Florida is trailing Vandy at the end of the first quarter. Makes me feel like a kid again — last time the ‘Dores beat the Gators, I was an addled, tipsy student stumbling around the streets of Gainesville. We had Emmitt Smith back then!
ETA: Betsy! Your lazy girl homemade cider recipe was a ginormous hit! I started batch #2 today, and the remains of batch #1 are a comfort to me as I watch my sucky team get whupped. I let the first batch ferment until it was quite dry. Will probably stop this batch a bit quicker, but it’s all good. Thanks!
Dolly Llama
Suck it, Gata!
Didn’t get to say it last week. I would say ‘Good game,’ but it wasn’t for y’all or my Dawgs. I’ve been enjoying the shit out of the Swampgas message board this week. And if y’all don’t quit fucking around, it’ll be even worse in three or four hours.
Betty Cracker
@Dolly Llama: I’m trying to remember what other SEC team Vandy whupped this year. Don’t tell me…it’ll come to me. Seems like their colors were red and black… ;-)
Dolly Llama
Vanderbilt’s in yr base killin ur dudez
Arm The Homeless
Sorry Betty. But FSU is going to be in a heck of a mood to not let the Gators play spoiler. I will drink copious amount and we can both imagine drunkin’ times in college towns.
Also, too GO NOLES!
Dolly Llama
@Betty Cracker: Welcome to our world .
Dolly Llama
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
From the “You Don’t See That Every Day” file, Bemidji State beat Ohio State last night and in the immediate aftermath OSU’s Julia McKinnon picked up a 2-minute minor for instigating a brawl that led to 18 fighting majors, 1 facemasking majors and 19 game disqualifications. A DQ penalty carries a mandated one game suspension, so the benches are going to be really short for this afternoon’s rematch.
The bigger news is that the U.S. lost to Finland 3-1 in the Four Nations Cup despite outshooting the Finns 59-16. It is the first time in the tournament’s 18 years that either the U.S. or Canada has failed to make the final.
Betty Cracker
Oof, down 17-zip! Oh well — an extra-embarrassing loss will hasten Georgia alum Muschamp’s departure. Better to suck extra hard and clean house at the athletic department than to stumble along in mediocrity for a few more years.
@Arm The Homeless: What fearsome opponent are the Noles facing today? Little Sisters of the Poor? Appalachicola Girls Synchronized Swim Team?
@Betty Cracker: Betty, I am bedazzled by your trash talking ability. I am taking notes since I expect the U of Texas to disappoint me at some juncture this season (in addition to the two losses already chalked up).
A fairly large deer was just tormenting my dog from the other side of a chain link fence. It didn’t leave until I went back and shooed it away. Shoo deer does work. Does this mean that tomorrow all my greens are going to be gone?
Arm The Homeless
@Betty Cracker: I believe its Ramsay’s Nursing Home.
The point still being that hope and chicken wire will be tested by the FSU defense. But thats why they play the game. In any other season a guy like Oleary would be front page news. This year there are so many targets for Winston that he is quietly putting up a personal best season.
If nothing else, its a way for Jimbo to get out of the very large shadow cast by St. Bowden of Grifterdom.
@Josie: Horns are gonna crush Cole’s Hillbillies tonight.
(And actually, I’m just amazed they managed to salvage this season after that beginning.)
Dolly Llama
@Betty Cracker: Ooh! It’s Swampgas without even having to click over. What’s your handle there?
Dolly Llama
At least you avoided the shutout, Betty.
@Citizen_X: Me, too. I like winning, but now I’m afraid Mack Brown will decide not to retire.
Betty — I was stumbling the same streets at the same time. Now we are seeing what the Gator offense of the late 80s would have looked like without Emmitt Smith.
Thank G-d for basketball. Go Gator hoops!
The first time I got to see Emmitt Smith play was the year before I started high school. My take-away memory was the back of his Escambia Gators jersey growing rapidly smaller as he left our Panthers in the dust.
Needless to say, I’ve been a fan ever since.
@Gator90: My partner of 18 years, a native Floridian of 74 years has a preternatural loyalty to her teams: the Hurricanes (she went to med school there and the Dolphins). Year after year they suck and yet hope springs eternal! After 12 years in North Florida, the Jags barely register with her.
