The Capitol Police, who are currently working without pay, are risking their lives to protect Members of Congress, who are still on the payroll. Here’s the Post liveblog.
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The Capitol Police, who are currently working without pay, are risking their lives to protect Members of Congress, who are still on the payroll. Here’s the Post liveblog.
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Insane. Car apparently tried to break through the WH barrier and ended up on car chase at the Capitol.
Perhaps it wasn’t one of my worthier thoughts, but my first really was “I hope it was Boehner”.
Of course now that I’m hearing they tried to ram the White House gates first, I’m guessing racist teabagger who wanted to take out the POTUS.
Quaker in a Basement
Send Neugebauer out to scold the Capitol Police for violating the shooter’s Second Amendment rights.
ABC News is now reporting that someone tried to ram the barricades at the White House, then a chase ensued, ending with the shots near the Capitol.
A female suspect is reported dead at the Capitol. Not sure if she was the only one involved.
Volunteering their time to help those who don’t care that they aren’t getting paid.
Doh, hope everyone is Ok.
Hill Dweller
A wingnut congressman has already blamed Obama’s “violent rhetoric” for the attack.
Now reports it was a female.
Congress members told to stay away from windows and get out their emergency kits and escape hoods.
‘Escape hoods?’ Is that anything like the Cone of Silence?
@sparrow: Mine too, but I’d settle for Ted Cruz.
@Hill Dweller: I’m not sure what’s worse, that I had to go and check to see whether or not you were joking, or that you weren’t actually joking and that actually happened.
How loopy do you think this is going to get?
Ugh. Just ugh.
Given my track record, I’m not tossing out any theories of who or why, will only hope it was a lone looney and that it’s over.
@shelly: Let me guess: hoods for GOP congresspeople are white and pointy?
I want an escape hood!
@ruemara: I don’t know, every time I think things can’t get any loopier, the world surprises me.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Trollhattan: And that the injuries are minor.
Doesn’t happen very often. At all.
mike with a mic
Well, I guess I know some people who are going to be late coming back to the office from their meeting now.
? Martin
@Hill Dweller: They should be censured.
David Koch
INB4 blaming Grand Theft Auto V
@ruemara: Not a clue, and where did all these sharks that are being leapt come from?! Weren’t they supposedly endangered or something?
schrodinger's cat
What is happening?
Hill Dweller
Luke Russert is not smart.
Escape hood= protection against chemical attack
David Koch
@? Martin: that was a horrible movie
Also fired on Capitol Hill — federal employees.
Ted & Hellen
So…why don’t they just stop?
Put down their weapons and go home…?
Probably NBC gear.
If this happens to be a racist winger gun-nut, how long before someone suggests this is another evil liberal false flag operation?
David Koch
This wouldn’t be happening if everyone in Congressional buildings, including tourists, were carrying concealed weapons.
This is still an unworthy thought, but I really, really hope it was a conservative and the report about ramming the White House barricades is true, and the attack was initially aimed at the president. Right now the US is going through a crisis where public opinion is changing sharply, and so much suffering is at stake that the ‘conservatives are crazy’ message does not need to be diluted.
Chyron HR
The escape hood protects the Congressman from being recognized, thereby increasing his likelihood of making it to safety without being attacked by the shooter, bystanders, rescuers, etc.
peach flavored shampoo
Boehner heard about “shots on Capitol hill” and ran there immediately, thinking they were passing out free whiskey.
Probably 5 minute breathing air hoods – basically a clear polymer bag that goes over your head with a small cyclinder of breathing grade air attached. Designed to let you escape through clouds of smoke or toxic gases.
I’m skeptical of this WH barricade story. That’s a decent drive and the barricades are hard to get to. Fence maybe?
They wanted anarchy.
peach flavored shampoo
“Escape hood” sounds more like a directive you tell young urban Americans than a device Congress wears when a chick drives her Chevy through the front door.
I had hoped somebody had put Ted Cruz alone in a room with a revolver and told him he knew the right thing to do.
Roger Moore
Sharknado. SATSQ.
David Koch
suspect is lara croft
@peach flavored shampoo:
“If only Trayvon had had an escape hood that evening.”
–Geraldo Rivera
@Gopher2b: Yeah I’m thinking they mean the fencing. Which someone told me only went up fairly recently (last decade or so? Bush years?) and that you used to be able to get closer to the WH.
Roger Moore
I don’t think they’ll wait to find out who did it before making that claim.
Anybody know where Sarah Palin is this afternoon?
