Hallelujah! Our long national nightmare is over: the government has reopened after a 16-day shutdown. The panda cam is back, WIC is funded again, and the Republicans suffered a pretty embarrassing defeat. That is, until January 15 when we’ll likely revisit these same shutdown/debt ceiling brinksmanship shenanigans all over again. In case you missed it this week, #TeamBlackness covered everything from virginity certificates to the politics of healthcare and ribs.
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TWiB! Radio
#TWiBradio #465 | DNLee Claps Back
#TeamBlackness discusses whether Stephen Hawking could rob a liquor store (0:27), the infinite money EBT glitch (00:33), a problematic anti-Obama rally (00:55), and DNLee explains the concept of respect to all of us (01:12:00).
#TWiBradio #466 | Sitting Down With Danielle Lee
#TeamBlackness discusses the cost of underpaid fast food workers that all Americans pay with Kevin Temple of NELP (00:26), we get a few pointers on being reasonable from Dr. Danielle Lee herself (00:38), and discuss why more Black women comedians are ready for SNL than Kenan Thompson understands (00:01:03).
#TWiBradio #467 | Happy Birthday Elon
#TeamBlackness celebrates Elon’s birthday by making sure he understands every bit of his age. Cialis jokes abound.
#TWiBradio #468 | The BBQ Venn Diagram
#TeamBlackness discusses the end of the shutdown (00:35), a house stenographer has had enough (00:48), a problematic sign on a BBQ joint (00:59), and Alison Gold’s song of racial understanding (00:01:30).
TWiB! in the Morning
@amTWIB #111 | #standingwithDNLee
The Morning Crew discusses wanting a White Republican for President, the origins of #standingwithDNLee, virginity certificates, and artist Banksy’s new gallery opening.
@amTWIB #112 | The Biggest Loser Animal Edition
The Morning Crew discusses our nation’s animal obesity problem (00:18), a Malaysian court ruling regarding the use of the word “Allah” (00:23), and we meet Michele Stephenson and Joe Brewster to discuss their upcoming film American Promise (00:27).
@amTWIB #113 | Come On Rufus
The Morning Crew discusses Del. Jolene Ivey attempting to be Maryland’s first African-American female lieutenant governor (00:21), Maria Kang possibly crossing a line or two (00:24), a school named after a Grand Wizard (00:36), and we meet Rufus, aster criminal (00:56)
Paul W.
Hi Elon, I was wondering if it would be possible to hide some of this below the fold next time? It’s about 2-3 pages of scrolling to see what posts came before, and (no offense, really!) I enjoy reading some of the other front pagers more and would like to be able to see their content as well.
Our long national nightmare is
overon holdFixt.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Quick and appropriate DVR alert — TCM is running Val Lewton’s “I Walked With a Zombie” tonight at 11:15 pm PT / 2:15 am ET.
Until I watched it as an adult, I didn’t realize that the horror story in the film is that the Holland family has been exploiting black people for centuries (first as slaves, then as servants) and it’s come back to haunt them. Plus it’s a moody, atmospheric little mystery that even the biggest horror chicken can enjoy.
smedley the uncertain
@Paul W.: I second the motion.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Comment moved to your Web site.
All of the player embeds should be below the fold, as TWIB seems to take over my Kindle browser every time I navigate to BJ.
WIC is a great program. When my daughter was born 11 years ago, my job paid shite, and I was on it. Great to get that healthy food.