By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96.
Just 24 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion about the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable view of the Tea Party, which are both at all-time lows in the history of poll.
And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent).
You know the drill:
Bad poll numbers only bc GOPers weren't true conservatives and strayed from "defund job-killing Obamacare" message. Also, polls are skewed.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) October 11, 2013
In the meantime, let’s keep raising money for 2014 (DSCC, DNC, DCCC):
That’s a 10.0 score for Barro. Perfect Wingnut response.
Steve S
Who is this Josh Barro crackmonkey?
So what you’re saying is that it’s a toss-up.
@Steve S:
He’s a “reasonable” conservative. He’s being snarky here.
Mullah DougJ
@Steve S:
An excellent parody he wrote.
Josh Marshall also had a good one:
Warren Terra
Is that Josh Barro tweet intentional parody or unintentional self-parody?
Mullah DougJ
@Warren Terra:
Intentional parody
You do have to admire the GOP for descending below the Crazification Limit. I’m going to assume that that’s because several percent of the populace disapprove of the Republicans because they’re *not crazy enough*.
Josh Barro is definitely being snarky. I follow him on twitter and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why he is a conservative. He hardly has any conservative ideology, but I believe both his parents are conservative.
Also, ever since he shaved his beard he looks like an awkward 12 year old, but I would still marry him.
EDIT: Father is Robert Barro, Harvard economist.
Economics. He’s a low-tax, less-regulation, Chicago school type conservative.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
I blame Obama.
Since you’re digging up all the old crowd’s tweets, JeffG says Cruz is going to win this one. Reaganesque in going over the MSM to the people.
The only thing that gave away the snark was the last sentence. Not enough rant. But it was a close call.
Roger Moore
I’ll take your word for it, because these days it’s awfully hard to tell.
@Baud: Someone should convince him to come over to the Democrats, so that in a few years, we can start a progressive party by splitting the Democrats.
The GOP needs to get out of the bubble. They tried a hail marry pass in order to stop the ACA and all they did was increase the popularity of the law. The republicans continue to show how incompetent they are.
Scamp Dog
I heard a couple of my students complaining about the Republicans during lab the other day. From comments they’d made earlier, I figured they were conservatives with a fairly high racial resentment level, but they’re ex-military depending on GI benefits to pay for school, and the one now “hates the fuckin’ Republicans”. Things may be changing in this great land of ours, for the better finally.
‘Can’t happen if the GOP still controls 27% of the population.
David Koch
Someone better put Ted Cruz (R-Canada) on a milk cartoon cuz he’s no where to be found.
@Jeremy: What’s worse is that they did not even see it as a Hail Mary pass. They thought they were winning by hundreds of points against a team made of empty suits because that’s what the voices in the bubble were telling them.
If only 21% have a positive opinion of the Tea Party, does that mean that 6% have now seen the light?
So only partly deluded then.
schrodinger's cat
@debbie: May be they think that the GOP is not being conservative enough.
@David Koch:
No kidding. Brave Sir
Time for Ted Cruz to comission another poll to show the GOP how utterly awesome things are going for them. (Of course, first he’ll have to ignore the polling that shows the hit he and his little puppy dog Mike Lee have taken.)
Good thing is that this only accelerates the ongoing cave by the GOP over the debt ceiling/CR. One or two more polls like this and every House Republican not in a ruby-red district will be groveling at the Drunk Weepy Oompa-Loompa’s feet for him to allow a vote.
They don’t know that they already chose Plan A? They don’t get a do-over. It’s A + B now, if it’s anything.
@debbie: It means that 6% are scared their life savings will evaporate in the event of a default. They might be crazy, but not so crazy that they want to live in a cardboard box scavenging for roadkill.
It looks like ‘Calgary Stampede’ knew when to skedaddle.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Actually, Glenn Beck is labeling Boehner, McConnell, Cornyn, et al. as Republican Progressives. A whole new breed.
@David Koch: You know who it would be fun to hear from about now? If he’s done with the brush-clearing and the self-portraits?
The Tragically Flip
November 2014 is a long way away. Will the people remember, and most imporatantly actually get out and vote?
@Roger Moore: I follow Barro, he’s definitely a snarker, and this is his style. If there were more conservatives like him, Ted Cruz would be a whiny back-bencher.
Sadly, Barro is about one in a million.
I have been hesitating to say this, mainly because of the horrific impact that these stupid teabagger stunts are having upon noncombatants, but here it is, almost out of defiance, my call of hope and positivity:
Keep fucking that chicken.
Are we finally at the fabled Peak Wingnut?
@gf120581: And the best part of why Ted Cruz thinks they’re winning: The number in his poll for how the Republicans are doing in this shutdown aren’t as bad as the ones in 1995. That’s why he thinks they’re winning: “We’re less negative than 18 years ago.”
@David Koch:
It’s not on their radar right now.
