I just got this email from Twitter:
from: Twitter
date: Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 12:41 PM
subject: Ron Fournier retweeted a tweet from Joe Scarborough on Twitter!
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by DougJ| 30 Comments
This post is in: We Are All Mayans Now
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David Koch
Woo Hoo!
MSNBC won D.C. The place Obummer won with 93% of the vote.
What a surprisE!
Can’t wait for the triumphant tweet informing us MSNBC won more deep blue areas like Berkeley and Vermont.
As Fournier would say, “that’s not leading. How is mourning blow doing in real America”.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
Don’t have a TV. Is Morning Joe still duking it out with Power Rangers reruns and the Farm Report?
pseudonymous in nc
“morning cable news show in DC in the demo” is a lot of qualifiers. (And that’s out of 121,000 total viewers in the demo.) What it means, I suppose, is that it beat Fox and Fuckwits because Fox News’s DC audience is made up of the nearly-dead, GOP politicians and the poor fucker at Media Matters who’s paid to watch it.
Two bald men fighting over a comb.
well after all, it’s the go to show for the courtier class…. the other shows are catered to the peasants…..
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
I only watch Morning Joe to see if he’ll slip up and murder a staffer live on air.
Stan Gable
@pseudonymous in nc:
Reminds me of this from the marginal Mr. Baseball movie:
? Martin
It’s the #1 morning cable news show at Raven’s house.
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
Let’s talk after Joe and NewsBarbie take on Honey Boo Boo in a head-to-head.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@David Koch:
MSNBC sucks as much as FOX news.
Fuck all mainstream media.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): I wouldn’t go that far, but Morning Joe (and Politico) are I think worse than Fox because they wear the Centrist mask and (I think) have an outsized influence with Democrats of the Claire McCaskill variety
I’m so glad this is back in the news. Funniest part of the 2012 campaign:
He had a source! It was funnier when I thought he made it up.
David Koch
it really is pathetic.
you don’t see Rachel shouting out that she sweep some deep blue urban demo.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This. I despise them for that very reason. I don’t despise FOX. I don’t like it and I wish it wasn’t a part of our media or politics but I don’t care enough about the rubes who watch it to despise them. I despise Cuppa Joe and POLITIHO because they are much more pernicious. Plus dead staffers put me off.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: Did Willard usurp the Huntsmans’ claim on the Mormon White Horse thing?
since “MOrning Joe” is the topic, political gossip seems like a theme
I hate me some Mary Matalin, the Bellatrix Lestrange to Cheney’s Voldemort,
Kill all the MSM’S.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Ugh. I had to stop reading there. I can’t get sucked into those two. Four. Those four.
Is Huntsman a Mormon too? I love the idea of all the Mormon men talking about Mitt Romney’s taxes behind his back. Also, I think we should always encourage and reward Harry Reid’s natural mean streak.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Why, just to prove he’s still got it all these years after leaving Congress?
I’m waiting for my man
Got 26 dollars in my hand
@Kay: I was fairly sure he DID have a source. Harry plays hard-ball for sure but I didn’t think he’d be out on that limb with a saw in his hand. He’s just got a great poker face.
Moderation? How come?
Omnes Omnibus
@leeleeFL: Card game.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Kay: Hmm I recall they said Huntsman was Reid’s source during the election.
Pardon me, but what’s so bad about Nicole Wallace?
What little I know about her is gleaned from Game Change. Is she that bad for having worked in the McCain campaign?
@Kay: it already came out that Republicans were asking “who showed Reid those tax returns,” indirectly confirming it months ago
morning joe
they had the chance to hire ms. miller, but she was too out there, so joe and his villager buddies is it.
morning joe
they had the chance to hire ms. miller, but she was too out there, so joe and his villager buddies is it.
Yeah, and this morning Joe Scar was still thumping the Benghazi drum.
What a maroon!
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: That’s nasty. I love it.
“…..Washington press corps in the dark.”
I suppose that’s news.