Rush Limbaugh, that malignant mass that was once removed from a blameless pilonidal cyst, made an analogy today between changing the US Senate filibuster rules and a made-up group’s changing a rule that “the men cannot rape the women.”
“Let’s say, let’s take 10 people in a room and they’re a group,” he said on his radio show. “And the room is made up of six men and four women. OK? The group has a rule that the men cannot rape the women. The group also has a rule that says any rule that will be changed must require six votes, of the 10, to change the rule.
That’s some deeply creepy shit, but not particularly surprising from Limbaugh, who frequently compares proposed legislation to sexual assault and famously attributed a woman’s desire for affordable healthcare to wanton strumpethood.
It reminds me of what remains, for my money, one of the best troll smackdowns in the history of Balloon Juice, which occured back in the PUMA Wars of aught-eight:
MYIQ, you racist loser PUMA, do you want to know what is like rape? Rape, you stupid fuck.
It’s still true.
Jerzy Russian
I still don’t get what this has to do with the Senate.
Ash Can
The guy hates women, period, the end. He’s abhorrent.
Suffern ACE
Hmmm. So which nominee is rape?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Sandra Fluke broke him. I find that rather amusing.
Omnes Omnibus
Basically the guy cannot tell the difference between a malum in se and one of Robert’s Rules of Order.
ETA: Jeebus, he also more or less assumes that all of the men will want to rape the women.
Because voting to commit a crime is exactly like the vote yesterday.
What a sad maroon.
@Suffern ACE: To Rush? Currently, it’ll be Janet Yellen. See also Sotomayor, Kagan, et al.
It’s a rare thing to find someone who’s so openly, thoroughly terrified by the mere existence of women as he is. Projection, of course, just like his attitudes toward POC.
He’s just trying to mix it up. He can’t go with the holocaust or reparations every day, his act might get stale.
Ash Can
Except for those GOP leaders who had to (almost immediately) walk back their criticism of him a couple of years ago. If he really did have no real power, GOP pols who felt like criticizing him would do so and not look back.
He actually does have power. He sets the narrative. He makes it OK for bigots and assholes to think and say the same crap that he does. He’s a asshole validator.
Considering the recent attempts to compare the modern US to East Germany and some of your fellow fpers flirtations with hyperbole (Syria and swinging dicks and Iraq oh my!) can we really claim any moral high ground anymore?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cassidy: Yes.
@Cassidy: moral high ground? I’ve been there and it’s overrated.
@Ash Can: And it’s not only that. I’ve spent way too many years living in areas where he’s THE opinion maker. He frames the discourse and sets the tone, and it’s dangerous to underestimate the effect he has on the ordinary, quotidian racist. misogynist, homophobe, other -ist/-phobe, etc. To say nothing of how his setting of the discursive frames distorts the beliefs and worldviews of people who might otherwise not be natural bigots.
If you’re a woman, a POC (or, heaven forbid, both), a member of the LGBTQI communities, a member of a religious minority, etc., you can’t afford to dismiss him as having “no power,” because for us, it’s manifestly not the case.
Much higher ground than rush limpdick. But then that’s not a very high
mountain to climbspeck of dust to step over.Ruckus
Betty Cracker
@efgoldman: I don’t agree that Limbaugh is powerless. Sitting US presidents have called in to his radio show to deliver slobbering tributes on his birthday. Wingnut congressmen who have run afoul of him have had to phone in to grovel publicly. I think his power is diminishing, though, which is a good thing.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Basically the guy cannot tell the difference between a malum in se and one of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Sadly, neither can I.
Omnes Omnibus
@Aji: @Ruckus: I do think he is a shadow of what he was pre-Fluke. Too many people got a peek behind the curtain on that one.
Read this earlier. Man, there’s got to be some weird shit floating around in that Oxycontin-addled brain of his. There are plenty of other analogies you could compare the nuclear option to…and yet he goes for one involving rape?
That’s like the equivalent of doubling down in blackjack holding 2/3. It’s dumb and is almost certainly going to end with you looking like a complete and total fucking moron.
