I feel like I have been dealing with an unending stream of unmitigated bullshit all god damned day long, and none of it has been work or personally related, but other obligations, so you know what kind of mood I am in. Not positive.
In other news, someone made me listen to Arctic Monkey tonight because I just had to hear it at least once. I did. It was called the Dead Milkmen, and they were better and doing just seriously crazy amounts of cocaine. I saw you, and it looked like you were sober. Piss off.
Just for the record: I didn’t do it.
If I didn’t feel like total dogshit I’d be getting a Marine drunk right now. And resisting the urge to tell his wife to piss off.
I clearly lead a very dull life. I’m just deciphering death and census records while forgetting to eat.
Time to send you some ALL CAPS EMAILS about which posters have been pissing me off recently, then.
Jewish Steel
I have been fucking agonizing over bidding an enormous contract. Kind of out of my depth and as a single proprietor no one to bounce figures off of. I’m only happy when I forget that I have to arrive at some figure somehow. The magic dollar amount that makes them wince but go ahead and reluctantly sign. Not the amount that makes their eyes go big and sign quickly.
Mary G
How much $ did we raise for the frat? I assume that’s part of what’s stressing you out. Do you need more?
I don’t understand the last paragraph at all. Your cranky pants are making you babble. Or else I’m just dense.
In better news, Brave Cat finally sat on Higgs Boson’s Mate’s lap yesterday and will go to him for petting and purr instead of growling at him. Fraidy Cat has progressed to being in the next room. Only took six weeks!
Jewish Steel
@Jewish Steel: Oh, and also not the amount that it is so high they snort in derision and elect to go with one of my shitheel competitors.
@Jewish Steel: I work for myself as well. Often times it isn’t nearly as “neat” as most folks think. I had a client today, and I worried my estimate would give him sticker shock, said the most amazing thing to me.
I like to think I am very good at my job, but often it seems somebody reads one blog post and they think they know more then myself. He went on to say his has a PhD in stats. Often paid a lot of money to give advice, then they don’t listen to him. He isn’t going to be a client like that.
It made my day, week, month, maybe year!
Jewish Steel
Wow. Nice. Does he need a janitor?
@Jewish Steel: In my per day billings, I found that I got more if I showed up in jeans, t-shirt and trainers instead of a suit. Of course programmers are a bit different from humans.
Villago Delenda Est
I think you mean “defer” Tommy. “Differ” is BAD…as in not following the advice of the Subject Matter Expert.
On a related note, Marco Rubio actually thinks that Obama is the one who wants the government shutdown? Stop waving your fucking hand around, Marco. You aren’t a Jedi, you’re the one with the weak mind.
The Dangerman
Speaking of Fleetwood Mac….
GHayduke (formerly fuck you trolls)
Started the day with”meh”
Got my ass kicked by lazy co-workers.
Watching lost now, and happy.
Haiku thread?
@Mary G: I’m with you Mary, last para, wah? Regarding the cats better late than never :)
Flying is really amazing, isn’t it? What a wonder! So many sciency things went through my mind on my trip to and from Townsville (a new flyer). One of them was: how in the hell you can have a modern government with only one female cabinet minister and no Minister for Science? http://larvatusprodeo.net/archives/2013/09/i-call-the-honourable-the-minister-for-anzac-biscuits-or-something/
Australia is in deepest doodoo to at least three years.
@MikeJ: That is my experience. I got tens of thousands of dollars of suits. But now I work for myself and I show up at a client location dressed in jeans and some strange t-shirt they seem to think I am more “hip” or something.
Jewish Steel
@MikeJ: I usually find a way to work in the fact that I am also a musician. To explain my appearance and ease the minds of the tame and timid office worker.
aw…..poor Cole!
Cuz it’s not like anyone else in the world HAS been dealing with bullshit related to their livelihood or personal relationships today, and doesn’t have an on-demand audience of sycophants ready to kiss their boo-boos at the slightest snap of their fingers.
Hi John – These Valerie June & Queens of the Stoneage videos might help:
@MikeJ: A friend from college who does design contracts does all her interactions online. So how she’s dressed isn’t important.
