I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about the two Republican clowns in my neck of the woods, but how they’re handling their toxic “no” votes on Wednesday is a revelation. Today’s tactic is hang the DJ:
Both Rep. Chris Collins of Clarence and Rep. Tom Reed of Corning said in response to questioning that it was a mistake for House Republicans to tie the funding of government to defunding of Obamacare – a strategy that they and the GOP leadership had agreed to under pressure from tea party forces.
Collins, in an interview, blamed the failed strategy on Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who goaded several dozen ultra-conservative lawmakers in the House to pursue the shutdown strategy.
“I think Sen. Cruz has done a disservice to the Republican Party,” Collins said. “He is an extremist, and he’s the one that had the rallying cry of repeal Obamacare, defund Obamacare, delay Obamacare.”
Reed, on a conference call with reporters on Thursday, dodged a question about who was responsible for the House strategy – which could have succeeded only if President Obama and the Democratic Senate agreed to gut the health care law, Obama’s signature accomplishment. “It was a poor strategy,” Reed acknowledged.
Both of these assholes voted “No”. Their Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and public statements are all full of tea talk and anti-Obamacare graphics. I’d say they’re acting like scared little weasels but that would be an insult to polecats.
Assuming Boehner and McConnell straightjacket the insane portions of their caucus for the next year, my guess is that Wednesday’s vote isn’t going to be as toxic as current polls indicate. But when you vote for disaster on Wednesday, and then cry to reporters on Thursday about how Ted Cruz slipped a roofie into your drink and made you execute a “poor strategy”, that’s a campaign game-changer. If you could look in the spank bank of the average DCCC operative, this is the kind of story they fantasize about. Ted Cruz didn’t elect these fuckers. Ted Cruz is an oily McCarthy-looking flatulating anus from Texas who has about as much appeal in Western New York as open bedsores and penicillin-resistant syphilis. I am starting to think that you can put a solid -2 on the board for Republicans in your Congressional projections for New York in 2014.
Failure is an orphan.
Wingnuts don’t cry, they spew bile from their eyes.
Villago Delenda Est
It is always helpful when your opponent hands you attack ad material on a silver platter.
Hey Mix, who do these two answer to? Teabaggers, or “moderate” Republicans? Who’s interests are they representing in your region?
Kim Walker
Ted Cruz looks frightening like ol’ Joe McCarthy.
schrodinger's cat
How many Republican Congress critters does NY have?
Ted Cruz is an oily McCarthy-looking flatulating anus from Texas who has about as much appeal in Western New York as open bedsores and penicillin-resistant syphilis.
Personal responsibility is for other people.
To the extent I could, I checked what the wingers were writing to my rep during the shutdown. To a ONE, they referenced Benghazi somewhere. Some of them didn’t even mention shutdown/debt ceiling and only mentioned Benghazi. I literally used to visit the involuntarily committed in area hospitals as to whether they wanted to request a hearing on their commitment. At least half of them were noticeably, immediately more coherent than these guys.
Villago Delenda Est
You’re inverted, WereBear!
Helmut Monotreme
Who knew it was a bad idea to follow the guy whose end game was to force the US to default on its debts any way he could? Ted Cruz was only barely interested in shutting down the ACA, he wants the US to default, he begs for it, and he very nearly got it. If you look up “bad faith” Ted Cruz’s picture is right there next to at least two of the definitions.
Xecky Gilchrist
inb4 “A year is forever in politics”
but it took time to type this so I may have failed
OT, except for the wingnut mania for impossible things:
Peter LaBarbera is considering “class action lawsuit” against homosexuality
Comrade Mary
@Villago Delenda Est: She turned inside out. Then she exploded!
(Sorry, it’s been a long week.)
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah, dunno how that happened!
I will call it an artistic decision :)
dpm (dread pirate mistermix)
@Redshirt: That is a damn good question. They’re doing a balancing act trying to appeal to the old school moderate Republicans while also placating the noisy teaturds. Where they get their money is from the usual sources – rich Republicans in the district are one source, but there’s also corporate and conservative PACs. I’m surprised that they didn’t try the Peter King move of voting for shutdown initially then voting against at the end. I think they could have sold that.
