It’s certainly better than our latest local trying-too-hard art “gallery,” whose owner thought it would be edgy to name it “Ennui.” I’m not sure said owner actually knows what the word means.
I notice that it’s also a mediocre ocher.
Amir Khalid
Maybe the owner does know, and is just telling it like it is …
@Amir Khalid: If it’s actually truth in advertising, why bother hanging out a shingle in the first place? Unless it’s really all performance art, and s/he’s planning to film the customers being bored to death?
I’ve decided that our best chance to get of our current political rut from the ACA troubles is for the House to begin impeachment proceedings based on Obama’s “lie” about keeping your coverage (which, to be clear, I think was a really stupid thing for him to say, and I’m really disappointed that he and his advisors did not game out how that could come back to haunt them).
But nothing could help right now as much as a good foaming, raging, redfaced, screeching, table-pounding impeachment campaign led by lowest hanging knuckle-draggers in the tea party caucus.
Come on, guys. I know you have it in you. Do us proud.
This one time, at post-punk proto hipster band camp….
This would be a good thread for everyone to give the name of their band if they ever actually formed one.
I can just picture the Organelles in tight sequined dresses, their hair all glossy and lips bright red.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
The Deltronics
Remember what fun it was to have all the news agencies have to print/say pu$$y riot? In honor of that genius, a band named after George Carlin’s The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television would be fantastic especially if you engaged in activities sure to put you in the news.
@BGinCHI: Every time I see The Grassy Knoll referenced, I think back to my former life as a small-town newspaperman. We briefly had a (militia-related) competitor start up called The Truth newspaper. One of the few ads I ever saw in it — and I know it was a spoof/fiction, but it’s still one of the awesomest things ever — was for “The Lone Yardman.” His slogan: “Let me mow your grassy knoll.” I swear to God I’d have called and used the service just to meet who was behind the ad, but unfortunately it contained no phone number or any other means by which to contact him.
Dolly Llama
I always thought The Other Day would be a good band name. I’ve thought of others over the years. They’ll come to me.
@El Cid: Maybe so, but apparently nobody else put it together. Besides, I’m always impressed with someone who can be clever this early; I’m nowhere near caffeinated enough to qualify as, say, “coherent.”
Rather tangential, but your comment prompted a question that I’d expect some people around here would know the answer to.
Earlier this week, I saw a new episode of “South Park” for the first time in a long time (a brewing battle betweens XBox and PS4 clans inspired by “Game of Thrones” – the typical Parker/Stone genius). The words “Asshole”, “Shit” were uttered frequently by the South Park cherubs and there was much discussion of GoT’s “gay wieners.”
Yet immediately following that show, Jon Stewart’s exclamations of “Shit” and “Pussy” on TDS were bleeped out as usual.
So, do the same language restrictions on television not apply to animated programs/characters? Has that long been the case?
— middle-aged, often out-of-touch guy
Amir Khalid
Band names? Hmm …
Band Name Goes Here. (This would be great on a T-shirt.)
Having just been placed in “awaiting moderation” purgatory, where can I find a listing for the Words You Can Never Write on Balloon Juice? Thanks.
@Villago Delenda Est: Nah. “Ogre” implies some life, at least, and possibly some fierceness, too – neither of which is remotely in evidence. Halperin would be the front man for something like the Dead-Eyed Zombie Villagers or the Stepford Stenographers.
On the other hand, FYWP sometimes does it for no reason at all, just to annoy people and maintain its rep.
Villago Delenda Est
How about “The Villager Idiots”?
No, too derivative.
I do like the “Stepford Stenographers” though.
@MattF: My favorite unusable band name is Baby Cheeses. Sounds like a double bill would make for a great holiday casserole.
The most ‘famous’ band that I’ve played in was called Fine Art. My two favorite names of unfamous bar band I played in were Twiggs and Snapps (although Twiggs could have justifyably been labelled ‘notorious’. We were palying New York Dolls covers in ’73).
@RSA: Dangit. You beat me to it. I prefer Ochre over Ogre in this instance. But if you still want the old school D&D vibe you could be Mediocre Ochre Jelly.
Dead Ernest
From a list of exotic band names read long, long ago, this one has always tickled me;
Death Panel Truck
@WereBear: There is a French indie band called Prototypes. “Je Ne Te Connais Pas” (“I do not know you”) was used in a Mitsubishi Outlander commercial five years or so ago.
At least I’d have some company. (and it’s now been more than one hour since my terribly important comment was first banished thereto)
I do know about the “three links thing”; it’s word traps I keep stumbling into. In this case, I suspect it is the word related to Rob Ford’s choice of home cookin’.
