Former Breitbart rent-boy James O’Keefe must think the word “veritas” means “punch myself in the face:”
I’m no expert at “gotcha” video production and editing, but it seems like a bad idea to lead with three-plus minutes of the target establishing utter and complete pwnage. What’s he going to do for an encore, pour kerosene on his crotch and light a match?
[H/T: TPM. X-posted at Rumproast]
I can’t imagine that Hobbits would want to be associated with O’Keefe.
Just find myself thinking of Bertie Wooster….
” It’s about time some publicly-spirited person told you where to get off. The trouble with you, Spode, is that just because you’ve succeeded in convincing a handful of half-wits to disfigure the London scene by going about in black shorts, you think you’re someone. You hear them shouting “Hail, Spode!” and you imagine it’s the voice of the people. That is where you make your bloomer. What the voice of the people is actually saying is, “Look at that frightful ass Spode swanking about in footer bags! Did you ever in your life see such a perfect perisher?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
wasn’t this odd little man essentially grounded by a federal judge?
What did the guy say? “You spend your life as a snail.”
He actually released this video? From now on he’ll be James “Burning Crotch” O’Keefe.
You can’t make me give this asswipe views. All due apologies to asswipes, a practical and useful product.
It’s only a matter of time before someone punches the living shit out of Dildo Boat Boy.
Someone should break-up O’Keefe’s next press avail with a remote controlled flying dildo.
He deserves at least that.
He deserves to be set up and stalked with video cameras, but luckily for the pimply-faced little rapey creep, most of us have better things to do.
Trolling for a hobbit, but should not anyone but allowed to ask questions on a sidewalk?
Actually, he deserves to be curb-stomped to a slow death and his corpse left to bloat in a swamp, his mother to wonder forever whatever happened to her boy.
West of the Cascades
@GregB: that brightened up my afternoon!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@GregB: I will contribute to the flying dildo tracker fund!
That video is hilarious. The funniest part is when the guy reaches up to swat at it with that dead-serious mug on.
This is what happens when that asshole from debate club starts to not only believe his own BS, but actually act on it.
So sorry Jimmyboy, even dead Breitbart can’t save your smarmy ass now!
And please keep in mind, that video has been edited to show rape boat boy in the best possible light.
Bubblegum Tate
Hey, he’s just glad people are talking about him again.
LMAO! I would pay money to see that.
Not just one, but a swarm of flying dildos. He’s earned it.
Mustang Bobby
I don’t want to wish anyone any violence, but I would not be upset if O’Keeffe turned up as that strange smell in the crawl space.
I think I def agree with TPM’s point on this whole mess.
Different Category Of Gotcha
Glad he had enough money left over from his legal defense fund to pay restitution to the gentleman’s who career he wrecked, probably funded with this new book deal where he’s alleging that someone leaked his private e-mails.
He should know better than to tangle with a former US Attorney, he’d be lucky to have socks left.
Tone In DC
Not a fan of flying devices that ought not have any wings.
I’m still wondering how this cretinous snail is not in prison after that semi break-in at the senator’s office in Louisiana.
That woman in Florida who didn’t shoot her abusive husband got 20 years.
Zimmerman was acquitted.
And this pestilent boil on the arse of humanity is still walking around.
Tough to reconcile what’s been going on in a few courtrooms in this country.
Anne Laurie
Speaking of that ‘epistemic closure’ problem… O’Keefe really doesn’t see how his very own video looks to non-RWingers. JOKIII* sees valiant clean-cut Freedom Defenders accosting a miscreant and his dusky henchmen; normal people see a middle-aged guy beset by fratster weasels throwing attitude and whining about campus cops. Well, it’ll get the ratfaced little putz more ego-stroking from his fellow bubblers, I guess…
*pronounced ‘joke-thurd’
@Tone In DC:
Fear not. This guy will keep going until he ends up in the can, or someone finally gives him what he deserves.
Is O’Keefe still subject to probation? Because I can’t imagine that harassing the family of a former prosecutor wouldn’t violate whatever terms were in that probation.
that was awesome.
“Nasty Little Spud” is J.O’K’s new and permanent name.
Wow, my comment comparing O’Keefe to one of our banned trolls was eaten. I promise to never mention the troll’s name again although O’Keefe seems fond of the name.
