Well, this is a shocker:
Seminole deputies arrest George Zimmerman
George Zimmerman was arrested today and was headed for the Seminole County Jail, according to Sheriff Don Eslinger.
It’s not clear what happened or what crime he’s accused of committing, but just before 1:30 p.m., Eslinger confirmed that Zimmerman had been arrested and was being driven to the county jail in Sanford.
He said more information would be available shortly. WESH-Channel 2 reported that Zimmerman was accused of domestic violence by a girlfriend.
The Sheriff’s Office, in a short news release, reported that the agency had arrested Zimmerman after being called to a disturbance on Topfield Court in western Seminole County near Apopka about 1 p.m.
we’ve been waiting for ya Betty!
C.V. Danes
Well, at least no one was shot this time.
It’s almost like this guy wants to be punished for something that went unpunished…
Chyron HR
@C.V. Danes:
Well, at least no one was shot
this timeyet.Wag
Joey Maloney
This is my shocked face. Can you see how shocked it is?
This is for Zimmy
Mike in NC
In other news, water is wet!
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
This is his fifth run-in with the law since killing Trayvon Martin. Maybe we need someone to just follow Zimmerman around and make sure he doesn’t break the law? Something like a private surveillance / watchdog group?
This fucking guy.
I’m gonna guess that people dealing with Zimmerman now have a very low threshold for when they will call the police. I know I would. Better to overreact and get the police involved for something minor than to have George shoot me.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, you can bet your last bitcoin that Zimmerman wasn’t arrested for murdering a blah kid. That’s perfectly legal in Florida, after all.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Alternative post title: I Shall Be Released by R. Zimmerman.
Pretty obvious that this HERO is being persecuted by the libruls in the Seminole County Sheriff’s office.
I believe George is on his way to be a martyr for the cause. Which cause?
GZ: “Whatta ya got?”
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
Prison guard?
I wonder if this a new girlfriend or his wife (identifying herself as a girlfriend)? A woman taking up with him now should know he’s violent and unpredictable (except for being violent). Any woman should really stay away from him.
Zimmerman will get three squares in jail, and a bed. He has the right to a fair trial. He’ll probably even get some sappy woman to visit him in jail, or write him.
Trayvon Martin is dead. He never got to graduate high school.
Think of all those awful people who used to scream on newspaper threads about how Trayvon was a thug who attacked Zimmerman with a sidewalk.
They know how to pick their heroes.
FWIW, masking the location by using street names as a heuristic probably doesn’t work that well in this instance. Unless they’ve built more streets (used to be more of a problem in boomy areas), we’re talking a single block in the county. Easy media circus, especially if they go a few simple steps further.
Your move, Rob Ford.
“Roaming around being an armed asshole while white.” So unfair!
Villago Delenda Est
Gin & Tonic
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: I bet you didn’t know that The Economist has a Thought Leadership division.
From a recent ad: “The Economist Group’s Thought Leadership division provides cutting-edge research and custom content that helps our blue-chip clients engage high-level business audiences and promote informed debate on a wide range of topics.”
They’re looking for a Senior Editor. Position is based in Dubai, though. You probably don’t want to move.
Will Fox News present him with a commemorative rifle when he posts bail?
Zimmerman, Nugent, Limbaugh, Palin, Putin. I remember when conservatives told liberals “if you like Russia so much, go live there!”
This is not his first Domestic Violence charge.
@C.V. Danes:
@Citizen_X: He knocked over a councillor today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB1dJeMtb08&feature=youtu.be
Yatsuno put up a great comment on earlier thread:
tooting your horn for you
Those Zimmermans raised a fine son.
No snark. That’s exactly what they’re saying over at Free Republic. Seriously. “Hasn’t this man suffered enough?” and “The liberals are gonna find some way to get him behind bars.”
Villago Delenda Est
Perhaps the same model that was used 50 years ago this week for another display of Second Amendment remedies?
