I love these idiotic winger group straw votes:
ValuesVoter straw poll results: Ted Cruz 317 votes; Ben Carson 102; Rick Santorum 101; Rand Paul 49; Marco Rubio 36; Paul Ryan 31…
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 12, 2013
by DougJ| 87 Comments
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I love these idiotic winger group straw votes:
ValuesVoter straw poll results: Ted Cruz 317 votes; Ben Carson 102; Rick Santorum 101; Rand Paul 49; Marco Rubio 36; Paul Ryan 31…
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 12, 2013
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Crap-ass values.
Depends on the definition of values, I guess.
I’m researching what stock to buy when they tank the market.
Carson/Wurtzelbacher 2016!
@JPL: Tough day tween the hedges.
It occurred to me that Al Qaeda tried and failed to tank our economy and bankers out of greed almost succeeded, Now the greatest threat to our democracy and our economy is left to John Boehner and Ted Cruz.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Utterly meaningless, of course, except that Christie is in for a shitstorm if he goes for it, until they decide he’s the only thing that can save them from Hillary. “No, no, this time nominating the guy we hate will work!”
I guess I hadn’t really understood that Cruz is a religious fanatic. But this is the reveal, and it’s an important bit of information.
@raven: I missed a few minutes in the second qtr and came back to see mizzou had scored two touch downs. GA defense is not mature enough to handle the game themselves. It’s unfortunate since they, beat some really good teams, because of injuries, the rest of the season could look like today.
Corner Stone
Wow! +/- 700 total votes cast by a self selected group delusional enough to show up to listen to these people!
That’s it, voter registration card meet cigarette lighter. Ted Cruz for all the peoples!
I, for one, welcome our new Cruzerlords.
@Mullah Doug J:
ValuesVoter straw poll results: Ted Cruz 317 votes; Ben Carson 102; Rick Santorum 101; Rand Paul 49; Marco Rubio 36; Paul Ryan 31…
We progressives feel like the dog in this Gary Larson cartoon.
@efgoldman: Last week is what killed us this week. The three critical injuries on offense blew us up. I feel bad for Mizzou because they lost their QB and are just starting their real challenge.
@efgoldman: Last week is what killed us this week. The three critical injuries on offense blew us up. I feel bad for Mizzou because they lost their QB and are just starting their real challenge.
@Mullah Doug J:
We progressives feel like the dog in this Gary Larson cartoon.
Roger Moore
Diversify. Go for a good mix of ammo, food, medicine, and viable non-hybrid seeds. You wouldn’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.
Straw poll for what? Taking the fall for the shutdown? Cruz already had a lock on that, judging by the other Republican senators.
@JPL: AJC says the SNAP cards are not working in the ATL.
Didn’t Michelle Bachmann win the last straw poll?
Don’t venture out of your Krazy Klub House, kids. Reality for teabaggers is like sunlight to vampires.
pseudonymous in nc
It’s a reminder that “runner up last time” Santorum is still in the frothy mix, in spite of not having held an elected position in nearly seven years. I honestly have no idea what he’s doing these days, but I assume that he’s furtively frottaging the “values voters”.
@Ken: El Comandante.
@raven: Oh just great… what asshole managed to screw that up.. When is the FBI going to investigate our fine governor?
Was this a vote for sexiest republican?
Yes, yes, values voters. Cruz is the white guy you’re desperately hoping can stick it to that uppity negro this fifteen minutes. We understand.
In 2016, no one will even remember Cruz was once trying for the nomination.
@JPL: Sorry, it’s multiple states.
“According to a state agency director in Oklahoma, the problems were due to a system failure at a XEROX facility.
Xerox’ cash and food assistance card payment systems went down at 11am Saturday morning. The cash system has been fixed; however, the EBT card system is still down.
