Rosie is completely and totally passed out on the couch, snoring like it is her job:
I like how she has taken command of the whole couch, and no one can sit anywhere near her without waking her up in a pissy mood. She’s almost as worthless as some of the Boxers who frequently (and adorably) appear on the front page from time to time.
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
A RosieCam is in order.
Just back from a rocking Sanford Stadium! Good many ghosts exorcised today!!!!! Bark Bark Bark!
She’s not worthless, she’s guarding your couch.
If she wasn’t on the couch-VOOM!-it would fly up into the ceiling. Trust your pets on this.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
A question I posed below that is especially for people who have kindly expressed interest in my upcoming Pre-Code movie blog, but any interested parties can answer:
It will, of course, be spoileriffic since I’ll be talking about movies that are 80 years old. My question is, would it be helpful for readers if I have a “Coming Attractions” note after/between posts so folks who are interested can watch the movie I’m planning to talk about before I post a week/few days later?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
It *is* her job.
@raven: gloat, gloat, gloat. It was a good game especially the goal line stance. That surprised me. Murphy played like he was already in the NFL.
John, How’s Lily doing with Steve. Last time we heard, Lily was attempting to show him, who was boss. haha
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): It would help if you introduced a little history about the Code and what the big differences before and after are, since folks can miss those details. This also sounds kinda master’s thesis-ish.
Skeeter got his jewels removed this weekend, Flossie is still on her meds from the snake bite. What worries me is that Flossie has turned viscious, she is actually growling in her sleep, and being really nasty to the cats. I do not want a dog like that.
Rosie reminds me of something I saw on my way to work a few days ago – a couple was walking up Highland with their happy-looking dog (about Rosie’s size but a little less badonk) and taking down lost-dog fliers. It was a nice start to my day.
@JPL: Check the snark from Between the Hedges in the previous thread. Oh Corner Stone, whea ah you boy?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
From an earlier thread – I couldn’t afford a lot of scratch but I did join your team, although I won’t be making it to Ohio for the actual walk…
Rosie saw you through the recent Horrible Time in pretty fine fashion, IIRC.
She’s a Rainy Day
PeopleDawg.**h/t Mr. G. Lightfoot;
and where did the strike-through function go? I wanted to use that here {pout}Hmm, can strikethrough be used manually?Or, can
strikebe used manually?ETA, yay, {strike} it is!
@Jebediah: Aah! That is such a sweet sight to see. Happy dog and happier owners.
All the best cats I’ve ever had invariably took their half of the bed right down the middle. Looks like Rosie has the same philosophy for your couch. Great photo.
I think it was one of the commenters here, but I don’t remember who* (sorry!) who told about a dog who had a fave chair, kid came home from college and sat in the chair and dog was bummed, dog barked to be let out, kid went to the door to let dog out, dog went hellforleTher for the vacant chair. I love how they have their own places and damn if anyone is going to get in there ahead of them.
*Seems like a Betty Cracker kind of story, but I don’t think it was a front-pager.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Don’t worry, I have my Declaration of Principles all ready to go and I’m keeping it as jargon-free as possible.
And no blog that will include clips of a nude Claudette Colbert bathing in milk can be said to be “masters thesis-ish.” ?
How did you do dat?? I miss the strikeout button.
Banned Franklin
Gordon Gecko was right about one thing…
“That’s WASPS for you. Love animals. Hate people”
The code is {strike}text you want stricken through{/strike},
but replace { and } with ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’.
ETA: had to get rid of actual less and greater than signs; FYWP treated them as editing triggers (or whatever they’re actually called) and zapped them.
Just Some Fuckhead
Halp! I been banned!
Just Some Fuckhead
Shew. That was the darkest 21 minutes in my life.
John loves his bitches, that’s for sure.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I’ll be waiting with bated breath for the new blog, the coming attractions shoulda like a good idea.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I think that, since your status has been reduced from “Thought Leader”, your subscription to this blog was set to a lower level, and you have lost some of the privileges you had with your former status.
It’s a merciless racket.
@ satby: No edit on my Kindle? “Sounds like a good idea”
{strike}I seldom used the strike key but if I did I would strike this out.{/strike}
edit.. i’m such a failure
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@JPL: Replace the curly brackets with angled brackets. AKA less than and greater than.
<strike> and </strike>
Just Some Fuckhead
@sharl: I’m seeing ads on the site now. Eli Eli lama sabachthani?!
