These numbers are pretty remarkable:
Terry McAuliffe has pulled ahead of Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia governor’s race almost exclusively by crushing him among female voters.
[….]Cuccinelli’s dwindling appeal among women could cost him an election in an off-year in which a Republican candidate was favored to win. In the latest Washington Post poll, McAuliffe’s six-point lead was almost exclusively fueled by female voters, who prefer him by 24 points over Cuccinelli. The candidates were statistically tied among women in May.
That translates to a 35 point gender gap in this race.
McAuliffe will likely pull ahead even more because of the shutdown — which affects Virginia disproportionately — but the less should be clear here: the war on women is a great issue for Democrats.
David Koch
Obama’s Bubbie
Good. Truth be told, I’m a little worried that some of the numbers that the independent in the race is getting will switch to the Couch on election day. Hopefully, there is enough of a cushion by then that it won’t be an issue.
I can’t wait to see what new depths of misogyny will emanate from the GOP once Fed Chair confirmation hearings start. I’m sure they’ll come up with something …special.
Why any woman would vote for a republican is beyond understanding.
the Conster
I know one. She’s a moron.
John O
I know several.
@the Conster:
They are also political morons. Mostly god-botherers to some degree.
Suffern ACE
@Baud: the governor is one thing, but I really would like to sweep in that race. No more crusader AGs and Lt. Gs. I’m not certain what the other races look like without the third party candidate.
Long Tooth
Why do chicks in Virginia react so hysterically about republicans claiming the legal right to stick wands up their ya-ya? I just don’t get it.
Women, huh?
If you’re a pro-life, anti-gay woman, then why not? These people probably think rape isn’t a problem for decent women, and everyone knows the Democrat womyn are man hating ball busters.
What gets me are the women who are pro-choice, or pro-gay, and believe in pay equality and so on. I know a handful of those women and they boggle my mind.
Browns and/or poors?
schrodinger's cat
Forget War on Women, GOP has declared a War on Sanity and Horrified Kitteh is horrified.
Doug there’s more to your trolling than we’ll ever know.
And you’ve got mad hits like Sadaharu Oh.
I blame Obama for starting this war.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
All the single-issue, “pro-life” voters I know are women. God-botherers who probably disapprove of the new Pope
Has this been covered here? the other day a lot of people were saying their non-political acquaintances trust CNN as “right down teh middle”
@the Conster:
I know a few myself. Rich morons. I’m talking “black-people-can’t-swim-because-they-sink” moron. Husbands–all armed to the teeth. Because “home invasions.”
Doug Milhous J
Or Rod Carew.
@cathyx: Maybe it’s an urban/rural split? It would be interesting to see if there’s a dramatic difference. I would imagine women in the suburbs and cities have much less interest in the GOP than those in the sticks do.
schrodinger's cat
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I knew a pro-life Catholic woman and she was a staunch Democrat. She was not happy withe the Dem’s stance on abortion but agreed with them on everything else and voted that way too.
I have a conservative religious Republican friend who has never voted for a Democrat. Until last year. She voted for Obama, saying “the republican party has gone nuts”. And they lost my 80+ year old mother in 2008 because of the neocon “bomb now, bomb often” approach to foreign policy. In the long run, they cannot win. What depressses the hell out of me is the damage they will do while they flail their way to defeat.
@Baud: Both. Cousins of mine. One is a teacher who can’t find work and decided to vote for Romney because Obama had his chance. I didn’t bother to argue with her that voting for Republicans thinking you were going to get a job in public education was insane.
Villago Delenda Est
Rinse Prebus is, right now, desperately trying to come up with an ad campaign, something along the lines of “Vote Republican, bitches, or I’ll hit you again!”
I would imagine it’s a class difference as much as anything. As in, women who are rich enough that the Republicans’ war on reproductive rights doesn’t affect them much because if the worst comes to the worst they can just fly to another state, or Canada, versus women who aren’t that lucky.