? Martin
Unclear reporting – one saying suspect dead, another saying there was an arrest.
@Gopher2b: The barricades are right there where PA Ave (the part that’s peds-only these days) runs into 15th St. and turns into NY Ave (to continue on PA Ave, you would continue south on 15th for a couple of blocks, then turn left onto PA Ave again). It would take nothing to smash into them (not that it would get you *past* them, mind you) – there are usually no police cars or other vehicles between the street and the barriers.
? Martin
Yeah, the conspiracy theories are going to fly thick and fast on this one.
@Roger Moore:
Alex Jones already claiming this is a false flag.
mike with a mic
You can still get close to the WH, just on foot. There are large areas of open park and pavement where pedestrians can just walk around. Vehicles have multiple security checkpoints and concrete structures blocking the routes you can take to get there. I walk past there a few times a week depending on where I eat lunch. Maybe they mean one of the gates that is no where near the WH but borders on the parks that border on the WH grounds?
It’s a large area, but you can’t just ram through a gate and land smack in front of the WH. Well… not without running through concrete barriers and a park full of people taking pictures and trying to eat their lunch.
@? Martin: Reporting is always stupidly sketchy on these things. Intial reports are some chick and a car and gates. Final report will involve a chicken, a carbouy, and Bill Gates.
Wonder if it’ll turn out to be someone trying to commit suicide-by-cop.
Hill Dweller
The suspect was reportedly driving a black Infiniti G37 with CT plates.
Mike G
@Chyron HR:
The Southern Republicans were not issued escape hoods, as they have pointy white hoods in their closets already.
@Roger Moore: There’s also the “This is what the NRA-approving founders meant when they wrote the Second (blessings be upon it) exactly as intoned by the voice from the burning bush!” line of defense to be rolled out. A well-organized militia taking a firm line, classic example, the bloody tree, blahblahblah.
An eyewitness told Politico there was a child in the car that tried to ram through the White House gates:
@David Koch: I didn’t like the movie but rather enjoyed the book. That was a LOOONG time ago though.
@Hill Dweller: So Conspiracy Theory is a state.
Damn, forgot about Alex Jones. He’s been in alternate reality for decades.
A woman probably lost control of her car, ran into the WH fence, and the police overreacted and started shooting.
@beltane: The eyewitness was also heard to remark that “…they ain’t never give you no napkin at Carvel.”
EDIT: for context, see
Roger Moore
I didn’t think it was much of a stretch as a prediction.
How can anyone declare it a false flag before we’ve even seen the flag?
Oh yeah, Alex Jones. No need to let facts get in the way of insanity.
@cathyx: Honestly, I wondered about this myself. She had a kid in the car.
John O
I’ll bet from what I’m hearing that most of the shots were fired by police. CNN has reported that “force was authorized” on the car chase.
You’re as moronic as the conspiracy theorists.
David Koch
a black Infiniti G37
This is why we have to stop and frisk black cars.
Am I the only one who thinks the comments about Congress still receiving a paycheck are incredibly misguided, though understandable? It just strikes me as a really bad idea for political disagreements to be decided by which party’s politicians can survive the longest without a paycheck. It also seems like it could extend the showdown if each side thinks they can attain complete victory if they just hold out a bit longer because the other side will soon be forced to fold due to personal financial concerns.
(EDIT: I do get it with regards to pointing out the hypocrisy of Congressmen making demands of federal officials, but I can’t support any of the proposals or petitions to end Congress’s pay until the shutdown is resolved.)
Guardian has a useful Twitter feed, including pics of the suspect’s car and a nearly obliterated Capitol Police car.
@Trollhattan: They are saying on the tube that the officer was hurt by the car.
schrodinger's cat
@MattR: I agree with you and I don’t think that the Congress Critters who are giving up their paychecks are being noble, either. Just do your damn job. Kthx.
That cop car hit something besides the black auto.
? Martin
Meanwhile, in functional government news:
@Roger Moore: they are going to make that claim right away and say that its Obama trying to force the House to vote the CR and put everyone,especially the Capital Hill police, back on the payroll.
From the NY Times:
Most odd.
fka AWS
@MikeJ: yeah, that’s a bad theory.
@Hill Dweller:
Joe Lieberman?
Guess the percentage of people on the Slog insta-poll who say minting the platinum coin is crazier than defaulting on the debt and causing economic choas! Just guess!!
Whatever else, I hope the kid’s okay.
Was it Holly White?
Eric U.
