Anybody from the region want to weigh in as to whether we should put together an ActBlue page for Alison Lundergan Grimes? From the Washington Post:
FANCY FARM, Ky. — Kentucky’s longest-serving U.S. senator, Mitch McConnell, waited for the chants of “We want Mitch!” to die down Saturday afternoon. He smiled coyly at his Republican fans, then launched into talking about the 2014 Senate race, a run for what would be his sixth term. He didn’t talk about his opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes. Instead, he attacked her father…
McConnell told the crowd gathered at the 133rd annual Fancy Farm Picnic — a quirky church fundraiser in rural western Kentucky that has evolved into a required political campaign stop — that they will have to make a decision in the coming year: “We’re going to decide what kind of America we want to have, what kind of Kentucky we want to have. There are only two answers to this question: Barack Obama’s vision for America — or Kentucky’s.”
And with that, McConnell laid the groundwork for what will likely be one of the most intense, expensive and nastiest Senate campaigns in Kentucky history. McConnell has been in Congress since 1985 and is now the Senate’s top-ranking Republican, with a reputation of being confident and uncompromising….
But in that time, McConnell has seen his popularity in Washington and back home slowly erode, even within his party. This is especially true with Republican senators who were swept into office by the tea party movement and have taken strong stances against the established party leadership. Prominent conservative groups have been slow to offer their endorsements of McConnell, though he has the strong support of fellow Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a tea party favorite.
“The truth is, there is a reason that Senator McConnell is disliked, not only by the voters of Kentucky but by the entire United States, and that is there is a disease of dysfunction in Washington, D.C. And after 30 years, Senator McConnell is at the center of it,” Grimes said in a speech that was at times difficult to hear over booing from McConnell supporters and chants of “We want Mitch.”…
And, no, I’m not ready to start ratfvcking with a page for Matt Bevin…yet.
this is hilarious.
Seeing the screws being put to Mitch makes me smile.
Her first salvo in the ad wars was a fucking devastating hit. Plus I love her grandmother.
I kinda enjoyed Matt Bevin telling Yertle to be a man. I am sure Bevin, as a teabagger, would be another disastrously stupid choice for Kentucky, but watching McConnell’s hide being chapped has a certain appeal.
start the ratfucking page. just to be sure….
ratfucking a turtle.. I just knew this gay marriage thing wasn’t going to end well.
Hill Dweller
Why would anyone support Republicans? It is an intellectually bankrupt party that has absolutely no solutions for the country’s problems. In fact, their policies are the cause of much of our current problems.
No, no, no, no, no I do not want Kentucky’s vision.
Fine Swine
Please start a page. We’ve suffered under the obstructionist turtle’s “leadership” for far too long. Although the idea of Rand Paul as our senior senator is ludicrous in its own right, of course….
I am watching HGTV, there is a show just started which showcases Candy Spelling building her “dream condo” and shopping for a second home in New York, at a price tag of about 3-5 million. She wants 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and the real estate agent is telling her that it is going to be a “stretch” to find her what she wants for her budget. All her furniture is in storage, 20,000 feet of storage for her fucking stuff. Kill me fucking now.
I wish you hadn’t shared that depressing piece of information.
Have Kentuckians caused any deaths? Should we euthanize them? No one can know. Better to be safe than sorry.
I’m sorry, I watch this shit so you don’t have to. For what its worth my house is 1,294 square feet. You know, like a normal person.
Anne Laurie
@Cassidy: No one can
noknow. Fixed that for you.BillinGlendaleCA
@Cassidy: I see you’ve grown fond of pie, must have been your time with T&H.
@Hill Dweller: Becuz blahs, kweerz, and hippies. Plus Jeebus and teh bebehs.
Actually, this time he may be on to something.
@Litlebritdifrnt: In some odd way, that reminds me of a time I went new car shopping and I was at a dealership. The owner drove up in a very expensive car, I don’t remember what, but ridiculously expensive. I asked the car salesman if that was annoying to see the owner driving in with that expensive car, did it tick off all the salesmen to see the owner in such an expensive car and they make so little. He told me that it was the opposite. It made them feel like they wanted to push themselves harder to be able to afford something like that. It wouldn’t have motivated me in the least, it would have made me mad. In fact, it made me mad as a buyer to see that the dealership owner makes that much money off of car buyers.