Ugh, think I got moderated again because I referred to those wholly unwholesome and immoral games played at houses of chance. Goddammit.
Suffern ACE
@Cassidy: well, I’m not much for hyperbolic analogies, but at least the East German analogy makes sense. I mean, they made cars, we make cars. The equivalencies are eerie.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: A malum in se is a crime in and of itself – rape and murder are prime examples. Usually compared with a malum prohibitum, something that is a crime because it declared to be one – drunk driving or insider trading for example. Robert’s Rules are just procedural rules, like needing to be recognized by the chair before speaking.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hopefully his power will just wither away. Rapidly.
He is the embodiment of a huge portion of the problems with this country/culture and the sooner his influence/popularity dies the better off we will all be.
@Cassidy: Yes we can.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Agreed.
@Suffern ACE: We never caught up in strudel production.
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree, but he recently renewed his contract at some obscene sum for several more years. I figured they’d take that opportunity to dump him or at least make him take a big pay cut, but it doesn’t seem to have worked out that way. He must be making Cumulus money or they would have let him go.
Viva BrisVegas
So the group needs a rule that says “don’t rape women’? Does that imply that it’s OK for the women to rape the men, or for the men to rape each other?
Does it mean that if there are 7 or more men who vote for it, that it’s OK to rape the remaining women? What if there are 10 men, who gets raped?
Can we get a list of the clubs that Rush belongs to, I want to avoid them.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Gin & Tonic: The 2003 vintage of malum in se was superb.
To the extent that he helps convince the crazies that they’re oh-so-right, he’s helping US.
Harry Reid was going to lose his last race, until Sharon Angle won the R primary on June 8, 2010. That September, she said this:
Rush helped us keep Harry Reid by helping the Tea Party nominate Sharon Angle, and he helped us keep the senate in Democratic hands again in 2012. He may have meant to do this, because he’s not stupid. His program is a lot more popular when he can throw rocks at the people in power, and it just makes sense that he’d want them to be Democrats.
He’s out for himself first and only, but he benefits us. I hope he goes full on crazy in the next year, especially during primary season. We need to keep the senate, and he’s clearly incentivized to help us.
I’m cheering for the Tea Party senate candidates this year. They’ve kept us in the majority twice now, and they can do it again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Viva BrisVegas: Projection. Rush assumes that all men want to rape. People like him just don’t recognize the concept of consent.
David Koch
@Betty Cracker: but at the same time he told his supposedly huge audience to vote against Romney in 2012 and against McCain in 2008 in the primaries because they were RINOs and based on the vote, Fatso failed miserably.
Maybe they are just assholes like rush and they like his shit.
I think Limbaugh should be caged and displayed as a prime example of man 1 hour before a deadly heart attack.
@Aji: This times a thousand. Wish it weren’t so. Not interested in giving him more power. But he’s like an interstate that carries the hate to and from the major brokers and their many enablers.
@David Koch:
What can you expect of someone who fails Humanity 101 every day?
Suffern ACE
In another world, the women just leave. Perhaps he’s calling for mass resignations.
Omnes Omnibus
Also, I have a problem with his problem with wanton strumpethood.
@Omnes Omnibus: He certainly doesn’t see rape as a crime. It’s just a continuation of his “White men should be able to do and get and have what they want” outlook on life. Anyone who isn’t a white man is one of the ones who gets whatever it is done to them–rape, theft, whatever. It’s all the same to Rush because it’s something done to others, not him or his group.
@Violet: Not necessarily. What he’s doing is allowing the groups that fund him to continue to advance their agenda. If the people who listen to Rush, watch Fox, and read Drudge actually had to interact with the real world, they might want to raise taxes on the rich in order to fix things.
Rush is making the “right” people money, even if the company is losing. Clear Channel collapsing will only affect the employees; it will never affect the Kochs.
Suffern ACE
Of course, if it weren’t for Rush, right wing talk would be directed by upper crust snoots and libertarian college republican counterintuitive snots. Pick your poison, I guess.
