One interesting thing about the upcoming Virginia state elections is how well crazy GOP Lieutenant Governor candidate E. W. Jackson is doing. He’s only down three points (45-42) in a recent poll, which makes the race a little closer than the Cooch/T-Mac governor’s race.
Yes, this could be partly because of the fact there’s a third-party candidate in the governor’s race who drains support from Cuccinelli, but it’s amazing to me that Jackson is still anything like a viable candidate.
Here’s some of the stories about Jackson over the past few months weeks:
E.W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Virginia, was accused in 2006 of threatening the life of his daughter’s roommate, according to a Belmont, Mass., police report and a separate temporary restraining order filed in Middlesex County Court.
[H]ere are 10 quotes from the conservative bishop to give you a sense of how he views the world.
[…]7. On the Democratic Party’s agenda: “An agenda worthy of the Antichrist.”
8. On Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: “The new Marine motto: ‘The Few, the Proud, the Sexually Twisted.’ Good luck selling that to strong young males who would otherwise love to defend their country. What virile young man wants to serve in a military like that?
[….]10. On Obama’s Muslim sensibilities: “Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities. He sees the world and Israel from a Muslim perspective. His construct of ‘The Muslim World’ is unique in modern diplomacy. It is said that only The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical elements of the religion use that concept. It is a call to unify Muslims around the world.”
Maybe this isn’t getting more attention because we’ve all become jaded about the craziness of the far right, or maybe the sad truth is that a black wingnut has to work twice as hard to get the same respect as a white wingnut.
Holy shit, what a thread title. Ain’t no pussy good enough to get burnt while I’m up in it.
Jerzy Russian
He sounds nuttier than squirrel shit.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if it was revealed that Eeew is a closet case. His hate towards gays is so intense, it might be more about him hating himself for his urges than for religious reasons. That would make it double self hatered. He hates being black and having homosexual urges.
I @Penus: I guess if I had too google this shit and then find out it’s A CLASSIC it means I’m worse than old. I do like the chevy’s in the video.
Speaking of “the craziness of the far right,” the Republican Minority Outreach program continues apace.
Hey, Ash. Shuck this, Asshole.
Tone in DC
Did Allen West move north? What the fuck?
These idjits make Michael Steele look good, which ain’t easy.
Joey Maloney
Dunno if West moved north, but he’s moved on.
Wasn’t there someone who said the same thing about the N word? “Oh, it’s not racially charged. There’s white ones too!”
@JGabriel: It can’t be racist because enlightened liberal Andrew Cuomo also used it in reference to Barack Obama. Both sides do it.
@Anya: It was pretty awful when Andrew Cuomo used this phrase in the dying days of the Hillary ’08 campaign.
I wonder what the internals of that poll show. In any event, yes, Jackson is twiple-cwazy-wazy, and I don’t see how he gets that high in the polling either.
@Joey Maloney:
Racist Republican uses racial slur?
@MattF: twiple-cwazy-wazy,
Tone in DC
@Joey Maloney:
Shit. He DOES make Steele look good by comparison.
With incredible ease.
Democrats in Virginia have been avoiding advertising on E.W. Jackson. I expect it will be done during the last month to minimize the time Cuccinelli will be able to try to distance himself.
Mark S.
Allan West is
firedleaving PJ Media to pursue political aspirations. None of this has anything to do with allegations that he called a colleague a Jewish American Princess.raven
@Mark S.: He probably called her a Jap and they got it confused. “Who wonna da secon wod wah”?
@Mark S.: It’s amazing that with all the crazy shit that’s come out of Allan West’s mouth over the years, this is what gets him fired.
Taking that shrillness thing to a new level:
@Mark S.:
“Wouldn’t it be interesting if it was revealed that Eeew is a closet case. His hate towards gays is so intense
No shit. Considering the way he lovingly describes his fellow man..
“elling that to strong young males who would otherwise love to defend their country. What virile young man wants”
The interesting question (to which I suspect I know the answer) being “would PJMedia still consider that a firing offense if spoken by a white man.”
