It’s been a while since I posted a picture of my dog, so here she is, in all her glory–also, open thread.
BREAKING: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins Nobel Peace Prize
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
It’s been a while since I posted a picture of my dog, so here she is, in all her glory–also, open thread.
BREAKING: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins Nobel Peace Prize
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What a cute little puffball :)
EDIT: My parents are dogsitting two wiener dogs. Cutest things evar I swear. Plus they’re total sweeties.
The prophet Nostradumbass
WOOF! That is, indeed, a dog.
I have a really shitty case of insomnia right now.
David Koch
What pretty soonerdog.
The prophet Nostradumbass
Yorkies. You’re welcome.
Oh, that puppy needs scritching! :)
that is world’s second cutest dog. mine is first cutest, but your dog is definitly cute. Not only does the dog look cute, but balanced and itelligent. Perhaps she’d be a good candidate for the Senate!
with this scary story…
can we solve two issues at once, we’ll recruit all of those people that are in harms way and make them Americans and exchange them with climate science denying teabaggers. If we’re wrong, then they’ve been relocated to tropical paradises and then have set up a small “g” government that they all aspire to and they can Praise Jeebus for looking out for them, and if we’re right, then they can fucking drown, quietly.
Seems easy if it’s a question of “faith”.
@piratedan: win/win trade.
Aw, sweet puppeh!
Now a question, so maybe I don’t have to look it up my lazy self,
What is the difference between WLAN and WiFi?
karen marie
@piratedan: That is a brilliant idea. But they have to be made to feel we’re opposed so they’ll insist on going.
Amir Khalid
Quick and dirty answer:
WiFi is a techology standard for wireless connection to the Internet. WLAN (wireless local-area network, such as those set up in homes or offices) is one way to use WiFi.
David Koch
Obama does it again! Nobel Peace Prize goes to Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The group is currently destroying Syria’s chemical weapons under the plan forged by the Obama administration.
@Amir Khalid<
Thanks. I thought they might be entirely different ways to get online.
I'm not usually up at 4AM, but we are in Yurp watching from a distance the Greatest Show on Earth, aka the American congressional circus.
And I hope Obama and Reid don't give an inch. I want all those crazy sociopaths ground into the dirt, never to rise again.
@Amir Khalid:
Amir pretty much nailed it. WLAN is Wireless Local Area Network (as opposed to a wired LAN, just called LAN.) WiFi doesn’t actually stand for anything. It’s a catchy name for a collection of radio frequency technologies applied to data networking, that meet the IEEE 802.11x family of data network specifications.
A WLAN is built typically with WiFi components.
@David Koch: So the damned soshulist eewropean org is kinda validating the kenyan muslin’s stand that syria used cw? putin and his msm & rw fans must be poutin’.
So, by Obama and Putin’s efforts, a more worthy group – the UN – gets the Nobel Peace Prize; good, let the thugs enjoy their lack of blood – about time it was really given for peace rather than a statement. Now, if all the thugs in the house could be removed, that would really create some world peace … .
REUTERS: OPCW not given this award for Syria but for longstanding work.
@Soonergrunt: OK; just a coincidence that the only time in that organization’s history that they are overseeing any major weapon destruction plan, they get the prize …yeah. Someone afraid some of the award will rub off on Obama, maybe?
I really admire President Obama’s “force field of cool.”
I have tried, and failed, to run across a forceful pronouncement that he did not follow through on, so I’m not worried about him “caving.” He intends to bring an end to the hostage taking. Constitutional scholar on the job!
On topic: What a cute little woggie!
Anyone with lack of appreciation for cute little lapdogs are not seeing them at their best. Dogs who earned their meals performing for royalty usually have charm to burn.
@WereBear: She’s a great dog.
The dog is a cutie. Today I’m going to watch Joe and get his insights to the standoff.
@WereBear: Malia and Sasha will someday write a tell all story. Living with my father when we crossed the line.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Cermet: This. I plan to enjoy the opportunity to point out that giving the award to Obama and Putin would have given away the good cop/bad cop game, so this is really a second Peace Prize for Obama.
Cue winger heads asploding in 3…2…1…
@JPL: I always picture Michelle as the one who is all, “What on earth did you think you were doing?” while Barack is the kind of father who stresses how disappointed you have made him.
Look at that squirt.
@raven: Let’s talk about how bad the Giants are doing. [/Joe]
@BillinGlendaleCA: The Falcons are headed south too.
@raven: The L.A. NFL teams headed south a long time ago.
ETA: Actually they headed north and east.
@BillinGlendaleCA: My brother still follows the Ram’s.
I’m shocked about the Falcolns. I thought they would be neck and neck with the Saints all year.
@Baud: With Julio gone they are cooked.
Yep. Big big loss.
Rep. McKeon is on Morning Joe, explaining that what the House is doing is democracy at work. My definition of democracy doesn’t include last minute rule changes, to close out the democrats from bringing up the Senate bill.