@Ruckus: I’m sure they are assholes, but at some point it’s business. Rush could be their best buddy, but if he’s losing them millions, they’re going to renegotiate or let him go. He must not be losing them money.
Omnes Omnibus
@Violet: I think Belafon might be onto something. Rush could be a loss leader at this point.
@Omnes Omnibus: I doubt that monstrosity has ever been able to engage in sex without either coercion or paying cash for it (and now requiring chemical assistance as well), I don’t find it surprising that he believes all men would support the ability to rape women.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gravenstone: ::shudder::
Cole could really write back then.
Can’t someone just pull a clip of him saying the opposite during the Bush presidency? I’m sure they’re out there… I’ve noticed Hewitt’s been rather quiet on this… Other than pointing out that Senator Obama was against this rule change the last time it was suggested.
@Suffern ACE: I think there’d be more yelling, like Hannity or here in LA, john and ken
@Omnes Omnibus: Could be. Seems like an expensive loss leader, but who knows.
@Omnes Omnibus: I second this. Hating women (or anyone) for wanting to have lots of sex is an impulse I hope I never understand.
The kochsuckers lose money paying for conservatives all the time. Hasn’t stopped them. Course the amount of money is pocket change to them. As well Belafon pointed out and I was trying to say, money may not be the overriding factor here. Keeping his shit on the air and in the public ear has power for them and while we may think it is a huge sum, especially for what the money is buying, to the people ultimately paying him? Once again, pocket change.
Rush Limbaugh, proof positive that modern medicine still has no cure for having a tiny dick.
Jewish Steel
When groping for an appropriate metaphor, who among us does not turn first to coercive sex? I ask you?
Jewish Steel
When groping for an appropriate metaphor, who among us does duplicate his initial comment? FYWP? I ask you?
What’s made the GOP so batshit insane for the last five years has been the existence of the teabaggers as a primarying army keeping everyone in line, yes? Well, these teabaggers don’t get their guidance from “elected officials.” They get it from the noise machine, from people like Rush Limbaugh. Those guys control the votes. Definitely real power.
@Ruckus: True, but if his market in general is shrinking, the age of the listeners is older and he’s not gaining new listeners, then it’s not really a good strategy by his paymasters. Sure he’s in the public sphere, but if he’s just viewed as the crazy old guy spouting racist crazy talk, then he’s not buying them the influence they’re paying for. If he’s a laughingstock, or if he’s toxic to advertisers, he’s no longer got the influence they want him to have.
I don’t know if that’s where he is, but I do think his influence has waned since the Sandra Fluke episode. Do Republicans do what he tells them to do like they had to in 2009 and 2010? Do they have to go on his show and grovel if they step out of line? Or has that time passed?
Omnes Omnibus
They keep doubling down on the crazy, right?
? Martin
Just got back from the football game. Quarterfinals. Home game. Home team is behind and needs a goal to win, takes possession on their 7 with 1:10 to go in the 4th. They’ve scored the last 14 points, so they’re on a roll. A number of effective (if fairly ugly) plays moves them up the field and a nice passing play puts them first and goal on the 1 with 38 seconds on the clock. All they need to do is push the ball over the line, make the extra point and they’re in overtime. No problem. And their kicker is amazingly good, so the extra point is almost a given. First play, ball is handed off, player hits the wall, fumbles and the other team recovers.
Done. Out of the playoffs.
Took a while to get the clock started again because of the fullback laying on the field crying. Even after the handshakes and the playing of the alma mater, he was still crying.
Seriously, their kicker is the best I’ve ever seen. I don’t watch a lot of football, so I don’t doubt that there are better kickers out there, but every single kickoff lands inside the 5. Never seen him kick a touchback. I’ve seen him put several punts on the sideline at the 1 or 2 yardline. Skinny fucking kid, but his accuracy is uncanny.
Little Boots
he’s fading.
I suspect we give him far too much credit. he’s got the old, bitter, stupid demographic, but so what?
Viva BrisVegas
That’s impossible.
Sorry, I don’t know how to do links properly.
