Principled Burkean moderates (via):
Tractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” rally.
[….]“We are not going to ask for impeachment,” Conlon said. “We are coming whether they like it or not. We’re not asking for impeachment, we’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.”
But remember that time a DailyKos commenter said Bush was a fascist? Pretty much the same as this.
Ain’t it a shame that freedom isn’t free?
Just sayin’
Amusingly, these days a not-insubstantial number of Daily Kos commenters spend their time calling Obama a fascist.
I’ve got a couple of questions for these folks:
Question 1: who, specifically, has violated their oath of office?
Question 2: how did those people violate their oath of office? Please provide specific examples.
Question 3: what charges will follow the proposed arrests?
Question 4: under what legal authority will those charges be brought?
Question 5: When and where (and with what funding) will trials follow the proposed arrests?
Question 6 (extra credit): please cite the Constitutional Provision that allows for the proposed arrests.
Roger Moore
Who would that be? Does this jackass even know what the oath of office says, much less what the Constitution says? That said, I’ll believe there are a bunch of truckers who are going to shut down the Beltway and arrest government officials after it happens, not when some loudmouth starts yapping.
Andrew Sullivan is quickly losing his sh-t, in real time, to the increasing delusional status of the House GOP.
I honestly don’t blame him.
Cris (without an H)
It’s a lot like Shay’s Rebellion, only with trucks, and without any coherent grievances.
While Obama is guilty of treason, it would be within his Constitutional powers to use the drones on truckers.
Maybe they can turn the 395 tunnel into a Free Speech Zone.
here’s my problem: these truckers seem to think that clogging up the I-95 beltway between Richmond and Baltimore is an effective scare tactic.
DC residents are gonna go “oh hey the bad traffic is back to normal” and YAWN.
I work in DC. This could and will never happen. You can’t stop beltway traffic…it stops you.
Another Holocene Human
Two things: I suspect there’s more freight run on the CSX main line daily than the Beltway, which is a commuter highway. I learned to drive on that highway and don’t remember too many trucks.
And the Beltway being locked up with traffic is a daily occurrence, so oo booga booga? I’m scared?
Okay, three things: with the gubmint shut down, who are they really inconveniencing?
ETA: @Trinity: Pizackly
@KG: ‘cos citizens’ court and citizens’ arrest trumps all your dumb questions. That’s why
Joey Maloney
Anyone in D.C. interested in a pickup bed full of extra-large caltrops? I’ll make you a good price.
Bill E Pilgrim
The TV show inspired by it will be called Bottom Gear.
Straight from the deepest end of the IQ pool, stuck in first forever.
The Dangerman
Sounds like a criminal conspiracy to me; you have the right to assembly if you aren’t harming others. You think they’d know that after Occupy; anyway, arrest them, charge them, and impound their trucks.
ETA: Any chance the Hoverround Brigade will try a similar tactic?
Roger Moore
I do. It’s fellow travelers like Sullivan who have allowed the teabaggers to reach the degree of crazy they’ve achieved. The time to stop the monster is before you bring it to life, not after it’s gone on a rampage.
@PaulW: he was warned plenty of times as to what he was enabling and he simply refused to see the signs, nice to have him see reality but he still bears a certain amount of responsibility for enabling these psychopaths to be treated as a fair players in our political process.
I grow weary of sharing my country with so many bone-stupid motherfuckers.
Please, please, please let these schmucks lay one hand on a congressperson. Finally start filling up federal prisons with dangerous lunatics instead of nonviolent drug offenders,
In Soviet Russia … oh, wait.
@piratedan: Exactly. Plus, once these idiots take a five-minute break from gay-bashing and threatening Andy’s 401K, all will be forgiven. How many times have we been down this road? I haven’t read him for years because of it.
The Populist
@KG: Apparently the dems are the only corrupt ones in congress according to this nutball. LOL.
Any Congresscritter screwing with the debt limit is not upholding the Oath of Office, IMHBNCO*:
*In My Humble But Nonetheless Correct Opinion
Robert Sneddon
Speaking of Fascism I was amused recently to see a closeup of the Lincoln Memorial and note the symbols the figure of your revered President rests his large countryman’s hands on…
The comments from supporters are pretty lulzy. Who knew conspiracy theorists tended to be truckers?
