One of my fraternity boys has a radio show on the college station, and it is basically a two hour sports talk show about local (Bethany College) sports. Because he’s one of my boys, I told him I would listen and take notes on what he could improve upon. Quite honestly, he was actually pretty good and I could see a potential future in the field.
At any rate, he came down after his show, and I gave him the notes I took and some pasta I made for the boys, and we both were playing with Steve using the new laser toy. We had him all amped up and charging towards the cat tree, when out of nowhere, Lily jumped off the couch and headbutted Steve in the gut as he was mid stride. Steve tumbled a couple feet and totally looked like Willis McGahee after Ryan Clark leveled him, and Lily just climbed back up onto her pillow on the couch.
She didn’t bite or act aggressive (other than flattening Steve), so I guess she was just tired of her comfy couch sounding like a drag race with some crazy cat flying around.
Seriously funny stuff. Who knew Lily had it in her?
That’s nice, John. Two threads below, T&H is threatening Mnemosyne. You might want to chat with him.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Really? Are we in third grade now?
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
For some of us that would be an upgrade.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Delightful story, John. As Lily is the aggressor here, I fail to see why you are siding with her. We should punish Rosie for this. Steve deserves no less.
Mary G
She requires that you maintain a certain level of decorum, dammit.
Are we still for the killing of dogs with aggressive tendencies? Ticking time bomb an all that.
@Cassidy: Give it a rest. You done beat that dead horse so far into the ground it’s a wonder you haven’t struck oil.
I was going to let that comment fester for a while like the desperate turd that it was. I was just amused to see Timmy do the exact same thing he screeches about when someone else (like Cassidy) does it to him.
I actually don’t need him to be banned on my behalf. Just knowing that, once again, he did the exact same thing to me that he complains about other people doing to him is reward enough for me. Frankly, I don’t even care enough about him to follow the links to his website when he posts them.
I really needed to chillax and decompress tonight. Obviously, BJ is not the place for that this evening.
Gin & Tonic
So the pattern as predicted comes to pass. A troll post about war/not war, bringing out the crazies, then a TV post (although not a YouTube link, too bad) then a pet post, like “hey, everything’s cool, right?”
You will lose credibility if you do not respond to this level of aggression. I suggest a limited strike.
Too soon?
Go one thread down. We’re talking TV.
Suffern ACE
So on the recommendation on a thread, I bought one of those Furrminator brushes and I’m wondering how much cat I’m going to have left. I didn’t realize he had so much hair. Also a jar of mustard came out with one of the clumps. I have no idea where it came from.
@Gin & Tonic: This blog has borderline personality disorder.
The Dangerman
Spearing, 15 yards.
@Mnemosyne: I can’t contribute. I have no time for TV. Have never seen Breaking Bad.
@Suffern ACE: LMAO.
@Suffern ACE:
We found a family of 5 living in the fur of one of our cats.
@Pogonip: I don’t care much for the topic. Just enjoy sticking the needle in. Hypocrisy is amusing.
It’s an open thread. Yatsy was telling us about his day.
There is a tiny bit of rather amazing self-cluelessness about the post.
Just a tad, zallimsayin.
I’d rather shower in prison than see another dog comment from you.
@khead: Eh, I’m only here because I’m bored; no calls is good, but boring. I’ll go back to lurking in a couple of hours.
@Mnemosyne: my new dishwasher is awesome. But the installers broke the tile in front of my sink. Still trying to read about dirt and failing miserably. Soil liquefaction is bad. Discuss.
Gin & Tonic
@Suzanne: Soil liquefaction is bad
Is it still bad if the awesome new dishwasher does it?
Gin & Tonic
@Suzanne: Soil liquefaction is bad
Is it still bad if the awesome new dishwasher does it?
@eemom: Be careful. An alcohol fouled, spittle flecked rage comment is coming, probably involving the preference of a tongue bath from eleventy billion special times over one of you.
@Gin & Tonic: if my dishwasher could cause soil liquefaction, my house would be rubble.
That would only look slightly worse than it does right now.
That’s fucking hilarious. Lilly’s been sandbagging all this time.
And now they know exactly what it is that she can’t take no more of.
Felonius Monk
@Suffern ACE:
Laughing to hard to make a more coherent comment! Well played, M. ACE.
She’s got some herding skills among her talents.
I gotcher Marina District right heah [points some sixty miles west].
We’ve definitely reached Too Darn Hot Season here in Southern California (soon with brush fires to match!) so my step count for the day on my pedometer was seriously pathetic. My goal is 10K steps and I didn’t even break 4K.