So seeing Candy Spelling with that much money makes me sick, but probably makes others love her more.
The Sailor
@Cassidy: You’re just gonna keep fucking that chicken, aren’t you?
@The Sailor: Yup. Just doing my part. This ain’t nothing.
Dr. Omed
We’ve been in Louisville for three years now, but Louisville isn’t really part of Kentucky. Natives of Louisville do not say they’re from Kentucky, they say they’re from Jefferson County. Louisville is its own thing. That being said, the folks at the local Drinking Liberally that foregather every Thursday have no great enthusiasm for Grimes. They consider her to be Democratic Party hack from a family of hacks. Most of the local DLs wanted Ashley Judd to run, and blame nefarious Clintonian influence for keeping Judd out of it. I have no idea whether that’s true or not, just reporting. Frankly, most of the Louisville DLers distrust the Democratic Party almost as much as they despise the G.O.P. Particularly the state Dems, except for Yarmouth. They’ll vote for Grimes, may be even work for her, but not out of love or belief that she would change things much.
As far as Bevins goes, we’re all just sittin’ back waiting for the popcorn to pop.
We’re gonna need a bigger bun!
@jeffreyw: BACCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spaghetti Lee
My first instinct is to say that a Senate race in Kentucky might not be worth it : No Dem senators have been elected since Wendell Ford in ’92. And the state’s gotten much more Republican since then.
On the other hand…Rand Paul only won 55-45 in 2010 against credible opposition, and McConnell only won 52-47 in 2008. It’s only August 2013, why not dream big?
@Litlebritdifrnt: Who’s Candy Spelling?
@Cassidy: It never is.
@Anne Laurie: Jumped the gun didn’t you?
Widow of Aaron and Tori’s mom.
@Cassidy: I really want to never discuss pit bulls again on this blog. I am so emotionally done with it as a topic. It creates heat, but no light, as Yutsy would wisely say. I am sick of being called a sociopath and an asshole for owning a dog who has never hurt anyone, and daring to suggest that dogs who have never shown any signs of antisocial behavior shouldn’t be euthanized. Especially by people who say they love pets and want to rescue animals who have been failed by humans.
As for the topic at hand…. I hope Alison humiliates Mitch McConnell. I will really, REALLY enjoy that smug fucker’s concession speech.
@NickT: Being that Aaron built the largest house in Los Angeles county, that would account for the 20,000 storage space “needed”.
Billy Dilly
When I think of Kentucky, I think of Justified. A state run by Boyd Crowders, controlling a bunch of Dewey Crowes. I suspect Alison Grimes will be another Joe Manchin, but that is the best the Dems can get.
Make. It. So. Kentucky. You’re still not forgiven for Aqua Buddha here.
Southern Beale
Fancy Farm is in Western Kentucky — when I lived in that part of the world, it was a liberal, Roman Catholic holdout in a predominantly Southern Baptist, increasingly conservative/evangelical world. I’ve been the picnic, which is a big deal in W. KY politics … anyway, here’s the best Alison Grimes zinger from the picnic:
I have a feeling that Imelda Marcos might find Candy Spelling a kindred spirit.
@Suzanne: The hypocrisy has pissed me off. I don’t even claim to like dogs (I like mine), but it just sickens my stomach that all these people think that’s a reasonable response to a problem. Kill’em all? Really?
For me, though, the bigger issue is what this place has become. Mix and Annie are a nothing more than a couple of delicate forum moderators and Cole has become a drunk ass cat lady. Between being an absentee owner and the other two fucksticks having a skewed since of what’s appropriate, I figure, fuck it. What’s the point of trying to be reasonable and have an adult conversation when raping children, hoping Betty be anally raped, and eradicating an animal for the crime of existing is cool? Somehow I’m a bridge too fucking far? Fuck these shut-ins and fuck all these hypocrites here who lack a modicum of self-awareness or decency.
But on topic, hopefully McConnell loses his ass.
