Unlike many of you, I enjoy Christmas music. Like some of you (perhaps), everything is political with me. Once when Stevie Wonder hosted Saturday Night Live, he made a joke that if he had written the song “Your Booty Makes Me Moody” (popular at the time), it would have been titled “Your Booty Makes Me Think About The Injustice Of Apartheid”. So “Someday At Christmas” is my favorite Christmas album.
Talk about whatever.
Comrade Mary
This is one of the few Christmas songs I can listen to over and over again, and is one of the reasons I can forgive Wonder for his All Schmaltz All The Time period.
In the previous thread, nancy (#77) said she enjoyed reading the “intelligent thoughts” on this site. I hope we can use this thread to restore our reputation.
I like Christmas music, so long as it doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving. When it starts before Halloween it makes my teeth hurt.
Mock at your leisure.
Jewish Steel
Father Christmas, give us some money
Don’t mess around with those silly toys.
Well beat you up if you don’t hand it over
We want your bread so don’t make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
Now I’m too worried about Wendy destroying Texas, per the ad that popped up.
I have some tolerance for chorale classics that have “become” Christmas music, and a few hymns from childhood. But most of it has worn deep and painful grooves in my brain.
Around our house, we go Medieval/Renaissance just for the break.
@Jewish Steel: My beloved Kinks!
My plans for fish fingers and custard have been ruined by a horrible stomach bug.
Going to curl up and try to sleep.
Jewish Steel
@gbear: I just discovered my old guitar prof once hitchhiked from Aspen to Golden Colorado to see them play at Red Rocks. 400 miles round trip. I knew there was something I liked about that guy.
Amir Khalid
As I understand, inability to get healthcare insurance online under Obamacare doesn’t mean inability to get it at all. One can still get it offline, right? And comparing insurance websites that don’t work well, but are being fixed, to a boneheaded invasion of Cuba whose success would only have led the US into a bloody and pointless quagmire — well, the absurdity of it smacks my gob. Joe Nocera usually knows better than to play the concern troll.
It’s a little early, but what the hey.
Yesterday was the centenary of British composer Benjamin Britten. (There is currently a worldwide festival of his music, “Britten 100,” http://www.britten100.org for performance listings.)
His “Ceremony of Carols” is the Christmas music I cherish most*. Even more so than Handel’s “Messiah” or Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio.” Its opening procession here:
and yeah, yeah, I know, this probably isn’t the kind of Christmas music our Mullah was referring to. Though I’d consider patronizing stores that would blast such during the holidays.
* Robert Earl Keen’s “Merry Christmas from the Family” being a close second:
ETA: Baud @#2: oops.
@MomSense: If you have any probiotics in the house, start taking them. And I mean a lot of them. It really does work to help with stomach bugs. The probiotics go to work to outnumber the bad bacteria that are causing you the problem. A family member tried with the worst stomach bug I’ve ever seen and it really worked.
Obviously, don’t take them if you’re in the vomiting phase, but if you’re past that, or it isn’t that bad, give it a try. Yogurt and kefir work, but the higher levels of probiotics in pills work better.
Hope you feel better soon!
@Violet: Agree that Christmas shouldn’t start until Thanksgiving ends. Does Nordstrom’s still stick to that rule? I know they may have been the only holdout at the Mall of America for a while.
Just remember that when the final Christmas stuff comes off the shelves, it will instantly be replaced by Valentines stuff, and that stuff will be replaced by Easter stuff.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Christmas music makes me physically ill. If Jesus had any idea about the atrocities they were going To Create In His Name, He’d have killed himself.
Funny. Jimi Hendrix’s Little Drummer Boy/Silent Night just came through on my ipod.
gogol's wife
But I do love John Waters’s Christmas album.
gogol's wife
Although I’m a Shirley Temple freak, her Christmas song “That’s What I Want for Christmas” is probably my least favorite thing she ever did, although it appears in a brilliant movie, Stowaway.
@Amir Khalid:
There are two types of people. Those who believe their bullshit, and those who don’t.
@gbear: I have no idea what stores do what. I avoid shopping as much as possible all year long, so usually the only stores I’m in during the holiday season are supermarkets. Sometimes I have to do a little shopping, but mostly I buy throughout the year when I see something and order the rest online.
I am not a shopper. I don’t begin to understand the allure of camping out a week ahead for Black Friday, or hell Thanksgiving day shopping now.
