Two people have died and two have been hospitalized after a shooting at a Nevada middle school Monday, according to Sparks police officials.
According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, one of the dead is the suspected shooter. Officials are not saying if the injured are students or teachers. The shooting took place at Sparks Middle School, which has closed for the day.
The wounded are described as students.
jayzis yeah.
hooo yeah.
Why are there so few pickoff moves with a full count?
It seems the runner is itching to take off, but I rarely see them. Does not make sense to me.
What was the count when Austin Jackson was picked off?
I’ve been busily calling all my Reps to get them to overturn that terrible call in the Patriots game yesterday. Clearly a Tea Party ref who hates Freedom.
Did you see my response to you in last night’s open thread? It was pretty late.
The Republican “response” after Obama’s speech on the glitchey ACA website.
Saying that Obamacare is collapsing under it’s own weight and reminding people that they predicted it.
Yup, when I want sure-fire accurate predictions on anything, I’ll go to the Republicans. Paging Dick Morris
The actual root canal procedure shouldn’t hurt at all if your dentist or endodontist is any good. It’s the 2 or 3 days afterwards that won’t be fun. Make sure you take your Motrin/ibuprofen on the recommended schedule to keep the swelling (and thus pain) to a minimum.
BTW kitteh is not impressed with Lavanya Sankar’s op-ed about Indian men, in the Sunday edition of NYT, her gender analysis is nearly as vacuous as her analysis of caste.
Did you see my response to you in last night’s open thread? It was pretty late.
I did see it, thanks for asking, and I responded. Though the person I’ll be talking to today is not the main boss – that person is the owner of the company I work for.
Why yes it is busy. Which is why I am instead surfing the intertoobs.
@The Red Pen: As a regular reader of Freep, I know you’re well familiar with the shocking hypocrisy these Tea Baggers employ all the time, but every once in a while I’m still taken back. Imagine if a leading Democrat’s father fought for Castro? Gosh, I wonder what the general response would be?
Mike E
Livin’ w/a compulsive type who cleaned some of the junk out the house and switched the waste streams so I had pull garbage from the recycling and vice versa. Washed out the kitchen can; piled pruning clipping where the t’house maintenance/trash pick up might get them. Walked the dog. Making chicken BBQ on the charcoal. Slow day… then I do my GOTV calls later this evening.
ETA @Redshirt: but but you don’t know what was in papa Cruz’s heart! He did it for jayzus!
I scrolled back down and saw. I hope it all works out — even if you’re vague about causes, companies and supervisors sometimes decide to be a-holes about any medical issues. But having a specific action plan should help. Good luck!
@Mnemosyne: Right, no pain in the procedure itself, but then… I’ve got an endodontist who I think is very good– a few years ago he saved a tooth that everyone else had pretty much given up on.
So this is what they said about Party members clapping for Comrade Stalin, right? That you would be too terrified to stop clapping, because you didn’t want to look less loyal than he next guy. Anyway, don’t expect these guys to moderate anytime soon.
@Citizen_X: Argh. That’s an eight minute standing ovation.
@aimai: Have you ever tried high doses of Vitamin C for a cold virus? I’ve successfully managed to keep from getting sick by taking very high doses of Vitamin C. Every thirty minutes to an hour and the powdered stuff works best because you can mix it in something and just drink it. Take to bowel tolerance. If you get the runs, you’ve got enough. It takes a lot to get to that level if you’re sick though. Hope you feel better.
I tell myself that the tooth pain was worse, so I just have to get through the couple of days post-root canal and I’ll be fine. Depending on which tooth it is, ice packs on the jaw can help with the pain and swelling, too. And I would always get a fancy cupcake after the procedure so I had something to look forward to after the novocaine wore off.
Last year, I had two root canals within 6 months of each other and, weirdly, it was the same tooth (lower molar, one in from the back) on opposite sides of my mouth. Even weirder, the first one was after my father-in-law died and the second was after my father had died. I still don’t get how the heck that happened.
I’m battling Phil Angelides all this week. Not fun and not paid.
I’m still taken back. Imagine if a leading Democrat’s father fought for Castro?
It might be an issue, but Ted Cruz has been declared off limits for any criticism.
After Cruz released a birth certificate (proving that he was Canadian), the birthers were told to STFU about their oh-so-important Constitutional crusades. While Cruz is likely eligible to be president (there is some question), certain factions of the birthers adhere to (debunked) theories that absolutely disqualify him. Those birthers have either fallen in line or been banned.
I’m sure Cruz’s Castro-ite root would have gotten some play, but RimJob has made it clear that anti-Cruz posts will be censored.
Jim Robinson spent most of 2012 decrying Mitt Romney for many crimes (including being a Mormon), but changed his tune after the nomination, spurring this marvelous post. (The poster was banned, but the post remains for reasons I can’t fathom.)
More-recently, Jim Robinson has his right leg amputated (he lost the left years ago). This was almost certainly paid for by Medicare, a government health insurance program he was forced to buy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My fear is that the country will become desensitized
to all shootings. In this climate you could not even make the gun owner responsible for charges, if that gun is used by a minor.
Dealing with a migraine. It has t be sunny today, darn it.
Also, too, I’m trying to decide which Pre-Code horror movie I should feature for Halloween. Sadly, this is a Hammer year for TCM, so there isn’t anything I can have people DVR. I could do Freaks, but I feel kind of like it’s been done to death.
I’m leaning towards Island of Lost Souls since it now has a Criterion edition.
Why are there so few pickoff moves with a full count?
The main point of running on a full count is to stay out of a double play (and maybe to improve the chances of going first to third on a single or scoring on a double) rather than to steal a base, so the runner is going to take a relatively safe lead and not break until he’s sure the pitcher is going home. Since the main point of a pick-off attempt is to get just that result- keep the runner close and slow down his break- rather than a serious attempt to pick him off, there isn’t much point on a full count.
Comrade Jake
I’m surprised some of the front pagers haven’t said anything about this nonsense of “millions of lines of code” needing to be fixed in’s website.
On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked.
If the sock puppet fits,..
