Something has come up with Soonerdaughter’s health. We’ll be taking her in for tests on Monday and Tuesday at OU Children’s Medical Center. Being a 14-year-old, she doesn’t want anyone to know anything, so I’m going to omit the details, even though none of her friends read Balloon-Juice. We were originally scheduled to do these tests in mid-October by the Resident, but the Attending physician ordered them moved up ASAP. As far as we know at this time, this isn’t anything life-threatening, at least within the visible time horizon. As a consequence of this, I will be scarce around here for the next few days, not that you’ll miss me. Please remember her and send prayers, good thoughts, and/or whatever else you believe in.
BTW, we have great health insurance between Federal BCBS from my work, and HealthChoice from my wife’s work, but it’s still going to smack our savings account.
In the mean-time, consider this an open thread for football, fishing, cooking, knocking over liquor stores, or whatever it is that you all do for fun.
Best to soonerdaughter. Hope all turns out well. Am sure soonerpup will be a good nurse.
Sooner, We’ll be thinking of you and good luck to your daughter.
Prayers for Soonerdaughter and your family. I hope you are able to find some peace right now.
Posted this one thread down (and tangentally relevant):
Gauntlet: thrown. What now NC teabillies?
Good thoughts and prayers, SG.
Omnes Omnibus
All the best to Soonerdaighter.
Please remember her and send prayers, good thoughts, and/or whatever else you believe in.
Good thoughts sent.
BTW, we have great health insurance between Federal BCBS from my work, and HealthChoice from my wife’s work, but it’s still going to smack our savings account.
Ouch. Well, hopefully it won’t be too bad.
In the mean-time, consider this an open thread for football, fishing, cooking, knocking over liquor stores, or whatever it is that you all do for fun.
If only you had said ‘cleaning gasket maker off of car parts’. Oh, well.
[‘Oh, wait, you said fun. Never mind.’]
Good article. One hundred jobs gone, hospital to be closed (clinic stays); patients will get to travel 26 miles for hospital services.
Good job, teahadist job creators. Keep it classy, North Carolina.
All the best to Soonerdaughter….I’ll be thinking of you.
Roger Moore
Obviously Chicago-style politics. Obama has bullied them into closing their clinic to punish North Carolina for refusing to meekly go along with government takeover of our healthcare./wingnut
Being a parent just puts your heart out there, ready to flinch at all the danger that can come after your child. Hope Soonerdaughter is soon well again. Take care of yourself too, Soonergrunt.
Good thoughts sent your family’s way. There is nothing — nothing — more terrifying than a sick kid. Stay strong and think positive!
Roger Moore
I thought PsiFighter+37 mostly knocked over liquor bottles, which is much easier to do after he’s drained them.
Thoughts and prayers for her and all of you.
Mr Stagger Lee
Positive vibes to the Sooner Family. The Ohio State game is a wrap though Braxton Miller is a concern, so I am watching SC-Georgia, I think Raven right now is probably knocking over the beerman.
Evidently showing ads with a mixed race family is ‘racist‘. Coupled with stop & frisk and his comments therein (‘We stop whites too much’) I honestly think Bloomberg might be the most racist politician in America – and that’s an incredibly high bar to set.
Sooner diagnosed, sooner mended, I hope!
Good thoughts heading OK way.
Bobby Thomson
@Yatsuno: do you really think those sociopaths care? Their ancestors burned people for sport.
Bobby Thomson
@efgoldman: say what you will about nihilism, it isn’t an ethos. Tea baggers believe in making the world worse for those worst off as an end in itself.
Ben Franklin
It usually is less serious than you think, sooner.
“Gen. Dempsey, help me out here” Nope, none there Sec. Kerry.
Time for Clausewitz….
@efgoldman: Their constituents will, especially when they start dying because the ER is 26 miles away. The hospital didn’t hedge on laying the blame where it belonged. It may yet cost one of the teatards in Raleigh their job.
Roger Moore
FTFY. Apparently putting your money where your mouth is on race is the worstest thing EVAR!
Bubba Dave
The Soonerdaughter is in my thoughts and prayers, and I totally understand that at age 14 “nobody must know anything” feels like a totally valid reaction. Hopefully this turns out to be much ado over nothing (or something easily cured/corrected).
All best wishes to your daughter, you and the entire family–from our household to yours.
Over on the Daily beast there is an article – ‘Cats Rule on Japan’s Tashirojima Island ‘! Now we know where Cole will retire to:-)
gogol's wife
I’ll be praying for her.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Sinnach: But I thought he was a liberal darling, with his call for gun control?
@Sinnach: Can I say how fucking disappointed I am in Bloomberg. Honestly, that man is a punkass bigot.
Best healing vibes to Soonerdaughter and strength out to the Soonerfamily. This ain’t easy. Hang in there.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Work beat me like a rug this week. In case I wasn’t the only one who missed this:
Federal District Court Declares Wendy Davis, Plaintiffs “Prevailing Party” in redistricting lawsuit.
