park himself under his highchair. They took naps together and just generally always had some mischief going together.
Princess Leia
@Josie: Josie, I sure hope so!!!!
Chat Noir
@MattR: Poogan’s Porch on Queen Street. Also, Mustard Seed in Mt. Pleasant. One of the carriage rides through the city is a nice way to get a history of Charleston. I would never want to live there but it’s nice to visit.
It’s IPA Day, and y’all have a couple hours to find an IPA.
@lamh36: You could be watching Season 3 with a UK VPN and BBC iPlayer.
You will cry…
It’s not like Idris or Benedict have time to do 13 episodes being that they are international starts and all. Prime Suspect didn’t have 20 episodes a season, even back in the day.
Chat Noir
@MattR: The Charleston Riverdogs are fun to see. It’s been years but I remember its a fun time. My sister & her family live in Mt. Pleasant, SC, and I used to visit a lot when my niece & nephew were younger.
I’m having a thoroughly lovely evening recovering from surgery this morning. And I thought pain was just a passing fancy. Silly boy.
B Lehmann
Please be careful assembling the cat tower.
gogol's wife
We just watched A Scandal in Belgravia (Sherlock) for the second time. We still didn’t understand it, but it was great.
Roger Moore
Steve says: Finily! Teh recognishun I deserv!
Karen in GA
Iggy’s adjusting well to his new home. He’s between 12-18 months old, and it looks like someone crate trained him at some point. We take him outside frequently, so I don’t know if it’s just coincidence that he hasn’t made a mess in the house. We need to go longer stretches without taking him out and see what happens.
And we have a trainer coming in this weekend to show us how to click him into not chasing the cats. I think he just wants to play — he hasn’t tried to attack them. In fact, one is on his perch about 10 feet from Iggy now, and Iggy’s doing a decent job of ignoring him. It’s not consistent, though, but it’s a start.
Comrade Mary
@Yatsuno: Nope. Just the 8-bit version of the theme.
@Comrade Mary: And of course both our brains went right to there. But JC did open himself up for that.
Tell me Joffrey dies in the most horrific way imaginable. Please. And soon.
I’m so sorry. Hoping for the best for Rangeley.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Well, we had a dog again tonight for a little while, a more-or-less black lab. Son found him in the backyard, took him in, and we started calling the number on the tag. An older fella, and really sweet. The owner came by and retrieved him a little while ago, lives on our block.
Funny, we’ve owned dogs for years and are at the age where we’re glad not to be tied down with pets, but we all were sorta hoping we could keep this one.
I have a really bad cold and am heading off to bed. Got my Buddy here on the bed next to me, cuddling and purring. Shit day at work…
Mnemosyne, just digging through my Mom’s finances to clear up the power of attorney my sis and I have so that we can take care of her financial matters. Everything we thought was in place is not quite what we thought and we are having to resend documentation to the banks and jump through hoops we jumped through before… pays to check regularly and directly on these things it seems.
I tell you, nothing better than a good night’s sleep.
BTW — celebration, I finished my nursing refresher course including the clinical experience, last week. It was awesome and reminded me why I always loved nursing. I am pretty wiped however, since I didn’t stop working at my other job during this. No regrets, though… no regrets
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@MattR: Take a side trip to Jekyll Island and sit awhile on the porch of the Jekyll Island Hotel. It’s a relic of the Gilded Age, when the 1% built and stayed at resorts in the US.
I’ve been fat enough that I couldn’t go into a standard Big-and-Tall section to get pants. Sucks, and is expensive. Managed to get back down into the $20 jeans range.
John Cole
@Ruckus: Ack. For what? Did they give you one of those fucking worthless morphine pumps that you click like crazy but it won’t knock you out?
mai naem
Don’t diss JCP. I haven’t done JCP in a while but their St.John’s Bay label had some quality clothing. I still have some pretty old St.JB polos which are stained but not ripped or torn anywhere.