@Mnemosyne: The original The Haunting is a old school fave…
@aimai: You asked an important question. When I was in college (circa 1969-74) I dated a Cuba immigrant. His tuition at NYU was paid for by the federal government through a scholarship program only for Cuban immigrant children. (At least that’s what I remember.)
One of my favorites, too, but sadly it falls outside the scope of my blog, which goes to about mid-1934. There’s a lot of good stuff, though — the original Frankenstein and Dracula both fall into the right period, plus the Frederic March Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The other semi-obscure film I’m tempted to cover is the Karloff version of The Old Dark House, which is a lot of fun. “Have a po-ta-to.”
@PurpleGirl: Cuban immigrants are more equal than immigrants from any other country, eligible for a Green Card the moment they set foot on American soil.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The middle school shooter in NV was a student, he shot a teacher and is apparently dead. Police are saying “suspect is down”. Does that mean police shot him?
@Mnemosyne: my bad Mnemo, didn’t realize that you had such a challenging date criteria, shame you couldn’t MST3K it and do one of their “screamfests” :-)
I work from home and the power is out, complex-wide (I live in an apartment) I am now sitting with my work laptop at Starbucks. I hope the food in my refrigerator and freezer doesn’t go bad. Stupid electricity.
@catclub: That’s the case. Mr. Cruz, Sr. was a committed Communist Revolutionary and friend of Fidel Castro.
@Soonergrunt: It’s lucky Hillary wasn’t related to a Communist revolutionary, because there would be no way a dem with that background, would get the nomination.
@Soonergrunt: See, it is all a Communist plot, undermining the bastion of capitalism from within.
@ellie: As long as you keep the doors closed and the power outage doesn’t last too long, the food should stay cold and be okay.
@shelly: yeah. One would think that the “media” just couldnt wait until that lil ole shutdown ended so they could tee up their already written stories on the ACA website. Our very own liberal Ezra Klein didn’t evdn wait for the ink to dry on the debt/shutdown agreement, he has already been on every program he could calling the ACA rollout a disaster.
I suspect soon it will be all we hear on the liberal MSNBC as well.
I know there has been issues online but my understanding was the phone services are working great while the websites are being enhanced
Went to the coolest Halloween costume party this weekend in the new neighborhood. No half-assed costumes except my own and tons of “eye-candy” (i.e beautiful women in Flintstones like attire). Very warm and awesome neighbors.
Was even (sadly) a Steven King-like backstory as the road was blocked for a bit because of a fatal motorcycle crash.
I wouldn’t be surprised. I started seeing a chiropractor for some persistent neck pain and sinus issues on my right side, and he said I’m probably a clencher. Add in the severe stress of those two weeks and I’m sure I was clenching like crazy.
A Humble Lurker
Since this is an open thread, may I take a moment to plug a downloadable game that kept me sleeping with the lights on the past couple of days?
It’s called Knock Knock and it’s by Ice Pick Lodge, a Russian developer whose previous projects include The Void and Pathologic. (If you’ve ever heard of those.) Visually it’s beautiful and surreal. The sound is fantastic, and the game play is simple yet sometimes confusing. In a good way. There’s always something else to find by poking your nose into a dark corner and it’s got that kind of eerie, uneasy, psychological horror that sinks under your skin and stays there, like a splinter.
It’s available now on steam and for a measly ten bucks.So if horror games are you’re bread and butter and you’ve got the money to burn, check it out! (And if you need more convincing, there are let’s plays up already that can give you a better idea of how the game plays.)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: for all the talk about Alinsky and Jeremiah Wright and the islamo-socialist Kenyan, you’d think it would be a bigger deal that Cruz’s dad actually fought in a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. You’d think so… and you’d be wrong.
An early report, but I hope it’s true–some bravery from the kids at Sparks Middle School:
“We piled up and put the girls in the back and the guys in the front … for the safety of the girls,” he said. “He came over to us and started aiming at all of us.”
“Then he saw a teacher in the window and shot the window trying to get him. Shot the window twice.”
Had to do a facepalm coming in the parking lot however because my loony co-worker had slapped a Ted Cruz for President sticker on her car. And can I tell you that Ms. Capitalist Society’s husband has a lovely state job and she enjoys those health benefits?
Keith P.
@Rosalita: Are you sure it wasn’t Ted Cruz running around town slapping Ted Cruz for President stickers on people’s cars?
Oooh, I forgot about The Black Cat. It definitely falls within the period both thematically and time-wise. Plus that scene of Karloff being flayed alive freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid (and still does).
Are you sure it wasn’t Ted Cruz running around town slapping Ted Cruz for President stickers on people’s cars?
yeah, I’m sure. Everyone snickers behind her back.
First full week of unemployment (no pity for me…I’m Canadian = health care continues, and government = healthy severance), and after reassuring my ex-boss I don’t hate him (“it’s the Corporation, not you…you couldn’t have eliminated 55 people on your own”) I’m contemplating whether to take a walk in the S N O W (melting already, thank the gods), go for a self-pity hot dog at Costco, or watch the Danish version of “The Killing”.
Well, my life is pretty quiet. When my lady gets home from the dentist she’s headed off to be a doula. I talked with the soon-to-be mom and she sounded nervous. First birth, you know. So I’ll probably be working on music this afternoon, put out the trash for tomorrow, maybe watch the NY Jints take it on the chin again. It’s another beautiful day here in Portland. This is usually the time of year when we get to test out our rain gear but we’re in the middle of a two-week sunfest.
@lamh36: Liberal plant to deflect the news from the failed Nobamacare. Which of course will be widely accepted even though the President called the presser to talk about ACA.
But Obama has failed us for not mentioning, after the woman fainted, that everyone needs some community help at some point, which proves he’s a right-wing capitalist that hates the gheys, because McClurkin.
Apparently a woman almost fainted behind Obama today.
So what do we think will be the RWNJ meme based on this:
Well, I think this wins the early race for the title.
Its from the “Free Beacon” , whatever the hell that is, and the title is all I’d ever read of it, before rolling my eyes so hard they practically stuck, and clicking away. Christ, these people.
Another possibility which just occurred to me is the sound version of The Green Goddess.