Zimmerman is a ticking bomb. The guy is dangerous.
And, meanwhile, Trayvon’s mom was at Harvard today talking about Stand Your Ground. The comments in support of Zimmerman in the Boston Globe article just make you want to cry.
@ranchandsyrup: From the comments
Apparently they had set up a table with 40 Krispy Kreme donuts, and there were 41 people in the room. What’s a mayor to do?
@gnomedad: We are rather unfairly tarring the responsible gun owners of ‘merka with the actions of their chosen anointed poster-boy.
Villago Delenda Est
“Responsible gun owner” is looking more and more like “military intelligence”, “corporate responsibility”, and “jumbo shrimp.”
@shelly: It’s the girlfriend’s fault–she made him hit her.
Villago Delenda Est
It was a Jedi mind trick, I tells ya!
@shelly: The liberals don’t have to do anything. George Zimmerman put himself behind bars.
I wonder if it is the girlfriend who was with him when he assaulted his ex-wife and father-in-law. He certainly is a ladies man and a child killer.
Amir Khalid
After all that previous business — the post-acquittal display of humbug, the staged Good-Samaritan stunt, and then the nastiness at the in-laws’ place — I guess we’d be more surprised if something like this hadn’t happened. I know Bill’s suggestion isn’t entirely serious, but I can’t imagine George Zimmerman being driven to all this by remorse over Trayvon. I reckon this is just Zimmerman being himself: projecting his violent impulses onto people around him. and so justifying pre-emptive attacks on them.
@JPL: They were cronuts. Crack donuts.
Ben Cisco
Well, I’m stunned. Stupefied even.
@shelly: have they worked their way round to how this is all an attack on reeeligious freedom and Suthern traditional cultural ways yet? lot’s a things gotta be kept in line to maintain those.
I just feel polluted every time I’m reminded that George Zimmerman is a person. Like the aliens are going to arrive and they’re gonna demand that we take responsibility for him. They’re gonna say “we scanned his chemistry, he’s pretty much exactly the same as the rest of you” and we’re going to have to sigh and say “yeah, I know, but give us a second to explain.”
Some people seem to have a lot of ground to stand.
Sad thing is that with the crazy FL law, a relevant question is, if there were no witnesses, would he be in less trouble if he took a shot at her?
Betty, if you are convicted of domestic violence in FL, do you lose the right to own firearms?
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@Gin & Tonic: They don’t need me to tell them that every one of The Economist’s readership’s problems can be solved with a rightwing junta and firing squad.
West of the Rockies
@shelly: For sure because, as we all know, law enforcement is loaded with bleeding heart liberals!
So George Zimmerman really is a violent knucklehead… man, I didn’t see that coming.
@scav: In the traditional South, men knew how to keep their women in line, even if it took a little back of the hand or the occasional palm across the cheek. Simpler times.
West of the Rockies
@Violet: True story… when I was a civilian in law enforcement (a dozen years ago), I attended a departmental meeting at which the new department policy was revealed that if an involved party shows any physical injury, someone was going to go to jail. A couple of the officers expressed their concern and opined that “Sometimes, a woman is just asking for it.”
Villago Delenda Est
@Ben Cisco:
You know, a Weasley Wizarding Wheezes shield charm hat would help with that.
TaMara (BHF)
This is the real shocking news in this story.
Seriously, some girl is hard up enough to date this? Isn’t he still married to/separated from a wife he almost got thrown in jail with him?
@JPL: Love the posts from his fans. “He was rushing to confront someone else when he knocked her down!” Oh, that makes him look much more stable.
Ben Cisco
@Villago Delenda Est: Well played, sir. Well played.
@TaMara (BHF): he’s been on the wingnut gravy train and as such, certain folks are inclined to tap that particular income stream.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: I don’t know about the right to OWN a firearm, but my understanding is that if you have a felony conviction, you can’t get / would lose an existing concealed carry permit.
