Blog needs more dog. Here are a pair of boxers. Their serious expressions have nothing to do with the possibility that the US Congress now has a greater concentration of stupid than at any time since just prior to the Civil War. The thing that makes these zaftig doggies so solemn is CHEESE.
Speaking of stupid, I destroyed yet another broomstick this morning. I didn’t crash into a light pole on the way to the Leaky Cauldron; I was attempting to slay what I thought was a giant flying cockroach that I thought had alighted on the floor, in just about the same spot where the dogs would patiently await cheese in the above photo, which was taken later.
I launched into giant cockroach battle mode, which consists of grabbing a broom and swinging it at a lumbering insect in vicious, high-speed arcs, while screaming DIE! DIE! DIE!, then using the broom to sweep the carcass of the annihilated foe out onto the porch and then off into the yard.
But it turns out the thing I thought was a giant cockroach was just a giant cockroach-shaped piece of mulch that one of the dogs must have carried in on her feet or jowls. And I broke a broom over it. Damn. It’s possible I should update the prescription on my glasses.
Please feel free to discuss pets, pest control techniques, eyewear, the fact that a gunnysack of meth-snorting ferrets is more intelligent and rational than the neo-confederates in the US Congress or whatever.
[X-posted at Rumproast]
Knuckleheads! Bohdi has spent the better part of three weeks in his box and his neck/disc issue seems better so he got his first 2 mile walk this morning. The fabulous over the shoulder ball catch is going to have to be severely limited.
eta Bohdi likes to roll on la cucaracha’s!
Patricia Kayden
Never get tired of seeing your Boxers. Way too cute. Didn’t know dogs liked cheese.
Chyron HR
You can’t spell blog without “dog”, assuming that you have really poor penmanship.
What tiny feet they have! :-)
I lived in New Orleans for 2 years a few decades ago. Those flying cockroaches are really scary. I think some of them are the size of sparrows and terrorize the inside and outside of your house. Ewwwwwww!!!
Anna in PDX
My cats do that exact same thing every time I slice some Cheddar. Our tux perches on our bread machine and looks exactly like a vulture (except for the red head).
Palmetto bugs.
The Dangerman
I’ve never heard Boehner described as lumbering.
ETA: Now “slumbering”, after a double or triple, sure.
@Patricia Kayden:
While visiting, I watched a friend’s terrier steal an entire untouched brie off the garden table and inhale it within seconds. Didn’t stay around long enough to see any digestive consequences.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
This morning, I woke up with the premonition I was going to have a car accident so I wouldn’t do more than 15 mph on the interstate on the way in to work. Sure enough, I had an accident.
schrodinger's cat
Thread also needs kitteh, who is not afraid to ask tough questions.
Amir Khalid
Some appropriate music.
schrodinger's cat
Those flying cockroaches are the worst. Do. not. want.
@Patricia Kayden: Lil Bit will eat anything that doesn’t eat her first!
West of the Cascades
One of the things I’m grateful for about living in Portland is that a “giant flying cockroach” isn’t anything I would ever need to swing a broomstick at — unless I were watching the House debates on C-SPAN while dropping acid.
@The Dangerman: bummer, you got there first!!!@!!
Heh, perfect. Thanks for the dogs, some animal blogging is long overdue especially during these times of epic stupidity.
Never, ever could stand those palmetto bugs, don’t miss them one lick.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: That sucks, but um, did you mean to type that you were driving 15 miles per hour on the interstate? Because that’s confusing.
David Fud
@Patricia Kayden: My father-in-law would run through his neighborhood yelling “Cheese! Champ! Cheese!” back when he had a Jack Russell who took advantage of any opened door to sprint to freedom. It worked most of the time, too. In my experience, dogs like cheese as much or more than we do.
Betty Cracker
@raven: I mostly call them that too, but people outside the SE usually don’t know that term. I think it would be a good tagline for a Florida license plate: “We Call Them ‘Palmetto Bugs.'”
@raven: Lil Bit will eat anything that doesn’t eat her first!
Just like one of my dogs; nothing was safe
My current canine is apparently on the Atkins diet. She won’t touch any carbs; no bread, pasta, rice. And she’s the only dog I’ve ever known who won’t touch peanut butter.
But open a can of tuna and she goes nuts.
Jebediah, RBG
Delicate, dainty, and elegant.
@shelly: Wow! If I’m carrying groceries in the van Lil Bit will eat through the wrapper on a whole fryer. She’ll eat apples, maters. cukes. . .any damn thing.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Sounds like my dogs. Not fussy at all.
Jebediah, RBG
“Astro Zombies” on mandolin. I was wondering if mandolin-Misfits-covers is a genre. If it isn’t, it should be.
ETA: And maybe Motorhead, too.
Patricia Kayden
@Alexandra: And those delightful consequences are why I will not be giving my dogs cheese!
I thought in Florida they called cockroaches Palmetto bugs. At least that is what my grandmother used to say.
Y’see… “Flying cockroaches”, for me, is synonymous with “not fit for human habitation.” Nothin’ personal.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@sparrow: Yes, I was being extra-cautious.
Amir Khalid
Has anyone here ever heard of cats going grey with age? My brother’s wife asked me this morning if the splash of white at Bianca’s throat (which she’s had since she was a kitten) was grey hair. Of course I said, “Cats don’t go grey”, and we all had a good laugh; but now I’m wondering …
@MattF: You get used to them. Yellow jackets and fire ants are way worse.
Ah, yes. The world-famous Florida Flying Cockroach Killing Dance. I have indulged on occasion.
Jebediah, RBG
@Jebediah, RBG:
Ace of Spades
Although a guitar is used for the solo.
gogol's wife
Thanks for the cheer-up. Dogs (and cats) make everything better.
Betty Cracker
@kindness: Your grandmother was right. That’s the term I generally use with fellow Floridians. It tends to elicit a baffled look from non-Southeasterners, though…
schrodinger's cat
@Amir Khalid: Actually they go dark, my orange kitteh who has freckles is getting some dark hairs in her fur as she grows older.
