Sorry Elon.
Does anyone actually like Tim McCarver? Does anyone know anyone who likes Tim McCarver? Why does he have a job? Why must he ruin every World Series?
It’s been cold and wet and shitty all day today so I broke out the SAD light for a session and then made chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas, but even that and a bathrobe and two pets on my lap can’t get the cold out of my back or shoulder or knees. Grumble.
I’ve had that cold shiver since last night. Felt like shit all day, and there’s a big project going on at work with just one day to go, of course.
Which two pets?
Details, please.
Trader Hound on TCM tonight, from 11:43 p to midnight.
Dogs in costume, long before Wishbone.
Betty Cracker
Thank bloody god you posted a WS open thread. I was afraid it would fall to me to attempt it on this iPhone. I hate using an iPhone to post!
You didn’t use the chicken properly. You should have had some of Mama’s chicken and dumplings. I could have fixed you right up.
schrodinger's cat
You need blogger kitteh to chase the blues away. BTW how is Steve.
You didn’t say, but hope you’re using your SAD light first thing in the morning. It works better then, both to help you wake up and so as not to disrupt your circadian rhythms. (Said as a long-time SAD light user who built her first SAD light way back in the dark ages 25 years ago when they were absurdly expensive to buy.)
schrodinger's cat
I have sprained my neck and it hurts.
Baseball : Tim McCarver :: Football : Chris Berman
This should cheer you up: Earlier this year McCarver announced his retirement effective the end of this season.
@FlipYrWhig: Agreed, although Berman doing baseball is even worse than McCarver.
Washington Post.
I don’t hate McCarver as much as most people, but I don’t suppose that counts. It may be residual affection from his days as the person catcher of that nutcase Steve Carlton, who would be a moderate in the current House GOP. Joe Morgan didn’t bother me so much either, so maybe I just don’t expect much from baseball analysts. I can pretty much tell what’s going on without them anyway.
schrodinger's cat
NYT has a fluff piece about Cruz’s wife, another blond Republican wife. Do they have to be blond?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodinger’s cat: IIRC, Mark Sanford’s wife and mistress are both brunettes.
Speaking of blondes.. Tweety found his semi-regular nut today, he was all over this and other instances of the GOP disrespecting Obama, saying he believes Durbin
@schrodinger’s cat: I saw that. She mentioned that Cruz is on her plan and it doesn’t cost the government anything. I presume that means Goldman’s doesn’t deduct health care from their costs. If they do, who makes up the several thousand they save on their taxes?
This word ‘world’ that you use…
/Princess Bride
@schrodinger’s cat: Trophy wives are usually blonde, you know, the dumb blonde.
Felonius Monk
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yes, my dear. It is a law of the Republican universe that a trophy wife must be
@John Cole:
Um…who is Elon, and what the Hell have you done that you need to apologize? Hopefully nothing to do with interrupting one of your nude mopping sessions to answer the door.
@cathyx: She’s a vegan so that might cause some alarm among the tea party wackos.
Betty Cracker
I like Pedroia, but he looks foolish in that beard. He can shave it off after the Red Sox win the series.
Baldwin has Tweety on Friday night, that should be good.
Mike in NC
Jennifer Rubin’s latest column denounces JimBob DeMint for destroying her beloved Heritage Foundation and bringing down ruin on the GOP.
Love those circular firing squads.
schrodinger's cat
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And so was Laura Bush.
uhoh..nevermind.. over ruled
It’ll be rated S for sycophant.
Betty Cracker
Worst. Call. Ever.
Hillary Clinton was a blonde.
Hungry Joe
Nobody has ever been worse at baseball than Howard Cosell. I remember a Series game in the late ’70s; Yankees led the Dodgers, I don’t know, 4-0, 5-0, something like that, in the late innings. Cosell proclaimed, “The Dodgers have GOT to get on the board.”
Sound OFF, radio ON.