@Debbie(aussie): Did you catch today’s installment of WTF Tony Abbott? Apparently, reporters have identified the minister for women. That minister is ALSO the minister for indigenous affairs… his name? Tony fucking Abbott. Women’s minister. Fuck my life.
Jewish Steel
@Jewish Steel: Also eases their minds that I am not a unskilled junkie, just someone who values solitude/nurtures an abiding contempt for humanity.
RobertDSC-PowerMac G5 Dual
I just finished two vacation days off. All I did was pick up and play Grand Theft Auto 5. It’s really good, for the most part. I like open world third person shooter games, and I’d completed GTA 4 to 100%, so I was looking forward to 5.
The world of Los Santos is very big and the the folks at Rockstar took the time to insert many places into the fictional world that resemble real-life Los Angeles. It’s neat to drive through an area and recognize it from places I’ve been here in LA.
One example is the Compton Courthouse. It has been reproduced in GTA 5 down to the spire fountain in the front of the building. Very neat.
I’m at 45% complete. The pace is slow and I’m fine with that.
” feel like I have been dealing with an unending stream of unmitigated bullshit all god damned day long, and none of it has been work or personally related, but other obligations, so you know what kind of mood I am in. Not positive. ”
Cole’s been reading the comments again?
That’s my best guess.
If you’re trying to decide how much to charge a client, here’s an example of how to figure out exactly how much that amount should be:
Jewish Steel
@Yatsuno: Or indeed, if!
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Booker T and the MGs have been in my head all night. Time to share.
Melting Pot
@TheMightyTrowel: oh my fucking god! I wish I could hibernate for the next few years. I think my blood pressure meds will have to work o/t.
? Martin
@RobertDSC-PowerMac G5 Dual: I’m still getting over a $800M one-day haul. That’s unreal.
Death Panel Truck
I posted this in the last thread, but I’ll do it again. No one can be angry after they’ve seen this. It always makes me smile.
Comrade Mary
It’s OK, John. I like the Arctic Monkeys enough to make up for your shirking.
Shout out.
(Love the Milkmen, too, although I don’t hear much of a resemblance.)
Please tell me snap elections are easy. Please?
@TheMightyTrowel: Holy shitballs. And I thought Harper was a fucking piece of work. FH #1 must be hitting the ceiling over this.
Jewish Steel
@MorningtonCrescent: That is perfect. My wife would tell you I have been Louie De Palma all week.
Comrade Mary
@MorningtonCrescent: If you’re trying to figure out how to get PAID by a client: http://vimeo.com/22053820
Warning: language, lawyers, beards, and attitude. (Wait: not a warning — a PROMISE!)
James E. Powell
One of the greatest scenes from one of the greatest shows.
@Debbie(aussie): God I wish i HAD blood pressure meds. This is gonna be a long sucktastic 3 years, isn’t it?
@Yatsuno: It’s bad, right? It isn’t just my imagination and out-sized hatred of Abbott, this is a horrifically dumb move and a solid middle finger to women, right?
ETA: not to mention to indigenous australians. but that’s a whole other kettle of fish and it’s not clear to me that any of the parties really have good policy or solid representation where indigenous australians are concerned. I was shocked that all the ultra-right wing ‘australia for australians’ campaign signs never got defaced to say ‘white fellas go home’!
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Charles Wright and The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
Do Your Thing
Dead Milkmen? THESE Dead Milkmen?
You’re high.
@TheMightyTrowel: it certainly is!
You have residency? If so, for the time being at least,a visit to your GP and any required meds won’t bankrupt you.
@Yatsuno: Please tell me snap elections are easy. Please?
Well, they are, but one isn’t due for three years, right? Unless there was a vote of no confidence (and not necessarily even then). The Liberals + LNP have got themselves a solid majority.
[‘We’ll see if they can keep the economy rolling along or not.’]
@Debbie(aussie): I actually just got my medicare sorted today – I’m not a permanent resident yet – that’s on the cards for 2014 – but I qualify because i paid national insurance in the UK. Woo govt healthcare!
