Sitting here with Walt, chilling late night. I have Steve and Lily on my lap, and Rosie is making a big run for slutty dog of the year as she loves all over Walt. We’re sitting here watching Boz Scaggs,
I love all the songs, but what I really want is back up singers like Henry the VIIIth or this two hot women for Scaggs. I also kinda want to crank this:
For some reason, I feel like there is a bit of synchronicity between this post and this one from Mistermix.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader?
Love Boz Scaggs.
I saw Elysium today (or technically yesterday) and what struck me as odd is the lack of orbital weapons systems orbiting Earth. The movie was better than I thought it would be, but I kept wondering where are the orbital weapons systems to collectively punish the proles for not staying in their place?
I think the 0.00001%, who lived on Elysium were too squishy about doing what needed to be done to maintain power in a grossly unequal society, where they are the law. They got what they deserved for being squishy.
Does getting “loved on” require cleanup afterwards?
@gene108: The movie was better than I thought it would be, but I kept wondering where are the orbital weapons systems to collectively punish the proles for not staying in their place?
Having only an orbital space station and nothing else (no moon base, nothing like that) is a fairly stupid idea, which you would think the vicious, amoral uber-capitalists would figure out. Somebody didn’t read The Marching Morons.
[‘On the other hand, allowing Citibank to rule the world is a stupid idea as well, so there’s that.’]
Amir Khalid
At the very least, the orbital space station (obviously copied from the one in 2001: A Space Odyssey) should have weapons platforms to deter unauthorised entry by space vehicles from Earth.
I didn’t like Elysium‘s miracle cures-everything scanner bed medical tech. Reminded me of The Host‘s equally stupid miracle cures-everything spray cologne medical tech. But The Host is from a Stephenie Meyer book, so it can claim that excuse for its many stupidities.
I also kinda want to crank this:
The Pogues – If I Should Fall From Grace With God (1988) – Medley
Amir Khalid
Who but Bruce Springsteen has the gravitas to pay a tribute like this, without coming off as a poseur?
Steve Anderson
Coincidently, the GF & I are seeing the aforementioned Boz Scaggs Saturday night out here in sunny SoCal, I’ll let you know how the show is.
@Amir Khalid: Paul?
Here’s a damn good music album that just came out:
Cheap to download too.
Boz, one of the coolest mofos this planet has ever seen.
And yes, I want those hot background singers, too. But not in a homosexual way.
Koda and I are sitting here watching the morning news and I just learned something new. Seems that the largest contingent of the Tuskeegee Airmen came from Western PA. They are honoring them at the Heinz History Center before the memorial to them is unveiled in Sewickley. I’m going to have to go and check that out at the History Center!
@geg6: You know about the Dukes of September?
Boz is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Rush is. Reason enough not to go there. Boz is the real deal.
@recurvata: Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys are!
No! But now I do!
Looks like the US and Russia have come to an agreement on Syria and chemical weapons, including a trigger for UN military action if Syria balks at the last minute. Is this the appropriate time to mock Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize?
Just saw that. Yeah, let’s make fun of those stupid warmongering monsters, Obama and Kerry!
I’m sorry that wasn’t snarky enough. Guess I don’t have much of an inner fire/teabagger.
@geg6: Putin could beat our wimpy President in arm wrestling. just sayin
@Sinnach: Day ending in Y? We’ve undoubtedly been lucky, although there will be disgreements as exectly where and in what. I’ll take it, however managed.
ETA: No doubt they’ll now argue that as he’s not a wartime president, it’s time to unlease the criticism — that and demand a peacetime bonus and reduction in taxes.
Walt’s surely a great guy, but I’m guessin he’s unwilling to receive yer spermatids. Get yerself a human w/ ladyparts.
Tamara’s what’ 4 dinner site has amazing photos of the flooding in CO. link Putin could have averted the rain…just sayin.
Flight to NY uneventful but exhausting. Internal clock still on Hawaii time.
Real piece o’ crapola movie on one leg of the trip – “After Earth.” Ended up half-listening to the audio while “resting my eyes.”