Laughably dated and contrived, but George Arliss exudes so much presence and charisma (and is obviously relishing chewing the scenery so much) that one can’t take one’s eyes off him.
Anybody else see the Vita-Mix blender article at Salon? Scary confirmation of McMegan’s judgement. [Vita-Mix blender is incredibly good.]
I just noted that hearing earmuffs are needed when it runs. I use them for my (non-VitaMix) when it is crushing ice. Too bloody loud.
Cruz returned to Texas to appear before 750 people in San Antonio, at an event organized by the Texas Federation of Republican Women, and was greeted by an right minute standing ovation.
Or, as I observed a wingnut saying about that ovation: “If you fight, you win.”
What, exactly, Cruz “won” is unclear at this point, but he can count on applause from a small cadre of teabaggers while the rest of the country hates him. Victory!
@Elizabelle: We have an electric stove, of course!
Here is a first world problem: Sitting at Starbucks is starting to make me antsy. Fortunately, I work on Eastern time (I’m in Colorado) so my work day starts at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 2:15. One hour and 15 minutes to go and I can go home and sit in the quiet semi-darkness.
Hill Dweller
Today’s moment in Village stupidity is brought to you by Chris Cillizza:
The Fix ✔ @TheFix
@AlecMacGillis Don’t remember Bubba rolling out 1-800 numbers….
What, exactly, Cruz “won” is unclear at this point
He won the plaudits of teabagger types, which presumably puts him ahead in the race for the 2016 nomination. He also won a whole bunch of donations to his campaign warchest. That’s what he was after, not any kind of policy victory or political win for the Republican party as a whole.
The Vitamix is indeed pretty awesome. I can’t imagine I ever would’ve bought one because of the price tag (we put one on our wedding registry as a lark, thinking nobody would actually buy it, but somebody actually did), but I’m happy to have one.
Hill Dweller
The GOP asked former fugitive John McAfee to help fix the Obamacare website.
Plus that scene of Karloff being flayed alive freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid (and still does).
It’s also nice to be seeing Bela Lugosi playing a good guy for once.
Dealing with another (set reverb to 11) Crisis in MARKETING!
(Cue: sirens, flashing lights, alien invaders from Mars and … SHARKNADO!!1!!!!11!!)
Fortunately I’m a bystander. So I’m sending the same “I Told You So” email to everybody. With a good ol’ neener-neerer as subtext.
If the establishment decides that Cruz is the next McCarthy (dangerous and out of control) and decide to bury him, or at least keep him out of the White House, I expect all these issues to return with a vengeance, though. The birth certificate, the dad who fought for Castro… the insufficiently white background.
What was that line, ‘when fascism comes to America it will be wearing a Brooks Brother’s suit and snakeskin boots’?
ITYM, “When fascism comes to America, it will be burning a cross and wrapped in a confederate flag.”
When fascism comes to America, it will be claiming that the Untermenschen are the real fascists.
@Bubblegum Tate: My bad! McMegan went for the Thermomix, which is over $1500, not the mere $500 of the VitaMix.
@Hill Dweller: I am wondering how the GOP will be able to claim they sabotaged the Website, AND get covered in glory for doing so.
I know there would be some randian dying to claim that scalp.
Oh great, so now all the media will talking about the Prez’s Obamacare speech is the woman fainting behind him. And of course all the wingnut’s will be insisting it was all staged.
Oh fuck. That is painful. “nearly kills an innocent woman.” I almost puked. Thanks for making me depressed.
@JCJ: I know. Though it is so far over the top insane, I can’t help but laugh. Again, I didn’t read beyond the title; really, you don’t have to, just make it up. Anyone with half a brain can come up with something more “logical” in 30 seconds or less.
Plus, if a speech could truly “almost kill” someone, thousands & thousands would be dead after listening to Duh-bya. That was physically painful, and lowered IQ.
Chuck Toddler is now an IT expert, according to LGF:
It’s clear that the launch of has not gone well, but one positive thing has come out of it: the hilarious spectacle of White House reporters who suddenly turn into web programming gurus.
For example, here’s MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, helpfully offering his professional opinion that if extreme traffic is really to blame for the problems, all they have to do is add a server and everything will be fixed “in a heartbeat.”
@ranchandsyrup: I read that, and just started to sob. I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up with this, honestly. My childhood was so flipping blessed.
Oh great, so now all the media will talking about the Prez’s Obamacare speech is the woman fainting behind him. And of course all the wingnut’s will be insisting it was all staged.
The Village will never give Obama a fair shake. They hate him and his staff(not exaggerating), and it colors everything they say and do. The disdain is really evident on something like twitter, where they let their guard down a bit.
Juxtapose the Village’s reaction to the Obamacare website issues and their desperate attempts to rationalize the Republicans’ shutdown. They’re sociopaths who care more about cocktails party invitations.
Since this is very much a pet-friendly community, I wanted to check and see if anyone knew of someone missing an elderly Persian female kitty. I found her outside my home in the DC suburbs yesterday, and my vet said that her microchip info was (a) out of date, with the phone number out of service and (b) originally from New Jersey. As of right now she’s headed for the local animal shelter, and we all know that isn’t the best place for her to be going.
NO NO NO. I have been so busy that I hadn’t checked or heard any news today. How much more heartbreak and trauma do we need to endure before we can get some sensible gun control?? My heart goes out to the students, teachers, family, and community.
Ash Can
@cckids: I moused over your link and it showed the headline. It made me laugh; it was perfectly Onion-esque. I figure that if these people are going to be terminally stupid, the least they can do is to be entertaining in the process.
WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina — The father of a 2-year-old North Carolina girl who died after shooting herself with a handgun she found while playing was in jail on Monday facing charges including involuntary manslaughter, police said…..Police in Fayetteville, North Carolina, said 19-year-old Melvin Clark’s daughter discovered a loaded .22-caliber, semi-automatic pistol that he had left under the living room couch in the home where she played on Saturday.
from the nytimes
@Karen in GA: First…I watched the US series (too bad it only found its stride in S3)…love the Danish one so far.
Idiot wingtard over at my place trying to tell me it’s Obama’s fault the Obamacare rollout is failing in Red States even though it’s going really well in Blue States.