“During a routine test of our back-up systems Saturday morning, Xerox’s Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system experienced a temporary shutdown. While the system is now up and running, beneficiaries in the 17 affected states continue to experience connectivity issues to access their benefits. This disruption impacts EBT beneficiaries who rely on the system for SNAP and WIC. Technical staff is addressing the issue and expect the system to be restored soon. Beneficiaries requiring access to their benefits can work with their local retailers who can activate an emergency voucher system where available. We appreciate our clients’ patience while we work through this outage as quickly as possible.”
Corner Stone
I kind of like the new Alec Baldwin MSNBC show. Interested to see where it goes.
Villago Delenda Est
Ted Cruz for President?
Please proceed, wingtard rabble.
Corner Stone
@raven: Well, who shops on a Saturday?
John O
My advice for the GOP to reverse their slide in the polls is to move further to the right.
Villago Delenda Est
His vile sire is apparently a major figure in Dominionist circles.
@John O: ♬ There was one in the bed and the little one said “Roll over! Roll over!” So they all rolled over and one fell out. ♪
@Roger Moore: And kibble. It’s edible.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Villago Delenda Est: that speech the old man gave a few weeks back was an eye-opener. Little Teddy grew up in with some serious hate and crazy in the house, hate and crazy doused with religious fundamentalism, nothing dangerous there at all.
@MattF: He’ll be whatever the 27% wants.
@raven: Yeah, Girley was out. Fair enough. That doesn’t explain the fact that the defense shit the bed against a Mizzou offense that doesn’t figure to remind anybody of Oregon anytime soon.
Ben Carson is number 2??? Are we sure they didn’t think they were voting for Tim Scott? Ya know “they” can’t tell my people apart!
Ben Carson has forced me to reevaluate my definition of intelligence. He’s clearly a brilliant Doctor, but his beliefs politically and private just suck. It’s astonishing how much bile he spews at President Obama. It’s amazing a surgeon who has seen more than his fair share of poor patients would compare the aca to slavery. The guy is just a world class asshole to me now, which seems to be one of the qualifications being a black Republican.
I am going to hum that song to myself whenever I see straw poll results from these idjits.
A good earworm to have.
Anne Laurie
@Cassidy: Yeah, that was one of the standard tropes during the height of the bomb-shelter days: You could live on dog kibble and Vitamin C, if you call that living.
Me, I could’ve lived a long happy life without having to remember Mutually Assured Destruction as the bedrock of global politics. Why do the Repubs want to dig up every ugly political disaster of the last 300 years?
@Anne Laurie: “We now find ourselves among the Alps. The Alps are a very simple people, living on a diet of rice and old shoes. Beyond the Alps lies more Alps. And The Lord Alps those that Alps themselves.’
Prof Wagstaff
West of the Rockies
Well, it certainly appears clear enough from this poll that the GOP is not moderating itself and seeking the center. All these cats are utterly unelectable (nationally), however, so that’s good news.
Ted Cruz reminds me of Martin Sheen in The Dead Zone. The insane candidate who would have ended up destroying the world if he had been elected.
gogol's wife
Okay, I’m displaying my ignorance, but could someone remind me why Ted Cruz is eligible to run for president?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Hal: Religious (or religious-like) fanaticism is a funny thing. Ted Cruz has impressive credentials and is/was apparently a brilliant lawyer. Jack Welch must have some kind of intelligence and talents and he’s been embarrassing himself for years. See also Ross Perot (who has been strangely silent for a while, I can’t imagine CNN wouldn’t give him all the airtime he wanted, if he wanted it)
Mustang Bobby
They’re drinking the sand. Cheers!
John O
Right about now it seems Cruz is so hated by everyone who gets to know him, regardless of ideology, that FSM does not love me enough to give me a Cruz primary victory.
OTOH, it’s either Cruz, Christie, or Paul at this point, no? The Asshole Club.
Time Travelin
@GregB: You obviously haven’t seen this yet: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/10/11/joe-the-plumber-wurzelbacher-wants-you-and-deranged-mexicans-to-admit-wanting-a-white-republican-president-again/
It will have to be Wurzelbacher/Carson
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gogol’s wife: His mother was/is a native born USian, and I think his father was a citizen by the time he was born?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Send the motherfucker back to the Bay of Pigs where he belongs.