Maybe just lucked out (and after all the horror stories people had been prepping me with, guess so); took a grand total of 20 minutes from drop-off at curbside to check in and get boarding passes, go through security and walk to the gate. Would have been shorter, but the airline agents had to go dig up someone authorized to accept cash for checking one piece of luggage.
iphoto sucks. Three times I emailed photos to family members that have been requesting them for awhile when the iphoto email option suddenly was no longer highlighted and I’m stuck. There has to be another way to to do it but I’m really bad figuring out this stuff even with googling.
A few years ago I used to email videos from iphoto but iphoto screwed with that direct option too which makes my brother very happy that the video of his exuberant dance moves at a wedding reception hasn’t been seen by the entire family yet.
Any suggestions?
@bemused: If it is in iPhoto you can click on it to select it, go up into the menus and select File/Export. Click on Export, and it will ask you where. Put it where you want, like the desktop, with a name to recognize it by.
Then, in your email, click on Attachments (the paperclip) and go to your desktop, choose it, and it is now in the email to send.
Steeplejack (tablet)
I’m in a hotel in Boston. Flew up from D.C. yesterday, had excellent dinner at L’Osteria. Ferry to Provincetown at 1:00 for four days of seaside R&R.
Received “proof of life” photo of the housecat from bro’-in-law Jorge, who is attending her while I’m gone. She doesn’t look happy, but she’s lying on $100 sheets, so things can’t be too bad.
Time to rustle up some coffee and a nosh in this trendy boutique hotel.
Clearly it’s time to start speculating again about Obama’s dick.
@Baud: haha.. I doubt that he has to wear a codpiece to prove his manliness.
@Sinnach: not sure about the mocking, but he just proved again to me that he is way, way, way fucking smarter than me. Despite what people say now, he will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time.
@bemused: yeah, fuck Apple. I’m so over that company.
Jonathan Bernstein has a great article on Salon today about how the press has not served us well during this Syria thing. I think John Cole should read it since he made many of the same mistakes that he points out. A good quick read (that I can’t manage to link for some reason).
Jim Moran just said pretty much the same thing on Kornacki’s show.
About to go to the farmer’s market in Union Square and get my haul of fresh ingredients – making a shitload of Mexican food tomorrow for a dinner party. I really love the one in Union Square – they are out there, even in the winter.
Excellent. Thanks!
@bemused: I export them as jpg files and send from a diferent file on my desktop (like ‘pictures’ or something), which gives you a chance to name them in ways you’ll be able to organize/find later easily. Should you so choose.
ETA or, “Yeah, what WereBear said.”
Also, the imagine for the Lido Shuffle above reminds me: best movie this year, 20 Feet from Stardom. EXCELLENT music in that flick. Trailer:
John: look for the movie “20 Feet From Stardom” when it comes out on DVD, about some of the greatest back-up singers from the 60s/70s/80s. Darlene Love steals the show, longtime Stones singer Lisa Fischer steals your heart, Merry Clayton’s story of recording her famous vocal part for “Gimme Shelter” worth the price of admission alone.
In the meantime download the soundtrack and cue up Lisa’s “Sure On This Shining Light” (which is her voice multi-tracked).
@rosalind: YES!
Highly recommend this edition of this edition of Bob Edwards weekend. His guest was Andrew Bacevich, who wrote “Breech of Trust: How Americans Betrayed Their Soldiers and Their Country.” A former military officer, now a prof at Boston University, his contention is that citizen soldiers, drafted from every avenue of life (as many Harvard grads died in WWII as high school grads) win wars when it’s in America’s defense. The “volunteer” army is in perpetual war because Washington has to find use for them. Since it has little impact on the populace, so people go around spouting slogans like “we support the troops,” without any investment. I’m highly simplifying a nuanced discussion, but it was thought-provoking. So I listened early this morning instead of sleeping.
Keith P
Hehe…on my browser, the embed beneath this is a picture of Hillary Clinton (I have Flash disabled)
Quaker in a Basement
You like hot backup singers? Check out the DVD of Dave Matthews at Folsom Field in Colorado.