Gun groups go Westboro Baptist Church: "@KagroX: They were actually PROUD of this idea…"
— Tony Diaz (@tonydiaz777) October 12, 2013
It’s wrong to wish others harm, so I’ll just say I’d like to feed the people who came up with this idea some really strong purgatives, of which they are patently in dire need.
Little Boots
HI annie
Peanut butter and toenail fungus sandwiches?
I’m not so kind. May they all teach gun safety classes and learn instead that they ought to be the students.
On a different but too familiar topic, it’s too bad Fafblog stopped producing new material in 2011. The gods only know how they’d portray the current Republican inability and unwillingness to do the jobs they’re being paid to do.
On the other hand, this, the last entry, sounds EXACTLY like how I imagine the Republican Congressional Caucus’s meetings sound right about now.
Little Boots
i love all peoples.
okay not really.
I love omnes, which is sort of the same thing.
If there’s ever been an instance of cleek’s law not being dead-on, I don’t know about it. This shit right here is like they made it up themselves.
As an old aphorism has it, “May their children’s attributes by marveled at by everyone – at the circus.”
Could only take the Medium Lobster, et al in occasional small doses.
Too much was like being beaten on the forehead with a whiffle ball bat. Eventually, it hurts.
Little Boots
okay, this,
@NotMax: Old Yiddish saying: “They should go lie in shit until their heads sprout like onions”.
Little Boots
that is lovely, and very true of republicans.
My wife’s post on waiting to deliver and expectations. Link in last thread is busted.
Little Boots
I don’t even know you, and I am so happy for you and your wife.
this is what babies do for the world.
At dinner tonight, I heard about real life people (almost family) leaving Murikka behind because of Obama. My grandfathers 2nd wife’s daughter and her husband…they moved to Mexico.
It’s a disease, I’m certain of it.
OTOH, dinner was marvelous, I had my first experience at Pizzeria Bianco.
Who’ll be the first ballsack to compare the gun lobby’s latest stunt to Park51?
Lanny Davis will be the guy.
Or maybe Jamie Kirchick.
Or Nooners.
Little Boots
does obamacare affect them in any actual way, or is it all theoretical?
@NotMax: I occasionally had problems with the full-on. But oh, how I miss them at times like this.
Little Boots
i am so sick of the stupid.
I never got Fafblog. When I read it, I felt like Tom Hanks in Big: “what’s fun about that?”
Little Boots
speaking of the stupid.
@Little Boots: Thanks ! Sounds even better in Yiddish, but I’ve forgotten the translation. Anyone here know Yiddish ?
Why do I have the feeling that the move to Mexico would have happened regardless of who was in the White House, but they use this story to sound cool.
Little Boots
actually, you would think gun nuts would be all about the free health care, but no, too logical.
You guys have got to get on Ralph Reed’s mailing list. They sent me this totally fair and unbiased survey on Obamacare. It also asking for money for processing their “survey” which seems very legit. It references Fidel Castro, the Second Amendment, Lenin, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, a “European-style socialistic state”, socialized medicine, a “Health Care Rationing Board”, a halt to all research and development, and “TEN TRILLION DOLLARS”.
Also, they are concerned that Medicare doesn’t reimburse enough.
I am not making that up.
@Little Boots: No, I don’t think it does at all. They have enough money to relocate to another country and come back to visit family often. My impression is that they live well.
So how does Mexico make a better country of choice? Freakin wierdos!
@JordanRules: Obummer and his stupid narcotrafficking laws.
Little Boots
if you ever get a chance, ask him about guam, and the forced abortions.
not that you’ll ever get a chance.
Mike E
Meh, screw them bastards.
btw Anne, I sent you some pics for calendar consideration…I even included one of my daughter who doesn’t mind being surrounded by critters!
@RareSanity: Ha! That sounds very plausible actually. We are in AZ afterall, lots of cross-border stuff going on.
Little Boots
do you mean rare sanity?
@Little Boots: Well, I could write it in on this survey somewhere…. that’s the same tiny little issue as with the Northern Marianas Islands, no?
Little Boots
THAT was it. not guam, you’re right.
@19: Exactly. You can’t shame the NRA.
Little Boots
so where the hell is omnes, lately?