@schrodinger’s cat: If they don’t start blonde, I am sure there is a program to Stepfordize them.
@NotMax: I think Baldwin will go after him. They had a clip of him challenging Tweety on this St Ronnie shit.
@Betty Cracker: Even though it was over ruled, how could the ump even call that an out.
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: Jackie Kennedy wasn’t.
I liked McCarver 30 years ago, when he was teamed with Ralph Kiner for Mets games on the radio. This was immediately after his playing career, and he had interesting observations based on what a catcher learns about different pitchers and batters. But the more years he’s been away from playing the game, the less he knows and the more he says.
schrodinger's cat
@Gravenstone: Like Newt’s wife? Mrs Newt looked like a normal person before she married him.
Comrade Dread
Getting old sucks. I threw my middle back out today making breakfast. What the hell? Breakfast…
And yes, so does Tim McCarver
@efgoldman: I like the Atlanta crew these days. Sutton is really good.
On just his 3rd show? Doubt it. Expecting a fluffing fest.
Probably has already been taped, as Baldwin’s first show with DeBlasio was.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: I know! He was standing right there! I’m embarrassed for him!
@efgoldman: I hate very few people in sports. Hawk Harrelson is at the absolute top of my short list. I understand announcers tend to be homers, be he takes it to levels of absurdity.
I really don’t like either team, so I’m mostly skipping the World Series (total sports hate, not real hate). I despise the Cards and the whole “greatest fans in the world” stuff. And I have so much hate for the Red Sox that I can’t even put it into words… The pink hats, the start of the -Nation fan base shit. Thankfully basketball starts next week, though I am slightly worried about what will come of this season for the Lakers.
Vin scully got his break calling a football game while freezing his rear off at Fenway. Wish he could be doing this game there
Joshua Norton
can’t get the cold out of my back or shoulder or knees.
Get one of those Home Shopping electric fireplaces. They’re pet safe and flames look absolutely real. It ups the cozy factor by about 100%. I put one in my bedroom and really like it.
@raven: Always liked Steve Stone, before he jumped ship and moved to the White Sox broadcasts. Great insights into the game, especially from the pitching perspective.
@schrodinger’s cat: She looks like a robot these days. Her eyes are approaching La Bachmann territory and that hair–is it a helmet?
@Comrade Dread
If it’s any consolation, at least you were doing something.
Have thrown the ol’ back out by sneezing.
Hungry Joe
I hate/have always hated/will always hate the Dodgers, but you can never tell who’s winning from the tone of Vin Scully’s voice, or from anything that he says other than the score. I think his approach is that he’s a baseball announcer who every night just happens to be assigned a Dodger game.
Homers suck. All of them. By definition.
I can’t believe they overturned a call. I thought they never did that – Code of Powder Blue.
@gian: Vin has said that next year will be his last… bright side: one more season of Vin. dark side: only one more season of Vin. Hopefully the Bums can get to the Series next year so he can call one last one.
I was blessed growing up in Southern California, Chick Hearn and Vin Scully. Besides my parents, they probably had more to do with me being a sports fan than anyone else. Laker games haven’t been the same without Chick, and while Vin doesn’t do a lot of road games anymore, it’s going to be really weird without him for any games in two years…
Joshua Norton
Been there done that.
Nobody I know likes McCarver, and I spend a lot of time on a pretty large baseball site, where we discuss the games while we watch them.
I fixed my “cold bones” with CHELATED MAGNESIUM.
Do not get the other kind. It’s a laxative.
But chelated supplies what has been missing from our soils, and thus, our foods, since it got noticed in the 1930’s.. and has had nothing done about it.
@Betty Cracker:
Don Denkinger, 1985, Game 6.
wasabi gasp
I had a delicious buffet supper. Oh, yes I did!
You should’ve had some giblet gravy & sliced turkey, bro.
I like McCarver but only because I’m a Mets fan and I associate his voice with positive memories from the ’80s.
