One can quibble with your number, but the analysis was sound. RT @jonrog1: You know, Crazification Factor was a JOKE. It was meant as a JOKE
— billmon (@billmon1) October 16, 2013
Not much to add, is there?
This post is in: Open Threads, Decline and Fall
One can quibble with your number, but the analysis was sound. RT @jonrog1: You know, Crazification Factor was a JOKE. It was meant as a JOKE
— billmon (@billmon1) October 16, 2013
Not much to add, is there?
Comments are closed.
The crazification factor post was almost as eerily accurate as this one.
All great jokes come from some reality.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@PeakVT: That article was scary in how accurate it was.
Spaghetti Lee
Yeah, but this is too much reality.
Spaghetti Lee
My cousin linked to an article on facebook that started “The only reason anyone should walk into a Wal-Mart is to steal from it.” I wouldn’t have expected it, not because he’s conservative, but because he’s not really political at all. Obviously, he’s just one guy, but the idea that WalMart/McD’s/etc really are a bunch of thieving bastards seems to be catching on.
polyorchnid octopunch
John Rogers got to make the transition from jokester to jester with that one insight. He should be proud of it.
ETA: it holds up remarkably well up here in Canada too.
Villago Delenda Est
@Spaghetti Lee:
The vast majority of the 1% are thieving bastards, or the descendants of thieving bastards. That’s how they came to be part of the 1%.
Poor billmon, fallen victim to the inverse Cassandra effect (Where you joke about something and everyone takes it for truth). To be fair, the 27% crazification factor shows up WAY too often.
Ya know, this reminds me of a BeeGees song.
@PeakVT: Holy crap. I never read that one. Scary.
Wil Wheaton actually had a bit of fun at this too:
And apparently Wheaton is a much-appreciated brewer too:
Well, now I’m thirsty for one of those, dammit, and there’s none to be had. :-(
This is Balloon Juice.
Of course there’s something to add. :)
@PeakVT: Indeed.
Or like those times The Simpsons predicted the future. :-P
Netflix is really addictive. I just signed up for a 30 day free trial.
Start watching an episode and it goes automatically to the next episode. No commercials.
Good for insomnia.
Jeff Spender
I remember when it didn’t automatically go to the next episode. I stream through my PS3 because the XBOX Kinect (i.e., cheap crappy gimmick) is crap.
But it is so good for insomnia.
@Jeff Spender
Am so ancient that can remember the earliest days of HBO.
As soon as the closing credits of a movie ended, the next movie began.
Mustang Bobby
Somewhere the spirits of the Founding Fathers are puking their guts out.
Appears Boehner will push through the senate bill as soon as it is x-fered; with all the dems in the House and a few sane repubs (hope there are some) the bill could pass as written by the senate. Riders may be an issue. Can’t say if Boehner makes it any longer as speaker but won’t be a surprise if he did … not too many would want that job … for now.
Several goodies coming up on TCM over the next few days. All times Eastern.
Wed., Oct. 16, 9:45 p,m. – Nightmare Alley – About as noir as noir gets.
Thurs., Oct. 17, 7:15 a.m. – Verboten! – Somewhat off-kilter and ragged around the edges romance/drama revolving around an underground Nazi cell in the rubble of postwar Germany.
Sunday, Oct. 20, 12 midnight – Haxan – Unconventional silent, a feature-length following witchcraft through history through a sort of documentary lens. Psychologically dated, yet arresting and exquisitely filmed. Oh, and sex, nudity, S&M and sacrilege aplenty. Creepy horror like little else.
@NotMax: I’m so old, I can remember when MTV played music videos
@Spaghetti Lee: I don’t steal from Wal-Mart … but when circumstances force me to shop there (usually while traveling for work, and needing something in a small town where the Wal-Mart has sucked the life out of the commercial district already) I will usually as I proceed through the store pick up random merchandise, and deposit them elsewhere – lather, rinse, repeat. I figure that if nothing else, I’m helping create a few more ultra-low paid man-hours for the local workforce.