@Suffern ACE:
but their Pat Buchanan spoke in the original German
Little Boots
Notice that I didn’t say I think the money is wisely spent. Nor that a pure business person would be willing to pay that money for that shit, just that the people paying are. I used to have to interact with Clear Channel personal in my job and anyone middle management or higher was sleaze of the highest order. I always felt like I needed to take a shower in pure bleach to kill the scum after a meeting. I think they like rush. He’s one of them. OK slightly louder but otherwise… Once on a back road in MO I saw a sign in someone’s front yard, Fuck Clear Channel. That picture was a favorite at work. Everyone understood and appreciated it.
Viva BrisVegas
@Little Boots:
I assume you are talking about the Washington Press Corp.
I can’t stand that show (John and Ken) for more than say 5 minutes at a time. They are NJ transplants btw.
They’ve gone more and more wing-nut as time has gone on. I mean they’ve always been right wingers, but in the Davis recall and beyond they’ve been an IV drip of Koch brother poison in Cali.
they bring on freaking Norquist and pretend he’s just some really smart think-tank dude who speaks the truth, same with whatever asshole they bring on from howard Jarvis’s zombie think tank. Pretty much the the reason I’ll flip by for a couple minutes is to catch the wingnut meme of the day.
Suffern ACE
@Little Boots: unfortunately, those folks have a whole lot of assets that goldline needs them to give up.
Little Boots
@Viva BrisVegas:
well, yes, but again, does it really matter?
we also take meet the press far more seriously than most people do.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Exactly. The people he rallies are people who would never vote for our side anyway. He is keeping the fires raging for his people, but that is it.
Not saying he still has the power he once had. Which was to get idiots to grovel for him. But his message still has meaning to some of our fellow citizens. So as long as he continues to spew out his crap he has power. Violet is linking his power to the money and you are linking his power to bending people to be subservient, both of which types of power are/were greater not too long ago, but that is not his only power. His power to present a message of bigotry and hate is still there. He validates bigotry and hate, two mainstays of conservative thought.
That was always his power. The rest was just window dressing/ego stuffing.
Suffern ACE
@KG: it’s hard to tell who’s the legitimate news sources are for all the yelling. We have cnbc on in the lobby at work because its business and we’re a business. CNN is on the the break room. I swear, most of the programs are split screen panel discussions of frantic angry shouty people.
@Ruckus: I’m sure they are total sleazes. As for the rich guys funding Rush, as we saw in the 2012 Republican primaries, rich guys will spend lots of money on losers for a lot longer than we could imagine. Wasn’t Gingrich basically Adelson’s charity case? And wasn’t there some rumbling after the election that the rich guys felt they hadn’t got a good ROI because they spent tons of money and were told the polls were wrong until the election proved they weren’t?
So I can imagine someone will fund Rush being out on the radio waves, but eventually if he’s not delivering whatever it is they want (making money, having influence, peddling their talking points), they’ll renegotiate or cut him loose.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know. Ann Coulter used to drive me nuts, constantly, until I realized, so what, she’s just playing a silly game for people who are already on her side, and what the hell does it matter for the rest of us?
The huge thing that happened this week was Harry Reid’s fuck you to the entire Republican party. and that is what we should focus on. it’s major, and it’s a good thing.
Not necessarily. He can spout all he wants, but if no one is listening, does he really have any power? Crazy people on street corners spout crap too, but no one pays any attention. Do they have much power?
The smaller Rush’s audience gets, and the older it gets and the fewer new listeners he gains, the less and less power he has. Both in the money sense and the cultural and political influence sense. Koch brothers or whoever won’t invest in Rush if he’s not delivering whatever it is they want.
Little Boots
I agree. I thing he’s just getting desperate, hence louder and more ridiculous.
@Little Boots: Ann Coulter is like performance art. She’s always traded on her supposed good looks, but she’s enough older now that that act doesn’t work as well. Maybe her audience is older too so they still think she’s a hot young thing, but I saw her on something recently and…no.
@Little Boots:
They show up the most consistently to vent their ire through voting. That’s what.