Good thoughts and positive vibes to Soonerfamily and Soonerdaughter in particular. Hoping for a good outcome with minimal disruption.
Anybody care to take a shot at parsing the Aussie election results? I see that Rupert’s boy Tony Abbott won, but not much more than just that.
Does this put the kibosh on the carbon tax? Ironic, for the world’s preeminent coal exporter. Should the koalas worry?
Thinking of your daughter, soonergrunt! I am sending her way positive thoughts and good wishes. Speedy recovery and all that..
All love to soonerdaughter and to your wife, soonergrunt. This is hard, hard stuff. Just taking a child like that–and our children are the same age–to hospitals and doctors and diagnoses is hard. Would that we could walk out of the hospital with them as babies, on that first day, and never have to go back. I wish I lived near enough to put my arms around you all, or to at least cook you a good hot dinner for when you get back. All my thoughts are with you all. Best of luck.
@Elizabelle: Earlier, I had read an article about the closure, probably on the NYTimes. It’s a poor and majority black area, so yeah they don’t care.
EU agrees that all indications on Syria chemical weapons attack point to Assad.
Joey Maloney
@IowaOldLady: Anne Lamott who I mostly find annoying, wrote somewhere that having a child means walking around for the rest of your life with your heart outside your body; that’s always stayed with me.
I started watching football but women’s flat track roller derby is having their championship tournament in Fort Wayne. Way more exciting. Those women can hit.
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
Sending good thoughts to Soonerdaughter & family.
It’s over 100 inside here in the print shop. I have another 6 hours to go before I leave, then come back tomorrow for at least 8 if not more hours of printing.
I’ve found a use for Twitter. I resisted it for a long time, but following my sports teams gives me a “twitter-cast” as they play. It’s far better than the ESPN app.
Oh, and free porn is nice, also too.
Soonerfamily is getting hit with way too much this past year. Positive thoughts for your daighter’s health and recovery. Nothing scares you more as a parent than a threat to your child’s health or life.
Sending many healing beams to Soonerdaughter. And much light to you and your family.
Most children’s hospitals really know , how to take care of children – including so very grown teens. This is especially true at well known teaching hospitals like OU. So likely your girl will receive very good care. Knocking wood this is true.
(Of course, there is that one scary factor at academic institutions to which one does not always adjust. And that is how the med students, interns, residents, and fellows can look so much closer in age to your daughter than anyone who ought to be giving you medical opinions. But that can provide some comic relief, too. And actually be good comfort for your daughter that the docs aren’t too old…)
Wishing yours a positive outcome and hoping for competence in the doctors and a well-funded and experienced bio-assay lab at the hospital.
(I don’t do the “prayer thing.”)
@Sinnach: Being proud of your mixed race family = racist
Targeting minorities = not racist
Doesn’t Bloomberg have PR people who talk to him about the racist shit he’s been spewing lately.
Amen to that. And those students and interns have great experienced docs watching them like hawks.
@JPL: Well…shit.
Betty Cracker
You’re all in my thoughts, brother.
@Sinnach: Being the entitled rich jerk he is, he’s just bitter that he can’t do anything to Judge Scheindlin so he’s lashing out at everyone critical of stop-and-frisk.
{{{Hugs}}} and very best wishes to Soonerdaughter and the whole Soonergrunt family. This has to be a year that you hope never gets repeated. May SD’s medical care be swift, easy, effective, and affordable. Holding her in my thoughts.
Francisco the Man
Juicers – I’m having an argument with my totebagger friend about the merits of direct cash transfers to poor people. His response is, essentially, “they’re just going to spend it on booze.” This is bullshit. Anybody got a good link showing it’s bullshit, specifically as it relates to people in the U.S.?
I haven’t read through all the comments yet, so this may have been mentioned, but Tokyo has been selected as host city for the 2020 Olympics.
Yats did you notice this story in the sidebar of your link?
Wingnut Welfare at its finest. They can’t afford to give Medicare to poor people but they sure can pay a crony $228,000 for eight months work and pay campaign staffers $80K per year for doing nothing. McCrory’s days are numbered. The people of this state are fed up.
Good thoughts for Soonerdaughter and for your whole family. I know how hard it is to take kids for tests and medical procedures. Hope everything goes well.
Bloomberg should’ve quit while he was ahead. This third term as mayor has not gone well for him.
Though at this point in his life, I don’t think he really cares.
Mike in NC
Good luck with the tests.
@Joey Maloney: I went to my first roller derby last year. It was fun. The home town Push-up Brawlers beat the visiting Roller Girls.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Hopefully, you are right.
Typical liberal bias, as if the closure was affecting somebody important.
All the best to Soonerfamily.
Its times like this that I wish I believed there was some great hairy thunderer who actually gave a shit about the Sims neighborhood he started. Being able to pray for Soonerkid would feel less impotent than simply saying we hope this will pass & be looked back at as one of the funny things that can happen in this life.
Prayers to Soonerdaughter and to the rest of the family. Be well. Shalom.
Mr Stagger Lee
So now Raven is hugging the beerman, did SC come in overconfident?