P.S. For some reason, she blames the Dolphin’s Offensive Coordinator for the Ingognito/Martin travesty. Does she have a point or is there a broader culprit?
Keith P.
Damn, I woke up to Auburn running up the score on Tennessee. They’re on pace to put of 60+ points on the Vols, and their QB already has 200 yards *rushing*.
? Martin
All pro sports and most college sports are like this. Only difference here is that Martin’s departure made the stock answers insufficient and as more details came out, people dug deeper. And the racism angle is wholly unsurprising. Even FIFA is having terrible trouble with this.
Amir Khalid
À propos of nothing, really, just where would one wear a pair of these? And with what?
@pamelabrown53: some people might cite the inherent “psuedo-warrior” culture that is pervasive in football. The whole, are you tough enough, man enough to play this game, as if being willing to put your ass through summer workouts from the time that you were 8 years old up to the time that your 23 or 24 somehow shows a lack of commitment or effort to being there that should somehow preclude you from being worthy to wear a jockstrap because some asshat or group of asshats collectively (aka the franchise) has chosen to use this form of behavior modification to establish an overriding mindset in order for the team to be successful, just in case God or the deity of your choice chooses to not bestow his favor upon the squad, based on lack of manliness, to be sure.
@? Martin: Thanks for replying, Martin. I suspected as much. At least she (my partner) recognized how wrong this was…it’s just that her disdain for the Dolphin Offensive Coordinator leaves her predisposed to filter everything through that bias.
@? Martin: It bothers me that the news media is still calling Incognito a bully, rather than a racist.
@pamelabrown53: Ah, my Dolphins: the franchise that makes the Gator football program look functional by comparison. I think the Dolphins’ offensive coordinator (Mike Sherman) may fairly be blamed for many things, but I’m not aware of him having any particular role in the Incognito/Martin fiasco.
Sadly, most of the Dolphin players appear to side with Incognito and to regard Martin as a sissy and a snitch.
Betty Cracker
@Gator90: I figured you for a classmate from your handle. Oh well, in a way, it’s more relaxing to watch football with low expectations. So what do you think? Muschamp shit-canned after this season, or does he get another year?
? Martin
@pamelabrown53: The other angle is that it’s easier to remain a fan if you blame an individual rather than the culture of the sport. Incognito has a VERY long history of this, and teams kept giving him contracts rather than banning him from the sport.
A fairly large deer was just tormenting my dog from the other side of a chain link fence. It didn’t leave until I went back and shooed it away. Shoo deer does work. Does this mean that tomorrow all my greens are going to be gone?
Seems likely. The animals are hungry before the winter. The squirrels started raiding the bird feeder about 2-3 weeks ago, so I had to start feeding them separately to keep them away from the feeder. (Although the birds like to hang out at the squirrel feeder and wait for an opening.) The bears have come by and tipped the trashcans twice. Unusual. Apparently the animals are expecting a bad, long winter.
Went down to the basement late night for some reason, decided to feed the cat again. Something had run out the cat door just before I got in. Ginourmous mess, cat food everywhere, water gone, cat food in the water bowl, leaves on everything, etc. So I cleaned it up, sorta, reloaded the water, fed the cat and was going to leave. But I went out back and flipped on the light. Saw nothing out back. Turned the light off. A raccoon emerges from the leaf pile near the cat door and heads right for it. I run back, open the door to that room, and there’s this bastard raccoon, standing on the desk near the cat door just looking at me, frozen in the lights. Feh. So I went to get the broom to chase off the little bastard but he took off. So I had to lock the cat door, cover the entrance, finish cleaning up the mess and then go outside and find the idiot cat (on the front porch as usual) and lock him inside.
[‘So, unless your greens are guarded, I’m thinking you should wave bye bye to them.’]
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
Damn, girl, you’re old.