WTF is it with American food and adding sugar in stuff that doesn’t need it? I am a label reader because I’m a veg and, jeezus, why does a savory sauce, savory food, savory anything have sugar put in it. Those fried green beans in the junk food aisle have sugar in it… for what reason? Plain tomato sauce has sugar in it. I went to a Mexican place last week and the damn guacamole had sugar in it? Why do pastries have powdered sugar on them? Is there some reason bread has to have sugar in it – and I am not talking about cinnamon raisin bread – just whole grain stuff. Peanut butter has sugar in it. This drives me fucking crazy. Extra calories that nobody needs.
@MomSense: I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope things go well and he’ll be ok, but I agree… things do not always go well.
You know… this is the best blog in the world. :) Really… where else would you find the host going off wearing bib overalls and the rest of us giving him grief, talking cooking, and sharing pet stories? John Cole… I love your posts! :) Well… I love everyone’s posts really, but who else can cuss us out and we love him for it too? :) Oh… and I can just SEE how those girls at JCP would react.
Google Doodle. U go see. Naow.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@mai naem: Agreed on JCP. I stick with their Stafford button-down work shirts after LL Bean and Lands End both got weird with their sizes and material.
did anyone else hear a banjo playing when they read that?
We have that exact cat condo for our kitties. Hope Steve likes it!
@TaMara (BHF):
During WWII, when rationing was imposed, it was common to use shredded carrots in things like fruitcake to eke out the sugar. I understand most people couldn’t tell the difference.
@Gin & Tonic: Italian friends from Philadelphia influence that word choice of gravy. It or sauce works from me, so long as that weird aggressive sugar taste is absent. A young (Italian) chef, classically trained, moved here to try to establish an “Italian” bistro and he shared with us that the long time locals are put off by the amount of garlic he puts in his sauce. We support his efforts to educate on the real taste of a marinara.
Bring comfortable shoes! If you really want to get the feel of these cities, you’ll be doing a lot of walking.
Jay C
John, please do keep us informed as to how Boss Steve likes his new tower: hate to say it, and we know you meant nothing but well in getting him the feline equivalent of El Escorial; BUT; it seems to be a truism that any normal housecat’s interest in/use of any cat perch is in direct inverse proportion to how much it costs/how hard it is to put together. Between this cat-palace and an upended cardboard box, I’d guess the box will be more tenanted…
@AliceBlue: @Chat Noir: @Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason: Thanks for the info. I made some notes.
We were already considering a Riverdogs game. I think it depends on whether or not we we make it to a Daytona Cubs game at Jackie Robinson Stadium. We plan on hitting an Orioles game on the way through Baltimore at the end of the trip and three games may be too many.
master c
Glad you are shopping at jcp-I know its popular to predict their demise, but as a Dallasite in the photography industry, I do not want them to fold. I know too may people that would be out of work.
My kids like their clothes. I like many of thier things. I hope they survive.
@John Cole:
Hernia. No morphine pump but they did give me hydrocodone.(SP) They gave me my choice and I asked for viciden. But no, that’s not what I end up with. Doesn’t do shit for me. Oh well that seems to be my lot in life.
If you sit up and stay very still, not too bad. Just try to move, that will get your attention. On the other hand once up, waking(very, very slowly, I didn’t know that I’m a hundred yrs old) seems to help.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Yatsuno: Do you really want spoilers? Really, truly? Then the phrase you want is “Checyr Jrqqvat”. (For the youngsters, that’s ROT-13. Just to spare y’all even the tiniest hint of a spoiler.)
Speaking of Joffrey, a friend sent me this today.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MattR: Second (or third or where ever I manage to fall in the queue) the recc for Poogan’s Porch. We also make at least one visit to Hyman’s when in Charleston. Toast is another good place to eat, a little less well known. And we always hit the aquarium and the sea turtle hospital. If you have time, the tea plantation is an amazing place.
Southern Beale
Just to update this argument I’m having with my Tea Party neighbor, he now says his problem is really to do with his HOA (he lives in a subdivision a block away from me). He wants his HOA dues to be tax deductible.
What the FUCK this has to do with stormwater regulations for developers I have NO clue, except that my original premise appears to be correct: Tea Party people are DUMBASSES.
Ah Ruckus, you don’t look a day over 40. Get well.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I’m guessing that I’m in moderation because FYWP thinks ROT-13 is Russian spam. Try to be nice and keep people from being accidentally spoiled, and this is my reward?