@WereBear: Thanks for the link. I’ve tried a variety of magnesium tablets, but can’t find anything that works. Everything causes intestinal distress.
@John Cole
Two words: slipper socks.
@Betty Cracker: Pedroia looks like a character from PLanet of the Apes, one of the chimps. Usually I think he has a rat-face.
@Hungry Joe: there are two times that I remember Vin getting really excited – Gibson’s home run and when Dennis Martinez threw a perfect game against the Dodgers. But really, what he’s said is that in a city like LA, with so many transplants, you are always going to have fans of the other team watching and it wouldn’t be fair to them.
I used to like him. But that was when he was a catcher. He was a pretty good catcher.
I have never liked him as an announcer.
I’m spared the horrors of Buck-McCarver, due to not having a TV. Baseball is really a great sport on the radio – you can pay attention to it while doing other things, and the announcers tend to stay on subject, rather talking about stupid McCarver stuff.
I think the cards read that the red Sox did shots in 2004… and decided to do more than 1
@gian: Scully is the bomb. I grew up in LA and remember listening to him on the radio on Saturday afternoons in the ’50s while Dad and I played with his radios.
Eh, Tim McCarver, while not at all a favorite of mine, doesn’t bother me as much as, say, Brent Musburger or Al Michaels doing football. And McCarver is actually fairly good at analyzing situations and predicting plays. He just sounds like a douche doing it. Here’s a bracing thought: just imagine if Jon Gruden did baseball . . .
Does a SAD light really help?
By the way, there are several sites where you can watch (unauthorized) streams of the MLB-produced international feed. Gary Thorne and Rick Sutcliffe are in the booth – big improvement over Buck/McCarver.
(and with Thorne I can still get my 80s Mets nostalgia)
@drkrick: As a kid growing up in Memphis, I idolized McCarver when he was at the Cardinals. That died completely the first time I saw him do a World Series. Haven’t been able to stand him since.
Cards well on their way to a game one meltdown. If only it comes to fruition.
the Conster
If singing Three Little Birds for Victorino isn’t one of the coolest fan things ever, then I don’t know what is.
Occasionally I’ve thought about watching the TV with the sound off and listening to my Sirius radio, but I’ve never gotten around to it. During the regular season Sirius does most, or maybe all, of the MLB games and utilizes the home team’s broadcast. Those are sometimes fun to listen to.
Someone needs to explain to me why the pop up to Wainwright’s feet that dropped was not scored an error. How in hell is that a “hit”?
@efgoldman: Sadly, I don’t get Joe and Dave for the WS, but the ESPN guys are pretty good.
How close was that Ortiz shot to being a home run? Sounded real close.
It really helps me. I keep it at my work desk and use it every morning. I also use a dawn simulator that slowly brightens my room just before I need to wake up during the winter. Also find it a big help.
There’s been some confusion on this. There is time for enrollment until march 31 so people will have until then. Made no sense to have one deadline for the fine earlier than the deadline for enrollment. They are just lining everything up.
@Redshirt: Beltran was fully extended to reach it. He also slammed the wall rather hard and spent the rest of the half inning feeling his ribs and working his shoulder. Wouldn’t surprise me if he leaves the game early if all that stiffens up in the cold.
Anne Laurie
@Mike in NC:
I actually thought about frontpaging her little hissy-fit, but I could bear to give her any clicks!
@Omnes Omnibus: So the point about the hair color of the first ladies is stupid.
@Anne Laurie: Put up a Bilmon tweet about it! :)
@Gravenstone: Thanks. Sounds like they just pulled Beltran.
schrodinger's cat
@cathyx: Was not making a point about First Ladies at all. Just that the wives of Republican politicians cultivate a certain look and blonde hair seems to be a part of the uniform, more often than not. Cruz’s wife reminded me of Paul Ryan’s wife.
Eric S.