@Joey Maloney:
I have often quoted that, but never knew it was she who originally said it. I also find her generally annoying, but it is indeed spot on.
Adding my best wishes to the Sooner family.
@SiubhanDuinne: I find that disappointing. Their bid was essentially that they will be the most boring Olympics.
Istanbul would have been amazing.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Happy thoughts to the whole Soonerfamily. My 13-year-old niece recently had a surgical correction to her club foot, so I know that even the non-life-threatening stuff can be highly stressful on anyone.
The upside to my ongoing semi-banning (still can’t post from home) is that it pushed me to work on my Pre-Code movies blog out of sheer frustration. I’ll put the link in my nym as soon as I have my first full post up.
Hope Soonerdaughter is OK! Glad you guys have good health insurance. Sending good thoughts your way!
Mike in NC
@Bobby Thomson:
Our moron of a governor also has decided that the way to address high unemployment is to close about 40 unemployment offices statewide.
Mike E
All my best wishes to you and yours.
The NC General Assembly has shit the bed in an epic, epic way. Their incompetence envelopes them like Pig Pen’s dirt cloud.
Do me a favor though…all you clever cynics with your “What do you expect from these spawn of [insert Southern cultural demon here]”… go fuck yourselves. Also. Thanks!
Looking forward to it!
Have you cleared caches & cookies? That worked for me once.
Oh man. There is no worse feeling than when your kid is sick and nothing better than when they get well.
I hope yours gets better in a hurry.
Bobby Thomson
@Mike E: truth hurts
Roger Moore
@Francisco the Man:
Sorry, but the kind of person who believes that is unlikely to be swayed by facts. They know what they know, and that’s all they really need. You can present somebody like that with all the facts you can find, and it will turn out that the whole program is invalidated if any person receiving cash assistance spends one red cent on anything the critic considers frivolous.
Good thoughts for Soonerdaughter. Hoping it will be easily sorted.
Wife is in LA, and the boy is sick. We have no food for dinner, and I have no wine. Going to have to brave 88 degree heat to remedy said situation.
@Suzanne: Istanbul would have been FANTASTIC!! But they’d have to make the infrastructure from basically nothing plus the venues would have to cross the Bosporus adding to the nightmare of getting around. Still, with the IOC it’s all about who you can bribe. Going back to Asia that fast though took some serious bread on the Japanese.
Prayers for your daughter
@SiubhanDuinne: Should have been Madrid. That old ave gone a long way to helping their unemployment problem.
Joey Maloney
@IowaOldLady: We’ve been trying to get a league going in TLV. Small country, though, recruiting is slow.
Joey Maloney
@Francisco the Man: So what if they do? The point is to get money circulating again. Does your friend think distilleries don’t create jobs?
Ben Franklin
Senate looking shaky…
Grrr – and that’s good thoughts to Soonerdaughter & family, and some frustrated grunting for the exigency. Hope all turns out well, truly.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Seriously? The drunken shitbag banned you but not his little circus clown?
My best to all of the soonerfamily. It is tough to have a child in medical crises, tougher than just about anything. May you always be there when others are in need of support, and vice versa.
@Suzanne: Totally agree. Istanbul would have been a wonderful choice.
Villago Delenda Est
Best wishes to Soonerdaughter, hope all the tests are negative (if that’s good, positive if that’s good, or the proper mix of positives and negatives) or whatever!
@Yatsuno: Istanbul is in the middle of a building boom—they could have gotten some decent public transport in place in time. Not to mention the value of bringing the Olympic flame to the Muslim world, and an 8,000-year-old city that was the capital of three empires. Absolutely fascinating.
I have no doubt that a lot of yen changed hands.
The radioactive Olympics. Awesome.
Raven is not happy!
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Litlebritdifrnt: Those of us with friends in Charlotte city government knew McCrory was corrupt as shit.
Speaking of which, you should see what’s happening there. The City’s IT dept. is shedding people left, right, and center. It went from a terrific place to work to one of the worst almost overnight.
Villago Delenda Est
“I am also utterly clueless about the color of the sky, that the sun rises in the East, and that water is wet”, added Kolb.
Oh, geez, sorry to hear that.
Sending good thoughts for you and Soonerdaughter. Keep us posted when you can.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): You should email John and Mistermix. They have access to the part of the console that controls that. As I said, it’s most likely a hiccup in the security settings. If it isn’t, they’ll tell you.
@efgoldman: Violence against women is just EDGY! And FUNNY! Can’t you humorless feminists take a JOKE?! GOD. Everyone is so PC these days.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: A year from now Republicans will note that the city’s IT department is unable to deliver on time (due to losing staff) and use it as an excuse to outsource the entire department.
Multiple times. And use all caps and swear words. He LIVES for that shit.
@Cassidy: Madrid would have been my second choice, after Istanbul (although I take Yatsuno’s point about infrastructure and transportation). For me, Tokyo was a very distant third. I guess that’s why I’ve never been invited to serve on the IOC.
