(Tom Toles via GoComics.com)
When EventheMeanGirl Maureen Dowd is defending President Obama… awkward!
… This month has been rife with efforts among the G.O.P. “wise men,” using every channel possible — polls, op-eds, cable, Twitter — to try to talk sense to the goons of August. When Condi Rice is a “wise man,” you know you’re in trouble.
The Democrats never impeached W. and they had real grounds: starting a war on false premises and sanctioning torture. “The Republican Party is in a constant struggle between its ego and its id,” Axelrod says, “and the id has mostly won out lately.”
It isn’t the president who should leave. It’s the misguided lawmakers trying to drive him out.
For some of the rodeo clowns clamoring for impeachment around the country, Barack Obama’s real crime is presiding while black.
Apart from the madness, every precept turned on it ear, dogs and cats living together, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
schrodinger's cat
Packing for the camping trip later this week. I also have a new blog post for a cool summer drink.
Man U – Chelski still scoreless at 75:00
Gonna be waiting for the college son to skype in later for the first time from his college. They’ve had him busy since we dropped him off saturday, though he did call early this morning.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Does she call him “Barry”? Cause that is fucking hilarious. Not as funny as Obambi, though.
Wandering through the intertoobz, I find Charlie Daniels (ask your parents, younglings after you get off my pop culture lawn) has a twitter account. He’s obsessed with Benghazi and making jokes about Sandra Fluke and Cindy Sheehan.
Fanasty drafts Thursday nite, Friday nite, Sunday afternoon, and Monday nite. Watching carefully for any sign that the old lady may be searching for a divorce lawyer or planning to sabatoge my lappy with an “ill-timed” spill.
Ben Cisco
Not quite “The Boys of Summer,” but I’ll take it.
Also, this:
We sure this is Dowd talking here?
Gin & Tonic
MoDo? Really? Did that brain-eating amoeba hit her, too? Can’t figure why else she’d write those words.
Glad to see this simple truth – one that became obvious to even an idiot like myself about five minutes after he won the nomination – finally make it into a legitimate news outlet. Only six years late to the party!
About the same amount of time, come to think of it, that it took to admit Iraq was a tragic face based on drummed-up bullshit.
Ben Cisco
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He’s so addled, I bet he thinks the first is an ointment, the second a fish, and the third the guy who shot Bobby Kennedy.
Mark S.
Posted mostly without comment:
$500? Wouldn’t most hit men be insulted at such an offer, or has the recession hurt them too?
Did someone hack her account?
schrodinger's cat
@Ben Cisco: She has been good lately, a little over a week ago she had an op-ed shredding Summers to little pieces.
I don’t care what the link or byline says, no fucking way MoDo wrote that. She’s not that aware of the blahs to notice such things.
@schrodinger’s cat: The drink looks yummy! I hope your camping trips go better than mine have.
Ben Cisco
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m thinking we somehow wound up with the mirror-universe MoDo.
@Ben Cisco: As a matter of fact, Dowd was a prominent skeptic on Iraq. She not only didn’t buy Powell’s UN presentation– she (unforgivably, for the neocons) pointed out that no one believed it. So, there’s a Good MoDo and a Bad MoDo. Take your pick.
Eric U.
I don’t doubt that MoDo would write such a thing, she has written some good stuff in the past. The problem is that her version of balance will now require her to write years of anti-Obama/anti-Dem pieces to make up for this one.
Ben Cisco
@MattF: More Good MoDo then!
Tone In DC
What’s that line from Aeon Flux?
These things take time.
At least for NY Times pundits with blinders on.
Don’t blame me, I voted for KoDo.