Oh I agree. They will cut him lose in a heartbeat if he doesn’t fulfill the narrative. I just don’t think money is the sticking point. As long as he can produce the product and there are people listening he is useful and will remain. How many of his advertisers have left? Loads and he’s still there. It isn’t about the groveling, the money or his gigantic ego, it is about the message.
Little Boots
true. took a while to realize that, but yes, I totally agree.
Little Boots
also true, but you know, that’s on us.
everyone stop dicking around and get to the damn polls. it’s not Rush’s fault that younger people can’t get off their ass and vote.
the olds and bitters are out there, true. so counteract that or don’t complain.
One day Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are going to reveal themselves as two sociologists from the future who came here to study conservative culture firsthand. To see what would work and what wouldn’t. Alternately, Ann Coulter has been running the worlds longest parody of a conservative for comedy purposes, and Limbaugh is a limp dicked, racist drug addict with long and deep seeded daddy issues.
Little Boots
Many say palin is good looking, but I just don’t see it. But ann? No way, not now, not ever, not remotely.
Little Boots
yeah, I’ll leave it to the straight boys, since that’s obviously her target audience. but I never got what the hell anyone saw in ann coulter.
Little Boots
I blame Omnes, as always.
@Ruckus: She was in some “Hot Republican Women” calendar. Shudder.
Suffern ACE
@Little Boots: she was a woman who told them that they didn’t have to listen to those pushy dykes like Hillary Clinton, and she gave the impression that she put out, unlike Phyllis Schafly.
Little Boots
@Suffern ACE: @Suffern ACE:
suspect you’re right.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: @Little Boots: I think this applies to both of them. Late at night in a bar with no conversation, they could be attractive. Over the course of an evening, with conversation, no. Coulter would hold up better because, while evil, she is actually bright. Both are around 50 and still trying to play 35; it’s not working.
ETA: They are like Luke Perry playing a teenager in 90210 at this point.
That has to be a pretty low bar to jump, getting your picture on that calendar. Of course it would be a handy thing to have, Here’s 12 women to NEVER date, screw or even be in the same room.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ve been passed out drunk in the snow in December, north of Chicago and I still wasn’t that drunk.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: I’m a slut. There, I said it.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s the thing. They’ve both traded on and depended on their looks for so long they have no idea how to manage now they are getting too old to do so.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
knew it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh so am I, but it sounds like I have a lower tolerance for my level of slutlyness than you.
Actually I’m just easy, not slutty. Not that it’s ever helped but still.
Omnes Omnibus
@Violet: But you can do 50 and hot. Michelle Pfeiffer and Morgan Fairchild have done it. Anne Bancroft? Sexier than Katherine Ross in The Graduate. What Coulter and Palin don’t understand is that you have to do it differently.
Little Boots
I would say Palin is attractive until she opens her mouth.
but this is interesting.
It used to be good enough for Rush to represent the angry white male audience. What he said spoke for an entire demographic, But since the Fluke affair and the rise of the crazy Tea Party, there are plenty more voices and actions out there with enough shock effect to grab a moment or two in the limelight, reducing Rush’s ability to spread his message beyond his ditto heads. Rush’s only tactic now is to horrify — it’s the only way anyone outside of his narrow listenership pays any attention to him.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ugh. They are both so selfish the sex would be dire. If you actually got any. They might leave the bar with you, make you buy them an expensive late night dinner then fake a headache and get you to pay for a cab to take them home. Typical conservatives.
Omnes Omnibus
Depends on the lateness of the hour, doesn’t it? One does have one’s limits and I would guess that five minutes of conversation with either would send home, alone and thankful. Jen Granholm, however, would be a blast late at night.
Gotta Brand to maintain, that fat boy — hard work that, 24/7/365.whatever, churning out the repub outreach. Free Market Freedoms combined with maximum Govt intervention into the lives of sluts and those people, also the poors. If he were to shut his trap about women, then the terrorists will have won, damn the advertising stream!
So, in Rush’s eye, does this mean in a post-some-forms-of-Senate-filibuster-world, all gang-banging is legitimate, as are orgies, so long as the critical sex-ratio is maintained? That’s some bang from the nuclear option. Interesting interpretation.