This isn’t the first time this sort of protest has been imagined by the right and it’s likely going to be as unsuccessful as the previous efforts.
The comments from supporters are pretty lulzy. Who knew conspiracy theorists tended to be truckers?
This isn’t the first time this sort of protest has been imagined by the right and it’s likely going to be as unsuccessful as the previous efforts.
Joey Maloney
@UofAZGrad: Please, please, please let these schmucks lay one hand on a congressperson.
Wanna take bets on the response time of those unpaid Capitol Police if they get a report of some trucker laying a beating on, say, Rep. Yoho?
Jon Marcus
Oh, but the “update” is the best part:
Pass the popcorn.
Cris (without an H)
By being Democrats, duh. Also too when they declared Marshal Law and made guns illegal.
Aggravated Governing While Black
Natural Law.
They’re bringing their own grand jury! Presumably they can hold a trial in the container of a reefer truck.
I’m sorry, your transmission is breaking up.
@Roger Moore:
Sullivan has been sounding the alarm about the crazies since at least 2006. I don’t think you can pin this on him.
From the article:
And the federal government has shit all to do with any of this, outside of the EPA regulations. What a bunch of maroons.
It seems like only yesterday that it was an angry group of Easy Riders bound and determined to shut Washington down and eliminate all of the Muslims. I am so sick of this.
who’ll notice the difference?
@Joey Maloney:
can you deliver??
@Cris (without an H): Well done.
Maybe they’ll rent all of the segways for the mall tours and then shut down the mall. Except for the WWII memorial, of course. All pols that can run over 10 mph will be spared as they can escape.
Not knowing traffic in DC, I can only ponder that further inconveniencing people is the best of all possible way to earn friends, especially in a populace that already wants everything their way, immediately, with a smile and for free.
@Flukebucket: Right, and didn’t about 20 easy riders show up for that? They’ll be lucky to get half that here.
@Flukebucket: 2 or 3 trucks stopping in traffic would be enough to snarl the beltway good. I wonder how many EMTs and other folks they are going to fuck with.
I really hope the capital police, Virgina HP and Maryland state troopers arrest these bastards and impound the vehicles.
New rule! All Dems are criminals! OathKeepers, you have your orders.
Let the Death Squads flow!
They do understand that National Airport is both inside the Beltway and completely Metro-accessible, right? And that there are trains running regularly out of Union Station? And that lots of roads out of the city don’t actually hit the Beltway?
No? Oh, well, I’m sure the plan is still brilliant, and we shouldn’t think for a second that pissed-off DC drivers will yank them from their cabs and beat the ever-loving crap out of them on the roadside.
It’s not enough that truckers get parodied as serial killers, low IQ types with no other job prospects, red state yahoos, lot lizard patrons, pee bottle dispersers ….
Some of the looniest have to go and try this.
This is really sad. I know a few truckers, and they are well-disciplined small businesspeople. Several are politically liberal, even.
This idea is stupidity on 18 wheels.
Isnt this the revised plan? The first plan was ditched, I mean, altered. Im feeling a strong derp vibe with this plan, so expect another revision before the due date.
Is fox covering this yet? If so, it could become a real watchable clusterfuck.
Bummer of an instant nickname, of course. How the hell is Truck Nuts already here? I thought we specialized in low-hanging fruit.
Cris (without an H)
The first time I met a real live person in the wild telling me all about how the Freemasons run the world was when I was hitchhiking in Oklahoma and got a ride in a tractor trailer. It would be irresponsible to make any broad sweeping statements, but long-haul driving is a very isolating profession, requiring you to spend long stretches of time with no company but your own thoughts and whatever you can pick up on the radio. It also puts you in something of a secret society, or at least a parallel subculture; the highways and truck stops place you in a network outside of what most people experience in the towns and cities. Add to that a fairly well-earned sense of privilege — as a trucker, you are the wheels that keep the consumer economy rolling, and for practical purposes the highways belong to you — and it makes for fertile ground for Glenn Beckian fantasies to thrive.
