A recent study conducted by the University of Maryland revealed that Black men don’t particularly like to run in White neighborhoods. And by “run” I mean exercise, not “get away from the po po.” That’s just madness! Are you telling me that in a country—where where you’re publicly presumed guilty—that you may not want to participate in an activity that puts you under a lens of critical judgement when all you want to do is get rid of your pot belly.
As someone who now lives in a primarily White neighborhood (North Berkeley), I can say that although I do, in fact, run, I have definitely noted interesting interactions with the neighborhood majority when they attempt to ping me to figure out what type of negro I might be filed under. But if you were to ever mention this to some of our “non-seeing color” folks they would be horrified and disgusted and mention how we’re being “divisive.”
Or observant.
And at This Week in Blackness, we’re not the biggest fans of Miley Cyrus, but apparently, The Roots can fix anything:
Also on today’s #TWiBRadio, #TeamBlackness discussed the great government chicken fail, the Roots/Fallon acapella filter, and the virtues of outdoor podcasting, behold!
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And this morning on #amTWiB, #TheMorningCrew discussed how too much heavy petting is freaking your cat out, Americans can’t read or add, and Instagramming your meals is ruining your appetite.
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And in case you missed it, we made our first broadcast from lovely North Berkeley. That’s right, TWiB! moved to the Bay Area, Son!
No, the Roots cannot fix anything.
Exhibit A: the new Elvis Costello record, which while it doesn’t suck is far from his best work.
@burnspbesq: No, the Roots can not fix everything. They can fix some things.
And yeah, I really wanted to love the new Elvis. I hate saying “meh” when listening to artists I like. Sadly, I had to.
David Koch
At least Miley has a personality and doesn’t have to lip sync.
@burnspbesq: The Roots could fix it. The Roots can fix anything. They should work with Miley more.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
I’m one of the folks that has transcended color, Elon, and I don’t think you are being divisive. Are you by any chance jogging with a flat screen TV under your arm?
I LOVE The Roots! I have a compilation of their instrumentals that I listen to when I am on an airplane.
Damn, the Roots really can fix everything!
That wasn’t my cat. :-(
The one on the left middle row somehow reminds me of Brian Blessed. I kept waiting for a sudden roar.
gogol's wife
I LOVE IT! I actually really like the song but can’t stand the decadent imagery on the video (except the John Boehner version). This is really good musically! Questlove is great.
Welcome to the Bay Area, aka the Best Area :)
Long Tooth
“I have definitely noted interesting interactions with the neighborhood majority when they attempt to ping me to figure out what type of negro I might be filed under.
You are black, and live next door to the crime cesspool that is Oakland. Oakland, a city in which the vast majority of violent crime is committed by black people. Still, your fee-fee’s are hurt when people look askance at you in a predominately white neighborhood?
As if you’d act any differently if the tables were turned.
What the ?
Welcome to the Bay Area. I agree with Alison, the “Best Area”.
I really like that version too; she has a lot of growing up to do but Miley does have a good voice. I am decidedly against the reality that my daughter has the name of a street drug now, though.
Quaker in a Basement
Simple solution. When you go running, just don’t wear clothing that would make you look like a suspicious character. Like hooded sweat shirts. Or track suits. Or expensive sneakers.
I recommend a suit and tie at all times.
I’m so confused by the comments about nothing about the post, who the F$$$ are you people on this site? I won’t be back soon because it’s white wine and the red wine time to try and forget how F$$$$$ it is. Elon James Thank you from an old poor white person we are ALL in this Together until the end. This govt. like the ones before have been about divide the races to their means off distorting all of use on Main Street.
Please if they will let you stop by again.
Someone forward this to Key and Peele. I bet they could do a great skit.
Southern Beale
I live in a predominantly white neighborhood but I see African Americans jogging and walking through on a regular basis because we’re one of the few streets with a dang sidewalk. There’s one man who we pass as we walk our dogs every morning and he always crosses the street as we pass by, I guess he’s afraid of the dogs.