In any case, though, the Games seem increasingly uninteresting and irrelevant to me. And NBC has managed to wreck the parts that might still be interesting and relevant.
From one Bichon owner to another, hope all is well with your daughter Sooner. Best wishes.
c u n d gulag
Who cares about that other shit!
Keep us apprised about your daughter – AND, best of luck!
May the FSM protect you, and yours!!!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I’m still out shopping (but can be here thanks to Steve Jobs ;-), so I’ll try that once I get home.
It was confirmed that it was an actual ban, but thanks anyway.
@Soonergrunt: Please take care and hugs for you and your family.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
We were both banned, but Timmy’s was lifted first. It is what it is.
@SiubhanDuinne: I was listening he RM podcast on the way to work this morning and she talked about how the youth unemployment rate in Madrid is 50%+. It would have been a much needed stimulus.
Mike E
@Bobby Thomson: You’re not helping.
I live here.
Shove it.
Best wishes for your daughter & family Soonergrunt. It never ceases to amaze me how messed up our health care system is. Even when you’ve got great insurance you still end up paying $ out the wazoo. When will people wake up?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Yeah, can’t be mean to his little emoprog hanger-on.
Bloomberg would tell you that he’s not targeting minorities, he’s targeting criminals, and the correlation between those two populations is just a fact that neither he nor anyone else can do anything to change in the short term.
The inconvenient thing for liberals is that at street level in NYC (setting aside whatever white-collar crime takes place in Midtown office buildings) he’s not wrong. Which is not to suggest that the NYPD doesn’t go overboard on a daily basis; they do. But the situation is nuanced, and nuance is hard.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MikeJ: There’s a new supervisor, probably an Art Pope crony given the timing. His previous place of employment went from a Glassdoor rating of 1 to a 3.5 when he left.
Knowing the rampant stupidity of our local nihilists, I am doubtful that it’s deliberate. They will see it as a bonus, of course, but the main thing almost certainly “Friend in the business, must be hypercompetent, he’s my friend after all”.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Did John have you write don’t feed the trolls, one hundred times? Where I volunteer, we have community service help, and a twenty year old was doing time, because she was speeding. Besides a hefty fine, the judge had her write a paper on the dangers of driving over the speed limit. (The judge assigned a certain number of words that she had to use, but it equated to about three pages.)
Best of luck, Soonergrunt and daughter.
Mr Stagger Lee
@JPL: And the fourth opponent of the Dawgs will be LSU. 1-3 and Dawg fans will be burning the hedges. Oregon is torching Virginia, but those Duck helmets are ugly, Jesus will someone in Eugene stand up to Phil Knight and put an end to this?
Oh, too tough, Grunt. So sorry to hear this. Glad you all are on it, and I wish you, the whole family, and especailly the good girl the very best.
gogol's wife
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
That is astounding, I mean really astounding. I do not get it. And Martin says he was banned too — one of the most aggressively temperate voices around here.
Hey Soonergrunt:
Was Cole dumb enough to make a wager with you on tonight’s game?
Sooner, sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family.
@Mr Stagger Lee: They are not labeled the Fighting Fashion Atrocities for nothing.
@gogol’s wife: I am pretty amazed also at the unequal treatment of various commenters. I guess it’s John’s blog and he can make the rules, but the special treatment of a certain nasty, vindictive person doesn’t speak well for his discernment.
@gogol’s wife: Concur.
To a private company owned by one of McCrory’s buddies at 3 x the cost.
Mike E
No. As somebody here once put it, that’s an apples to razor blades comparison.
Watch the blowback and marvel.
Big golden suns to the Sooner family
@Josie: Some commentors have had problems signing on but it had nothing to do with John. It was the blog site. fywp
Sending for/to your daughter prayers, best wishes, healing thoughts and super-energy. The same to you and your family for peace of mind.
Mary G
Prayers for the Soonerfamily. Hope it turns out to be nothing.
Suffern ACE
You know, I have problems with the Syria involvement. But I will give the administration credit for making the moral case for action and not trying to make up a national security interest case where none exists. Yes, maybe some worries about future dictators having an easier time of it, but no “mustard clouds over manhattan” scenarios.
Best wishes to you and your daughter, Sooner.
Happy thoughts for Soonerdaughter and rest of the family. You sure don’t need any more stress.
Ben 'douchebag' Franklin
@Suffern ACE:
I prefer a policy of ‘do no harm’ rather than sending a couple of instant messages via Tomahawk. If a moral imperative is the whole story.
@Josie: One must never upset the Special Timmeh. Because only Special Timmeh is special enough to flout the rules JC says that all other commentors here are expected to follow. There is no point in bitching about it though because JC bought a painting from Special Timmeh so they haz special bond. Or something.
Or just something we had to go out there and do and see who notices? Seems to be a market for this kind of treatment of women in Texas, so hey! Free Market Rules Best! Jest don’t be showing us any nipple flashes or same sex couples ‘r mixed race families in advertising, cuz that’s a temptation and an affront to our righteous Xian heritage and biblically keerrect view of the wurld. Rap music causes violence and that there booty twerking demeans wimminfolk. Stands to reason.