@schrodinger’s cat: NY has 27 districts – we lost 2 in re-districting.
@Helmut Monotreme: I’m persuaded that future generations will define the word ‘cruzing’ to mean ‘acting in bad faith.’
Gotta love the potential here for total intraparty warfare. Bringing up the immigration bill now might be enough to start the conflagration. Is there some other issue that would drive an even wider wedge? (I don’t mean that rhetorically–does anybody have other ideas?)
@Comrade Mary: LOL!
Hold, please!
And I believe the President did so!
schrodinger's cat
@EconWatcher: Immigration ought to bring out all the crazies and haters out of the woodwork. I can’t think of a bigger wedge issue. It is an issue that separates the base from the moneybags, who support immigration.
Splitting Image
Leaving aside the differences between the sort of people who vote in Democratic and Republican primaries, it occurs to me that the GOP is setting itself up for the same kind of fall that the Democrats did in 2010. The Democrats’ biggest problem that year was arguably not the vote on PPACA itself, but the fact that so many of them (especially the Blue Dogs) ran away from that vote during the election season.
Ted Cruz will do fine, because he won’t even acknowledge that he did anything wrong, but the reps who voted for the shutdown before they voted against it, or who voted for it and defended themselves by claiming that Big Mean Ted made them do it (and took their lunch money into the bargain) are going to be campaigning from a very weak position next year.
If they are dumb enough to do this a second time next year, it will be even worse for them.
schrodinger's cat
Why does everyone say that Cruz is intelligent? I haven’t yet found any evidence of this supposed brilliance. I remember they used to say that about Paul Ryan and even Bobby Jindal.
Villago Delenda Est
Aye, he’s done so, and furthermore, he’s doing it with deliberation on both the policy and political levels.
He’s playing the fucking crazies like a violin, and they’re utterly oblivious to it.
Mike E
OT but mebbe not…this ‘social media’ thing the kids do, it ain’t so bad after all now that it provides a conduit to the rest of the voting public and reveals how shit-flecked crazy these TEA fuckers are while bypassing the Village Media laundry filter.
Thank you Al Gore for yer inventions!
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat:
Well, it’s mainly the contrast with such paragons of intellect as Jim Inhofe.
Those great men who lead us are always the ones with arrows in their backs.
And the House, always the toe lint for their Senatorial betters.
Why so many sexual metaphors in this tho?
Eric U.
@schrodinger’s cat: apparently he did well in school. Which means just about nothing about a person’s intellect.
Comrade Dread
@RaflW: Who exactly could you file a class action lawsuit against in that case? God? The theory of evolution?
Sweet fracking Buddha, the stupid is strong in that one.
I believe they grade on a serious, serious, curve. :)
@Villago Delenda Est: The Senate has its traditions:
When Nixon nominated a mediocrity to the Supreme Court, Hruska was there:
Lots of GOP Congress critters are getting primary challenges in 2014 and those who voted to keep the economy from going boom are now attracting more primary challenges.
The GOP turned their base into a bunch of spoiled brats, who never get told ‘no, you cannot have everything your way and the people, who disagree with you are not American-hating-traitors‘, so now the brats cannot accept the basic principle of governing: Compromise.
I think the longer they talk abut the trials and tribulations of the Republican Party, the better it is for Democrats.
This “disservice to the Republican Party” cost ordinary people 24 billion dollars. They should apologize.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Intelligence isn’t one thing, though people often think of IQ as intelligence. Cruz undoubtedly has a reasonably high IQ, which allows him to do well on tests and conventional measures of this kind of intelligence. Bill Maher recently talked about a phenomenon that has fascinated me for decades — how can someone (e.g., Ben Carson) be so intelligent about some things (in Carson’s case medicine) and so incredibly stupid about others. These are what Maher aptly called Stupid Smart people (or was it Smart Stupid people?). They are quite common. To call them intelligent and leave it at that is to tell an incomplete story. To call them stupid and say no more is also not enough.
Cruz is one of today’s best examples of a Stupid Smart person. In some areas, which have no effect on other people (e.g., his college performance) he’s intelligent. In others, and in this case it is in areas that can ruin people’s lives, he’s a virtual idiot. Add to the mix an overdose of idiotic ideology, which one would have to be stupid to believe in the first place, and you get the big-mouthed lunatic we see smashing things wherever he goes.
