Kids in my neighborhood know they get no candy unless they lead.
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) October 31, 2013
Reader R sends in this gem from Ron Fournier. Funny guy.
Another reader sent me this item about the NRC banning a couple of operators from the nuclear industry. It reads like a movie plot:
The NRC investigated the incident in which senior reactor operator Michael J. Buhrman, planned to rob an armored car and recruited the assistance of another senior reactor operator, Landon E. Brittain. The plan was not carried out. However, Buhrman was apprehended for aggravated vehicular carjacking and fled the country after being released on bail. He was tried and sentenced in absentia. Brittain has a number of criminal charges pending against him.
The NRC concluded that Buhrman’s and Brittain’s actions while offsite demonstrated they could not be relied upon to adhere to NRC requirements to protect plant and public safety. In addition, Dresden personnel who knew about Buhrman’s plan to commit an offsite crime failed to report the situation to plant management, which is an NRC requirement for workers who have unescorted access to the plant.
Sounds like some other plant employees are also in trouble for not reporting this crazy scheme.
Here’s an open thread.
Xecky Gilchrist
Kids in my neighborhood know they get no candy unless they lead.
WTF does that mean, anyway?
David Koch
The parody accounts are getting to him.
Never let them see you sweat, Ron.
David Koch
@Xecky Gilchrist: There’s a parody account that has made a mockery and fool out of him. So he’s desperately trying to inoculate himself.
@Xecky Gilchrist: My very words.
TP his house.
ETA: You don’t want candy from Ron Fournier. You don’t know where it’s been.
schrodinger's cat
Halloween Kitteh’s PSA on the behalf of all kittehs and goggies.
Those dudes make Homer Simpson seem even more lazy.
I don’t like Fournier as a pundit, but I had no idea he was a pedophile.
@David Koch:
Linky, please?
Hill Dweller
The Twitter machine is telling me the White House has brought in Google, Oracle, and Red Hat ‘experts’ to help with the Obamacare website.
David Weigel did an interview with the guy who runs the parody site in the last, say, week. You can find a long thing on it over there.
David Koch
Gay Rights:
The non-discrimination act against gays is coming up for a vote.
55 of 55 Democrats are for it.
4 of 45 Repukes are for it.
Marvericky moderater McGramps is calling it “forced busing”.
100% of one conference is against discrimination. 92% of the other conference is for discrimination.
Can the Dude-Bro/Emo-Prog axis tell me how there’s no difference btwn Democrats and Repuks and how Obummer is worst than Bush?
@Hill Dweller: Heck, they should be insourcing this shit. NSA knows all.
David Koch
A Perfect Twitter Parody of Terrible Political Punditry
Xecky Gilchrist
@Napoleon: Aha, is it this?
“Doing so has been popular enough for @TheFixPoints to launch a partner account, @Ron_Fournimeh, which envisions the former AP correspondent and current National Journal pundit into a scold whose answer to literally every problem is for someone to lead.”
ETA: David Koch beat me to it by seconds. Pardon.
@David Koch: Yeah but he failed a website, ergo, worse than Bush.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You just know that fucker gives out raisins, or little toothbrush/paste kits
Jim C
I bet I’d get some candy from Ron Fournier if I came to his door dressed up as the Glengarry leads.
Fornier could be fat shaming kids in his neighborhood, so it could be worse
It continues:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Plus his business card.
Just to note, in Toronto the conservative mayor has been officially caught on video smoking crack. The police have the tape and they’ve arrested an associate of Ford for extortion.
Omnes Omnibus
@Hal: You know that house is going to get egged.
I’ve been going on for weeks about candy corn, and finally decided to completely ruin my health by getting a bag, and guess what? No one in my part of Quebecistan knows what the hell candy corn is. How did I miss this?
@David Koch:
Thank you. Did find that one. So a parodist started with Chris Cilizza. Ewww.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s protein.
Chyron HR
Bush famously lied about something or other, I forget the specifics. Obama lied about getting to keep your health insurance plan. EQUIVALENCE ACHIEVED.
Roger Moore
OTOH, they’re making Homer look responsible in comparison, which is no mean feat.
I was hoping for some like the samples from his mailbag that Kos did every weekend. Those were illuminating. For some horribly disgusting value of illuminating.
@Elizabelle: I went and looked, and am pretty glad I did not really understand he references.
@Roger Moore: You say potato…..
Camp Clinton doesn’t know WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!
