But have Michael Barone and George Will given us their shutdown predictions yet (via)?
@Crewof42 @Raffiwilliams @joshtpm @jbouie @DrJamesPeterson I was told a new gallop pole is out & the american people r really blasting obama
— Steven (@Steveadvil) October 7, 2013
Update. Heh indeedy.
@Crewof42 @Raffiwilliams @joshtpm @jbouie @DrJamesPeterson was told Michael medvied is reporting it – gallop…
— Steven (@Steveadvil) October 7, 2013
Checking gallup.com, Obama’s approval rating is up two points in today’s daily tracker.
El Caganer
@dmsilev: Yes, but what about gallop?
Great, Obama is losing. Let’s keep going until we crash the world economy! #winning
/tea party morans
What does one do with a gallup pole? Prance around it neighing?
LOL. “I was told.” You know there is this thing called the Internet. You can go on it an find out information.
Ronnie Pudding
Have these polls been unskewed?
Gallop pole = horse named Rafalska
Good lord. I actually corrected part of the error. A “gallop pole.”
Howard Beale IV
s/pole/poll/ (FFS, can’t these people use the correct word?)
@El Caganer: That horse has already left the stable.
dr. bloor
By the voices in his head, maybe. He should switch to @Stevethorazine.
Dads, keep your daughters off the gallop pole.
Wait, someone didn’t tell the whole truth on Twitter??!!
Mike G
His horse told him Obama was unpopular while galloping around the corral. Maybe he’s remaking Mister Ed.
Gallop pole? Is that what’s in a strip club for horses?
Suffern ACE
Is this the gallop pole we’re discussing?
Enough horse-race politics coverage already!
The idiot doesn’t get it – in addition to not being able to spell. Obama is already President and a second term President at that – he is not running for anything. Congress critters on the other hand expect a sinecure for life so their position is a bit more vulnerable.
Howard Beale IV
And now we got a bunch of right-wing truckers threatening to jam the DC Beltway with their rigs, with claims they are going to arrest Members of Congress.
Worst part is that the DC cops aren’t getting paid, so who’ll arrest these people if they carry out their threat? Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if on of these truckers draws a weapon and starts shooting if they actually carry this out.
C’mon Obama just stroll down to the House, ask for the floor, then call for a vote. If they won’t you win, if they do I also think you win. That would make’m scream and the lawyers would go crazy. Who could ask for more??
Southern Beale
It’s a “gallop pole” HILARIOUS put that on a sign and take it to a town hall meeting. MORANS.
Mark S.
Swingin’ on the gallop pole
Comrade Jake
I’m in France watching CNN International. They just got done discussing the shutdown and how “both sides are very much to blame”. Jesus fucking Christ.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
All the polls coming out are still far too ‘Both Sides Same Thing’ to make me comfortable. Especially “Independent” crosstabs like on the CNN and Pew polls, which are basically separated by 2% far as blame between the parties go.
@Comrade Jake:
Sigh….Case in Point.
I remember when they made President Bartlett wait in the hallway. Solved the whole problem.
Southern Beale
LOL you made me laugh.
Teh stoooooopid it burrrrrns.
I just give up on these people. These are the idiots that we’re always told “have a valid point” about something or other and we need to “reach across the aisle.” No they don’t and no we don’t. They’re ignorant motherfuckers. I’m not doing the ol’ reacharound with some ignorant motherfuckers.
Off my lawn, teacrackers.
Daily Kos has a description of the ABC/Washington Post and the Pew polls. The view of him is virtually unchanged, while the Republicans are currently at 24-70, meaning they are below the crazification factor.
I love picturing the (mostly pudgy) GOP electeds sitting behind those gross huge desks they have in their Congressional offices, reading those numbers! Big scared eyes!
@Howard Beale IV: somebody ought to tell them that the Beltway isn’t actually in DC. The Virginia and Maryland cops, who are being paid, will be happy to arrest them.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: Oh the margin of error. Always in such a small number as a footnote.
