My internet connection has been ten pounds of suck in a five lb bag all day, and on top of that my work email migrated to Outlook365 this weekend, so I have that going for me, too.
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by John Cole| 29 Comments
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My internet connection has been ten pounds of suck in a five lb bag all day, and on top of that my work email migrated to Outlook365 this weekend, so I have that going for me, too.
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Roger Moore
That would make anyone’s day suck.
Obama is taking all the Internet for Obamacare.
“If your computer isn’t working at 199% it is time to end the internets.”
GOP talking point
I downloaded Office 365 on Thursday and cancelled on Sunday. You have my condolences.
Oh god, they made us switch to Outlook at work for email and calendars last year. I fucking HATE Outlook.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Gin & Tonic
Chuckles says just add another server, and the problems will be solved in a heartbeat.
Gin and Tonic
Why does my previous nym no longer work when posting from home? Is it because my IP changed?
Clearly the fault of Obamacare.
I subscribe to Office365 primarily for email and my firm’s website (which I have been neglecting, so, no, I’m not posting the address). I use actual Outlook on both my home and work computers, and it’s pretty painless. OTOH, webmail is Le Grand Suck.
I feel your pain. My work did that to me in Sept. Keep copies of all important emails you write – for the first 3 weeks after the switch about 1 in 5 emails I wrote just evaporated into the ether.
We use Google Apps email at work. Can’t complain too much about it.Google Tasks is woefully underdeveloped, though.
Now that I work for the federal government — your tax dollars at work! — I, too, must use the dreaded Outlook. I’ve been in a mac mail bubble for many years and I had no idea…
They use Windows 7 (or try to) where I work. Die, Outlook, die. It does have one good feature: it routinely routes e-mail from management into the Junk file.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
Outlook: the best friend a hacker ever had.
Felonius Monk
Sitting here wondering when the Giants are going to implode tonight.
My internet connection has been sucking at home too and I have a question. I have DSL service through my phone land line and it’s mostly been really good, but over the last few months it’s gotten really slow. Is it possible that my internet is slow because of aging wiring in my house? When I first got DSL, the phone company came out and replaced the wire running to my house, but where the line comes through the wall into the basement, they left about 3′ of the old line in place. The internal wiring was replaced about 20 years ago. The 3′ section is probably about 50 years old.
The other option is that it’s going to hell because I’m using a six year old Dell Inspiron 530 with XP (when I bought the computer, Vista had just come out and it stunk to high heaven)(and stop laughing at me). I’ve been shopping new computers this week but if the house wiring might be the issue, I want to get that fixed first.
And yes, I’m still using a Nokia 6010 and listen to music on vinyl. I’m old and hate new stuff (although I like my Amazon cloud player).
IMAP, bitches.
Outlook 365 is infected with the Leap Year virus. You will not be able to receive or send emails on 1/29/16. Pass it on.
I doubt if the cause is the six-year-old computer and/or XP. I am typing this on a 10- or 11-year-old Dell laptop running XP, and it’s no slower than my one-year-old Lenovo laptop running Windows 7. (No slower on the Internet, I mean.)
Hand Egg Loser Bowl 2013 is underway, with Vikings and Giants punters getting Xtreme workouts, while both D’s floss receivers and running backs from their collectively sharp, pointy teefs.
Outlook was foisted upon me, and I bow before my Microsoft overlords, because it helps me stretch my lower back. That’s about it. 365? Nuh uh.
how about on 2/29/16?
@gbear: I’m using a 5-year-old net book which I bought specifically because it came with XP. My internet is Time-Warner Road Runner broad band because when I moved to Woodside, Verizon didn’t know when they would be wiring the area for the internet. I’m happy with my Time-Warner service.
John — I sympathize with you about Outlook.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
I’m using a seven year old Toshiba with XP, same reason. I was going to buy a copy of Windows 7 and upgrade awhile back, but I seem to have missed the boat. The only thing at BestBuy was Windows 8.
Based on the reliable algorithm that every other version of Windows sucks, I’m staying away from 8 the way I stayed away from Vista.
Hmmmm….and I seem to recall you saying something about how decent Comcast internet service is, and me posting in comments that Comcast internet service is great until you have a problem, at which point, it’s never great again because they won’t fix it.
Good luck with cancelling it, too.
Your internet connection doesn’t suck as much as the Vikings.
4 things that are must do (apologies if seem elementary):
1) Make sure all XP updates offered while XP was being updated have been downloaded and installed.
2) Run Malwarebytes to check for nasties. Use the free version.
3) Run CCleaner to clear out all sorts of flotsam and jetsam that Windows and other programs leave behind and that are not needed and can be entirely safely jettisoned without a hint of worry about doing so. Use the free version.
4) If there is some program you installed and afterwards noticed things running slow, uninstall that program. Ditto for any toolbars which programs may have installed in/on your browser of choice. Most such toolbars are evil and can significantly slow things down (as well as serve as portals for malware).
Sorry for the trouble. I hope your internet is now restored. I work for Comcast and if you need more help, we are here to help.
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
[email protected]
3) I’ve got AVG free that I use for virus protection and they have a program called PC Tuneup that was available as a one day sample. It took forever to download but I did get it loaded and ran the program. It cleared out a lot of crap and my computer ran a lot better for about one day afterwards.
2) I’ve had Malwarebytes free on my computer for about a year. It expired and when I try to reload it, it tells me I have to pay for it now. I’m thinking that this may be the most likely culprit on my computer.
1) A shitload of microsoft updates were loaded onto my computer after I ran the PC Tuneup.
4) I haven’t installed any new programs for quite a while.
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason: From what I’ve heard, 8 sucked when it was first released. There’s a version 8.1 that you can upgrade to for free and it’s supposed to have improved 8 a lot.