Long Tooth
I never gave it a thought before, but it makes perfect sense there are laws on the books protecting prosecutors from this type of behavior. It sure was obvious he wanted to kick O’Keefe’s ass, wasn’t it? so it was probably a good thing he chose to film the confrontation instead. Of course, even better than a physical beating would be to prevail on authorities to arrest and charge O’Keefe under those laws. I don’t doubt he’ll try to make that happen- I know I would.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@beltane: Cole banned somebody? the lawyer from Arrested Development? the child pirate?
Anne Laurie
@Mustang Bobby: Ugh. I’m just afraid O’Keefe ends up on the local news when the “strange smell in the crawl space” of his mom’s basement/his sponsor’s unused guesthouse turns out to be the body of one or more missing sex workers.
Comments are getting eated.
Anne Laurie
@Botsplainer: If you use the nym of a banned ex-commentor, your comment will be deleted by FYWP, in case that helps.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The troll with the same name as the word O’Keefe keeps using was banned as were several of his reincarnations.
OT: Awesome 7 minute video from some of the original March on Washington participants and organizers. Watch it and share it with your kids.
Hed and Tellen? Jeff?
In looking at the different news snippets, one thing seems missing. It says he went down to ‘confront’ the prosecutor. Confront him about what?
I think Rat Boy is off probation at this point, and thus free to start making his pathetic little videos again. The guy really is a sleazy little vermin.
I think Josh Marshall has it exactly right. It’s funny how O’Keefe would see everything in a purely partisan battle way, to the point where no other possible view of a given event or incident intrudes. It wouldn’t occur to him that the prosecutor would approach this from “the guy I prosecuted contacted my family.” It still probably doesn’t occur to him. O’Keefe lives in that world, he’s a professional conservative, but the vast majority of people don’t.
I wonder if he can turn it off. Maybe not. Maybe it’s swallowed his whole identity.
Amir Khalid
No, I think it’s the troll whose nym is Latin for “truth”.
@kc: That is really his end game. Capture in video, some LibrulNazi beating the shit out if the sleazy little pervert and plaster it all over Youtube making him V.I.C.T.I.M. of the Week.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Trolling for a hobbit, but should not anyone but allowed to ask questions on a sidewalk?
You have to be pretty stupid to first question a claim that you were trespassing on his family’s property by saying “On the sidewalk?” (2.23) and then, in the same video, show footage of yourself going up to his door.
Howard Beale IV
Ken White disagrees.
Interesting that at the end he manages to imply that Rachel Maddow is talking about his book. Was she..???
And I can’t wait for Greenwald to come to his defence. Heh.
Mark B.
This guy apparently has learned nothing from his incarceration, in fact he appears to show absolutely no remorse for his crime, and doesn’t even take responsibility for committing it. I think this will be a good argument for locking him up much longer the next time he comes before a court, and that will be soon.
@Anne Laurie:
Oh – that V word I used.
Patricia Kayden
@ruemara: I can’t watch O’Grief either. Hopefully the comments will explain what the video is about.
@Howard Beale IV:
I just wouldn’t rely on O’Keefe’s version of events or his edited video. I think that’s a mistake. An O’Keefe video isn’t “proof” of anything. While I realize that America’s most respected journalists made this error regarding the much-maligned ACORN employees and then (incredibly! again!) public employees in Ohio, an edited video is not an accurate representation of events. It’s not, actually, a “record” in any real sense.
Patricia Kayden
@Botsplainer: Too much!!
@Howard Beale IV: Ken questions the legal merits of the lawsuits against O’Keefe? Well, that sure answered any questions about his credibility right there. He only misrepresented, lied and edited his content in order to establish his narrative and ended up costing a guy his career, other than that, nothing to see here folks. Oh yeah, those questionable lawsuits ended up finding against O’Keefe…. Thanks Ken, go eat a PBJ and pull some navel lint.
@Amir Khalid: That was a commenter I would just skip so didn’t miss it. I truly didn’t know it was gone. Thanks for the info.
Mark B.
@shelly: I think ‘confronting’ the prosecutor is something the court would look unkindly upon, no matter how long after the trial the confrontation occurred. O’Keefe did his time, he should shut the fuck up about it, he got off very lightly. The fact that he’s gone back to stalk and intimidate the officials involved in his trial is troubling, and most likely illegal.