(Fans of emotional intelligence might argue that Cruz has a high IQ and a low EIQ.)
@schrodinger’s cat:
Eh. The moneybags only kinda sorta support immigration. In that they want to have the ability to flood the workplace with cheap foreign labor to drive down labor costs. If they can get that without supporting paths to citizenship for the incoming labor then that’s good enough.
So it’s a wedge, but not in the sense that “a desire to blow up the economy” has become a wedge.
What’s interesting is that what we’re talking about aren’t so much “wedge issues”. Republican bigwigs who are horrified at the attempt by the Tea Party to destroy the country don’t really have policy differences with those Tea Party Congressmen. Where they differ is in tactics – the bigwigs don’t want anything to be done that would hurt them. So that’s where you need to drive your wedge. Goad the Tea Party folks into doing something that is harmful to Wall Street profits.
And really the only way I could see that happening is if Boehner were so stupid that he let’s the Tea Party go through all of this nonsense again in January (when the next government shutdown comes due) or, worse, February (when it comes time to raise the debt limit again). And if Boehner does that then I’m going to come to the conclusion that he’s secretly a liberal mole who has wormed his way into the hierarchy of the Republican Party and working to take them down from the inside by giving them EXACTLY what they want.
@schrodinger’s cat:
6 R
21 D
Pirate MisterMix:
A big assumption. Boehner hasn’t shown any ability to preempt the Insane Caucus’ Insanity-of-the-Moment and the Turtle is hindered in the Senate by the rules of the Senate. There’s every reason for House and Senate TeaBaggers to keep cranking the volume up to ELEVENTY! It gives them leverage over their less insane GOP colleagues.
Collins & Reed could have bravely stood against the pressure (well, I know Collins really wouldn’t, ever) but noooo. Collins district contains a great number of the more affluent western New Yorkers (hence the R bent) who understand what a hit they would have taken or have had it pointed out to them by their financial people. Unfortunately he is extremely well connected politically, I am told, so may not suffer as he should.
ETA: My dislike of Collins is deep and abiding.
Yale researcher proves Tea Partiers are smarter than you are:
Villago Delenda Est
The only apology from these assclowns I’m willing to entertain is a Captain Needa apology.
In the US, “polecat” normally refers to a skunk, not a weasel..
@RaflW: Suing whom, precisely? It’s a little like leaving your fortune to Jesus Christ in your will. You would have to prove that there was an actual representative available to be responsible.
find a picture of either one of the jagoffs with Cruz in it, and his career as a congressman from New York is over.
The Republican flailing to prove that the shutdown WAS NOT THEIR FAULT!
Obama forced us into the shutdown. It was all part of his evil plan.
If he only would have negotiated with us it would’nt have dragged on so long.
Ted Cruz tricked us into going along with this completely unwinnable strategy.
We only trying to do what the American people wanted (despite the reality of the polls.)
Boots Day
“I think Sen. Cruz has done a disservice to the Republican Party,” Collins said. “He is an extremist, and he’s the one that had the rallying cry of repeal Obamacare, defund Obamacare, delay Obamacare.”
How many times has this bozo voted to repeal ObamaCare again?
The Other Chuck
I don’t want them to apologize. I want them to PAY.
Villago Delenda Est
I read the link. The guy is seriously loony toons, as is the Faux Noise talking head who interviewed him.
Suffern ACE
@gelfling545: the Big Gay Lobby, of course. HRC and PFlag.
WOW, suddenly it all makes sense.
Have a look at this chart. See a pattern?
That chart is several cycles of repeated Buyer’s Remorse.
Republicans are slick-ass salesmen, who successfully sell the hell out of a truly shitty, fradulent product, by making it sound perfect and amazing. They’re the best marketers this country has ever seen– ever since Mr. Van Heusen Shirts huckster.
Brilliant marketing. What they sell is utter crap though, but people buy it, then get upset about it, and want to return it… and then buy it again.
No wonder the Rethug Projection chart shows “lies” as the #1 thing they accuse Obama of doing– that’s because the Rethugs themselves are the most sucessful liars ever.