Now I can strike out my wordsThank you sister!
The Dangerman
Please tell me Michigan doesn’t have a Tight End named Butt.
ETA: Um, yup:
and a Fresh Man, too.
[del]this[/del] also works.
ETA, no, I guess it doesn’t.
{strike}1 {/strike} {strike}2 {/strike} {strike}3 {/strike}
>strike<1 >/strike< >strike<2 >/strike< >strike<3 >/strike<
<strike>1 </strike> <strike>2 </strike> <strike>3 </strike>
I am So out.
gogol's wife
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
The “coming attractions” is a good idea.
Maybe coordinate it with when things are going to be on TCM?
Davis X. Machina
@Litlebritdifrnt: Is she on prednisone or another steroid post-bite? ‘Roid rage is a mammal thing, not just an NFL/WWF thing
schrodinger's cat
Bow before the Cute
@sharl: Thanks, think I can figure it out. Computers are SO DAMN LITERAL. Like little children.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I’m expecting nekkid Myrna Loy too. Rawr.
iswas a test.sharl
@efgoldman: Ah, I always forget about that HTML tagging/attributes footnote. Thanks! (I’ll probably forget it again, though…)
@SiubhanDuinne: Yay me!
Here’s what it looks like from my seats when the Dawgs take the field. When Cole’s mom went there there was no closed in upper deck and you could sit on the rr tracks and watch the game!
I've always wanted to try some of these codes.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
The Gophers aren’t losing! The Gophers aren’t losing!
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Yes, that would definitely be helpful.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Mene mene tekel upharsin.
what does this one do?
@efgoldman: How many turnovers? I’ve lost count…
edit.. nbc sports has only three interceptions
Nice shot! What lens did you use?
I’m kind of scared, I was in Best Buy today, and the 6D they had on display just seemed to jump into my hands. I didn’t buy it, but a sexy beast it is…
@RareSanity: iPhone!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Jebediah: THANK YOU! I’m most grateful, as is the affiliate – and more importantly the folks it helps – for any contribution. Tax letter will go out in Monday email. Great thanks to all Balloon Juice folks who’ve joined Team Bella Q. Tuesday September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day – the theme is Stigma: A Major Barrier for Suicide Prevention. Working on eliminating stigma is what NAMI does every day, so consider this another bleg.
And again, thank you generous denizens of Balloon Juice. Yer awesome.
@Baud: This is how the world will end folks…
@Jebediah: Highland as in VA-HI?
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Can’t wait till Cole comes to his senses and makes you a FPer. You can do all kinds of wild ‘n crazy shit like ban everybody whose nym starts with the same letter as that day of the week……switch around nyms with comments so T&H turns into an Obot……might actually get fun around here.
@RareSanity: And here is a “panorama” shot of the half.
@efgoldman: Oh come now, it’s just plain lying to call them 2nd amendment absolutists. They don’t want black people to have guns.
Yeah. I was too scared to try anymore after that one.
@SIA: As in Everybody’s Pizza?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Just Some Fuckhead: You weren’t banned when you were a Thought Leader. Coincidence? Unlikely.
Everyone stop and take a moment to laugh and point at Julian Assange’s Wikileaks Party…
Clocking in at 1.5% of the vote in the Australian elections, and trailing such notable parties as the Australian Sex Party and Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@efgoldman: Shit. I realize a lot can change in thirty years, but l met more aging hippies in my years in Cookeville than I did neophyte wingnuts. One of my roommates was a native and knew all sorts of interesting people.
Who do people who like having sex in cars vote for?
Ticket splitters.
The Australian Motoring and Sex Enthusiasts Party?
Nice seats. Your position is analogous to mine for Louisville.
This is a wonderful piece from my expat friend who normally write of DOMA
Not bad…I guess when the images are kinda kept “web-sized” a DSLR is kinda overkill. But then again, a phone isn’t as fun. :-)
But wouldn’t you love a big poster print of that panorama to hang in your house?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Davis X. Machina: I saw that and wondered if they’d given her dex and the taper was making her not so nice. Great anti-inflammatories, the steroids, but hell on mood – and immune response – across the mammalian spectrum.
I hope Flossie recovers fully including her charm. FWIW our pathologically happy mutt Layla growls in her sleep during some dreams, and woke me up about 4AM this morning thumping her tail in a happy dream so loud I can’t imagine how Mr. Q slept through it.
