One more thing Repubs can’t count — characters:
Question to @gov: how come @BarackObama 's last tweet was more than 140 characters? Does he play by different rules???
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 24, 2013
I believe Twitter totally lets @BarackObama DM you even if you aren't following him. #Dictatorship @pareene @gov @AriFleischer
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) September 24, 2013
More like: D'oh! RT @JasonLeopold: Ah doy. "@AriFleischer: @gov I retract my tweet. When I copy and pasted, it included the @BarackObama."
— billmon (@billmon1) September 25, 2013
Truly, the GOP is obsessed with the fear that somebody, somewhere, might be getting an unfair advantage over them. But then when you’re as dumb as Ari “Watch what you do, watch what you say” Fleischer, how hard could that be?
Higgs Boson's Mate
Ari’s just relieved that Doug Feith took the title of “dumbest fucking guy on the planet” from him.
Michael G
Given the choice between “Twitter revamped their entire architecture to enable the president to tweet an extra 9 letters” and “Maybe I miscounted and should get a second opinion”, obviously the first choice is more reasonable.
Doesn’t matter that even Ari now acknowledges his stupidity. It will be considered a fact among Republicans that twitter gives Dems extra chars.
This missing 4 characters are to east, south, west, and somewhere to the north of Tikrit.
My favorite response.
Has anybody here been watching Cold Justice on TNT? Normally a show I’d hate, but my gosh it is staggering.
Kind of a reality TV show I guess. One lady a prosecutor. Another lady a crime scene person. They look at cold murder cases in small towns and try to solve them. Often decades old.
In the first three shows I think they got a confession on two and an indictment on the third. Staggering to be honest.
Just started the fourth show now.
Higgs Boson's Mate
No way! Everybody knows that Saddam sent the missing four characters to Syria. That’s why it’s imperative to bomb there.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@MikeJ: The Twitters and the Dems got to him, and forced him to recant, or something. #booyah #nlcs
I hope he gets mocked mercifully for this stupid shit. So much projection, priviledge and persecution in 140 characters.
My palm couldn’t even make it to my face.
FUCKING PROJECTION. Again and again and again. Rethug projection. SO fucking predictable.
More predictive power than gravity.
More predictive power than evolution.
More preditive power than physics or mathematics.
It’s totally perfect in its perfection.
EVERY time the Rethugs accuse someone of trying to get some unfair advantage…. it’s because the Rethugs have an unfair advantage. In this case, the Rethugs literally OWN the media (corporations, and not just Rupert Murdoch), use that unfair advantage to the maximum, and live in terror, sprouting the most insane conspiracy theory nightmares of some unfair advantage leaping up from underneath their bed to strangle them in their sleep.
It’s as if guilt turned itself, recoiled in horror, and instead struck OUTSIDE at any target outside the self, just to not have to face the guilt.
A whole political party full of people born on 3rd base who thought they hit a triple…. but knew deep down they didn’t and were torn apart, not by guilt, but by TERROR, of losing that unfair advantage that they know also deep down inside they have no right to have.
THAT is Rethug Projection.
It’s everywhere, and it binds them together.
Also, c.f. my persistent theory that white terror of black people is due to guilt: a terror that black people might someday take revenge and turn the tables.
James E. Powell
Just watched Bill Clinton and Al Gore on Charlie Rose. Talking climate change. Bottom line – we are screwed but that’s no reason to do nothing. There are signs the Chinese are at least talking about taking action.
Also, anyone else notice how much Ted Cruz physically resembles Joe McCarthy?,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_154,w_300/pxkhjknnqi5y5rqqfsye.jpg
@James E. Powell: I have NO faith. Over a year ago I recall I often called myself a hippie liberal, but felt, well maybe I didn’t live that way. I didn’t drive a car for a year, even though I love my V8 German sedan. Tried to go to zero trash. Use as little energy as possible. Collect rain water for my yard. On and on ….
Honestly it was all easier to do then I thought, but everybody I know thought I was/am fucking crazy.
Amir Khalid
I’m amazed, somewhat, that an employee of the George Walker Bush White House could fumble even something as simple as counting the characters in a tweet.
@Amir Khalid: It is kind of funny and/or sad. I do some social media for my clients. You know in MS Word there is a character count function. Takes like a second to do. Makes me think it is clear why they couldn’t win a war cause they were so stupid they can’t figure out how to count characters.
Finally for tonight: the continuing trainwreck that hopefully will end in some lessons learned:
Now in this interview, she reminds me less of Britney or Lindsay and more of John Mayer: bright, privileged, and very immature and naive and arrogant as fuck. Pro tip: think about what you say before you say it to a reporter for Rolling Stone.