Border collies. Face. Uniting them. Driving, Have fun kids.
Steeplejack (tablet)
What’s a good brand for probiotics?
The one and only Christmas song I need: “The Christians and the Pagans” by Dar Williams.
Runners-up include “I Want an Alien For Christmas” by Fountains of Wayne, Bad Religion’s punk cover of “Silent Night”, and any version of the Carol of the Bells.
@MomSense: You have less than 2 1/2 hours to nap and get ready. The TARDIS waits for no one.
It’ll be shown again. Sort of a re-TARDIS.
(pulls on goalie mask and pads and ducks)
@Steeplejack (tablet): There are so many to choose from. I get one from my gastroenterologist called VSL. It works well for me. I’ve tried others that don’t work as well. Different probiotics have different strains of bacteria, so sometimes you want to mix it up or target a specific issue.
I generally look for ones that are refrigerated and are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, etc., but maybe try going to a place like Whole Foods and asking the people in the supplement aisle. Many of them are well educated on their products.
I own the Partridge Family Christmas Card, and I play it every Christmas, as my family has done every year since 1971, or whenever it was it came out. And I’m proud of it. I especially like the version of “Frosty the Snowman” which does not hide the inherent tragedy of the song behind a deceptive upbeat tempo. I grew up understanding that at the end, that special, unique, magic snowman was going to die. As will we all. As will we all.
For me, it’s Weezer:
Hill Dweller
@Amir Khalid: Also, too, the Obama admin just announced a pilot program in three states allowing people to enroll in the exchanges directly through insurance companies. If it goes well, I suspect it will be expanded, giving consumers even more ways to enroll.
The Village is full of idiots.
Amir Khalid
Two of my favourite Christmas songs are this one and this one.
@Violet: I won’t order clothes online so I do visit stores on occasion and I stop at Target for household stuff and some groceries (Costco is too far away). I have a black friday ritual that consists of visiting an annual pottery show/sale in south Minneapolis, then stopping at my fave indie record store before coming home to spend the afternoon napping with the cats.
My local grocery store, Giant Eagle, had Christmas trees for sale on November 15. How dry and shriveled up would one of those trees be on Christmas morning?
Don’t really like Xmas music. The Low Christmas album is my fave out of that group. http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Low/dp/B00003G1P3
Villago Delenda Est
I can tolerate most Christmas music, if not actively enjoy it, but there is one exception:
The Little Drummer Boy.
It grates on me almost as much as that fucking Lee Greenwood song. Almost.
Villago Delenda Est
You’re supposed to replace the first tree around 15 December with another one.
Wouldn’t be the bit surprised if that is actually the thinking behind offering trees so early.
Ridnik Chrome
I still love all the old traditional Christmas carols, like “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “Deck the Halls”, but I’d be perfectly fine if I never, ever had to hear “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”, “Sleigh Bells”, “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Frosty the Snowman” or “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” again. And I emphatically second the person who said that Christmas music shouldn’t be on the radio before Thanksgiving.
@Villago Delenda Est
Even so, sample Christopher Lee butchering it.
Belongs on the “What were they thinking?” label.
Every time Burl Ives sings, a giant vampire bat spreads it’s wings.
My least favorite carol is ‘The First Noel’. The words are just insipid. I can almost hear it being written by some doddering old biddie sitting in her front parlor:
The first Noel the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepards in fields as they lay:
In fields where they lay a keeping their sheep
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.
She can’t even get to the third line without repeating half of the second line. Every single verse is horrid poetry.
@Villago Delenda Est:
That surprises me, as drumming usually accompanies the procession of tumbrels.
A clip from the finest Christmas movie ever made.
Amir Khalid
I liked that. (Well, I found it amusing.)
Roger Moore
My sister is trying to create a counter movement to Black Friday that I convinced her to call Green Friday. The basic idea is that instead of shopping, you spend a day with friends and family maintaining, repairing, and otherwise improving the utility of stuff you already have so that you aren’t tempted to waste money buying even more stuff. We did it last year, and it was genuinely a lot of fun, as well as being a lot more useful than a big shopping spree.
Just for you:
“On top of old Smoooooo-key,
all covered with sno-ooooooooooooooooow.
Made me a piss-pot of money,
Tho’ this song really blows.”