My cocker wouldn’t touch the grocery bags, maybe it was fear from the looks I gave him, not that he feared much of anything else, but once it was out of the bag? Fair game. Anything I’d eat and lots I wouldn’t, he’d go for.
On another note my landlord’s cats will chase and eat crickets. They play with them a lot first but in the end…
Betty Cracker
@raven: I should be used to them — I’ve lived here all my life. But they skeeve me out like nothing else. Well, except for snakes. It’s probably because my mother always freaks out when she sees one. (She was raised here too, but…)
Not all of Florida is uninhabitable.
schrodinger's cat
@Ruckus: My boss cat loves to eat moths!
@Amir Khalid:
Yup. My pretty tortie is graying around her temples and along the sides of her jaw, areas which were mostly dark brown. She’s 11, about 62 in human years.
My 15 year old beagle, like most of that breed, will consume just about anything, including cheese. Unless it is muenster. She will sniff it, put it in her mouth and immediately spit it out.
Everything else she gulps down so fast, I doubt her taste buds have a chance to actually detect anything.
Here in SW Ohio we’re seeing a massive influx of stink bugs. They find ways into the house via windows and doors and they hang around window screens everywhere.
They look like little shields and they don’t stink unless you squish them, so I’ve been ushering them out of the house with newspapers or paper towels. One flew up at me from the back door and scared the bejeezus out of me; I squealed like a little girl.
goddam bugs. :-(
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Never heard of cats going gray, but dogs do, in the muzzle. My dog on the right in the picture above has gone pretty gray around the snout. She’s not that old (five), so she’s prematurely gray. Our dear departed boxer, a big male who lived to be 12, went almost completely white in the muzzle in his later years.
I am amazed. The city DPW is out on my street actually stripping off the old pavement & doing repairs. Since I moved here (early 70’s) they’ve never done more than throw a shovelful (1) of cold patch into the deepest pot holes. We are living in strange times. Need to see if I can find a weather report about dropping temps in Hell.
@donnah: These dudes?
@Amir Khalid:
Don’t know about cats, not enough experience but I’ll bet they do.
Dogs on the other hand do. My 12 yr old black cocker was going gray and noticeably so. Considering dog years he was going gray at about the same rate as….. me.
@Betty Cracker: Raven was getting really grey when he got cancer. It was the weirdest thing, when he went through chemo he turned back black.
Were we discussing cockroaches?
They’re profitable in China. From today’s LA Times:
You’re welcome.
I see that around here as well.
They don’t do the worst streets though, only the one’s that look like the bad ones did 10-15 yrs ago. I think it’s an experiment to see how far streets can deteriorate and how much complaining gets done.
@Elizabelle: HEY WANG!!!
I sympathize. Some irresponsible and sadistic person posted a photo of a very large house centipede on Tumblr the other day and since then I have been eye cornering the damned things every other minute.
“AAAH! Oh, it’s just a dust bunny.”
“EEEEEE! Oh, a weird reflection on the faucet.”
Yeah, having vision that starts to fail when asked to work more than a yard out doesn’t help at all.
Of course when the cats stare at a spot on the wall or start with the sniff/pat thing, I assume The Worst. However, I am glad they view bugs as both delicious treats and nifty toys. Even the few mottled stink bugs that enter our home are gleefully tortured and chomped.
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: Eewww, I just had lunch and I did not get beyond the first paragraph. Industrial strength brain bleach needed.
@Amir Khalid: I had a black cat who got grey hairs on the front half of one front foot. Started with just a couple around the time he was 14 and was a solid half paw of grey by the time he passed on five years later.
Painted the living room this weekend so there is absolute chaos and nothing is where it is supposed to be. My dog is not happy about this at all. His dog bed was partially under the coffee table and he made a point of making exaggerating sighing and grunting noises until I moved his bed.
@Amir Khalid: I’ve had 2 cats who got grey hairs, eventually fairly heavily around their muzzles (plus white whiskers), but also scattered lightly through their formerly all black coats. So I guess the answer is “some cats do.”
Every dog I’ve know hasn’t so much as eaten cheese as inhaled it.
@Betty Cracker:
When I was going to school in Miami (The U), my stock line was:
You don’t need a car on campus, all you need is a palmetto bug and a saddle.
Amir Khalid
Speaking of cockroaches, does anyone remember “War of The Coprophages” on The X-Files?
Eric U.
the only thing our dog will not eat is microwave popcorn. he loves popcorn if I make it on the stove. I can’t think of anything else he will not eat. Greedy mutt
We used to have giant cockroaches here at work. i think they finally managed to stuff all the holes where they came out into the hallway. Used to have lots of fun with those things.
“I am become Death-ish, destroyer of Mulch!”
And yes. Dogs eat cheese. Mine also gobble down cabbage, broccoli, canned tomato stems, most any variety of breadstuff, peanuts and that’s just what they’ve cadged out of me this week.
The first time I visited Texas from MN, I stayed with some friends in a trailer park. The first night I slept on a couch listening to some animal clawing underneath the trailer all night. The second night I slept at a different trailer where I freaked when I saw a cockroach the size of a mouse. The owner of the trailer went after it with his shoe and got it, but wound up sliding across the floor on cockroach guts. The only place to sleep in the trailer was a mattress on the floor.
The next day I called Northwest Airlines and had my return trip moved up to the next day. When I got home, I dumped all my luggage out on the front yard and brought it in one piece at a time after much inspection and shaking. I hate cockroaches.
@Betty Cracker: RE: the Florida license plate, I just saw a FL vanity plates here in CO, and I had to wonder at the marketing genius who dreamed up the background image of a scuba diver AND a huge shark, swimming together. I’m not a shark-hater by any means, but wow, that plate doesn’t exactly scream “come vacay in FL, the swimming’s great!” to a certain subset of the scared of every goddamn thing US public.
@donnah: The grey ones? They’re looking for places to hibernate. Our neighbors have a little garage they converted into an office. When the local infestation was at its worst a few years ago they opened up after one winter and … you can imagine.