Speaking of diversity. Saw this video and just had to share it cause it sorta made my day. I swear when the interviewer said “anyone want to comment on that” and all you heard were crickets from the white directors…all I heard was “Boom! There goes the dynamite”! Now this is REALNESS! Team “No More … To Give” is real ya’ll!
Well damn! #TeamNMFTG is real! Director Steve McQueen on lack of diversity in Hollywood http://youtu.be/XG4ytB4z-WE
The amount of petting to give the cat is the amount of petting the cat likes.
Reminds me of this classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I21Z7Wy_bk0
It should not be socially acceptable to just stand up and promote a pattern of behavior about how being around white people makes you feel like you’re under suspicion and thus it makes sense to avoid them. Just reverse the races to understand why. It’s stereotyping, it’s racial paranoia, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it’s corrosive to interracial and interethnic relations.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you – this fails.
The fact that you feel under suspicion whenever you’re around people of a certain skin color is a psychological weakness to which you confess. No different than in reverse.
Jogging while black story. I am not the black person. It was a mostly white neighborhood. The black jogger was headed west and I was headed north. We reached a corner at the same time. The collision knocked me right on my ass. The jogger helped me to my feet and we laughed and he gave me a quick hug. Then we jogged off.
And I thought well race relations have improved because I don’t think and interaction like that between a black man and a white woman would have been possible fifty years ago.
Still it was a mostly white neighborhood…and there’s a corresponding mostly black one a mile and an income bracket away…
I’m not claiming to be color blind, but looking at someone’s race rather than clothes in figuring out whether someone is running recreationally is pretty weird. Not claiming my neighborhood is color blind either, but the nextdoor did discuss the white dude running at full speed while wearing a cut off sleeved plaid shirt, jorts, and brown work boots as suspicious. Progress!
Feudalism Now!
Stop making white people nervous, Elon! Shorter glasnost. And The Roots can fix everything, but I now have the Brady Bunch theme forever associated with this song.
Long Tooth
@glasnost: “It should not be socially acceptable to just stand up and promote a pattern of behavior about how being around white people makes you feel like you’re under suspicion and thus it makes sense to avoid them”.
By “stand up” I assume you mean “speak out”. What you mean by “socially acceptable” is beyond me.
A little sliver of a town called Emeryville separates Berkeley and Oakland. Berkeley is … well, pick up a history book if you need Berkeley explained to you.
My point (up-thread) is that Oakland is an extremely violent city, and most of its violent crime is committed by black people.
Jogging while black in a white neighborhood thereabouts will invite a degree of scrutiny by the cautious and paranoid alike. How could it be otherwise?
I miss Berkeley. I went to school there and it is so beautiful. I ache thinking about it.
David in NY
I’m sorry some white people look at you funny, Elon. On the other hand, it could be worse — one of them might be George Zimmerman.
Wow, guys, classy thread. When do the MRA’s show up, as long as we’re being affronted by minorities?
James Hare
You’re damn right The Roots can fix anything. They gave me the most amazing show I have ever had the privilege to attend. They are all kinds of all right.
Many of the comments in response to this post are exactly why Balloon Juice is in desperate need of more race conscious commentary, more direct discussions of racism, more links to non-white people discussing the issues particular to being non-white in a white supremacist society and most importantly, black/nonwhite frontpagers. There’s an underlying racism here that you don’t have to scratch very deeply to find and its obviousness doesn’t require direct mention to be observable.
Pay particular attention to the straight up racism in Long Tooth’s remarks and notice the equally particular silence surrounding that racism (which should be viewed as separate from the silence surrounding posts from one of Balloon Juice’s few POC commenters). That’s a gigantic problem with this site and that’s not going to be fixed by going “hyuk, hyuk, look at those dumb hick Republican southerners and how we’re sooo much more evolved than them” whenever we want to have a serious discussion about this kind of thing. My patience with this is not limitless. And every post I make here is a function of my weakened restraint.