Mine is “Away In a Manger”. It sums up the ass ignorant American fundamentalist/evangelical experience in one disgustingly insipid tune. In one song, they manage to infantilize and trivialize the deity created in a multiply layered 2000 year old religious doctrine.
It makes me wish that the Antichrist were real, just so I could join the minions and oppress wholesome white Christians during the Tribulation.
Take a moment for Jonathan Coulton’s Christmas greetings from Chiron Beta Prime.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
A Cup of Dindness Yet (Hey Rosetta! Christmas EP
What the fuck? Of course, we only need remember that this institution has cranked out hundreds of right wing cranks.
Ridnik Chrome
@gbear: “The First Noel” is the “Total Eclipse of the Heart” of Christmas songs…
@Steeplejack (tablet): My little girl’s pediatrician recommended Florastor for her recovery this week from a stomach bug. They have adult and children’s versions. Hers was a powder to mix into yogurt and applesauce. Mommy got it at Walgreens.
I like Christmas music the closer ot gets to Christmas, but Def after Thanksgiving.
@Ridnik Chrome: I enjoy lots of Christmas music, in moderation. The problem, for me, is that radio stations seem to have about 15 to 20 songs that they just play over & over & over & over & over. Until we all want to shoot ourselves in the head. There is so much more out there; I don’t even have to like it that much, just FFS change it up a little!!!
Also, “Christmas Shoes”, and “The Little Drummer Boy” need to be nuked from space.
Though this always makes me smile. It’s just so weird.
Just to cover all the holidays…
A Tom Lehrer classic, as performed by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles.
@Violet: The episcopal church has a season of advent, in which NO Christmas hymns are played. About the closest is O Come O Come, Emanuel. I (and my daughter) are relatively serious Advent police.
The Christmas Season is twelve days ( 13 given Christmas Eve services). When you finally get to O Come All Ye Faithful
it is time.
Suffern ACE
Santa’s stuck in the elevator, hope they get him out ok. Santa’s stuck in the elevator. I hope to see that jolly fellow later. Or my stocking will be empty Christmas Day.
Was it Betty Cracker or Ann Laurie who wrote a post on Gloria Steiner last week. It talked about her receiving a Prez Medal of Honor and her answer to the question of white feminist ignoring the complaints of women of color particularly Black women. Well I thought of tthat yesterday and today.
There was an article written in Politico, I think, by Michelle Cottle about how “Michelle Obama is a new feminist worst nightmare” (Google it I’d u want to read it). Well as you can imagine it pissed a lot of people off so much so that today Melissa Harris Perry penned her weekly open letter to Michelle Cottle.
Read the whole letter at the link below, but this one really struck home to me and mine:
Read the whole letter here: Why Michelle Obama is no one’s ‘feminist nightmare’
@gbear: But the baritone line is fun.
@Roger Moore: I love that idea. Maybe someone here at Balloon Juice could front page it next week and get a few more people on board.
As for Christmas music, I have a soft spot for “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” Do not know why, as it’s utter dreck.. All I know is, it isn’t really the Christmas season for me until I hear it on the radio.
try some Over The Rhine Christmas music
very nice and benefits from not being the same 100 tunes we’ve all heard our whole lives.
@Baud: The only reason to bother clicking to a column that misguided is to read the ‘reader’s picks’ comments. Every one of them will be more thoughtful and intelligently written than the original column.
Just stumbled over my first ‘All-Christmas music all the time’ on the radio today. As usual mostly the secular stuff, ‘Winter Wonderland,’ ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,’ ‘Sleigh Ride,’ ‘Happy Holidays,’ etc. Every so often they’ll throw in Josh Groban wailling ‘O Holy Night.’
“but I’d be perfectly fine if I never, ever had to hear “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”, “Sleigh Bells”
How about ‘Do You Hear What I Hear” or ‘Little Drummer Boy.”
@lamh36: Saw that. As a feminist of color, may I just say that Michelle Cottle is a feminist nightmare? After all, she’s lending her name to Politico – which means, of course, that she’s become the ultimate feminist sell-out, a Stepford Villager. That’s my idea of a “feminist nightmare.”
Also, too, MH-P was remarkably restrained and polite. I had some other words and phrases in mind.
KS in MA
@gbear: …And they are. It’s also interesting that the “NYT Picks” comments are all strongly (and eloquently) critical of the column. I wonder who at the NYT gets to pick those?