You should keep a soap trap handy – Squirt some dish soap into a jar, fill it almost the rest of the way with water. Knock any of the little SOBs into the jar. The soap dissolves their carapace if they don’t drown. Dump as needed.
We don’t get that many any more because we aren’t close to any farms. The cats get most of the ones that are foolish enough to enter but for this time of year and in the spring I make sure I have a soap trap. My husband likes to do the wild release thing but for some reason they squick me out too much to touch.
Boric acid. Boric acid boric acid boric acid. Did I mention boric acid? Completely harmless to anything but cockroaches. Very, very harmful to cockroaches. It comes as a powder, usually in a spray bottle. Spray it into cracks and crevices, anywhere you think a cockroach might come out of. Exterminators rarely recommend it for two reasons: It takes about a month to start working, and it only kills about 9/10ths of your roaches. Their customers want to see ALL the roaches dead NOW. Of course, if you have half a brain and live in the South, you know that if you kill all your roaches you’ll get immigrants tomorrow. One dose usually lasts for about six months, but it’s heavily affected by how much water gets into the cracks. Also, it’s cheap.
But unlike Godot. Gouda does arrive.
Chyron HR
I dropped a tab of that once, it made me think I was a CPA.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get this 1040 filed.
@donnah: Oh good god, the stink bugs are taking over here in Lebanon and Mason. I normally leave my car windows open when it’s warm, but the number of bugs I need to remove from the inside of the Bug after work is insane. Fleas also seem to being going crazy this year. My sister had to switch flea medication for her 3 pups and treat the yard, house, and furniture multiple times. For anyone dealing with similar issue, the vet has just switched to Frontline Tritak from one of the previous versions.
Oh, and I laugh at your so-called ‘palmetto bugs’, pfui! We have Palo Verde Beetles .
The bit in there about “They have wings and can fly, albeit awkwardly at times” means “They fly around at face height on giant buzzing wings, dragging their body and long, clawed legs around at face height.”
And 3 1/2″ is most decidedly a smallish average. I’ve measured 6″ long ones many times.
Finally they stink, horribly and pungently for hours after your squish them.
As a storm crow this really adds to the day:
A major typhoon … [ looks to hit the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant], … warns Climate Central, “likely would complicate cleanup efforts, or possibly pose an even greater danger to the facility”.
Ryan Maue, a meteorologist at WeatherBell Analytics, a private forecasting firm, told Climate Central that the storm poses a “huge flood potential” for the Fukushima area. “Deep convection on the westward flank of the storm . . . plus the topography of Japan means heavy rain for the coastline regardless of the Typhoon’s track,” he said in an email message. “Wipha is extra-large size-wise,”
Good news – it is only a once in a decade storm – really, really bad but not really, really super bad … .
Chris T.
@Amir Khalid: Yes, cats can go grey, or more generally, change color.
Cats with the Siamese “point” coloration have a “defective” (that’s sort of a judgement call but might as well use the word) tyrosinase enzyme that is temperature-sensitive: it folds improperly when it gets warm. The result is that they can only make melanin in cooler spots on the body, which is why Siamese cats have blue eyes (very warm, no melanin) and light colored bodies with darker ears, noses, feet, and tails (cooler areas). Over time, this usually gets better (adult cats run slightly cooler than kittens) so they tend to get darker, rather than grey-er.
Other cats, with their complex coat-color genetics, can have different genes express over time as well.
Randy P
@Patricia Kayden: Dogs inhale cheese. Cheese has usually been our most effective delivery mechanism for doggy pills.
@West of the Cascades:
The definition of “bad trip.”
So the House GOP is gonna cut tail and run…
@Chris T.: Our cat looks like a long haired version of Steve, with a glossy black spine area. She’s almost 12, and has recently developed a single, bright white hair right in the middle of all that black.
Our prior cat was a long-haired medium grey with that same tiny white chest patch Amir mentioned. I had wondered if a gray cat could “go gray” with age. She finally did develop a few white hairs elsewhere, but it was only after she reached 15.
@gbear: The first time I visited Texas from MN, I stayed with some friends in a trailer park. The first night I slept on a couch listening to some animal clawing underneath the trailer all night. The second night I slept at a different trailer where I freaked when I saw a cockroach the size of a mouse. The owner of the trailer went after it with his shoe and got it, but wound up sliding across the floor on cockroach guts. The only place to sleep in the trailer was a mattress on the floor.
Good thing you didn’t visit West Texas, what with the scorpions and the spiders.
[‘Those will make you nervous.’]
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
@Chyron HR: Nice thing about flashbacks is that you’ll never file late again.
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
@Chyron HR: Nice thing about flashbacks is that you’ll never file late again.
Jay C
Dunno about your dogs, Betty; but cats (if one is lucky) are pretty good at chasing/catching/stomping bugs: living in NYC as we do, most of the roaches we spot are (thankfully), the non-giant, non-flying kind: and, should one slip in, the adorable Edina is pretty good at catching them. Of course, this create its own problems: the little darling nabbed one in my bathroom the other day while I was, ummm.. immobilized, and of course wanted me to play with it (and her). BIG fun….
Villago Delenda Est
They pull that shit, and I advocate Second Amendment remedies to alter their attitudes.
Jeff Spender
Boehner permanently crawling inside the bottle. GOP shown to be how fucking weak and cowardly they are.
The Pale Scot
My exGF’s hound dog once grabbed a 4lb cooked london broil, and tried to swallow it whole, looking like a Cormorant getting a large fish down the neck pipe.
Ive convinced myself that the baggers want default, which they will blame on Obama and impeach him for it. Perfect fit for the alternate reality crowd.
BTW: I had one of those flying cockroaches fly in to my ear once. Needed a trip to the ER to remove it.
Mike E
@Frankensteinbeck: I’ve used 20 Mule Team Borax to control fleas, also. Too. I don’t do pesticides because they make me all rashy.
It’s horrible politically, though.