The sad part it that she has obviously been seen as a “mark” by the real estate agent. She gave them a budget of 3-5 million, the RE agent just showed her an UNFINISHED box at 18 million, and a two bed three bath place for 18 million. The RE agent is obviously looking at her commission check rather than looking at what her client actually wants. Sadly Mrs. Spelling is falling for it, totally failing to see that she is being conned.
mai naem
@IowaOldLady: Candy Spelling is the widow of Aaron Spelling, the guy behind Dynasty, The Love Boat, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place and I think, Dallas. Anyhow, a bunch of 70’s,80’s, 90’s trashy soap opera kind of night tv shows.Anyhow, there was an actual show made from how Candy Spelling built a mansion in Beverly Hills which was something stupid like 100,000 sq. ft. Just for comparison that is the equivalent of a Home Depot store. One of the rooms in the place was, I kid you not, a gift wrapping room.
@cathyx, I’ve never understood why I should be pleased to learn that the person trying to sell me something has gotten Salesperson of the Month or some other award based on how much profit they’ve generated for the company by extracting money from customers like me. Keep those plaques back in the employee lunchroom, where potential customers can’t see them.
I would like to know if Steve ever used the cat tree.
Also, in memory of His Floofness, I think we should all name our next cat Tunch (feminine suffix added if necessary) and then submit a picture of your Tunch to the calendar.
@mai naem:
Well, which of us doesn’t have a separate gift wrapping room? Not to mention the ribbon pantry and gift wrap storage facility.
Randy P
@mai naem: How could you forget Baywatch in that list? I confess to watching a few Love Boat episodes back in the day, but none of the rest. I would just see that name and think “junk”.
Aaron Spelling was also the dad of Tori Spelling who turned out to be not too bad an actress on the things I’ve seen her in.
On topic: Erosion by its nature is a slow process, but I’m really beginning to believe that we’re seeing the erosion of the gerrymandered “permanent” Republican majority. And it’s accelerating.
@mai naem: I really try not to begrudge others their success, but I will admit that I sometimes fail at it when I see things like gift-wrapping rooms and car elevators. My husband and I have $150K in student debt because we committed the heinous crime of not being born to rich people. I can’t help but think that someone with that kind of money could take care of that for us in about 0.2 seconds.
But I am being spoiled. I have many, many blessings, and am, by worldwide standards, very, very wealthy. I am rich in all the ways that matter.
@Southern Beale: Hah! What a great zinger.
Except one. ;-)
Yeah. No gift wrapping room.
Davis X. Machina
@Southern Beale: The sisters at Loreto and the monks at Gethsemane both announced today they were not going to participate in a pipeline project.
It’s Shark Week, people.
Shark Week, dammit. Discovery Channel.
@Davis X. Machina:
I wonder how long it will be before Cardinal Dolan rolls up his sleeves and smacks some man-splaining sense into those Commie Muslim Fascist bimbos?
Dolly Llama
@MomSense: That was EXACTLY my takeaway from his remarks. Does he realize just how stupid that makes him and his state look to anybody who’s not … well, anybody who’s not from Kentucky, and perhaps a slim majority of the people who are from there?
“What vision do you want for America? Barack Obama’s or Mississippi’s?”
@Elizabelle: Mr IOL is watching that. He just called me into the other room to see a huge shark jump out of the water.
But there was no sharknado.
Dolly Llama
@Pogonip: Tunchina?
@Dolly Llama: Tunchetta? Wait, that sounds like a sandwich…
@efgoldman: I ain’t going nowhere. Just giving them what they want.
@Dolly Llama: @Yatsuno: I like “Tunche”. Subtle, simple.
Tuncheon. It conveys majesty and a hint of danger.
So are you still beating your wife?
@efgoldman: But could you address his point? Or by neglecting to do so, does that mean that you think the things he complained about are ok, to wit:
It’s so much easier to just give a trite response, I suppose.
joel hanes
That’s all I can stands; I can’t stand no more.
From now on, comments from “Cassidy” discuss only pie.
cleek : Is it possible, to your knowledge, for a greasemonkey script to work like Usenet trn’s killfile, and completely remove comments by those “killed” ? Over the last couple days I’ve developed a strong motivation to have such a thing, perhaps strong enough for me to start with the pie filter, struggle up the learning curve, and produce my own.