@Cermet: there are a few R’s that have stated that they will publicly endorse and vote for a clean CR, included Issa, Dent and Peter King and one would assume that there are few more that will also sign on now that face has been saved (supposedly). Still, until it reaches Obama’s desk sans poison pills and parliamentary chicanery, we’re still on the hook for futile gestures, filibusters and Republican duplicity (after all, this budget had already been negotiated and agreed to and passed both houses previously, this is just approving the funding handling the costs of implementing those expenditures being paid) before the President can sign anything. These guys may still believe (at least a portion of them do) that all is not yet lost and that Obama may yet cave, reality challenged as that may be.
It’s nice we’re (finally) telling the truth about what Republicans are worried about.
REPUBLICAN goals getting thru the House. It never made any sense to “worry” about Boehner losing his position in terms of the broader country, so I wondered while they were all repeating this “worry” like parrots.
Good riddance. I don’t care at all if John Boehner is around to advance Republican goals, and I’m not sure why I should care.
@Kay: Because the next one could be worse?
Jeff Spender
I’ve been up for a while. Saw some disgusting comments on my facebook feed from a Bible literalist about how Bryan Fischer’s bigoted rants against gay people were signs of love because he was saving people from their sing ways. Shit like that bothers me so much.
I mean, of course I’ve asked him if he has gone out to capture slaves and brand them, and what right he has to claim slavery is an objectice moral wrong.
I’m just so fucking distraught at stuff like this. Criminalizing homosexuals is a-okay apparently. This is the kind of person who would welcome theocracy in place of a democracy.
I know I shouldn’t let stuff like this get to me, but I just can’t tolerate bigotry and prejudice like that…to know how they suffer because of the stigma and the way they get judged. It’s never a simple matter of lovingly pointing out as a follower of Christ that they’re sinning–no, these people are abominations and influenced by satan. It’s hatred that they’ve convinced themselves is love and i just can’t deal.
@Jeff Spender: unfriend is your friend
What Rethug goals? Their only goal is: return to 1887. That doesn’t focus group well.
Jeff Spender
@Jeff Spender:
Seriously considering it. It made me physically sick. I don’t hate him or wish him harm, but some of the things he says are just…
I think I keep him around so I don’t wind up in a bubble…so I’m exposed to it and constantly reminded that we have a long way to go.
Depends who’s in your focus group. That’s part of their problem.
Just saw Joe Scar complain that Pubs keep saying Obamacare was going to hurt America. He said as a conservative, he already knows that. And he’s been so accurate with all his other predictions!
I have to stop leaving the TV on MSNBC when I turn it off at night, because I can’t change the channel fast enough to avoid seeing his stupid face in the morning.
@piratedan: I’m so old, I remember when there were only 3 networks and they all signed off at the end of the day with the national anthem.
I’m getting ready to blow out a former friendship (now deteriorated to acquaintanceship) with a guy I’ve known since we were freshmen in high school. I defriended him several years ago on FB after he did a teabagger gubernatorial run and made goofy public statements so bad I didn’t want anybody to find him on my friend list. Since then, he’s become a charter school shill, has assumed a leadership position in the Morton Blackwell franchise of grifts, campaign managed a raving lunatic into being the congressman for the district in which I live, and is running in the GOP primary for governor yet again, despite having no government or credible management experience.
The reason why I’m ready to tee off on him instead of just ignoring him is that he’s been “teabag haranguing” a mutual friend, all while that mutual friend assumes integrity and decency out of the jackass. I’m done with those assumptions, and I’m done with politeness.
@Mothra1: MJ is how I try to stay out of the bubble. He has enough diversity to make it the most interesting thing on in the morning no matter how big of an asshole he is.
Randy P
@piratedan: I remember when MTV was campaigning to be part of the standard cable lineup. I can still hear Mick Jagger’s voice saying “I want my MTV”
@OzarkHillbilly: Yup, 3 networks and 7 channels total in LA.
There may by a legitimate concern as to the ability of government to function at all with a speaker that isn’t John Boehner (at least, that’s the unspoken implication I’m taking). Imagine somebody even less interested in a functional government in the post, not just a weakling like the Great Orange Crybaby.