Went to a Townhall meeting sponsored by my Congressman Brad Sherman (CA30) yesterday. The Wingnuts were out in full force. I would estimate over half of the crowd, which filled a good sized auditorium, were there to disrupt rather than for any kind of civil discourse. I was amazed at the amount of willful ignorance on display. Talking about it on BJ is one thing, seeing the freak colors fly in person is entirely something else. Sherman has a good method of calling on speakers at these townhall meetings; everyone gets a ticket, if your number is called, and you want to ask a question, come on up to the mic. One minute limit on the question. This keeps the wingnuts from stacking up speaker after speaker and lets a few sane people, or people with real concerns get a chance to speak. I sent him an email this morning thanking him for the meeting and giving him an attaboy for keeping his cool and moving things along despite the wingnuts attempts to disrupt.
I think MoDo’s trying to make up for that misquote “snafu” she had last week involving the NYC Mayor’s race.
She’ll be back to the Obambi bashin’ in no time.
So anyway, apparently the RNC had a “commemoration” event to mark the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and apparently they did a media avail…lol
Billy Dilly
Watching Breaking Bad and Low Winter Sun(anyone liking this series?) while perusing the Helpl Wanted ads
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ben Cisco: I
Does she have a goatee now?
schrodinger's cat
@Jane2: This is my first camping trip on my own. I has a scared. We are not pitching a tent though, we will be at a cabin, so it is only semi-roughing it.
Tone In DC
@Ben Cisco:
I am rather shocked at this behavior, myself. How dare she write something with truth in it. That’s just not DONE in the damn Times, outside of the Krugmaniac.
No doubt non-Maureen is just a bit like the Kira Nerys/Intendant who wears that laurel/headband.
This alternative universe Maureen Dowd is probably just as much fun as the Intendant.
schrodinger's cat
@Tone In DC: Gail Collins is pretty good too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Eric U.: I’ve always thought she was good on Bill Clinton and the Bushes, the family and the political tribe, she was awful on Gore and Kerry, and seems to have some kind of weird resentment of Obama that she can’t get schticky angle on him
I’m tempted to watch Ed Schultz’s new show just to see if he gloats. ETA: Yeah, I think he’s a little gloaty.
Reason #1,000,000, 999 not to watch Fox News Channel
Fox’s Chris Wallace: When Will Gov’t Stop “Putting A Thumb On The Scale” For African Americans?
This from the man who’s where he’s at thanks to his daddy
It’s nice that she’s come to that realization a year before the 2014 elections. Let’s hope that the realization spreads over the next year. We should be so lucky.
Damn that’s good. Of all people to nail it, MoDo? Wow.
I think she’s getting hip with the Twitter generation. That line is basically an eminently RT-able Tweet. I think she’s hankering for going viral.
It’s all about marketing. Ultimately, MoDo is all about MoDo.
Tone In DC
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’ll have to check out Ms. Collins, if I can deal with the paywall (probably can’t take paying for that rag, even a little).
Enjoy the camping trip. Bring plenty of mosquito repellent, and said beverages.
I’m sure you’ll miss Derp/Timmeh/whoever-he-is-nowadays just terribly.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Dang, beat me by five minutes!
gogol's wife
You guys have me Youtubing Linda Ronstadt and crying today. But I ordered those Trio albums, which I’ve never heard. I love Dolly too.
God damn, see what you’ve done? Now I have to clean up all these itty-bitty peices of irony-meter everywhere.
@lamh36: don’t forget her comparison of real live Obama to her the fake President played by her ex boyfriend after Congress failed to pass even expanded back ground checks in the wake of Sandy Hook. If only Obama had given a few reach arounds! Also see her character assassination of All Gore.
gogol's wife
@Eric U.:
I wrote to her to inform her that the first name of the President of the United States is not Barry but Barack. I expect to see her back to her old tricks next time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
A few years back CSPAN booktv covered MoDo’s book party at her house. It was a freakin’ who’s who of Villagers. I vaguely remember Tweety weirdly concerned about whether Monsignor McIrish was coming. At the end, Cal Thomas, who is very tall, came in behind some people and it looked for all the world like his disembodied head was floating in to the room.