@trollhattan: Seismic activity is a very close second reason I don’t want to live in the Bay Area. Mr. Suzanne has Loma Prieta burned into his soul.
I was here for Northridge and I’m still here. Though, ironically, I think it was less traumatic than Loma Prieta because Northridge happened in the very early morning on a holiday and Loma Prieta happened in the middle of the afternoon during rush hour.
Hope not, for your sake. The US’s biggest fire so far in 2013–
this one:
Has taken out an incredible swath of wilderness and still isn’t yet done after nearly a quarter-million acres. (Was backpacking in the area for a week and missed the fire by three days.) Lawdy, I hope we’re allowed to have winter this year, we’ve seen what a 17% snowpack gets us.
Suffern ACE
I’m kind of a fan of soil liquefication videos. It’s a freaky cool phenomena. I also say that from a location where a 3.3 earthquake is a major news story.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, no thanks. Between that and the fact that I could only afford to rent a room the size of a postage stamp, I will stick to Phoenix.
Mike E
@Suzanne: Umm, no. Some of the virtual inhabitants might, though. Also, too.
Rode Loma Prieta like a cheap carnival ride here but it didn’t cause any damage worth note, even if it seemed to go on for minutes. Then watched the horror unfold on teevee over the next several days.
I’m in Los Angeles County. It’s not “if,” it’s “when” and “how many.”
I’m in a very built-up area, so ironically it’s not nearly as much of a threat as it is to someone who lives in a more expensive (ie remote) area. Still, it would suck to have another Station Fire close by.
Your soberness is leading to instability in this den of wild animals and there will be chaos, disorder and hurt fee-fees. A liberal application of authorati and courtesy bombing may be in order.
I’m not sure if I’m talking about your house, blog or Syria.
[sigh] You’re right, of course. Fuel+Santa Anas=the usual thang. What’s perverse is they can and often do happen in the dead of winter. At least we get November-April off, even in dry years. (I’ll leave the Bay Area hills out of that equation.)
Yeah, for Northridge we had serious destruction — including the collapse of the major east-west artery through LA — but relatively little loss of life since it was so early in the morning and a holiday, so the usual 4 am traffic wasn’t on the road.
The worst things that happened were the apartment building collapses, which may be interesting to the architecturally-minded. Some buildings collapsed into the first-floor garages and others didn’t, and it was all to do with the geometry of the bracing, if I understood the TV news right.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@trollhattan: That’s kind of how it was for me as well. The whole house rocked around for what seemed like an eternity. It’s not something that I think about a whole lot, though.
I hope Soonergrunt’s around to enjoy this break from tornado stuff–hidey-holes, eleventy-ton car-movin’ jacks and whatnot. :-)
I was living a few blocks from where the ten fell onto Fairfax.
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
You guys will appreciate this — after the first big tremor with Northridge, I didn’t have a flashlight, so I lit a candle. From the pilot light of my apartment’s wall heater.
What can I say, I grew up in the Midwest. I didn’t realize how stupid that was until much later.
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
Been an ong-lay ime-tay since we’ve had one, hasn’t it? [commences whistling and lofting eyes skyward]
Are you also the one who says, “Hey, what was that?” and heads for the cellar in zombie movies?
Jess axin’.
I was further west, near Culver City (Robertson and National-ish) so it made it a giant pain in the ass to get to work downtown.
Forked Tongue
Fraternities, sports…….whatever, Cole.
I think I’m the one who says, “I’ll be right back!” Possibly adding, “Hold my beer and watch this.”
The thing that just sucks is that I already do architect-ing. All this will give me is “AIA” after my name.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@trollhattan: Yeah, really. It’s great how the new eastern Bay Bridge span only took 24 years to open after that earthquake.
“Mister President, we must not allow a mine shaft gap!”
@Suzanne: Living where there are earthquakes, ah yes.
@burnspbesq: “Mister President, we must not allow a mine shaft gap!”
Yeah, but John’s going to want to horde pets, not women.
[‘Forever Plan R.’]
Down in central OC, Northridge was pretty-much just a news story. My most vivid quake memory is from Whittier Narrows. I was sitting in my car at a traffic light in Irvine, and when the main shock hit my car hopped straight up in the air about six inches.
My first year in law school, I was in class in the basement of the building when we had a really minor shake. The Valley kids who lived through Sylmar were out the door so fast they created sonic booms.