Looks like Tweety found his balls*. Of course the thing that Matthews him over the edge was that he was being insulted. It’s all about meeeeeeeeeeee!
*I’m referring to hardballs. I’m totally not referring to Mathews’ junk.
@Chris: I really can’t imagine that comment even raising an eyebrow over there if it had been spoken by anyone else. Allan West may be as wingnutty as they come, but it is possible that due to his skin color he still arouses vague suspicions of harboring Nation of Islam sympathies.
Yeah, that was my thought too – their tolerance threshold for black people even when conservatives is a lot lower than it would be for whites.
Ironic, given that Islamophobia’s been his specialty. The man’s always reminded me of Charles Coughlin – a guy from an unpopular minority group who tries to become popular by publicly hating on an even more unpopular minority group.
Tone in DC
Cuccinelli (sp?) is at least as foul as EW. That state abortion law with the invasive ultrasound stipulation didn’t introduce itself.
Mark S.
Here are some of the other crazy quotes from Bishop Jackson:
That shit is nutso.
@Mark S.: It must burn E.W. Jackson up that no matter how loudly he sings their praises, this great humanitarian organization known as the KKK still won’t accept him as a member.
Doug Milhous J
@Tone in DC:
I think Steele has reasonable political instincts and was a good frontman for the GOP overall.
Tone in DC
I compared EW to West and Steele because I find all three (and just about any black g00per) to be pretty much loathsome these days. I can almost give General Powell a pass, because when they offered him the SecState slot in 2000, there were still more than a few reasonable wingers in the power structure.
I don’t know where Fux Not-news finds their black commentators, but those “contributors” must have selective hearing and sight, among other defects. After the 2008 election, and the last five years, I don’t know how anyone who isn’t Ailes (and is actually paying attention) can stand to work at a place like that.
And, yeah, it’s all about the filthy lucre. No shit. I just cannot imagine wanting or needing money that badly.
He escaped the Democrat plantation, libtards.
What strong, buff, virile young man wants a homosexual agenda thrust and rammed repeatedly . . . uh . . .
Ben Cisco
Steele is Einstein and Nostradamus combined compared to this mook.
Black conservatives. Even the name sounds wrong, so you know you’re getting pure crazy. OT: Interview in T-minus 1hour 26 minutes. I hope I don’t fail my design test by liking Papyrus.
@raven: That racist “who wonna da second wod war” shit is more hilarious every time you say it! Which, as you only have 20 stories/jokes and have told them here approximately 1,000 times each, is often.
Paul in KY
@shelly: ‘Virile’ is a tell here, IMO.
Joey Maloney
@Doug Milhous J: And by current rapidly-evolving standards his on-the-job grifting was pretty mild.
Paul in KY
@Tone in DC: ‘They drove up a dumptruck full of money. I’m not made of stone!!’
Good luck!
I like it.
@ruemara: Good luck indeed!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@ruemara: Break a leg – and shhhh about the Papyrus thing. It’s off getting hammer with comic sans, anyway.
So much win.
Mike E
@Doug Milhous J: His work as the put-upon but stalwart consumer on Sesame Street was also solid. Too.
@beltane: It could also be that the story says that he got into a screaming match with the female employee. I would imagine there’s more to the story than him calling her a JAP, and screaming at a co-worker isn’t a great move job-security-wise.
Steve Benen at Maddow Blog does a good job of keeping up with his antics. He’s definitely a lot crazier than West.
Patricia Kayden
@JGabriel: Palin and Limbaugh have already used the “shucking and jiving” meme against President Obama so I guess it’s okay among Repubs.
West may have gotten fired not so much for what he said, but to whom he said it. Since the women he was referring to was also a PJ Media employee, they may have felt open to a harassment suit.
Patricia Kayden
@kc: How can Blacks choosing voluntarily to vote for Democrats be equivalent to Blacks being held against their will as slaves on a plantation? This never makes any sense to me. And how do they extend this “logic” to other minorities (Asians, Jews, Latinos, gays) who also vote overwhelmingly for Democrats?