Describes Bush, Jr’s attire perfectly. He wore expensive suits with expensive cowboy boots.
@Bubblegum Tate: Weaselly press! “organized by”. But not attended by, I bet. The paragraph is dishonestly written to claim that there were 750 Texas Republican Women giving that ovation. I bet only their name was used to brand the event, and if there were a picture, the 750 would be almost exclusively old white christian gun-carrying men.
Why is the bad person in me now assuming that Melvin Clark is African-American (or at least not 100 percent white)? Oh, yeah, because it seems like the only people who get prosecuted for negligence in these cases are non-white, while white people are usually assumed to have “suffered enough already.”
@Jane2: I’m a few episodes into the second, but I still can’t shake the portrayal of the parents’ grief from the first. Devastating.
Also, too, on a shallower note: Lars Mikkelsen. If Mads can be an international star, where is the breakout role that solidifies Lars’ international career? Hmmm? And his English is clearer! Goshdarnit, or something.
@Mnemosyne: Spiral Staircase! I love that movie and it always did what horror should do, leave me frightened.
Tom Servo
@The Red Pen: in his defense, he wasn’t a communist at the time. And Batista deserved to be overthrown.
Tom Servo
@ranchandsyrup: Look, I don’t want to be a dick and there are far more important things to focus on, but I’m really not a fan of that paternalism. For the safety of the girls? They’re all little kids! If a grown man wants to fulfill his gender role and protect women that’s one thing, but don’t be foisting that shit on children.
@Tom Servo: I understand your angle and respect it.
I went to high school in that community, my mom worked at the middle school and I have friends with kids in that school. I don’t mean this as an appeal to authority. But whether it was instinct, parenting or something else that caused those kids to react how they did, I’m proud of ’em. The instincts to be selfless and protect the “weaker” are a good thing to me. I certainly don’t think that gender predicts strong or weak, though.
Sparks is a pretty dismal place. For one thing, Turd Blossom Karl Rove grew up there. Another is that the old joke is, “Reno is so close to hell you can see Sparks”. And Reno is a hovel.
Tom Servo
@ranchandsyrup: ugh Rove. Well, my state of birth, which I’ve since abandoned (Florida) produces plenty of zeroes.
I hesitated to even bring that up, and in a situation like that you can’t blame anyone. I was raised very conservative (a very liberal college washed that right the eff out to my parents’ chagrin). I hope I would do the same for my wife and daughter (although I would certainly do the same if they were my husband and son, respectively).
You know I’m sorry I even brought it up. I’m in one of “those” moods you know (long day, sick, I had a fairly important meeting scheduled with someone who blew it off). I worked for a little bit after college for nonprofits doing work on feminist issues like reproductive rights and equal pay and whatnot. And part of the outreach to recruit more guys to become that dirty word Feminist (shivers!) was to hammer home to the men that sexism and gender roles and our construction of masculinity and all that ALSO harm men! It still kind of rubs me the wrong way but it’s not something I want to perseverate on. Like I said, sorry. And thank you for such a measured and polite response! Humanity has hope yet!
Only been to Nevada once. You know the stereotypical Vegas vacation that guys (women too I guess) take to Vegas? Yeah, we went to Reno (a friend in grad school was from there). It was…interesting.
Though as someone who currently lives in Jersey and has been down to AC with the wife more times than he can count let me say this: Reno is a damn sight less depressing than Atlantic City. A blighted ocean town is so much more depressing. I think desert gives that type of setting a better vibe.
Is Reno a very religious place, by the way? I’ve wondered for years. A few of us had dinner with our Reno friend’s mother (exciting for a bunch of guys in their mid 20s right!) and she asked her son, audibly, at the table, “Are they Catholic?” I’ve never been more flabbergasted.
@Tom Servo: No worries, Tom. I get where you are coming from. Agree re: AC. Went there a couple of years ago and was shocked.
Reno isn’t overly religious, but it is very conservative. Only around 30% affiliate with a religion.
It is a 24 hour town but it is definitely NOT vegas. Steve Wynn spends a lot of time up in Lake Tahoe and he famously refuses to do any sort of cas1no development in Reno. Reno is also a very anti-union town, especially in the cas1nos. When Vegas moved toward getting families to visit and “capturing” all of their money, Reno’s big plans were busing retirees and such up from Sacramento, Oakland and the rest of the bay area.
There were some great things about growing up there. It’s a mid sized town with a small town vibe. Tahoe is super close. I came to absolutely love the desolation and beauty of the high desert. Great dirtbiking and mountain biking.
I’m trying to avoid other Pre-Code sites right now so I don’t look too derivative. I do love Self-Styled Siren (though she covers all of classic Hollywood, not just Pre-Code).
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Mark S.
Day off–so no.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
another school shooting in NV
The wounded are described as students.
jayzis yeah.
hooo yeah.
Why are there so few pickoff moves with a full count?
It seems the runner is itching to take off, but I rarely see them. Does not make sense to me.
What was the count when Austin Jackson was picked off?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This is not the time to talk about gun control though, so soon after this tragedy.
Umm. Root canal. Yes, literally.
Sick as a dog. Entering end of first week with massive cough and sore throat.
Mark S.
Sometimes you have to make a small sacrifice for freedom, cause it isn’t free.
Knight of Nothing
Slow day at work, so I’m debunking the self-made man myth of Rafael Cruz.
Still catching up from last week…one of the consequences of “hard work”.
Not looking forward to the meeting I have with my project manager in an hour and a half or so.
The Red Pen
This is good news for the Tea Party. *
* I may or may not be talking about the school shooting. Does it really matter?
@Knight of Nothing: “he was imprisoned and tortured before he escaped to the U.S” So he was imprisoned by the Batista regime that was fighting Castro?
Castro did not take over until 1959, and he left in 1957, right?
@Knight of Nothing: That is a really good post K of N. Really good. Deserves wider dissemination.
I’ve been busily calling all my Reps to get them to overturn that terrible call in the Patriots game yesterday. Clearly a Tea Party ref who hates Freedom.
I have things I need to do, but freakin’ SAP locked me out and I have to wait 20-30 minutes before I can log back in. Feh.