@mai naem:
Worse is HFCS in so many things.
But yeah WTF is with all the sugar? Other than making us all fat and setting us up for Type 2?
It’s probably like too much salt. After a while it is the default level. Now anything without enough sugar or salt tastes like nothing. But it makes you hungry and/or makes you reach for all the crap that has a high enough level to have any taste. Like a smoker putting tons of salt on everything because otherwise nothing has any taste.
Anne Laurie
@Gin & Tonic:
According to the Italian-Americans I grew up with in the Bronx in the 1960s, all the Sicilian immigrants called sauce “gravy” because they were, y’know, dumb F.O.B.s with no education. The regional clannishness has probably diminished since then, but in those distant days the ‘Italian’ kids disdained the Sicilians almost as much as the Cuban immigrants disdained the Puerto Ricans (who disdained the Dominicans, in turn… )
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts. Boys, dog and cats are having a slumber party watching movies. Range is really happy right now–snoozing all curled up with the guys.
Definitely no sugar in the sauce!! Carrots–yes and onions add sweetness, too.
Cole, that tower thing looks like an Ikea employee entrance exam. I want video of the assembly process-preferably in your bib overalls!
(But maybe you need to get your eyesight checked.)
Just a thought.
(And if I remember correctly you are married so I’ll take it that wasn’t a come on.)
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@mai naem: For the bread, it’s kind of necessary for the yeast to feed on. The rest, the sugar compensates for the flavor lost by reducing the fat content.
@mai naem: I agree about JCP! I get all my work clothes there – I don’t have the money for Ann Taylor or Banana Republic or whatever, so I wouldn’t know what to do without JCP’s Worthington line. Don’t be dissin’ JCP, John!
I’ve also been noticing the sugar content in products – sugar and soy. I have thyroid issues so I have to take it easy on the soy, but there is soybean oil in EVERYTHING.
Holy shit that’s a great cat condo. And I built my own I’m so picky and cheap.
John O
Now THAT’S a cat tree.
Felonius Monk
Alright, John. Yo’ da’ man!
Dead Ernest
@Gin & Tonic:
The former is a shrug-of-the-shoulders, ‘one of those things.’
The latter is similar but with some embarrassment as well.
Felonius Monk
@Ruckus: Had a couple of those type evenings last year. Not fun. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
@Felonius Monk:
dance around in your bones
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope they gave you some good drugs to get through it. But I think that’s not your thing. Would be mine, though.
So, you haven’t found the girl at JCP who says “oh, I like my men older and chubby, I get off work at 9:00” yet?
Dead Ernest
I’m not sure I have read you correctly (asked for Vicodin, got Hydrocodone).
If that is what you meant, Vicodin is hydrocodone, but with Tylenol added. For ex: Vicodin (or Lortab, & other brands) 5/325 is 5mg hydrocodone + 325 mg APAP (aka Tylenol). 7.5/500 is 7.5mg hydrocodone + 500mg Tylenol, and so on: 10/500, 7.5/325.
In fact, there is no factory made hydrocodone w/o Tylenol (or, rarely, ibuprofen) made. [a compounding pharmacy can make single product hydrocodone, or even Sustained Release hydrocodone – also not currently manufactured).
Don’t know that this helps you any but, now you know.
Dead Ernest, a Pain Medicine physician IRL.
– here on the blog, just a pain.
Cheers, and happy healing.
dance around in your bones
@Ruckus: Hydrocodone is the generic form of Vicodin, so you got what you asked for.
Whether it’s working for you is another story – don’t be shy about asking for a substitute if you feel you need it. Hang in there, Ruckus!
eta: so , just noticed that Dead Ernest beat me to the punch, and he’s a real doctor, too! Oh well.
@MattR: In Charleston, be sure to have a meal (breakfast or brunch is especially wonderful) at Hominy Grill. It’s entirely worth the calories.
@Omnes Omnibus: You’d think Wisconsin would be overalls central. You know, Oshkosh.
Dead Ernest
@dance around in your bones:
D in Bones, I am a terrific fan of you.
You effectively ‘doctor’ my sense of humor, my recollections of Times of our Youth.
I consider myself blessed to have you as a colleague.
With Great fondness & appreciation,
Yours, D.E.