People seem to love what the Rethugs SAY. A lot. Enough to elect them, often! But then when they actually elected, people are shocked– shocked!– and outraged when they actually deliver the opposite! And, predictably, the Rethug policies destroy the country and their favorability polls take a shit.
And then the Rethugs whirl up the marketing machine, and sell America on the great bullshit story, and America buys it yet again! And then Americans have a look at the shit sandwich they just got ripped off for, and get pissed off. Then they turn around and buy the shitty product all over again!
WTF people???
Bullshit vs. reality. The Rethugs are amazing at bullshit. They suck at reality. But the voters buy the bullshit, then get pissed off at the reality. Then forget about it, and buy the bullshit AGAIN– because they REALLY REALLY want what’s in that bullshit–, then get pissed off at the reality. This is the pattern we’ve been in.
It’s a psychological problem, rooted deeply in denial and fantasy and projection– lies, faith-based lies in particular, deeply-believed lies, lies that are militantly and proudly immune to reality, core myths. There’s not much daylight between a used car salesman, a fundamentalist preacher, and a politician (particularly an R one): they’ll piss on your leg and tell you it’s raining, and if it looks like piss it’s just because YOU MUST BELIEVE HARDER until it doesn’t!
It’s the nexus of American Bullshit: the toxic combination of religion, marketing, and entertainment.
How the fuck do we break out of this horrible cycle? Will it repeat again? How can we stop it?
We don’t have an empiric and objective based definition of intelligence. Thus, any attempt to measure what one does not know is a mug’s game since the system of measurement is unknowable. Offset from a Bell Curve? Nanometers? Furlongs per fortnight? Time discrepancies and/or variations of initiation of N400 and P600 Event Related Potentials?
Plus we barely know anything about Brodman Area 10 which is thought, based on little actual evidence, to be the “center” sic for high level cognitive functioning. And that thought is based on completely inadequate comparative neurological-anatomic studies of our fellow hominidae: gorillas, chimps, etc.
@Comrade Dread: Everyone knows gays are classy – and fabulous. Of course there should be a class action suit – maybe a three piece one.
@jrg: @Villago Delenda Est: Sigh. Why won’t those fags just shut up and go back in the closet like the good old days? Then we wouldn’t have to deal with these weird feelings we have for the neighbour boy mowing the lawn…shirtless…
Mike E
@Suffern ACE: This SHUT IT DOWN tactic, how does it fucking work?
ETA prolly too early to imbibe (not!) but I got me a Costco box of popcorn calling my name…
Villago Delenda Est
Yeah, I know. The guy is just screaming “I love musical theater!” in a silent sort of way.
The Koch brothers got a hell of a return for their campaign and PAC investments, considering that direct cost and Krugman’s $700B estimate since 2010. I’m figuring that they’ve dumped about $500,000,000.00 to $1,000,000,000.00 into the political system in order to remake America into their own image, a big part of which includes impoverishing everybody else.
Not likely.
A year is an eternity in politics. Just as Sarah Palin’s post-2008 bump didn’t mean she was going to be able to run for president in 2012, the mortification and ignominy that currently besmirches these thugs will evaporate by the 2014 elections.
Voters are like planaria in a maze. You shock ’em with electricity 200 times, and they still don’t remember how to get to the exit.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Ted Cruz made me run a red light and almost have an accident this morning. Fucker.
Villago Delenda Est
Damn proles. Need to be led around by the nose, they do.
Mike E
@mclaren: Agree on the math, and Dems would be wise not to factor in a correction of 8 or 9 when looking at a paltry 2 pt swing. Gotta hit the gas pedal hard in these districts.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Timing is everything. Bring it up over next summer, so that it will be fresh on everyone’s minds come November.
Thank you. Now I have to go listen to that song.
Michael Bersin
In Missouri’s 4th Congressional District Vicky Hartzler (r – the Chinese are spying on us through our toasters) has been on the receiving end of constituent upset about her negative vote in letters to the editor, on Twitter, and on her facebook page:
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r): they ain’t buying what you got to sell
@Villago Delenda Est: I love Vader’s voice in that quote. It’s almost sing-songy! Although I’d think it’s terrible for morale to be choking out your command staff over a sincere failure.