Did you see my response to you in last night’s open thread? It was pretty late.
The Republican “response” after Obama’s speech on the glitchey ACA website.
Saying that Obamacare is collapsing under it’s own weight and reminding people that they predicted it.
Yup, when I want sure-fire accurate predictions on anything, I’ll go to the Republicans. Paging Dick Morris
The actual root canal procedure shouldn’t hurt at all if your dentist or endodontist is any good. It’s the 2 or 3 days afterwards that won’t be fun. Make sure you take your Motrin/ibuprofen on the recommended schedule to keep the swelling (and thus pain) to a minimum.
@aimai: Sorry to tell you this… I’m in my sixth fabulous week. 2 rounds of different antibiotics.
schrodinger's cat
@aimai: Try ginger tea.
BTW kitteh is not impressed with Lavanya Sankar’s op-ed about Indian men, in the Sunday edition of NYT, her gender analysis is nearly as vacuous as her analysis of caste.
I did see it, thanks for asking, and I responded. Though the person I’ll be talking to today is not the main boss – that person is the owner of the company I work for.
Why yes it is busy. Which is why I am instead surfing the intertoobs.
The Red Pen
That’s correct. Daddy Cruz was fighting for Castro.
@The Red Pen: As a regular reader of Freep, I know you’re well familiar with the shocking hypocrisy these Tea Baggers employ all the time, but every once in a while I’m still taken back. Imagine if a leading Democrat’s father fought for Castro? Gosh, I wonder what the general response would be?
Mike E
Livin’ w/a compulsive type who cleaned some of the junk out the house and switched the waste streams so I had pull garbage from the recycling and vice versa. Washed out the kitchen can; piled pruning clipping where the t’house maintenance/trash pick up might get them. Walked the dog. Making chicken BBQ on the charcoal. Slow day… then I do my GOTV calls later this evening.
ETA @Redshirt: but but you don’t know what was in papa Cruz’s heart! He did it for jayzus!
I scrolled back down and saw. I hope it all works out — even if you’re vague about causes, companies and supervisors sometimes decide to be a-holes about any medical issues. But having a specific action plan should help. Good luck!
Knight of Nothing
@catclub: yes, he was imprisoned/tortured under Batista, and fought for a time with Castro, before he learned that Castro was a communist.
@aimai: thanks so much!
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Ted Cruz made me oversleep and be late to work.
@Mnemosyne: Right, no pain in the procedure itself, but then… I’ve got an endodontist who I think is very good– a few years ago he saved a tooth that everyone else had pretty much given up on.
Cruz returned to Texas to appear before 750 people in San Antonio, at an event organized by the Texas Federation of Republican Women, and was greeted by an right minute standing ovation.
So this is what they said about Party members clapping for Comrade Stalin, right? That you would be too terrified to stop clapping, because you didn’t want to look less loyal than he next guy. Anyway, don’t expect these guys to moderate anytime soon.
@Citizen_X: Argh. That’s an eight minute standing ovation.
schrodinger's cat
@Citizen_X: True believers have to believe.
playin plants v zombies 2.
@aimai: Have you ever tried high doses of Vitamin C for a cold virus? I’ve successfully managed to keep from getting sick by taking very high doses of Vitamin C. Every thirty minutes to an hour and the powdered stuff works best because you can mix it in something and just drink it. Take to bowel tolerance. If you get the runs, you’ve got enough. It takes a lot to get to that level if you’re sick though. Hope you feel better.
I tell myself that the tooth pain was worse, so I just have to get through the couple of days post-root canal and I’ll be fine. Depending on which tooth it is, ice packs on the jaw can help with the pain and swelling, too. And I would always get a fancy cupcake after the procedure so I had something to look forward to after the novocaine wore off.
Last year, I had two root canals within 6 months of each other and, weirdly, it was the same tooth (lower molar, one in from the back) on opposite sides of my mouth. Even weirder, the first one was after my father-in-law died and the second was after my father had died. I still don’t get how the heck that happened.
I’m battling Phil Angelides all this week. Not fun and not paid.
Mary G
Mammogram. Necessary but sucky.
The Red Pen
It might be an issue, but Ted Cruz has been declared off limits for any criticism.
After Cruz released a birth certificate (proving that he was Canadian), the birthers were told to STFU about their oh-so-important Constitutional crusades. While Cruz is likely eligible to be president (there is some question), certain factions of the birthers adhere to (debunked) theories that absolutely disqualify him. Those birthers have either fallen in line or been banned.
I’m sure Cruz’s Castro-ite root would have gotten some play, but RimJob has made it clear that anti-Cruz posts will be censored.
Jim Robinson spent most of 2012 decrying Mitt Romney for many crimes (including being a Mormon), but changed his tune after the nomination, spurring this marvelous post. (The poster was banned, but the post remains for reasons I can’t fathom.)
More-recently, Jim Robinson has his right leg amputated (he lost the left years ago). This was almost certainly paid for by Medicare, a government health insurance program he was forced to buy.
Really, there isn’t a limit to Freeper hypocrisy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My fear is that the country will become desensitized
to all shootings. In this climate you could not even make the gun owner responsible for charges, if that gun is used by a minor.
Dealing with a migraine. It has t be sunny today, darn it.
The Red Pen
Every time Cruz says he was elected “to represent 26 million Texans” I add (in my mind) “6.5 million of whom are uninsured.”
What was that line, ‘when fascism comes to America it will be wearing a Brooks Brother’s suit and snakeskin boots’?
Also, too, I’m trying to decide which Pre-Code horror movie I should feature for Halloween. Sadly, this is a Hammer year for TCM, so there isn’t anything I can have people DVR. I could do Freaks, but I feel kind of like it’s been done to death.
I’m leaning towards Island of Lost Souls since it now has a Criterion edition.
Roger Moore
The main point of running on a full count is to stay out of a double play (and maybe to improve the chances of going first to third on a single or scoring on a double) rather than to steal a base, so the runner is going to take a relatively safe lead and not break until he’s sure the pitcher is going home. Since the main point of a pick-off attempt is to get just that result- keep the runner close and slow down his break- rather than a serious attempt to pick him off, there isn’t much point on a full count.