Republicans do this all the time. They present their predicament -the situation they created- as impossible for anyone to remedy like it’s the weather or something and then announce there’s only two choices, BAD or WORSE. Bush was the absolute master of bad or worse.
At this point I’ll take my chances. They’re protecting something here. I’m just not at all convinced it’s “the country.”
Joe F
Could this be a lose/lose situation for Ted Cruz? I mean it appears as if the Senate is about to steamroll the House holdouts with their new bill and Boehner is going to put it on the floor where it will carry enough Rep/Dem votes to pass. If that is the case, the only way to stop it is if it fails to get unanimous consent in the Senate.
So if Cruz goes along, he will be Cruzified by the House Republicans, but if he blocks it, he will be Cruzified by the American public as the one who singlehandedly caused debt default. Is there any possible way he does not end up on his own Petard? Whatever he does is going to cause a shitstorm with someone. Couldn’t happen to a bigger, more colossal dick, apologies to Rick Santorum. Ammi wrong?
@raven: Listening to the comments on Morning Ho about the ObamaCare website issues, I really wish that our MSM would talk to their IT department prior to commenting on IT stuff.
@Joe F:
I like the notion of Harry blowing the fuck out of the rules of the Senate, Cruz screaming that holding the vote immediately is against the rules, video streaming the tantrum around the world. Tailgunner Ted will get to experience his McCarthy moment in an instant.
@Joe F:
He really can’t win. If Cruz doesn’t block it he will be Cruzified by the House Republicans, but that also puts the entire responsibility for the crisis on the Tea Party House. They’ll be Cruzified by the American public. Either he takes it or they do. Either way he loses. If he won’t take it, they lose too.
@piratedan: and it was so good… I remember when the buggles appeared in a music vid and thought wow this is the future
@Joe F:
Unless Boehner steps in to rescue Ted Cruz and the Tea Party, from…. themselves!
I think reading this blog has caused me to be more like our bloghost. I managed to slice the back of my leg while vacuuming yesterday evening.
Central Planning
@Jeff Spender:
They were doing show tunes?
If y’all really want to experience the derp, go look at the comments on the Ted Cruz page on Facebook. Jesus, sooooo much stupid in one place.
They should use deem-n-pass!
Actually, it’s good news if Boehner is actually starting to cooperate.
Scott S.
Just curious — what’s been the wingnut reaction to Rogers’ Crazification Factor post? Do they hate it as much as they should, or do they just refuse to acknowledge it?
@Kay: He wont block it. Chris Hayes asked about this on twitter last night and Erik Erickson basically said he was ready to concede this fight and didn’t expect Cruz to keep fighting. It’s funny, we may benefit from their complete lack of understanding of process. They actually have the ability to delay things to a scary extent now, but they no longer feel like they can win because the squishy establishment has exposed themselves as a bunch of surrender monkeys. So they give up. Unlike a month ago when they believed Cruz’s heroic non filibuster would change everything just because.
Good. I have to work so I won’t be following it, which is a relief. I can’t turn away from the wreckage!
I don’t really loathe John Boehner. He’s been in government forever and he always looks miserable now. My sense is he isn’t inherently a horrible person. I met an older Ohio politico once at the state convention and he said Boehner was a “skirt chaser” in the olden days of yore in state government which made me laugh, because it’s so old fashioned.
My 11 year old would take a phrase like that literally: “what does he mean?” Then he’d run around at the middle school repeating it :)
Chyron HR
@Central Planning:
What part of “gay” do you not understand?
@Quincy: I’m not sure about that. The thing about the Senate process delays is that you can delay something that a 60 vote supermajority wants, but you can’t stop it. So, if Cruz were to scream “I Object!”, we’d go over the cliff for a couple of days and then the compromise bill would pass anyway. Lots of downside to that, no real upside. “I caused the US’s credit rating to implode in order to win a 2 day delay of a funding bill!” doesn’t sound like a compelling campaign ad.
Not sure that he cares about the downside.
@dmsilev: First they shut down the government, then they default and after the economy tanks, they blame Obama. It’s a win for a masochist.
Could not agree more. How, all of a sudden, does an Oompa Loompa become the indispensable man? Fuck that noise.