@FRANCH: I, for one, welcome our new, at-least-quasi-moral overlords.
@Betty Cracker: Watch him plea it down to a misdemeanor. He has no priors.
(which sickens me, but it’s the truth)
SYG laws aside, all legitimate deadly force self defense claims have one thing in common.
That is, you have to have been attacked by someone who threatened to use lethal force and had the means and capability to carry it out.
IOW, unless Georgie’s women were either packing heat or MMA champions, the cops would laugh at any SYG/self defense claim right before clapping the cuffs on him if he drew a gun.
At least that’s how it’s supposed to work.
This is Florida, so who knows?
I refuse to believe dear, huggable George is under arrest for the crimes alleged. He’s just so pudgy and vulnerable and his smile was so sweet. I am sure that he’s been set up by the liberal media or some femi-Nazi. Call me George.
-Juror # 9
Charles Manson still gets marriage proposals in the mail.
The Other Chuck
This is the south. You probably get a discount.
@Betty Cracker:
Under Federal law you lose the right to own firearms if you are a convicted felon or convicted of certain violent misdemeanors.
The 1997 Lautenberg Amendment strips misdemeanor domestic violence convicts of their right to bear arms.
You’ve got some serious competition above from Bill (#3), JSFTL (#13), and Citizen X (#19), but that just might win this thread.
There might have to be playoffs.
Won’t it be lovely if Geo Zimmerman gets punished more for slapping a blonde girlfriend than for killing an unarmed black teenager in cold blood?
In Florida, you can chase down the guy who stole your car stereo, stab him to death, and still successfully claim Stand Your Ground. As long as you kill the other guy, Florida will believe that you feared for your life and set you free. If all you do is fire a warning shot, you go to jail for 20 years.
Basically, as the law is set up in Florida right now, you’re better off killing someone and claiming you feared for your life than not killing them.
@Elizabelle: Look at OJ.
I bet she attacked him.
Just like the other girlfriend, the cop in the bar, Martin, and his senior citizen former father in law.
Another unprovoked attack.
@Glocksman: Thanks. I was curious about the misdemeanor because of George’s clean record. Is Hannity holding a fundraiser for him?
@handsmile: I vote for Bill because I stole his comment shamelessly and used it to troll on FB. Good show, Bill.
Mayor Ford.
Again on video.
Running / pushing over a Councilwoman.
No, really.
@Kay: His ex-wife faced jail time if she accused him of domestic violence, because he would end up accusing her. She’s still on probation for lying under oath and would face jail time. Hopefully, the latest victim isn’t on probation.
not shocked in the least
No idea, but if Hannity operates true to form, he will.
Of course a Hannity fundraiser would probably leave Zimmerman owing Hannity money.
Or am I confusing Sean Hannity with Lucius Malfoy? :)
West of the Rockies
@Elizabelle: Well, a society does have to have priorities….
Fuck you Tom Horton’s Krispy Kreme rulz
Amazing that some woman thought it a good idea to date him.
She’s a piece of work, too. Heroes all around, in this continuing drama.
FYWP! No edit.
And if I recall correctly, the incident with the cop in the bar was reduced from two counts: resisting officer with violence and battery of a law enforcement officer (3rd degree felonies) to one count of resisting an officer without violence. That incident took place a month before the incident with his fiancee but IOKIYA-the son of a Magistrate.
Not true in Florida. You just have to be scared. The more of a pants wetting coward you are, the easier it is to weild a gun in Florida.
If the woman was in a domestic relationship with Zimmerman, she can file for a restraining order.
Once granted, Zimmerman would be prohibited from possessing guns and ammunition until the order is lifted.
DV cases are one of the reasons why I support extending NICS checks to most private transfers.
Once a restraining order is (usually automatically any more) forwarded to the FBI’s database, the person subject to the order wouldn’t be able to purchase a firearm legally.