Soonerdaughter is already in the best of hands, will just send many blessings and caring thoughts to the Soonerfamily.
Soonergrunt and family: best wishes, positive vibes and hopes for smooth sailing with this medical issue.
Dead Ernest
Well Sooner, if there is some deity (or committee, or some such Higher Power) He/She/It/They do seem to be of the opinion that You have Big Shoulders and can bear a lot.
And if there is Some such entity thinking that – while I’m sure you’d prefer to not be burdened – it sure does appear you do have more strength and power than many. Short jump from there to figuring the Soonerdaughter, and rest of the Soonerfamily do too.
Point being, no matter what news this week brings you all are going to end up well.
That said, adding my hopes and wishes that this trial is a light one for you all.
@Cassidy: I hadn’t heard that stat, although I agree it would have done wonders for Spain’s economy. I still think Istanbul would have been a very cool choice, but I would have been very pleased with Madrid too. The more I think about it, the more unhappy I am with the final choice.
I like Suzanne’s epithet: “Tokyo: The Radioactive Olympics.”
Mary in Ohio
Delurking to send good vibes to the whole Sooner family.
Husbands car died. Timing belt went and took out the entire engine. Replacement (used) engine would run us $3K which we don’t have. So because we don’t have easy access to $3K we had to buy a new fucking car. We had two payments left on this one, and now we have the anvil of a car payment around our necks for the next six fucking years. I am so sick of this shit. It is damn expensive to be poor.
@SiubhanDuinne: Istanbul would have been fecking brilliant. It would have made the games even more international plus it would have opened them up to a new geographic area much like Rio is doing. But if anyone knows how to bribe it’s the Japanese.
so what kind of car didn’t out last the payments? and what did you replace it with?
@gogol’s wife: Martin and m Mnemosyne were banned? The mind boggles.
Was there a hair-pulling slap fight and I missed it? I can’t imagine either of them being obnoxious at all.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mr Stagger Lee:
We’ve been trying for over a decade. He’s a stubborn multizillionaire asshole, for sure.
Still curious as to who exactly is doing all this banning. The underhanded/arbitrary style speaks volumes.
Echoing all the BJers and sending good thoughts to your family, Soonergrunt.
@Villago Delenda Est: Phil Knight has the gold. Therefore he makes the rules.
2007 Hyundai Accent with 228,000 miles on it. (Husband commutes 200 miles a day). Hopefully this new one will not have the same problem (also a Hyundai Accent), they have some sort of blanket coverage which covers ALL repairs other than general maintenance (tires, oil changes etc.) which even includes towing should it break down, and if the same thing happens again it will include a total engine replacement no matter how many miles are on it.
Good vibes to your daughter, Sooner.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Ugh. I’m sorry for your car stress. I have had my car for nine years, and I bought it used. I am dreading the day that it finally gives it up, because buying cars is even worse than standing in the closet and hitting my head with a hammer.
Just got off the phone from a long CNN poll & was selected to be polled again after O’s speech on Tues, This should be fun. I threw em the anchor on Syria, I really see the mission creep as obvious.
This is the sixth time the Games (Summer or Winter) will have been held in Japan. Be nice to give a chance to a part of the world that’s never hosted the Games.
Pushing plenty of good stuff the Sooner fam’s way. May this part of the journey provide more love and some understanding for all of us on the way.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Bastahd done stoled the USTF Olympic trials from us, even after we kicked arse hosting the previous two. Damn you, Phil [shakes fist, waves framing hammer].
How is your external heart doing in Charlottesville?
Wunderbar place to be, any time of year.
That is so messed up. They won’t be happy until everything is destroyed.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@gogol’s wife:
In John’s defense, I did say something pretty spectacularly cutting — one of my best efforts, by far. And he was probably already pissed off at something I’d said to him (John) earlier in the thread.
Still, it would have been nice to get some kind of notice, even just a message in that thread of Okay, both of you a-holes went too far, you’re both getting a time-out. But I checked back a couple of times once I had trouble posting and nada.
This banning shit is hella suprising and not cool. Leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. SMDH
They’re fucking, you know. Right this moment.
@efgoldman: Yes they did. Mine was about that long too, very detailed, all the different possible outcomes of Syria, how it would change my vote. Stuff about 2016 etc. Best was when they asked what was the most important issue facing the country, I said duh the economy and the poll person laughed their ass off.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): He (the one who can’t get perma-banned to save his life)says something that cuts me deep damn near every day. Slandering a certain dead young man from FL every time he can makes me want to leave and never come back. Shit hurts my soul. But the rest of you all are a balm. You, and I guess maybe Martin lose your shit once and the hammer comes down?!? GTFOH
Dead Ernest
Maybe it was something you said?
@opiejeanne: T&H threatened Mem with violence. Somehow, this was also Mem’s fault and she was banned along with T&H. But, T&H was released sooner, so he could come back and smirk about it. Very odd. But it is JC’s blog and if he truly sees no problem with T&H’s behaviour, then this is what it is.