Betty Cracker
My boxers crap bigger than that. But she does manage to occupy a lot of sofa for a little thing.
@Botsplainer: I sat in the horseshoe endzone for years and three years ago they asked a bunch of us to move to the front row of the upper. They are so much better but the leg room sucks and it is a bit scary because that wall is so low. Glad I’m sober.
the Conster
Rosie: Does this couch make my ass look fat?
Me: Yes.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Helliknow.
Keith G
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): That would be cool.
Remember, if you ever wish to visit John Cole, with his permission or not, he shoots pics with an iPhone and doesn’t strip the exif data. You have enough info to send a DROOONE after him.
WVU giving it away.
@raven: Yeah, that place smells like old beer. Go across the Street to George’s or down the street to Fontaine’s. Mmmm. Course I haven’t been over that way in a while, we’re in East Lake now.
Did I see you say you can’t watch football from the tracks anymore? Damn. I don’t remember a lot of good times from there.
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
@raven: Your photo of the stadium made me realize that’s where my niece was on the cheering squad last year. Darn, shoulda pointed her out to you then. She’s a junior now.
Well, I guess my Saturdays are fucked.
@RareSanity: I have a 6ft tuna, a three foot Redfish, two big ass pictures of the Manhattan Beach Pier and three rifles on the wall! Not sure where that would go. I have a big poster of David Williams catching TD pass to over Michigan take the Illini to the 84 Rose Bowl but it is in storage.
Did you see how they whupped Cincy today? I was comatose and then went to the Georgia game. The Cincy QB suffered as bad a leg injury as I have seen.
I know where the best seats in the house are at our stadium – first row, upper deck, 50 yard line.
You’d never have to stand up if you didn’t want to. That wall does look low, though.
Davis X. Machina
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Had a cat on pred for rodent ulcers — complete Jeckyll/Hyde thing. When the lip cleared up, she was back to baby-cat. Before then, something from a Jack Hannah-on-Carson bit.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Wow. New Mexico State must really suck because the Gophers are just pounding them. And the son of one of my father’s former graduate students is now Minnesota’s first string kicker.
@SIA: Oh no, they closed that in years ago. There are no grassy areas in the corners anymore either. It’s changed a great deal in the 29 years I’ve been here, My first office was in Memorial Hall and you could see in the stadium from there. No more. They may take the bridge down and make it a bowl.
The Dangerman
Well, I understand, since their own offensive players can’t catch the ball.
@La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes): Cool, so did she hang it up this year?
I saw the score on the scroll…that’s a big win for them. Cincinnati is no cream puff for sure.
I’m just happy Richt finally broke whatever spell Spurrier has been casting on him. I liked how aggressive and focused they were today.
What I hate is that they can’t ever seem to sustain play like that over a whole season.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Why don’t we all email John and ask him why there isn’t a FP’er who covers old movies with lots of sex, drugs and violence?
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think that Palin actually has this right: Let Allah sort it out.”
-Alan Grayson on Syria
The convergence of the Tea Party and emo progs is nearly complete.
@RareSanity: Well, I don’t know what last season was if not that?
@raven: Well, well. That’s kinda sad. Do you live around Normaltown? I lived a lot of places but the last was on Hill St. Great old neighborhoods in Athens.
Good point.
But they still didn’t finish the drill…they should have been playing for the national championship last year.
@SIA: Yep, we live right by the old Thrasher Grocery on Hiawassee. It is now White Tiger. Allen’s is gone but Normaltown is in a big revival what with the Medical College taking over the Navy School. There is the Normal Bar next to the old bakery and bars going in on both sides of the hardware store. We walk to Big City Bread every morning, it’s where the old salvation army was.
When were you here? I’ve been in Athens since 84 save a year when I live in the ATL when I was a Tech.
I’ll say what I said when Chomsky invoked Palin — if you do it, you deserve to be treated like the clown she is.
@RareSanity: Yep. But we had that conversation the other night. Today was so crucial to our hopes but goddamn they could have folded and didn’t. I did want to see Richt rub it in at the end but I knew he wouldn’t. Did you see Gurley run with his helmet torn off?
@Cacti: Every time a supposed Democrat gives Sarah Palin credibility God kicks a puppy.
What the fuck are they doing having Mooseburger with eminem?? Jesus.