@MattR: I agree about not paying Congress. The problems with congress are exacerbated by the fact that so many of them are rich. You shouldn’t have to be rich to serve in Congress. That being said, I think the republicans should refuse their paychecks
Just what is needed now — a sideshow.
@bobbo: 27. too easy
Wonder if it’s a carjacking.
Female suspect. Most surprising.
@bobbo: Holy Crap!
The number to be frightened of is NOT 23…
I imagine many ‘merikun meganationals are now considering forcing all their employees (below VP rank, it goes without saying) to work for free until the board agrees on their next years fiscal plan. They now have the precedent. Government run as a business and Business run as a Government!
@Elizabelle: I’m one of those who think that as women advance in actual equality, such cultural norms will fade and not be as significant.
@MikeJ: Jake Sherman from Politico has a commenter on his twitter feed, saying it was a false flag. is at comment 57
Yea, the cop car hit the barricade.
David in NY
Others as well. May have started down that way, but not clear.
Tone in DC
Not a fuck was given by those around here who earn middle class wages. Those guys (and gals) make 175000 per year, and only work 8 damn months.
MSNBC said the baby was not injured. Let’s hope that is one early report that’s true.
You don’t see it often. By coincidence we’ve been having a Squeaky Fromme fest here recently, so maybe it’s time to see who Charlie has been exchanging letters with from the big house.
Mike E
@? Martin:
@David Koch:
Disappointed no GOP Congressman or staffers seemed to be armed.
None of them stood their ground.
@David in NY:
Wapo reports the car hit a bollard near the White House, then drove off, which sounds much more plausible.
@Trollhattan: And Sarah Jane Moore.
@? Martin: Who is WE? I’m surviving it whatever IT is.
@Tone in DC: Yes. They have a great deal. But do you want them voting for or against a piece of legislation just so they can resume having that great deal?
I dunno. Not a type of parity I want to see women achieve.
The Guardian:
“What matters is this. This is the world
that we accept if we continue to avert our eyes, and it
promises to get much worse.” ~ Barrett Brown
@Elizabelle: And…. person being pulled out of the car by cops appears African-American, not any kind of white teabagger NRA ype.
My completely uninformed theory is that this was an accident, someone ran into the gates, but everybody is so on edge over there in the Captol that the cops assumed the worst and responded accordingly. In any case, I bet it is totally apolitical.
@Elizabelle: Oh, me either. I just find it interesting that such things are not “written in stone.” Or, apparently, in our DNA.
I’m trying to think of a situation where someone has both a gun and a child in a car and smashes into a barrier. I’m not coming up with any which makes any sense.
@fuckwit: Wait…I thought the driver was shot dead?
@fuckwit: Now if you say that, Mike J is going to call you a moron, like he did to me.
@? Martin:
And Clancy just passed away… nice timing on the apt quote.
Mike in NC
This will play really well overseas, where everybody already thinks we’re a nation of lunatics.
@Elizabelle: Take the good with the bad, it’s a package deal. More men are free to participate intimately and hand-on with parenting and (one may still hope) housework, more women unleash their inner shit and are found face-down in their own vomit and punching people. Or, joining the SEALs if they’ve got the self-discipline, physique and personal desire. Women as fully human express the full range of humanity — unfortunate as that is.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
My completely uninformed theory is that this was some kook with personal grievances that s/he thought needed the attention of the POTUS. Maybe about to lose custody of child?
“I’d announce that, now that the government’s been closed for two days, I’m unwilling to sign anything but a clean bill to fund the government, except that now I also want the Rapeublicans to approve all of my judicial nominees who have been languishing in Congress lo these many years.
Tomorrow morning, I’d eat breakfast, put on my nice suit, walk out into the Rose Garden (it’s gorgeous in DC this week) and announce that now that I’ve slept on it, I won’t sign anything except a clean bill with approval of all of my judicial nominees and statehood for DC. I’d wave to the reporters, go play golf (include a woman this time, Mr. President), review their homework with my daughters, and get a massage.
On Friday, after I had lunch at the Palm with my wife (have the crabmeat cocktail and the steak salad, rare), I’d walk up to Dupont Circle and say that I’d been discussing it with Ms. Obama and, now, I’m unwilling to sign anything except a clean bill with approval of all of my judicial appointees, statehood for DC, and a new bill of Elizabeth Warren’s choosing. ”
Taken from:
The Thin Black Duke
@fuckwit: She must have been wearing a hoodie.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Or lost her WIC?