@Peej: This. Morans.
The Nice Polite Republicans mentioned that the nation is pretty evenly split, slightly more blaming the GOP. But I did’t catch any numbers. That sort of “big picture” BS is as bad as “both sides do it”
Gallop pole: The half coconuts are rattling on again!
Mike in NC
Michael Medved, seriously? The wingnut scold who wrote an entire book about Obama losing in 2012?
@Fuzzy: actually, that’s not a bad plan, request a joint session to make an impromptu state of the union speech. then walk in say, “the state of our union is threatened because the House won’t vote on a clean continuing resolution or budget.” make it clear that the tea partiers are actually attempting to subvert duly enacted laws and undermine a duly elected president, and that it is not right. then leave.
Roger Moore
@Suffern ACE:
No, that’s a galloping Pole, which is something completely different. A gallop pole sounds more like he’s secretly a brony.
I figured a Gallop Pole was a horse trainer in Warsaw.
“We’re not quiche-eating surrender monkeys!”
Intoxicated, feces-flinging howler monkeys? Well, that’s different.
@jibeaux: My first thought. And Obama has two girls.
Keith P.
Heh, I’m looking at the Twitter conv, and the guy’s reasoning is that while Gallop has Obama at 45% (+2), he won election with 51%, so he’s really down 6%. Good game of Twister there.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Even taking in margin of error into account, the results are still too close to ‘Pox On Both Houses’ than is healthy in this situation.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: I have no numerical data, but I’m convinced that the “Independents” in most polls are just Republican “both siders” who don’t want to self-identify as Republican voters, even though they vote OVERWHELMINGLY Republican
Southern Beale
Well, as I wrote over the weekend, Republicans are addicted to denial. Here’s a TeaCongresscritter claiming the millions trying to get on the Obamacare website last week were mostly members of Congress and the news media.
Denial is the reason they lost the election and it’s the reason they’re going to lose the House. They just haven’t learned their lesson.
Again, there are no political solutions to psychological problems.
Ash Can
They’re just making shit up. It’s all they have.
Jeezus christ they still think that they can massage public opinion by just lying about easily disproven stuff. Gallop pole infuckingdeed. This is just so typical of the Baghdad Bob-esque right wing coverage of the last election. Its like they still don’t grasp that sometimes you just crack up against the windshield of life. You can’t fake your way past that with Karl Rove’s math.
@Punchy: I tried something like this at #7 but it didn’t take. I thought I’d get extra points for mocking Ann Romney’s equine, but noooooooo.
The Dangerman
Folks, he misspoke; he meant a Gallop Pull (and then wash the horse and saddle down really well, I hope).
? Martin
It’s worked so far.
sheldon vogt
Gallop pole. Zeppelin III, right?
? Martin
How far in before the first question about Benghazi?
@sheldon vogt: Also includes (Kill the ) Immigrant Song
@? Martin: I think my favorite bit of Wingnut Theater over the last week was when some Foxbot got up on their high horse (look, on topic!) and screeched that Obama had sent more security to keep the WWII memorial than was sent to Benghazi.
It’s like playing One Degree of Kevin Benghazi.
Ah, but have we considered that The Gallop Pole might very well be a well-ridden Hobbyhorse? Rush Revere on Liberty to the rescue! Hi Ho The Math, aWAAAAAAAAY!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Belafon: That takes some doing to break 27%.
I spent most of my adult life living in DC. I didn’t work for the government but most of my friends did. They were not just dead beats trying to live off the government. They were working hard for you and me. The DoD. The EPA. The State Department. I was there in 1995 and what happened was not pretty. I often wonder if folks that don’t live in DC get what it was like for your friends to not have a job to go to.
I was befriended by this women at my first job. Helped me understand DC as a dude from a small rural town. Her husband was one of the hostages taken in Iran. The first day back he walked into work, well wanting to work.Those are the kind of folks we have working for us. We should be proud.