As it is now, anyone under a restraining order (or convicted felon, for that matter) can buy a gun through a private sale without a NICS check in the states that don’t mandate such checks under state law.
Y do u hate freedumb you socialist libtard? Don’t you know there can never be any restrictions on the FREEDUMB to own guns evar??? WOLVERINES!!!
He was in imminent fear for his life.
It’s so weird how his experience exactly tracks the statute. I hardly ever hear people recite the necessary elements like that, but then again, he had done some SYG studies. Not a GREAT student, but still. Enough to get by.
O/T, but practically worth a thread of its own…
A Canton, OH Walmart asks employees for food donations to help Associates in need enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner.
Dig deep everybody. 20 billion each isn’t enough for the sprogs of Sam Walton.
Clearly, Zimms needs to be chained to the front with a chicken tied to his neck until he learns to behave. Can we get him to North Carolina?
The real “punch”line is the foster parents: “Mr. Harper is an ER nurse, and Ms. Larson is a supervisor with Union County’s Department of Social Services (DSS).”
How about it, George, a little tough love?
@Kay: That’s the thing about Florida. Thousands of people, running around threatening law abiding citizens with all those readily available sidewalks.
It’s the sidewalks that need to be regulated, I tell ya……
@Gin & Tonic:
“Thought leader” in an extremely irritating phrase of the moment, used by every two-but hack who can scrawl a resume. But I take comfort in the fact that it will soon fade away, in favor of some new faddish business term. Which I suppose is JSFH’s point with his new handle.
@dollared: Damn government funding sidewalks, putting them into the hands of the undeserving riffraff assaulting their betters.
Good point. My theory is Zimms is always agitated because of the preseence of so many menacing sidewalks, everywhere he goes. He should move to the country. Way, wayyyy into the country. Better yet, another country.
Amir Khalid
A country with no sidewalks? There are very very few of those left. Even Somalia has some.
Why did Martin attack Zimmerman, do you think?
I don’t really accept “because Martin was once suspended from high school.”
I think Zimmerman tried to restrain Martin and Martin (rightly! good job!) knocked him on his ass, which is when he bumped his head.
@dollared: Florida: the sort of place where some idjit goin’ huntin’ for them Uppity Furriners and shooting some Europeans on holiday yields – you guessed it – armed guards at all Interstate rest areas.
Patricia Kayden
@ranchandsyrup: WOW. He’s getting worst. Poor Torontonians. I’m sure they never would have dreamed he would have turned out to be such an embarrassment.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@EconWatcher: “Thought Leader” was a natural progression from “Leading Thinker” as that term was discredited by wave after wave of our elites shitting the bed on a global scale.
I predict Fore Thunker will be the next iteration when Luke Russert’s generation owns the levers of power.
Not 100 percent true. If you’re a non-white guy who kills another non-white guy (as in the example I posted above), you’ll probably walk. If you’re a Middle Eastern guy killing his ex-wife’s new boyfriend, you’ll probably walk.
The Tampa Bay Times maintains a database if you’re curious.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: I think at this point if I saw George Zimmerman I’d just shoot him. Cos you know what that guys capable of.
I still say that the person who was legitimately standing his ground was Martin.
So George Zimmerman, at least in his mind, is that gunslinger that every other gunsel wants to draw down upon.
Fair warning: Obama’s public education policy is rapidly turning me into a full-on firebagger.
It’s not the standards that people are objecting to you dope. It’s the expense and the incredible amount of time he’s proposing public school kids spend testing.
Our g-damn budgets are gutted. We can’t afford his new testing scheme.
It’s the cheerleading privatization and the sucking up to Bill Gates and the constant trashing of public schools and teachers.
You know, 95% of the public schools in this country are NOT charter schools. Can someone tell me why we have a head of the DOE who has absolutely no regard for PUBLIC schools? Democrats should get their head out of their asses. It was bad enough when they decided to join Jeb Bush and pile on teachers. Now they’re going after public school parents? Brilliant!
