Digging away on that start-of-term mountain, grazing through Youtube for the background vibe, and I chanced upon this:
You’re welcome.
(BTW: I particularly love it when Bonnie asks “can you play a D?” In my head, Lowell George is thinking “Can I? A D?…
“…With my toes. In a coma. Next.”)
You can listen to the whole session here. (I am as I write this.)
You may consider this an open thread, but you might want to offer up your best selections for the music to carry us all into our night kitchens.
They just voted in Britain, and decided to cut and run….
So the coalition of the willing is now just the USA and the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
my humble offering….
Tom Levenson
@Mandalay: Very interesting. Good news, at least as I see it.
Oh, so kinda a movie thread, then this comment def fits. So I was wondering why I kept seeing Michael Jackson videos today, and then the Google told me that today woulda been MJs 55th birthday.
Ok, who knows all the words to “We Ar The World” and who can tell who’s singing without seeing the video? (raises hands….) ME!!!
This weekend is the Highland Games at Pleasanton, CA. My Country Dance group goes on stage at 12:20 Saturday, if anyone here is going. Lots of good music. There’s a dance Saturday night, and Catherine Fraser and Duncan Smith are playing the tunes.
Cheese eating surrender monkeys?
I’ll have you know I don’t eat a lot of cheese.
So glad to see that. Now we have to follow suit.
Enough of this foolishness.
Bobby Thomson
@Mandalay: that must be a misprint because the UK is a puppet of the US and does nothing on its own.
House of commons rejects authorization for attack against Syria.
now that is surprising. Cameron pays the price for the sins of Blair.
This is easy for me to remember, my wife and MJ were born on the same day.
Is say, a US-French attack plausible?
Tories are very like republicans too:
? Martin
@Mandalay: Doesn’t sound like UNSC is any more eager.
Apparently a jet in Syria just napalmed a school playground. The beeb has video. Rebels don’t have jets, so it’s pretty clear where that came from.
@Tom Levenson: Yes, good news because it makes US intervention that much tougher to justify. Citing “international outrage” certainly won’t cut it now.
Here is David Cameron’s amazingly candid reaction on being told to go **** himself….
I guess democracy is for pussies and wimps, because that’s certainly not how we roll.
@raven: Not until 7pm PDT on Saturday at the Rose Bowl. Game is on the PAC-12 “Network” which I don’t get, fuckers.
11+ years stripped out of a lifetime. 11+ years of incarceration for naught.
Switching gears a bit, repeating from below because it is that good.
Short notice heads-up on a great one.
On TCM today (Thursday) 10:45 p.m. Eastern time – “I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang” – stark, compelling drama; adaptation of the autobiography “I Am a Fugitive From a Georgia Chain Gang!”
@BillinGlendaleCA: Bullshit. It’s now.
Love Bonnie. Hadn’t heard that disc of her with Lowell George. Bonus points there.
@lamh36: My mom has had this poster hanging in the guest bedroom (which is now my room when I go home) forever. I used to be able to name who was doing each line, but now I am reduced to being able to recite about 90% of the lyrics. Pretty much the same for Do They Know It’s Christmas
Can we pretend that we haven’t actually bombed Syria yet?
Syriasly, we’re going to have to change english muffins to ‘murica muffins and start dumping out Harp’s on the street.
The Dangerman
You kindly remind me Bonnie and Marc Cohn are coming to my neighborhood in a month; I just might have to go (never seen BR, but MC is great live).
I am looking forward to mistermix’s reaction to the news that the Brits rejected military action …
Tom Levenson
@The Dangerman: Bonnie Raitt is absolutely worth your attn. live. Haven’t seen her for years…should seek out the next opportunity.
@? Martin:
Ugh. That news makes me wonder whether we have now boxed ourselves in by making it all about chemical weapons.
I agree that nothing will get through the UN, but it will be really tricky now to move the goalposts and come up with a brand new justification for intervention. Arming the opposition seems like the only available option, though that approach comes with a ton of risk as well.
? Martin
Yes. That’s pretty much how Libya set up with France taking the lead and the US eventually providing support via NATO. A similar setup could happen here with NATO being the overarching body, though without the UK (who were also in support in Libya) that gets harder. I haven’t heard where Germany is on all this, but I would have to think they’re out like with Libya. Not sure the US and France alone can carry NATO unless someone like Turkey jumps up and asks for involvement. I think Turkey’s opinion would be listened to quite strongly on this, but while they’ve asked for US assistance, I haven’t heard them go any further than that. With Libya, the african states stepped up as well as some arab states, so they led with local interests. That’s just not materializing here. Nobody wants to go near this.