Villago Delenda Est
Which means he has a reservation for a tumbrel ride.
@Villago Delenda Est:
As long as the tumbrels are purchased in a competitive marketplace and not made by government employees, it’s all good.
Villago Delenda Est
“Progressive” is to Beck what “Bolshevik’ was to…wait, I shouldn’t go there. Godwin is watching.
@The Tragically Flip: There wll not be a Republican Party by November 2014, at least not as we know it now. And the teabaggers are actively trying to accomplish this goal. Their nihilism appears directed at the Evil GUmmint, and is hurting America, but it is to a large degree really directed at the Republican Party itself.
@Kay: They need to turn their radar on because they’re about to crash into a mountain.
My absolute favorite item from the new poll: a 7% increase in support for ACA since Oct 1st.
J.D. Rhoades
@Mullah DougJ:
Admittedly, it’s hard to tell.
@Kay: \
they had a plan A? these guys didn’t think anything through. they’re like the shitheads who decide to knock over a 7/11 without looking first and it turns out there are 10 cops in there getting coffee.
@beltane: I know. They thought that a popular anti Obamacare uprising would take off among the public, and President Obama and the democrats would give up the ACA.
There was no chance of that happening.
@beltane: They thought they were winning by hundreds of points against a team made of empty suits because that’s what the voices
in the bubblein their heads were telling them.FTFY
They always have a Plan A. Their Plan A is always VICTORY!
They really are starting to sound like Confederate generals. Why do they have to romanticize everything they do?
It’s an insurance exchange. Get a grip.
Barro and Riehl tweets for real, or someone hack their accounts?
Does Riehl get so nasty when white ethnic groups get maybe oversensitive re wha they consider offensive stereotypes?
BTW, I think some Native American sports mascots/team names patently offensive, some not. But I would never ridicule anyone who asked the question of any, or an offensive Irish or Italian or whatever mascot or team name.
I guess if some team decided to call itself the Honkies or the Redneck Crackers, it wouldn’t bother me personally, but I wouldn’t send out nasty public stuff about some white person who said it bothered them, ’cause I could see their point.
Edit: and to address this post, Barro is nuts, not offensive. But his tweet is so nuts I had to wonder whether it was for real.
Edit2: but, as a white guy, if I were living in country where whites were 1 percent of the population, or it seemed kind of too easy to shoot whites without much happening to the shooter, I might be a tad concerned and bothered about a team named the Honkies.
Suffern ACE
@Kay: I think they tried plan B, too. Waiting for Woodward to write the book on them noting that their lack of business experience means that they enter negotiations without backup plans.
Those damn sequester cuts! [bangs monitor] Is this thing on?!?!
@The Tragically Flip: People forget that the democratic house majority looked vulnerable during late 2009 going into 2010. Also the republicans are bound to do more stupid stuff in 2014 because they live in a bubble.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Suffern ACE
@debbie: unfortunately it means that the same percentage of the population is willing to be labeled t-party as is willing to call itself liberal. It’s progress I guess.
Amusing Utah only poll results courtesy of Brigham Young University via otherwise verry verry qwiet ChiTrib.
With obligatory
According to Wingnutmax Obama ruined the career of some actor named James Woods.
@RaflW: Realize that Republican “radar” is the cargo cult version of radar: it’s a guy in hut wearing coconut-shell “headphones,” staring at a broken TV screen, and going “Boop…boop…boop.”
Villago Delenda Est
A major travesty has been avoided, as Malala Yousafzai has been awarded the Sakharov Prize.
Apparently, Woods turned into some kind of master criminal because of Obama.
? Martin
I don’t think you’re grasping just how much credit Obama and the Dems are going to get over ACA, and how much credit they’re going to get over pulling the deficit down and getting Medicare costs in line before Obama even gets out of office. FFS, Jan Brewer is now begging the GOP to keep ACA going because of how much money it’s going to save her state.
The GOP went all-in 3 years ago opposing this. Not a single Republican supported it. They can’t claim even a sliver of credit here, and they’ve spent the last 3 years trying to flip the poker table over before the river card is shown because they know they blew it with that bet. This is as large a structural electoral problem for the GOP as the rise of the Latino vote. They are soooooo fucked.
@scav: Like I said above thread, both Cruz and his puppy dog have taken a considerable hit in their popularity standings since this mess started. May it only get worse for them.
What’s especially hilarious about Cruz is that nearly all the people who have become aware of him since this started think negatively of him. It’s been Cruz’s situation all his life; he attracts a small group of diehard followers, while everyone else thinks he’s King Shit of Asshole Mountain.
Why does the money meter have to be a thermometer? That implies someone is sick. Cant we make it a boob or a bottle of Fat Tire?
