ya know what, I haven’t been trick or treatin’ in decades, even when I did, I was never one for TP-ing someone’s house, but ya know what I hope they use rolls and rolls of TP for this BS.
Bet Lou’s voice was already lower than that when he was five.
I dunno man. That one seems right up there with “You gotta purdy mouth”
@lamh36: I’m sorry. What credentials did she say she has in order to judge whether or not a child is “moderately” obese? I don’t think they award them for being an uptight busybody. I would love to see the letter from a parent who writes her back.
Besides, if she’s so concerned about children’s health, why not hand out healthy treats? She could even include a note saying she wants to promote healthy eating habits.
ya know what, I haven’t been trick or treatin’ in decades, even when I did, I was never one for TP-ing someone’s house, but ya know what I hope they use rolls and rolls of TP for this BS.
Woman says she’s giving fat trick-or-treaters a letter, not candy
That’s not Lou Reed, is it?
Betty Cracker
Whoops, I squashed your thread. I SWAYER I didn’t see it! Oh well, serves you right for giving me that foul falsetto earworm. Bastid!
Ah, Leo Sayer. That song reminds me of when I was in high school in the late 70s. Yuck.
I vote they skip the TP and commence with poo-flinging.
Bet Lou’s voice was already lower than that when he was five.
I dunno man. That one seems right up there with “You gotta purdy mouth”
@lamh36: I’m sorry. What credentials did she say she has in order to judge whether or not a child is “moderately” obese? I don’t think they award them for being an uptight busybody. I would love to see the letter from a parent who writes her back.
Besides, if she’s so concerned about children’s health, why not hand out healthy treats? She could even include a note saying she wants to promote healthy eating habits.
We needs a WS thread. Or is this it?
@lamh36: Can women be dicks? I think this woman is a dick.
you sure do got a pretty mouf
ETA: damn. beaten to it by khead.
and for the two most disturbing things about Deliverance:
they used real georgians.
the movie is shown as a documentary in georgia schools.