@? Martin: Has it? 70% of the responding public seems to disagree.
LO fuckin’ L
That is all.
Jay in Oregon
That was Steve Doocey:
@Jay in Oregon: should be Steve Doozy, for truth in advertising purposes
@IowaOldLady: Well, it’s not like dancing horses asses can apparently say anything other than Nay recently.
Scott S.
LOLOL Michael Medved
Jay in Oregon
I think “Steve Douchey” is more accurate, myself.
Southern Beale
I didn’t live in DC in 1995. I lived in Kentucky. And I worked for a federal National Recreation Area and I got my Newt Gingrich Unpaid Vacation, thank you very much.
It’s not just people in DC.
? Martin
@dmsilev: That was Senator Rand Paul, btw
Southern Beale
{{ golf clap }}
@Jay in Oregon: works for me, although in all honesty he has a great gig, being paid for being willfully stupid and misleading.
Tone in DC
@Southern Beale:
I’ve had it with these brain donors, too. I only hope enough people in purple districts are paying attention to get rid of these teabaggers in those areas in the next election, once and for all.
And, such as.
Southern Beale
I was really hoping this would turn into a pun thread.
? Martin
@Zifnab: 70% blame the GOP. 61% blame Dems. The GOP is only -9 in all of this. That’s impressive considering just how blatant their act is and their lies have been.
@MattF: “We’re not French. We don’t surrender.”
“Oh yeah? ‘Cause General Lee sure did.”
According to the Gollum Pool, Obama dropped his Precious (Obamacare) and is about to fold.
I met some tea partiers who came to Maine to go to Acadia. They were sure that the problem was Obama and Reid refusing to pass the house budget. They were planning to sneak into the park even though it is closed because “the government doesn’t own the national parks, we do”.
Just heard on the radio that people were arrested today for trespassing at Acadia. Heh.
From the Newsmax headlines:
@MomSense: Yeah, I would not recommend this. The third baseman and I were once ticketed by a ranger for hiking a closed trail at Wind Cave. The price dwarfed that of a Chicago parking ticket, and I suppose now we’re in a fed database of ebil rongdooers.
@Jay in Oregon: The personal body guard of Stevens is alive. He has talked a lot.They just couldn’t fight back the attack. They tried. Three people got out of that complex. Stevens and his assistant were not shot. They went to a “safe: room and it got fired bombed. They moved and things went wrong. I don’t think most folks know this. Stevens died from smoke, not a gun.
Amir Khalid
Some music to go with the general theme of the thread.
Mustang Bobby
Gallop poll? That comes right off of the stable floor, right?
@Violet: Works for me.
And those idiots are grinding their crotches suggestively up against that gallop pole and expecting $1 tips.
7th day of unpaid vacation here…Census workers are pretty low on the totem pole, thx Sen. Coburn.
My son and his girlfriend went to Wind Cave this Summer. They really enjoyed it.
Chuckle. Medved also breathlessly reported ‘another Hollywood figure defecting..” the other day. Rob Schneider, of ‘ Bigelow, Gigolo” fame was thinking of becoming a Republican. Tremble, Libs!
Amir Khalid
They’re trying to crash the US government and the world economy just to spite Obama. I’ve never been fond of the detention-without-trial national security law in Malaysia, nor would I advocate having such laws in America; but over here, people trying to pull that shit would have been arrested months ago.
Roger Moore
The Other Chuck
@Violet: This is the picture I get after that. Except this time I’m rooting for Ivan.
Felonius Monk
Another douchebagel impaled on his gallop pole.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m not sure, but I think “Steven” here is having some snark filled fun pushing Poe’s Law around.
And who, exactly, are the rampaging truckers planning on arresting? If they’re going to toss Bachmann, Gohmert, Paul, and Cruz under their wheels, I’d not get in their way. They’d be doing us all a great favor.
Bill Arnold
Oh my. xkcd is spot on today.
(Though including the Koch brothers in the list is probably wrong.)