? Martin
@Kay: Yeah, Duncan is fucking this up.
I’ve talked to dozens of teachers about common core and they are universally thrilled with the change. However, they’re equally thrilled that Gerry Brown told Duncan to eat a bag of dicks over testing this year since it was pointless to test kids rolling into common core on pre-common-core approaches. This is a good opportunity for everyone to just take a breath, give common core a couple of years to get phased in and then resume testing under the new approach.
So does this mean that George Zimmerman finally, FINALLY, has a longer arrest record than Trayvon Martin? (And yes, I know that Martin was not actually arrested for anything, despite what the wingnut echo chamber tells you.)
@? Martin:
My son likes school. He trusts the adults there. They’re testing them on material they haven’t learned yet to get a “base score” for these data freaks in ed reform.
He doesn’t give a shit about Arne Duncan’s base score and neither do I. He thinks it’s UNFAIR to test people on material they haven’t had yet. He’s right. That is unfair. What are they teaching them? Not to trust adults? That adults will treat them unfairly?
Have you seen the length of time they’re proposing these kids sit for tests under CC? It’s like giving the ACT to 5rd graders. I mean, we’re approaching bar exam lengths of time. It is ridiculous. Are there any godamned adults in ed reform? Anyone?
They’re giving kindergartners in NY CC test prep. It’s labeled “test prep”. Parents are posting photos on Twitter. What are they thinking?
Betty Cracker
According to my local news feed, the Seminole Co. Sheriff says Zimmerman PULLED A SHOTGUN on his girlfriend. Jesus, what a psycho.
@? Martin:
If Democrats abandon public ed, this is where I get off.
I get why we needed a patched-together public/private health care law, because we didn’t have a universal public health care system.
We HAVE a universal public K-12 education system, and I intend to keep it. If we lose it we will never, ever get it back. We will regret it.
@Betty Cracker:
I kan haz felony charge? Or is that SOP in Florida?
@Betty Cracker: That’s illegal in FL? Guv’nor Voldemort still has work to do, then.
Reformed Panty Sniffer
Looks like Zimmerman is back to the shaved head, Taxi-Driver look. Also, appears the woman in question was at the scene of the last disturbance with his ex-wife and that she (new woman) is pregnant. See dailymail story)
@Betty Cracker:
Remember that woman in the jury who was on CNN the day after the verdict? She spouted on how fair the verdict was and how Zimmerman was a great guy. I would love to hear her now. She is partially responsible for this dangerous man not being in jail.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@Betty Cracker:
She was wearing a hoodie I bet!!
Amir Khalid
The word “gunsel” came up in the discussion in these threads not long ago. Apparently, it doesn’t mean one who carries a gun. It is a now little-used term for a gay man.
@Kay: I think Zimmie was huffing and puffing (his version of running) with his finger on the trigger and when Trayvon saw the gun he screamed. An already agitated Zimmerman got panicky and accidentally squeezed the trigger then bent over Trayvon’s dead body. That fits with the witness’ phone call. What was never brought up at the trial was that Zimmie had a row with his wife and she left him that night and went home to daddy. He was pissed off before he “drove to Target” (which I think meant “drive to the old man’s house and threaten his wife as a target”). He was looking for trouble and he found it.
Also, too, (wink) the new girlfriend / latest DV victim told the cops that she is pregnant, so the charge this time was automatically bumped up to a felony charge and Zimmie was denied bail.
Maybe someone in the lock-up will teach him a little street justice while he sits in the hole.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@Kay: You oughta see if you can get a frontpager to throw that up, Kay.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Waiting for Spatz to come and tell us how Zimmerman is simply misunderstood.
Suffern ACE
@Kay: Well, the positive note I suppose is that if Arne Duncan keeps referring to students as “not very bright” for not passing his test, the chance that he’ll have a life in poltics after this administration approaches zero rather quickly.