I could subject Cole to shitty art. Would that get me special status?
Pink Snapdragon
@gogol’s wife: I don’t get this. When did all this banning happen and why?
Ben 'douchebag' Franklin
I used to think the disrespect shown for the host was inappropriate.
Maybe an intervention is needed.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I got an email from Mix after telling Tim to take a rapid vertical walk, but never got banned.
It was a step too far, I admit. However, he is pretty much the most troublesome fucker on this board.
Ahh says fywp
@Sinnach: It’s not that hes more racist, it’s that hes arrogant and out of touch, thus feels no impulse to hide it.
Somebody who worried more about what the masses thought (and not just his wife and his golfing buddies from the shul) would be acting and talking differently about this.
Shorter: Bloomie is convinced his shit dont stink.
That 911 debacle is a prime example.
@ruemara: Thanks. I am more than a bit shocked.
What did Martin do, side with Mnemosyne?
Patricia Kayden
Keeping Soonergruntdaughter in my prayers.
Roger Moore
Just get the damn pie filter and be done with it. If there’s somebody you know is nothing but a troll who causes a dangerous rise in blood pressure or degradation of your soul, block them out and stick to the worthwhile parts of the blog.
@opiejeanne: No idea. I passed on anymore after that news came out and the resultant gloating comments. It’s too crazymaking. Finding a sociopath to be just a hilarious tweaker of noses is mystifying. And I use the words I use because I mean them. Not trolling, just a sociopath.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I don’t remember what you said but T&H says horrible things all the time. He is just a vicious presence here.
I haven’t seen Hildebrand at all lately. He was directing his frustration at John for letting T&H crap all over the blog day after day. Is Hildebrand banned or did Hildebrand self deport?
I thought John bought the art from someone of a different nym. How many of him are there?
Lady Bug
love, wellness and prayers to Sooner, Soonerdaughter and family.
@ruemara: So Cole now prefers asshole trolls to long-time serious commenters? Great.
Very well, thanks! In fact she posted a bunch of pix on FB just a little while ago looking so happy and surrounded by friends that the heart soars with delight….leaving behind its wistfulness at the open-doored, unoccupied, unnaturally clean bedroom across the hall.
@MomSense: same guy, dif nym. He’s been pushing his latest Obama portrait lately. He does have fans.
@LeftCoastTom: I can’t speak to preferences. Just that he has a very different experience of Mr. T.
@Roger Moore: I don’t know what it is and how it works, but I take your recommendation for a remedy as helpful. I can do it on my phone? I have an old Bberry mind you and BJ is janky on it most of the time LOL. Its what I use 90% of the time to read, lurk and comment.
I usually do well ignoring him, but something aint right about his continued presence here. Not at all. Something just aint right. And I damn sure don’t want to lose the benefit of reading the other commenters because they get banned around here now. Shits wierd.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Doubtful. The pie filter is a Greasemonkey script. Pretty much have to be using Firefox or (maybe) Chrome.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
You definitely haven’t seen me when I’m troll fighting — I can be just as mean and dirty as T&H. I probably deserved banning, but it would have been nice to know that was what happened.
For the record, I called T&H a raging dry drunk. So, yeah, I can’t say I was really an innocent party in being banned.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): That is nothing compared to some of the utter horse hockey I’ve seen Timmeh spew. He’s one of the reasons I rarely look at the comments on a phone or tablet any more. Gotta have my troll-b-gone.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Well, aside from the fact that I can’t really say I disagree with you…”innocent party” does depend on the standard, doesn’t it. After all, “raging dry drunk” seems substantially more polite than the average T&H “post”.
What’s the over/under on a drunken ragegasm later referencing the end of this thread? If we hurry we can make some John Cole bingo cards.
(Darkly) They could if they were still Constantinople.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
So, anyway, on a happier topic that I don’t feel like putting on the football thread, I’m plugging away on my Pre-Code movie blog and have a question for prospective readers:
It will, of course, be spoileriffic since I’ll be talking about movies that are 80 years old. My question is, would it be helpful for readers if I have a “Coming Attractions” note after/between posts so folks who are interested can watch the movie I’m planning to talk about before I post a week/few days later?
@Cassidy: Which bingo square is “‘Jane Hamshers of the Left’ does not include Jane Hamsher”?
Lady Bug
article from the New Yorker about Putin, Syria and conspiracy theories:
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Oh c’mon. Considering the things he’s said to you, Sooner, Yuts and who knows how many else, that’s fucking tame. I agree, it was pointed dirk in his gut, but it’s not like he hasn’t spent a lot of time attacking people in sore spots here. Well, that’s all the drama fest I’m willing to sink into. This place is still fun, but this has been perplexing.
Could we take up a collection to buy John that lovely McNaughton one-of-a-kind we saw the other day?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I’d find the teaser very helpful.
Sending good thoughts to the Soonergrunt family. Please keep us posted when you can.
Today I did some gardening! Planted some ground cover starts around a tree. This is the first step in refurbishing the whole area around my townhouse, part of a larger project the HOA Board (which I’m on) is encouraging all residents to take part in.