Comrade Jake
I’m surprised some of the front pagers haven’t said anything about this nonsense of “millions of lines of code” needing to be fixed in’s website.
One of Josh Marshall’s readers flagged the BS coming from the NYT here, and he’s right.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So explanation for some of this blog’s trolls?
If the sock puppet fits,..
@Mnemosyne: The original The Haunting is a old school fave…
@aimai: You asked an important question. When I was in college (circa 1969-74) I dated a Cuba immigrant. His tuition at NYU was paid for by the federal government through a scholarship program only for Cuban immigrant children. (At least that’s what I remember.)
One of my favorites, too, but sadly it falls outside the scope of my blog, which goes to about mid-1934. There’s a lot of good stuff, though — the original Frankenstein and Dracula both fall into the right period, plus the Frederic March Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The other semi-obscure film I’m tempted to cover is the Karloff version of The Old Dark House, which is a lot of fun. “Have a po-ta-to.”
schrodinger's cat
@PurpleGirl: Cuban immigrants are more equal than immigrants from any other country, eligible for a Green Card the moment they set foot on American soil.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The middle school shooter in NV was a student, he shot a teacher and is apparently dead. Police are saying “suspect is down”. Does that mean police shot him?
@Mnemosyne: my bad Mnemo, didn’t realize that you had such a challenging date criteria, shame you couldn’t MST3K it and do one of their “screamfests” :-)
I work from home and the power is out, complex-wide (I live in an apartment) I am now sitting with my work laptop at Starbucks. I hope the food in my refrigerator and freezer doesn’t go bad. Stupid electricity.
@catclub: That’s the case. Mr. Cruz, Sr. was a committed Communist Revolutionary and friend of Fidel Castro.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Earlier I read it was self inflicted but early reports are often wrong.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Knight of Nothing:
Translated from Tea Tagger, Rafael meant he figured out were the money is.
This is like the Neo-Cons being originally followers of Trotsky
@Soonergrunt: It’s lucky Hillary wasn’t related to a Communist revolutionary, because there would be no way a dem with that background, would get the nomination.
schrodinger's cat
@Soonergrunt: See, it is all a Communist plot, undermining the bastion of capitalism from within.
@ellie: As long as you keep the doors closed and the power outage doesn’t last too long, the food should stay cold and be okay.
@shelly: yeah. One would think that the “media” just couldnt wait until that lil ole shutdown ended so they could tee up their already written stories on the ACA website. Our very own liberal Ezra Klein didn’t evdn wait for the ink to dry on the debt/shutdown agreement, he has already been on every program he could calling the ACA rollout a disaster.
I suspect soon it will be all we hear on the liberal MSNBC as well.
I know there has been issues online but my understanding was the phone services are working great while the websites are being enhanced
Went to the coolest Halloween costume party this weekend in the new neighborhood. No half-assed costumes except my own and tons of “eye-candy” (i.e beautiful women in Flintstones like attire). Very warm and awesome neighbors.
Was even (sadly) a Steven King-like backstory as the road was blocked for a bit because of a fatal motorcycle crash.
No one gets outta here alive.
@Mnemosyne: tooth grinding and jaw clenching.
I wouldn’t be surprised. I started seeing a chiropractor for some persistent neck pain and sinus issues on my right side, and he said I’m probably a clencher. Add in the severe stress of those two weeks and I’m sure I was clenching like crazy.
A Humble Lurker
Since this is an open thread, may I take a moment to plug a downloadable game that kept me sleeping with the lights on the past couple of days?
It’s called Knock Knock and it’s by Ice Pick Lodge, a Russian developer whose previous projects include The Void and Pathologic. (If you’ve ever heard of those.) Visually it’s beautiful and surreal. The sound is fantastic, and the game play is simple yet sometimes confusing. In a good way. There’s always something else to find by poking your nose into a dark corner and it’s got that kind of eerie, uneasy, psychological horror that sinks under your skin and stays there, like a splinter.
It’s available now on steam and for a measly ten bucks.So if horror games are you’re bread and butter and you’ve got the money to burn, check it out! (And if you need more convincing, there are let’s plays up already that can give you a better idea of how the game plays.)
Knight of Nothing
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: for all the talk about Alinsky and Jeremiah Wright and the islamo-socialist Kenyan, you’d think it would be a bigger deal that Cruz’s dad actually fought in a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. You’d think so… and you’d be wrong.
Roger Moore
ITYM, “When fascism comes to America, it will be burning a cross and wrapped in a confederate flag.”
@PurpleGirl: Thank you for the reassurance. It is amazing how much I take electricity for granted.
Apparently a woman almost fainted behind Obama today.
So what do we think will be the RWNJ meme based on this:
An early report, but I hope it’s true–some bravery from the kids at Sparks Middle School:
Pretty quiet for me today, calm before the storm.
Had to do a facepalm coming in the parking lot however because my loony co-worker had slapped a Ted Cruz for President sticker on her car. And can I tell you that Ms. Capitalist Society’s husband has a lovely state job and she enjoys those health benefits?
Keith P.
@Rosalita: Are you sure it wasn’t Ted Cruz running around town slapping Ted Cruz for President stickers on people’s cars?
If no one is opening and closing the fridge doors, you can save your food for a while. Check the temps once your power is back on.
You’ll be eating well this week! Maybe a little more at meals than you’d planned.
Maybe you and your apartment mates can have a block party in the parking lot with all kindsa “have to cook it now” food.
(Hope you have a gas stove.)
The Old Dark House is a good choice. It’s pretty much a hoot.
Or maybe (might just sneak in under the date wire) The Black Cat.
Karloff: “The phone is dead. (pause) Even the phone is dead.”
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: VICTORY! UNLIMITED MONEY!
@GregB: Awesome.
Oooh, I forgot about The Black Cat. It definitely falls within the period both thematically and time-wise. Plus that scene of Karloff being flayed alive freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid (and still does).
@The Red Pen: IBTZ = In before the Zot. Love it. Love zottings.
I’m shocked that post remains as well, as it touches upon THE real secret of Freep: That it’s a Palin-esque grift on deeply stupid people.