Little Boots
I think that was some turning point for advertisers. not listeners. he’s still number one for the douchebag demographic. but advertisers are getting a little sick of the douchebag demographic.
Omnes Omnibus
With late night pick-ups, the sex is either dire or out of this world. And let me emphasize, if I knew who they actually were, I would know a was in the wrong bar and go home. I am just talking about them as types. Attractive enough in a late night way.
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed. They just have no idea how to do it. Or even that they need to.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots:
That is exactly it. His listeners didn’t flinch, but companies who bought ads without consequence before suddenly were informed that Rush’s audience was smaller than their general market and the general market was not pleased.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
yeah, unfortunately, apparently a lot of them decided, no more political radio left, right, or anything.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s possible it’s a general experience thing, at least for me. Done that been there.
Little Boots
really? ann, or sarah?
@? Martin: Took a while to get the clock started again because of the fullback laying on the field crying. Even after the handshakes and the playing of the alma mater, he was still crying.
That is the kind of thing that haunts you. You can tell a guy like that something like this:
Kid turns up at his father’s house. He’s 24. Father is divorced from mother, but he paid child support. Kid is wearing nothing but a shirt, some worn out shoes and the same pair of jeans he’s been. It so turns out that his mother kicked him out of the house years and years ago, and never informed biological father. So this kid/guy has been kicking around homeless shelters since he was 18 (or maybe earlier). He was abused incessantly at home, and then he’s in the homeless shelters, and apparently he’s ADHD and stuff and rarely eats and now has no teeth because of fights over food. Total shellshock situation.
So I get the call and I am asked about the place that does community mental health and I tell, but the thing is, thanks to budget cuts nobody has any damn beds, and honestly, what this kid needs is safe haven for some long time to recuperate. (From the description, he’s got PTSD, it so sounds to me.) So, taking care of that.
No moral to it, except, ‘It could be worse.’
(He needed clothes, so we took the opportunity to clean closets, so that part should be taken care of. Better than Goodwill, which is where his stepmother was going to go. (Dad has no money.))
Weird weird story for a weird day.
[‘Austerity! Yeah!’]
Omnes Omnibus
@Violet: Another example: Pretty Ingenue, Mature Woman*
* Posted because I think the second song is amazing.
@Little Boots: Rush used to be regarded as a conservative thinker; someone who influenced the direction of the movement. When he used to say something out of the norm, it made those ideas acceptable. Now that the conservative norm has gone completely irrational, he’s lost the ability to influence it. There are now too many other crazy MFers to compete with.
Little Boots
damn, well you are a hero.
no snark.
you are awesome.
Little Boots
true, he’s still the top dog, but it doesn’t matter.
he’s a douche. they’re douches. nobody cares. it’s a joke, and we should treat it as such.
do things like, well, end the filibuster. that’s what counts.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: In my view, that is fine. I really don’t like talk radio. I don’t like podcasts or audiobooks. My primary radio station in Madison is WSUM, and I get so disappointed when I start my car and one of their talk shows is on.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
you don’t like the mic?
I really do.
Little Boots
what about the human league?
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Nah, I listen to radio in the car only and what I like about WSUM is that I get to hear new things. I might not like all of them, but my inner hipster wants be aware of what is out there.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
okay, but I do love stephanie miller.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
whereas I just want the 80’s,
minus the reagan, and the contras, and the growing income inequality, and the soviet union,
okay just the music.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: It takes all kinds. OTOH, back when I was in the army, I would use the privilege of my rank to makes soldiers turn off the radio when Armed Forces Radio played Limbaugh’s show back in the late 80s/early 90s. If someone complained, “I would say the army isn’t supposed to be political; if you want to listen when you are off duty, fine. But not at work.”
@Little Boots: Exactly. I just think Rush’s outburst are about his ego wanting to be somebody important and nothing to do with anything relevant in the real world. /rant
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
what was the reaction?
never sure how the army really feels about the hard right.
Little Boots
that is it, at this point. I don’t think he cares about anything but himself these days, but who knows?