@mclaren: Nah, it’s simpler. Voters LOVE the bullshit story of the Reagan-to-Rove-era Rethugs. Love it. Eat it all up. But Rethugs are incompetent and nowadays actively destructive once they get into power, and voters get PISSED OFF at them for not delivering all the sunny shiny ponies they promised! And then their approvals go in the toilet. Then Rethugs start up the marketing machine promising a world of free candy and toys and ponies, and voters go, “Yay! That’s what I want!” and they flip the R lever yet again. And then the Rethugs run the country into a ditch again, and voters get all pissed off again, “I want to return this product, it’s broken!”. So they try the Democratic product. which is much better, but nowhwere NEAR as good as the marketing brochure for the vaporware R product! So, fuck this. And they the try to buy the same Rethug product yet again… this is pretty much how it’s been since 1980. One big Etch-A-Sketch. No wonder Rmoney thought he had it won.
It’s a problem of fantasy and denial and wishful thinking vs. reality. It’s a long con.
Actually, it WILL still be around. The key problem will be motivating enough of: 1) the democratic base; and 2) disgusted non-affilated voters to actually turn out, instead of retreating into a lazy cynicism that politics is hopelessly broken, why bother? The GOP will base their ad campaign in 2014 around two things, one of course being to stoke as high a turnout as possible among their tea party base, the other being to DE-MOTIVATE as many of the voters who would more likely vote against them if they bothered to make it to the polls. Well of course disinfranchisement of a portion of the democratic base is a third element of that strategy, but I’m referring to what the themes of their public campaign, their ads will be.
Villago Delenda Est
Totally OT, but provided as a public service, warning, and explanation:
The Fighting Fashion Nightmares of the University of Oregon are taking it up to 11 this weekend, in their game with Wazoo (hiyas Yutsano!), wearing PINK helmets, in a symbolic gesture of support for the fight against cancer.
You have been warned. May FSM have mercy on the feathers in our caps we call macaroni.
For an outstanding laugh, I took the time to go to The Atlasphere after tbogg mercilessly mocked it, and it has a prominent feature for libertarian dating/hookups.
Its as unintentionally funny as you can imagine it. One of my views of it included an Objectivist psychotherapist looking for women, which sounds about a thousand kinds of awesome.
The jokes practically write themselves – the delivery of bodily fluids without compensation, the “what about me” questions as the dude finishes in order to go into the next room, the question of who pays for dinner, how to divide the duties of childrearing….
Too bad no one follows up with the question: “So when did you realize this was a bad strategy?”
Almost as good a question as the wife beating one.
Mike E
@Villago Delenda Est: I hope the W’s wear “NOW” on their helmets and kick some Komen ass!
The prophet Nostradumbass
@TriassicSands: skunks are members of the weasel superfamily.
Ladies (whether single or attached and married and looking), these fine catches are available for you!
Take a plunge! These are simply diamonds in the rough!
Suffern ACE
@cmorenc: immigration is as big of a wedge issue for Democrats, just sayin.
@Villago Delenda Est: I saw that. I was horrified. And it’s even in Eugene.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike E: @Yatsuno:
For what it’s worth, they’ve publically identified the gesture with the Kay Yow Cancer Fund (http://www.kayyow.com/ducks/), not with the Komen folks. The UofO is in the forefront of proper liberal political awareness. Well, except when it conflicts with Phil Knight’s business interests, of course…
God, I’m dying here…
Its like looking at a Ron Paul mailing list.
Villago Delenda Est
Sorry, Josh, but “I’m a thinker” and being a Randite are 180 degree polar opposites.
It gets even better…
C’mon, Juicer women. Enter into a dialogue with one of these fine fellows.
Villago Delenda Est
Bot, you need to get help for that death wish of yours…
There are famous battle legends of lost legions, brigades, platoons, barely surviving ferocious enemy onslaughts.
But can anything compare to the heroic story of Outpost Boehner?
