(Tom Toles via GoComics.com)
Jon Chait, NYMag:
… Most of us expected, at some level, that the election would cool the right’s apocalyptic fervor. Instead, the opposite has occurred. Paul Ryan candidly explained the calculation: “The reason this debt limit fight is different is, we don’t have an election around the corner where we feel we are going to win and fix it ourselves. We are stuck with this government another three years.” This is a remarkable confession. Republicans need to compel Obama to accept their agenda, not in spite of the fact that the voters rejected it at the polls but precisely for that reason.
The exhaustion of electoral channels against Obama has spurred the party to seize power through non-electoral channels. Their opening demand that Obama sign Mitt Romney’s entire economic plan into law in return for avoiding a debt default, while historically bizarre, followed perfectly from their legislative strategy this year…
Their aversion to compromise has been accepted as settled fact in Washington, reimagined not only as a new normal but as the way it’s always been. Republican Dana Rohrabacher defended the use of debt-ceiling threats to pry concessions from Obama like so: “People have to recognize there’s never any compromise until the stakes are high. In our society, that’s the nature of democratic government.” That is completely false. American political parties have forged compromises for decades without high-stakes threats to bring them to the table. Not to mention the fact that, by “compromise,” Rohrabacher means unilateral concessions by the president…
The hostage dynamic of the debt-ceiling fight has created a dangerous, historically unusual set of circumstances. One aspect of it is to set up a precarious, high-stakes negotiation, the failure of which could set off large, immediate, and irreversible damage. The second is to reset the balance of power between the president and Congress, allowing the latter to compel the former to submit to its agenda without concessions. Both these changes would permanently and dangerously alter the character of American government….
That being said, what’s on the agenda for the start of the weekend?
Bill O’Reilly writes a book on Jesus.
@Botsplainer: So that whole “Give unto Caesar what is Caeser’s” line… Was that part of the liberal bible?
Render unto Obama the things that are Obama’s.
I, personally, am OK if a few dozen Republicans want to be crucified over that.
@Botsplainer: This must be a different Jesus than the one who said “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”.
They say that if you play the audio of O’Reilly’s book backwards, you will hear the actual Gospels in their entirety.
I heard that Ted Cruz somehow messed up something about “Green Eggs and Ham”. I was too busy to follow the whole talkathon and haven’t had time to follow up. Can someone tell me what happened? Did it just read it wrong? Or did he misinterpret something?
Once again, Teabaggers + Seuss = The Bushbelly Sneetches!
Mike Luckovich needs to add a few more names to his cartoon today.. link
@Violet: He appears to have missed the meaning of the story which is once tried, green eggs and ham is pretty good. Don’t knock it until you try it.
@JPL: Seriously? He missed that? What an idiot.
Chait points out that House Republicans are now demanding an agenda that was rejected by Republicans in the 2012 primaries:
I think we have officially crossed the event horizon. No predictions from me about what happens next.
I think it’s safe to call the GOP the 21st century Confederate party without fear of being hyperbolic.
Last time a faction of government was willing to wreck the country because they didn’t get their way in an election?
Is this is not treason? Cavuto wants to know, and it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
They are deliberately attempting to undermine the legitimately-elected government of the United States of America, by anti-democratic means, and by force, if not by violence. So I don’t know if Treason is a stretch, or totally a legit description of what the are doing. At very least, seems to me they are in violaion of their oaths.
Obama’s said he’s not going to make concessions over the debt ceiling.
Apparently Faux News are going brain-melt.
@Cacti: Frightening but absolutely true. And, I suspect, for a lot of the same reasons too. BLACKITY BLACKITY BLACK!!!
I was listening to Tell Me More on NPR on the way to work today, and there is a Friday section called the Barbershop, which is a round table discussion with several guys. It’s the typical mix of conservatives, liberals, gay,.straight etc. Today’s guest was Michael Steele, so I had to force myself to not switch the channel, but at one point Steele pointed out how, wait for it, both sides look bad in this debate. The funny thing to me was the host who just drolls out “wow, what a surprise.” It almost sounded like one of those comments you think and just say out loud before you can help yourself.