Fun fact/addendum: 50 years ago is not an appropriate standard for anything regarding race relations. Can we stop patting ourselves in the back for relegating our execution of black people and the de facto restrictions on their behavior to the state instead of to mobs?
I was ignoring Long Tooth as a common and obvious troll, and I figured glasnost was being ludicrously snarky. Still, post anything about race and the assholes come running. ABL’s time here proved her point to me about racism that way more clearly than with her direct arguments.
@Drexciya: I completely agree. It was worse IIRC when ABL was regularly posting…
Talk bearded gay white guy here, for whatever that’s worth. Oh, and another thing, what’s with all the racism in the gay community? It’s ridiculous.
Wheeee, wheeee, black people are emotionally, politically, legally and materially restricted from and intimidated out of participating in the direct functions/freedom of a society they’re “apart” of, a state they pay taxes to keep up and a country they “belong” to. They know this, even if they don’t publicly talk about it and even if they don’t even have a language for the understanding and emotions that restrain their reactions. All the while, white people are totally oblivious of its scope and indifferent to its impact.
Let’s hear more about how cool The Roots are, because I’m sure that’s extraordinarily germane to enlightened racial discussions. Someone should write a post about how so much of white liberal anti-racism is social signaling to demonstrate how With It With The Blacks You Are. I wonder which of our certainly interested front pagers would be capable of writing it.
Or he’s an obvious troll and there is no point in feeding him.
Long Tooth
@Drexciya: Oakland is a violent town. Most violent crime is committed by black people. That’s not a racist statement, that is a fact. That people in adjoining, predominantly white neighborhoods look twice at a black jogger should come as no surprise to anyone.
@Long Tooth: Most non-bigots don’t treat all people with the same skin color the same way.
Used to live in North Berkeley next to the Bart tracks, where people ran all the time and nobody paid the slightest attention to them.
The Roots are awesome. You’re acting like a jerk. And we have a bigot yanking our chain, and you are blaming us. I can hold more than one idea in my head at the same time. And I’m done here.
@Marc: at the least, they’re self-aware enough to feel a little shame when they do.
Long Tooth
@Marc: Bite me. Or do you contend that all the white people cited by the blogger in that neighborhood are bigots? According to you, they must be.
No. Seriously. I have broad political views and opinions. I have equally diverse tastes. I’m relatively conversant about both of those things. I refuse to talk about any of them until the basic racial issues with this blog are addressed. I’d really love to participate here or at least read the posts/comments in relative peace. Being the residential racial scold is a position I’m forced into, not one I want to be in. Does anyone think this is fun? There’s a noticeable and glaring gap between the racial posturing here and the actual reality of this blog’s interests and priorities.
It’s not an undue burden or some exceptional, particularized demand to ask that people here make a stronger effort to see it and fix it. Given the history of the country, given the reality of this country and given the political affection with viewing ourselves as liberal – and thus, racially enlightened – there’s an implicit and explicit responsibility for cognizance and proactivity when it comes to this blog’s persistent microaggressions and oversights. The fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by your empathetic oversights is your fault, not theirs. Your silence is burdening them with taking up the weight themselves. If that’s what you want, at least have the basic honesty to say so, so I can place our kinship in further perspective.
@Long Tooth:
Uh, no. Not even close. That’s why saying it makes you an asshole who doesn’t bother to check his facts, not a brave crusader for the troof.
Do you think it’s a problem that in a post that highlights an expression of the limits placed on black life and black mobility that a lionshare of the comments are about how good a music group is? I don’t mind that discussion. In other spaces and other contexts, I might even engage in it. But you don’t think it’s a little…let’s say “conspicuous” that a demonstration of the FELT restrictions white society places on black life is met with conversations about a music group?
I find it trivializing. And I think “jerkishness,” as you so revealingly put it, is the appropriate reaction to that. It’d be nice if you could agree.
TaMara (BHF)
Glad to see the racists, trolls and stalkers are out in force. Always glad to see they aren’t regular commenters.