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
The Waitresses – Christmas Wrapping
gogol's wife
@KS in MA:
This one was particularly good. This woman should be given Maureen Dowd’s prime real estate on the op-ed page:
* Angelina Simon
* NY, NY
NYT Pick
Obama’s Katrina, meet Obama’s Bay of Pigs! This begs the question, how will the Affordable Care Act rollout compare with the aftermath of the Tet offensive?
If we must draw historical comparisons to showcase our juxtapositional prowess, why not try the handling of Hurricane Sandy with that of Katrina, or the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden with the Bay of Pigs? Why not compare the rollout of the ACA with something a little more apt, like, say Medicare Part D?
The blatant disrespect that is shown to President Obama, with impunity, is breathtaking. If his biggest fiasco is a glitchy website and a few disgruntled people who choose to cling to wholly inadequate insurance, then we should all acknowledge that his presidency is an unmitigated success, as I do.
gogol's wife
@gogol’s wife:
Although it should have been “prompts the question,” not “begs the question”
I started eating some yogurt-from a local farm that says it has probiotics with some local honey and I feel a little better. I can only eat very small amounts.
BTW–I hate shopping, too.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
@gogol’s wife:
It’s the worst disaster since the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!
As far as radio is concerned, I listen only to our local all-classical station (WNED) during the holidays. That way I get to skip the cheesier carols. On Thanksgiving the perennial family favorite CD – John Denver & the Muppets will make its way to the player and, if the Champagne had been poured liberally, a conga line may form for Miss Piggy’s rendition of Christmas Is Coming.
I love Britten’s Ceremony of Carols but usually tear up when I hear it as I recall my daughter’s time in high school when she was a part of an award-winning group of chamber singers who did a beautiful performance thereof.
The newer pop music “carols” make me ill.
A Xmas song one doesn’t seem to hear played anymore.
Villago Delenda Est
The problem with being pissed that the Jews “killed Jesus” is that if Jesus had not died, and rose from the dead three days later, there would be no Christianity. Furthermore, he died, according to Christian dogma, for all of our sins, and paved the way toward everlasting life.
These people are REALLY confused about the origins of their own religion. Quite aside from rejecting key element’s of Jesus teachings, as Stephen Colbert has brilliantly pointed out, they just don’t understand much about it.
The Who 50th “Day of the Doctor” has started!!
@MomSense: That sounds like a good plan. I hope you feel better soon. When my family member was sick with the horrible stomach bug, the probiotics pills would work really quickly. Then they’d sort of wear off, and more would have to be taken. That’s not uncommon, from what I’ve read since. If someone can go to the store and get some for you, it might help you get better faster. Either way, I hope you feel better soon!
Villago Delenda Est
A heavy metal version of “Silent Night” is the height of contradiction.
Christopher Lee was obviously having way too much fun with that little project.
@Violet: “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer” is my most hated Christmas song. “Jingle Bell Rock” is also on my shitlist.
Love “Still, Still, Still”. And Patti Smith’s “We Three Kings”.
Villago Delenda Est
We’re roughly 2 years and 9 months from the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Villago Delenda Est
I LOVE “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer”.
It’s so mocking of the entire modern commercial Christmas spirit.
@Villago Delenda Est
And I remember exactly where I was when it premiered.
Villago Delenda Est
Sitting in front of your TV?
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah, maybe that’s why I love it. I get why other people don’t, but I really do love it. It isn’t Christmas until I hear it on the radio.
Amir Khalid
Does this count as a Christmas song?
@Villago Delenda Est
With my newly purchased Sony reel-to-reel recorder primed and ready to go.
Still have all the audiotapes of the first run.
(Both the tapes and the recorder, in its original shipping carton, were among the items I rescued while on the moving Mom out of her house trip in Sept.)
/lifetime membership in the Get A Life Society
Bill E Pilgrim
My favorite Christmas song, by a thousand miles.
My second favorite. Not so much just the song, but this performance.
Wait, it’s not even Thanksgiving. You tricked me.
There’s Stevie Wonder and then there’s everybody else.
Another Holocene Human
@Amir Khalid: As I understand, inability to get healthcare insurance online under Obamacare doesn’t mean inability to get it at all. One can still get it offline, right?
My wife found the policy she wanted on the exchange but when she was unable to finish the transaction on healthcare.gov due to god only knows what backend problem, she called the company directly and signed up.