(There was a crazy measure in Mississippi attempting to ban all abortions a few years back that was defeated something like 60-40… and as someone here observed at the time, it’s a good bet than once Mississippi women were alone in the voting booth and away from the watchful eyes of their husbands and pastors, they voted to protect their and their daughters’ rights).
@Doug Milhous J: Not bad for a “false purist”.
I meant, they vote GOP because they hate browns and/or poors. I think your cousins are just daft.
The question isn’t IF the Republican Senators will ask sexist questions but rather how many will put foot firmly in mouth. My over/under is three. I’m guessing most will be in the form of anecdotes about senators’ wifes not being able to balance the checkbook or running up large credit card tabs, har har har, followed by assurances that the little lady won’t run the congress pocketbook the same way, har har har.
I’m no big fan of Terry Mac (seriously, is anyone, except for the Clintons?), but I look forward to his victory because it will be a big slap in the face to the Teabaggers. The Kook is almost as big a rock star to them as Carnival Cruz and his defeat will be a crushing blow to them.
Is there nothing an angry white man can do?
Long Tooth
@PsiFighter37: Damn straight.
Every real woman in rural Virginia welcomes the opportunity to have wands stuck up their ya-ya (per legal dictate sponsored by the state GOP).
On the other hand, what’s wrong with Virginia’s city girls is what’s always been wrong with them.
They’re all sluts.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You know, that’s kind of how I feel about CNN.
@Chris: Yeah, that was the personhood amendment, IIRC. We saw restrictions go down in South Dakota in the past few years as well, I think.
Of course, the party of old white men never get this. Fucking morons.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Is Brian Todd another legacy hire? Or am I overestimating Chuckles’ age here?
Spaghetti Lee
Here’s the map from 2009, when GOPer McDonnell won big:
You may notice a slight rural/urban divide. Any Democrat who has been successful in Virginia statewide has piled up votes in the DC suburbs, which Creigh Deeds failed to do. Northern Virginia’s more like Maryland than anything, politics and culture-wise. I doubt they’ll be impressed by the Cooch.
In these times of doubt, I am certain of two things: 1. I will vote for McAuliffe, and 2. Sooner or later (probably sooner), he will make me ashamed that i did.
What about the sodomite vote?
The polling I’ve seen without the independent in the race shows McAuliffe ahead by a similar margin. Given what an awful candidate he is, I can’t say I’m surprised.
Maybe this is in part why so many in the GOP are so apocalyptic. This is end times, baby. They’re looking at the prospect of Hillary in ’16. Imagine what the gender gap for that could be, especially against a godbotherer like Santorum or a lout like Christie. Add to that the demographic trends and their ability to go nowhere on immigration. They’re painted into a corner and the people doing the painting aren’t out of paint yet.
Good to hear.
Always knew he had horrible policies, but I never realized how goofy he looks.
If we could just get more Republicans to declare war on oral sex, I bet we could lock up a lotta votes.
A man who thinks he knows what’s best for women, wants to probe women’s health care records and probably thinks all women’s vaginas should be the state’s personal property to decide what to do with is lagging with women voters? Shocker (not).
Any woman who votes for Cuccinelli is a brain-dead moron, period. Cuccinelli female voters can be the first to submit their vaginas for probes, etc.
Spaghetti Lee
The rich parts of Virginia are the most Democratic, though. Obama won in 2008 and 2012 in Fairfax county by a 60-40 margin. He also won the mini-Fairfaxes of Loudoun and Prince William Counties. And really, why wouldn’t he? All of Northern Virginia’s money comes from the federal government. All those six figure salaries and cushy contracting jobs. The Republicans have run on a platform of tearing the federal government to pieces. Who would you vote for?
EDIT: It’s also worth pointing out that all those counties are all no more than 65% white these days, although the voting population is probably much whiter than the population as a whole.
The women I know who vote Republican have done so for years. They formed that party identification when the party was more or less sane and nothing has pushed them enough to change. They think of the current loonies as exceptions who will go away.
