A song for the Tea Partiers who shut the government down. Talk about whatever.
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by DougJ| 16 Comments
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A song for the Tea Partiers who shut the government down. Talk about whatever.
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Villago Delenda Est
Now the howler monkeys at Noisemax are harping on the “disaster”of Obamacare like it’s ORCA or something.
Rollouts of huge software projects, even with tons of testing, have glictches. The fact of the matter is, once the glitches are addressed, ACA is going to destroy the Rethuglican party, assuming there’s anything left after it’s sabotaged by the teatards.
They are afraid. Very afraid.
may their raging butthurt allow them the warm comfort of their ideological bubbles throughout the coming winter. Let it harden their souls and resolve as they cobble together a 3rd party that will, once and for all, show that true Americans stand with them and their ideals for a government for Jeebus, buy Jeebus and mandated by Jeebus, as opposed to a tyrannical empire ruled by those people and their “ideas”.
The Red Pen
On to immigration reform!
H1-B Visa: Non-immigrant worker with specialized skills.
H1-B2 Visa: DOD research and development visa (requires special government-to-government agreement)
H1-B3 Visa: Fashion model of distinguished merit and ability.
We have a specific visa category for supermodels. Not making this up.
David Fud
Amid all of the schadenfreude, I thought I would point this out again (from late in a previous thread): We just finally, after so many years of patience, have observed that much-heralded and often discussed event variously known as Peak Wingnut, the Wingularity, and the Wingnut Event Horizon. It has come and gone like a high tide of stupid, stink, and sludge. It cannot help but recede at this point, broken into its component pieces after taking a huge dump on the lawn of every impure Republican, evil Democrat, and uninterested bystander. Which, basically, is almost everyone in the whole world.
So long, and thanks for all of the good memories!
There will be plenty of flare-ups, much like a receding hemorrhoid on the body politic, but the thing has done its best and fallen well short.
Thanks for the Tom Rush.
@wenchacha: Of course if you really want to fall apart
Tom Rush – Child’s Song
I love Tom Rush’s voice. Personal favorite: “Wind on the Water” (which I can never find on YouTube, damn it).
Tom Rush “Urge For Going”
Tom Rush! Was there ever any use for any other music?
wasabi gasp
GoodMorningBoy – Hit Me with the Water
I renew my request to have TBOGG’s link updated.
I’ll probably get ripped to shreds but as an 80’s new wave kid, I much prefer this version of that song.
Midge Ure – No regrets
pseudonymous in nc
@The Red Pen:
Anthony Weiner’s legislative legacy. Models were in the standard H1-B class, modelling agencies were competing with the H1-B visa scalpers, and the separate class got allocated a grand total of 1000 slots. Designed at the behest of agencies in NYC and LA, but the alternative is, I suppose, a selective breeding programme in the US to end up with women who are six-foot-two and have the profile of a broomhandle. [sigh]
@wenchacha: Seconding. Had never heard of him!
Thanks Mullah DJ – you and Mr Tom Rush have just brought back to me my first, total, heartbreak in 1976 (but I forgive you), and an appropriate musical choice for this ridiculous week …
Adore that song. Thank you.