@Keith P.:
yeah, I’m sure. Everyone snickers behind her back.
First full week of unemployment (no pity for me…I’m Canadian = health care continues, and government = healthy severance), and after reassuring my ex-boss I don’t hate him (“it’s the Corporation, not you…you couldn’t have eliminated 55 people on your own”) I’m contemplating whether to take a walk in the S N O W (melting already, thank the gods), go for a self-pity hot dog at Costco, or watch the Danish version of “The Killing”.
Bob In Portland
Well, my life is pretty quiet. When my lady gets home from the dentist she’s headed off to be a doula. I talked with the soon-to-be mom and she sounded nervous. First birth, you know. So I’ll probably be working on music this afternoon, put out the trash for tomorrow, maybe watch the NY Jints take it on the chin again. It’s another beautiful day here in Portland. This is usually the time of year when we get to test out our rain gear but we’re in the middle of a two-week sunfest.
? Martin
@lamh36: Liberal plant to deflect the news from the failed Nobamacare. Which of course will be widely accepted even though the President called the presser to talk about ACA.
But Obama has failed us for not mentioning, after the woman fainted, that everyone needs some community help at some point, which proves he’s a right-wing capitalist that hates the gheys, because McClurkin.
Rotten Monday.
Glad Monday only lasts 24 hours.
Well, I think this wins the early race for the title.
Its from the “Free Beacon” , whatever the hell that is, and the title is all I’d ever read of it, before rolling my eyes so hard they practically stuck, and clicking away. Christ, these people.
Another possibility which just occurred to me is the sound version of The Green Goddess.
Laughably dated and contrived, but George Arliss exudes so much presence and charisma (and is obviously relishing chewing the scenery so much) that one can’t take one’s eyes off him.
Anybody else see the Vita-Mix blender article at Salon? Scary confirmation of McMegan’s judgement. [Vita-Mix blender is incredibly good.]
I just noted that hearing earmuffs are needed when it runs. I use them for my (non-VitaMix) when it is crushing ice. Too bloody loud.
Bubblegum Tate
Or, as I observed a wingnut saying about that ovation: “If you fight, you win.”
What, exactly, Cruz “won” is unclear at this point, but he can count on applause from a small cadre of teabaggers while the rest of the country hates him. Victory!
@Elizabelle: We have an electric stove, of course!
Here is a first world problem: Sitting at Starbucks is starting to make me antsy. Fortunately, I work on Eastern time (I’m in Colorado) so my work day starts at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 2:15. One hour and 15 minutes to go and I can go home and sit in the quiet semi-darkness.
Hill Dweller
Today’s moment in Village stupidity is brought to you by Chris Cillizza:
Roger Moore
@Bubblegum Tate:
He won the plaudits of teabagger types, which presumably puts him ahead in the race for the 2016 nomination. He also won a whole bunch of donations to his campaign warchest. That’s what he was after, not any kind of policy victory or political win for the Republican party as a whole.
@The Red Pen:
Wow, one of the comments in that thread,
“We are all guilty of trying to “perfume a pig” with Romney.”
They really , really liked Romney, didn’t they?
Bubblegum Tate
The Vitamix is indeed pretty awesome. I can’t imagine I ever would’ve bought one because of the price tag (we put one on our wedding registry as a lark, thinking nobody would actually buy it, but somebody actually did), but I’m happy to have one.
Hill Dweller
The GOP asked former fugitive John McAfee to help fix the Obamacare website.
It’s also nice to be seeing Bela Lugosi playing a good guy for once.
Dealing with another (set reverb to 11) Crisis in MARKETING!
(Cue: sirens, flashing lights, alien invaders from Mars and … SHARKNADO!!1!!!!11!!)
Fortunately I’m a bystander. So I’m sending the same “I Told You So” email to everybody. With a good ol’ neener-neerer as subtext.
@The Red Pen:
If the establishment decides that Cruz is the next McCarthy (dangerous and out of control) and decide to bury him, or at least keep him out of the White House, I expect all these issues to return with a vengeance, though. The birth certificate, the dad who fought for Castro… the insufficiently white background.
@schrodinger’s cat:
There was a great Captain America comic a few years ago that was a lot like this…
Karen in GA
@Jane2: Do all three. Which season of The Killing are you watching — first, second or third?
@Roger Moore:
When fascism comes to America, it will be claiming that the Untermenschen are the real fascists.
@Bubblegum Tate: My bad! McMegan went for the Thermomix, which is over $1500, not the mere $500 of the VitaMix.
@Hill Dweller: I am wondering how the GOP will be able to claim they sabotaged the Website, AND get covered in glory for doing so.
I know there would be some randian dying to claim that scalp.
Oh great, so now all the media will talking about the Prez’s Obamacare speech is the woman fainting behind him. And of course all the wingnut’s will be insisting it was all staged.
Oh fuck. That is painful. “nearly kills an innocent woman.” I almost puked. Thanks for making me depressed.
@JCJ: I know. Though it is so far over the top insane, I can’t help but laugh. Again, I didn’t read beyond the title; really, you don’t have to, just make it up. Anyone with half a brain can come up with something more “logical” in 30 seconds or less.
Plus, if a speech could truly “almost kill” someone, thousands & thousands would be dead after listening to Duh-bya. That was physically painful, and lowered IQ.
Chuck Toddler is now an IT expert, according to LGF:
@ranchandsyrup: I read that, and just started to sob. I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up with this, honestly. My childhood was so flipping blessed.
@Bubblegum Tate:
Tactics! Strategery!
Shut down all the service academies NAO! Just put banners up with that on ’em.
Hill Dweller
The Village will never give Obama a fair shake. They hate him and his staff(not exaggerating), and it colors everything they say and do. The disdain is really evident on something like twitter, where they let their guard down a bit.
Juxtapose the Village’s reaction to the Obamacare website issues and their desperate attempts to rationalize the Republicans’ shutdown. They’re sociopaths who care more about cocktails party invitations.
Since this is very much a pet-friendly community, I wanted to check and see if anyone knew of someone missing an elderly Persian female kitty. I found her outside my home in the DC suburbs yesterday, and my vet said that her microchip info was (a) out of date, with the phone number out of service and (b) originally from New Jersey. As of right now she’s headed for the local animal shelter, and we all know that isn’t the best place for her to be going.