They jelly from KY isn’t very coherent.
If those are the two answers then America can have Obama’s vision and Kentucky can have Kentucky’s vision. That works for me, but I think it is a bit hard on the people of KY.
@gbear: are you still blowing goats?
Whatever they want, they definitely want it. At least, as far as anyone knows.
I used to work at a garden center when I was just out of college making minimum wage. The owner would park his mercedes convertible in one of the greenhouses we used to eat lunch in. All that did was make all of us mad that we made minimum wage and got denied a raise. A total morale killer.
An incident at Fancy Farm prompted one of the great political sound bites ever.
Jim Bunning and his run in with little green doctors.
mai naem
@Randy P: Okay, I actually wasted time looking this up. Baywatch was not an Aaron Spelling vehicle. However, S.W.A.T., Starsky and Hutch, The Rookies, Family, Charlie’s Angels, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Vega$, Hart to Hart, Dynasty, T.J. Hooker, Hotel, Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210, 7th Heaven, and Charmed and a bunch of older ones I didn’t recognize
. @Suzanne: I don’t begrudge anybody’s wealth or success but I don’t want to hear this crap about how the rich really aren’t all that rich and OMG don’t raise their taxes because they can’t get by on a million a year. I had a client who lived in a 5000 sq ft place which was just their “small vacation getaway” . Their permanent residence was a mansion in a midwest. And I had another client who lived on Camelback Mtn(wealthy area in Phx) who got a golf cart to get their mail because it was such a long walk(they were able bodied) to their personal house mailbox.
@joel hanes:
Killfile, eh? An odd subject to come up on a blog that has had all kinds of fun lambasting the other side about epistemic closure.
Wut r u afeared of, dude?
Best thing I’ve seen today: somebody put a post on my faceybook thingie with a photo of a woman holding a sign that read: “if I incorporate my uterus, will you stop regulating it?”
@efgoldman: To be fair, I don’t think Cassidy was complaining about Tunch posts. Three threads about how pit bulls are vicious killers who need to die NOW and how people that own them are assholes and sociopaths, complete with calling commenters “cunt” does, however, wear thin.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Wait, the agent is showing their client something that’s 4x the upper end of the budget? Yikes.
I think when I was in the condo-buying market the most expensive thing my agent pulled for me was ~10% above the budget cap I specified, and she pointed out that in the market at the time, paying 10 or 15 percent below list was typical. So, you know, fairly reasonable.
You’d think that if one is proposing to spend multimillions, step one would be “get a reliable agent”. Guess not.
mai naem
I don’t know crap about Alison Grimes beyond that the Clintons are political allies but I like her. She kind of gives me a Kirsten Gillibrand/Amy Klobuchar vibe. I figure she isn’t going to be anywhere as liberal as those two but I am willing to accept that if it means Reid stays on as Majority Leader.
@mai naem: Amy Klobuchar is a great senator but when she’s giving an interview she can have the monotone from hell voice that won’t stop talking. I hope Grimes doesn’t have that issue.
Keep an accent aigu around for special occasions. Tunché.
“Reliability” is a somewhat attenuated concept when talking about someone who is paid on a commission basis.
Yup, although “wear thin” does seem a bit of an understatement to me.
@efgoldman: It was John that used that word first, though someone else followed up on it.
And *I’m* the asshole.
@Yatsuno: Anything that sounds like a sandwich would be a particularly appropriate memento of him.
Perhaps any new Tunch owners can cook up a collage of the next Tunch generation and we can give it to John?
I did not dive into all of those threads, only mm’s. Cole called you a cunt?!
@efgoldman: Cole was the one who used that word. Against Cassidy no less.
Your continued avoidance of the other parts of Cassidy’s complaint makes me think you don’t really care. If that’s the case, then lay off Cassidy.
@gbear: Fortunately Grimes does not have that issue. She talks like you’d expect a good Southern woman to talk. I’m waiting for her to throw out a “Bless your heart” to Yertle. I will squee at that, I will.
@Jebediah: Cole called Cassidy a cunt, and then when I objected, some other commenter called me the same thing. (And then called me the n-word, which is hilarious considering my white-i-tude.)