It will motivate their 24%, but the rest of the people will be either incredibly frustrated and distraught with more drama and chaos, or incredibly angry because they’re trying to remove Obama.
It makes their political situation much, much worse, and actually drags it out to the next election.
@donnah: Re: Ohio stinkbugs. Here in the ‘nati, my spouse uses a small container filled with oil. The bugs willingly fly right into it when the container is near and they cant escape the oil once in it.
@Betty Cracker:
If I owned a Florida moving company my slogan would be “‘Palmetto Bugs,’ my ass!”
Another great feature of climate change is all these hot-weather critters and maladies headin’ northward. Gators and yellow fever in Jersey? Why not!
Spaghetti Lee
Cowards. Fucking weak. And stupid, too. After a solid month of “The president refuses to negotiate! We’re ready to negotiate!” their new strategy is to literally run away and hide?
I should be happier that the GOP is disintegrating before our eyes. Problem is there’s a good chance they’ll take us all down too. Because the alternative is too depressing, I’ll stick with the theory that Boehner is trying to do as much self-ass-covering as humanly possible, and will shove something through via an R/D coalition at 10 PM tomorrow night. Ugh, I’m so fucking sick of this.
I mean, just ignore Rand Paul’s abstract flights of fancy for a moment and imagine that. Obama takes some extraordinary measure to avoid impending doom. Rand Paul (or any of them) then appears and makes a process argument and tries to remove him.
People hate process talk on a good day. This “impeachment leverage” to me is just more bubble thinking on their part. There is not actually a popular movement to remove Obama that they would be “riding” politically. That is in their heads.
@The Pale Scot:
My first Dalmatian–the tall one–somehow liberated a two-pound, wrapped, frozen chateaubriand from the kitchen sink. The spousal unit and I were all, “Do you remember what we did with the BBQ meat?” while scratching our heads and digging through the fridge and yes, wandering the house in search of the missing meat.
The dog never fessed up but the paper evidence was prominent in the backyard the next day. And the day after that.
That was Bruno’s Best Score of many. I can imagine the big inked pawprint on his bucket list.
You may be right, but at this point it seems to me to be all about their base. I wont agrue that it looks suicidal for the gop to want this fight, but its what they do. Logic says when you are losing, retreat. This crowd believes the opposite.
Its default and impeachment because the baggers have been wanting this all along. One wonders if it causes a 3rd party type split in the gop.
Of course their movement and their policies are not popular. They could care less. Impeachment would be immensely popular with the bagger base. Plus it has the added effect of tying up big bad gummit for a while and lets not forget how enthralled the courtier press would be with the idea of impeachment.
Obama is actually, in real life, the MOST popular person in government. Admittedly, it’s not a high bar with Congress at 9% or whatever, but if they do that, if they go after the SINGULAR, universally known individual who sometimes polls at 50%, it would be absolute suicide.
I would argue Congress better watch their back, as far as “removal”. They are historically unpopular.
I guess I disagree. I read Rand Paul’s overheard exchange about the WH language and polling. They ALL look at polls.
President Bush used to say the same thing: “I don’t look at polls”. My ass. They ALL do.
@Kay: Well then perhaps they look at polls and believe that unicorns and candy will fall at their feet when they impeach. Im not saying it makes sense. You are far to intelligent to think like the baggers do. They are more repitllian. They believe that their ideology will be accepted if X happens. What the hell has Issa been up to for years? Its all been about setting a foundation for impeachment. You are rational. They are not.
@Kay: “People hate process talk on a good day. ”
Notable exception is one Barack Obama. He will violate NO process, thus no $1Tr coin, no statement of Constitutional Amendment justification for unilateral action by Pres via Treasury Dept.
Eric U.
our dog’s best score was about 3 pounds of grapes. I guess he was pretty happy with himself before the Mrs. U. panicked and took him to the vet. He got “the treatment”
@The Pale Scot: A neighbor’s dog helped himself to that night’s steak dinner. My Mom’s Bassett, on the other, had developed very deep frustration lines because the short legs did not let him reach the treasures that his nose told him were on the table. Poor guy had to settle for the odd pizza crust or chicken wing that he could find on his walks.
Spaghetti Lee
Impeachment doesn’t scare me. First, they don’t have 2/3 of the senate, and second, Kay’s right: the average person is going to look at a bunch of grandstanders with sub-10% approval ratings throwing a tantrum about the guy who’s actually doing his job and is much more popular than they are. Impeachment would be a massive blunder on their part.
Default does scare me, though. Baggers feed on chaos and disorder, and they’re great at blaming it on someone else when people don’t know exactly what’s going on.
@shelly: My dog has no interest in peanut butter, fish of any kind, chocolate, or cookies. What does he want? M-E-A-T. Or cheese, in a pinch.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, when it all comes crashing down, who knows? I think the $1T coin would be a bad idea politically, though.Anything that gets every late night TV joker comparing you to Dr. Evil can’t be the wisest option.
@Eric U.: I was on a week long trip in Ontario with three buddies and a 120lb malmute named Spartacus. We had a cabin on and island about 5o miles from Kenora and we had a big ass ham that was going to be our meat for the week. We were building a cooler in the creek when the big fella snatched it and ran. Try catching a Malmute with a ham in the North Woods sometime! When he finally polished it off and we got him we threw his butt in the cold lake multiple times but he didn’t give a shit!
Oh FFS, Ezra Klein linked to the results of a new poll that show the public blames Republicans for the shutdown, thinks default if horrible, no good, very bad AND still thinks Republicans are better at running government than Democrats.
Paul in KY
@Kay: He was being lawyerly. If being true, he was saying ‘I personally don’t look a polls, but I have many other people who do & then they summarize it for me’ (with crayons).
@max: Southern Nevada, here. We’ve got the scorpions & black widows, and I will take them every time over your giant flying cockroaches.
Sorry, “Palmetto Bugs”.
Give me a scorpion every time. They are slow.
