Via the New Yorker‘s music critic Sasha Weiss, the tumblr of Miley Twerking On Things We Should Talk About.
Because when I went looking for the clip below (h/t Omnes Omnibus) YouTube suggested I might like the one above. And the first music I ever bought, age 14, were two new-fangled cassettes, one Melanie Safka and one Mary Travers album.
Omnes Omnibus
Seriously, I drop Prince’s When You Were Mine on two threads and you post this as music?
ETA: Cyndi? Not Prince? Not even Tegan and Sara?
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: What can I say? I like women’s voices. And IIRC Prince likes Lauper’s voice, too…
Omnes Omnibus
I know that Prince is a prick about videos, but, well sorry about the complaint, but not really. Don’t give a non-Prince version; it doesn’t sound the same. This should be a link to the song.
Omnes Omnibus
AL, thanks for dropping the song at all. The problem is that the Prince version of the song is virtually perfect. Funk? Rock? Pop? It is perfect.
Omnes Omnibus
A better song for us to contemplate.
It’s almost 1am and it’s 80 degrees outside and 86 inside. This sucks.
ETA: We’re seeing the kid on Sunday, I blame her for bringing the TX weather with her when she moved back from there a couple of years ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: ETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkeXTlhX0OA.. Maybe?
@Omnes Omnibus: Bad link. Or was this supposed to be to Marat/Sade by Judy Collins?
Omnes Omnibus
was the goal.
IM fUcKiNG lit In SF BItCHeS PF37 + whoa there’s someone making out in the stall next to me
Cyndi Lauper’s 1984 hit, “She Bop” was about masturbation. That was nearly 30 years ago and the world didn’t end then, it won’t end with Miley’s performance at the MTV Music Video Awards. The people freaking out over Miley Cyrus are the people with mental issues.
Because when I went looking for the clip below (h/t Omnes Omnibus) YouTube suggested I might like the one above. And the first music I ever bought, age 14, were two new-fangled cassettes, one Melanie Safka and one Mary Travers album.
Those two sentences have something to do with each other, I’m just not sure what.
I have no idea what the first record I ever bought was but I was very fond of this when I was seven or eight:
Todd Rundgren – Something/Anything (1972) – Song Of The Viking (2:36)
[‘Gerald Ford was President or soon to be President.’]
Anne Laurie
Melanie Safka wrote ‘Look What They’ve Done to My Song, Ma’. I don’t know why YT thought people who are looking for Cyndi Lauper might like acoustic Miley, but there it was!
Amir Khalid
The first two records I bought were Led Zeppelin’s first and fourth albums. It was January 1976. I was 14. My dad had just bought his first real hi-fi rig.
I have no idea why I shared that.
@Amir Khalid: I think the first single I bought was Elvis’s “Return to Sender.” The first album was “Meet the Beatles,” which outraged my mom, who said, “You’re only making them rich!”
I had a little “stereo,” they called it, all plastic. Played the records though.
I do remember that I wore out Joni Mitchell’s “Blue” and had to get a second copy.
I got most of my LPs for about three bucks at a discount record store, as I recall. Like most Boomers, I’ve still got ’em.
James E. Powell
First album stories? Mine was The Rolling Stones Now! – Mono LP from Woolworth’s – bought with money I got for my tenth birthday. I was determined not to like the Beatles. My older sister liked the Beatles. Hell, my mom liked the Beatles (Paul’s ‘Til There Was You). I was more drawn to the Stones & Animals end of the British Invasion.
LWTS GO #calcin_hatris
First cassette tape, Carly Simon’s ‘Boys in the Trees’. First LP, The Beatles(white album). It was the US version from the late 70’s with grey lettering and a fake grey number, not the raised title and impact stamped number.
So has the media arrived at the obvious conclusion that Miley is neither edgy nor original? Of course not! — http://www.theonion.com/articles/let-me-explain-why-miley-cyrus-vma-performance-was,33632/
In the end I have faith that humanity will endure but ‘not like this.’
First music I bought at (12, 13?) was Boston, first album. Also, that was my first concert, first drink, first weed.
First album I bought, when I was around 13 was Peter, Paul and Mary’s second album. Second album was probably the Lawrence of Arabia soundtrack, though, it might have been Fiddler on the Roof. I didn’t get into rock until I was 15 or 16.
College radio station I was ostensibly in charge of at the time had excellent relations and ins with a number of record companies, and we managed to wangle exclusive permission to premiere and play from that album for a full week before it was released and available to any other radio station or to retail outlets.
The record company was unable to provide us with the actual product for the promotion, but instead gave us a test pressing (#12 of 12), which came inside a plain white cardboard sleeve.
Who watches MTV for music industry related content any more? Or who watches the VMA’s?
MTV seems to me to be reality T.V. 24/7. I wonder if the kids these days realize MTV used to be about music.
For the record, Sasha Weiss is the New Yorker’s literary editor. The pop music critic is Sasha Frere-Jones.
@sneezy: that would explain the blithe, snide and unsubstantiated characterization as “mediocre young singer”. By what standard? The metropolitan fucking opera? I have listened to some of her acoustic stuff, and she is actually very talented with the pitch, tone, control, and phrasing. People are judging the singer by the material they may have seen on TV 5 years ago…or the other night. I’m not saying I would go out and buy any of her records, but she has plenty of talent and skill, and that will still be with her 10 years from now when all the shock and horror have dissipated and the terrible, terrible wounds from her unforgivable cultural appropriation (of what the fuck exactly?) have perhaps begun the teensiest bit to heal. If she doesn’t get carried away with the crazy and self-destructive, she’ll be much better even, because that’s what happens to artists. And no, I have not seen the performance in question.
Bill in Section 147
I had a Mary Travers album, not my first, that was Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, by the Moody Blues. Music is such a wonderful thing but it does bring on a strange tribalism. I can say my favorite ice cream flavor is black walnut and others will counter with theirs, a lot will specify the brand or insist on homemade, but if you say your favorite version of a song is by * you are instantly an uncouth idiot, barbarian, lout, or baby killer or new BFF.
@Emerald: Heh. I’ve got mine, mostly purchased for $2.50 at a huge warehouse facility on base in Japan. It had electronics, records, and furniture for sale. All the other retail stuff was in a different building.
Funny thing is, Miley Cyrus is more of a talent than her paw. I even like the movie she did called “The Last Song”.
Ted & Hellen
Yeah, the kid has an excellent singing voice. And apparently some decent taste in music. Check out her cover of Dylan’s “You’re gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go” which she did for Amnesty Int’l 50 year tribute album, also quite good.