In the Clintons’ talk of brokering compromise, an implicit rebuke of Obama years
By Philip Rucker, Thursday, October 31, 11:35 AM
NORFOLK — In recent stump speeches and policy remarks, Bill and Hillary Clinton have offered sharp criticisms of the partisan gridlock paralyzing Washington, signaling a potential 2016 campaign theme if Hillary Clinton chooses to run for president.
The Clintons’ critiques in recent days have been explicitly aimed at congressional Republicans, who helped spur a 16-day government shutdown and potential debt default in October. But their remarks also seem to contain an implicit rebuke of President Obama’s failure to change Washington as he pledged when first running for the White House.
@Hal: I would never ever put it in a note, or say it to a parent, but unfortunately she does have a point. Sugar is poison, people. Don’t feed it to your kids.
Sweet. These guys would TOTALLY not screw up on the job while planning their caper. (Does anybody planning a caper, call it their “caper”?)
My go-to place for power plant stories to keep me awake nights is here. See “Fission Stories” and prepare to shudder often.
Omnes Omnibus
@sparrow: What do you give out on Halloween?
I really need to stop watching Andrea Mitchell. Today it was all about Obama’s low poll numbers in that NBC/WSJ poll and how that could effect the midterms for dems. Barely a mention that basically all of Washington is unpopular or that Republicans are the least popular. Midterms are a year away. Republicans and the tea party are in the toilet, but lets call the whole thing off shall we? I wonder what the narrative will be next week if the cooch goes down in Virginia?
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
Candy corn? Amazon is your friend.
I think it’s street slang for “are made of lead.” To show, you know, he’s DOWN.
@David Koch: This is the real Fournier?! I just assumed this must have been the parody account.
@David Koch: Pfeh. This is mere gonadal identity politics. If gay people really cared about freedom, they would gladly sacrifice the privilege of not getting discriminated against to ensure the right of anybody who’s not an alleged liquor store thief to be safe the dronez.
Omnes Omnibus
Pulling a job.
Roger Moore
Because the right wing would never flip out and behave badly with Clinton in the White House.
Just not important, those pesky “other numbers.” But, she could certainly inform us with some specificity how well hubby’s book is selling.
OK – I read and re-read that entire piece. Nowhere did I see ANY example of where either Clinton were rebuking Obama.
Another piece of failed journalism? BTW – she better not rebuke Obama if she wants to win in 2016.
Omnes Omnibus
@Roger Moore: Late 1991 through 2000 was a period marked by great comity and a lack of right wing animus.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: Surprise, surprise, it’s Bubba. Chelsea really needs to sit him down.
@catclub: Josh Marshall published a thoughtful LTE he got yesterday
Hill Dweller
@Hal: Chuck Todd is in charge of their polling…
Also, too, the internals of that poll, which are weighted heavily white and male, should result in Republican friendly numbers. But the Republicans’ numbers are horrendous. That should be the lead, but Even The Liberal MSNBC ain’t going to bat for the Kenyan socialist.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also, too, LA Times piece de-bunking Maria Bartiromo’s “Victim of Obamacare” hit piece. For your Republican uncles, in-laws, and Facebook acquaintances.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Word salad. Iceberg lettuce and unripe tomato in a bad diner level word salad.
” TP his house. ”
Now, that would be bold leadership. Fournier would approve, I’m sure, and give out an extra bag of sugar to the ringleader.
Keith G
A. “The Cooch” is going down
B. Obama’s numbers have slipped so it’s a story.
The good news is that Presidents have ways to influence opinion, so Obama can help himself with those numbers if he chooses to put in the time.
@rikyrah: “implicit rebuke of President Obama’s failure to change Washington”
Well, in the eyes of the reporter, but not so much in what the Clinton’s had to say.
We have a winner. Surely a respected elder statesmen that the Village admires would never criticize his erstwhile loyal opposition without also adding that both sides do it. Expect to see them say the same thing about Obama during the next Democratic administration. The scary part is, like the Republicans, they’ve started believing their own propaganda.
@Hill Dweller: I’ve lost track. Which corporation owns even the liberal MSNBC these days?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A great benefit of both parents being only children – no crazy Uncles!
Plus, ( knock wood) my entire family has no political divide. Of course, all living hundreds of miles apart helps.
The Alamo was declared a UNESCO world heritage site. So Texas teabaggers are worried about black helicopters taking over the place.
I thought the Alamo was near San Antonio, in south Texas, which has purplish tinges. Do TX teabaggers really consider that part of real Texas? I did not know that.
Texas To Tea Party: No, The Alamo Won’t Fall Under U.N. Control
Hill Dweller
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Even my mom didn’t give out toothbrush/toothpaste, and she was a dental hygienist for the public health department.