@Howard Beale IV:
O’Keefe smeared and defamed the low-level employees at ACORN and the low level public employees in Dayton not by what he showed (and media swallowed whole) but by what he left out.
@Amir Khalid: That guy got banned, and yet T&H flaunts among us, daring/asking/begging us all to leave this blog?
Hilarious. I wonder how deep their friendship goes. I don’t recall the Pizza Dude being as vile as Cole’s good friend.
@Long Tooth:
No – the best possible outcome here would have been for the prosecutor to have been “afraid for his life and for his family,” and “stand his ground” against the dangerous felon stalking his wife. Wingnut heads would have exploded from sea to shining sea.
@Howard Beale IV:
That post is bullshit. I know a couple of prosecutors and former prosecutors and they would go apeshit if a guy they prosecuted showed up at their homes or popped up at their place of work. These guys get threats every single day and not being in the game any more doesn’t end them. O’Keefe is lucky the guy (or his wife) wasn’t packing.
I know; as much as I would enjoy seeing him get punched in the schnoz, he would milk it for years.
So I hope that when he does get punched, it’s off camera . . .
KIDDING! Violence doesn’t solve anything. But is it OK to hope for a flying remote-control dildo swarm?
Mark B.
This is kind of like ‘Cape Fear’. They just need to strap O’Keefe to the bottom of Letten’s SUV.
You say that as though O’Keefe has any interest in real events. He wants to make propaganda films and leverage the sense of veracity that a video implies. And clearly his methodology works. How many people has this twit gotten fired in his career? How many millions of dollars is he being rewarded with in book deals and speaking tours?
The question is how many times can he do it? I don’t know. A hundred? A thousand? I think the NYTimes “got it” after the ACORN smear, but many media outlets bought it again with the Ohio public employee!
I love how there’s no due diligence AT ALL. “I SAW it!” Yeah, you did, you dope. It’s a movie.
That’s what I was talking about above. This case would have been the perfect collision of “wingnut hero” vs. “stand your ground.” What a delicious opportunity? And it went to waste. Sad.
@Kay: well he’s white, he’s conservative… I dunno, maybe 75, 76 chances to turn his life around?
The thing is, why should he? he’s on the GOP grifters gravy train, he’s got book deals, funding and he’s a hero in the eyes of quite a deluded few and sad to say, I think he believes his own bullshit, he’s a walking incarnation of IOKIYAR.
Amir Khalid
Heck if I know why T&H is still here. Any blogger other than John Cole would have banned him long ago for his off-the-scale abusiveness and hostility towards front-pagers and commenters. For instance, I would have thought that calling Soonergrunt a murderer, on no basis whatsoever, would be mortally offensive to a fellow combat veteran; but no.
This. Karma will have its way with O’Keefe. I only hope he does not seriously harm another person in the interim.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I see in the Newsmax headlines that Joey the Squint says it’s ridiculous to call voter ID laws racist. I’m sure all the good Villagers gathered round for his little morning coffee klatsch grinned and nodded in agreement. Though I was pleasantly surprised to see a clip of Cokie Roberts, of all people, calling them despicable.
It makes me laugh because when I view a surveil video in my work I have to have the timer at the bottom. I need that! It has to run with no breaks! This isn’t real sophisticated higher-order thinking.
The New York Times? Nah. “We SAW it!” Jesus Christ.
I have a question for them. Would they have spread the unvetted and unverified ACORN video if a famous or rich person was in it? Of course not! Attention would be paid. Reputations are at risk. It’s some poor soul who makes 9 dollars an hour and it’s “guilty! put it up!”
Some view O’Keefe and Zimmerman as victims and that it what scares me the most.
I don’t care, I just think it’s interesting to think about him going about his daily life in this weird, narrow world.
That MFer will get it for rape, in the end. Of that I have little doubt. That whole rape boat thing and some stuff I read from an interview with one of the young women who used to help him with these videos (she wants nothing to do with him now) have completely convinced me that he’s a sexual predator. He’s done it before, I’m sure. He’s one sick puppy and if I was that prosecutor and found out O’Keefe had shown up at my home with my wife home alone, I’d be livid. I don’t doubt the man thinks O’Keefe is just as creepy, and for the same reason, as I do.