The Pale Scot
7:30, 2 cups of coffee and already getting outraged.
A Palliative;
Karan Casey singing A Chomaraigh Aoibhinn O (Sweet Comeraghs)
Depends on what you mean by “horrible person”. I mean, I’d agree that he’s no Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms. But he’s at least as horrible as Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or Jim DeMint. He’s putting his own personal considerations ahead of the good of the country – whether he’s doing it to put Party before Country or just to keep his job it doesn’t matter – the games he’s been playing with the debt and the government shutdown are things that only a person who really is awful would let himself get roped into.
Plus – and here’s where I think he really shows his true colors – he was totally fine with going along with the dick move of eliminating all aspects of employer-provided healthcare from his own staff just as a token gesture to try to pacify a group of rabid ideologues when he has to know that they would just be coming back for more in a month. Most Republicans can at least empathize with people that they know, yet Boehner was apparently willing to just hang these guys out to dry. Not just a dick move – something only an awful human being would do to his own people.
Here’s today’s Republican party:
“Who’s the commanding officer here?”
“Ain’t you?”
The Pale Scot
@Jeff Spender: To a proper fundie, everyday is filled with spiritual warfare against Satan’s minions, who are the minions? Anyone who isn’t saved. Calvinist doctrine is predestination, before you’re born Yahweh has decided if you’re damned or not. How can tell who is or isn’t? Why the saved are members of your church, just like you. Everyone else are either minions or dupes. It’s symmetrically circular thinking.
It may be that the only way to save the nation is to find or create a preacher charismatic enough to convince the brethren that electricity, antibiotics and soap are tools of the devil, ’cause they’re not mentioned in the bible. Should cut the lifespan in half.
@debbie: I’m not clicking “Roach” in Apocalypse Now” workin his thumper.
eta Yup
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Ash Can
The more I think about the push by the House Republicans to take health care benefits away from their own staff, the more it flabbergasts me. Yes, there are plenty of trust-fund political/social climbers in their offices who wouldn’t care, but there are actual workers too, who have been anonymously smoldering about this bullshit. It just amazes me that these reps — tea baggers or not — could be so sociopathic as to simply treat the people who make their offices function as slaves and beat them accordingly, and/or so stupid as to not realize that this is very likely to have an immediate and detrimental impact on how their offices function, and/or so venal that they don’t care whether their offices function or not.
The only saving grace of this whole shutdown business, from a media perspective, is it takes the focus off of the inevitable wall-to-wall Obamacare bashing because the website did not work nor did enough people sign up to date to satisfy the sensibilities of media talking heads.
I was at a Subway with CNN on, eating lunch yesterday, and Blitzer was (a) talking about how horrible it is that still had bugs and (b) why won ‘t the Obama Administration quit covering up the enormity of how they failed with Obamacare.
Point (a) had a hard hitting bit of investigative journalism to back it up: a CNN reporter had been trying to create an account on and it took her three tries and as of 10/14/2013, she still had some issues with the website.
Point (b) was proven by showing clips of Jay Carney’s press conferences and how the Obama Administration has changed some statements about how many people have enrolled from saying they’d have it in a few days, from some point last week, to stating it will come out in a monthly HHS report.
What is Obama hiding by this evading the questions about how many people have actually purchased insurance? Dead hookers in the Lincoln bedroom?
At least with the media focused on Republican screwing around with the budget and full faith and credit of the USA people have had the opportunity to figure out what benefits they can get from Obamacare, without a lot of MSM noise and thus people’s views of the law have improved in two weeks.
I’m with NonyNony on this. You have your powerful, obviously horrible people who do things because they think they’re doing good or because they enjoy being evil. But they’re surrounded by helpers and facilitators and even bosses, some of whom recognize what’s going on but don’t stop it. They’re not quite “just following orders,” but what they do causes suffering and they talk about it as if it’s inevitable, beyond their control, when clearly they could prevent it. Like a bad cop that watches a mugging, or a schoolteacher who encourages bullying.
Most people will sign up in December to ensure they get coverage in January and then again in March just before open enrollment ends. Declaring Obamacare a failure halfway into October is typical media spin, but it’s meaningless.