Been a lot of news reports locally filed with scared parents.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
I sure hope nothing bad happens to Congress.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Haha! Just kidding!
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Me too. Then they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs.
@Trollhattan: “Shots were potentially fired.”
maybe fired into the air to turn kinetic to potential energy, and then back again.
Chyron HR
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I’m sorry to break it to you, but Congress has been replaced by a group of mobile, sentient hemorrhoids.
Capital Hill cop medi-vacted off the Mall. Ungrateful jerk probably expects to be paid also (snark!!!!!!)
We have had Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis and the DC Beltway snipers striking blows for diversity in the serial shooting category.
One does wonder if this was a bad situation made worse because everyone is so on edge.
Tone in DC
I want them to DO THEIR DAMNED JOBS.
I should not go all-caps crazed like that, but I am very sick of this shit. These g00pers need to accept that Elections Have Consequences. The 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, to be precise. They need to put aside their xenophobic, irrational and oh so tribalized fear of not being in charge, and just pass a clean CR. No repealing or delaying the ACA, no letting the country default later this month.
Just a clean CR. They’ve had their 42 shots to repeal a law they hate. They need to have a nice cold glass of STFU and get this over with.
“A search turned up Skittles and bottled iced tea in the vehicle. The officers, on a temporary exchange assignment from Florida, immediately closed the investigation.”
I might agree with you IF federal workers were not currently being required to work without a paycheck right now, with no assurance that they will receive their back pay. (The military has been guaranteed their back pay, but no one else.) So my stance is, why should Congress get paid while everyone else in the federal government is working for free?
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Driving that car? I’m not seein’ it.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Oh god, here it comes!!!!~
Okay, I’ll be the first one to call it: it was Michelle Malkin, finally driven mad by Obummer.
@Chyron HR:
Mobile? Sure. Sentient? Hmmm…
From the Washington Post:
? Martin
@Mnemosyne: Nah, they would have mentioned the cheerleader outfit by now.
Villago Delenda Est
It is my sincere and heartfelt hope that everyone at the Capitol is OK and well.*
*with the exceptions of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, the Neugebauer asshat, Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Steve Stockman, and the rest of the hardcore teabagger traitors.
Villago Delenda Est
We can only hope and pray.
Because I think it is in the best interests of the nation, even if it is very unfair.
? Martin
@Elizabelle: In his defense, they don’t get a lot of motorcades in Idaho.
@MattR: LOL Whut?
Especially since many Congresspeople can weather a gap better than other federal employees.
@? Martin:
Tatercades. Quite rare.
@? Martin:
I know. I thought it was kind of a charming comment.
@? Martin:
‘ll drop the baby off at school at nine,
And bust the lights to get to work on time.
Where I’ll be staring at the clock just waiting to knock off another day.
When supper’s done we’ll watch some TV show,
Of a bunch of folks who’ve never heard of Idaho,
Where easy’s gettin’ harder every day.
I had a garden but my flowers died.
There ain’t much living here inside.
Lately, I don’t know what I’m holding on to.
Wished I could run away to Couer d’Alene,
Take nothing with me, not even my name.
‘Cause easy’s gettin’ harder every day.
pseudonymous in nc
@Hill Dweller:
That would be Tim Griffin, once Karl Rove’s little henchman in the US Attorney firings.
John D.
@Mnemosyne: Because no Congress is allowed to make any change to the salaries of Congressional members until after the next election has passed. This is not rocket science. It is literally *illegal* for them to cut their own salaries to zero.
(27th Amendment to the US Constitution: No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.)
Why is it in the best interests of the nation for Congress to get benefits that the rest of the federal workers don’t get?
We just ended up going through many rounds of this in California, where Republicans in the Legislature would block budgets from being passed for months on end because, while state employees were being furloughed and work without pay, their checks kept coming regularly, so they didn’t give a shit how much of a hardship it was for state employees. The citizens finally passed an initiative saying that the Legislature couldn’t take pay away from other state employees and keep their own.
So why should Congress have special privileges not given to other federal employees?
@John D.:
Great, we’ll change it in the next Congress like we did here in California. Any objections?
ETA: As far as I can tell, Matt R’s argument isn’t a logistical one about why it can’t be done right now. It’s a procedural argument saying it shouldn’t be done at all. I’m trying to get an answer about why it shouldn’t be done, ever, not wondering why it’s not done already.
Villago Delenda Est
@Hill Dweller:
Are we SURE it wasn’t a DeLorean with seriously weird plates and some strange apparatus in the back?
John D.