I don’t think it ever made a lot of sense for Obama to announce he has a solution in his pocket. I get that at the time it was thought to present “leverage” or whatever, but I don’t think that would be the result-you wouldn’t get any additional leverage that way and he’d just be telegraphing that he can fix this if they don’t.
I agree with you that he’s quite the process person, but he also periodically takes huge risks. I just don’t think we can predict what he’d do in an actual emergency. I’m not a student of Scope OF Presidential Power or anything, but they have extraordinary power they can call on because of the singular nature of that job.
There would be process after, of course, he’d have to deal with that, but it wouldn’t be a court process, it would be what is really a political mechanism, which is impeachment. What’s the saying? It’s easier to act and then ask forgiveness rather than ask permission? :)
They may leave him no choice. He may wind up having to assume unitary authority in order to prevent a worldwide economic collapse, or can just throw his hands up in the air and quit. He will face an impeachment vote in the House any way he plays it, so he may as well salvage the economy.
The Doctors Frankenstein who put this in motion are playing a very dangerous (even revolutionary) game.
I’m giving it a 10% chance that the Koch brothers are consciously using Tea Party simpletons to engineer something akin to the collapse of the USSR, when the government just evaporates due to expiring governmental power, then being the oligarchs in control in the chaos and its aftermath. Its still more likely that like Walter Mitty, they’re the brothers D’Anconia, burning down society to achieve their vision.
Since baggers and their funders tend to run their plots in accordance with fictional works, they may also be hoping for some Jericho-type scenario with a rogue military unit as we go through these political and economic upheavals. There have been some shakeups in the command structure; I wonder if some weak links deemed amenable to pressure have been removed?
schrodinger's cat
@cckids: Here in the frigid north east we has winter but hardly any bugs.
Bob In Portland
We sprayed the surviving rhododenruns (?) for lacy leaper thingies yesterday with insecticidal soapy stuff. Hopefully, the first frost will finish them off. While my significant other was doing the spraying I hacked back the vines that were taking over our front porch. Then I unfriended my tea party sister on Facebook. She was embarrassing me.
Bob In Portland
@Botsplainer: Cui bono? What becomes the currency of last resort? My guess the Euro (i.e., the Euro Mark). Take a look at some of the Pauls’ backers. If you can’t conquer the world with your Panzer divisions then you do it with your bankers.
@Paul in KY:
hah! Bush treats lawyers with disdain. He likes action!
I thought that whole theme media created around him where he was “above” politics was such absolute horseshit. He’s a third generation politician. I think he followed “politics” really, really closely.
IMO, they all do. I once watched a documentary on Obama. In one scene, Obama entered a room somewhere (DC?) on election night (2006) and he goes immediately to the tv and is peering at the vote totals on the bottom of the screen. He asks “How’s Sherrod Brown doing”?
Louie, Michelle and Steve, together live and on stage!
Contest for best caption, with mine own humble nomination being Larry, Moe and Curly.
@Bob In Portland:
Sure it is our fault. Come on, this farce is 100% made in america.
Jay C
Low as my opinion of the “mainstream media” might be (and it’s fairly low, believe me), I disagree: unlike the Clinton impeachment fiasco – which, bogus bullshit as it was and always had been, at least had a year of scandal-digging and some semblance of legal process about it – trying to remove President Obama for, what is in essence, Presidenting While Black, would, IMO, backfire horribly on the GOP as a national Party. Lame and Republican-normative as our “MSM” may be, I don’t think they would be quite as quick, this time, to jump on the impeachment bandwagon: especially if, as I think might happen: an impeachment bill – especially in an election year -might fail to clear the House, leaving the teabaggers empty-handed yet again, the non-Tea Republicans shit-smeared by association, and the Democrats (and Obama) looking (again) like the only sane adults in the room.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Wish I’d have seen that. I despise Marsha Blackburn with every fiber of my being.
@Botsplainer: I doubt it. You’re giving a constitutional scholar the option of whether to save the constitution or save the economy. In my mind, saving the economy will only be a short lived saving, because who would invest in a country that no longer follows the rules it says it does?
The Pale Scot
@Bob In Portland:
Which is why I don’t Facebook. Just watching my sister unfriending one after another because she posts pics from back in the day and they have hissy fits over their appearance or revealing old relationships not mentioned to current ones made that clear to me. It easier to just send links to Stonekettle Station and ignore the replies
@Jay C:
I think there’s a really practical reason for them not to jump in. In reality, it leaves the whole mess rudderless. It was fun for them to take Bill Clinton down a coupla notches, but there was no immediate danger from doing so. There were some other grownups around.
@Betty Cracker: I lived in Miami for several months a while back. One night I fell asleep with a book and the light on. Woke up to a “tickle” underneath my jammy top and lifted it up to find a “palmetto bug” on my abdomen. The time it took between feeling the tickle and standing topless beside the bed with a dead bug smashed by the book where I previously rested was about 3 seconds. Talk about an adrenaline rush!!!
Spaghetti Lee
@Jay C:
Also, impeachment over sexytime is more fun than impeachment over boring old fiscal stuff. When in doubt, assume that the MSM will act like a particularly vindictive 16-year-old girl.
My dog loves to eat cicada bugs. My husband is convinced they give him diarrhea, so there is conflict.
@Betty Cracker: Axe and ye
Betty Cracker
@seaboogie: God, that’s horrid. At least you were able to test your cat-like reflexes.
When I was a kid, we had a cat who would try to “gift” us with live palmetto bugs in the middle of the night. Once she dropped one in my hand, and I was so used to her antics that I didn’t even have to be fully awake to respond. In my sleep, I hurled the bug against the wall so hard I killed it, which means it must have reached mach 1 at least, given that Kevlar shell the damn things have. Uggghh, I hates them, I do!
I agree that this is what they’re operating under:
Patricia Kayden
@Jeff Spender: “While nothing conclusive came out of the closed-door House GOP meeting, which began with a group rendition of ‘Amazing Grace,’”
They’re such douches! They’re group singing hymns while destroying the country!