Spaghetti Lee
McAuliffe-v-Cuccinelli is like the modern version of “Vote for the crook. It’s important.” McAuliffe should thank his lucky stars he got such a sleazy and terrible opponent (not to mention Cuccinelli’s completely psycho running-mate).
Got me some McA yard signs and a bumper sticker yesterday.
@Spaghetti Lee: It’s funny, because those suburban NOVA counties used to be the bedrock of Republican wins. In less than a decade, they’ve basically flipped party affiliation.
I think it probably used to be that GOP = strong defense = keep feeding at the federal trough, but at some point, the craziness of the GOP’s social conservatism surpassed that.
Spaghetti Lee
It’s pretty much the same with what happened in suburban areas in Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey, etc. Some of that has been due to the suburbs getting more racially diverse, but some of it is that same thing: wealthy, educated suburbanites don’t want to associate with Tea Party lunatics.
If you went back 25 years and told people that in 2013, the Democratic Party is essentially extinct in the rural south, but they’re running even with or better than Republicans in most suburban areas, I’m not sure who would believe you. The former has gotten a lot of press, but the latter is one of the great untold stories of modern politics. I know that my home county (DuPage, IL) went from 76-24 Reagan in 1984 to Obama by a nose two years in a row. That’s not all explainable by Hispanic or Asian immigrants.
Tee hee hee. Against Terry Fucking McAuliffe yet! Cooch creeps us ladies out cuz he’s too obsessed with our cooches. I despise Terry Mac but I’m gonna be cheering and cackling with glee when he beats Cooch senseless.
Suffern ACE
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: yes. The main republican talking point for months was “get the web site working”
And I will say again, I really don’t get the loathing for McA.
I mean I don’t LOVE him, but how exactly are his “policies” any worse than anything else you’d get from a Democratic governor in THIS state?
IIRC he has even come out in favor of gun control, which is more than many would do — again, in THIS state.
@EconWatcher: McAuliffe has bad buzz that comes from… that time he did that thing… that everyone hated… what was that again?
I’m still not entirely clear on why blogosphere spite for McAuliffe is so intense.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Kind of like when Edwin Edwards ran against David Duke for governor of Louisiana, and Edwards openly admitted that even though he was a crook, he was better for the state than a KKK/neo-Nazi member.
Agreed. I haven’t heard a spot of criticism against his policies.
@eemom: Haha, virtually simultaneous posting! Howya been, ee?
“the war on women is a great issue for Democrats.” You bet your sweet bippy this is a great and winning issue for Democrats.
It is one of the reasons I’ve voted Democrat since the day I could vote.
@MJ: Right, yeah, but why is McAuliffe the crook in that scenario? Because he’s smiley and comes across as a smooth operator? Ain’t like that’s rare in politics.
@Spaghetti Lee:
You can also look at what happened to California. Once a red state and now blue. I love my home.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@FlipYrWhig: He was a part of the bubble economy of the 90s, and for a lot of people seems to peronsify that and the vaguely sleazy buck-chasing that surrounded Bubba’s presidency and its aftermath
Speaking of the watchful eye of the menfolk – I used to work with a bunch of troglodytes in central PA. The tradition was that on the night before the election, the helpful hubby/master of the house would sit the wifey down and edumacate them on who they should vote for. My thought at the time was that if I was one of their wifes I would nod my head and then vote for who I damn well wanted to. I also knew that my wife would tell me where I could shove my head even if she agreed with my preferred candidates.
That is almost literally the motto French people were using in 2002 when the second round of the presidential election ended up pitting the center right candidate against the far right’s. “Vote for a crook, not a fascist” (Votez escroc, pas facho).
Since then I have found it much more applicable to American politics than French ones.
Spaghetti Lee
Just for the historical record, that election, when the Republican nominee was literally the ex-leader of the KKK…he won 19/64 counties, 40% of the votes, and 671,000 total votes. Almost seven hundred thousand people said “Yeah, I think a leader of the KKK should be the next governor.” The more you think about it, the crazier it is.
Randy P
Surely there are plans in the works to suppress the women’s vote. If there’s one thing the Republicans are good at, it’s vote suppression.