@Dead Ernest:
I thought it might be so I looked it up but never saw the word vicodin. My google foo is failing me today.
Which is OK, so is the vicodin.
@dance around in your bones:
Yeah my non prescription experiences pretty much ended 30 years ago. They were reasonably wide ranging at the time but I haven’t kept up.
Actually thanks both of you.
@Ruckus: (Having trouble getting this through, presumably because one of the drug names is considered spam. Let’s see if this version works) If you need something stronger, your doctor should be able to give you percocet (0xycodone + tylenol). They generally prefer to try vicodin first as 0xycodone is an opioid (and is both more addictive and subject to stricter government regulation), but if vicodin isn’t cutting it they should be willing to try something else. Can’t hurt to ask. THe worst thing that happens is nothing.
dance around in your bones
@Dead Ernest: Oh, I’m blushing now. Those were the days, my friend. Grazi :)
@Ruckus: I remembered you saying you’d put the recreational substances behind you. But when you need the stuff, you need it. I found that out when I broke my hip. Yea! Dilaudid! Kept me cozy and comfortable while I was in the hospital – then I graduated down to Norco and then to Naprosyn. The Dilaudid was much more fun. Oh well.
They gave me oxyi about 12 yrs ago, last time I had surgery. I didn’t like it at all and it didn’t do much for my pain. Oh well. The vicodin takes the slightest edge off but not much more. I’ll live.
@dance around in your bones:
Yeah I pretty much try to keep myself clean and pure.
Now I sound like a 12 yr old catholic girl talking to mother superior.
Clean and pure. Two prescriptions for a boring life.
Dead Ernest
@MattR: I had a reply that A. Speaks to some of what your saying, B) I thought was ‘published’ but apparently just ‘flushed.’
My point was to agree w D in Bones and say ask for something else. H’codone doesn’t work well for all [the mu (primary opiate receptor) is a ‘chimera’ so different in everyone). BUT: A) BRING IN THE UNUSED H’codone. B) do NOT ask for, even whisper the words ‘Oxyc’done! Trust me on this.
Bring in the unused H’codone, tell them it doesn’t seem to be adequate for your pain, ask them for ‘something else’ and go with whatever they offer.
@Mattr – both the H’drocodone, and the Ox’codone are opiates. Both can lead to misuse, abuse, diversion, or addiction. The Ox is stronger gram for gram but not necessarily more effective (per a given individual). Either can cause (given individual) worse side effects.
So Ruckus – take along what remains, ask for an alternative pain med of their choice. See how it does. If no good, repeat A. and B. until success… Or you heal up anyway.
dance around in your bones
Well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Some of us recognize that we have an affinity for certain things and that may not be a good thing in the long run. So you cut it out.
But I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the drugs they gave me in the hospital. I kinda argued with the nurse on my last day because they were trying to bump me down to the Norco (which is a hydrocodone + acetaminophen like Vicodin) and I wanted one more shot of the Dilaudid. I told her “It’s not like I can go out on the street and get another shot of Dilaudid, so what’s the big deal?”
We worked it out (I didn’t get the shot) and she came back later to tell me that I had helped her learn a lot about pain management and patients wishes and nurses/doctors being perceived as gatekeepers (I told her, well duh! because you are!) so I guess that was a good thing for her.
Maybe Dead Ernest can weigh in on the difficulties of balancing pain management/drug seeking behavior/doctor’s fear of the DEA and all. It seems to be all tangled up. I just know that when you need it, you need it. Until you don’t.
Dead Ernest
BONUS! Tell them you do not want oxyc’done.
Their assessment of you will rise significantly, as will the credibility of your c/o pain.
(Only time to tell a pain doc the word Oxyc’done is when u say u don’t want it)
Sad fact is even when u know which opiate / opioid works best for you, too many Yahoo docs will -stupidly – assume you’re trying to obtain your Drug Of Choice, in the worst poss interpretation of the concept.
Treating pain is a complex enterprise. Rife with suspicion. (Shakes head in dismay).