Gurley is the real deal, probably the best back in the SEC. If he keeps playing like that, they’ll start bringing him up in the Heisman talk.
I’d love to Richt poke the Ole Ball Coach too, but he’s not gonna do it.
Cute puppeh is cute. I have two, much larger, sprawled on the floor in identical positions. Cute puppehs are cute.
@RareSanity: Marshall had a nice game too.
Cole must be dyin.
Sounds like we’ve found the leading candidates for this year’s Darwin Awards.
@MikeJ: Like Cole knows. He doesn’t read this stupid blog.
Lady Bug
I've always wanted to try some of these codes.
It dawns on me that they’ve gone and fixed the XHTML in this damn comment script! Yay!
int main (void);
printf ("Hellllloooooo, nurse!\n");
return 0;
:w hello_nurse.c
$ gcc -Wall hello_nurse.c -o hello_nurse
$ ./hello_nurse
Fuck you, bring me food, bitch!
The spirit of Tunch lives!
[‘Useful entities may be ⊂ of things I want. On the other hand, I may get A♠A♥A♣A♦!’]
That code won’t compile…incomplete #include statement.
Just sayin’.
@max: you didn’t include anything.
Betty Cracker
Well, the goddamn Rays are loosing too, so I gave up on sports for the night and started watching Sons of Anarchy. I’m on season three. They’re in Ireland.
@raven: What the hell was that? Eminem was a mess, when he first came on he was faking? being catatonic. Only reason I say faking is because of Herbstreit’s reaction. But seriously what a mess. He did pay Mussberger respect in the second segment and put him in the Eminem sportscaster HOF but I bet that’s the last time he’s ever in the booth.
They are – and I contend that so are these two.
@Betty Cracker: They haven’t won in a while. What was a Tampa Bay division lead just a couple of weeks ago is now a Sox runaway. What’s happened? Whither thou goest thy bats?
@raven: Ha! I think that was the salvation Army I used to shop at (shirts for a quarter easier than doing laundry), along with the Potter’s House. Can’t believe Allen’s is gone. Is Friend’s Bar still there, at that beautiful old hotel (The Georgian?)
I used to drink at the navy school (Army brat). Great town, I was there 77-81, then moved to Atlanta.
@Betty Cracker: Losing to the mighty, mighty M’s(my number 2 fave team), no? You’re only down 8 games from my number one team, but you’re three games up on the FY.
Beating the FY is the only thing that really matters.
*knock* *knock*
I’ve got a comment in the Stiglitz/Yellen thread that is stuck in moderation (4 linkies). Could someone unstick it please?
Betty Cracker
@MikeJ: FTY.
@Redshirt: They went out west and just tanked. It’s a mystery.
I move my dogs when they’re taking up a whole couch. They grump but move.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I’m getting set for an onslaught of hype from Gopher Sports Marketing after the football team is finished wrecking a second straight weak opponent.
The Mormons are taking Texas.
Just take the safety dummy come on!
@MikeJ: Cougs got close but didn’t score. Trojan offence looks flat so far. Gonna be a game of mistakes.
@efgoldman: On ESPN2
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Jebediah: Those puppehs are adorable.
@efgoldman: The Sox had excellent west coast trips this year. Plus, for some unknowable reason, the Sox had almost no rain outs this year, and thus they have a good amount of time off for the last month. TB, in contrast, gets one day off.
In the bad news, seems likely Ellsbury is done for the year, which is a major blow. Also, I trust no one in middle relief. Giving up 5 run leads regularly does not inspire confidence.
The Moar You Know
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’m thinking of a couple of possibilities:
1. Snakebites come in three different flavors, and usually are a combination of at least two: neurotoxic, hepatoxic, and just plain tissue-destroying. Your Flossie may well be in a substantial amount of pain. A lot of dogs, when in pain, get very hostile. The good news is that pain is treatable.
2. Medicines can fuck up your mind. Ever taken anti-malarials? I had to a couple of years ago and I got lucky. Just raging weird dreams all night long. A lot of people I know quit taking them while still in malarial zones because they get “wake up screaming” nightmares that never stop. Some people hallucinate. Snakebite meds are pretty potent stuff. Something similar could be going on here.
Probably time to Google the side effects of what Flossie’s been given, and then time for a chat with the vet.