Suffern ACE
@lol: The point isn’t really to succeed in arresting Nancy Pelosi. What they are looking for are the names of the people who are crazy enough to forego their income (I assume they aren’t being paid to cart empty trucks) to do this.
schrodinger's cat
@scav: Beltway traffic is pretty bad, in the best of circumstances, when I worked in NoVa, I preferred taking the train.
Roger Moore
Yeah, because the answer is obviously for the government to magically reduce prices set by the Free Market, rather than to push standards that will result in lower consumption. Cause and effect: how the fuck does it work?
@JR: And that no member of Congress actually lives outside or uses the Beltway when they’re in session?
But this is a great way to piss off all the locals who haven’t been furloughed yet.
What I don’t understand is what relationship “clogging the Beltway” has with “arresting Congressmen.” I know it’s common to speak of “the Beltway” as being part of DC, but in reality it’s a great big loop several miles outside of downtown.
Do these guys think the Beltway goes to Capitol Hill?
I wasn’t joking about the Oathkeepers:
Twitterz shuts down account of these nutters
LOL. I hope so too. And these are going to be owner-operators. Someone trying this with a truck company’s vehicle would get shitcanned.
The Department of Transportation has a lot of control over trucking industry practices. Hours of service, safety regulations.
I’d find it more amusing if I didn’t drive on the inner loop of the Beltway every morning to get to work. Hmm.
Eric U.
they probably would get stuck near Rockville Md. or Richmond anyway. How many truckers are actually going to spend $500 to go to a protest?
Sullivan soured on the rah-rah war cheerism by the time of 2005-06 when it became clear Cheney lied us into war. By 2009 he’s made many “causes for concern” about the wingnut of the GOP, and trying to plead for more saner heads to prevail. By now, though, he’s losing his shit. Boehner is now a complete joke to Sully and the House GOP certifiable freaks.
Sure, Sullivan will play the “only sane conservative” card to humor himself, but for the last 4 years he has not been the GOP’s biggest fan.
Maybe this is the training video.
@Roger Moore:
Like magnets.
Also, these jokers don’t drive in Europe, where the cost of gas/diesel is what, $400 euro a litre?
Suffern ACE
@Redshirt: I wouldn’t either. The right has access to a lot of tools that could easily be turned into nasty things and there aren’t equivalents on the left.
@schrodinger’s cat: So, practically speaking, how much is that an option for everyone? With planning, odd things can happen such as traffic during the LA olympics. Could that mean, depending on how many actually show up, they’ll spend a day parading around obstructing other business deliveries and Emergency vehicles? There’s a motorized symbol for the shutdown! Christ do truckers have a lot of wheels to fall off.
Bob In Portland
Ah, C.W. McCall must be clapping in the rest home. “Convoy: The Movie”.
@Redshirt: Better in the original German.
@Redshirt: It sure looks like we have all the hallmarks of an attempted coup in progress don’t it? We have the Koch’s and Meese pimping the TeaPartiers and their nihilistic tendencies into provoking a Constitutional crisis, the MSM still operating in cocktail party mode, a bunch of furloughed workers sitting at home so you have skeleton crews manning the stations and a bunch of organized rabid Conservative whackjobs (many with military backgrounds) kicking up their readiness levels and a bunch of “independent truckers” threatening to close down access to the seat of government and institute lynch mob tactics against lawmakers they don’t care for. Who knows, maybe it can happen here?
So supposing this isn’t just idle speculation and these guys are certifiably trying to implement regime change…. what happens next?
Me too. From Branch Ave all the way to the Dulles toll road.
Mr. Longform
I will join them in my 1996 Saturn and leak oil all over the Beltway! Suck on that, libtards! Can someone send me gas money?
the only good thing about a potential far right wingnut coup attempt is that these jokers haven’t proven competent enough to tie their own shoelaces.
Yes, they are scary in that they will have access to firearms and low-level ordnance via their mercenary corporations like Xe/Blackwater, but I figure by the time they do get organized the A-10s will fly over with their gatling uberguns and make short work of them all.
@Mr. Longform:
can’t you file a government grant for that?