Oh, and if you have a man that even the President of the United States acknowleges is a jackass for a career coach, expect to look like a jackass. Often.
Villago Delenda Est
@Amir Khalid:
The masters of utter incompetence.
Just went to CNN, all the articles on the shutdown on the main page are ‘both sides.’ The worst one started off by just saying that the gov will be shut down if ‘republicans and Democrats don’t stop bickering.’ Ugh. Gross.
Shall we take bets as to if and when it shows up on our trusty newsmax headlines? Although newsmax seems obsessed with foods that cure Alzheimer’s and heart disease and social security tax mistakes so the demographic could be off for twitter.
@fuckwit: I followed your link and I hate to admit it, I almost find her sexy. I don’t find her sexy cause she is young enough to be my kid.
But I am sick of the freak outs. Not that long ago I am sure somebody was freaking out about this or that. I know they did with Madonna. And with I don’t know the Beatles and Elvis and everything inbetween.
Counting characters is tough, and not something many Rs need to do often. Don’t need to worry about going over the max. Have no character to begin with.
Also too. Abject Counting Coup FAIL.
@agorabum: My MA is in Public Relations/Political Communications. But through the Journalism School. Had to take a few undergrad classes in Journalism. My teacher in those classes, and this is 1991, was a former Washington Post political reporter. Covered campaigns back to like Nixon. I mean with the candidates on the bus each day.
He always said to cover both sides of a story. But if one side is lying you don’t give it equal weight. I mean you fact check. You just don’t write what they tell you and assume it is fact. This is Journalism 101. Not rocket science. I am stunned that folks don’t seem to get this. Folks that make a lot of money.
Anne Laurie
@fuckwit: Thanks for that! — I read the whole RS interview , and frankly, the kid comes off as a lot smarter than half the much older, better-read people having fainting fits about her behavior. I look forward to seeing whats she’s doing at 25, and at 40…
It’s shouldn’t surprise you that people who make a lot of money wouldn’t understand concepts that if applied would prevent them from making that money.
Bill E Pilgrim
The GOP contains more characters than anyone, don’t let them kid you.
Keith P
Damn, Ari Fleischer was whining that Obama might get more than 140 characters? Is he 12 years old or something? And who the fuck counts Twitter characters to make sure of this, anyway? Oh, yeah, Ari Fleischer. Moran.
Does the party of no, pay someone to count twitter characters?
The purpose for Ari Fleischer’s tweet was to distract people from the content of Obama’s message. Don’t get distracted by the dumb tweet.
A feel that the president of the United States could probably go over the 140 character limit, if he desires to. He has earned that right.
Nail. Head.
@fuckwit: I think her association with Kanye is a bit of a concern but she sounds smart and I totally impressed with what she had to say about race. She’s more righ than wrong.
@Tommy: I agree about the freakout. I am sick of all the overeaction to Miley Cyrus’ weird act, specially Mika Brzezinski’s holier-than-thou moralizing, considering the battered woman role she plays daily. Not to mention she posed for this picture. without any shame.
Bobby Thomson
@Anne Laurie: None of the people having fainting spells over Miley come across as mature or well-read. They do come across as sexist, though.
Naw, son. Not revenge, just the wimmens. ‘Cept fer Billy Ray’s kid. Her, y’all kin keep. Even the pipe-hittin’ Knee-grows say “ewwwwww”
Just one more self-gotcha. If these guys want to start succeeding, they need to get rid of themselves.
I was thinking about it yesterday.
Tone in DC
Big time LULz.
I for one was outraged when she assaulted that helpless 35 year old man’s crotch with her butt.
Fort Geek
@JPL: They probably offshored that job, too. There’s a Twitter Counting Call Center in Bangladesh. Ari probably got “Ted,” who has trouble counting in English. I try to be amused
That’s a good description of unstable high self-esteem. People like that can’t stand to be disrespected or otherwise questioned, and they lash out.
The Moar You Know
@fuckwit: This has always been so self-evident to me that I’m floored when people deny it.
Karen in GA
I’m late to this particular party, but yes. This.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: I’m not amazed, although if I had to pick which screwup from that team would fuck it up, Ari would have been down the list a bit.
Paul in KY
@nineone: I’ll take her.
El Cid
It’s ’cause Twitter is run by ACORN.
There’s only one person who can truly answer Fleischer’s question with integrity, forthright honesty, and technical expertise: Edward Snowden.
@MikeJ: Obamaphones let you tweet without counting the hashtags against your 140 characters!