You hear so many stories about HOA demanding uniformity in how the grounds look, but that’s not how we roll here. We want everyone to do something with their area that *they* like. After planting the starts, I realized the soil around my house is awful, so the next step is putting down a layer of good soil. After that: more groundcover, hedges, wildflowers, and some of that insanely cool black and purple grass…
… provided I don’t kill everything I plant. My record with plants is kind of mixed.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@ruemara: Yup. I admin/moderate a forum that has made it to Fandom Wank a couple of times over the years (nothing compared to Potter fandom, of course). I’ve had to take one of my best friends out to the woodshed a time or two, and if she had ever behaved like Timmeh, she’s be perma-banned.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
All the best thoughts for Soonerdaughter, Soonermom and you, Soonergrunt.
Betty Cracker
@ruemara: First I’ve heard of all of this. You’re right about the sociopath in question exploiting people’s sore spots. It’s what he does. He’s also pretty deliberate about where and when he drops his bombs so he can fly under the radar. If it were up to me, I’d nuke the fecker’s IP from orbit. He doesn’t just disrupt threads, he’s a bully and a lout, at least online.
Ironically, I think the fact that he’s universally reviled partly explains why Cole tolerates him. One of Cole’s nicer qualities is an impulse to resist and oppose a pile-on. I think it’s misplaced in this case, but I suspect his heart is in the right place. Just my $.02.
@eemom: Good to hear!
Not Constantinople?
@Jebediah: That’s been a long time gone.
Lady Bug
@Suffern ACE:
Good point, but instead Obama is getting condemnation:
“Obama is worst than Bush on Iraq!” :Andrew Sullivan.
This isn’t about intervening or not intervening, or the merits/demerits of either scenario. Yes, I realize it’s Sully and he has a tendency to go over the deep end at times, and for my own sanity, I should just ignore him. But, for fuck sake, a President who is trying to enforce international norms against the use of chemical weapons after a horrific war crime, is worse than the President who fucking lied about WMD to get us into a war under false pretexts?
Again, this is NOT about the wisdom of intervening or not intervening. How the fuck can anyone compare what Obama is possibly doing to what the Bush administration did?
Prayers for Soonerdaughter and the whole family. Medical problems are horrible, medical problems grabbing kids is worst of all
After which, shit still won’t get delivered on time – but at least no-one will have a good job! Win-win!
@Betty Cracker: Unless he’s the one leading the pile on.
I don’t think you’re right, though. I think the cat lady has checked out and is going through the motions and simply too chickenshit to actually have a confrontation. He knows he can bully people around here because the majority of us have been long time members of this place and prefer to overlook the flaws of our host. Coming here used to mean more than just the ramblings of one asshole and he knows that. But basically, chickenshit.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I hope everything goes well for your daughter!! Best wishes to her and her parents.
@ruemara: “This place is still fun, but this has been perplexing. “
I don’t think it’s so fun anymore and that’s why I haven’t been posting here as much as I used to. What’s odd is that John tells us that if we really knew Timmeh that we would like him but then he ignores the detestable shit that Timmeh spews at others, as if we are supposed to forget what a disgusting piece of shit he is once we have met him. Yeah, right.
That and the tone here has become much like the Hee-Haw theme…
“Gloom, despair and agony on me.
“Deep, dark depression, excessive misery.
I often read the FP and seldom go into the comments now. I’m thinking that my time here is about up and it’s time to move on to other things.
Some bad news hit here on Monday. One of my younger brothers passed away at the age of 50. He was undergoing treatment for a serious medical condition and when things took a turn for the worse he decided that he couldn’t take it any more, refusing further treatment. He passed a week later. He was the first sibling to be lost and the remaining six of us are stunned at the loss. We are helping his wife and kids get through it so thank goodness for help from a large family.
RIP Dave, you were a good man and one of my best friends.
Lady Bug
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I’m so sorry for your loss. May your brother RIP, and prayers to his wife, kids and all of his family and friends.
@Roger Moore:
Second that. Once you see that the person is really adding nothing of value, spare yourself the aggravation!
Betty Cracker
@Lady Bug: Sully said that? I don’t read him all that regularly, but what I had seen from him on Obama and Syria previously, I agreed with. But if he’s now saying it’s even in the same universe with Bush on Iraq, he’s daft.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I’m sending you a big hug and my sympathy. I’m glad his family has all of you to support them through this
Why did Constantinople get the works?
Man, I love that whole record.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: So sorry for your loss, nothing is as hard as losing someone close to you. My condolences to you and the family. I also concur. Besides, shit is real for me over on my side. Can’t get outraged over most things on the internet.
Betty Cracker
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Damn, I’m sorry.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Shit, so sorry for your loss. December 2011 I suddenly lost a brother of about that age. It can be so wrenching and disconcerting on top of the grief. I’m never good at coming up with the right thing to say, so I’ll just say I am really sorry this happened to you and your family.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Sucks. Sorry for your loss.