Is that going to be followed by a speedy trial and execution or are they going to simply line up everyone against a wall and shoot.
Scott S.
I’ve come to believe that the way to take care of the problem of the teabaggers is to start treating them like the Klan or Westboro Baptist. You can’t stop them from running their tiny protests, but you can meet them with gigantic counter-rallies, and you can ridicule them loud and long. They won’t go away until they get met with clowns laughing at them. (or alternately, until they blow up another federal building and disappear into the cracks again.)
pseudonymous in nc
@Cris (without an H):
A friend of mine who’s a university professor — and focuses on outsider artistic subcultures — is actually married to a long-haul driver, and has done a bunch of rides. You speak the truth.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Scott S.: Speaking of Westboro, “the sleaziest punk band in the world” and “the first band ever to start a porn site” shot a video on their front lawn.
These dingalings seem to think that Congressfolk are to be found on the damn Beltway? Doing what exactly? Driving back and forth to work? LOL! Beltway is strictly for the proles!
And, hey, great guerilla move, to let the authorities know when you are coming and why and how, etc.
In other idiocies, Congressman Sean Duffy’s mini interview with Andrea Mitchell, who appears to have awakened from her vast slumbers, just now was something not to be believed. A rambling, incoherent, juvenile nyah nyah rant followed by an idiotically self-satisfied little smile at the end. The poor fellow seemed to think he had somehow nailed something.
The mood of this morning seems to be devolving at turbo speed into something different. Let’s hope President Obama hits it out of the ballpark at two pm.
Anyone else watching Andrea Mitchell? She just had on Pat Toomey (R-) who railed against Obama for not negotiating during these “opportunities” (the shutdown and debt-ceiling). After which she made no attempt to rebut such an outrageous claim but instead cut to break.
I really shouldn’t be watching msm like her or Todd. It’s literally unhealthy.
@Trinity: Clogging Beltway traffic is a lot like increasing the wetness of water.
@PaulW: I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was Michelle Bachmann stating in an interview that she’s really looking forward to all this chaos because it means Jesus is coming soon.
The GOP isn’t a political party, it’s an apocalyptic death cult.
Suffern ACE
@Sinnach: You know, if they were interested in negotiating, they could, you know, pass a budget and ask Nancy and Harry what they could do to get some support for it. But no, they’d rather send their truckers to arrest Nancy rather than talk to her.
And they’ll get the drop on all those treasonous politicians by telling everybody ALL THEIR PLANS IN ADVANCE, in incredible detail.
A can’t fail plan, guys.
@PaulW: not during the government shutdown.
Corner Stone
@Sinnach: I was watching “at it”, with the sound off because what else is Toomey going to say? I also loved the “opportunities” part.
Waiting to hear what President Obama has to say shortly.
Another Holocene Human
Seriously, this is fascinating. Do go on, Mr Conlon.
Corner Stone
@Suffern ACE: In all honesty, the “drop your hostages first and *then* we’ll talk” gambit doesn’t make much sense.
now Conlon is saying this was a hoax.
Cris (without an H)
Those guys had a float in my town’s Fair Parade this year, right behind the John Birch Society float. I said out loud, “The OathKeepers are affiliated with the Birchers?” and the guy handing out brochures said something like “Yeah, they’re our friends.”
I had heard their name before, but until the parade I never really looked into them. If I didn’t assume they were mostly bluster and paranoia, I would consider them pretty frightening. Developing a shadow network of active military and police willing to violate COC? This is the stuff real-life coup d’etat are made of.
Corner Stone
Awwww, Chuck Todd and Ed Henry are BFF’s. It’s so sweet they found each other.
For real and actual Truck Nutz.
Maybe a lawyer got his ear and told him the penalties under the Homeland Security Act for this kinda of thing?
Corner Stone
OMG, I just noticed Obama is expected to take questions at this event.
This should be, ALL CAPS, absolutely freakin awesome!!
CAPSLOCK JESUS come and take me naow!
Roger Moore
Or more recently during Carmageddon; people were warned that traffic was likely to be terrible everywhere and to stay home unless they had a good reason. The result was that traffic was unusually light and the people who needed to go places got there faster than usual.