Scuse me, it’s this OT rant or finding an innocent something to hurt. Fucking Hetero-Normative Utah ‘Merkan Ideal Marriage. Utah doctor convicted of drugging, drowning wife in bathtub
And this is what that Sheriff or whoever the fuck it was in Hawaii will die to affirm the precious and unique sanctity of. I will enjoy dancing on their culture’s grave as it is being dug in front of their dying eyes. To the tunes of secular holidays music. Rapped by a multi-ethnic choir in Arabic and Klingon. With Mariachis. And I’m still thinking.
whew, thanks.
OT but as of now, it looks like the Dem candidate might end up winning the Virginia Attorney General’s race. Maybe the SCOTUS will step in and stop the recount. Who knows.
Betty Cracker
@maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor: Me and Emmitt both! I suspect ol’ 22 has more aches and pains, though. Another sign of how ancient I am: I have a kid in high school who is being courted by…wait for it…Vandy! I think I’ll tell her to go for the football! :-)
Obenshain up by 57 votes…Fairfax provisionals being counted right now.
Fuck the 5100 clowns who wrote in a candidate for this race…
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
@scav: It all becomes clear if you just understand that the doctor started sleeping around and offed his wife because a coupla guys got hitched in Provincetown.
@Anya: That would be great news for the citizens of VA.
@max: Raccoons can be stubborn so be careful. I’m still deciding what to do about the greens. We have a front coming through on Tuesday, that one news station mentioned a mixture of precipitation. Tomorrow is suppose to be seventy.
@PsiFighter37: Their priorities are all messed up. I guess they don’t care that one of the candidates wanted to send women to jail who failed to report their miscarriages to the police.
It would also be a great news for anyone who cares about voting and democracy.
@PsiFighter37: What happens next? Aren’t most provisional ballots tossed?
? Martin
Holy shit, the Colbert Fox trolling Twitter bot is hilarious.
Background from HuffPo:
Hill Dweller
@PsiFighter37: There is already some shady stuff going down.
I toss out whole walnuts and peanuts still in the shell. May as well make them work for it.
@Betty Cracker: Muschamp probably gets one more year, with recruiting hamstrung by the temperature under him. He does have a good year last year to point to, and an avalanche of injuries this year. I still like your Charlie Strong plan, though.
@Betty Cracker:
You got nothing on me. I saw Tony Dorsett play when he was in high school. He was a senior when I was in 8th grade. His sister Sheree was a good friend of mine. We all hung out in the smoker’s bathroom and would sing together there. We did a mean version of the Doobies’ “Black Water.”
@maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor: I do rather forget how very very fragile xian different sex bonds are. poor dears. worse than pandas.
@Amir Khalid:
Onstage at a strip club.
I believe it’s commonly called a “banana hammock.”
Can I just say geaux LSU!
BTW: A shoutout to Stanford. As something of a book and tech geek if I had a kid like the first school I’d like them to attend (outside LSU), I love they can play some football. My local ESPN radio station was talking about how a high NFL draft pick from Stanford is almost never a bust. As one person said, “maybe cause they are smart.” Yes that might be it :).
OT, but keep this handy for when your right-wing relatives try to tell you about Megyn Kelly’s “heartbreaking” interview with a guy for whom OBAMACARE = DEATH!
@geg6: Did Ron Zook lose 7 games in a season at Florida? Cause that’s where Muschamp is heading.
@geg6: The news about Tony is so darn sad. I think of two folks. The current Cardinals manager is Mike Matheny. He was a catcher for the Cardinals and was traded to San Fran. He was near the end of his career, but still had millions and millions to make. One day he just quit. Said he had been told he had 22 concussions (countless others not counted). It just wasn’t worth it. Troy Akimen did the same thing. One day just quit.
I also note this. I am 44. Born in 1969. I wanted to play football. My grandfather, a medical doctor, told my parents not to let me. Never let me. They were not worried about me hurting my knees or my ACL (did that in other sports), he just said getting hit in the head wasn’t a good idea. Honestly I am stunned that folks just seem to be getting that getting your “bell rung” isn’t a good idea from a health point-of-view.
@piratedan: So…are you saying that the entirety of “football culture” is akin to Stark Trek’s (Next Generation) depiction of Worf, the Klingon warrior, who had a convoluted notion that Honor was synonymous with aggression in all its misogynistic/xenophobic glory?