Yes, you are not allowed to repeat Mayor Ford’s word choice.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Lectern at Albuquerque
There’s a French hip-hop group called NTM, which is short for Nique Ta Mère. Which means what you think it means, if you know that Mère is French for mother.
Not a band, but there used to be a process server company in San Jose called The Attilla the Hun School of Charm. It’s out of business now, so the name is available for your death metal band.
So I have been sleeping under a rock – new job, and dealing with that. Now I hear Obamacare is about to fail because the website is buggy, people with fake health insurance will be forced to get real insurance policies and not enough people have signed up on something that you can’t get until January? Honestly WTF? I don’t have health insurance and I don’t see any point in even looking at what I can get until December. The website is buggy, and,, the rest of you all not understand what engineers get paid for?
I was going to say that they don’t bleep the swears on Netflix but you said that it was a new episode. Huh, I don’t know. I’ll have to ask tech support (teenager!).
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It’s certainly better than our latest local trying-too-hard art “gallery,” whose owner thought it would be edgy to name it “Ennui.” I’m not sure said owner actually knows what the word means.
I notice that it’s also a mediocre ocher.
Amir Khalid
Maybe the owner does know, and is just telling it like it is …
@Amir Khalid: If it’s actually truth in advertising, why bother hanging out a shingle in the first place? Unless it’s really all performance art, and s/he’s planning to film the customers being bored to death?
I’ve decided that our best chance to get of our current political rut from the ACA troubles is for the House to begin impeachment proceedings based on Obama’s “lie” about keeping your coverage (which, to be clear, I think was a really stupid thing for him to say, and I’m really disappointed that he and his advisors did not game out how that could come back to haunt them).
But nothing could help right now as much as a good foaming, raging, redfaced, screeching, table-pounding impeachment campaign led by lowest hanging knuckle-draggers in the tea party caucus.
Come on, guys. I know you have it in you. Do us proud.
This one time, at post-punk proto hipster band camp….
This would be a good thread for everyone to give the name of their band if they ever actually formed one.
Mine (registered at, btw):
Grassy Knoll Cowards
Amir Khalid
I think you’re starting to get it …
@Amir Khalid: Yeah, I know I’m a little slow on these things. Especially with only one cup of coffee in me so far . . . .
math rock jam band
Felonius Monk
So then it’s an ocher ogre that is two ways mediocre.
Red Shift.
Politics, physics, and fashion.
(I came into consciousness in a liberal arts environment in the late ’70s, after all.)
(I was pleased to discover that this blog featured a “Redshift” among its esteemed commentariat.)
I’ve yet to form a band, but I’ve always leaned towards:
I forget their name, but there was a local punk band here in the DC metro area that claimed they “put the ‘duh’ in Bethesda.”
Tom levenson
My long beloved hypothetical band name: Mighty Chondria and the Organelles
Also, if your thing is fish-based Christmas carols, there’s ‘Little Tuna Bethlehem.’
gogol's wife
@Tom levenson:
I can just picture the Organelles in tight sequined dresses, their hair all glossy and lips bright red.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
The Deltronics
Remember what fun it was to have all the news agencies have to print/say pu$$y riot? In honor of that genius, a band named after George Carlin’s The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television would be fantastic especially if you engaged in activities sure to put you in the news.
Too many to list here, so just a trio.
The Amoeboids
The Hy Leo Verated Band
Last Exit
Linda Featheringill
@Tom levenson:
LOL! That is cute!
Dolly Llama
@BGinCHI: Every time I see The Grassy Knoll referenced, I think back to my former life as a small-town newspaperman. We briefly had a (militia-related) competitor start up called The Truth newspaper. One of the few ads I ever saw in it — and I know it was a spoof/fiction, but it’s still one of the awesomest things ever — was for “The Lone Yardman.” His slogan: “Let me mow your grassy knoll.” I swear to God I’d have called and used the service just to meet who was behind the ad, but unfortunately it contained no phone number or any other means by which to contact him.
Dolly Llama
I always thought The Other Day would be a good band name. I’ve thought of others over the years. They’ll come to me.
El Cid
@El Cid: Wins Teh Internets for today.
El Cid
@Aji: Thanks, but I feel like it was low hanging fruit.
@El Cid: Maybe so, but apparently nobody else put it together. Besides, I’m always impressed with someone who can be clever this early; I’m nowhere near caffeinated enough to qualify as, say, “coherent.”
@El Cid:
Another good band name.
Rather tangential, but your comment prompted a question that I’d expect some people around here would know the answer to.