What killed me about this discussion was that the round table basically said Ted Cruz was going with what his constituents wanted, and Obama should have sold the Healthcare law much better. No discussion on how Ted Cruz is a verbal bomb throwing liar or the rampant racism and hysteria behind the rise of such a person, just oh well, he’s just going with what the voters want. Oh that Liberal NPR.
Davis X. Machina
Tom Harkin thinks so.
@Hal: NPR is funded by corporations and the 1%. It can go fuck itself as far as I’m concerned.
@Violet: Why else would he read it at a filibuster for a bill that has not gone into effect?
And then there are the rest of us who are not taking hallucinogenic drugs.
Frightening but absolutely true. And, I suspect, for a lot of the same reasons too. BLACKITY BLACKITY BLACK!!!
And they’re pretty much from the same group of states that tried to wreck it the first time around.
Ash Can
Stocking up on Bertolli (and, if they’re available, Garofalo and San Remo) brand pasta, that’s what. And you all will want to do the same thing, after clicking on the link and scrolling down to the newest ads from those three companies, especially the Bertolli ad. PS: Bertolli makes good and reasonably priced olive oil as well. (Tip o’ the chapeau to commenter darthstar at LGF)
I like what slate said about Cruz’ reading and the law as a whole, which I 1000% agree with.
Conservatives are petrified the law as a whole will work, and that will completely negate the gubmint is all bad mantra they’ve been running on for decades.
wonder what the Dem Ultimatum list would be…..
Fully funded CCPA (Consumer Credit Protection Agency sic) until 2025
Expansion of SEC to authorize more auditors and prosecutors
Approval of all remaining Obama appointments that have already passed thru their individual subcommittees
tax rate of 50% for all income past the 2M threshold
End of corporate tax subsidies for Energy and Agribusiness Conglomerates
Reduction of Student Loans to a standard 3% for undergraduate and 5% for advanced degrees
National gun registry and stardardized clip/ammo laws to no more than ten per clip, strengthened checklists and cross reference to violent crimes and mental health issues
Restored government funding for planned parenthood
standardized science curriculum that recognizes climate change and evolution as fact.
Restoration of SNAP to 2012 levels
Restore sequestered cuts
Resignation of SC Justices, Alito, Scalia and Thomas.
If you’re gonna play hardball and give up something, you best get something in return
Supply-Side Jesus has gone from farce to reality.
So, business as usual I take it?
His people also tend to miss some key points in the New Testament, the Constitution, and The Wealth Of Nations. So, you know, par for the course.
Sup guys.
So I was on FB yesterday right before going into the bowling alley for my league and I just happened to read this post from my friend He has linked to a comment from some dude about his insurance company cancelling his policy and about his premiums going up. So I just half-read the comment, but once it called POTUS “our fearless leader” and then read the comments in response to it, which were all the same anti-Obama “fearless leader” crap, I told my friend that he needs to start paying attention to the comments on post like that one he posted as a heads up to the fact that maybe the post is not legit and is just another way opponents of the system to muddy the waters on the ACA so that people will be more likely to not trust the system and therefore be more likely to not be able to see the benefits.
More of his friends posted more comments, basically selfish ass, “I got mine” type of bull, so I gave up on them and decided to post the following to my FB page along with the pic.
Excusssse Me!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Obs, Jesus was a proto-Randian
@Violet: It takes a certain special …something for an adult to read a Dr. Seuss book and get the point completely backwards.
… Right…
… people expected the messiah to be a political leader, a king, and were surprised when he turned out to be preaching a much simpler message than politics. “Love your god, and love one another.” And that he simply went around helping people instead of starting a revolution.
SO… is Bill O’Reilly saying we should worship the Jesus who was expected rather than the Jesus we actually got? Actually, that kind of seems like their theology in a nutshell.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@fuckwit: They are attempting a coup against a duly elected, sitting President. It’s that simple. President Obama is being forced to choose between 2 conflicting duties: his 14th amendment duty to see that government bills are paid, and his statutory duty to request permission from Congress to raise funds. I think he is telegraphing as clearly as he can that he will choose his constitutional duty over his statutory duty. Let the Supreme Court decide. I can’t wait to see how Scalia, Thomas and Alito contort themselves to express their hatred on that one…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: I gather Randians have convinced themselves that Les Miserables is an objectivist tome because at one point Jean Valjean owns a factory. Job creator!