Maybe they can gerrymander individual houses so the men and women are in different districts.
Edit: I’m starting to get a good feeling about my own district (PA-07, Pat Meehan). I was really demoralized by 2010, but our new County chair was anything but and has been working hard, and his e-mails always make me feel better. He ran unsuccessfully for County Council some years back (the Council remains 100% Republican as it has been for decades — and in Republican control for something like 130 years). He’s now reporting that we’ve hit voter registration parity, and I think the next slate of Democratic council candidates could very well break the streak.
Everything wrong with Congress right now is because Republicans understood the importance of state and local elections. I think Democrats may have finally learned that lesson.
@srv: They keep trying, almost daily.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: OK, fine, but, still, it seems like a lot of people put him in the devils’ pantheon alongside Rahm Emanuel. He doesn’t seem worth that much emotional energy to me.
He’s one of those sleazy Clintonite grifters and he’s had some problems working with minorities. He’s just not the kind of Dem I can be proud of. But he’s light years better than Cooch and his policy positions now are just fine. He’s just such a sleaze.
I suppose they’re careful to choose women who aren’t going to disrespect them by having a mind of their own. (Or that they don’t think have a mind of their own).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, like we all know it takes a year to work out software bugs for a rather simple system; this isn’t some new software – it was built from existing programs. To delay a year because thugs said so, would have given the thugs a key victory and doomed ACA next year. In a few weeks the system will run well, in a few months everyone who really needs it will sign up and by next year, it will be entrenched solid. Yeah, we should have put off ACA and allowed it to be killed because some gliches. I remember when a few people wanted to wait on Iraq for scantions to fully work and how thugs so agreed with that … what is it with thugs and their need to hurry up and kill large numbers of people – even amerikans?
patrick II
@schrodinger’s cat
I wonder how much the Pope’s recent speech on caring more about social issues is going to affect the Catholic vote.
schrodinger's cat
@geg6: The Clintons sure do have some sleazy friends.
@PsiFighter37: I know you meant it as a snark, and they’re almost surely not father and son, but contemplate this: Chuck Todd was born in Miami. Brian Todd graduated from the University of Miami. Coincidence?
schrodinger's cat
@SiubhanDuinne: Siblings?
@Cermet: I feel like in Wolf’s mind “program” meaning publicly-funded government initiative and “program” meaning software are getting all tangled up. That’s how “they’re having problems with the program” and such start to seem ominous.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Apt comparison. As I’ve said before, I get worn out by the tendency of the left blogosphere to twist people into cartoons of pure good or pure evil. There’s a spluttering fire bagger at Booman’s who, I was stunned to see a few days back, is actually a Deaniac.
In the other governors’ race Christie is going to face crush Buono, per the polls I saw on Real Ckear Politics.
A Republican win by 20 points or more in a blue state is going to spring board him into Presidential “front runner” status for 2016.
That’s really a shame. I get the difficulty in beating Christie, but to not even have it be all that close is tragic.
I never heard of any sort of problem with minorities.
schrodinger's cat
@FlipYrWhig: Innumerate and computer illiterate, that’s MSM for you.
Matt McIrvin
@Spaghetti Lee: I grew up around Chantilly, at the west end of Fairfax County. Back in the Eighties, when Reagan was already hitting the “anti-government” line pretty hard, all the government employees and government contractors around there voted Republican.
Of course a lot of them were military employees and contractors, which was always the great exception to anti-governmentism, and the neighborhood was much, much whiter back then.
@cathyx: My sister. Because men told her to, like my dad or her boss, or her ex.
Dad’s gone, she doesn’t have a job, and her ex is her ex, and she decided she not only despised Sarah Palin, she didn’t like Mitt either.
@patrick II:
It won’t matter. The Catholic vote has been divided right down the middle for decades and gone the same way as the national vote in pretty much every election. Even if the Pope actually does put some teeth behind his social justice statements (like bringing American bishops to heel), it won’t make a difference; Catholic Republicans will simply ignore him the same way they’re already ignoring Catholic teachings on a million different things (and the same way Catholic Democrats are currently ignoring the bishops. And different Catholic teachings).