@RobertDSC-PowerMac G5 Dual:
I will be doing the same tomorrow, looking forward to checking out another great Rockstar game. I’ve loved every GTA, and Red Dead Redemption is my favorite game ever.
That is definitely not just you. He might as well just dissolve the offices of Women and Aboriginal Affairs since he’ll just do jack and squat with them now. Damn things are gonna get dark Down Under and fast.
@max: That’s what I was afeared of. Sigh.
I moved my phone over to iOS 7. Fuck. It’s even uglier in person. Truly awful. Thank goodness my iPad isn’t stuck with that shit. I had been considering getting a new iPad soon, but if I have to have that OS… maybe not. I wish I could move my phone back. The only saving grace is that I don’t use my phone all that much, really.
@BethanyAnne: My uni is threatening to move all staff to Windows 8 on their work computers. I may have to strike.
? Martin
@BethanyAnne: Give it some time. It will grow on you. Really.
@Yatsuno: That’s what I was afeared of. Sigh.
The one advantage is that the Senate is split with the Greens holding the balance. That may slow down the freight train a little, unless the Libs get their bills blocked by the Senate and the House decides on double dissolution (rare, and unlikely). That would force an election for both houses, but the Libs might well lose seats, so it seems unlikely unless they have massive support.
[‘Seems like Aussieland’s version of 2002.’]
@TheMightyTrowel: that’s good news.
@TheMightyTrowel: I work at a computer maker. No one in the building runs Win8 voluntarily. If you see it on a machine, it’s cause they have to.
@? Martin: hmmm. Maybe. Taking away the scrollbar end controls in the latest OS X hasn’t. That still annoys me 2 or 3 times a week. It was funny switching my phone to a solid black background and watching the OS break. The latest UI trends from apple seem actively contemptuous of users.
@BethanyAnne: pretty much. If they do that, I’m getting a bigger desk and hooking the monitor to my personal laptop, uni regs be damned.
@Comrade Mary:
Thanks for the links – watched them all, loved them all. They are a great band, even if John doesn’t get it.
And as for Alex Turner – if I was 20 years younger, I’d be beyond smitten. Cute, smart, romantic and shy … doesn’t get any better than that.
John, I looked up the Dead Milkmen. If you think that’s on a par with – or even on the same planet with – the Arctic Monkeys, you maybe need to start drinking again.
@snarkyspice: Their first album was genius, their second great. They’ve been pretty awful since. I’m actually ashamed for Britain that the single of their newest is the #1 song… “why do you only call me when you’re drunk”? seriously?
Better cover – possibly best cover ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTNC9l46oR4
Amir Khalid
How’s this for an example of breathtaking arrogance?
@Amir Khalid: Just the other day we were talking about a German woman that worked in a well known local eatery. She would cook “vegetarian” dishes with meat stock because “it was good for them”!!!
The annual immersion of Ganesh became popular in the early 20th century as part of the Indian independence movement. It provided a way to bridge the gap between castes, and it served as a pretext for gathering without the interference of British forces.
@TheMightyTrowel: Their first album was genius, their second great. They’ve been pretty awful since. I’m actually ashamed for Britain that the single of their newest is the #1 song… “why do you only call me when you’re drunk”? seriously?
Incorrect. Their song is titled “Why”d you only call me when you’re HIGH?”
And their album Humbug was produced by Josh Homme from QOTSA. It was awesome.
J R in WV
@Death Panel Truck:
Do ya think he was playing that, or finger-syncing to a real pianist? There were moments where his fingering looked like a big goof – but the sound went right on like he didn’t wave his finger around in the air.
But it was cheerful and funny! Those guys were reall pros! Thanks!
@Mary G: I want to know about the frat too…I can always open my pockets a little more for a pet pic or three.
And great news re the kitties….HBM is set for life now with a little heating pad to regularly settle on his lap!
Ted & Hellen
To a very significant degree, we all choose what we allow to stress us out.
You, Cole, are over-obligated.
By design, one suspects. All the better to avoid your own issues.
There are other qualified people in the world who can cover things for a while. Go get well.