Could one of you front pagers please do a post on this
Minimum wage workers in the fast food industry cost tax payers $7 billion a year.
Also this link
Super sizing public costs
Patricia Kayden
@nemesis: Let’s be honest, killing President Obama would be popular with the T’Bagger racist base. At what point do Republicans figure out that they cannot cater to T’Baggers and still function as a reasonable political organization in a two-party system? They just lost the last election by over 5 million votes. Believe it or not, there are millions of people who love the President. I’m not understanding how impeachment proceedings (which would go nowhere in the Senate) help the Republican party.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
No more cheesy post titles.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Hopefully he asked the question again since she didn’t answer it.
@Patricia Kayden
“The World Turned Upside Down” has gone out of fashion.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer: I can completely assure you there will be or would be no rogue military units (at least above the level of Fire Team).
Paul in KY
@Kay: He was being ‘Clintonian’ in his response. Or just bald faced lying & he obsessively went over polls every day. Probably the latter.
Mine is a relentless hunter of flies, which she eats with evident zeal. Hardly seems a fair match, given she’s fifty pounds, and there’s a huge “yuck” factor, but there’s no stopping her.Even comes running whenever she hears the “thwack” of the flyswatter. Embarrassing, is what that is.
First things first:
Okay, now back to hiding in my hole and hoping I get to work again.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
As vile puns go it rates a capital V.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I was stunned that the ChiTrib had something on the subject. Must really be desperate to fill up page space with non repubs and it slipped through.
ETA. that paper is really working overtime on its repubs can do no wrong on the few headlines that have to be printed. wouldn’t insult palmetto bugs by swatting them with it.
tea blind lice
tea blind lice
see how they stare
see how they stare
they all run after the grifting life
and say crazy things in front of the media lights
did you ever see such a fright in your life as
tea blind lice
tea blind lice
Is this negotiating in “good faith” —> House Republicans Trying to Run Out the Clock
@pamspaulding 31m
RT @meredithshiner: John McCain says Ted Cruz and Mike Lee were not at GOP lunch today
@tackettdc 19m
BREAKING Sen. Coons of Delaware says Reid tells Dems McConnell stepped away from the deal
Paul in KY
@Gretchen: I’ve ate cicadas. Skewered & then deep fried for about 3 or 4 secs. The female ones taste better. Actually not much taste at all. I used an infused oil when I fried them.
Ash Can
I’m seeing tweets in the margin at LGF saying that McConnell has scuttled the Senate deal.
Paul in KY
@Kay: You know how well the ‘double down’ bunch will consider that reasoning…
@Kay: Two separate reports that Senate talks have stalled.
Comrade Mary
@Ash Can: Various tweets say that the Senate deal is dead.
Now I’m just going to have to shut my eyes. Mr IOL and I are both over 65, but not retired. Bye, retirement money! You were fun to look at while I had you. I hate these cretins.
Robert Sneddon
@Patricia Kayden: For some reason that particular hymn has become a song commonly performed in the US at funerals possibly because it has a slow meter and can be mistaken for a dirge. I should digress here to point out it is not a tune suitable for the Scottish pipes despite THAT scene in a particular Star Trek movie.
It is the Kobayashi Maru scenario. Impeached if he takes extraordinary action, and like Snowball Snookie says, impeached in the event of a default.
Lincoln was faced with these choices, and stomped all over the Habeas Corpus rights of people in states not in rebellion.
I’m telling you, this is their plot, and it is psychotically dangerous, something along the lines of Princip staking out the route of Franz Ferdinand.
For even attempting it, Cruz needs to be expelled from the Senate and tried along with the Koch brothers.
John O
@Ash Can:
Interesting. I’m watching the last moderate GOP Congressman, Nunes, say a softer bill will be voted on tonight in the House. He would not say he had the votes. Will Nancy give him cover?
Ok, Lindsey needs to leave the closet a bit more and git some air…
@Ash Can:
Spaghetti Lee
“We fucked up, now you give us cover for it.” The GOP is like everyone’s least favorite co-worker.
@Patricia Kayden: Hymns about repentance and written by a man regretting his role in the slave trade which some of them likely see as part of the horrible international plot against sacred Southern culture.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, they are wretches, so they’ve got that part right.
Hugo, the Doberman, loved bacon so I would pour the bacon grease into his kibble. He loved butter. A special treat for him was a slice of buttered bread. I’d fold it in half. Hugo would manage to open it up flat, lick off the butter and then eat the bread.
The greyhounds, for some reason, decided that any food I gave them from my hand was a treat. I could give them broccoli stalk pieces and they gobbled them up. Weird doggies.
ETA: Somewhere I have pictures of the critters. I gotta find them.
Hill Dweller
The United States is overflowing with stupid people.
Ya’ll need to chill the fuck out.
pseudonymous in nc
If the GOP House plan is to pass a shitty bill and bravely bravely run away, then I think that counts as an extraordinary enough occasion for the president to recall the fuckers.
John O
@Spaghetti Lee:
Yes. This has become the world’s foremost exercise in ass-covering all around. Lots of punting, as it were, among the Rethugs.
I’m about as well prepared for a default as I can be, save for my guns being in another state where I can shoot them more safely and easily. I guess I just don’t have that *ahem* attachment to them that some do.
I still think default is 50-50. It’s a maximal clown show.
Villago Delenda Est
Assumes that the GOP behaves in a rational manner.
This is a terrible assumption. The sunk cost fallacy is a key component of their faith.
Villago Delenda Est
Assumes that the GOP behaves in a rational manner.
This is a terrible assumption. The sunk cost fallacy is a key component of their faith.
@Spaghetti Lee: Is it sinking in yet that some hypothesized being far nicer than the one they usually trot out may very well be the only one that might forgive them (and their addle-pated lawn-chair hooveroundville secessionists?)
Davis X. Machina
Those are just numbers. They’re not that into majoritarianism.
This is the crowd who listens with relish to “One man, with Jesus, is a majority” sermons.
Villago Delenda Est
Huckleberry needs to take some personal responsibility for this stupidity.