David Koch
Why can’t Johnny Reb read?
@MomSense: That whole area is awesome. Just north is Custer State Park, which rivals many national parks in wildlife, trails and natural beauty. It’s a short hop west to Devils Tower or east to the Badlands. We had a ball even though it was above 100 every day — we just hiked mornings and again in the evenings, and kicked back in the afternoons.
I really want to get to Acadia…legally and through the front door. ;)
The gallop pole.
(Haven’t read the comments yet. Sorry if this is a dupe.)
Feudalism Now!
Hangman, Hangman wait a little while.
I think I see my Tea Partiers coming, riding many a mile.
Did you bring me a little silver?
Did you bring a little gold?
What did you bring me my Paul-tards, to save me from the Gallup Poll?
I haven’t been but the pictures were gorgeous. They toured all through the Badlands–Teddy Roosevelt in N Dakota, S. Dakota etc. I really want to go visit after hearing about their trip.
Acadia is really special. Even though it is the second most visited national park, once you get into the park it isn’t crowded at all. Beaches, lakes, mountains, and incredible views. I also recommend that people go to Washington County–Machias, Lubec, Eastport, Campobello. It is stunningly beautiful and there are not many visitors.
Mike G
Rob Schneider movies are for people who think Adam Sandler is too hifalutin’ intellectual, so most of his audience is probably Republican.
@Amir Khalid:
So good! Probably a good time to sing the blues.
Isn’t the gallop pole that thing that knights knock other knights off their horses with?
If you can stomach it, Eric Erickson’s tweets are LOL crazy in his attempts to convince his followers that no, really, the GOP is totally winning this thing. And if you can stomach John Podhoretz for just a few minutes, he’s letting a lot of the baggers have it for claiming TEH POLES R SKEWED.
@dmsilev That wasn’t a Foxbot, that was the junior US Senator from Kentucky, IIRC.
If the report’s coming from Michael Medved, I wouldn’t trust him to properly review a Z-grade movie.
It was Coleman Francis who was the Worst Director ever, you Golden Turkey putz!!! STOP PICKING ON ED WOOD!
Anyhoo, here’s my wrap-up on The Long October, Monday the 7th Ed.
@Amir Khalid:
I have serious concerns that what the House GOP – and their deep pocket backers like the Koch Brothers – is doing with the shutdown and the looming debt ceiling conflict could fall under the US Code definition of sedition (18 USC sect 2384):
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
@Feudalism Now!:
Led Zeppelin is gonna sue you for copyright infringement…
@Jay in Oregon: Oh wow. So did Doocy get that from Rand Paul, or did Rand Paul get it from Doocy?
More I think about it, the quote was probably hatched in some Koch war room and loaded into the Wingnut Wurlitzer.
The more time that passes, the more clear it becomes that Harry was the Medved brother who was the movie guy. Michael was just there because he could sound glib for the PR.
Original Lee
@Howard Beale IV: What I don’t like about that (aside from who gets to arrest whom) is that large numbers of school buses are on the Beltway every day. So their grand scheme is going to result in buses full of little children peeing their pants and going bonkers from low blood sugar, and buses full of bored teenagers who have similar issues. This will not end well, especially for the bus drivers, who are held responsible if somebody throws something out of a bus window.
Yeah depending on what happens in the next couple of months, I am REALLY looking forward to his 2014 SOTU. Just for the rhetorical flourishes.
But on mature reflection, I’d rather see the House come to its fucking senses naow.
There’s nothing in the Constitution that mandates January for SOTU, is there?
I have dozens of friends who work for the Canadian Embassy, and they are all posting sympathetically (and somewhat bemusedly) on FB about their US friends who are suddenly laid off.
John Revolta
@PaulW: That song’s a lot older than they are…………..
@Tommy: My roommate is an anthropologist who works for the Smithsonian and is also getting her phd and teaches classes as often as she can. Next time someone tells me government workers are moochers I’ll punch them in the face.