Here’s my Craigslist posting.
@Hill Dweller: The news media is trying to contact her as I type. (good guess anyway) What morning show will she appear on?
NO NO NO. I have been so busy that I hadn’t checked or heard any news today. How much more heartbreak and trauma do we need to endure before we can get some sensible gun control?? My heart goes out to the students, teachers, family, and community.
Ash Can
@cckids: I moused over your link and it showed the headline. It made me laugh; it was perfectly Onion-esque. I figure that if these people are going to be terminally stupid, the least they can do is to be entertaining in the process.
@jenn: At least this is good news
from the nytimes
@Karen in GA: First…I watched the US series (too bad it only found its stride in S3)…love the Danish one so far.
gogol's wife
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Southern Beale
Idiot wingtard over at my place trying to tell me it’s Obama’s fault the Obamacare rollout is failing in Red States even though it’s going really well in Blue States.
That, too. Hmm. I may be talking myself into this. :-)
@Mark S.: Yeah, sacrifice, literally, a human sacrifice of children:
Describes Bush, Jr’s attire perfectly. He wore expensive suits with expensive cowboy boots.
@Bubblegum Tate: Weaselly press! “organized by”. But not attended by, I bet. The paragraph is dishonestly written to claim that there were 750 Texas Republican Women giving that ovation. I bet only their name was used to brand the event, and if there were a picture, the 750 would be almost exclusively old white christian gun-carrying men.
Why is the bad person in me now assuming that Melvin Clark is African-American (or at least not 100 percent white)? Oh, yeah, because it seems like the only people who get prosecuted for negligence in these cases are non-white, while white people are usually assumed to have “suffered enough already.”
ETA: Ding ding ding.
Is Melvin a black man or white man?
Did you see this site?
Recovering from Hordetoberfest in NYC this past weekend, suffering a head cold and praying for a quick clear-up so I can get to work tomorrow.
Karen in GA
@Jane2: I’m a few episodes into the second, but I still can’t shake the portrayal of the parents’ grief from the first. Devastating.
Also, too, on a shallower note: Lars Mikkelsen. If Mads can be an international star, where is the breakout role that solidifies Lars’ international career? Hmmm? And his English is clearer! Goshdarnit, or something.
@Mnemosyne: Spiral Staircase! I love that movie and it always did what horror should do, leave me frightened.
Tom Servo
@The Red Pen: in his defense, he wasn’t a communist at the time. And Batista deserved to be overthrown.
Tom Servo
@ranchandsyrup: Look, I don’t want to be a dick and there are far more important things to focus on, but I’m really not a fan of that paternalism. For the safety of the girls? They’re all little kids! If a grown man wants to fulfill his gender role and protect women that’s one thing, but don’t be foisting that shit on children.
@Tom Servo: I understand your angle and respect it.
I went to high school in that community, my mom worked at the middle school and I have friends with kids in that school. I don’t mean this as an appeal to authority. But whether it was instinct, parenting or something else that caused those kids to react how they did, I’m proud of ’em. The instincts to be selfless and protect the “weaker” are a good thing to me. I certainly don’t think that gender predicts strong or weak, though.
Sparks is a pretty dismal place. For one thing, Turd Blossom Karl Rove grew up there. Another is that the old joke is, “Reno is so close to hell you can see Sparks”. And Reno is a hovel.
Tom Servo
@ranchandsyrup: ugh Rove. Well, my state of birth, which I’ve since abandoned (Florida) produces plenty of zeroes.
I hesitated to even bring that up, and in a situation like that you can’t blame anyone. I was raised very conservative (a very liberal college washed that right the eff out to my parents’ chagrin). I hope I would do the same for my wife and daughter (although I would certainly do the same if they were my husband and son, respectively).
You know I’m sorry I even brought it up. I’m in one of “those” moods you know (long day, sick, I had a fairly important meeting scheduled with someone who blew it off). I worked for a little bit after college for nonprofits doing work on feminist issues like reproductive rights and equal pay and whatnot. And part of the outreach to recruit more guys to become that dirty word Feminist (shivers!) was to hammer home to the men that sexism and gender roles and our construction of masculinity and all that ALSO harm men! It still kind of rubs me the wrong way but it’s not something I want to perseverate on. Like I said, sorry. And thank you for such a measured and polite response! Humanity has hope yet!
Only been to Nevada once. You know the stereotypical Vegas vacation that guys (women too I guess) take to Vegas? Yeah, we went to Reno (a friend in grad school was from there). It was…interesting.
Though as someone who currently lives in Jersey and has been down to AC with the wife more times than he can count let me say this: Reno is a damn sight less depressing than Atlantic City. A blighted ocean town is so much more depressing. I think desert gives that type of setting a better vibe.
Is Reno a very religious place, by the way? I’ve wondered for years. A few of us had dinner with our Reno friend’s mother (exciting for a bunch of guys in their mid 20s right!) and she asked her son, audibly, at the table, “Are they Catholic?” I’ve never been more flabbergasted.
@Tom Servo: No worries, Tom. I get where you are coming from. Agree re: AC. Went there a couple of years ago and was shocked.
Reno isn’t overly religious, but it is very conservative. Only around 30% affiliate with a religion.
It is a 24 hour town but it is definitely NOT vegas. Steve Wynn spends a lot of time up in Lake Tahoe and he famously refuses to do any sort of cas1no development in Reno. Reno is also a very anti-union town, especially in the cas1nos. When Vegas moved toward getting families to visit and “capturing” all of their money, Reno’s big plans were busing retirees and such up from Sacramento, Oakland and the rest of the bay area.
There were some great things about growing up there. It’s a mid sized town with a small town vibe. Tahoe is super close. I came to absolutely love the desolation and beauty of the high desert. Great dirtbiking and mountain biking.
ooops I started talking about cas1nos and went to moderation…….
I should know better.
I’m trying to avoid other Pre-Code sites right now so I don’t look too derivative. I do love Self-Styled Siren (though she covers all of classic Hollywood, not just Pre-Code).