The party that brought you the war of choice is about to unveil their next act — the economic calamity of choice.
Supply Side Jesus! Maybe O’Reilly can market a bobble head.
And we wouldn’t want them any other way, I’m sure.
Amir Khalid
I know Slate isn’t highly regarded around these parts. I still read it only for Emily Lithwick and Emily Bazelon, whose analyses of American legal and constitutional issues are the best thing about the place.
Alas, Slate has just redesigned its front page. It’s a complete mess now, and I can’t find anything.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Well, my new oncologist has the power to get labs read same-day, and they were clear. At the same hour, the review copies of the bookstore/library edition of my new book arrived at my office.
So I’m pretty sure drinking is going to be involved in my plans.
Reposted from below: Judge legalizes same-sex marriage in New Jersey; Christie vows
kanlyto appeal.Kay (not the front-pager)
@piratedan: This.
I was idly wondering what a Democratic counter offer might look like. I think you got it exactly right.
God doesn’t love me this much.
Oh please please please let Ted Cruz be the Republican standard bearer in 2016.
It’s what I expected anyway. My man Ted doesn’t give a fiddler’s fuck about being a senator, and he cares even less about policy and legislation. He figures that if Obama could run after one term as a senator and win, why can’t he?
To which the response is, of course: because Obama a) had and has a gift for rhetoric that goes beyond preaching to the party faithful, and b) wasn’t an obvious roaring, flaming asshole.
Note: there is no irritability like the irritability of a cat who couldn’t eat after 9 last night because of getting anesthetized for teeth cleaning today and who isn’t permitted to eat until tomorrow because of that anesthesia. Zoey the Menace is pissed.
Yay, you! Double yay!
Enjoying my new car and thinking of fun places to drive this weekend. Unfortunately, this being Southern California, “drive” usually means “sit in traffic behind a 2-ton truck.”
Also kind of amazed by all of the bells and whistles in new cars (mine was a 1998). It has a USB port! And Bluetooth! And more than two airbags! And a built-in alarm!
@Kay (not the front-pager):
It really is that simple.
@Amir Khalid: I agree that the Slate redesign is a hot mess. Are they trying to win some contest on many different fonts can you use on a single site? Confusing, confused, slow to load. Bah and ugh.
@Davis X. Machina: Sadly, Tom Harkin is retiring next year. My rep, Bruce Braley, will make a good congressman, but Harkin is just great.
Also, in blogwhoring news, I should have a post up about Love Me Tonight sometime this weekend. I have to babysit my niece and nephew tomorrow, though, so it may be more like Sunday than Saturday.
@PhoenixRising: That sounds bad. Care to share?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep, the GOP have surpassed Iran in the crazy, “Death to America” department and are now vying with North Korea for the title of World’s Most Insane Political Entity.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@IowaOldLady: I agree, Harkin is a loss for the country, but I have a hard time second-guessing an eighty year old who wants to retire.
@MattF: and a pop up ad to tell you that they’ve redesigned the site! Brilliant! Slate publishes a lot of crap, but they have some good stuff too. As his ilk goes, Dickerson is pretty good, and Dave Weigel to me is like Josh Barro, if you take a grain of sald for his glibertarian proclivities when you start reading, he’s not bad.
Suffern ACE
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: what he meant was “give the appearance if doing that for tax purposes by using fake tax exempt organizations that pay your relations huge salaries and hide the rest in Swiss Bank accounts”.
IIRC, it’s good because it means the cancer has not recurred. And the book will be on sale soon. So I’m pretty sure it’s celebratory drinking tonight.
Ash Can
@PhoenixRising: Hooray for good news!
@Mnemosyne: Are you anywhere near Mulholland Drive, the Pacific Coast Highway, or Palos Verdes Drive? Those were three of our favorite Southern CA drives when the boyz and I were in CA last month.