The Dems give NOTHING.
Suffer, you vile sack of shit. Suffer.
Fuck you sideways, Lindsay.
@schrodinger’s cat: LOL. At least I wasn’t drinking when I looked at that picture — could have killed the keyboard.
John O
Necks: Sometimes for stepping on!
Mike E
@raven: Get a holda yerself!
Ash Can
@John O:
You can bet that Rep. We’ve-Entered-The-Valley-Of-Death-And-Must-Go-All-The-Way-Through’s “softer” bill will be more full of shit than a Christmas goose, and that the only cover Nancy will want to give him will be with the bill itself, wrapped over his head and cinched tightly at the neck.
@raven: I knew it was going to be horrible looking (to me anyway) bugs but I clicked over.
What I found works on flying bugs is hairspray. It immobilizes them and also keeps them from breathing. Wham, they fall dead. Better than regular bug spray.
I think it is safe to say that the end of the world is near or at least hell is about to experience a cold wave, when Pat Robertson is now saying the GOP should ‘wave the white flag’.
@Mike E: I speaks the jive.
John O
Pat Robertson has a lot of money at stake, I’ll bet.
“a little punch in the neck”? will that work?
TPM on the strange times we live in:
Josh, we all know what number you’re going to end up at.
Anna in PDX
@Bob In Portland: Sounds like a productive day! Are you in Portland Oregon? My mother told me about this rhododendron thing, and we have some of the miniatures lining our front walk – we are suppsoed to spray them?
To the OP: I just saw a dog that looked exactly like your pair, walking with her human. Boxers are really cute and stylish dogs, it must be said.
Ash Can
He must have just gotten a look at the Dow, and is seeing his portfolio circling the porcelain convenience.
Fairytale endings took one in the shorts tonight.
Ghana 6-1 Egypt.
I’ll see your palmetto bug, and raise you one oarfish. Gahhh!,0,5192122.story
malteseseses have the halloween spirit
What do they need for a quorum? Maybe they let the 50 extremist teabaggers leave town & then vote on something…
LOL, I know we’re f’ked, but one can dream.
From an LGF commenter, a salient point that I subscribe to:
It is in the wings. I have this fear that I’m going to have a moment like Heston on his horse on the beach, in front of the ruins of the Statue of Liberty.
Anna in PDX
@Kay: Ah yes, one of my favorite fallacies, and one of the hardest ones for people to recognize when it applies to them.
@PurpleGirl: Those baby’s would be so thick on the limbs of the fog tree that you couldn’t even tell they were bugs from a distance.
From the Tired Old Queen Review!
@Botsplainer: Check the movie review I just posted!
we had a doberman who’d eat anything we were eating, up to and including raw onions and dill pickle slices.
when in doubt,
run in circles,
scream and shout.
Jebediah, RBG
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
You’ll brie waiting a long time for that to be true. Hope that doesn’t make you bleu.
@Jebediah, RBG: If this is going to continue, instead of reading blogs, I’ll have to switch to reruns of my favorite old show: The Roquefort Files.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Indeed, in my obsessive checking of BJ this afternoon, all I got was a headache and a craving for Gouda. :(
Usually followed by “Mobier, She Wrote.”
JR in WV
I knew the maximum absurdity was reached when the R’s protested the government shutdown that they started … and then I heard that the Republican caucus began their meeting by singing Amazing Grace!!!!!!!!
Also too, I am reduced to reading the past two months of comics on Yahoo. It really makes more sense than the real world, how sad is that? And the press is all over the stock market is tanking – down 0.77 of one percent. Oh, new closing number 0.87 % !!!
When in trouble,
or in doubt,
run in circles,
scream and shout.
With “The Muensters” after that.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: It’s hard to do that right now. Today, I got my last pay check until the shutdown ends. Had to make calls to creditors to work things out. Sigh.
Chyron HR
Has the Spite House Barrycaded Balloon Juice as part of the Slimdown, or is everyone just lazy today?
@Chyron HR: Think we needs new thread.
The Pale Scot
@Robert Sneddon: The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scots as a joke back in the day…
They still haven’t gotten it.
Spaghetti Lee
@JR in WV:
We’re not going to suddenly be eating rats and stabbing people for bottled water a few days from now. Which is obviously good, but when things don’t immediately go to hell, the GOP will say “See, it’s not a big deal! Now GIMME GIMME GIMME!” And the short-attention span crowd will back them up.
@raven: That’s the best question I’ve seen asked by any reporter in the last 20, maybe 30 years. That is THE question. What comes first? One’s ideology or doing one’s job? One’s country or one’s party? One’s sense of duty or one’s sense of delusion? One’s responsibilities or one’s ambition?
More reporters like this please. I don’t give a fuck who is offended. This is exactly the right question to ask.
Sabotaging the United States Of America’s government and economy is an act of treason.
@Patricia Kayden: Sorry, that was insensitive.
Time zones, how do they work?
Missed the top of the first because I’m an idiot. Almost wishing I had missed the bottom.
House Republicans have dropped two demands related to Obamacare from their proposal to end the fiscal stalemate in Washington, sources told CNN. These include a proposal to delay the medical device tax and another to tighten income verification of those seeking subsidies to purchase health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Separately, Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California told CNN’s Dana Bash that he expects the House to vote on Tuesday night on its plan to reopen the government and avoid a possible U.S. default.
@Patricia Kayden:
OMG, do dogs like cheese! Ours will pretty much do anything to get some. Any kind of cheese, too. They don’t care. They hear our cheese drawer in the fridge opening (and yes, they know the difference between the produce drawers and the cheese/cold cuts drawer) and practically kill themselves to get into the kitchen. And they will hear it, even if they are sleeping in the basement or John’s attic office.
@raven: So is there any ransom left? It would be ironic if the only thing they accomplished was screwing themselves and their staff out of their employer’s share of their health insurance costs.
@IowaOldLady: There’s some justice in that, plus the potential for some really juicy insider tell-all books.