Sounds harsh.
@Hill Dweller: Yeah. Unlike many around here, I’m not given to profanity, but fuck these fuckers. That’s on top of the purge of voter rolls (which presumably is the reason there are significantly more provisional ballots than four year ago), the voter ID law (most of which is on hold until next year, but not all.)
If you need any further evidence that our media that fetishizes bipartisanship and non-partisanship really only cares about pushing Democrats to go along with Republicans, note that the fact that that nice Bob McDonnell appointed blatant Republican partisans to electoral boards all across the state (and the state board, which issued this ruling), and they’ve been busily screwing over voters for four years.
If we do pull out a victory in the AG race, it will be because the Fairfax Democrats sued to get frickin’ Hans Van Spakovsky removed from the county electoral board last year for just this sort of thing. Imagine what would have happened with the miscounted absentee ballots and the provisional ballots if he’d still been in charge!
@pamelabrown53: I tend to agree. My local ESPN radio station has a show in the afternoon with a former NFL player (who was a stud BTW). He went to Harvard. He is smart as you get. Likes to talk books and things like D&D as much as football. He notes with what is happening in Miami that it isn’t unique. That being seen as “smart” isn’t a good thing in a locker room, if “smart” means anything other then football and the playbook.
Betty Cracker
@pamelabrown53: Harsh, but fairly accurate. Klingon Fairy Tale titles (stolen from McSweeney’s):
“Goldilocks Dies with Honor at the Hands of the Three Bears”
“Mary Had a Little Lamb. It Was Delicious.”
“The Little Old Lady Who Lived In a Shoe. With Spikes on It.”
Hill Dweller
@Redshift: I don’t see how changing the rules for provisional ballots three days after the election can stand up to challenge.
@Johnnybuck: No, Zook never lost 7 games in a season. One of the things I’m proud of as a Gator fan is that UF has not had a losing season in football since 1979. But, as you observe, that proud record is now swirling down the crapper….
Sadly, we’ve seen a lot of damage to former players around here. Many Steelers have either died as a result of brain injury or testified to the problems they’ve encountered with memory, addiction and mental problems they trace back to the same. Mike Webster was the one that hit me hardest up until this news about Tony. I had met him numerous times because he lived here in my town and his kids and ex lived just a few miles away. Saddest thing ever, watching him slowly slide down into his eventual death. Tony was always a good guy to me, no matter how famous he got. Last saw him about four years ago the week of his annual golf tournament he holds here to benefit a local home for the physically and developmentally disabled. He was slurring his words just a bit back then and I wondered if it could be a result of his playing days. I’m just thankful that my John’s years of playing football in high school, college and a semi-pro league only seem to have resulted in him having his knees replaced. Could be much worse.
What a gorgeous day between the hedges, didn’t even break a sweat walking home. Bittersweet to go to the last home game I’ll make this year, I wait for so long and, whoosh, it’s gone.
@Hill Dweller: Three days after the election and one day before the provisionals are reviewed (at least in Fairfax.)
The supposed basis of the ruling is to make the procedures “uniform.” They’re using the entire Florida 2000 playbook. Well, I guess we haven’t seen a Brooks Brothers Riot yet, but they have until Tuesday…
@Gator90: I HATE Flordia. Well not really. I was in Baton Rouge at LSU in the early 90s. Back where I was born and my father was a PhD grad and teacher at LSU. I think you beat us 63-10. It was the end of a time where a senior class has never had a winning season in like 100+ years of football. I am not saying I like losing, but maybe that will help you. If we lose to Bama today I can recall, well when we were not even in the conversation. Couple of National Champs later.
Betty Cracker
@Tommy: When’s that game on? I can’t find it on my stupid guide. I generally root for LSU when they aren’t playing the Gators or Cocks.
@Hill Dweller: Plus, the Republican chair of the Fairfax board joined the senior Democrat to say they disagreed with the ruling, but had no choice but to comply. This is the sane Republican who became chair after Von Spakovsky was removed after last year’s election. Yet another sign of the split between the business types and the ratfvckers.