@JPL: I don’t know. I thought he was reading it to his kids as a bedtime story to something. I’ve been so busy, I’ve only caught bits and pieces of the news.
It will and it will.
And then it will ruin them.
Anybody know what happened to “Dance Around in your Bones”?
She has not been around for a long time, at least on threads I read.
@Ash Can:
We may be leaning towards PCH. I’m not quite confident enough yet for Mulholland and I really don’t want to be one of those ironic “woman accidentally drives brand new car off cliff” stories.
Suffern ACE
@Chris: and conveniently, the one they pretend to have a personal relationship with is the best friend who tells them that their anti tax theology is just swell.
Well, I’ve got a date with a .38 cause the wing nuts are…. well… wingnuts. And I am tired. And I don’t see how this ends well.
Fuck the GOP. Seriously, I feel like they’ve gotten even crazier in the past few weeks.
Can we even figure out what peak wingnut means anymore?
Davis X. Machina
Last post on 3 September, as per Google….
Amir Khalid
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Unlike the Republicans, the Iranians really do mean to negotiate, rather than to demand that Obama concede everything up front. It’s not that they don’t understand this, the Republican party; it’s just that, being hostage to an unreasoning party base, they have no leeway themselves to make any concessions. So they must count on Obama being stupid or spineless enough to give away a winning position.
@dmsilev: He didn’t read all the way to the end.
@Mnemosyne: Enjoy!
I got a bare-bones Focus three years ago, and the science fiction dashboard blew me away.
@OzarkHillbilly: And I do not want to watch my sons deal with the aftermath of Armageddon. That is it in a black walnut’s shell.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Alex Pareene meets Maria Bariromo, in re Jamie Dimon.
The CEO-worship and condescension to Pareene is unbelievable
“It would serve us right if someone as obviously brilliant as Jamie Dimon left the greatest bank in the world”
FoxNews can’t be much worse than this.
ETA: they ask Pareene if he has any evidence of corruption at JPMC, and he points to a report of nepotism and hiring children of govt officials was in the NYT
Bartiromo, with sarcasm: “Oh! The New York TImes!”
@Elizabelle: Best I can tell, her last comment was September 3rd. Hope “dance around in your bones” is doing okay.
Ash Can
@OzarkHillbilly: Um…you’re scaring us, OH…
schrodinger's cat
Your Friday dose of cute
I still feel a little weird about it because I was able to afford a new car thanks to some of the life insurance money I got after my dad passed. On the other hand, it’s not like I ran out and bought a Mercedes. I got a nice, safe, sensible Subaru that I’ll probably drive for another 15 years.
schrodinger's cat
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Who listens to Money Honey with fish lips anyway?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodinger’s cat: No idea. A quick google search tells me CNBC’s ratings are at a twenty year low. I haven’t watched them since the tech bubble burst, but I see around the internets that she’s a hard core GOOPer. She and her fellow travellers are one of the reasons (after Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams) that I chuckle whenever I see wingnuts whine about MSNBC, who give Gingrichite Scarborough three times the airtime they give kindly Doc Maddow or the mild mannered Mr Hayes.
@PhoenixRising: MANY YAYS!
I’m striving to focus on the volunteer project I was volunteered for. But I’m tired, I’m stress as heck, I have an article coming due and not enough to cover all the bills. I want to curl up with books, kittens, bad tv and warm coffee.
Thanks, everybody.
In addition to these blessings, my kid got her new hearing aids fitted and talked to me on the phone for almost 10 minutes. For the first time in her life. She’s almost 14.
Also while I was getting blood pulled, Lambda apparently bagged NJ. 14 states down. It’s hard to recall that when I was sitting in meetings to organize a DP registry (closed this week, as even the liberal Berkeley, CA no longer needs one) marriage was impossible, now that it’s inevitable.
@IowaOldLady: Nope. All those things are good. Needing care transferred to new oncologist=treatment outlasted old doc’s career. The cancer I got isn’t cured after 5 years, it’s the kind that’s now treatable indefinitely. Never been a better time to have it!