Good thing she wasn’t black, or he’d have killed her.
Good thing she wasn’t black, or he’d have killed her.
Good thing she wasn’t black, or he’d have killed her.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I can’t. I have to go to my book club. We read The Last Town on Earth which was good if you want to read it.
I keep writing these long ranty FP posts about this but then they grow to 2000 words and I put them in the trash. I’ll keep trying. 500 words, max. Clinton is just as bad, BTW. The only pro-public ed Dem I can come up with is the candidate for governor in MI. One. I have one.
@Betty Cracker:
Meh. It was foreplay.
@Suffern ACE:
I genuinely think they don’t “get” public schools. The NY schools head ran two charter schools prior to this job. He goes to these meetings and gets his feelings hurt, but public school meetings here are fairly noisy and combative, and we have stoic German introverts and passive aggressives.
The difference between a public school and a charter school is, if you don’t like the charter, you don’t go to meetings and bitch, YOU LEAVE. You go to another school.
It’s “voice” versus “choice”. Duncan is running into “voice” and he can’t handle it.
Public school parents think they own these schools, and they do! They’re right! They’re not going anywhere. He better get used to it.
Amir Khalid
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo):
That, and hawk his latest “portraicature”, or whatever his term is, of some random celebrity.
@Amir Khalid: I’ve heard it used both ways. Per Urban Dictionary:
In prison, a cheap little punk. Also in prison, a catamite.
And it was deliberately blurred in The Maltese Falcon!
Color me surprised, but not shocked.
Joy Reid is live tweeting details coming from officer on scene. Highlights: GF called 911 after he cocked and pointed shotgun at her. When she threatened to call 911 he pointed gun at her and asked if “she really wanted to do that?” Zim refused to leave home and smashed a table then locked GF out.
“I am the one who cocks.”
Walter WhGeorge Zimmermanfeebog
like OJ, it was only a matter of time before the anger and penchant for violence erupted once again from GZ. Hope the Girl Friend sticks to her guns and gives a good statement. In so many of these domestic abuse cases the GF/wife backs down and recants.
@Trollhattan: LOL.
I went dumpster diving to see what the wingers are saying. ZOMG it is Eric Holder that is engineering this!!!!!
Also: “Shoot a black boy and you have a chance at a fair trial, even in Florida. Mess with a woman, anywhere, and you’re guilty even before you’ve done anything.” is a doozy of a statement.
You will be happy to hear that the consensus at my restaurant in Central Florida was this might be GZ’s OJ justice coming around. There’s hope!
I hope Zimmerman finally goes to prison–and I pray that he’s put in protective custody, because otherwise, any sentence is a death sentence.
I agree, Duncan is a jerk, but, from my casual reading about the common core standards ii seems that they are actually pretty good standards and would probably be useful measures of progress.
As to a baseline. Establishing a baseline before teaching curricula are changed seems reasonable to me. I know that, here in NYS, parents and teachers were told months ahead of time and at regular intervals thereafter that student results were likely to be poor but not to worry as they wouldn’t be used to penalize anyone. That didn’t stop lots of folks from being outraged, of course.
For the luvva God. Messing isn’t doing something?
I don’t know if anyone remembers “Mary Hartman,” but Martin Mull played a guy who was a wife-beater. When he faced the judge, he claimed to be innocent, saying, “Your Honor, I was just trying to knock some sense into her.”
I know Mull was joking, but where do these clowns come from?
Duncan is the only appointee of the President’s that I have despised from DAY ONE.
@Suffern ACE: Met Duncan once. Smartest person in the room, he thought he was. Impenetrable.
I hope Zimmerman finally goes to prison–and I pray that he’s put in
protective custodygen pop, becauseotherwise, any sentence is a death sentencefuck George Zimmerman.FTFY
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
No one could possibly have foreseen this.