God bless the First Amendment.
@lamh36: I’m pretty sure that was merely an oversight and it will appear on tomorrow’s
listransom note.Gex
@Villago Delenda Est: GIven their legitimate rape ideas plus their opposition to birth control and abortion, I see it as their “bitch if I want you to have my baby, you’ll have my baby!” platform. Hard to believe that isn’t working for them.
Ah, those manly men of the troglodyte persuasion.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Saw a commercial last night with some local political leaders doing a “bipartisan coalition supports McAuliffe” ad. That’ll prolly move the needle some for him as people think, Hey, if they can get a Republican mayor to vote for a slimy fucker like McAuliffe, maybe Democrats should vote for him too.
Who did/does?
Twitter is great. If he’s responding, they’re winning :)
The funniest part of that clip is how the two “reporters” agree! Obamacare should be “delayed.” Why do they bother putting it out to the public? They can just talk amongst themselves.
I’m glad we agree on this. It really doesn’t reflect well on our so-called side when this much hostility is directed against a guy on nothing more than vague rumors of 2 decade-old “sleaze” accompanied by zero substantive issues with anything he’s said or done.
I hate fucking groupthink, in all its forms.
Not only responding, but lying. His original quote said Obama should take the Republicans advice and delay it a year.
@Baud: Is there any real way of testing for this before roll out? I realize some of the websites are a bit wonky, but too much internet traffic is not the same as “it just doesn’t work.” Blitzer should know that but I guess he’s desperately trying to get back to his beloved both sides do it meme.
Also, the three year old in me would love to have a Governor Cooch. But Rachel Maddow has been very informative as to how terrible a person he is, so I guess I’ll get over it. Not that I live in VA anyway.
They could have done a better job. I’m not going to make excuses for them. But Blitzer’s still an idiot.
@Hal: There’s no chance it wasn’t tested. None.
So what does Wolf think should happen when software passes the tests you’ve run, but massive demand and the ability for DNA to keep building a better fool trump all the testing you’ve done? Does he really believe you should never release software until you are absolutely 1000% sure it can handle any load and any user? There would be no software releases. Ever.
What a fucking moron.
Hey, I’ve voted for many a sleaze. Hell, I voted for Rendell twice. Happily. But not noticing that the guy proudly brags about getting rich off of politics and talking about “colored people” and having to be forced to hire minorities as head of the DNC is not something I’m willing to do. But I’d certainly vote for him if I lived in VA. No qualms about it.
I know he’s lying. That’s even better :)
@geg6: In GA the McKinney family is not held in high esteem but my son voted for Cynthia holding his nose. Sometimes you have to do things that make you feel kinda icky.
@eemom: @FlipYrWhig: He basically let the DNC rot while he ran the shop from 2000 to 2004. He ran the organization in 2002 and 2004, and in both years, we lost seats in the House and in the Senate (while losing the WH in 2004, obviously).
He sucked ass, real hard ass, at running an organization. He could gladhand and raise soft money with the best of them, but he was absolutely awful as head of the DNC.
Personally? I bet everyone would love chatting with him. He loves politics to death, and is the kind of diehard person that most of us are. And I’m sure his policies while he’s running for governor are cookie-cutter standard center-left fare. That said, his stint at the DNC was total shit.
I don’t know enough about the dude to judge, but the way you describe him, he sounds like the people who ran the Mitt Romney campaign. Someone who thought lots of money and lots of important friends could somehow substitute for going out, beating the pavement and convincing a ton of people to vote for you.
Godwin Alert.
This seems as good a thread as any to drop in this link:
Hitler’s Furies, a new book about women and their role in the rise of Nazi Germany
@Chris: He was awful on the talk shows. I met him personally in 2004 as part of the College Democrats, when he spoke at a rally on campus and then came out later at night to get cheesesteaks at Pat’s. Would I have a beer with him? Absolutely. Would I trust him to run something like the DNC? Absolutely not.