Corner Stone
Holy shit! Luke Russert just went fucking postal on the GOP!!
Another Holocene Human
Fun facts: empty tractor trailers are more likely to knifejack because they lack traction; and on normal days most truckers would do anything to avoid attention from state troopers.
Are they liveblogging their incredible journey? I want the helicam footage. It’ll be like the end of BLUES BROTHERS. Too delicious.
Gleen Greenwald says these are good guys who should be taken seriously when they criticize the President but I suppose you Obots will start smearing them by citing quotes or something.
Hang it up, and see what tomorrow brings.
Another Holocene Human
@Elizabelle: Bullshit, you can get cited for the horn honking too, if it’s improper.
@Elizabelle: Ha, ha. Bravo, conlon.
Roger Moore
@Suffern ACE:
They’ve already passed a budget, but then refused to appoint anyone to the conference committee that’s supposed to negotiate the differences between the House and Senate versions. Nobody should lose sight of this basic point: the Republicans refused to participate in the normal negotiation process on the regular schedule. Anyone who fails to point this out when the Republicans talk about negotiations is buying their talking points.
@lol: What, quotes? How unfair can you get?
@Another Holocene Human:
True. Deadheading sucks, and especially in windy conditions.
@PaulW: Man, it was all I could do to not reach through the nets and throttle the guy.
His whiny post about how he needs the government to help make health care affordable to him? [Throttle] Should have thought about that when you were inviting Betsy McCaughey in to brainwash Americans into thinking health care reform would be the worst.
His post about how there might, just might, be a racist element to the Tea Party opposition? [Throttle] Well who is it who backed the Bell Curve again and refused to acknowledge racism in the process until now?
God, I hate that Tory with a fiery passion. If for whatever reason the ACA goes up in smoke, I’ll at least be glad that he will know that he is being screwed as a result and that he won’t just be happy that the poor others are the ones being Burkean screwed.
Bush was dreamy so not the same thing.
Hungry Joe
@Redshirt: All this Oathkeepers/truckers/Wolverines stuff is, in a word, hilarious. It’s nothing more than a scattered gaggle of frustrated low-info doofuses playing cowboys & injuns, or Believers and Heretics, or whatever. They’re having the time of their lives revving each other up on the ‘net, field-stripping their big-boy toys twice a week (stinking up the double-wide with the oil), and generally strutting around and acting all indignant. Probably the most fun they’ve ever had. I’m not saying that no one should keep an eye on them, but it’s pretty hard to do with a straight face.
It was a pretty good match for the 5 people that showed up for the “Million Muslim March” they were supposed to be counterprotesting.
It’s hard to imagine the Maryland or Virginia state police putting up with this shit for more than about 30 seconds.
Your post says more about you then it does about Sullivan…who as far as I can tell, has never done anything to you (or anybody else), has never held an elected office and merely writes opinions about which he has sometimes had to backtrack and apologize for.
For that matter, I have had to back down on things I have said. I imagine you have as well. I have disagreed with a number of things he has said, but I have read nothing at all that makes him into the monster you seem to hold in you imagination.
There are people who may well deserve your hatred. Hating Sullivan simply makes no sense, is a waste of energy and accomplishes nothing at all.
Yeah, that’s a reason for being agin’ the federal government. You’d think all this [gasp] Federalism that’s been all over the airwaves the last three decades would have had some positive effect.
These are the blue-collar equivalents to the volk who hate property taxes so much they migrate en masse to their own private enclaves – and pay more in HOAs than they do in real estate assessments.
Another Holocene Human
Oh, fuck yeah. I fucking hate it when you have office people who laugh when you talk about the vehicle being a sail that skates all over the road. “It’s not gale force winds sustained at 30mph, what’s the problem?”
@Corner Stone: If they have lost Luke Russert they have lost America.
Reminds me of February 1979. A bunch of farmers showed up in DC with their tractors planning to to clog traffic in protest of fuel prices and maybe some other stuff. They were smarter than these guys in that they understood they needed to actually be in town to affect any of the people they were mad at.