I took a self imposed absence from here for a little over month and have post a little starting this week. Kind of nice, actually. Some people are just unrepentant shits with no value and some of them hang out here.
Ash Can
Here’s hoping that, in a matter of mere days, the Soonerparents are looking at each other and saying “Once again, we were worried for nothing,” and that Soonerdaughter has all but forgotten all of this and is back to her usual routine without a thought. All the best.
Lady Bug
@Betty Cracker:
It was from a tweet. Now, to be absolutely fair to Sully, he didn’t explicitly say “Iraq” but the context was there, IMHO:
(towards the bottom of the page).
Lady Bug
I have that song on Spotify. ;) I think Istanbul is probably the most fascinating city on earth. I visited Istanbul a few years ago, and would love to go back someday.
Lady Bug
@Ash Can:
Well said.
Keith G
@Odie Hugh Manatee: My thoughts are with you. Losing a brother left me hurt and lonely. I am still waiting for it to get better.
On that other topic:
That is not an inaccurate summary, so why join in the game he is playing? These are words on a screen, not words shouted from an adjoining room. That’s why I have never understood the pie filter**. It seems that one should be perfectly capable of skipping over text with which one chooses to not engage.
**Actually I do understand it as a passive/aggressive ploy – a digital, “Neener neener” for the less stout.
Ash Can
@Odie Hugh Manatee: So sorry to hear of this tragedy. Wishing you and your family healing and comfort.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Oh my God. I am so sorry for your loss. My best wishes are with you and your family for peace and healing
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Oh, I think I did see that, but thought it was deserved.
I don’t know how that is obnoxious after the stuff he says.
Sooner, prayers for your daughter and big hugs for you and your soonerwife. Having something up with your kids is just unbearable. Best wishes to you.
And @Odie Hugh Manatee: That is just awful. So sorry to hear. (On a lighter note, do you know, I just said your name aloud for the first time and ‘got it’ — I’m a bit slow, but admiring and amused.)
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I know it’s hard and terrible and unfair, especially so young.
And I want to add that if you leave this place I know you will be missed.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Thank you all for the kind words. I just got off of the phone with one of my younger sisters. We spent the time talking about Dave and there were lots of tears and laughter. Dave wouldn’t have cared for the tears because he lived to laugh, which he did very well. Our Dad is devastated and not dealing with this well at all. He’s old, frail and barely hanging on as it is so everyone is really worried about him now.
As good as life is, sometimes it does suck. But it does get better after a while.
My nym is a sneaky one… ;)
@opiejeanne: “And I want to add that if you leave this place I know you will be missed.”
That’s one of the suck things about decisions. Thanks. :)
Corner Stone
Jesus Christ. Get the fuck over yourselves, you bunch of fucking babies.
Waaaahhhh! Someone says shit I don’t like! Cole, hold me! Protect me because I’m not sure I can contribute here anymore now that the commentariat is only 95% in line with my thinking and sensibilities!
Good. Go back to commenting on YouTube video threads you fucking spineless weasels.
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Shit. You should be perma tossed due to your inexhaustible ability to absolutely out and out fucking lie about things other people here have said.
You are, with no exaggeration, the worst person I have ever encountered online.
You’re not mean or dirty. You’re a sociopathic congenital liar.
Corner Stone
@Keith G:
There are few things more pathetic than the exultant “pie” person. People who quote “pie” sayings in response to people they have pied really creep me right the fuck out.
Well, this is an interesting end to a thread. CS comes in and takes T& H’s place and spews ill-will and venom in all directions.
The best to you, Soonergrunt, to your family and especially to your daughter. I’m sending caring thoughts your way and wishing for a good outcome for Soonerdaughter.
Actually, it is poetic perfection…..cuz if I’m right about who is actually doing the banning, CS will be the last one standing after all the rest of us are gone.
Effing hilarious, actually.
Late to the party (not that that’s the word for it), but best wishes for Soonerdaughter.
And sympathies to Odie.
Sending good thoughts for Soonerfamily.
You can always tell when CS has been drinking. Pretty much any day ending in “y”. Never thought much of a grown adult wii can’t handle his liquor.
Corner Stone
@Cassidy: What’s a grown adult wii?
Corner Stone
@dww44: It’s kind of ridiculous, I hope you’ll agree.
People here want exactly what they want, and nothing less.
@Corner Stone: You’re such a simp.
I can’t get the “contact Soonergrunt” link in the upper right to work, so I’ll start by saying that I would be happy to discuss further offline. Two of my kids had their own health scares recently, and the lesson we took from it was: for anything more than the common cold, you need to see a good specialist. The best one you can possibly find. My kids initially went to the best specialist in Des Moines, and got some advice that ranged from unhelpful to disturbing, in that it didn’t really make any sense. We then took them to the Lurie Children’s hospital in Chicago, and got very different advice from doctors who seemed to have a whole different (higher) level of knowledge and skill. So best of luck.
Best to your daughter.
May she be free from enmity and danger.
May she be free from mental suffering.
May she be free from physical suffering.
May she take care of herself happily.