Whatever preserves your purity of essence …
doug r
@Suzanne: Living in an area made of landfill or silt, like a delta, soil liquefaction can affect you in an earthquake.
@burnspbesq: I lived in Uptown Whittier at the time of the Whittier Narrows quake, in a four-plex built in the early 1920’s. The quake knocked that building right off its foundation and snapped off both brick chimneys. They chimney on the street side (corner lot) landed on the gas main at the curb, sending a high pressure plume of natural gas skyward. The guy across the street had the proper tool to close the valves, or the fire could have been catastrophic. Hell, the aftershock a few nights later seemed just as strong as the original quake. I still live not far from there, and sometimes I just stop and think think that it could happen again in the…next…few…seconds…..
Stella B.
I was playing fetch with a kitten once when my retrieving-mad GSP caught wind of the activity. She stomped over to kitty, snatched the cat toy and swallowed it. That also effectively ended unauthorized cat activity.
@burnspbesq: My wife was at a stop light as well during Whittier Narrows, she thought she was having car trouble.
Suzanne–Liquefaction is pretty darn fascinating. I’m also a big fan of debris flow, soil creep and land slides. Love doing seismic, and occasionally finding karst down by Don Pedro. I don’t get to do much rock coring, maybe more after I finally get my PG?
Personally, the soils that liquefy when someone shouts “BOO” seem like a good place for a garden. Then again, did you know the least seismically active area in the state is down in Galt? Just be sure to live on a hill.
Every evening I see the Galt commuter bus loading folks in front of the office and always think, “Goin’ Galt!”
Life: need to get one.
[eta–hey, first post in half a dozen WP didn’t eated.]
You have angered the FYWP gods. Say three Hail Tunches and give an offering to MARC as tribute.
Pretty sure I need to head-butt a cat. Commence prowling…somebody tell the neighbors, plz.
Aaaand, right on cue.
My only quibble is the “if.”
Good, I’m not the only one.
Northridge: I was recently out of law school (USC ’92 — Go Trojans) having moved to LA from NY and living in Hemosa Beach. What I remember is the noise; the earth roared and groaned. (Also I may have been screaming, to be completely honest.). I watched TV coverage for hours from the very beginning, including a totally tragicomic scene where a helicopter filmed a car driving over a bridge only to fall (to the drivers death) when the far side of the bridge was out.
Two people died in Crescent City,CA in 1964 from the Tsunami caused by the Great Alaska Quake.
Wellington New Zealand here, and since we’re sitting on 2 fault lines so we’re also a when not if….which makes it extra specially annoying that we’ve been hit by 3 6+ earthquakes in the last 2 months, all of them coming from a tiny fault that nobody even knew existed.
Also I am extra grumpy because I got woken up last night by a 5.1
My work sits out on the harbour on reclaimed land so the gib board in the bathrooms is covered in sizeable cracks and they’ve just distributed tsunami walking plans. At this point I’m flinching every time a truck goes past….
@burnspbesq: Whatever preserves your purity of essence …
We’ll comment again, don’t know where, don’t when…
[‘Actually, I think John’s a deviated prevert.’]
We actually felt that thing in Seattle, which IIRC is something like 1500 miles away. Second strongest quake of the 20th century.
Have been two places with signed tsunami evacuation routes–Crescent City and Hilo. Both with good reason!
I haz’d a earthquake once!
Was in Palm Springs on a business trip back in 1999 and woke up in the middle of the night……felt the floor moving and saw the pictures rattling on the walls and thought, hey, this is California, must be a earthquake. Called the hotel desk clerk and he said “Yes ma’am, pretty powerful one too.”
However, I didn’t actually freak out until the next day when I went back to Joshua Tree, climbed to the top of a pile of rocks and remembered something called “aftershocks”…..
The prophet Nostradumbass
When I think of PG&E’s record with natural gas pipelines, it doesn’t fill me with confidence about their Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
@eemom: The Hector Mine earthquake?
daddy, i can only take so much…
this, bastard thing … you may say you love it, but i cannot stomach it any longer…
i show it the back of my hand; softly, out of my love for you…
but the next time, well then…
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
Yup, that was the one. I remember the part about the remote epicenter and the fortunate lack of injury or damage.
How well has Christchurch recovered from their quake? IIRC it wasn’t terribly big but was close, violent and caused lots of damage.
Life on the Ring of Fire–more than a Johnny Cash song.
Heh. Yeah, Great American Little Town. Hate the 99 traffic.
We were in crescent city doing some foundation investigations this spring and the folks up there were quick to remind us that the waves keep on coming–12 hours of waves.