If I didn’t have a kitteh on my lap I’d be drinking heavily after all the Cardinals stupid errors. WTF
@opiejeanne: The city of Seattle has disappeared. I’m 20 stories up and the fog has gotten so dense the ferries are having to honk their positions because there is zero visibility. The boat riders might get to go home early. Lucky stiffs.
@schrodinger’s cat: Most caucasian people are either blonde or brunette. Very few are red head or other. And as a woman gets older, which is most politician’s wives, they color their hair, and it can change from month to month.
Okay, you guys have sensitized me to Tim McCarver, and now he’s getting on my nerves. Just listened to his detailed technical analysis of how banging into the outfield wall gives you an owie. Thanks a lot.
Spot on!
@Steeplejack: It can’t be worse than the toenail fungus add on this site.
@Steeplejack: I would argue that exposure to McCarver is a sensitizer in its own right.
schrodinger's cat
@cathyx: Condescending much?
Adblock Plus! As you’ve been told before.
I thought I was immune!
@schrodinger’s cat: What’s condescending about what I wrote?
@cathyx: and myself are/were blonde, from families with a smattering of redheads and our offspring is Odds are against (recessive gene) but there ya go. IIRC they’re circa 1.5% of the world’s population. Nevertheless, half of them dye/bleach their hair to something else. What’s amusing is the women who gasp at the very sight of a headfull of red, curly hair.
Her infant photos are a dead ringer for my mom’s, so I can’t leverage any accusations out of this peculiarity.
schrodinger's cat
@cathyx: I have eyes and I don’t need you tell me about different hair colors.
Anne Laurie
Also, for us paleskins who color our hair, the older we get the ‘paler’ we need our hair to be. Over the thirty years since my first grey hairs came in my mid-twenties, I’ve downshifted from my inborn “medium auburn” down to “strawberry blond”. Even women who start out with very dark natural hair may end up as blonds, just so their age-bleached skin tones won’t look so garish — the Morticia Addams effect.
@Anne Laurie: Bohdi was pure white when he was young, he’s yaller now.
@schrodinger’s cat: That’s not a hair-do, it’s a helmet that gets sculpted onto her head every morning.
@Anne Laurie: So therefore, that explains why most politician’s wives are blonde.
@Mike in NC:
Jennifer Rubin’s latest column denounces JimBob DeMint for destroying her beloved Heritage Foundation and bringing down ruin on the GOP.
This makes me happy.
@Steeplejack: My prefered method of watching baseball. Except, without Ernie Harwell, I mostly just listen to music when I put on the game.
schrodinger's cat
@PurpleGirl: Must need a whole can of hair spray to create that hair helmet.
Judge Crater
McCarver is awful. Always has been. Somebody commented recently that “If you ask him the time, he’ll tell you how a watch works.” Perfect. He’s pathologically verbose and always sounds like he’s lecturing on quantum mechanics, not baseball.
He really takes the fun and spontaneity out of the game. Just listening to him now is depressing.
Anne Laurie
@raven: Hah! My next brother was born with tons of pure-silver hair; it turned gold by the time he was a toddler, and eventually darkened through ginger to auburn as he reached adulthood.
Both my parents were ‘black Irish’ , with really dark chestnut hair; Dad had green-blue eyes and Mom’s were siamese-cat blue. They ended up producing two redheads, one medium chestnut, and three ash blondes/light brown kids. I got Dad’s eyes, three of us got Mom’s pure blue, and two (the identical twins) have grey-green eyes. Mongrel genetics, we haz them…
@trollhattan: I read an article awhile back that redheads are in danger of becoming genetically extinct. I think that shan’t be true as long as there’s an Ireland or a Scotland even though red hair is a double recessive.
Quiz: Whose rights were being protected/violated in this event?
Comrade Jake
I’m watching, but the set is muted. I have ESPN radio on for commentary. Even with a delay they’re a million times better than the clown show that is Buck and McCarver.
@Anne Laurie: Well Bohdi’s DNA test said he was samoyed and siberian husky so he has that goin for him!