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Go listen to these links; you will feel better. Marianne Faithfull is the shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: It was in the time frame I specified. Approximately 1/3 of the officers in my battalion were Democrats; me, some dude from Princeton (one of my best friends ever), and the black guys. No one said shit about what I had done. My reasons were unassailable. The army is not supposed to be political. So my turning off political talk radio at work was completely above board.
ETA: How the army feels about the hard right really comes down to this – most people I knew, while serving, took their oath seriously. Political affiliations were subordinate to doing their job.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
nice. you do find the best music.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
as it should be, but you never know.
Little Boots
still think I get to like the eighties:
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Cassidy, whose experience is more recent, may offer a different view. I would also say that, if he does, the difference may also be colored by the fact that my interactions were within the officer corps and his were between officer and enlisted. It may have made a difference.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
fine, but now, favorite eighties song?
Little Boots
is it, crowded house?
@Little Boots: I’ll see your Tears for Fears and raise you a Plimsouls.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: This is up there. As is this.
Little Boots
and I like it.
now for some cyndi:
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: This is also amazing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: All of Elvis Costello’s Trust. Hey, I am an alt-rock proto-hipster dressed as a preppy-punk.
Little Boots
do love roxy music
Little Boots
and of course elvis costello, but that’s almost cheating.
@Omnes Omnibus: I never listen to the radio anymore, I’ve got a good selection of tunes on my cellphone. Just connect it via bluetooth and I’m good to go. Then again, I don’t hear much new stuff. I could always connect to Pandora for that, I can skip over something that’s really crap in that case.
ETA: One week to cell phone upgrade day(does happy dance).
Little Boots
still, there is progressive radio.
attention must be paid.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: You asked for 80s, n’est-ce pas? My 80s was different than that of many others. Small LAC. The Femmes and the Replacements. Reasonably expensive school so we had the weird punk-prep mix – Weejuns with no socks, torn 501s, preppy shirt and sweater, Wayfarers, and, for me, my grandfather’s overcoat from the 30s. College rock, funk – very little pop came through. Unless you count Prince.
Little Boots
and now, because I have to piss off omnes at least a little:
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
fair enough. but you still get a-ha. cause, everyone must.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: WSUM is the college radio station for the UW. As an ex-college DJ, I owe it to them to listen. Plus, I come across new stuff. If I start rejecting new stuff, I want it to be because I simply don’t like it rather than because it is new and different. Applies to more than music.
Little Boots
I do love the granfather’s coat from the 30’s. that seems really cool.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: It was. A blue-black thing from Hart, Schaffner, and Marx. It was the best overcoat I had until I got the 1/3 cashmere one I current have. Plus, at the time, it was worn, cool, and punk, but I could still wear it over a suit or dinner jacket and have it work.
ETA: I think I have more interest in fashion than most B-J commenters.
@Omnes Omnibus: This is much of what divides Liberals and Conservatives.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: I agree. I might not like the new stuff, but it doesn’t scare me. I am just happy as hell that my niece and nephew hate Justin Bieber – there are limits, you know..
@Omnes Omnibus: True the kid reached mine after she was stationed in the UK, she began to take a liking to country music.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Modern or trad? Lady Antebellum or Dolly Parton? Trad country isn’t really my thing but is is damned good music and I recognize that. Modern country is mediocre pop-rock with a slide guitar.
What would the 80’s be without UB40? Not that one — the pissed-off, unemployed denizens of Margaret Thatcher’s England.
English Beat to boot.
@Omnes Omnibus: I think modern, I like some of the old classics. Well, in moderation. I think it’s the slide that grates on my nerves, I just said TURN THAT CRAP OFF.
Omnes Omnibus
@Petorado: Let Roger do his thing.
Little Boots
that’s a revelation.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Or let’s make it political.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: You don’t know second wave ska? Oh god. You must. Learn now. Please. It is brilliant.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
this is why I come here.
@Omnes Omnibus: Political?