Also, when we do bridge foundation investigations “tsunami hazard” is always a coastal issue.
Whenever I drive on I-80 near University Ave in Berkeley I get REAL nervous. The Bay is RIGHT THERE. Yeah, bad place to be in a tsunami? And it isn’t like sea level rise will make things any better.
@trollhattan: The Great Alaska quake shook for 5 minutes.
@trollhattan: Central city Christchurch was still mostly closed off when we were down there just before Christmas.
A lot of it looks fine and it’s definitely a living city but there are a lot of houses on areas which have been red-zoned which now look like the set of a zombie movie and they will periodically be set on fire.
A lot of people are still suffering PTSD (and have become uncannily good at guessing the magnitude of any quakes) .
Christchurch got hit with a 7.5 which did a lot of damage and brought down store fronts but no-one was killed(partly because it happened early on a Sunday morning)…then about 5 months later an incredibly powerful 6.2(?) happened around lunch time during the work week and everything went to hell.
Little Boots
you people are crazy being up this late.
@Little Boots: It’s 11:15pm, watching the evening news, late?
Little Boots
too depressing.
war again?
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: It’s 2 AM everywhere, eh?
Little Boots
this cannot happen again.
can we blame john?
seriously, the second time around.
I think it’s john’s fault this time.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: What are you, a human Magic 8 Ball?
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
8 ball says “yes”
Little Boots
can we all just enjoy lauper:
Little Boots
now here’s the thing. NO ware in syria, dammit.
everyone stop this thing before it gets crazy.
Little Boots
@Little Boots: Maybe something by War would be more appropriate?
Little Boots
@Little Boots:
Ask and you shall receive.
Little Boots
nobody cares what anyone thinks about me, but everyone needs to figure out, what do they think about the next bullshit war in the mideast.
@Little Boots: I think they may have been a few threads on that recently.
Little Boots
in fairness, I have not been here for a few months.
I am entirely right, of course, but I might be a bit presumptive.
Little Boots
and that is a great War song.
Little Boots
now where the hell is omnes?
he loves me, deep down.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots:
perhaps he’s not “up this late”?
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
well he damn well should be.
I’m here.
@Little Boots: In fact, one tonight. Colbert is pretty good tonight.
Little Boots
and just for that, everyone gets, patrick swayze:
Little Boots
billin, are you trying to get rid of me?
@Little Boots: Not at all. That would be rude. Just trying to be informative.
Little Boots
your information is appreciated, merci.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: I’m not trying to get rid of you either. I just find your comments to be, uh… curious.
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
everything about me is …. curious.
now you, are a mystery.
what is your deal?
I may have Liberty Toast tomorrow morning.
Little Boots
and I am not a bit surprised.
Little Boots
and because it’s silly:
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: There is no “deal” with me. I’m some guy from Palo Alto. That’s it.
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
and you seem very bright.
which is rather sexy.
Little Boots
and actually that was kind of creepy of me, nostradamus. sorry.
My step-daughter visited this weekend to celebrate her mother’s and her b-days. I was very jealous of her new phone, I wanted to steal it. Does this make me a bad person?
Little Boots
it does not.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: No offense taken. I am not sexy, though.
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
you are smart though.
12:15am and it’s 90 degrees inside, this bites.
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
and by the way, online, you are.
Little Boots
honestly, this is why i actually love the internet. I get to meet people in a way I never could in real life. and I like that.
people are awesome online, when they’re not in life. it is a treat.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Little Boots: I’m going to bed now. Have fun.
Little Boots
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
you too.
have good dreams.
Little Boots
can I post that song I always post? can it annoy omnes?
oh who cares, here it is:
Little Boots
even better, although you don’t deserve it, cept nostrabumbass:
@Little Boots:
OK, I’m slightly offended.
Amir Khalid
The gruesome photo with this BBC story was posted by Wayne Rooney himself on Facebook. He was injured during training, by a Manchester United teammate’s boot. I remember another photo I once saw, also of a United player but from the 1960s: the young George Best after a match, with blood running down his shins from the stud marks left by opponents’ boots when they tackled him. (Shin pads were only made mandatory in the 1990s.)
John, Lily was jealous of all the attention Steve was getting. She’s like a three year old kid, and she’s used to the attention that he was getting. So what would a three year old do? Take out the competition.
I hope you praised Lily and calmed Steve that Lily was just playing.
I like that it lets Steve know Lily has senior status but that it’s all good.