It’s probably that. I worked with a guy who’s father is a federal prosecutor. US Marshals let the prosecutor and his grown children know that an inmate who had specifcally threatened the father previously was due to be released from prison. I don’t know if they had a restraining order against the felon, but niether he nor any of his family was allowed to have contact with the prosecutor or his family.
@Howard Beale IV:
It’s weird to me that Ken White doesn’t think O’Keefe’s actions in going to Letten’s house and talking to his wife are creepy in the extreme.
@Long Tooth:
If somebody I prosecuted talked to my wife……man. I don’t even want to go there
@MomSense: Orcs would have been a better comparison.
As one who is loathe to employ violence, I have learned that there are times when violence, judiciously employed, can in fact solve a world of problems.
Unfortunately, my ex was still the mother of my sons, so they had to deal with the infinite variety of scams she perpetrated in their names and SS #s. I, for one, could not believe that a 4 yr old could be held responsible for a $2000 gas bill. Apparently, Laclede Gas disagreed.
Sooner or later, the spud that is JO’K will meet someone not as discriminating as I, and we will hear no more of him.
Anton Sirius
You forgot to IANAL that.
Patricia Kayden
@Amir Khalid: Or calling ABL a racist.
The comments on the YouTube posting are magical.
It would seem that based upon his current mug, he’s already received a few beatings above the pencil neck.
@Anton Sirius: u be right, IANAL, I can only go on what was decided by a judge/jury regarding O’Keefe
zombie rotten mcdonald
Look at how many edits there are in the video of them visiting the guy’s home. They make i tlook like they asked two questions, but there are like four cuts. They obviously were being more aggressive.
You forget: O’Keefe is white. They probably would have been charged with murder.
Anton Sirius
Not in the ACORN lawsuit you can’t. O’Keefe settled out of court.
Smart man to record the entire encounter on his own camera. I wonder when he’ll be filing for the restraining order against former defendant O’Keefe visiting his home.
@Anton Sirius: true that, it was the sentencing for the invasion of the Senator’s office he got nailed for, correct?
Roger Moore
The dude’s a former federal prosecutor, and the guy challenging him is somebody he put away. No prosecutor is going to want to go there.
Correction (for clarity), he NEVER prosecuted O’Keefe, he recused himself, as he says, repeatedly(!!!) in the video.
Which makes O’Keefe’s actions even creepier.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tweety is running the clip of Pelosi saying impeachment is off the table. The set up, by Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, describes call for hearings, much less impeachment, as “revenge”. I always thought Pelosi was wrong to say it, but that set up by Stahl says a lot about our “liberal media”.
Mark B.
@Cacti: I’m sure it’s already been filed, we’ll know about it when the process server catches up to O’Keefe.
I can’t believe no one has pointed out that this is offensive to hobbits.
Mr Letten says several times that Mr O’Keefe, or possibly the entire group, is breaking the law.
Was anyone arrested?
@Roger Moore:
I repeat, he recused himself. Not sure what you are trying to say, as ANY prosecutor would LOVE to go there (to prosecute, not shoot the SOB…. Hell no, some unknown black kid carrying skittles and tea he ain’t!). Or at least all the ones I have known.
Couldn’t agree more. The guy really has trouble with boundaries. Narcissistic, sociopathic.
Howard Beale IV
@piratedan: I’d have to say that I don’t think I would want an ex-USDOJ atty defending me if I ever faced the Feds for the simple reason is they would know how to milk the process to maximize their bottom line.
At the same time they would certainly know enough about how the system works that if they had a unique case in their hands that, with the right case could turn the whole process upside down (not to mention improve his street cred) and put the prosecution on the defensive long enough to get institutional amnesia among those involved in the case.
Hence, the dilemma.
So, if O’Keefe insists he committed no crime…
Why the voluntary guilty plea?
Suffern ACE
@Amir Khalid: you scared yet, libs? You scared? Unlimited corporate cash!
Accompanied by Ride of the Valkyries turned up to 11.
oops; sorry, MomSense.
Was anyone arrested?
Apparently not, but I believe O’Keefe and his clown posse were thrown off campus.