Earlier this week, I saw a new episode of “South Park” for the first time in a long time (a brewing battle betweens XBox and PS4 clans inspired by “Game of Thrones” – the typical Parker/Stone genius). The words “Asshole”, “Shit” were uttered frequently by the South Park cherubs and there was much discussion of GoT’s “gay wieners.”
Yet immediately following that show, Jon Stewart’s exclamations of “Shit” and “Pussy” on TDS were bleeped out as usual.
So, do the same language restrictions on television not apply to animated programs/characters? Has that long been the case?
— middle-aged, often out-of-touch guy
Amir Khalid
Band names? Hmm …
Band Name Goes Here. (This would be great on a T-shirt.)
Having just been placed in “awaiting moderation” purgatory, where can I find a listing for the Words You Can Never Write on Balloon Juice? Thanks.
Roger Moore
But why would I want to name my band “Shrek”?
I’ve also always liked:
Joyful Noise
but I bet a Christian band already took it.
Villago Delenda Est
Mediocre Media Ogres (front man: Mark Halperin)
@Villago Delenda Est: Nah. “Ogre” implies some life, at least, and possibly some fierceness, too – neither of which is remotely in evidence. Halperin would be the front man for something like the Dead-Eyed Zombie Villagers or the Stepford Stenographers.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I believe that is what’s known as a Big Band.
Villago Delenda Est
Saying “FYWP” in full will do it, I’m sure.
On the other hand, FYWP sometimes does it for no reason at all, just to annoy people and maintain its rep.
Villago Delenda Est
How about “The Villager Idiots”?
No, too derivative.
I do like the “Stepford Stenographers” though.
@MattF: My favorite unusable band name is Baby Cheeses. Sounds like a double bill would make for a great holiday casserole.
The most ‘famous’ band that I’ve played in was called Fine Art. My two favorite names of unfamous bar band I played in were Twiggs and Snapps (although Twiggs could have justifyably been labelled ‘notorious’. We were palying New York Dolls covers in ’73).
@RSA: Dangit. You beat me to it. I prefer Ochre over Ogre in this instance. But if you still want the old school D&D vibe you could be Mediocre Ochre Jelly.
Dead Ernest
From a list of exotic band names read long, long ago, this one has always tickled me;
Death Panel Truck
@WereBear: There is a French indie band called Prototypes. “Je Ne Te Connais Pas” (“I do not know you”) was used in a Mitsubishi Outlander commercial five years or so ago.
@BGinCHI: hedonistic calculus
Roger Moore
We could give you the complete list, but then we’d be put in moderation purgatory, also, too. It could also be the “no more than three links” thing.
@Roger Moore:
At least I’d have some company. (and it’s now been more than one hour since my terribly important comment was first banished thereto)
I do know about the “three links thing”; it’s word traps I keep stumbling into. In this case, I suspect it is the word related to Rob Ford’s choice of home cookin’.
Roger Moore
Yes, you are not allowed to repeat Mayor Ford’s word choice.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Lectern at Albuquerque
There’s a French hip-hop group called NTM, which is short for Nique Ta Mère. Which means what you think it means, if you know that Mère is French for mother.
Not a band, but there used to be a process server company in San Jose called The Attilla the Hun School of Charm. It’s out of business now, so the name is available for your death metal band.
@Dead Ernest: Similar to Dale Earnhart Jr. Jr.
My other favorite real band name is: Dogs Die in Hot Cars
@Tom levenson:
Since there is an actual band named “The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus” I would propose the opening band for your group be named “The Golgi Apparatus.”
wasabi gasp
Atom Rhumba
They’re an Italian rock band.
joel hanes
Mark Halperin and the Kneepads
The top two real, totally tasteless, yet awesome, band names:
John Cougar Concentration Camp
Jack Kevorkian and the Suicide Machines
(Later shortened to just ‘the Suicide Machines’)
One of my other favorites: Mephiskapheles
(Very awesome ska-influenced band from NYC)
@joel hanes: [Snort] so accurate it’s scary. And vomit-inducing.
Dolly Llama
There was Gaye Bikers On Acid, and then Lesbian Dopeheads on Mopeds back in the 80s, I believe.
wasabi gasp
@wasabi gasp: Correction: they’re from Spain.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So I have been sleeping under a rock – new job, and dealing with that. Now I hear Obamacare is about to fail because the website is buggy, people with fake health insurance will be forced to get real insurance policies and not enough people have signed up on something that you can’t get until January? Honestly WTF? I don’t have health insurance and I don’t see any point in even looking at what I can get until December. The website is buggy, and,, the rest of you all not understand what engineers get paid for?
I was going to say that they don’t bleep the swears on Netflix but you said that it was a new episode. Huh, I don’t know. I’ll have to ask tech support (teenager!).