@Dead Ernest: 0xycodone seems to be the magic word that kills the comments. Also makes sense that it is a magic word to some doctors, warning that the patient may be interested in more than just pain relief. (I usually get percodan without a problem but that may be because I ask for something without tylenol or ibuprofen and I don’t think most pharmacies carry the hyrocodone/aspirin combo. I have had problems finding percodan in the area as well) (EDIT: You would probably know better than me if the doctors are the problem or if they are just responding to pressure from the FDA or DEA)
DId not realize vicodin was an opiate as well. Also just learned that straight hydrocodone is schedule 2, like 0xycodone, but vicodin and other hydrocodone combos are schedule 3. And of course marijuana is schedule 1.
@Ruckus: I would still talk to your doctor. Maybe he can give you a different formulation that mixes hydrocodone with something else.
@Dead Ernest:
I’m going to just go with the v. I know what ox does for me, not much, and I know I dislike the side effects for me so as these were the two choices, I’ll go with the v. No pain is better but the pain is not that bad. I know, as I have a few things going on that cause chronic pain. Just another chapter, some days are better, some are much worse.
Yes, our youngest 3 adore it. The 17 year old doesn’t care.
Dead Ernest
In training I was taught that there was some ‘synergy’ between Tylenol & H’codone & Ox’codone. Ultimately ea was heavily marketed and (likely lobbied to b Sched III, which can, conveniently, be ‘called in.’
I no longer believe this magic synergy. I suspect it was ONLY so it could be called-in (SO much more convenient – and ‘Sales!’)
Trouble is ALL the pain meds have huge risks; the NSAIDS (kidney failure, GI bleeds), the Tylenol (a leading cause of liver failure and poss death)… In ‘some’ respects, well/tightly controlled opiates *can* actually be safer. BUT that does require close monitoring and tons, and tons …and repeated Tons of patient education – and monitoring.
@Dead Ernest:
Yeah when I told the surgeon that I didn’t want ox he smiled and basically said no problem with the v.
Hillbilly heroin didn’t get that name for no reason.
@dance around in your bones:
Yes the war on drugs has taken a toll in so many ways. Of course if we all had good health care and decent paying jobs a lot of people probably wouldn’t care about or need finding ways to blunt the pain of just living, let alone chronic pain.
And I do want to give a shout out to the VA. This was the best hospital/surgery experience that I have ever had. Eight different professional people talked to me to make sure that I was informed, comfortable and that I was the correct person and they were going to do the correct procedure in the correct place. I’ve never had more than one person ask before and they stayed not one second longer that absolutely necessary. Not at the VA. Over the next few days I am going to compose a letter to I don’t know how many people thanking them for the best care I’ve ever gotten. And I’ve been worked on by a world class orthopedic surgeon. But this wasn’t only the surgeon but everyone. These guys and girls are grand.
Government health care? Yes I’ll have me some of that!
See that others have already recommended carrots to cut acidity.
I prefer sliced carrots, as can remove them easily with a strainer or slotted spoon when the sauce is done if need be (not everyone cares for carrots served in their sauce).
@Dead Ernest: It is interesting because I hear conflicting information about what the best pain killer is for people like myself with kidney disease. Ibuprofin is obviously out, but my current nephrologist prefers aspirin to tylenol for occassional use while others I have talked to and read online suggest the reverse. I solve the problem by trying to avoid them both completely.
Dead Ernest
Treating chronic pain is my fascination, my great white whale.
I can ‘get up on my horse,’ I can ‘chase that dragon’ preach from my soapbox (not a drug reference far as I know) for hours.
But, its late, and bedtime. So, too all a goodnight.
I read nearly every gDamn post (esp Tom L) so if there’s anyone I can provide facts or opinions to in the realm of pain, shout out, and I’ll try n be there.
I’d offer Cole pass on my email address to anyone who wants it but I don’t believe he’s yet to notice I exist. Any other avenues anyone might suggest, I’m open for considering.
Night all
johnny aquitard
That edifice better have come with catapults to defend against besieging Orc hordes.
dance around in your bones
@Dead Ernest:
Waaaay back in the day I had a dentist who prescribed pure codeine phosphate – it was hard to find even then – it looked like a little sucrose pill or something. I think it was better for you than the acetaminophen loaded alternatives they came up with later. Plus, it worked really well to alleviate pain.