TPM Josh Marshall
‘ When Obama asked Boehner what happened that had brought the government to a standstill. Boehner reportedly said “I got overrun, that’s what happened.” ‘
Full Metal Wingnut
@schrodinger’s cat: As someone who, like Cruz, has an Ivy League education let me tell you. Harvard has some brilliant people, but most of the smartest people I’ve known were/are not pedigreed.
Also, it really is astounding how dumb people can be outside their narrow area.
I mean, I’ll give Cruz this-he doesn’t come from money and he’s not a legacy. He earned his way into Princeton and Harvard. But that doesn’t mean I’m always going to give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s like with Bush- “Oh well he went to YALE so he’s not stupid he’s just sandbagging us.” Nah, stupid is a distinct possibility, no matter your pedigree.
Full Metal Wingnut
As far as law school goes, well, it’s not a profession of geniuses. The hardest thing is not the material (not by a damn sight) but the curve, your peers, and the general atmosphere (which truly has to be felt to be understood). It’s part psychological, part masochism contest.
Our man in the Senate, Harry Reid, has evidently had enough of that famous senatorial gentility stuff.
Harry SMASH. Who knew?
@Villago Delenda Est:
OK, I’ll do equal opportunity. Here’s one for the guys, Fran, 39 years old, lives in the UK.
Interestingly, she writes her come-on in a fashion that reminds me of Hemingway.
Now, back to the real winners.
Holy shit – that’s a Brit level insult.
@MattF: This was/is also a major, major factor to many of Sarah Palin’s nutso followers: “She’s just like me“, “She’s so REAL”.
To which I started replying, respectively, “Sorry to hear that”, and “Real what?”
Sitting. Cornflake. A van. Waiting to come. Eggman.
The children have not been playing nicely over at John Boehner’s Facebook wall.
These are direct quotes of Teabigot insults directed at him, spun through a generator.
That kind of stuff is going to make for some mighty fine moments during the “getting to know you” film at his convention in2016.
Wait, I thought those were Cruz quotes.
gogol's wife
Ooh, that’s hypnotic.
The personals ads are hilarious too.
Looks like immigration reform might be real firecracker for the GOP. TPM says teabagger logic runs sort of like “We are really pissed our dumb stunt holding the economy hostage over ACA didn’t work, so we’ll take it out on the immigrants”
So, the teabaggers and their House flunkies will be jackass bastshit crazy on immigration reform, in front of the whole country.
I hope for cascade of self destructive behavior from the teabaggers. After they make obnoxious fools of themselves on immigration, then they will have two resentments to take out on the next issue that comes up. What that is God knows. Maybe Mother’s Day or Arbor Day? Defunding any federal support for animal control? The Supreme Being of your choice only knows.
Republicans Vow To Block Immigration Reform After Shutdown Fight
Bloggers like muckymux remind me of the characters in Idiocracy who would point and laugh and say “you sound like a fag”.
His whole stick is point at Republicans and saying they are a bunch of clowns because….[insert todays shiny object]. It’s tired and old. Most of it is just political theater anyways. People like Bachmann and Cruz don’t actually believe 75% of the stupid shit they say. These are highly educated and very wealthy people not idiots. They just say what they say to gin up the rubes and piss off the left. That’s their job.
People like muckymux totally buy into that because it gives them stuff to blog about every day. They say they hate these people and that they are a bunch of clowns but the truth is that muckymux would have NOTHING to blog about if it weren’t for these people intentionally giving them crazy shit to talk about.
@Botsplainer: Man, there are more trust fund babies out there than I could’ve imagined.
The photos are awesome, too.
@Botsplainer: Are you sure all of those aren’t just Doug J trolling?
Yup, devastating and understated, perfect.
I’m not one who believes political change occurs in anything but tiny increments, but if we can keep this version of the Democrats out of the storage container they might actually get some stuff done.
Mike E
@muricafukyea: You forgot R0ng way C0al!!
Obama nominates a new Secretary of Homeland Security. Oh fun, a new black man to vilify and mistrust. Best part, he will be responsible for FEMA.
Kibbe is going for the split.