@Comrade Jake: I have the PIP on, Rachel on the little with audio and the game on the big.
schrodinger's cat
@cathyx: Sorry, I was extra testy, this is a really stupid topic to debate over. Must be my neck.
@schrodinger’s cat: “his is a really stupid topic to debate over”
And that is different than a normal evening here how?
Wally Ballou
@Redshirt: Hershiser took a while to grow on me, but I’ve actually come to like him a great deal as an analyst. And he and Shulman are much, much easier to listen to when John Kruk isn’t with them.
Main problem with ESPN Radio is having to hear the insufferable Colin Cowherd every commercial break. Oh, and that damn Barbasol jingle.
@Wally Ballou: LOL. I’m so glad to have new commercials! It’s all Mike & Mike, nearly all the time! I’ve listened to the WEEI commercials for 7 months now. I’m so sick of them…. I’ve memorized them all… Help me…
@opiejeanne: I call him “ferret face”. Jaysus,World Series with an asshole team growing beards , another team I could care less about and Tim McCarver. Thank god for football.
Betty Cracker
@Judge Crater:
“If you ask him the time, he’ll tell you how a watch works.”
That is perfect!
Can’t stand either of these teams. Hate the Cardinals because I’m a Cubs fan (it tears me up inside that I share this trait with George effing Will), and hate the Red Sox because they, and a certain contingent of their fans (present company excluded, of course) quickly became insufferable after finally breaking their dry spell. Gooooo injuries!
Comrade Jake
@LAC: thank god for football? Have you seen League of Denial?
Let us see this vaunted bullpen!
S. cerevisiae
Buck and McCarver are equally bad IMO.
As for good I like Bert Blyleven on the Twins FSN broadcast, even though they suck donkey balls right now.
The prophet Nostradumbass
Was there a rain delay or something? It’s only in the sixth inning.
As for announcers, my personal favorite was the late Bill King of the A’s. Ray Fosse, on the other hand…
Also, agree with others about McCarver, and in particular Harrelson, who’s really, really godawful.
Comrade Jake
@S. cerevisiae: but don’t call them Twinkies!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I didn’t mind that game. At all.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Well, one dislikes the Vikings and one has some residual pissedoffedness at the Giants from past years.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: All Red Sox games are 3-5 hours long.
I hate the post-9/11 ritual of “God Bless America” in the seventh-inning stretch. And Sarge was trying to break Bleeding Gums Murphy’s record for the national anthem.
S. cerevisiae
@efgoldman: Thank god for hockey. Go Wild and Go Bulldogs!
hells littlest angel
I loathe baseball (and all sports) but Tim McCarver has such a good time talking about it, he almost redeems it. Nice voice, cheery demeanor, what’s not to like?
How about replacing God Bless America with this song?
@efgoldman: Recalibrate to troll, then do another phase sweep.
hells littlest angel
@efgoldman: I’m afraid I was being completely sincere. To me, he just seems like a Mr Rogers for adults (which is a good thing).
I liked the way this series began. Sox in 4!
@Judge Crater:
Or “No. 9 Dream.” I’d love to hear that at a ball park as a crowd sing-along!
“Somebody called out my name . . .” Crowd: “John!” [1:30 in the clip]
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: @hilts: Or this.
That’s one of my favorite Lennon songs.
@opiejeanne: I guess I don’t know too ,any people here. I actually lile McCarver Nd I think Fox’s baseball coverage will be the poorer for his retirement next season. Unlike most announcers he seems to actually give a shit about the game he’s watching.
Me, too. Always really hits me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I admire the message of that song, but the song itself leaves me cold.
Missouri Buckeye
Has anyone commented on the offensiveness of a member of the US Military, inn uniforming, singing a religious song at a supposedly secular event?
I realize I’m typing to a cold, dead thread, but back in the late ’80s, Jim Kaat worked as a color guy for the Twins, and he was great. He went for the money and wound up with the Yankees, though.