? Martin
@Omnes Omnibus: It is brilliant.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Second wave ska was a punk offshoot. The bands loved what reggae musicians were doing but didn’t really have the skills to play the music. So, they reached back to a reggae precursor, ska. It was less complicated. It relied on the skanking beat (an off beat rhythm guitar style) and the use, oddly, of the trombone. I prefer the simplicity of ska to reggae.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
that, and something about 2 in the morning at blogs like this. people start posting the best music. (but seriously, I do appreciate the lesson.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: No problem. Music still has meaning for me. I suspect it always will. The hows and whys. The who did what because of someone else…. I care. Now, my younger brother operates a on that sounds good basis. I can’t do that. OTOH, don’t say anything bad about the kid. I’ll hunt you down. He is a great kid.
He is a Michael Jackson fan.
Little Boots
and I will not say anything about that kid. can’t imagine what that would be, but at any rate, will not say it.
and I love your love of music.
Little Boots
wait, did you say michael jackson.
don’t ever explain about michael jackson to him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Hey, I am about 1/2 through an album I have not played all the way though in 20 years. I am happy.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
is it thriller?
@Omnes Omnibus: Michael Jackson had the appropriate title, king of pop.
His crypt it about 2 to 3 miles from here.
ETA: I live at the rough midpoint between two Forest Lawn’s.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: No.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: I always preferred Prince.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
you are hardcore.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: I described my 80s self above.
@Omnes Omnibus: Myself as well. I think I saw his limo in LA in 84. It was purple and in the area where the Grammy’s were being given out.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
exactly. hardcore in an overcoat.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: I saw him at 1st Ave. when he was working out the songs for 1999. It was awesome.
Little Boots
it is ridiculously late, but I like this site too much
Little Boots
omnes, are you awake still?
@Omnes Omnibus: I was showing some of my udergrad friends when I was in grad school around la when we saw it.
Little Boots
everyone linger:
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Also saw The Time do the The Walk live. Link.
@Little Boots: I’ll be here a while: a) I’m on the west coast and b) I’m downloading android source code for a build.
Little Boots
which is why I love this site.
Little Boots
cause it might be a long december:
Omnes Omnibus
And then there is this piece of pop/rock/punk/funk perfection. It is possibly the perfect song. Ta da!
@Little Boots: It’s only 31 days, considering that it’s November now and it’s been raining here…
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
fine. that is pretty awesome. but I need long december this time of year.
Little Boots
there is now new thread.
and I’m right.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Sorry, there is no criticism that can be offered to that song. It is virtually perfect.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
would you just come upthread already.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, part of the secret to the much-mooted Coulter/Palin “attractiveness” is that there are more terrified male virgins out there than you’d suspect — and of course modern “conservatism” is a great refuge for them. Men over eighteen who are asexual, impotent, deeply closeted, afraid of their own ‘urges’, physically insecure, or just convinced that nobody will ever love them like Mom did love Showcase Ladies; you can parade your ‘trophy conquest’ in public, and then gratefully acquiese and take a separate taxi home when she pleads indisposition at the end of the evening. Speaking of Rush Limpbaugh.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: You are over thinking it.
@Omnes Omnibus: How can anyone “overthink” the Lure of the Hateful Woman?
Like, no one’s even brought up the whole line of thought that goes, “She’s crazy, she’ll be crazy in bed.”
Apparently, there’s also a conservative version.
@Omnes Omnibus: The people he rallies are people who would never vote for our side anyway.
That’s probably true, but if what he does consistently gets them out to vote for their side, then it’s still something we have to consider.
@Aji: There are still places where he holds power? Wow. I work in Wingnut Central and they all dropped him after his last arrest, and if his name comes up they’ll explain earnestly why they never really liked him.
And you just know that S.O.B would call, what the state Republicans are doing to us up in Michigan, a damn good job.
OMG, myiq2xu.
What a bag of crazy.
And now you sent me off perusing that shithole of racist tripe run by Riverdaughter (aka goldberry from Daily Kos).
wasabi gasp
@Omnes Omnibus: You’ve posted that same song, with the same noted affection, a few times now. Maybe sometime, if you’re up to it, you could elaborate on the whats and whys about yourself and that song. Just curious.