I live in Collins’ district and I work in Geneseo where his office is so I paid them a second visit yesterday (first was last week). Before I did so, I first called the DC office and asked why when I called them on Tuesday they told me that he did not want to default. The staffer told me that he didn’t vote to default, he voted not to raise the debt ceiling. I told him not to insult my intelligence and if he’s so concerned about fiscal responsibility (apparently his vote was just him following through with his campaign promise about government spending), what does he think about the $24 billion wasted during the shutdown. The staffer said “that’s just an estimate from S&P and I don’t buy it.” I laughed and asked him if he was now going to unskew the latest polls for me. Total jackass.
The woman in the Geneseo office was much nicer (she also new me from my visit last week) and I apologized in advance if my exasperation and strong feelings about the crisis caused me to utter some strong words about her boss and her political party. She was a smart young woman and in our conversation last week it was clear she knew they they were lying when they said congressional staff was exempted from Obamacare. After calling Collins out as a TPer for his positions (they hate it when you say that btw), for all his lies and his lame statement on the vote, I asked her how it made her feel when he threw her under the bus with the full Vitter Amendment in the final version of the House bill that never made it to the floor. I said what that tells me is that he thinks she’s a lazy moocher, just like all the other people who should be denied affordable health care. A hard working low paid staffer who does so much grunt work for him and that’s how he treats her. I couldn’t stop myself from pointing out that I care more about her access to health care and decent standard of living than he does. She said she couldn’t talk about her own opinion, just that of the Congressman, but she could not deny that it wasn’t true. I saw it in her face that she was conflicted. When I told her that my interaction with my college students indicates that they think Republicans are batsh*t crazy, selfish, and bigoted and want nothing to do with them, she said “I know, we have a problem.” I also told her that the constituents who called to support him (which outweighed those opposed) are going to be singing a very different tune when they find out in the upcoming budget negotiations that he wants to gut their SS and Medicare, unless that is they die off in the next few months given their other demographic problem. She seemed to get that as well. Since I felt bad for having put her through the ringer first thing in the morning, I sent an email to Collins telling him that he did a great job hiring her and that he should be ashamed for even contemplating and/or considering voting to cut her pay for his own political career and that she and her fellow staff members deserve better from him.
He didn’t win by a large margin, so maybe if we get a good Dem candidate and tar him with the TP label and get the local Chambers of Commerce (still waiting to hear back from the Livingston County CC about their views on his vote) to not fund his campaign we can get the seat back. Here’s to hoping.
Mobile Grumpy Code Monkey
I can haz standing? Can they show they’ve been harmed by the fact that homosexuals exist?
Although given the degree of latency (or outright denial) among many right-wing males, maybe they can demonstrate mental anguish. It’s just not *fair* that other people get to be honest with themselves.
Didn’t think it was possible to read anything funnier than Randian singles ads, but I’ve been proven WRONG!
What a Friday.
Suffern ACE
Care to provide your insight into which is the theater and which isn’t? Also what that wealthy Bachman woman really thinks would be helpful. I bet she thinks a lot like you, but she just can’t say so out loud.
@Suffern ACE: It’s almost all an act. If you don’t realize that then you are the one being played along with all the true idiots. The rubes who continue to vote for her and send her money. The more outraged the left gets the more money the rubes send her. Get it.
Bachman is no idiot. She is a highly educated lawyer. She has become very wealthy saying the crazy shit she says. Just follow the money. If you haven’t learned that yet then there isn’t much hope of you ever understanding anything.
Don’t know anything about her husband but I’m guessing there must be a lot of money in the “fix your gayness” business which is why he does that…not because he’s an idiot either.
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
And we’re all mammals, but a skunk is not a weasel — in the US. In Europe, a polecat is a weasel, but in the US if I sent you out for a weasel and you brought back a skunk, I’d say your mammal ID skills stink. Then, I’d ask you to remain outside.
This isn’t a biological question (or one of cladistics), but rather of common usage.
(Another word that has different Old and New World usage is “buzzard,” which refers to different birds in the Old and New Worlds. I was simply pointing out the common usage difference.)
@Botsplainer: I read that stuff and I just feel sad for the lonely people posting it.
Which I guess is the apotheosis of a bleeding heart: feels sad for lonely sociopaths.
It’s … it’s … CRUZ/PALIN 2016 !
~prays to Gaia~
@muricafukyea: Herp de Durf.
Kibbe makes formal declaration of war against Republican leadership, is how I think you meant to phrase that.