@Little Boots:
Studying his briefs?
Little Boots
Little Boots
can we all linger?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
When was the last time YOUR team won 53 games in a row?
Little Boots
no, he loves me.
Vaksn zolstu vi a tsibele mitn kop in dreck!
Another favorite (in English):
May they find thousands of new cures for you each year.
Anne Laurie
Yeah, there’s a constant yammer of masturbating-zoo-monkey attention-seeking (like not-Joe the not-plumber) that deserves nothing more than a good leaving alone. But chroist jaysus, as they used to say back in the parish, don’t these people have anyone to tell them better?
Little Boots
@Anne Laurie:
how vivid!
Little Boots
so, is doug still here?
miss doug.
Wally Ballou
You did say Open Thread , so can I just pop in to state that the Tigers are messing with my blood pressure tonight?
Little Boots
@Wally Ballou:
hate open thread.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Wally Ballou: The Tigers rotation features the guy who led the AL in ERA and FIP. The guy who is almost certain to win the AL Cy Young Award. It features Justin Verlander.
Those are three different pitchers. How many times are you going to see a team starting the league ERA leader in the first game of a playoff series only because things didn’t line up properly to start either of the two guys ahead of him in the rotation?
@NotMax: YES ! Such a mensch !
@Wally Ballou:
Wow! Quite a game. I only saw the last two innings. Must have been nerve wracking for a fan of the Motor City Kitties!
@NotMax: From the 2012 election:
Little Boots
I love how awake this place is at midnight.
@ranchandsyrup: First off, congratulations to you and your wife. Babies are magic, daughters are THE SHIT.
Your wife is a wonderful writer, and I get EXACTLY what she is going through. Hell, my induction with Spawn the Elder was delayed TWELVE HOURS and I still totally lost my shit and cried.
Jewish Steel
@SarahT: Holy shit! How did I miss this?
Little Boots
@Jewish Steel: Dunno, but isn’t it awesome that the curses about insurance companies and pre-existing conditions will soon be obsolete ?
Tigers pitched a gem tonight. This ALCS could be one for the ages.
pseudonymous in nc
I’ve always said that the big city tabloids — which are usually small-c conservative — have power here. I’d like to see the Daily News photoshop that gun-troll’s head on various offensive things for the next three months. Basically, humiliate him in public every day. Let the fucker try to sue.
In stickball, I’m pulling for Boston, but wouldn’t be so sad if Detroit came through, because the Tigers are a damn good team. Different from the NLCS, where I really don’t want the Cardinals to win.
@JordanRules: Pizzeria Bianco is my favorite restaurant EVAR. All the Chris Bianco restaurants are great, actually, but Pizzeria Bianco is the best.
Little Boots
@pseudonymous in nc:
cruel, but true.
karen marie
@Little Boots: It’s only 9:17 pm here. I hate how the rest of you go to bed so early.
Little Boots
@karen marie:
I know it.
everyone stay up all night and sing them all!!
Ash Can
This is turning out to be a baseball post-season for the books. I’m loving every moment of it. And I wish Boston and Detroit could both win. …Well, OK, I suppose I should root for Detroit in this series, since the Red Sox have won it all twice since the last time the Tigers did.
@efgoldman: W/r/o/n/g/ Right side won. 1-0.
FTFY. (Would have been even better if it were Oakland, en route to an Oakland-Pittsburgh WS where both teams wore their 1970s unis, but given that those were my choices, they were doomed from the start.)
Ash Can
And is it true that Little Boots is actually just Omnes on ‘shrooms?
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: Don’t hafta; my people in the Bronx were not so different from Mr. Pierce’s in Worcester.
Ever seen the movie DOUBT? I grew up, literally one parish down (University Heights) & in the same era as Patrick Shanley. The movie does a fine job of recreation, although there were more Meryl Streeps and fewer Amy Adams among the Dominicans staffing our parochial schoool…
Upper West
What about feeding them Lily of the Valley?
pseudonymous in nc
And it was good to see today’s computer FUBAR over EBT bring out so many bitter, nasty fuckers. Only surprised that Erick ibn Erick didn’t call for people to start eating their babies instead.
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: During the harsh sunlit hours, usually.