I just hope that when he gets elected, he picks smart Virginians to surround himself with and build a bench in the state, not pick old friends who are from out of state to important positions.
@schrodinger’s cat: I was thinking maybe cousins, but sibs would probably work. Haven’t paid that close attention to dates.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Agreed. I’m not a fan of McAuliffe (I like Northam though – he’s a good egg), but I’ve signed up to go canvassing for McAuliffe in two weeks. I’ve never done that for any other candidate. The ONLY reason I’m doing it is because I detest Cuccinelli and Jackson and the rest of their neo-confederate party. I also gave McAuliffe a donation.
Everyone at Balloon Juice agrees.
Maybe they are horrified by the prospect of four years of hearing about “Virginia’s Cooch”.
Seriously, why any woman would vote for an anti-woman teabagger platform– regardless of anything else– is beyond my comprehension.
Just moved to Northern VA and my husband’s co-worker’s, who is a woman, attitude is “I got mine, screw everybody else.” in regards to Obamacare.
@Gex: Thank you, Gex. I always find you a very reassuring person.
@JPL: Yup. For a brief time I was in her district. I voted for her too, although the clothespin was pinned so tightly it left red indentations on my nose for six months.
Faux News
@PsiFighter37: Son, you may have a great future in Faux News
@Seanly: No doubt those women had plenty of practice in faking enthusiasm about their husband’s preferences. Of course in those days, the GOP was the more reliably pro-choice party in the Commonwealth (God save it, too) due to the influence of white Catholics in the Dem strongholds of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Go figure.
Peter Principle? Sometimes there are very smart competent good people who find themselves in jobs that are just a mismatch. It’s happened to me once or twice, and no reason it can’t happen to folks way above my pay grade. I’m willing to extend the benefit of the doubt here.
More of a curiosity than anything else, but if McAuliffe does win it will be the first time since 1973 (9 elections) that the winner of the VA GOV race and the national Presidential election in the previous year will be members of the same party. That has to be the only reason Cucinelli was ever favored, as his behavior as AG was well to the right of his 2009 campaign.
@shelly: Mormons.
The question was “how can a woman vote for a Republican?” Women who are easily swayed by the nearest authority figure.
You know it’s funny; everyone talks about the “Southern Strategy,” few people talk about an equivalent “Catholic strategy,” but those two demographics… have a lot in common in terms of their voting patterns. Urban, white Northern Catholics and rural white Southern Protestants are two demographics who were Democratic already in the early nineteenth century; they were virtually the only Democratic voting blocs left between the Civil War and the Great Depression, when Republicans were dominant everywhere else; they were the two groups that won big under the New Deal reforms; and they were the two groups that supplied the lion’s share of the Nixon/Reagan Democrats who crossed over once their liberal allies started getting too friendly with the nonwhites.
The Catholic vote, like I said, is split right down the middle. But I wonder what happens when you restrict that to “white Catholic vote,” e.g. the Irish and Italians and Poles whose grandparents voted for FDR. Not as one-sided as the Southern vote I’m sure, but still…
@Randy P
“Surely there are plans in the works to suppress the women’s vote. If there’s one thing the Republicans are good at, it’s vote suppression.
Maybe they can gerrymander individual houses so the men and women are in different districts.”
You may be snarking, but here in North Carolina, a big part of the new voter suppression laws will strike hard at women, intentionally or not (and my guess is this was no accident – in addition to targeting minorities, why not make it a two-fer?). The picture ID requirement will affect far more women than men. This is, in large part, because of discrepancies between names on the voter rolls and names on picture IDs (because of name changes due to marriage/divorce) . Of the NC voters with picture ID problems, approx 65% are women.
You look at the populations these laws target and it is so clearly a list of all Democratic constituencies. It is disgusting.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I live in Maryland so I am seeing these ads all fucking day and night. Now there is some Democratic African American woman claiming that it’s ridiculous to say that Coochie is against women. Of course, the lady who served on the Richmond School Board and is coincidentally bankrupt, says she’d vote for Cooch.