Take that, GOP.
Oh, and it’s cheaper than what she has now.
As it is Open Thread, just recently discovered this quirky and quite chuckle worthy British quiz show.
Totally hooked.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate (Crystal Set):
Was wondering when someone would mention that one. My favorite.
Another Holocene Human
@gogol’s wife: The blatant disrespect that is shown to President Obama, with impunity, is breathtaking.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Villago Delenda Est: My creator figured that whole story was wrong from the start anyway, and he (in the guise of another of his creations) wrote a new one:
Lurking Buffoon
First, I have to agree with everyone who said it: Christmas music before Thanksgiving is a crime against humanity.
Secondly, I grew up in a house where parodies of Christmas music were played during the holidays. Thus my taste for holiday music is along the lines of-damnit HTML tags are failing me. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn6HI5JQBhQ
Eric Idle:
negative 1
@Baud: OK, I’m having a good time with this. We’re going to play the Obama equivalency game. So far, ACA website = Katrina, ACA website = Bay of Pigs. So, how about Obama took a dump this morning = George W Bush presidency? Obama gets a dog = Cheney lets W get on television?
Bill E Pilgrim
I’d totally forgotten about this one:
@Lurking Buffoon:
Love your nym.
And I miss Judas Escargot, wherever that commenter went.
I like Someday at Christmas, and Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, and John Lennon’s Christmas song, and a lot of traditional Christmas tunes like Holy Night and Silent Night.
AND I like the one about the kid who’s gettin nuthin for Christmas cuz he ain’t been nuthin but bad.
Eclectic, I iz it.
@gogol’s wife:
The WaPost has a much-read headline up now, “Obama’s Unraveling Presidency” [alternatively “How a Presidency Unravels”, which I would not click on if you paid me.
Breathless blurb on the website: “His misadventures have caused people to doubt both his character and his competence.”
It is, of course, by George Will.
Walk on by. FIDO.
Oh yes.
My boyfriend and I were standing in a hotel lobby once waiting to go into a reception. People were whispering excitedly that Burl Ives would be coming through in a moment. When he did come through knocked my boyfriend and one other person to the ground as he shoved his way to the door.
Holly Jolly Christmas, my ass. He was a jerk.
Amir Khalid
I’ve always wondered why so many people aren’t keen on this version of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
Higgs Boson's Mate (Crystal Set)
Good news from Texas:
@Amir Khalid, et al.
And then there’s the tale of the unsung reindeer.
Advent should be taken seriously (German roots showing). Tree and decorations up on C-Eve (calendars the only permitted exception) and taken down the 6th. Leaves a lot of energy free to bake earlier and totally occupies that wild last day when the kids can barely wait any longer. Unleash the tinsel and garland monsters! Music might have been let in a little earlier into the month, but came with an off switch.
Suffern ACE
People telling mean stories about Burl Ives are hereby asked to kindly sit on a tack.
Ridnik Chrome
@Suzanne: Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s version of “We Three Kings” is pretty awesome…
New Who, yeah should’ve seen that coming.
Should have, but didn’t.
All the Doctors!!
I’m one of these people who are not getting this Day of the Doctor business. After Tom Baker left, I thought the writing went to shit and I stopped watching.
@andy: And there are people who can’t stand Star Wars, Stark Trek, Harry Potter, Shakespeare, The Beatles, Elvis, etc.
I’ve never really understood the need to broadcast “Get off my lawn.”
Brand spanking new.
Electronics department at Abraham & Straus. Had been saving up for it.
Just looked at the box to confirm that (the shipping label from Sony to A&S is still there).
WTF, Doug? It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, FFS.
This my absolute favorite holiday and I hate seeing it get such short shrift. Food, wine, football and family. Which is fine in my case since there are no wingnuts in the bunch. One of my BILs is Republican, but he’s more of a Chamber of Commerce type and he keeps quiet because he knows he’s seriously outnumbered. He’s a very good husband to my sister, so we don’t torture him much. We sisters all stuff ourselves in the kitchen and yack and cook and put the meal together and the guys bond. The nieces help out more now and John’s daughter and her fiance stop by for dessert. It’s the best ever day for family. None of the high stakes pressure of Christmas. At least, in my family, that’s how it is.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Then you’ll hate my favorite.