@Betty Cracker: 8pm CBS
@Tommy: Unfortunately Jonathan Martin (2d round pick out of Stanford) was a bust with the Dolphins before the Incognito scandal hit. Book smarts and football smarts are very different. I recall a former U of Miami assistant coach, who was previously a head coach in the Ivy League, saying he coached “some of the smartest kids and dumbest football players you ever saw.”
I can’t believe that a game where the object is to knock the fucking shit out of the other players has meanies playing.
I knew somebody would throw out Martin. Are you sure he is a bust?
@Betty Cracker: NBC primetime.
@Tommy: The only football NBC has is Notre Dame and they ain’t on tonight. It’s CBS.
I found Dartmouth vs Cornell.
I have too many TV channels.
@efgoldman: Although you are right they are not one and the same. If Incognito left that message for anyone besides another teammate, he’d be gone. There’s only so many times he can payoff his victims.
Birthday party done. Sent home a bunch of sugared up and hyper boys and now I am ready for take out and a movie – and wine!
@Tommy: Having played a year and a half, Martin has consistently been a far below average NFL tackle. Unfortunately, the Dolphins appear to have attributed his failings to insufficient machismo, when the real culprit is his lack of talent and the Dolphins’ poor predraft scouting.
@Gator90: That’s a pretty bad loss at home too. Honestly, I don’t know where Florida would be barring injuries, and if the injury situation is a good enough reason to keep Muschamp around for another season. It’s a tough call.
@Tommy: Perhaps all this losing is a blessing in disguise, but as Churchill said after a resounding electoral defeat, the blessing is very effectively disguised at the moment.
@raven: Did the first half give you fits or what?
Obenshain’s lead now down to 33 votes. I think Fairfax and Richmond provisionals are outstanding, which hopefully can put Herring on top.
Talk about a nailbiter…
? Martin
@Gator90: Or that football players don’t perform well when they’re treated like shit – not unlike every other employee on the planet.
@Johnnybuck: Not really, I think we were stone vanilla and knew we’d wear them down. I mean it was’t thrilling but it was a typical nothing to lose game for them and nothing to win for us.
? Martin
@raven: Didn’t get to listen, just saw the half-time score. that sounds about right.
uncle rameau
I too tried the lazy cider with champagne yeast – juiced some of our bumper crop of apples, used a gallon jug and an actual airlock, and holeeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuck was it good. Will do another batch with the last of the Upper Canadian windfalls before the snow comes next few days. Who knew it was so easy?
@Johnnybuck: The scoreboard was mos def ugly.
@pamelabrown53: I wouldn’t deal in a term like “absolute”, but no one is denying that this isn’t seen as an acceptable state of affairs by the folks who have been there and done that. I like competition, I like to win, but if someone is flat out better than I am due to a superior work ethic or simply better genes and natural ability, then so be it. Being a football player is hard, all of the running, the workouts, the drills and as you move up in difficulty, the classwork and film study that is required to make it as a professional isn’t inconsequential, if it was, then all of the guys that play high school ball (or in the backyard with friends and neighbors) wouldn’t be willing to keep this cash cow in business.
I think that there’s some parallels regarding our societal fascination of mafioso (at least amongst us dudes) and the athletic team locker room… what goes on in here, stays in here and if there’s an issue with that, then the wagons get circled. Pretty sure by speaking out, Martin is getting ostracized by his tribe, now the league has to struggle with how this treatment is perceived outside the league to the casual fan. Hazing goes on in pro sports, the degree and length and type varies… for example, the DBacks (MLB – Phoenix) do some infantile stuff as well; last year it was carrying equipment in little girl backpacks, this year dressing up in superhero costumes…. other teams, all rooks carry the equipment of the vets, I’m sure there are variations on the theme. Sounds like the Dolphins were using this as a means to control players that were either underperforming or in an attempt to shape a franchise attitude.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@Anya: I’m still going to self-report my miscarriages.
I was at Emmet’s last game in the damn All American Bowl in Birmingham. The Illini had the Gators until he broke a tackle and beat us.