So while they were here and before the protest actions started, a predicted 2 inch snowfall turned into a 20 inch event that would have had the city tied up for several days longer if there hadn’t been hundred of guys with tractors around who promptly pitched in to clear streets and get stuck municipal vehicles out of snowbanks. I’m not sure they got any satisfaction on their grievances, but they were sure handy to have around that week.
Another Holocene Human
@celticdragonchick: I don’t hate Sullivan, I despise him.
But I guess it is a good education in Toryism: one day he’s trolling man2man poz barebacking forums and blogging about how awesome overdosing on testosterone makes him feel and the next day he’s doing a photospread with his Kodak family selling his new “mature” “conservative” image and starting sentences with “as a husband” or “as a father” with a completely straight face. And the worst of it is that he gets away with it while a prole like Krystal Ball has to drag around the baggage of spousal nude pix for the rest of her life.
Fuck Sullivan.
ps: if you’re not clear on why HIV+ barebacking is one of the most irresponsible sexual practices imaginable, I suggest you do a little public health googling. I’ll wait.
@Cris (without an H):
I always thought being unionized (aren’t the Teamsters these guys’ people?) would keep the Glenn Beck instincts in check. Not necessarily squash the loony/conspiracy nut thing, but at least channel it in a different direction. Guess not.
@Another Holocene Human:
Why would this possibly have anything to do with you? I really don’t get it.
Free climbing Half Dome looks pretty irresponsible too. Not really my business, though. I still don’t get this.
Cris (without an H)
The one thing that sets the Oath Keepers apart from the usual Militia / Patriot / White Separatist yahoos is that the organization specifically targets active duty (and retired) military and police. You’re undoubtedly right that their sound and fury signifies nothing, but that one facet does make them slightly more concerning.
As someone said above, these guys are probably owner/operators (ie contractors who own their own trucks), so they wouldn’t be part of a union.
Teamsters get made fun of in Hollywood a lot, but one of G’s film school professors pointed out that the Teamsters are required to get the entire shoot set up before everyone else arrives at 6:00 am and take it all down after everyone leaves at 10:00 pm or later, so they’ve earned the right to stand around scratching their balls the rest of the day.
@Hungry Joe:
It’s also kind of hard to take these groups seriously when you figure that half of them are FBI informants and the other half are undercovers.
Lone wolves are the ones who scare me. It’s a lot harder to identify them and isolate them from the sea of pissed off people who are just venting on the Internet but don’t plan to do anything about it. And that seems to be where most of our terrorist attacks come from nowadays. Organized, declared militia groups… I, like you, tend to just point and laugh, at least at the moment.
@Elizabelle: So they are not only stupid, but they are cowards.
They are lucky their stupidity caused them to announce their plans so they can afford to say “J/K!” instead of try to figure out how to afford an attorney.
Felonius Monk
‘Nuff said.
El Cid
The person who yells “CONSTUSHUN” loudest is automagically the supreme Constitutional expert.
Ben Cisco
Told Brother Cisco (long hauler) about the protest. His response was… uncivil.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Cris (without an H): Earlier manifestations include Der Stalhelm and the Freikorps. (Godwin, Schmodwin. They both preceded the NSDAP.)
Another Holocene Human
@Chris: Lol, Teamsters, really?
I mean, except for these guys:
Another Holocene Human
@Gex: The scab-asses who cry about how they’d join if only they could strike are the first to cut and run when you want to pack a room or run an info picket or when you tell them, “Hey, that sounds like an important concern. Why don’t you write that up and take it to the manager on Monday?”
Hungry Joe
@Chris: Lone wolves are scary, all right. They don’t even have their slightly-less-unhinged Wolverine brothers’ saving grace of being comical, and they can do some horrific damage — Timothy McVeigh, anyone? Still, they’re extremely rare and no threat to the republic.
Another Holocene Human
@celticdragonchick: Mountain climbing doesn’t, typically, endanger others. (Though I suppose it could grieve your own family when you die, and cost some money in rescue teams to get your body.)