Jim Nabors – Go Tell It On The Mountain
It’s not the traditional spiritual. Also, Jim Nabors.
I always loved the Firestone and Goodyear albums. The trip to pick them up was the start of our holiday season.
Amir Khalid
I did click on it. Rest assured, you won’t miss anything if you don’t — it’s just George Will reciting the right-wing litany.
Thank you to whomever released #87 from moderation limbo.
schrodinger's cat
There was Christmas music this morning when I was running errands, even at Petco. Too early. How about Christmas music for Christmas.
@geg6: Congratulations! Have you set the date?
When I want to make fun of Christmas music, there’s always The Vandals. It’s Christmastime for my Penis, indeed.
The corny Christmas song that I absolutely adore is Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You”. Yeah, I know. Mock on.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@geg6: One of my cousins married a Yankees fan. Boy, is he going to get shit this year.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I’m pretty sure we just experienced a test fly-by for the President’s visit next week. Three HUGE helicopters flew overhead, and they were not police or news copters. More like Marine One size. And the place PBO is going on Wednesday has its own helipad. Coincidence?
A beautiful song. This one and the Beach Boys Christmas tunes are my favorites.
Lurking Buffoon
@Elizabelle: Thanks! It was this or a George Tierny (of Greensville, South Carolina) joke, but that asshole has already faded back into the obscurity from whence he was spawned.
The Paul McCartney Christmas song is one of the worst pieces of dreck ever recorded by someone who definitely knows better.
The Beach Boys – Little Saint Nick
Southern Beale
While the rest of the country was commemorating the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination yesterday, some folks in Middle Tennessee were busy remembering some OTHER guy who died in late November.
Beach Boys – Little Saint Nick (Shindig)
Much better live version. And not lip synced.
To me one of the great tragedies of the old rock and roll clips is that most are lip synced.
I take that back. Lip synced. Yet still cool.
Amir Khalid
@Lurking Buffoon:
You know, I’d quite forgotten how hypnotic “George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” sounds when you keep repeating it …
@Higgs Boson’s Mate (Crystal Set):
So glad that the publishers grew a spine finally.
Lurking Buffoon
@Amir Khalid: You can always force it out of your head with more preemptive Christmas carols, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4NlR5KQLQ8
Has no one mentioned Jose’ Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad?
I have to separate right-wing nuttery of Andy Williams from The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, which is the song that just makes me want to burst out in song everytime I hear it.
I can be in the most Grinch of moods, and hearing that song puts me back to when I was a child.
One of the memorable laughs ever got was during an episode of Kung Fu (watched solely out of courtesy to a guest who liked the program) which guest-starred Feliciano.
As David Carradine’s stoic character escorted Feliciano’s character somewhere, blurted out that it was “the bland leading the blind.”
Bo Alawine
I know this is probably a stupid question, but whatever happened to “Angry Black Lady”?
I just tried to visit her site and it’s no longer there.
mai naem
Technically this is not a Christmas song but I’ve always liked the Band Aid song for the music – the charity piece of it is fine and all but I actually like the bells and stuff in that song. Okay, I know there’s a lot of atheists/agnostics here but I find all religious music pretty good. I think partly it’s because most religions have been so dominant in their geographical areas at some point, that they ended up getting the best musicians to create the music. Also too, most of the bad stuff has been weeded out and you pretty much get the best stuff left.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Bo Alawine: She posted yesterday.
Bo Alawine
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Ah. The link in the blogroll is wrong.
It points to
Steve in the ATL
Why don’t we have a Go Dawgs/suck it Gators thread?
RobertDSC-PowerMac G4 Dual 1.25
Apparently we have a deal with Iran?
I’ll get ahead of the news and blame Obama anyways. It sounds like Lindsey Graham, following typical GOP protocol, is blaming Obama already without knowing anything about the details at all.
I hope he loses to a teabagger, mainly because he is so fucking insufferable.
re the Iran deal. I’m all for it. Perversely I am looking forward to the wailing, knashing of teeth and rending of garments from the usual suspects. This promises to be fun.
I’ve been gone a while, but based on the lack of posting today, is it fair to assume the BJ server was down most of the day?
@Violet, @Sibelius:
Thanks for the suggestions.
Good live version of the Animals doing “Shake.” Not lip-sync’ed, because you can hear Burdon’s handclaps after the 1:00 point.