I was always terrified my departed pooch would get bit – we live in rattlesnake country, I’ve found shed skins in our backyard, she always had that dog habit of leading with her nose when she smelled something unfamiliar – and she was deaf for the last year of her life. Thankfully that did not happen. I hope your pup recovers quickly.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@The Moar You Know: Thinking of you today. What a wonderful story about the thugs in training who have stopped by to check on you and MRs TMYK and brought their dogs.
It’s never easy – they leave such big paw prints on our hearts (and others’ too). It was a small comfort to me to know that many shared my grief when my dear Louise was put down before she got miserable – some teens who knew and played with her as tots were in tears. I was glad she brought joy to them. It’s gonna hurt for a while. Take good care.
Corner Stone
@raven: Beyond the loss, the worst thing about the whole deal for me was we had a power outage here.
I saw GA go for the 4th and 13 and get a FG and then that was it. My power went out and I have no idea what happened after. Except my Cocks couldn’t get it done, apparently.
Corner Stone
@Just Some Fuckhead: You should be banned. You have blood on your hands.
Corner Stone
@Cacti: God but he’s such a fucking dudebro, isn’t he, dudebro?
@srv: you didn’t include anything.
Well, that’s just ☭! On the other hand, the comment box doesn’t link to compiler anyways, although that would be pretty cool. (It is sad that there are no shell accounts anymore.)(For the most part.) Whatever, ☢ it!
[‘So no Bob. But a ♖. Hrmm.’]
Corner Stone
God but I hope so. I mean, I have no idea what I’d do with *one* wife, much less more than that. But I can only imagine they’d be companions for one another while I ignored them and watched sports every night til I passed out.
40-21 BYU>Texas with most of the 4th to go Mack Brown’s days at UT are done as they should have been long ago.
@Corner Stone:
When I was at the gas station, I overheard two guys talk about how much they want Janet Yellen as Fed chair.
It’s really a burning issue.
ETA: Gators blow, dudebro.
What had Texas done of note in the previous 30 years or so before Mack Brown came?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Definitely think it would be a good idea to let people know ahead of time, and Gogol’s Wife’s suggestion to sync with TCM is excellent. That’s an easy way for people to catch the pre-Code fever without running down possibly hard-to-find DVDs or streams.
And it would be a great resource on your blog to have a listing of sources for pre-Code movies (and related books, documentaries, etc.).
@Cacti: Not give up 533 yards on the ground for starters. First time ever for that number joker.
Weekends off.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I have in my possession a couple of shots of the legendary missing harem scene from Intolerance. my grandfather shot the photos. He worked on that movie but not the infamous Birth of a Nation.
@Cacti: Yup. I saw Grayson on Hayes (?) nite before last and I thought he was quite off putting. In fact, I didn’t like him at all. He does better when he comes from a place of humor.
@MikeJ: I had an argument with a black guy outside the grocery store who was pushing a petition to protect our gun rights. I told him he was the exact people who would have no gun rights if it were up to the right wing. He tried to laugh that off and said he was doing it for the children.
I actually commend him for his honesty. It’s not that he thinks there wasn’t a chemical weapons attack. It’s just that he doesn’t care.
@Cacti: Their hearts are in the right place. For now.
Lady Bug
You know, if they were going to Syria as “human shields” to guard hospitals and other civilian institutions, I might still think that they were still contenders for the Darwin awards and hypocrites who don’t care about the actual war in Syria, just trying to send a message against “imperialism.” But yeah, maybe I would contend that their hearts are in the right place. Considering that they are going to Syria as human shields to guard freakin military equipment, military equipment that has been used to kill people, than they don’t get any sympathy or consideration from me.
@RareSanity: I expect the angle brackets around stdio.h or stdlib.h or whatevs defeated his show of HTMLfu
@PIGL: In other words FYWP.
@gogol’s wife: Good idea!
@SiubhanDuinne: Cantcha read the writing on the wall?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I’m looking forward to your blog, and a Coming Attractions is a good idea. The older the movie, the better, I say!
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Very interested in your blog, and like gogol’s wife suggestion re TCM alerts.
Did anyone see “The Horrible Dr. Orloff” on TCM last night? Thin plot, but wonderful camerawork and atmosphere. 1962 B&W Spanish movie, dialogue in French with English subtitles.
Ben Franklin
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Thanks, everyone! I can’t guarantee that I’ll be organized enough to coordinate with TCM’s schedule, but I’ll do my best.