Ted & Hellen
All alone. In the basement.
No one can hear you scream when you’re in the basement. All alone. In the night. With Cassidy.
In the basement. All alone.
@Ted & Hellen:
Your rape fantasies are nearly as boring as your delusions of artistic success.
@Suzanne: That whole thread just got bizarre. I think it’s best that it go into the dustbin of history, though no excuses for using that word in any context.
@Yatsuno: Concur. I understand that John and Jen are hurting and can cut them slack accordingly. But I would really like to not relive it ad infinitum.
Just makes me sad that I can’t really talk about my dog on a dog-lover blog without going through Should Pit Bulls Be Killed? DISCUSS, Part XXXVIII.
@Ted & Hellen:
Don’t quit your day job flipping burgers to write romance novels.
Ted & Hellen
Go read another blog, jesus.
I’d love a car elevator. Anything to get the damn things off the street and under the houses, if you ask me… Everyone should have car elevators instead of driveways.
@Ted & Hellen:
You definitely need to lay off the hallucinogens. Cassidy may be mean-spirited, obsessive and delusional, but you’ve got real problems.
Agreed on all four points (I guess two of my dogs would be safe to discuss.)
joel hanes
There’s a big difference between fear and boredom.
@NickT: I don’t understand where you get that Cassidy is mean-spirited. Did you read what Cole wrote about him? Did you read what he wrote about him on the front page for gods sake?
@michelle: Didn’t he also apologise.
@Debbie(aussie): Yes. And that makes everything ok? Would you ever even think of typing that word, much less saying it, even while drunk?
An apology would just be the start.
Maybe you need to go back and read a lot of cassidy’s comments over time. Although if I recall you have apologized/stood up for cassidy before and he seems perfectly capable of defending himself. If I am wrong about that I apologize for misremembering.
If I am correct, does that make you his alter ego?
The end is nigh, y’all.
I enjoy your comments here and hope that you hang around. We all, or most of us anyway, at sometime or another use words that are hurtful even if we don’t always fully mean them. As you state, John and JenJen are in a bad place right now. I think John gets a pass for a while and he did apologize. That doesn’t erase anything but it should help take the sting out.
Please set up a page for Grimes – my first vote when I turned 18 was for McConnell and I have been regretting it for decades ever since.
Yes and he would only participate in the debate via speaker phone and was being given talking points by someone writing down his answers. And the crazy crank still won.
@WaynersT: Amen, brother or sister, we can all make amends. I voted for Pappy Bush over the awesomely decent man Michael Dukakis. Sorry!
I get it from Cassidy’s record of hateful, ignorant and rabidly stupid comments I don’t completely blame him for being obsessive, because the crazy can’t help themselves when it comes to their rage-addiction, but I don’t respect his failure to get the psychiatric help he so clearly needs.
Having grown up in KY, I can only hope that the county selects the first option.
I commented in the thread yesterday about this. Sounds like you could use a reminder: My wife is a veterinarian. Every vet she knows would treat a pit bull before any other breed because they are such awesome patients (i.e. easy and safe to work with).
Ignore the haters they don’t know what they are talking about.
johnny aquitard
@Ted & Hellen:
Which is also an excellent title for your next self portrait.
Ted & Hellen
@johnny aquitard:
I agree!
Ted & Hellen
What does that mean, that they are “awesome patients?”
Any mid to large breed of dog can be dangerous. That’s just how it is. Heck, the neighbor’s cat sent ours to a hospital; they’re animals we keep as part of the family, but they’re still animals, with animal brains and loads of brawn and teeth.
I don’t get the arguments. I don’t know why someone would mention their happy dog in a thread where a dog did a bad thing. I also don’t get the fixation on breed.
Personally, I’ve seen lots of dogs misbehave, destroy wildlife or inanimate objects because they weren’t taught or controlled not to. None of the incidents were with pits, either. It’s a just a dog. Dogs will do these things if they aren’t brought up with steel control over them. Just as cats will tear through any smaller critters.
Paul in KY
@NickT: Must say the Grateful Dead picture was pretty good. Artistic even…