@Mnemosyne: “We”?
Changes to law are made by Congress. Good luck with that.
Here’s hoping Luke Russet is their next grand marshall.
soonergrunt (mobile)
@Ted & Hellen: I’m assuming that you are asking this in seriousness. If a federal employee who is designated “essential” leaves his or her station for any reason, s/he will be declared “non-essential” and furloughed. At some point, the essentials will be paid (13 th amendment) but furloughed employees might not be. If an employee is furloughed and is subsequently redesignated “essential” and does not report for work at the start of the next tour, the employee would be subject to termination for cause.
@John D.: Their compensation shan’t be varied, it’ll just arrive in IOU form like all the other govt “moochers”.
@John D.:
Yes, I forgot, citizens can never, ever influence what laws Congress passes. We just have to sit back and hope for the best. It’s not like they’re elected or something.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I haven’t seen the car. Someone said a black car. Didn’t know color indicated expense….
Mike E
WJLA-ABC 7: Woman confirmed dead.
ETA Decedent was shot. Child seen carried from scene, no report on his/her condition.
Tone in DC
@? Martin:
Too easy to pass up.
There are quite a few things they don’t see much of in Idaho, I’d imagine.
@WereBear: His point is that would you want the pay of the people who make the laws to be dependent on their votes (or lack of votes) in Congress? All the Koch’s would have to do is support their favorite candidates for a while during the shutdown. Not all of those in office are actually millionaires.
John D.
@Mnemosyne: So work to change the membership. It’s why I wished you luck.
The USA *does not have* a citizen initiative process like CA, so your analogy failed. And even if it did, you could not put into place an initiative like the one in CA because the Constitution says you can’t. You’ve identified what you CAN so – work to change the representatives and senators. Great. It’s why I wished you luck, because unless that happens, you are not going to get the change you desire.
But don’t try to act like that’s what you meant. None of us are that stupid.
Is that a better or worse outcome that the Legislature approving a terrible budget that the majority disagree with but vote for anyway because they need to make sure they get paid? I don’t want to see Obamacare get defunded because the Republican Congressmen can afford to go longer without their paycheck.
@WereBear: Yes, most Congressmen will weather the lack of paycheck better than most federal employees. And yes, many Congressmen will not be too worried about the lack of paycheck because they have enough wealth on their own. But there are also many Congressmen who would feel the pressure of not having a paycheck which could lead them to voting for bad ideas in order to regain that check.
Republican politicians would never, ever get involved in some shady behind the scenes deal like that.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: If you’d read the thread you’d know it was an Infiniti .
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Pics here. It’s a pretty nice Infiniti. Or, at least, it was before the incident began, by the looks of it.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
It’s a late-model Infinity, so not cheap and certainly not an old beater. But anybody with proof of breathing can get a lease, I suppose, so one cannnot draw too many conclusions.
I agree with your sentiment, but for a different reason: having politicians getting paid while government employees are going without can only help end the shutdown sooner rather than later.
Not paying Cruz & Co would allow them to start acting like martyrs. The PR of them getting paid while those protecting them are not is just awful for the Republicans. Good.
ETA: And as another poster pointed out, it would be illegal to not pay Congress.
Bobby Thomson
@WereBear: Alcoholic beverages are occasionally consumed in this country, and some people operate cars while intoxicated, despite laws prohibiting that behavior.
Could be as simple as that.
@John D.:
Wait, really? Gee, thanks for informing of that, because I clearly had no idea at all how our government works and thought that magical fairies pass legislation. Putz.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Sure, but I think anyone with a grievance like loss of WIC benefits is already aware that the Federal government is aware of the situation. Again, I think it’s something much more personal that the suspect thought wouldn’t get any attention without taking drastic measures.
Speaking of unwanted Connecticutians (connecticanadians?) how about the former research chemist at the now-bankrupt Remington Arms Company?
Neighbors said they were shocked. “It’s a house worth $1.3 million. It’s been there a long time” neighbor Mark Carey said. “I don’t know. He’s gone off the reservation.”
Moar freedom.
@MattR: I’d go for the whole hog and make it illegal to shut down the government. I think that would take care of everything.
@Trollhattan: Geez, reminds me of the barn in Hot Fuzz.
Aren’t you supposed to HIDE your illegal weapons BEFORE calling the police?
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Yeah, I’m not getting into the guessing game on this one. I was completely wrong about Boston so kinda learned a lesson, there.
John D.