Ed Schulz has been invited to discuss American health care at Oxford. I would watch that.
@efgoldman: My niece and nephew hit a milestone a month or so ago: first trip to Fenway Park (suitably attired in team garb, of course, except that my nephew somehow was wearing Cubs shoes (not my fault!)).
Steve Earle – 21st Century Blues
Here I am in the 21st century
I have to say it ain’t as cool as I hoped it would be
No man on the moon, nobody on Mars
Where the hell is my flying car?
Ain’t nothing even like a teletransporter so far
It’s hard times in the new millenium
Gettin’ by on just the bare minimum
Everything to lose and nothing to spare
Going to hell and nobody cares
Ain’t the future that Kennedy promised me
In the 21st century
Finally come to the age of Aquarius
And if we live through the Mayan apocalypse
There’ll be pie in the sky above lemonade springs
A goddamn American utopian dream
If you believe that then you’re more optimistic than me
Lights out in the heart of America
No love in a time of hysteria
It’s head for the hills, every man for himself
Nobody helping out nobody else
Ain’t the way that the Maharishi said it would be
In the 21st century
Pray for guidance, beg forgiveness
Vote for change and hope they find this
Only thing I know for sure is:
We stand now on the verge of history
The world can be anything that we want it to be
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
When there’s a fire, there’s a spark
Out in the streets, downtown in the park
Baby, the future’s just waitin’ on you and me
In the 21st century
In the 21st century
I suppose it sounds better than “a constant struggle between Lex Luthor and the Joker.”
Gah. I just checked weatherunderground for Mpls/StP. Temp is 94 and the heat index is at 106. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the ‘feels like’ temp that much higher than the actual temp before. It’s typical to have a couple of really hot days during the State Fair, but this is kind of dangerous. There’s not much AC on the fairgrounds.
Roger Moore
@Mark S.:
A professional hit man might be insulted by that kind of offer. An amateur, not so much. And somebody with the police trying to get evidence will be willing to take any offer that isn’t so low that it’s an obvious setup.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think her anti-Obama weirdness is just acting out some leftover junior high drama bullshit.
Obama is the cool kid who came onto the scene, and was courted aggressively by the (MoDo’s) clique of popular kidz via adoring early press coverage (up until the first Rev. Wright flareup, or thereabouts). He’s basically told them to go piss up a rope all along. You just.don’t.DO.that! And I think that explains much of Dowd’s Obama-related output during his presidency.
hmph. I’ll believe that’s MoDo when I see the long form birth certifrykit of the article. That being said, it’s certainly making some good points. I wonder how out of commission this will make her for going against the mean girls skit that’s her usual column.
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: I’m soooo glad there are selfless people like you out there to carry the heavy load of properly indoctrinating the rising generation. Seriously! Enjoy!
And don’t forget to mock your daughter for all that “when you’re a parent, you can raise your kid however you like” talk, either!
Keith G
Some folks who comment here are absolutists. Either you are 100% on board with with their world view or you are in league with evil doers. MoDo has written more than a few columns squarely supporting things Obama is/was trying to do; and she has written more than a few that are critical. Meh
My issue with her is not who she praises or disparages, its her helium filled logic which can render what she types not any more meaningful than a diary entry of a drunk ten year old.
patrick II
I am watching the Ed Show which is back on weekdays starting tonight.. Surprisingly. I missed his show. As much as I respect Chris Hedges IntellectualismIt is good to see Ed’s passion again.
patrick II
Hayes not Hedges
Where the Hell are the comments celebrating Ed Schultz’s triumphant return to MSNBC’s weekday programming schedule?
To paraphrase Ed, let’s get to work you goddamn, godforsaken, motherfucking bitches.
Roger Moore
How have you managed to keep a functioning irony meter this long?
Ted & Hellen
Maureen Dowd is a shameless, grasping idiot and a poster child for what’s wrong with MSM culture.