And state exchanges are doing much better.
This is funnier if you assume “he deserves it” is vindictive.
It could indeed be irony. Good catch.
I don’t always agree with everything the guy says, but today’s opener at Pierce’s place is simply divine.
Then why aren’t conservatives in other countries against single-payer? You don’t see the conservatives in Germany, France, the UK making such idiotic statements about their health care systems. You don’t see conservatives in Europe wanting to implement the system we had in the US prior to the ACA. Why is that Mr Joe?
Furthermore, before the ACA, we were spending almost twice as much per capita on health care as Germany, France and the UK. Wouldn’t THAT hurt our economy Mr Joe S?
Finally, if the ACA hurts America as you claim, Mr Joe, we have to assume you must also be against Medicare since it is a somewhat similar concept. When are you cowards going to come out and say that you want to get rid of Medicare? Or are you afraid to because most of your voters are on Medicare (I’m a Christian, I got mine, s*** everybody else).
Paul in KY
@The Pale Scot: Alot of these theological whackos that we are dealing with are not Calvanist & would be pissed if you called them that.
Wow, I edited this post! Only 3rd time in about 4 months that I have been able to edit a post!
Lindsay Graham’s whining is also a joy:
Of course they wouldn’t.
I figure you can’t take the enrollment numbers 16 days into the plan to determine if it has succeeded or failed, but the media coverage would just make things worse, if they weren’t distracted by Republicans threatening to blow up the global economy.
I often wonder if the old hands at the Heritage Foundation look at the successful implementation of “RomneyCare” in Massachusetts and the rollout of “ObamaCare” nationwide, and just shake their heads and think, “Man, that wasn’t even a serious plan. It was just some bullshit we made up to derail Hillary Clinton’s health care proposal.”
fka AWS
But in a 24/7 media world, those idiots think everything is “on-demand” and instant, like ordering a product on Amazon, with 1-day shipping!
Not like health insurance is a huge decision for people to make or anything.
Suffern ACE
So, I’ve been in Canada since Saturday. Since I’m already across the border, should I apply for asylum or should I come back today with the hope that we won’t actually sink beneath the sea by Friday? I don’t think there’s any heroism involved with going down with this ship if it can be avoided.
@Suffern ACE:Stay where you are. Hopefully this sinking ship won’t suck that one down too.
Since I’m already across the border, should I apply for asylum or should I come back today with the hope that we won’t actually sink beneath the sea by Friday?
How much do you like hockey? If you like hockey a lot, go for it.
houston chronicle: we idjits endorsed that texas twit, cruz. my bad.
@Mothra1: @raven:
I actually yelled at my tv this morning when they had that doofus tea party Rep on who actually said that this whole disastrous escapade of shutting down the government and going to the brink of economic calamity was for the zombie lie that Obama is exempt from ObamaCare. Holy backflipping Jesus these people are dumb. All ObamaCare does is create a mechanism so that people who don’t have insurance or who pay on the individual market where it is much more expensive can access group insurance rates and better benefits. And for the people who can’t afford insurance, Medicaid and subsidies help them access it.
If you already have insurance through your employer, hooray you are already in ObamaCare!!!
Ash Can
@amk: Apparently there are still people in the news media who, if they get slammed in the face with a frying pan enough, eventually do realize that they’re getting slammed in the face with a frying pan.
Eric U.
Cleek’s law is not a death sentence
Charles Pierce is RIGHTEOUS early today!
@Ash Can: I watched Jake Tapper interviewing Ted Yoho yesterday and could actually see the moment it dawned on him that Yoho is insane. It was just about the time Tapper asked him if he thought his older constituents in Florida would be upset if the economy crashed and they lost their retirement nest eggs. Yoho said something like they’d be glad that the US was doing something about its debt and that they would realize eventually their investments would rebound. I swear Tapper was doing all he could to not scream out “Are you fucking crazy?”. Maybe the media will finally learn something from all this.
Yes, of course all investments since the 2008 crash have of course rebounded. And yes, unemployment and underemployment has been solved. People like Yoho should not be leading our country.