@Drexciya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=derzWWYf3-w “Slavery was only 140 years ago, that’s two 70-year-old grandma’s back-to-back. If you see a black guy with gray hair, he remembers when he wasn’t allowed to use the same bathroom as you.”. For some reason, white people like to pretend that all the evil we did was a very long time ago. It wasn’t the distant past. It isn’t even the past.
Karen C
@glasnost: The fuck??? Are you kidding?
@Long Tooth: Cunt much?
Heh, I’ve been in a running argument with a pair of white guys who think the whole “you eat tacos, right” incident on Fox News last week. Steve Doocy is not a racist for saying that, unless he was joking, otherwise, he was asking a question for enlightenment and why are all you minorities so divisive (racist) to white people just asking questions. Plus my analogies were racist and why won’t minorities actually discuss what the definition of racism means with them? And we make them only want to be friends with white people.
Hella derp.
Welcome to the Berk-town and the Bay, The Not Even The Best Area. Because after NYC, it’s a little lacking and the whole “Best Area” thing adds to the lack. But, there’s a very good West Indian/African market near you, plus Housewives Market and in general, the East Bay has a lot of fun things to it.
Long Tooth
See how dangerous Oakland, CA is compared to nearest cities:
(Note: Higher means more crime)
Oakland: 842.3
Piedmont: 167.3
Alameda: 210.7
Emeryville: 861.0
Berkeley: 351.7
Orinda: 72.2
San Leandro: 338.0
Albany: 192.5
Moraga: 88.4
Violent crime rate in 2011
Oakland: 937.6
U.S. Average: 213.6
Violent crime rate in 2010
Oakland: 865.4
U.S. Average: 223.2
Violent crime rate in 2009
Oakland: 950.1
U.S. Average: 238.0
Violent crime rate in 2008
Oakland: 1,106.2
U.S. Average: 252.4
Violent crime rate in 2007
Oakland: 1,078.0
U.S. Average: 259.7
Violent crime rate in 2006
Oakland: 1,081.6
U.S. Average: 264.1
Violent crime rate in 2005
Oakland: 810.5
U.S. Average: 258.9
Violent crime rate in 2004
Oakland: 725.9
U.S. Average: 256.0
Violent crime rate in 2003
Oakland: 789.0
U.S. Average: 262.6
Violent crime rate in 2002
Oakland: 778.6
U.S. Average: 272.2
Violent crime rate in 2001
Oakland: 747.1
U.S. Average: 276.6
Violent crime rate in 2000
Oakland: 775.9
U.S. Average: 277.6
Violent crime rate in 1999
Oakland: 869.3
U.S. Average: 286.4
Property crime rate in 2011
Oakland: 641.5
U.S. Average: 273.7
Property crime rate in 2010
Oakland: 523.9
U.S. Average: 276.4
Property crime rate in 2009
Oakland: 609.3
U.S. Average: 285.6
Property crime rate in 2008
Oakland: 658.5
U.S. Average: 302.2
Property crime rate in 2007
Oakland: 754.3
U.S. Average: 309.2
Property crime rate in 2006
Oakland: 786.6
U.S. Average: 317.3
Property crime rate in 2005
Oakland: 754.2
U.S. Average: 322.3
Property crime rate in 2004
Oakland: 627.1
U.S. Average: 327.4
Property crime rate in 2003
Oakland: 601.8
U.S. Average: 334.1
Property crime rate in 2002
Oakland: 618.1
U.S. Average: 336.9
Property crime rate in 2001
Oakland: 564.7
U.S. Average: 337.2
Property crime rate in 2000
Oakland: 558.1
U.S. Average: 331.5
Property crime rate in 1999
Oakland: 699.1
U.S. Average: 345.0
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Oakland-California.html#ixzz2hHIwwcrp
Long Tooth
One google search:
See how dangerous Oakland, CA is compared to nearest cities:
(Note: Higher means more crime)
Oakland: 842.3
Piedmont: 167.3
Alameda: 210.7
Emeryville: 861.0
Berkeley: 351.7
Orinda: 72.2
San Leandro: 338.0
Albany: 192.5
Moraga: 88.4