@Villago Delenda Est:
I actually heard Beck explain how Progressives were Communists. He quoted one of Lenin’s spokesmen who, after the Russian Revolution, was reassuring people who were afraid of the drastic changes to be made by the Communists. The spokesman said that Russia would not change completely overnight; instead, change would come in progressive steps.
Proof positive.
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): cruzifixion.
Ash Can
@David Koch:
Milk carton, hell. Check the trunks of the cars in the remote parking lots at Dulles.
@gf120581: I’m just chortling that it’s a well inside the bubble area. Not expecting a white knight to emerge from next election, but signs of bleeding very much appreciated.
Yeah, cause James Woods had a George Clooney like career before 2008. Too bad Sean Young didn’t permanently superglue his dick to his leg.
@debbie: Wow. I think someone needs to whisper in his ear that the “R” in USSR stood for Republics. That’s awfully close to ‘Republican.’ Gasp! Republicans are the real commies!
Seriously, I think that guy needs psychiatric help.
What is with all this mind numbingly stupid obsession with fucking polls. Voters are fucking stupid and have short term memories. WGAFF about fucking polls that won’t mean shit a year from now or even a few months from now.
@Baud: @Hal: I’ve never even heard of him before this, but whatever. Wingnut victimhood is pretty tiresome.
Does he have access to a time machine? The tweet is dated Friday.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@jenn: by the same logic, North Korea is totally a democracy.
Gloating is fun and I’ve been doing my share, but, we can’t take our eyes off the ball. The Republicans have already gotten the budget number they wanted and they are going to be bringing strong pressure to bear on Dems to squeeze Medicare/SS. So, let’s laugh a lot at the clowns but don’t forget about the shadowy figures in the background who never, ever let up for a second in their push to end any and all social safety net programs once and for all.
@Hal: Exactly. Anyone who followed Woods’s career knows he peaked early. He’s been headed downhill as an actor since about the late 80s. Anyone who paid attention to his interviews and talk show appearances also knows he is a first class misogynist who has also been spouting conservative viewpoints for many years. It’s not kept him from working so far. He’s sayin, hey Seth McFarlane (Family Guy, hello!) you knew I was a wingnut but now I’m gonna up the ante, and if you don’t hire me anymore it’s Obama’s fault. Sorry for the rant – I used to be a fan. Never thought I would take Sean Young’s side in that particular pecadillo, but now I kinda do.
Suffern ACE
@VividBlueDotty: Kelsey Grammer has been trying the same schtik for years. He had, what, three series attempts since Kramer went off the air. Three. And they failed because people didn’t watch them. He was also cast in an X-man blockbuster. And his career was over because of his right wing views. How many TV shows that are cancelled after 3 months does he thinks he deserves?
Obama might have been better off to simply sit in his office and wait for things to go down the toilet. Yes, it would have been difficult. However, the voters would have blamed the teabagging Republicans and it might have been the last time Cruz and his ilk had their 15 minutes of “fame”.
If the debt ceiling is not raised, its simple, more money will be required to pay the bills. With no services from the feds and bills not being paid, the majority of Americans would turn on their teabagging Republicans and vote them out of office. . Changes to the tax system could then be made so the 1%ers paid their fair share. A few other changes and who knows American’s might wind up being the country they were back in the 60’s and 70’s. This time with an Affordable Care Act. They could then join the rest of the civilized world.
Obama might have been better off to simply sit in his office and wait for things to go down the toilet. Yes, it would have been difficult. However, the voters would have blamed the teabagging Republicans and it might have been the last time Cruz and his ilk had their 15 minutes of “fame”.
If the debt ceiling is not raised, its simple, more money will be required to pay the bills. With no services from the feds and bills not being paid, the majority of Americans would turn on their teabagging Republicans and vote them out of office. . Changes to the tax system could then be made so the 1%ers paid their fair share. A few other changes and who knows American’s might wind up being the country they were back in the 60’s and 70’s. This time with an Affordable Care Act. They could then join the rest of the civilized world.
@Suffern ACE: “Family Values” Kelsey Grammer?
Would it be correct to assume that this is significant for the fact of it being one of the first, if not the first sighting of gallows humor on the conservative reservation?
Central Planning
HAHAHAHAHAH. That made me laugh out loud.
Joey Maloney
Ted Cruz is done. There may be a Wingnut Welfare sinecure in his future, but that’s probably it. He could be forgiven pretty much anything except what he did, which is shit all over the August Traditions of the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body, Senators’ regard for which is possibly the only thing larger than a Senator’s self-regard. He can forget about accomplishing anything for the next five years. If he takes his back away from the wall even long enough to walk to his seat it’ll have sprouted an old-growth forest of knives before he can get halfway there.
If he were even half-bright he’d be faxing his resume over to Jim DeMint as I type.
C.V. Danes
A year from now, most Americans will either be preoccupied with selling pencils for a living if we default on the debt, or won’t even remember this incident at all if we don’t.