Just One More Canuck
@Suffern ACE: depends where you are – if you’re in Alberta, you might as well be in Texas
I find H. L. Menchen’s quote about democracy appropriate here, since Yoho is extremely popular in his district.
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
The light bulb went off for me,, thanks to Bruce Bartlett. Yoho, Bachman, Huelskamp, Sessions, Cruz, Lee, et. al. want to default. The Austrian economic sites (and amongst the most sane see are actually championing “default,” since the “debt ceiling” will function as an automatic budget balancing device, restricting the evil Government to whatever revenue is coming in at the moment, with payouts going for bond interest. They would see the contraction in Government spending and the wrecking of the “Government” as a boost to “FREEDOM!!!,” as they define it, that is the Freedom of the 1%. For them, raising the debt ceiling is at best a painful concession for which the immoral Democrats and liberals, and their dependent constituencies, need to pay a price. And the folks back in their districts buy this stuff because they hear on Faux News and talk radio that Government spends all this money on “foreign aid,” “grants” to artists, and of course “welfare for the lazy bhhahhss and illegals, like Obamacare. Further, they are trying to structure the narrative so when the pain starts being felt when the social security checks don’t show up and the hospitals start closing because the their Medicare and Medicaid revenue is sliced in half that it will be the Magical Negro’s fault in the White House, just like they have tried with the shutdown when Parks are closed and benefits stopped being paid (because that is what not passing appropriations means – its no legal for the Government to spend money on anything except National Defense and protection of Government property – it is Obama’s fault.
@Villago Delenda Est: “Behind every great fortune is a crime.”
H. de Balzac
The Pale Scot
@Paul in KY: I would disagree, the religious right can be classified as Fundamentalist, Evangelical and Pentecostal. The majority of the Fundamentalist (AOF, SBC) believe in predestination, the Evangelicals historically tried to avoid the Calvinism vs Arminianism debate, but currently the seminaries that educate evangelical ministers have taken over by Calvinists just like the SBC leadership was. The Pentecostals traditionally do not ascribe to Calvinism.
You can find a lot of information at the Patheos website, search for Calvinism, and you’ll read stuff like this
And I would submit that the politically active ones are very likely to be Calvinists. Google Palin and spiritual warfare
Fighting Satan is what gives their lives meaning, and he’s everywhere, because the schtick doesn’t work if he’s not. I mean, without Satan to fight you might be stuck having to stay thru your entire term of office, and deal with your meth snorting family members, it’s a lot more fun to be on the side of god fighting an existential battle against
Democratserh..evil .The Pale Scot
@The Pale Scot: Paul, I forgot to say that there is a lot of variety in the Ohio Valley which may be where you are, many of the Lutheran and Methodist churches there have ties to established old time churches in Europe but still describe themselves as fundamentalist. Calvinism is more popular in the mid west and deep south. My senior citizen neighbor from Ohio proudly talks about going to the church in Germany that began his specific Lutheran sect. He has gay friends and is liberal in outlook, I don’t think his version of Lutherism is the same as Michelle Bachman’s.
But it may be that the Calvinists are more political, they certainly seem more judgmental, and those are the ones that I’m noticing.
Central Planning
@Chyron HR: That was supposed to be a joke – Jeff said “from their sing ways”.
Villago Delenda Est
If they did that, it would disrupt the most holy Narrative.
Which is why the Village must be destroyed.
Calliope Jane
I miss Leverage. Thanks for the John Rogers tweets. :)
Either that or Cruz and his wife had that talk her boss (apocryphally?) asked about.
Paul in KY
@The Pale Scot: They (fundamentalists) would say that if you believe in predestination, you should join the presbyterians (can’t spell that right).
Paul in KY
@The Pale Scot: I guess I’m saying that ‘Calvinism’ (the orthodox version) requires you to believe in predestination. These evangelicals don’t believe in that, so ipso facto thay can’t be Calvinist.
I think now that you were talking about small c calvinism & there are many parts of that that they do agree with.
Anna in PDX
@Jeff Spender: This is exactly the reason why I don’t de-friend all the idiots on FB who are “friends” with me.