Violent crime rate in 2011
Oakland: 937.6
U.S. Average: 213.6
Violent crime rate in 2010
Oakland: 865.4
U.S. Average: 223.2
Violent crime rate in 2009
Oakland: 950.1
U.S. Average: 238.0
Violent crime rate in 2008
Oakland: 1,106.2
U.S. Average: 252.4
Violent crime rate in 2007
Oakland: 1,078.0
U.S. Average: 259.7
Violent crime rate in 2006
Oakland: 1,081.6
U.S. Average: 264.1
Violent crime rate in 2005
Oakland: 810.5
U.S. Average: 258.9
Violent crime rate in 2004
Oakland: 725.9
U.S. Average: 256.0
Violent crime rate in 2003
Oakland: 789.0
U.S. Average: 262.6
Violent crime rate in 2002
Oakland: 778.6
U.S. Average: 272.2
Violent crime rate in 2001
Oakland: 747.1
U.S. Average: 276.6
Violent crime rate in 2000
Oakland: 775.9
U.S. Average: 277.6
Violent crime rate in 1999
Oakland: 869.3
U.S. Average: 286.4
Property crime rate in 2011
Oakland: 641.5
U.S. Average: 273.7
Property crime rate in 2010
Oakland: 523.9
U.S. Average: 276.4
Property crime rate in 2009
Oakland: 609.3
U.S. Average: 285.6
Property crime rate in 2008
Oakland: 658.5
U.S. Average: 302.2
Property crime rate in 2007
Oakland: 754.3
U.S. Average: 309.2
Property crime rate in 2006
Oakland: 786.6
U.S. Average: 317.3
Property crime rate in 2005
Oakland: 754.2
U.S. Average: 322.3
Property crime rate in 2004
Oakland: 627.1
U.S. Average: 327.4
Property crime rate in 2003
Oakland: 601.8
U.S. Average: 334.1
Property crime rate in 2002
Oakland: 618.1
U.S. Average: 336.9
Property crime rate in 2001
Oakland: 564.7
U.S. Average: 337.2
Property crime rate in 2000
Oakland: 558.1
U.S. Average: 331.5
Property crime rate in 1999
Oakland: 699.1
U.S. Average: 345.0
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Oakland-California.html#ixzz2hHIwwcrp
@Drexciya: I can see that. But not everything goes through your filter. When I see a troll, like our racist guy here, I know they want the thread to be all about them. If I engage they win. I’d like to see them banned, but BJ doesn’t do that. So ignore is the best choice. Different motive. Worth thinking about.
Before we demote Long Tooth to “one off troll,” can we keep in mind that the logic he exemplifies in his posts are reflected by policy, by political rhetoric, by voting habits, by aesthetic stereotypes in all mediums, and thus, on the burdens placed on non-white life, and the added, artificial hurdle required to – always ineffectually – prove black worthiness for citizenship?
It’s too easy to depict him as a one-off thing. His views mirror a national, democratically reached consensus that you don’t challenge by meek disapproval. It also contributes to an effect that goes beyond the insulated imaginings of white life and provides an added, disproportionate impact on those poor minorities whose issues are much too troublesome to take seriously.
@Drexciya: I’ll give you all that if you’ll also give me “Christ, what an asshole.” Or even if you won’t, since you’re right and all.
gogol's wife
So I had 5 minutes before I had to do something else. I watched the video THAT WAS POSTED and had just enough time to comment on it. I didn’t have time to ponder or comment on the other material in the post. Sorry for responding to something IN THE POST. Now I come back and find that I’m part of the racist culture of BJ.
Does it matter that your entirely fixable priorities come at the emotional and political expense of people-not-you? I assume it does. So why are we pretending that communal norms aren’t open to change and that their acceptance is, itself, not a problematic imposition disproportionately placed on the already-disadvantaged?