John O
@gogol’s wife:
Because it doesn’t really occur to sane people to make a big deal of it.
FXIT for you. Not that your version was incorrect, just not inclusive enough.
I’ve been keeping tabs on Red State and NRO the last couple of days (I feel like I’ve lost 10 IQ points, but the numbness will wear off eventually) and the comments sections have been a delight to read. The moderate Republicans have been trying to talk sense by pointing out that the battle has been lost and it’s time to move on. The Conservatives have been been pasting all moderates as RINOs, and are following Son of Erik’s call to donate to the Conservative Fund and that all GOP leadership need to be TP primaried. This will only lead to weaker candidates being chosen instead of the incumbents, and Democrat candidates should have an easier time winning their races. The suicide of the GOP is starting to happen now, and all I can say is, “MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!”
Karen in SoCal
@raven: I was just at the grocery store (OC) and there are signs up saying the cards don’t work (nationwide problem.)
fleeting expletive
Yes, the folks at my grocery store told me about the EBT outage in 16 states. Clerks and customers alike were all pretty sure it was because of the government shutdown and were saying “Why isn’t Congress doing its job?” I’m certainly glad it’s not due to that. I hope it can be fixed soon. It has to be hurting thousands of people.
In my very red state.
Yesterday, Glenn Beck was calling them Conservative Progressives. Who knew politics could be fun again?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother (born and bred in Wilmington, DE) and a Cuban father.
Nationality of the mother prevails.
I find it interested how much they stress that Cruz’s father LANDED in Austin, TX. Guess it’s better that he flew in, at age 18, than floated or swam or sneaked.
Cruz was born in 1970 and raised in Houston.
@debbie: I’m just crossing my fingers and hoping that the Conservatives split the GOP and start their own party. That’s when the real fun begins.
John O
I think Cruz matches up very well to the Republican primary voter. They’re both a little too nutty to win a general.
The accounts I’ve read of Cruz suggest a very, very ambitious and dickish human being. Ergo, he’ll win some GOP delegates. :-)
I got a mailer about Ben Carson (for some reason I’m on a right-wing mailing list – not just a random one, but one that thinks I’ll give significant money). Ben Carson didn’t have anything to do with it. The “Draft Ben Carson” committee was soliciting $$$ – they mentioned at least 4 times that “if Ben Carson is the nominee we’ll get at least 40% of the Black vote!!!”
I’m curious how you came to learn where she was bred.
pseudonymous in nc
Paul Broun is a doctor who doesn’t believe in evolution.
Awful lot of ob/gyn elected GOPers, which boggles. And makes me sad for their patients.
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Okay, I hope he’s the nominee in 2016.
Roger Moore
And some of it might wind up in a place other than the USPS and the operator’s pockets, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Ouch, that’s gotta hurt, Paul, Rand, and Marco.
Isn’t Carson a 7th Day Adventist, sort of a cultish church to begin with. He’s used to living in an information bubble, ignoring inconvenient facts.
A very talented surgeon, but apparently one of those people who are good in one specific area, and completely clueless in others but can’t tell the difference..
Cards win. Guess you can’t buy a World Series berth after all. Fwck all you all.
Mind you, by NO MEANS do I think we have this sewn up. This is just aimed at all the haters of the best organization in baseball. (take note: I did not say BEST FANS in baseball. I am a dick, and I know it. I rub it in every chance I get. Don’t like it? Tuff shit. Grow a team. We did.
Moonbatting Average
@JPL: Don’t you mean what stock to short?
Anne Laurie
@pseudonymous in nc:
Ugly med school “joke” from the 60s/70s (and probably earlier): Bottom-of-their-class med students who don’t have the bedside manner for dermatology always go into ob/gyn. Because their patients usually aren’t going to die regardless, and when they do, it’s only women and/or newborns, for whom the tort costs are much lower.