Russia can veto any UNSC, which I think everyone assumes they would do, so I think UN is out of this as well.
The problem everyone will face here is what happens if things get worse? Groups don’t like to change positions – they spend an inordinate amount of energy justifying the one they just made. The UN fell into that trap in Rwanda – and they later admitted they fell into that trap.
@Tom Levenson: Saw her a Red Rocks with her dad.
Oh fornicate me, Harp’s is Irish.
@Tom Levenson
Thank you for this! I am a big Bonnie Raitt fan and happy to say my blues guitarist son is too. We have this weekly thing where he gives me a music lesson playing old recordings and playing himself and telling me about artists, their influences, lives, etc. He is always finding amazing recordings to share and now I can share one with him!!
Hardly relevant. My point was that Cameron’s approach on Syrian intervention was put to the vote, and he lost. He bowed to the wishes of the politicians and the public, however unwillingly.
Whatever decision President Obama reaches on intervening in Syria, it certainly won’t be impacted by the views of Congress or the American public.
I like the British approach better than ours in this instance.
? Martin
@Mandalay: Well, Obama’s rationale on this has been consistent. It’s just not widely agreed to. And I don’t expect he’ll change that rationale. The WH is broadcasting that we’ll go solo on this if need be.
I said in a previous thread that I agree something needs to be done or else there’s simply no fucking point to having a ban on chemical weapons. And action is justifyable from that viewpoint alone. But at the same time, it just seems like a terrible idea in every way. A no-fly zone is somewhat more appealing to me because it at least has the benefit of being highly unlikely to result in civilian casualties, and it would be somewhat punitive, but at the same time I think it would have almost no impact. So it’s a gesture for the sake of making a gesture. Eh. It started out as a shit facial and it remains that.
love bonnie’s take on “It’s all over now, Baby Blue”
The Dangerman
Since I don’t get the P12 Network either, I don’t feel bad finding a free online feed; not hard to do.
UCLA would great this year if they didn’t have a schedule that’s the football version of Bataan, so I’ll settle for good.
@? Martin:
Yes. The population is very solidly oppoes against any military intervention anywhere and there is a federal election in few days.
And you know this how?
This one’s been in my collection for a while. Pure sweetness.
Music? Personally, it’s a Nino Rota kind of day.
Bobby Thomson
@? Martin: on the contrary, unilateral action by the US would be illegal. If we just “do something” anyway, there’s no point in having international law.
@ranchandsyrup: You can have my Doctor Who when you pry it from my cold, dead, slimy, fish fingers. And custard.
Lots of reasons….
The complete absence of anyone in the Administration citing public opinion as a relevant factor.
The Administration concocting the absurd explanation that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a threat to US national security and justified intervention in Syria.
Plus all this…
Now where is your evidence that President Obama has the slightest intention of putting intervention in Syria to a vote in Congress, or has any interest in public opinion? Or are you just trolling?
Please don’t do that any more. I’m a groan woman.
@The Dangerman:
Bonnie Raitt is (or was) great! I saw her with B.B. King back in the day. A memorable concert.
Saw the original performance in London — good times
FWIW, I think she asks for the D to tune to, not if he knows how to play it
FWIW, I think she asks for the D to tune to, not if he knows how to play it
Saw Bonnie Raitt at a little coffee house outside Philadelphia about that era. Love Me Like A Man was life-changing. Great, great show.
Tom Levenson
@RickyDee: of course. But it still cracked me up.
Housemates introduced me to Raitt back in ’74. Also Steve Chapman, John Prine and some guy named Kristofferson. I played a Kristofferson LP at home that summer, and m mother came into the room and said, “That’s yours?”
Lowell used an Open G tuning. Bonnie asked ‘Can you play in D?’ ‘Sure’ says Lowell. Politeness, that’s all. She typically plays in standard tuning. Very seldom w/A=440, lots of tuning necessary to get everyone where she happens to be at the time.
I saw one bit of this Bonnie a year ago, and to get it all is a blessing. Those were simpler times and we were lucky to live in them. Now as the robots take over, life will suck, good luck youngs.
@plaindave: Ya, that’s because he played slide. Slide guitarists often use open tunings, makes chords a lot easier.
For the caption, that should read “John Hammond, Jr.” John Hammond, Sr. was a very big deal record producer.
John Hammond was responsible for at least partly discovering a remarkable list of musicians through the years including Billie Holiday, Count Basie, Charlie Christian, George Benson, Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen. – from AllMusic.com