And you know, ignoring him might be easier if posts like this weren’t recipients of blog-wide crickets. Ignoring might also be easier if his remarks were the only issue with the comments here. Unfortunately, neither of these assertions are true.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Long Tooth:
Dude. Your very own statistics say that Emeryville has a higher violent crime rate than Oakland (Emeryville:861.0 / Oakland:842.3).
Emeryville also has a higher percentage of white residents than Oakland does. So you, of course, suspiciously investigate every white person you see on the street because they could be from Emeryville, yes? If not, why not? By your own statistics, a white person from Emeryville is more likely to violently attack you than a black person from Oakland.
Weird how there are always so many new names in threads like this. Do people have some kind of Google News Alert set for “a black person posted on Balloon Juice”?
Sure could use The Roots in this thread.
gogol's wife
It reminds me of the gun threads.
@Drexciya: TWIB itself jumps through a lot of topics (the post title was about the song, the text about running, and the photo has a snazzy and unmentioned hat). Furthermore we can probably get through the Youtube and have something to say about it in a gazillionth of the time so I’m not surprised that dominated the top of thread. I’m just finishing the podcast itself now. As for the running thing, I’ve got nothing to bother contribute as I’m neither. It was “oh. interesting fact. put in my head to remember.” no need to blather — while I did rather wonder if anyone else had visions of Brian Blessed. Apparently not.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Drexciya: You need to email John Cole. This place could be burning down and John can’t be bothered to notice but when Elmer Eldridge announces to John that he has mail, then it’s ON.
Don’t give up. Balloon Juice is largely a community of elderly white shut-ins. Those that can’t be reeducated are going to die soon anyway.
gogol's wife
I’ve now read the entire post more carefully, and I find it interesting and enlightening (don’t have time to listen to the podcasts), but I am not qualified to comment on it. Sometimes I read posts and am edified by them without feeling the need to comment. And I do not respond to trolls and don’t feel it’s my place to police them.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I think some of them do. I know there was always a swarm of unfamiliar names that jumped on every ABL post. And those were just the ones who got through the very loose moderation here.
Not exactly the same situation, but same idea…
Key & Peele escape from suburban zombies:
@gogol’s wife:
I’m going to assume that both of you are white. I’m going to further assume that, given the incredible nature of segregation in this country, both of you are in predominately white neighborhoods. What are either of you going to do to signal to black people that running in your neighborhood is safe? What are either of you going to do to make sure your neighbors are sending a similar signal? What are you going to say to the police who potentially ensure the safety of your community that crime committed by black people is not the predominate crime you likely will or do face, and that they can/should be free to exist in your communities?
I feel that both of you implicitly engaged in the notion that because both of you are not adversely impacted that you’re not affected or implicated by the study in question and thus, have no impact on it. This not only misreads the nature of your own individual powers and reach, it functions as an act of breezy moral convenience that minimizes your responsibility for changing an ongoing dynamic that very likely affects the black people in your area. Saying “well, not my problem” (a rough, and likely unfair summary, I’m aware) is a fundamental misreading of the tacit nature modern racism and how historically racist norms are created and maintained. Being against racism is entirely meaningless if you’re unwilling to use your disproportionate and illegitimately gained political power to help in overturning disproportionate and similarly illegitimate effects. Nothing about this state of affairs is in accident, and no American white person is free from complicity in its continuance. That silent complicity is, in fact, a contribution.
Anyone else getting the error message when you try to play the audio? I’ll try a few more times and if I can’t get it to work, I’ll try again in the morning.
I think there are a lot of “non-seeing color” people who think that if they have progressive political views that they are somehow automatically anti-racist. When you call them on it, you are bursting their enlightened bubble big time so it is far preferable to pretend that you are divisive than it is to deal with it. I ran into this with some parents in my son’s class. I was causing problems by trying to deal with the bullying my son was experiencing at school.
I missed the Douchey taco incident.
Hella derp is right.
I’ve been thinking about you and your work situation. How are you doing?
@Drexciya: Is that aimed at me? If so please reread the last sentences.