And of course: if you ain’t seen my book yet…linky in my pseudonym.
gogol's wife
Oh good. I love “Isn’t It Romantic?”
I was wondering about her also.
@Mnemosyne: Hey, a good dad is thrilled that you have a safe car with air bags. Right?
@mdblanche: Let the dominoes fall, one by one. Can’t wait to watch the next relay when single payer takes root in Vermont.
@PhoenixRising: Congratulations on your good news!
What a way to negotiate, Obama has nothing to lose anymore, and they aren’t giving him anything even close to what he would have to give up.
He’s probably laughing at the ransom note right now.
Wellll, actually he’s right, at least according to the little smidgeons of history that can be extracted from the overwhelmingly tendentious and legend-filled Gospels, and from Josephus’ accounts of the period. That said, I haven’t read the book, and probably wouldn’t find much else there to laud. Most Christians and even atheists are totally ignorant of the well-known contentions of biblical scholars/critics accumulated over the last 200 years. Makes for fascinating reading. Try Carmichael’s Unriddling of Christian Origins, or Bart Ehrman’s Jesus Interrupted for good overviews.
@PsiFighter37: Peak wingnut is a lie. Always has been, always will be.
Still driving my safe, sensible Subaru 15 years later! I love it. It isn’t as pretty as it once was but it still goes everywhere in all road conditions!
Love Isn’t it Romantic!
I think at some point you have to liveblog a movie so we can all watch together.
Thank you, Violet.
Dance around in your Bones: Come back!!
And Valdivia too!
You iz both missed.
I think PBO is having a martini while he laughs at the ransom note.
Michele is having a glass of wine.
All is right in the White House.
Happy, happy, happy to hear all your good news.
Ok, BJers I am running off to a concert and I’m going to let my hair down for a few hours because I have to work all weekend.
@Elizabelle: Valdivia was here five days ago.
Ok, I’m really leaving now!
That is beyond wonderful.
I hope there are only good things for PhoenixKid to hear.
And very glad about New Jersey news today, too.
Would Chris Christie really appeal this? Is it in his longterm best interest? I think not.
Villago Delenda Est
My recommendation to President Obama is to unleash SEAL Team 6 on these terrorists, with very liberal rules of engagement.
That’s what G keeps saying, and he’s probably right. I would have caught a lot of crap if I’d bought a hybrid, though, since my dad was a daily Rush listener. :-p
Interesting idea! It would definitely need to be on a weekend or holiday since we all have jobs. I’ll add it to my ideas list.
@gogol’s wife:
I had to Google the lyrics because I have trouble with French accents sometimes. Luckily, LorenzHart.org had the original lyrics. I don’t remember Ella singing the line about her future spouse scrubbing her back in the shower, but maybe I wasn’t paying attention!
@Mnemosyne: PCH definitely. I’ll go that way intentionall from LA to San Diego if I can. It’s such a fantastic drive. It ends just 80 miles west of me you know. Just watch for the sparkly people.
You stuck a song in my brain. Also. Too. One of those rare ones where I like both versions. But Kenny has Grace, so therefore winning.
Well, one time in my much-missed Celica I started heading home after a movie and ended up at Hearst Castle, so who knows? ;-) Though I suppose these days I have a spouse who would start to worry if I called from the road and said I was 300 miles away.
@Elizabelle: Appropriate. I’ve seen drunks make more sensible demands and more equitable ones as well. It’s a product of at least one drunken, desperate Boner trying to cobble together his own caucus.
Which is what you should do before presenting your demands.
Which is another reason Obama is laughing. He knows they are not capable of a real negotiation because they can’t agree on what they want and are trying to also get him to capitulate. Since when has that really happened, and why should it happen now?
I think we have gone past the point of no return in being a world class country. Dick Gregory thinks it would be an acceptable compromise to pass a clean CR to keep the government open and then fight to the death on the debt limit. Does he really understand what the heck is talking about (that is a rhetorical question folks).