But it’s not that detail per se, it’s the privilege and the hypocrisy. And the fact that people like you are always running behind him to defend him when he has done NOTHING to redeem himself, NOTHING to apologize, NOTHING to earn my respect since the 1990s.
Cheryl from Maryland
Dumb asses. October 11th is a Friday. All the Congresscritters will have left for their home districts by then.
I’m surprised no one’s brought up this song yet.
As others have mentioned, any company drivers participating will find themselves without a job.
As for the independents, most of them that I know only own the tractor and not the trailers they haul.
The one that I do know that owns his own trailer is a farmer who uses the rig for his farm, and not as an owner/operator.
I suspect that any independent who manages to get a Schneider or Bradley trailer impounded by the VA or MD State Police might find himself unable to land any jobs in the future.
@shortstop: I have always wondered how that Easy Rider turn out was. The last I saw there were about 800,000 heading in that direction but I never heard one more word about it on the day it was to go down.
Felonius Monk
CONLON: Breaker,Breaker. Looks like we don’t got us a convoy.
OTHER TRUCKER: Oh, shit. Give me forty acres.
I’m just saying I have ZERO sympathy for the defender of Betsy McCaughey and the Bell Curve as he freaks out about the irrational hatred of health care reform by people who appear to be motivated by racism. The thing about my opinions, right or wrong, is they aren’t published in (even the liberal) New Republic and I am not a pundit who gets paid to disseminate my opinion in print or on television. There is additional responsibility that comes with his profession.
He doesn’t like the GOP battling to the death over health care reform? He shouldn’t have tried to convince people that it makes things worse. He doesn’t like governance that appears to be motivated by racism? He shouldn’t have tried to convince people there is evidence blacks are inferior.
Last time I saw him revisit it, he defended the Betsy McCaughey piece which is highly relevant to the issue the GOP are fighting to the death over. If he wants to get paid as a pundit and appear on television “informing” people about these things, he can fucking own it.
If he had said anything other than “Waaaah, my COBRA is so expensive and I have HIV so I NEED affordable insurance” my attitude might be different. But, unlike his argument against health care reform which was a systemic critique his argument for the ACA was “it helps me.”
So yeah, fuck that.
Yeah, Free Corps (or Freikorps) sounds so much better than Oath Keepers…
Did they get the idea for this from French farmers?
Here’s some high Broderism. You are both essentially right. Sullivan’s posts on his illnesses and race were perfect examples of his lack of self awareness. Meta-cognition isn’t his thing. He’s very willing to admit to mistakes, but he learns all the wrong lessons from the experience. Instead of realizing that he gets himself in trouble because he is rash and impulsive he simply over-corrects. Thank God he doesn’t drive. Thus, while he was wrong on Iraq and probably right on Syria you can’t really trust his opinions because they are always emotional in nature. As a political blogger, he is the most skilled technician in the business. But as a thinker, I don’t know if he is genuinely incapable of synthesizing information or seeing the connectivity in seemingly unconnected events, or he is simply a lazy thinker who is wasting his potential. What I can guarantee is that his concern about the teaparty is genuine, and his endorsement of Rand Paul for the Republican presidential nomination will also be genuine. That’s Sullivan- more to be pitied than censored.
@Hungry Joe: It’s amusing, until there’s a real crisis in America, and lo! The Right Wing death squads are already armed and organized and prepped to go after all the Liberals.
We’re just a few crisis away.
I think you have just about wrapped that debate up and put a bow on it.
That is what always drives me nuts about him, especially his inability to recognize hate crimes as actual acts of terrorism that affect a community and not just gay rights victim pathology.
OK, I just heard secondhand that this slowdown is a bust — that apparently Obamacare is so popular among truckers that the reaction was…”dude, really?” Can anyone confirm this understanding, or was it a pipe dream or someone’s bad hearing?
@PaulW: The troopers should have dozens of tow trucks both private and from the military, ready to activate and remove every single one of these yokels from the road. That ought to cost at the minimum a $1,000.00 to get each truck back from the impound lots, which will be conveniently located somewhere within a 100 mile radius.
Gin & Tonic
@PaulW: Having just returned from Europe, diesel fuel runs the equivalent of $7.15 per gallon or so.