Kathy in St. Louis
You forgot the rest: Attila the Hun 15, Mussolini, 9. I would have said Hitler, 9, but Godwin and all.
Shorter version: “Ooh, shiny!”
Kathy in St. Louis
@John O: I think his nuttiness aside, he is totally unlikeable. And the Latino voters that might move over to the Republican column will be cancelled out by the white male bigots they lose. Women will never vote for him, because his nuttiness and mean-spiritedness are just written on his face. In short, he’s a dick who looks like a dick.
Kathy in St. Louis
@pseudonymous in nc: He made a Christian Christmas movie. As they say where I live, Oy, vey!
Rich, arrogant, accustomed to people deferring to them: which group possesses these qualities in greater abundance, Republican politicians or specialist doctors?
Rather than they traditional flunky whispering “This too shall pass” into the GOP’s ears, perhaps one repeating “Leona Helmsley is not a role model” ought to be employed.
No edit option.
#79 was meant to be FlipYrWhig
And, each and every one of those guys is crazy, crazy people.
Briar Rabbit gambit?
Oh please Tea Party, please don’t run Ted Cruz for president in 2016. And again in 2020, and 2024 and 2028 and….
Ricky Santorum is third? Ehh, maybe they’re right. What the party really needs is a purer, cleaner lunatic.
The Republican Party is inundated with these weekly barn dances . VVS, CPAC, Tea party patriotpaloosa, on an on. It’s all just fantasy league presidentin’. I imagine they will end up nominating someone like Scott Walker who is wisely nowhere to be found right now. I don’t think he’ll be much of a candidate, but he has impeccable right-wing credentials, the Wall Street greedy guys and the ideological billionaires love him, and he hasn’t set his hair on fire on national tv . Christie is the wild card. He might be waiting to see what Hillary does. He is one of the few republicans who still lives in the real world. I doubt he’ll run unless he’s pretty sure he has a realistic path to the White House.
Actually, the nationality of the mother doesn’t prevail. He was born as a citizen of both the US (through his mom) and Canada (birthright), which makes him eligible to be President of the US.
He’s still a dual citizen unless he’s taken formal steps to renounce one or the the other. He claims to have renounced his Canadian citizenship at some point but the Canadian government has no record of it and he hasn’t produced any evidence either. We’ll need to see the long form of that, of course, but it won’t affect his Presidential eligibility.
Perhaps the the sorts of doctors who lean Dem are also the sort who continue to be doctors?
Villago Delenda Est
@gogol’s wife:
He IS a US citizen, natural born, as his mother was a citizen.
The fact that he was born in Calgary is not a legal barrier, although if you listen to some of the more consistent wingtards, that is a problem for them.
But they’ll put it aside eventually. They always do. Cruz is white enough for wingtard work.
? Martin
I’ve been telling you guys, Cruz is going to be the leader heading into the 2016 primary. He’ll probably get savaged in the general, but the base loves the shit out of this guy.
@Kathy in St. Louis: I doubt he’ll get many brown votes. All the other Latin Americans hate Cuban-Americans, feeling that in general Cuban-Americans have all the bad traits of whites and none of our good ones. And after watching that Elian Gonzalez Fustercluck some years ago, I understand where this view comes from.
@gogol’s wife:
@cmorenc: “We progressives feel like”
I fear you may not end up terribly impressed with the progressive leanings of Hillary Clinton. …
Now Elizabeth Warren, or Joe Biden, on the other hand.
I am hoping Joe Biden is the energizer bunny. He is too old (in years) but there is some evidence he is in great shape.
@dogwood: “they will end up nominating someone like Scott Walker”
I agree. As Charles P Pierce keeps saying about Walker: “Don’t go to sleep on this guy.”
Wyatt Derp
To no one’s surprise the most popular are the least electable. Ben Carson 2016 = Herman Cain 2012. Ted Cruz 2016 = Rick Santorum 2012. Rick Santorum 2016 < Rick Santorum 2012.