Patricia Kayden
@ruemara: All the best!
@Patricia Kayden: conversely, try using the same language to describe the political positions or statements from Allen West, Michael Steele and Herman Cain and see what happens. Also, note how often those terms are used in regards to white politicians regarding their dissembling regarding a political position or policy. That’s the tell.
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
Perhaps they have yet to think up the calumnies appropriate to those other minorities. Rush Limbaugh is probably still working on them.
Paul in KY
@Patricia Kayden: I think it is because they are voting for policies that will keep them ‘chained to the government teat’ or some BS like that.
Villago Delenda Est
@Joey Maloney:
Cripes. It really is a shame West didn’t get fragged in Iraq.
Pajamas Media has standards? This is a pleasant surprise.
A man who can’t handle a Wingnut Welfare gig is a true failure, indeed.
Doesn’t sound like POTUS is going to degnify the ransom note with an answer.
Right now, the hard work we’ve put in to get our economy back on track is at risk. And there’s only one reason for it: A group of far-right Republicans in Congress is obsessed with making an ideological point.
They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen. Now, we’re left with only four days before a government shutdown.
This is reckless and irresponsible. Republicans are not focused on what’s best for you. They’re playing political games.
I called House Speaker John Boehner the other night to tell him that Americans like you have worked too long and too hard to dig our nation out of the financial crisis, and the last thing we need is for Washington to manufacture another.
I want to make sure that message gets through. Add your voice — remind Speaker Boehner that Congress has a job to do.
Passing a budget is the most basic duty the Constitution gives to Congress.
Congress needs to hear from the people who sent them to Washington.
As we get closer to the September 30th deadline, that might mean picking up the phone, getting the facts out to friends on social media, or showing up at your local congressional office. OFA will be asking a lot of you, and I hope you’ll get involved.
Start today by telling Speaker Boehner that Congress must come together to pass a budget:
Thank you,
Does the candidate for LG run on a separate ticket? What are the powers of a Lieutenant Governor in the Commonwealth of VA? Just curious, I don’t expect this brainless fool to be elected any more than his panty-sniffing running mate, but…you never know what rtfcking the GOP has up its sleeve. Progressive voters in Virginia, please, for the love of all you treasure, do not sit this election out.
Roger Moore
@Tone in DC:
Money. SATSQ.
@shortstop: That’s what pie filter is for you stupid motherfucker.
Roger Moore
@Patricia Kayden:
Because they have idealized plantation life. They think it was an idyllic existence in which plantation owners looked after their slaves and provided for them in exchange for their labor. If you imagine plantation life that way, you can imagine lazy, shiftless people wanting to live there, voluntarily giving up their freedom in exchange for a coddled life where they’re guaranteed life’s necessities. Yes, it requires looking past the rapes and beatings, but neo-Confederates are more than happy to do that.
Doug Milhous J
Yeah, separate ticket.
@Roger Moore: I don’t know that I’ve ever thought of it quite that way; your point about this sick, sick idealization of plantation life is a really good one. I’ve always thought this metaphor was arguing that black Americans were exchanging one form of enslavement for another — which would imply actually making a negative judgment on the practice of slavery — and I suppose there’s a little of that in there, but really it’s more about pretending that slave owners were beneficent providers. Ugh.
It is how they imagine the-poor-with-safety-net today. Jest lying around the substandard housing, playing with their game machines and talking on their cell phones.
It’s another weird disconnect: they look down on this imagined “life” yet assume EVERYONE wants it.
Jebediah, the Righteous Boot of God
Good luck!
Joey Maloney
@Epicurus: Does the candidate for LG run on a separate ticket?
AIUI yes so theoretically Terry McAuliffe could end up with that lunatic down the hall from him. I’d hire a food taster.
ETA, it appears his constitutional duties are to preside over the Virginia Senate (really, not just pro forma), and sit around waiting for the Governor to die. That’s it.
Break a leg! ;-)
@Roger Moore:
Yep. And the people who tried to escape were ungrateful whiners who just didn’t appreciate everything the slaveholders did for them.