Yanno, if you’re so worried about it, don’t hand out candy. You can get Halloween tattoos or other little toys and hand those out instead and most kids will be just as happy.
@Mnemosyne: Or turn off the lights and hide.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate (Crystal Set): Cruel! I was allllll set for today. Buying it online takes the spontaneous combustion aspect out of the experience….which means it’s likely I won’t bother. Just complain. Hey, facebook…
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Not clicking through, but I’d wager that’s a bullshit spin Re. Obama.
Mike in NC
Dancin’ Dave Gregory will have an EXCLUSIVE interview with somebody named Mitt Romney on his Sunday chat show. Perhaps the entire subject of health care will be studiously ignored.
? Martin
Any scenario that results in pointless, personal self destruction in the hope it will serve as a rallying cry for others to join a cause is going to be held in very high regard with Texan teabaggers.
@jl: The Alamo is in downtown San Antonio, near several major thoroughfares. It’s a lot smaller in person than in the wingnut legend. But it’s square in the city.
Tom Q
@Hal: First off, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to avoid Andrea Mitchell. I sometimes watch Alex Wagner’s show, but have the remote at the ready when 1PM approaches.
Second: the numbers in that poll were so atypically bad for all Dems (Hillary’s approvals, for no reason explained, took a sharp dive, as well) that I’d wait for another poll or two to confirm some massive downward spike before I took this for anything but an outlier.
@Hill Dweller: Comcast… Comcast… Now where did I just hear that name?
@David Koch: Forced busing? Is that what all the kids are calling it these days? We used to call it sex.
Public restroom hook-up code.
@Ramalama: You could run to the nearest Target store and get Candy Corn Oreo cookies…
I’m taking the ‘hiding with the lights off’ route tonight. I didn’t want to buy candy this year. I wind up eating too much of it.
Lewis Black on Candy Corn
A classic.
Very light Halloweening in our neighborhood. Light rain started at 6:50 p.
We’s going to have too much candy left. And it’s chocolate stuff that I like.
Just had a Game of Thrones little girl by. Without a dire wolf.
It would seem to be easier to give up Andrea Mitchell than any other substance on the planet.
I just imagine her with, um, unmentionable stuff running out of her mouth, from giving the conventional wisdom a good long … um, pet.
@Hal: I saw this. Leader for the Worst Person in the World for the day. Also, too, #1 way I’ve seen yet to get your house egged & your car keyed.
Lurking Canadian
@sparrow: if consumed in sufficient quantity, water is poison.
Too much sugar is not good for anybody. A tiny KitKat every now and then only hurts the allergic.
Just Some Fuckhead
I live in a VERY red area so I always use Halloween as an opportunity to teach the children about their ideology. When they come to the door and ask for candy, I hold it out of their reach and then quickly stuff as much candy as I can into my mouth. When I’m done eating, I tell them they can fight each other for any candy that fell on the ground while was gorging myself. Then I send them on their way with a hearty “That’s Supply Side Economics, kids! Tell your friends how much I love candy!”
If you’re not going to have the dire wolf, why bother?
Also, I don’t get dressing kids up as characters from shows that, please god, they haven’t seen. Like GOT, or Ledger’s Joker character on a 4 year old.
I’m very afraid we may get some toddler Kaleesi’s stopping by tonight. Sigh.
It’s usually because the parents think it’s funny. The good thing is, they can only do it for a few years before the kid rebels and decides s/he wants to be a princess/superhero in a store-bought costume like all their friends.
I think Sarah’s about nine. And it was a homemade GOT costume.
Really sweet kid.
I am surprised by how many neighborhood kids are wearing really imaginative homemade costumes.
Just had a zombie bride by, with her little dog (which I petsit) by in a Halloween ruff.
A Humble Lurker
Well somebody’s house got egged.
@gbear: Target hasn’t really taken off in Quebec yet though it will. Funny thing: Target in Quebec is pronounced TARGETT because it’s an American store. When I lived in Colorado for a spell every sentient being called it Tar-jhey.
Also too: very difficult to find graham crackers in these here parts. Teddy Grahams, or those Pepperidge Farm fish graham crackers, rare. I think because it’s just so Anglophile and this province elected a separatist Quebecoise leader.
@Lurking Canadian: Did you know Kit Kats in Canada come from England whereas Kit Kats in the US are made … not in England?
The quality of the chocolate is better in the English / Canadian Kit Kats.
My family in the midWest called Bullshit on me, but I made them compare and contrast and they came round to my way of thinking.
Candy is for closers!