@Mnemosyne: When the first thing I see from you is “So my stance is, why should Congress get paid while everyone else in the federal government is working for free?” my assumption is you “clearly [have] no idea at all how our government works”. When you start talking about CA initiatives as a solution to your perceived problem with the US Congress, again, my assumption is you “clearly [have] no idea at all how our government works”.
Should you wish me to assume differently, show a better grasp of the workings of the government.
gypsy howell
Maybe Walt DIDN’T die in that last scene….
I probably shouldn’t give credit where it probably isn’t due but seems peeps r trying to tie the system up with bogus applications.
@Bobby Thomson:
This was my thought. Reports I’ve read said the driver turned the car around after running the barricade.
Yup. There are RULES dammit and they’re not hard to track down either, even for a chemist.
After a buddy’s FIL died the family began the tedious task of going through his shit. His two main stashes were p0rn and ammo. In fact so much ammo they called the sheriff’s department to please come haul it off. The officer who came over took a look and said it was “too much” for him to haul. They prevailed and he agreed to take some–apparently the cruiser’s back end was scraping the driveway when he left the place.
Man this video of her with 4 or 5 cops with guns drawn and aimed in her window point blank may want to give all the hysterical “out of control cops” some pause. I’m betting they held fire because of the child in the car.
Ben Cisco
@Mnemosyne: They shouldn’t, but as John D. pointed out, nothing legal can be done about it for the current Congress.
@gypsy howell:
That’s right. He could have just passed out from blood loss.
Who can truly know?!?
Felonius Monk
Waiting for that asspimple over at the NRA to issue a statement to the effect that if everyone was carrying at least three automatic weapons this could have been prevented.
Except that that didn’t happen in California. But, hey, if you want to make up ideas about what might happen, go to town.
Also, I’m not really getting your assumption that Republican congress members are automatically richer than Democrats and can hold out longer. Last I heard, they’re all millionaires, Democrats and Republicans.
For me, it’s basic fairness — one group of federal employees is being paid during a shutdown and no one else is. Not only that, but the ones who are getting paid are the ones who decided no one else should get paid. How is that fair? They’re like the CEO who lays off hundreds of people and collects a fat bonus.
@mikefromArlington: They may want to watch out. Wire fraud charges could be in their future.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@raven: No, I would have had to remember seeing that. I’m catching this in bits and pieces while sitting in parking lots. Did remember you saying it was black.
Also, too, don’t see a model year. Might be missing it. I’ve worked with people who qualified for WIC when between jobs who bought old Volvos and Acuras when they could find work that lasted long enough to save up the cash. Reliability was a priority for them. So I make no assumptions except for new-off-the-lot vehicles.
gypsy howell
Back to our main story here… was the gunfire coming from the suspect, or just the cops?
It would be terribly sad if this were just a case of someone driving carelessly (or perhaps confused by DC streets), accidently hitting a barricade, then trying to escape scared out of her mind as cops started firing and chasing her, only to end up dead with her kid in the backseat.
I’d go with a constitutional amendment, that if no budget or continuing resolution is in place by the last day of the federal fiscal year, all Senators and Representatives shall go without pay or benefits until one is passed.
Part II: If no budget or continuing resolution is passed within 21 days of the end of the fiscal year, a national special election will be held before the end of the calendar year, with every sitting member of Congress required to defend their seat.
@John D.:
Rhetorical questions. Learn how they work.
Why not just change the whole thing into a parliamentary system?
@raven: The driving in that after being surrounded by police does seem to rule out it being a sober little “oopies, I bumped a pylon!” incident, although an accident while totally off one’s meds (or naturally really really paranoid) is still still in play. Backing into police cars and ignoring people with pulled weapons isn’t garden variety behavior at least in my neck of the woods. I guess I just live in some very dull woods.
@gypsy howell:
Don’t do that. I’ve carefully avoided any stories about BB’s last episode.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I can only assume the WIC comment was a lame ass attempt at snark.
@Adolphus: @Adolphus:
I’d settle for just getting rid of single member congressional districts.
@scav: I suspect we’ll know more soon enough.
@gypsy howell:
Sadly, this is what it is looking to be.
Except, it is a good mile and half between the White House and the Capital. I don’t see how someone getting chased all that way by the cops would be unclear that they need to pull over.
But, more details will come out I have no doubt.
I can’t yet find the video being described here:
Once you operate your car like a deadly weapon, it’s Katy bar the door time.
@gypsy howell: It’s pretty apparent from the film that the DIDN”T fire at her as she backed up, almost ran one over, and took off.