Sadly, no one was tased or pepper-sprayed.
@OzarkHillbilly: I think this may be a case in which Letten’s office handled the case, but that Letten recused himself from personal involvement. And the fact that people working for Letten prosecuted JOKIII is enough to prove a conspiracy to that narcissistic little twerp.
Amir Khalid
@Suffern ACE:
You’re making me all nostalgic and stuff.
Roger Moore
No, the point is that every prosecutor is afraid of being attacked by somebody he once prosecuted. None of them are going to want to take the case of a fellow prosecutor who claims to have been defending himself from one. The fact that this guy actually recused himself from O’Keefe’s case is completely beside the point; he [ETA: meaning O’Keefe] still looks like a former defendant coming back for revenge.
Comrade Jake
Who provides financial backing for this assclown? The Koch bros?
Anton Sirius
That’s the only time so far. There was a lot of noise over his ‘voter fraud’ stunt in NH, but no charges were ever filed that I know of.
Emphasis on the ‘so far’.
O’Keefe “is single and lives with his parents,” according to his Wikipedia entry.
They must be so proud.
@beltane: You mean Pravda?
I believe Harvard University does as well. And you know who went to law school there.
@kc: Violence doesn’t solve anything? WWII?
Can we make this happen? I’ll form a 501(c)(3) . . .
Mark B.
–in their basement. Explains the pasty complexion and underdeveloped body. He’s more akin to Gollum than one of the Hobbits.
Are you saying O’Keefe should be nuked? Not that I disagree, but what about the environmental impact?
@Tokyokie: Yes, exactly. Not having anything to do with it, is not quite enough. He did not fire the people who did have something to do with it, ergo he is as guilty as them.
His parents probably are proud….apples don’t fall far from the trees.
The Dangerman
Howard Beale IV
@piratedan: Ken is not a happy camper.
Mr. Hat made the fatal error of speaking up for Mr. O’Keefe, albeit in a ‘Damning with faint priase’ way.
Sadly, Mr. Hat failed to learn about the old Sufi maxin:
Since his pronouncement, Mr. Hat laid down with a 1st Amendment dog, and work up with 1st Amendment fleas-all along the while protesting that giving O’Keefe any oxygen wasn’t a real good idea.
Mr. Hat had best read about The Commanding Self lest he continues to fall into traps of his own making.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow. Tweety taking twitter questions, the second one is “has Obama done enough about deficit reduction?”. Tweety: No. Then he launches into a little both sides speech, and says Obama should take the lead in ‘entitlement reform’. One more Villager who doesn’t know about chained CPI (which I don’t like, I’m going by what Tweety thinks his standards are).
Howard Beale IV
@kc: He does, but now as an ex-USDOJ attorney, he now claims it’s worse if your’re a defense attorney.
? Martin
Nice piece at the NYT on medical pricing.
Since this is ostensibly an open thread as well, found this little gem on FB. For the Whovians in attendance.
@Roger Moore:
OK, you have clarified, and I think any prosecutor would LOVE to recuse himself and let an inferior try to prosecute a fellow prosecutor who knows ALL the best defense lawyers….
Sorry, I got to go (dinner is ready) But I am still unsure of what you are trying to say. It just does not match up with the world I know. Long day in the heat, I am probably not saying it well. Sorry.
? Martin
@The Dangerman:
It’s got electrolytes!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Mika, of course, agreed with the squint.
@Howard Beale IV:
I think Mr. Pope Hat’s just doing a little trolling for blog hits.
Hey, more power to him. He is to be commended for being the only blogger capable of rising above all this partisan nonsense.
@OzarkHillbilly: And a lot of this if projection on rape boat boy’s part. Because he cannot envision anybody executing the duties of his or her position without doing so to gain political advantage, he thinks he was the victim of a partisan witch hunt. Had a Russkie spy gained access to a senator’s office by subterfuge in order to plant electronic eavesdropping equipment, the furor would be overwhelming, but when a right-wing political hack does so and is prosecuted for his misconduct, he’s a political martyr.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hah! Starring John Schneider and Shannon Doherty
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Obviously, the solution is to let patients negotiate prices. The free market can never fail; it can only be failed.