I remember Dr. Andrew Weil saying that the closer you stayed to the natural plant substance the better off you were. I am not a doctor so I don’t know but it sounds plausible to me. So we should all just grow opium poppies in our backyards, haha!
Is it just me, or does that cat tree look like it was designed by Escher?
I need that shark pointer. Now.
If our anniversary wasn’t right around the corner, that thing would be the perfect gift for hubby.
Dead Ernest
There are ‘optimal’ option MattR. Does depend on many things – including stage of your disease.
He’ll, its late & since DEA knows me Oh So Well, I’ll say, em address is jmastein -at- the Google based mail system.
Feel free to write.
Best to you,
Dead Ernest
@dance around in your bones:
One last comment, specially since its you Dear Bones – codeine itself is not a pain reliever. Most of us have enzymes which convert codeine to morphine & that provides the pain relief.
More than a few folks say codeine makes them sick (or erroneously think they have an ‘allergy’ to codeine). For those folks, they lack the enzyme. They get no morphine, just a build up of codeine. That build up can cause nausea.
Ok. Now really off to bed ( w my rescue cat, Mishi – who if I ever introduced her would ‘cat’apult me to Well Loved commenter but she is quite fussy about having her coat-Tail ridden upon, so I’ll remain uncelebrated)
dance around in your bones
@Dead Ernest: Ok, you are prolly in bed by now, Dear Ernest…..but yes, I have known many folks who just get sick on codeine and get no pain relief at all.
For me, it helped an awful lot plus it made me ‘float’ in bed all night. I kinda liked that. I called it ‘flying the bed around the room’. It sure made me forget about the dental pain.
I guess we are all different in the ways we respond to pain meds and no doubt that makes it very difficult for pain docs to prescribe appropriate meds for patients. So, you have my kudos for what you do!
Not sure if Cole will listen, but:
Sugar is really only good if you use an iron skillet to slow cook your sauce. It cuts/balances the iron flavor a bit, more so if you tomatoes or base is on the acidic side. It’s a balance – a good sauce should be on the slightly acidic side. This balance was overdone on the sweet side of things by the american/mom/apple pie/sugar is god-itis in horrible products such as ragu and most grocery store bottle pasta sauce shite. Relevantely, you can ‘rescue’ these less than good sauces with tomato paste, a mL of so of vinegar, better spices, meat (optional), and fried onion and garlic when you’re lazy and waiting for the damn past to boil.
black onion
I gleefully look forward to the post about assembling the new throne. I expect nothing short of an expletive filled classic.
That cat contraption is quite extravagant. I forecast a lot of swearing and multiple injuries while putting it together.
Paul in KY
@Ruckus: You need to make a ruckus & get them to understand the hydrowhatever isn’t working.
Am I the only one who sees a very large gray tabby perched on the very top platform watching and waiting for his moment to dive-bomb Cole’s noggin?
Hope the heaing progreses, Ruckus.
@Dead Ernest:
First I want to thank you for all the info.
Codeine does for me exactly what you describe. Nausea. That’s the sum total of it’s effect for me. Ox too. I could never understand why someone would take it recreationally. If I’m taking drugs of any kind I want them to work and as intended. I take ibuprofen for my chronic arthritis pain because it works. But because of it’s side effects I limit myself to none as much as possible. Some days that’s just not enough.
Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts.
@Paul in KY:
It works, just not to the level of no pain. Pain is there for a reason and we shouldn’t be too quick to eliminate it. It really does let us know what is going on. As long as the reason for the pain is known and the level doesn’t interfere with normal life there is no reason to eliminate it. And if the reason is not known then it is best to listen to it. Temporary pain is just that. It gets better. The destruction of your body by the use of pain killers doesn’t.
Moe Gamble
I have cat tree envy.
Late to the thread, but . . .
From my friend Margaret Engel, co-author of (obligatory plug) Baseball Vacations : Great Family Trips to Minor League and Classic Major League Ballparks Across America:
Note: The above is minty fresh e-mail from today, not boilerplate from the book.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MattR: While making plans for our own upcoming Charleston trip (I did mention how much I love the sea turtle hospital, right?), I’ve been reminded to suggest Poe’s Tavern on Sullivan’s Island.