@gypsy howell: It’s pretty apparent from the film that the DIDN”T fire at her as she backed up, almost ran one over, and took off.
gypsy howell
Now I’m reading that she really took some aggressive and evasive action at the White House, so my theory is probably all wet.
@Trollhattan: They are showing it over and over on MSNBC.
@Felonius Monk:
“The only way to stop a bad guy[sic] with a car is a good guy with a Hummer.
Bring back Hummer!”
–Wayne LaPierre(pbuh)
@Mnemosyne: No, it didn’t happen in California. But California is not the United States. And California Republicans are semi reasonable. The Tea Party is not. I also am not claiming that Republicans are necessarily better able to hold out than Democrats. However, I obviously fear that scenario more than the reverse. But either way, I don’t think that financial blackmail is a good way to make political decisions. I understand and acknowledge that it is unfair but I still think it is better than the alternative.
gypsy howell
Raven, where is the video you’re talking about?
ETA: nevermind just saw your response to Trollhattan
schrodinger's cat
OT: If you want a short break from politics.
On the Mohawk Trail III, in search of the tall pines of New England. Parts I and II, here and here
@Trollhattan: TPM has it.
@gypsy howell:
@schrodinger’s cat: I was going to take a break from politics on a fishing boat in the Gulf. Fucking tropical storm!!!
@raven: Not necessarily. There’s a few plausible possibilities: a person lives well, but has come on really hard times and keeps the car because it’s already paid for. it could be a relative’s car the driver borrows. It could be a used one relatively gently used.
It’s an African American child.
@raven: or TPM ver
@gypsy howell:
It’s still early and plenty of time for your theory to dry off, get wet, and get dry again.
It took us forever to find out if Buckwheat was dead.
All that sounds appealing, but what is really needed is a poison pill default action that will kick in if there is no budget. The default approach should be one that doesn’t harm the nation, but will always be anathema to both parties, and specifically not be directly tied to pay and benefits (since that would give rich politicians an unfair advantage).
I’m not sure what the poison pill should contain. Perhaps immediate abolition of tax deductions for mortgages would do the trick nicely? That should provide the fuckers with plenty of incentive to come up with a budget on time.
The John Birch Society was founded in California. Nixon was a native Californian. Reagan was elected governor of California, twice. Where are these “semi reasonable” California Republicans you speak of? Darryl Issa?
The ONLY reason we’re getting anything done in this state right now is that we finally managed to get enough Democrats elected that Republicans are finally less than 1/3rd of the Legislature and we don’t have to deal with their constant obstructionism. Until that happened, they blocked every single budget for months on end, just because they could.
Trust me, California Republicans were Teabaggers before Teabaggers were cool.
Then I’m assuming you disagree with the current shutdown, because that’s nothing but financial blackmail. Your stance seems to be that one side should be allowed to financially blackmail the other with no consequences to themselves.
gypsy howell
Ok, that woman was really really nuts. With a kid in the back, to boot? That’s a suicide mission to think you’re going to get away with that.
@CarolDuhart2: I’m sorry but I think the comment was snark at best.
schrodinger's cat
@raven: Oh noes, can you reschedule?
@gypsy howell: Being a suicide mission would preclude the notion of “getting away with it”.
Another Holocene Human
@Trollhattan: When any screaming mimi can own a semi automatic rifle and all the ammo they want, what’s a few bombs?
We’ve normalized these killing weapons to the point where I almost feel sorry for all the people who get stopped for open carrying illegal knives and other street weapons, that dumb kid I ran into last summer who got stopped by the police for open carrying a broadsword, or anyone who sees it all come down over a little nitro in their garage… okay, let’s say lots and lots of it. But the guns/ammo/collector knives were legal!!!111eleventy!
@schrodinger’s cat: We were going because there is a special 2 week “supplemental” Red Snapper season. We’ll go for Thanksgiving but NO Snapper.
Another Holocene Human
And don’t forget, they’ve been trying to put tracers in black powder since the 1990s–tracers that might have tracked or even detered the Tsarnaev brothers–but the NRA fought that.
I’d prefer that our Congress pass a clean CR, then raise the debt limit. Hell, let’s have a sensible budget (i.e., without the sequester crap). When was the last time we had an actual budget for the year?
I’m sick of the conservatives’ brinksmanship, sick of the media “both sides do it” & just tired of all the BS.
I like working because it brings in a paycheck which allows me to pay my bills & have food to eat. I don’t want the world to collapse. We’re already headed to environmental doom in 30 years, why hasten it?