@gnomedad: It is definitely offensive to Hobbits, however, no one minds being offensive to gnomes. *hides*
@Howard Beale IV: Are you telling me that Mr. O’Keefe’s harassing that man’s wife at her own front door is protected by the First Amendment? I wonder if all you absolutists would say the same if it were Michael Moore doing it to a Republican family.
Betty @ top:
God loves us, but he doesn’t love us that much.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@OzarkHillbilly: I think he’s saying that had Mrs. Letten shot Nasty Little Cowardly Spud, it would be hard to find a prosecutor to charge her with murder because this situation is every prosecutor’s nightmare. They would take one look at the circumstances and say that of course she was feeling threatened.
The Other Chuck
@burnspbesq: Someone needs to get the word out to O’Keefe that liberals are conspiring to prevent him from lighting his crotch on fire.
Howard Beale IV
@Emma: Sadly we don’t know, as if GA has a Stand Your Ground law and she felt threatened enough, then this would all be academic.
@kc: Doubtful, as Mr. Hat has enough folowers that he doesn’t need to troll, though It looks like enough BJ’ers are giving him heartburn over L’affaire O’Keefe-to which I say:
@zombie rotten mcdonald:
And look how many of them there are on her porch.
I’m sorry. That is fucking creepy.
? Martin
@Roger Moore: And what’s largely left out of that article is that almost completely orthogonal to the care providers negotiation with suppliers is the insurers negotiation with care providers. Believe me when the insurers really only want to pay $1 for that bag of saline, but the care providers proclaim that it costs them $50, because of some bullshit in their contract with the supplier. You then get caught between the insurer and the hospital, the latter will often come down some, but you get caught paying the remainder between the two.
It’s just catastrophically bad at every level.
@ruemara: But without Gnomes who would protect our zatzenfruit garden from witches, spells and wood trolls?
Keep fucking that chicken.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
The truly scary thing is that the hospital can’t tell you how much a procedure will cost in advance. Hell, they can’t even tell you for sure how much it did cost until well after it’s over. I know somebody who was getting price adjustments more than a year after her treatment. How in hell can you possibly negotiate under those conditions?
Howard Beale IV
@Cacti: Simple: $$$$$.
Absolutely hilarious. Our local Louisiana right-wing nut-case site,, posted this under the headline, “James O’Keefe Makes Jim Letten Look Like a Horse’s Ass.” Visit if you dare:
Two years ago, Jim Letten was a right-wing hero and David Vitter’s bestest friend (mainly because he prosecuted New Orleans prostitutes without bothering their johns). The lack of self-awareness is stunning.
I swear to FSM, if you Kickstart-ed that, you’d have pretty much any funding you need in 24 hours. I know I’d chip in.
Roger Moore
I would suggest Kickstarting the dildocopter, which I think would have enough interest to bring in funds to pay for development and leave enough left over to pull off the stunt.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Roger Moore:
Why the hell not? We got an itemized estimate for my husband’s cancer surgery when we scheduled it. Yes, there’s always the possibility of complications and the accompanying additional costs, but we knew exactly what the costs would be, what the insurance would pay, and what our share would be for a procedure where all went as planned.
Howard Beale IV
@kc: Of that I have no doubt, even if he protests.
Howard Beale IV
@Roger Moore: Not only that, but if it was sufficiently instrumented and captured the picture of those who would wantonly destroy private property (i.e, the craft itself), it could cause a whole lot of new news reporting.
The Republic of Stupiditas
Indeed… so very appropriate, considering O’Keefe is already a remote controlled lying dildeau* himself…
*French spelling… more dignified, no?
@geg6: Yup. I have a prosecutor at my church, and her address is top-secret.
This shit is ten kinds of fucked up.
Hurling Dervish
O’Keefe is dead wrong about the law, too. There very much is a law against attempting to harass or influence a former U.S. prosecutor or his family. It’s a felony. And O’Keefe puts up there the case of Princeton v. Schmid, in which he says the Supreme Court ruled that college campuses have guaranteed public access. I looked it up and the case says nothing of the kind. The Supreme Court said it lacked jurisdiction to rule in the matter and that the issue is based on state law. That would mean that what applies in New Jersey could be entirely different from what applies in Louisiana. He’s just straight-out lying. Again.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Good god, reading this just makes me feel sorry for you, all of you.