How, exactly, do you think this works? One problematic remark is nullified by a non-problematic one on a different topic? But yes, yes it was.
@Drexciya: Apparently listening and taking in information with probable future impact on behavior is not an adequate response to information to you, there must instantly be a loud meaningless chorus of I’m not sure what. Immediate Volume over Substance. Oddly enough, there was an entire section of the podcast I find applicable. Your assumption that silence in a fucking thread is manifest evidence of indifference to issues and behavior in all aspects of exterior life us your problem.
This is many things, but it’s not an answer to my questions. Which of them do you think was unfair and why?
What are either of you going to do to signal to black people that running in your neighborhood is safe
I put up a sign with a graphic of a KKK hood inside a red circle with a slash.
Avery Greynold
All in the Family episode had Lionel Jefferson waiting for Michael to join him so he could go jogging. Archie Bunker asked him why he doesn’t go ahead if Michael is holding him up.
Lionel says: “Well Mr. Bunker, what would YOU think if you saw ME running through your neighborhood alone?”
Archie: “Oh, … I see your point.”
Lionel: “I figured you would.”
I love that picture. So retro and futuristic at the same time.
Friend of mine got stopped by the police for jongging while black. The cops explained to him there was a detention facility in the area (there is, but there are also apartments & housing).
Anyhoo, there hadn’t been any escapes reported or anything … I guess the police were just being pro-active in assuming the black guy was an escapee, despite his jogging attire.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
That almost makes me wish that Michael Moore’s “TV Nation” show was still on just so they could send a white guy in an orange jogging suit on that exact same route just to see if he gets stopped, too.
@Drexciya: Your point of view is undercut by your obnoxiousness. I actually agree with most, maybe everything you have written, but I haven’t read all of your posts due to your self-righteousness. I suppose you think that you are more moral than everyone else so therefore you have the standing to be rude. After all, if anyone does point out how rude you are, you can just claim that they are avoiding a discussion of racism! Neat trick you’ve got going there!
And really too bad because it would be healthy to have a thorough discussion of racism. But people who are rude out of a sense of superiority screw up the conversation as much as the open racist trolls do.
Totally off topic, but DAMN Elon, your photo just MADE me pour a shot of Jameson with one cube. Good taste….
Villago Delenda Est
I used to jog with black people all the time.
Of course, it was in formation in the Army, but whatever…
What are you doing to promote Latino transwomen in the american workplace? Anyone who is silent is complicit ; anyone who speKz up is going to get called out for doing it wrong. You have been warned.
Do what I think, just do what I think!
who don’t know my heart, who don’t know my soul (which in it does not exist, hallelujah) – how dare you compromise humanity with your weak ass presentochromic fashion reaction extrapolation noise hype machine. Jeebus. I will defend the right of anyone to speak and act if they are trying to do the right thing, contra whatever bullshit was happening back there. What are *you* trying to do?
It is a great photo. Had me wondering what the fuck I’m doing not being in California.
Wow looking at these comments I thought I was on YouTube.
And that’s why I don’t come here much.
gogol's wife
I realize it’s the next morning, but black people run through my neighborhood every day and I don’t do anything about it. I don’t look at them in any way different from anyone else — lots of people run on my street, because it leads to a nice woods. But I don’t consider myself to be particularly virtuous for that. It’s a diverse town, and we don’t get particularly excited about seeing a black person anywhere in it.
Didn’t Mike Stivc and Lionel Jefferson “document” this effect–black males should worry about running, even in a tracksuit, without a white guy alongside, in a white neighborhood–in an All in the Family about 40 years ago?
Some things never change.
But then I do see a lot of black people riding their bikes in our suburb, along with my freckled self, and many are wearing the burb’s “uniform”: Helmet, hi-viz top. That gives me hope for the future.
Paul in KY
@James Hare: Saw The Roots at Bonnaroo last year. Very impressed.
BDP covered this in 1989.
Comrade Mary
Hoo-boy. You guys are SO WRONG about the new Costello / Roots album.
Cinco Minutos Con Vos
The whole thing