Sorry for the rant…
I have no idea about the genesis of this discussion, will only note the same purity purge Republicans around the country have conducted also happened here. We have a smattering of accidental moderates left but the majority are True Believers.
gypsy howell
Yeah, I realized that after I reread it. :-D Maybe I should offer to help the republicans with their press releases about the shutdown. Logical statements don’t seem to be their strong suit either.
@gypsy howell: :)
Another Holocene Human
Because I’m devious I’m wondering how many of these dumbshits are filling out applications, realizing they’re paying too much for insurance, and sneaking back to sign up while telling their freeper friends about how they’re sticking it to the Man.
In fact, I’m wondering what DougJ-like provocateur got them to think filling bogus applications (meaning you go through the website and it offers you quotes, presumably) as oppose to a straight DDoS was a BRILLIANT plan.
I mean, it totally was. A brilliant plan. This liberal is quaking in hir gender outlaw boots.
@gypsy howell: :)
@Another Holocene Human:
Was really caught short when a CHP officer told me it was worse to be caught with a concealed illegal knife than a concealed loaded pistol. Mind=blown.
Ed, “no shots from anyone but the police”. One, two three. . . freakout.
Naah, I don’t think so. There’s just so much screaming when the two groups disagree that it’s easy to miss the times when moderates get to talk to each other and take apart an issue for analysis. Things have been pretty extreme politically recently as well, so tempers have been thin.
Another Holocene Human
@scav: Maybe she was frightened out of her mind.
Cops shoot black people in the DC area. Even black cops. Once they were following her it might have been utter freakout time.
Had she been white and in a nice car, they probably would have tried to communicate, pulled out the bullhorn and all that.
I’m sure the cops sleep well at night knowing their “quick action” “saved” that kid in the backseat from ever having a parent.
? Martin
That was 2 generations ago. We’ve added 15 million people and most of above folks are dead. CA isn’t the wild west state it once was.
@Another Holocene Human: That’s fucking bullshit.
@Another Holocene Human: Eh, if you watch the video it’s pretty obv. that they were not shooting, and trying to speak to her before she violently rammed a police car trying to escape. Most cops are pigs, but this woman was not an innocent.
Another Holocene Human
I wish to clarify that what the driver did was wrong (putting others in danger trying to run away). I’m just offering a possible explanation. Extreme fear can cause people to act like that.
Another Holocene Human
@raven: Which part, o wise and tolerant one?
@Another Holocene Human: I thought I covered that with the paranoia clause. Not all paranoia is entirely unjustified. And, as there are reports that there were words exchanged earlier, then the events in the video, and then another chase, “quick action” deprivation might be questionable. Children have lost parents who made bad decisions before — and this kid was clearly also put at risk by her mothers choices in driving, if nothing else.
Names. I need names!
Who are these moderates I’m hearing of? Genuinely curious, at a time when the only announced Republican candidate for governor was arrested carrying a loaded pistol in the airport.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I dunno, though Christ only knows the world would be a better place without those specimens, just imagine the unbearable weepy paeans to them, the belief that the Congress should make all the R’s wet dreams come true “in tribute” to these asswipes. No, better to let them live on & keep embarrassing themselves.
Betty Cracker
@raven: My hubby got done out of a red snapper run too by the storm. Fuck you, Karen! I just hope it doesn’t wash out any games this weekend…
Mike E
@Betty Cracker: Yay, November baseball…:-/
@Another Holocene Human:
So in other words, the car should have been allowed to ram the gates, she should have not been penalized for hitting a Secret Service Agent and should have just been left alone, who cares if she’s trying to kill the President. Got it.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@raven: Nope. But you got me curious, so I wasted some time retracing my steps. I see multiple reports of a black sedan, the Infiniti claim here, an eyewitness saying a Celica somewhere else. So I assumed everything was still in flux.
Don’t you dare try to pin Cadillac-driving welfare queens on me. I know very well how the recession has affected some of my former co-workers, people who bought expensive cars used before the crash and have kept them running. I wouldn’t know one model of Infiniti from another, and only know it’s an Infiniti if I see the logo. Things you’d seem to be assuming I would be able to infer from the info above just aren’t being grokked.
I’m trying hard to give you some slack here and assume you weren’t trying to insult me like that.
@? Martin:
So name a “reasonable” current California Republican. Just one will do.
Tell that to the dude who lives down the street from me. He flew his flag upside down for a month after the election.
test – ignore