@? Martin: Did he play badly because he was treated poorly, or was he treated poorly because he played badly? Probably some of both. But my feeling, having watched virtually down Martin played, is that he just doesn’t have the footwork, strength and athleticism required of an NFL tackle. (Not that this in any way excuses how he was treated — it absolutely does not.) Perhaps he’ll make a fresh start with the Dolphins or another team and prove me wrong. I certainly wish him the best of luck.
@Amir Khalid: A very gay steel mill.
Well, that was a huge waste of my time. $10. for time spent on it, I made about $2 per hour. And increased my hatred for humanity and myself. Wunderbar. Fuck all the things.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: Well, of course you will. It’s what any self respecting thought leader would do.
Lead is now 17 votes for Obenshain. Jesus F. Christ we better win.
@Gator90: He went to Stanford, he’ll be just fine.
Strange feeling, this. Duke is up 10 at the half and I’m dissatisfied. Should be burying the Wiffies.
@PsiFighter37: Lead is now 17 votes for Obenshain. Jesus F. Christ we better win.
Almost there.
[‘Tuesday is the day that matters.’]
Betty Cracker
“Fuck all the things.”
Finally! A personal tag line suitable for inking.
@Betty Cracker: The good news for FL is you are going to play a weak GaSouthern team. I don’t have to tell you the bad news. You’ll need to make more cider though.
@Betty Cracker: Could you give a link for that cider?
@max: Schoeneman is the guy who became chair after the Dems (Fairfax Dems, I think, but it may have been the state party) got Von Spakovsky removed by a judge (well, technically, not reappointed.) He seems to take his job seriously and be on the side of the voters. I guess it’s hard to find a full slate for the electoral board consisting of nothing but wingnuts (who are also qualified enough to convince a judge.)
I don’t envy Schoeneman if the Fairfax provisional votes put Herring over the top. He’ll probably be a subject of the Two Minutes Hate before long.
James E. Powell
What catclub said. Should be a Balloon-Juice rule: no talking about recipe without linkage.
@Gator90: He is not leaving The Ville, thank you very much. Though you might want to call Bobby Petrino to run the offense
@James E. Powell: Google helped me out
link comment 29
also, too.. at comment 31… Betsy has more information
@efgoldman: Never sniff a gift fish.
Meddle not in the affairs of wizards.
@JPL: Thanks!
We’re supposed to get some this week, too. And Pittsburgh is much further south than you are. Oh well. We had a snowstorm last Halloween. I guess snow the second week of November isn’t that bad. Maybe.
70 degrees and fucking gorgeous here in Santa Mo
Ooooooh! That’s my Koda’s home town!
This is her first fall in PA. She’s totally weirded out by the falling and blowing leaves. She experienced a little bit of snow when she first came to us, but I don’t think she’ll remember. Should be fun the first time we get a real snowfall.
hey, where are you finding those up to the minute Herring-Obenshain tallies? I can’t find it on the VA Bd of Elections website.
Betty Cracker
@PsiFighter37: 77 here in Cucaracha Acres, which is the Platonic ideal of temps in my book. Ahhhhh.
@eemom: From @redistrict and @notlarrysabato on Twitter.
Provisional vote stuff from Fairfax sounds promising. Hope hope hope hope HOPE….
@Redshift: I guess it’s hard to find a full slate for the electoral board consisting of nothing but wingnuts (who are also qualified enough to convince a judge.)
Hrmm. Well, I’ve been waiting for someone to drop the R hammer and cough up some BS, but so far, not so much. We’ll see.
I don’t envy Schoeneman if the Fairfax provisional votes put Herring over the top. He’ll probably be a subject of the Two Minutes Hate before long.
If Herring wins by ANY amount there’s going to be a two minute hate that stretches into about 4 years. Actually, if Herring doesn’t lose by eleventy billion votes to one, there will be that.
[‘And then, the new voter ID bills will magically appear in the House.’]
Mark B.
@Gator90: Most offensive linemen out of college aren’t big enough and strong enough to immediately be a good NFL lineman. It takes a few years, and in many cases, a whole lot of drugs. Although testing has gotten better so it’s probably not as much as it was a few years ago.
Betty! I’m so thrilled that the good juice has brought you pleasure! I feel honored that you tried my recipe with success. Now I am not the only lazy girl.
And, Go Gators!