Tweetie was letting a GOP critter lie like a rug and never called him on it. According the GOPER Obamacare was jammed down the throats of Congress with no hearings and no chance to debate the bill. This is a standard GOP talking point and it depends on the media not discussing the history of the health care debate in the 2008 primaries and general election, the 10 or more months that it was the lead story on cable, the gang of 6 or 8 or whatever the number was and the Romney pledge in the 2012 election to repeal the act. Barack, Nancy and Harry just snuck the bill past Congress and the American people in the dead of night.
Our vet now offers anesthesia-free teeth cleaning — you should ask and see if yours does. Two of our cats are good candidates for it, but the third isn’t given that one of her many nicknames is “Miss Bitey.”
Suffern ACE
@CarolDuhart2: nope. They basically want him to give them Romney’s platform and cede regulation authority making to a Congress that can’t even pass one bill so that in two weeks they can demand he privatize Medicare. All so that next September they can demand more? And as they demonstrated before, even if he agreed, Cantor would show up, preen for the cameras and insult him.
I think the government shutdown will last until November 5. I wish my government worker friends well.
@piratedan: I’d add the remand to the Intl Court of Criminal Justice in the Hague of the leading architects of the fraudulent invasion of Iraq.
gogol's wife
No, Maurice sings a lot of lyrics that nobody else does.
I got the original sheet music on eBay, so I have his face leering out at me from the piano.
@piratedan: I’m late to the party, but you are so right! May I buy you a drink?
Raven OnTheHill
To put it the health care discussion in perspective, I asked a checker at my local super-mini-market what his health care plans were. He didn’t even know if he had insurance through his employer! Ah, youth.
On the other hand, the IPCC released “The Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report,” which “provides a comprehensive assessment of the physical science basis of climate change in 14 chapters, supported by a number of annexes and supplementary material.” A nice summary is available at RealClimate.
I hope, oh how I hope, Obama has the NSA listening in on every one of those GOP lickspittles. Let one of them opine about how great it’ll be when they bring down the economy and the country in order to oppose Obama, and how the country will then rise up in open revolt.
Then send the whole barking mad lot of them off to Gitmo.
Google haz a birfday 2day!!!
@PhoenixRising: I am very happy for your double happiness.
There was always the kid growing up whow would react to losing a soccer/baseball/football/basketball game by taking the only ball and going home. One of our two major political parties is that kid and the game is our ****ING economy
@Villago Delenda Est: that’s where it will end. Either that, or crushing electoral defeat.
@gogol’s wife:
He sings the show’s lyrics in character, but I don’t think those are the ones that are part of the “standard” (as in “song standards”) version. The show lyrics are a hoot:
gogol's wife
That’s my favorite part!
When the Iranians sound more cogent than you do maybe it’s time to give it up. I friggin hate the GOP traitors
i love the doodle, they’ve had some good ones lately.
@Hal: They air it from 8:00-9:00 p.m. on my local NPR station, so I just finished hearing it. My reaction was the same. Nice Polite Republicans (and just in time for the Fall Pledge Drive, too!)
@PhoenixRising: Wonderful news on all fronts! Congratulations. And cheers (clink!)
Rob in Buffalo
If what the Republicans are doing now isn’t grounds for impeachment I don’t know what would be.
Dad’s weekend at my son’s college.
Tailgating and taking in the football game.
Does not get any better.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@Elizabelle: Mind meld, I was just wondering about her myself and half-preparing to ask the question.
Dance, if you and your bones are around and happen to see this thread, do please wave hello.
@PhoenixRising: Great news for the weekend. Enjoy your weekend and your life!
@Yatsuno: where are you? El Centro?
sm*t cl*de
“People have to recognize there’s never any compromise until the stakes are high. In our society, that’s the nature of democratic government.”
This probably sounded better in the original Pashtun.
Rohrabacher et al, with their Keyser Sose act and their “We-want-the-world-and-we-want-it-NOW” lists of demands, are not making it easier for your media courtiers to present them as reasonable partners for negotiation. It is all the other side’s fault for stubbornly refusing to give them a few face-saving concessions? Yeah right.
Please, please think about how much worse Armageddon would be for your sons if you go out via .38.