My definition of democracy doesn’t include give us what we want or we tank the economy.
@JPL: What
My definition of democracy includes voting these guys out of office.
But what does Joe have to say? Inquiring minds and all. Is his head all splodey today?
Oh, and Sooner? SQUEEEE! That is one adorable puppeh!
Scratch the “what.” Autocorrect error.
Hey y’all.
Morning Joe is up for grabs again.
Yup. Divorced again. More of “no women live there voluntarily” territory.
Warning: this link contains a really huge photo of Joe. Not suitable for coffee in mouth browsing.
@JPL: Is it too much to hope that everyone else laughed at him?
@geg6: He opened the show with sports but then covered the poll. He thought it unfortunate that the repubs decided to push this fight because the news would be covering Obamacare.
Compared to the times that I watched before, he seemed low key. I don’t watch often though so that might be an unfair analysis.
Sooner: that is one darling dog.
In the second photo she’s thinking “Oh. You’re taking my picture again. Smile.”
@geg6: The problem is that she is well aware of the cute. That is the MOST princess-ey dog you will ever see.
@Anya: The next question to the congressman was tell us something funny about the meeting with the President. It appears that they reused the place name cards. If you turned it over, it had a different name. Deep question, huh?
@Elizabelle: That’s actually her favorite place in the house, on the back of the couch.
Suffern ACE
@JPL: so the White House is frugal? Who knew?
@Soonergrunt: My son’s maltese is like that. Whatever Nona wants, Nona gets as the song goes.
@Suffern ACE: Isn’t that what the people want… for the government to cut down on waste? New place cards for every event must be very wasteful.
@Elizabelle: That’s okay because he gets to keep his battered partner Mika.
@JPL: I hate that show and everything is stands for with the heat of a thousand suns.
My land! You’d think wimmens would just love being treated like Mika!
Ash Can
And cute doggie pictures after a Stevie picture! An embarrassment of riches this morning!
That dog looks like a total primadonna. And well she should, she’s a beaut. And nice carpet.
Ash Can
@Elizabelle: Aaaaand there goes my appetite for breakfast. I’m going to go back to thinking happy thoughts about pets and GOP polling.
Miss Dog needs some altitude to go with the attitude.
Cute dog! Looks like a total princess.
OT: It’s raining in the DC metro area and the trucker’s ‘protest convoy’ is a grand total of 25 semis and some pickups, off original estimates by two orders of magnitude:
They wanna impeach Obama and also they don’t like new regs on idling.
Yes. At very long last, he named it what it is: Extortion.
What would this country turn into if it had worked?
@PurpleGirl: apparently “reduce, reuse, recycle,” is funny.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Soonerdog is so adorable….
Soonerpuppy is a doll. I do love dogs as well as cats, but we travel too much to own a dog.
Shoot, we travel too much to have cats. Yesterday I cancelled going with Mr S to a convention in MD this weekend because I haven’t got a cat sitter I’m really comfortable with here yet. Makes me appreciate our old sitter in Lexington, and even more our good friend who took care of the cats for most of our shorter trips.
Gah, awake at 4 am, still awake at 5 am… I did get to talk to Mr S during his ATL stopover. We’re trying to figure out why I’m not getting his texts unless I’ve texted him first.
A wingnut paradise! You know… Somalia.
Yeah, I love how crummy the weather is — which is a known, for several days now — and the Beltway’s always a mess anyhoo with rain.
Pickup trucks in there with the 18 wheelers. How many of them have confederate flags and Nobama stickers, do you think?
Ash Can
And don’t tell me, let me guess — they would have SO TOTALLY held up traffic on the Beltway if they hadn’t gotten…stuck in traffic on the Beltway.
@Soonergrunt: Sooo, for what? Libya? Iraq?
I’ve just started the Organization for the Prohibition of All Killing and Unhappiness.
I guarantee I will have as much effect as the “Organization to Say Chemical Weapons are Bad, M’kay?”
The Nobel Committee has become a bunch of onanistic jackoffs, giving feel-good participation awards. If the Committee wanted to do something useful, take away a Peace Prize from a motherfucker dropping drones on innocent people and operating a surveillance state on his own citizens. Then they can pat themselves on the back and stand around in nice tuxedos with big gangsta rapper bling around their necks. Nobel Prize my ass.
schrodinger's cat
Sooner goggie looks pretty with the pink bows!
@Morbo: For their complete body of work, apparently.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Sounds like somebody’s bitter that he hauled the puppet he used in the Iraq War protests out of the garage and didn’t get a chance to use it. Is your wife demanding that you throw that ratty thing away because Obama’s never going to give you a war to protest against?
Chyron HR
Can we have a new Pure Progressive? This one is stuck on “racist”.
Putin is probably holleing, “HEY! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NOBEL PRIZE??”
Julia Grey
That puppy looks EXACTLY like one of my girls. Are you sure you aren’t taking pictures through my windows? That first one looks especially suspicious.