But truthfully, the Tea Party wing has been at war against the Republican leadership for the past 2 years. Leadership thought they could go with an appeasement strategy so that everyone could just go along and get along, but the Tea Party refuse to play the game and be appeased. So war it must be.
Isn’t penicillin-resistant syphilis fairly popular among Tea Party types who think it’s a proportionate punishment for ungodly sluttish behavior?
@Villago Delenda Est:
I just hope those Komen for the Kure grifters don’t have their probe in the money stream somewhere.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Okay, standing down from DEFCON 3.
Ed Drone
@Kim Walker:
Someone pointed out he looks more like Lou Costello, but I think he looks like Joe McCarthy as portrayed by Lou Costello in that old B-grade 1956 film, “Abbott and Costello Meet Tail-Gunner Joe.”
West of the Cascades
@Redshirt: Good point about the chilling effects of choking on staff morale — you could just cut their health care premium support instead.
All this talk about the intelligence of Cruz…
The guy is smart as a whip and getting exactly what he wanted. To assume that his posture which imperiled the GOP was the result of being a stupid smart person reads the situation wrong.
The shortest way to describe this is to refer to the fact that Cruz identifies Jesse Helms as his childhood hero. The same Helms who filibustered for 16 days in the Senate to try and prevent federal recognition of the holiday for Martin Luther King, but who also had tremendous success advancing conservative causes by being completely pigheaded about it.
Cruz could care less about the harm his posture has done to the traditional GOP or the threat to the fiscal soundness of the country. His posture has catapulted him to the strongest position in the GOP — he is the leader of the party right now whether traditional Republicans like it or not. He has created a national support base completely independent of party apparatus. That base believes that wrecking the country in order to stop Obama and the Democrats is preferable. I have yet to see anything about Cruz that indicates that he is stupid or does not understand the consequences of his actions. It is better to take him at face value and to realize that things went exactly as he wanted, than to assume his wrecking ball approach is somehow an indication of dimwittedness.
People want to elect Republicans and get Democratic policies out of it.
That’s been our politics in a nutshell forever and a day.
@Ed Drone:
That’s a classic! I keep waiting in vain for TCM to run it.
True dat. Weird, isn’t it?
coin operated
Assumes facts not in evidence. As a matter of fact, I think there’s sufficient video evidence to disprove that statement in Bachmann’s case.
Villago Delenda Est
I recall when Monicagate central figure Linda Trip had a press conference and proclaimed to anyone listening that she was “just like you”.
Right, Linda. Sure.
The GOP in-fighting has just begun. In two months we’re going to see a mess that’ll make last week look like nothing.
I just hope they come out real strong against immigration reform and women’s issues and get more strident about how “minorities are leeches”.
I think the lid’s going to get blown right off the crazy now.
So, he’s hoping to develop morals that don’t clash with his Randian worldview, then? That actually explains quite a lot…
@Villago Delenda Est: His world just wasn’t the same once he discovered a##less chaps. And the lawsuit makes so much sense now that his
love affairobsession with the LGBT community is starting to look just teeny bit likehonest adulationdated posturing. It’s fun to watch him immerse himself further in Teh Ghey every year just so he can keep squirming at its ICKYness.@coin operated: Dunno about that. Marrying Ladybird was a stroke of genius (on whose part, I’m not sure – but on one part at least).
So, he’s hoping to develop morals that don’t clash with his Randian worldview, then? That actually explains quite a lot…
@Villago Delenda Est: His world just wasn’t the same once he discovered a##less chaps. And the lawsuit makes so much sense now that his
love affairobsession with the LGBT community is starting to look just teeny bit likehonest adulationdated posturing. It’s fun to watch him immerse himself further in Teh Ghey every year just so he can keep squirming at its ICKYness.@coin operated: Dunno about that. Marrying Ladybird was a stroke of genius (on whose part, I’m not sure – but on one part at least).
They can apologize all they want.
I want our money back. That’s 24 billion they owe us. Just for being spoiled little fucks.
Ahh says fywp
@Botsplainer: 1. Aspergers, 2. Wants a Domme, not a princess, 3. Introvert, prob Aspergers