I wouldn’t be too excited about claiming her as someone making a point you agree with.
@Keith G: And Steve Earle is a jackass.
beer time somewhere
@efgoldman: When the youngin gets a little older, explain to her about Steve Gilliard – “fuck the fucking Yankees”.
Still miss the guy.
@Anne Laurie: My sister posted on FB that there was a 13-year-old boy in her living room (sniffing around MY niece?) while Star Trek was on, who said, “Is that guy an elf?” I ask you, what are they teaching these kids these days?
Anna in PDX
@Ben Cisco: I despise Dowd almost as much as Friedman, but have to admit that she actually went into funny snark territory with “goons of August.” Well done MoDo.
Awesome 7 minute video from some of the March participants and organizers. Watch it and share it with your kids.
James E. Powell
Not into any conspiracies, but I had a question I wanted to kick around. Why would the Syria govt want or need to use chemical weapons? Doesn’t the govt have an overwhelming fire power advantage?
Modo has made her quota of two sane columns per year with this one.
@lamh36: Not to pick the wrong nit, but does anybody born after 1940 even understand what the expression, “thumb on the scale” means?
It’s no longer just President while Black, it’s also President while Democratic. Raise your hand if you think the Rs would let Al Gore be President without impeaching him for stopping the Koch Brothers from realizing every last effing dime from their carbon based fuels.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
OMG, Axelrod was dishing!
Yes. It’s an anti-Semitic thing.
(No, not really, just trolling.)
(At least, I think it’s not anti-Semitic.)
I was just popping over to make that comment, but you said it better.
The Republicans have invited the faith-based into their ranks, and they see the devil when they think of DemocRATs. Further, it would appear a lot of Republicans don’t actually believe in living with the results of elections when they lose.
Slow motion, slow-witted coup in process, all of the “interloper’s” term.
Should have stopped right there, the additional clause(s) is/are no-op(s).
If anybody is interested in seeing folks really earn their gummint paycheck, cockpit video of an airdrop on the Yosemite fire.
Going slow and low enough to trigger a computer to continually intone “landing gear.” Wonder how you say that in Korean?
Also, too, it’s a bigass fire–one of the largest in state history. I’ve backpacked the area and am very sad to see it up in smoke.
Roger Moore
Born in 1972, and yes I do know what it means. Somebody who’s selling products by weight would put his thumb on the scale to make it read more than the actual weight, allowing him to charge more. It’s extended to matters of the law because justice is traditionally shown holding a balance-type scale in which she will weight the positions of the competing parties.
@Trollhattan: Actually it wasn’t the altitude, it was flaps 100 setting that triggered the landing gear warning. You generally don’t have the flaps that far extended unless you’re going to land in the next 30 seconds.
Very cool video.
Impeachment is too easy. It lets people off the hook for bad decisions and does nothing but create an even greater desire to wipe out election results they don’t like. People end up believing, “Let’s elect this fucking guy we don’t know from Adam because we can always impeach him if stuff starts to suck.”
While I look forward to the day the Barack Obama Floating Corporatist Circus leaves town, with Erich Von Holder and Co in tow, I don’t want it to end one day sooner than Inauguration Day, 2017. And I don’t want to see Barack Obama made into a martyr.
And there’s always the chance that he’ll tell Larry Summers to go fuck himself, fire Holder, fire Clapper, Alexander and Co and dial back the secrecy, the spying, and the whistleblower prosecutions. And the attack on journalists’ First Amendment rights. And his running around giving progressive-sounding economic speeches while working in the background to undermine the middle and working classes. And his drone program, kill list and fuckery in the Middle East.
I believe in redemption, and there’s always a chance as long as the President doesn’t let his outsized ego get in the way.
@James E. Powell: What good is an overwhelming firepower advantage in an indigenous insurgency? Wait wait… I think I know, and the answer has the words “Algiers”, “VIetnam”, “Iraq”, and “Afghanistan” in it.