Spaghetti Lee
I think most Dems would like to see the debt ceiling/government funding be locked in place longer. We’d still be having the same fight in a couple of months. Hopefully people don’t listen to the Tea-nihilists the second time around.
@MomSense: I want some of the drugs they’re on; must be very, very good stuff. Private stock and all that.
Invest in one of the traps with pheromones. It’s the only thing that works. Sweeping them out does absolutely nothing and if you don’t get them out of your home’s proximity now, you will be infested with them next year. We have had them here in Western PA for several years now and we reacted the way you did the first year or two until one spring they were everywhere in our house, and I mean literally everywhere, by the thousands. What they do is hibernate in the cracks of your bricks and walls and windows and invade like the Martian army in the spring. It was miserable and we wasted a shop vac by sucking them up with it and then plugging the hose so they couldn’t get out. They stunk up the shop vac so badly that we had to get rid of it. The only thing that has worked is the pheromone traps. We put three up, each about 25-30 feet from the house and, now two years later, we only have had about a half dozen get in the house so far this fall. Get them now or live with them later, that’s my advice.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Okay. That sounds a little better. Don’t have enough fingers/toes to cross.
@IowaOldLady: apparently, the request to commit the Congressional staffers to financial Harikari is remaining in the package… so in summation, we’re shutting down the government unless you allow us to screw over the Congressional staffers as some sort of symbolic gesture to appease our base….
Ash Can
And now for a brief humorous interlude: via some alert wags at LGF, Glenn Greenwald has blown off the Guardian and is starting up his very own news organization, which he promises will be the greatest thing in the history of ever.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: No apology necessary. Panicking does no good anyways.
@Spaghetti Lee:
I think the Dems will be happy to have this fight again when we’re in the thick of the 2014 elections.
So I took this interactive quiz at Esquire. Looks like I am a bleeding heart though I like guns.
So I am confuzaled now. If the House stripped out the medical tax & income verification, then isn’t that close to the Senate version? Can we haz vote n0w?
OT, but after blowing the living shit out of the credibility of the editing process at the Guardian, Griftwald is bolting (or been forced out due to multiple air balls):
That looks like “don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out” to me.
@piratedan: Sweet cartwheeling Jesus. I was joking but they really are that crazy.
@Ash Can:
I saw wikileaks dissing him the other day on twatter.
Hill Dweller
@Spaghetti Lee:
Dems want the debt ceiling to be extended beyond the 2014 elections, but they don’t want sequester level funding to last any longer than necessary.
Yup, sounds like my greys as well. Carrots, bananas, ice cubes (yea yeah!)….anything from the hand they’d consider worthy of eating. When same foods were placed in their bowls….not so much.
When you’ve lost McArglebargle….
Yeah, apparently that love affair is officially over, too.
GG is, apparently, not good at long term relationships. If I was the Brazillian boyfriend, I’d be pulling my own little NSA operation of checking all his texts, phone calls and emails to at least have a heads up and, hopefully, some blackmail material for when Glenn dumps him.
@Ash Can:
Undoubtedly with a teeny bit of funding from his friends the Koch brothers.
Spaghetti Lee
It just seems so pointless. That’s their big scalp? That’s the hill they’re dying on? Republicans are weird.
I may be stereotyping here, but I bet a large percentage of congressional staffers have rich dads, went to Duke/Georgetown/etc. and have the luxury of not having to put up with this shit if they don’t want to. If my boss was treating me like this I sure wouldn’t. Might we see a brain drain of sorts from that cohort?
@geg6: GG already had him take stolen documents through customs and then tweeted to let the entire world know where he was and what was going on.
When you go out of your way to get your SO arrested the honeymoon is over.
@Botsplainer: Not to me. To me it suggests “The only appropriate outlet for my unique genius is the 24/7 Greenwald Channel. I kowtow to no one. Bow before me, puny mortals!”
Chyron HR
That’s just because the entire staff of the Guardian mindlessly worships and/or fantasizes about getting raped by Dear Leader. Julian Assange also, too.
Come on Detroit, get your shit together.
peach flavored shampoo
So he’s cheating on his husband with some mall sentry?
@Spaghetti Lee: I would imagine that will be wholesale resume updating going on as we type this… the thing is, this affects them all, so now we’re making working for the government, even less enticing, these are the folks that answer phones, actually do the day to day stuff and the R’s have just told them, fuck you, you’re not THAT important.
@TAPX486: From his greasy little lips to the FSM’s ears.
I’m literally unable to fucking function, this whole hostage situation has rattled me so much. And I’m not even sure why. I’m not directly affected. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for all the people furloughed or unpaid, or who have been depending on stuff like WIC or CDC/NIH resources.
What might be happening is that my anxiety about my physical illness is maybe manifesting itself in watching this political drama. Then again, my spidey sense is pretty damn good, and the last few times I’ve felt this sense of dread and doom (December 2000, October 2001, October 2002, March 2003), it really DID end badly.
Spaghetti Lee
They’re also, I assume, the people who make the Republicans’ coffee, park their cars, arrange their hotel stays, etc. Seems like a bad bunch of people to piss off.
@Spaghetti Lee: well they’ve gone after the Gheys, The Moozlims, the wimmens, the poors, the blahs, the beaners, the DFH’s, The hoverround caucus, RINO’s and now their own staffers.
it’s apparent that they don’t play well with others
No, these:
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Very special puppeh birthday
Puppeh’s patience with the proceedings lasts longer than I expected.
Betty Cracker
SO stolen.
Betty Cracker
@Botsplainer: Innnnteresting! I read enough of GG’s windy blog entries back in the day to sense that he must chafe like hell under an editing regime of any sort.
@Spaghetti Lee:
@Betty Cracker: I kind of miss the many varieties of lizards in Miami though – Charles Krauthammer (not of FL) notwithstanding. Once in a while I’d find blood on the white floor tiles and carefully check the dog and cat, and upon discovering that they were still whole I realized it was lizard blood. South Florida is a special, special place….
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: Never thought of that! Glenn would not like editing.