Thor Heyerdahl
@SarahT: That’s fantastic. Found one that fits this thread so well-for any NRA concealed carrying Jews:
“May you find yourself explaining to El Al security how you forgot to bring the permit for your concealed handgun.”
@efgoldman: I kind of like the caps. And the Oakland green-and-golds. The ChiSox shorts were just doofy, though.
@Thor Heyerdahl: Ha -totally !
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I’m in Phoenix visiting my mom and G can’t find the cat food at home. He ended up having to give them baby food and they are not happy.
@Suzanne: thanks Suzanne. I’m so proud of her…..and you. I’d give anything to swap places with her right now.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
This is the thing that depresses me most about this all: they do this because they can. They do this because they win. And any attempts to fight back end up having people hate you all the more and reflexively latch on to the 2nd amendment as the most utterly sacrosanct thing in the history of ever. It’s a fight that, at least in the near future, you almost can’t fight because the harder you try, the worse of a hole you get into. And I fucking hate that it’s like this, but that seems to be the game right now: the NRA and the gun nuts have won, bar none, and any attempts to fight them damage not only future gun control attempts but everything else gun control advocates are attached to because the hate froths and spreads to everything you stand for if you even suggest a modicum of restriction on guns now.
And I fucking hate that it’s like that, but I look on helplessly because I can’t see how to change it. I’ve lost D votes from nominally liberal friends to whom ended up all-but-single issue voters where gun rights are concerned. They generally supported liberal policies everywhere else, but vote GOP because “GUN GRABBERS, GUN GRABBERS, MEGA TRAITOROUS AMERICA-HATING GUN GRABBERS!!!!!”
@ranchandsyrup: I wouldn’t make that trade if I were you. You got a sweet deal: all of the kid, none of the stretch marks. ;) Seriously, though, congratulations. Babies are rad.
@Suzanne: Considering how much I lurve food I can’t believe I’d never been there. I’ve been to Pane Bianco before and that was excellent.
Happy I didnt have to endure those ungodly wait times I used to hear about at the original locale though.
It was spectacular as promised and he was there holding down the fort as usual. I hope Town & Country gets fully revived now too. I’m sure the new Whole Paycheck next to Trader Joes will help.
@ranchandsyrup: That might be the coolest thing I’ve ever heard a guy say.
Congrats to you and the Mrs!!
@JordanRules: thx! So far so good!
@JordanRules: OOOOOHHHH I DIDNT KNOW THEY HAVE ANOTHER LOCATION. I have waited over three hours for that pizza before. And I don’t even like pizza. That’s how good that place is.
My husband now has to take me there. Like, STAT.
The Raven on the Hill
Every now and again that rag bats one out of the park. Go Daily News!
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
When they were on their way to 90 games in a row :)
Just One More Canuck
@JordanRules: Really really late to this, but there are a lot of American and Canadian ex-pats in Mexico. At the time I was working there (late 90’s) I met a few who loved living there – you could live really well relatively cheaply. There was a big ex-pat community in Guadalajara
@efgoldman: I’ve actually wondered if the opposite might work–make a big frickin’ deal over this event at the same time the country is clearly pretty sick of the political extremists in Congress. I have to believe that all but the most hateful and cynical 2nd amendments enthusiasts might feel a bit queasy about these antics and that the over-reach of stupidity by extremists is once again providing an opportunity to split the herd and dilute the influence of fanatics. A girl can dream…
it’s time like this that I’m tempted to round of crime scene photos of murdered children, put them on poster board and start a protest outside NRA headquarters.
kinda copying the fetus at abortion clinic thing.. Something about not being cruel to the parents of murdered kids stops me though
As long as I have lived, I have never once thought that the Republicans could not get any worse.
I really think this would be the perfect occasion for some folks to go old school and rediscover the messaging power of rotten eggs and vegetables.
I mean this literally, not metaphorically. Do some dumpster diving outside a restaurant and greet the motherfuckers with a fusillade of rotten vegetables and eggs. Yes, they’ll all be carrying and yes, there’s a decent chance one of them will deem this sufficiently threatening to draw, but do it anyway.
I wish we could do that too, but I don’t for the same reason you mention. But you might try going over to If you can’t afford to contribute, you can at least give them a Facebook “like” or something.