Looks like I am the only one around tonight. Made some spaghetti and am watching the Broncos/Pats while reading sweet, sweet neocon tears about the fact that it will be at least another six months before they can fulfill their bloodlust.
Sociopaths. Netanyahu and Bolton and those clowns deserve each other. Unfortunately, the people of the middle east, both in and out of Israel, don’t, but pay the price for these scumbags.
Sweet sweet Bibi tears. That makes me haz a happy. That also tells me we’re on the right course here.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@efgoldman: Cole isn’t thin on anything.
Mike E
Stillers/Ravens is gonna be a good tilt on Turkey day.
I think almost everyone has been paying the price for Bolton. The only thing Netanyahu has been good for is his bomb cartoon at the UN; everything else has been bad.
@efgoldman: He meant officers.
schrodinger's cat
How is Steve of the giant paws doing? My kittehs have turned into cuddle monsters now that it is getting colder.
obama, after 100 years got us some bandaid hack that puts us on the road to universal medical care. now, after 30 years gets a first step towards normalizing relations with iran. next, what? after 70 years, get some step towards a palestinian state? maybe after 20 years, finally slowing the global disaster of climate change? obama is the best president we’ve ever had at making progress on really hard, unsolvable, long-term, intractable problems. it’s amazing. i think it’s because he’s willing to accept any infintessimally small improvement or hack, no matter how tiny, as long as it’s in the right direction. his patience and pragmstism is impressive.
Jerzy Russian
The Broncos are up by 24. I am loving it so far.
So do I have this straight?
NoBummer is willing to:
– Have Somali pirates killed to save the life of an American citizen
– Turn Osama Bin Laden into fish food
– Destroy Syria’s Chemical Weapon stockpile without so much as firing a shot
– Prevent Iranian nukes
And it is all just to distract us from his insidious plan to:
– Abolish lifetime caps on benefits coverage
– Abolish the “preexisting condition” exemption
– Provide health insurance to 30 million Americans currently without a safety net
Boy, if that isn’t the work of an incompetent, bumbling Marxist, Commie, Socialist lackey neophyte who lucked into Harvard Law School because of “affirmative action” I don’t know what is.
Then again, you really only need to be able to play ONE-dimensional chess when your opponents are eating paste
Broncos coasting on Pats errors, quite the contrast from last meeting.
Fergus Wooster
I hate to step out from lurking with my hand out, but – any advice from the kitty lovers would be welcome.
Our cat, normally indoors but known to sneak out into the yard, got out Wednesday and hasn’t been back. He’s never been gone more than a night before.
I’ve flyered the neighborhood, visited the shelters, etc. Well wishers all around, but nobody has seen him.
Question: Is there anything obvious I should be doing that I have missed? Should I be moving toward accepting the worst outcome? The last two nights have been near-freezing here in Houston. (Further complicating things – we are leaving town for Thanksgiving on Tuesday. Not easy to leave right now.)
Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: We are the unwashed masses of Balloon Juice, if we don’t whine who will? Keep the over class on its toes!
Likud and Neocon tears taste so yummy and sweet.
Obama’s ruining their chance to get their war on with Syria and Iran. By getting them to abandon chems and nukes, he’s also tearing away Israel’s fig leaf excuses for appropriating more Palestinian territory.
Also too, fuck Chuck Schumer and his shoe-shining for AIPAC.
@Fergus Wooster:
Kitteh is just as likely to be 5 houses away hiding under something because he’s completely lost, and wondering wtf? Think like a lost cat who doesn’t recognize anything. If he’s still got his hardware (eg, not fixed) look for lady cats in the ‘hood.
And Houston warms up significantly over the holiday.
Ramiah Ariya
Not to spoil the party, but what has just happened is this – a bunch of colonial nations, chock full of racists and Islamophobes applied really, really cruel sanctions on one of those brown countries, until that country gave in. At some point in the future, some US SoS is going to say “Half a million Iranian dead children are worth it” and you are all going to be cheering.
Who are the sociopaths here?
@SoINeedAName48: this made me chuckle and then LOL. It is so amazing that this man who seemed to come out of nowhere has been able to get to where he is and accomplish what he has against the odds he has faced. We here can take a moment and be proud of our part in it. As we all know, there was nothing inevitable in President Obama’s election. Twice. I’m smiling again!-
I spend a lot of energy this time of the year trying to find cool shit for my bro for “The Holidays”. If I had even tiny bit of belief that his wife would let him put them up, I’d sooooooo get him this-
Star Trek Transporter Room Bath Mat & Shower Curtain Set
Old School Trekking!
@Ramiah Ariya:
Uh huh, and?
Sandia Blanca
@Fergus Wooster: Check Craig’s List–lots of people use that instead of the shelters. Also keep checking the shelters in person.
One cold winter in Austin many years ago, our cat went missing for over a day. When he finally turned up, his fur was warm to the touch! Only way that could have happened–he scammed his way into someone else’s warm home!
Best of luck to you, I’ll keep your kitty in my prayers.
@Ramiah Ariya: As you are wont to do, you are missing the whole reason for the sanctions in the first place. But it’s your thing I know.
All youse Dook-haters will be pleased to learn that we did not win the NCAA Championship in field hockey today. UConn were the better team on the day, and deserved the win.
Oh, and Prime Minister Netanyahu? Suck rocks.
@SoINeedAName48: You left out loony left’s corporatist who is totally in the pockets of wall streeters.
gogol's wife
@Fergus Wooster:
I hope kitty comes home soon. They can tolerate a lot of cold for quite a while. (That’s what the fur is for!)
@Yatsuno: who is that?
gogol's wife
I wish you were the executive editor of the New York Times. Then I would once again have a news source I could read without vomiting.
@opiejeanne: She’s a commentor from India who feels the need to keep fighting the old colonial powers because reasons.
@Ramiah Ariya:
Yeah, maybe.
@Ramiah Ariya:
Any number can play, and Khamenei is in the game.
The real reason why the west is so determined that Iran not have nuclear weapons is that nobody with a lick of sense believes that Khamenei could be deterred from using them.
El Caganer
Open thread, so I guess there’s no such thing as being off-topic….unseasonable freezing here in Philadelphia, which got me to thinking (while I was in the bar guzzling Capt. Morgan, obviously) about the freezing night a few years ago when I had to take my dog to the vet to put her down. Got home and became aware of just how big and dark and empty and silent a one-bedroom apartment can be. Pretty much sucked.
Nice strawman you built there.
@El Caganer:
Time for a new friend?
@Yatsuno: did she change her name? I thought this was one of the regulars with a new name because otherwise I’ve missed her until now, somehow.
@BruceFromOhio: No way. India will never give up its nuclear capability because Pakistan. The paranoia runs both ways there and the blood is still too bad between them for that to happen any time soon. That makes her comment ironic n’est-ce pas?
ThinkGeek has some cool stuff. I want one of their titanium sporks. Dunno why, I just do.
. . . Holy shnikeys, they have Star Trek sporks!
@Ramiah Ariya:
Nice strawman you built there.
Fergus Wooster
@BruceFromOhio: Thanks. I’m tempted to crawl under every house around the block, but I’m averse to getting shot.
I hope he comes back by tomorrow; I’ll be leaving out food and water and asking the neighbors to watch when I leave town.
Thanks to all for your thoughts.
I woke up to a lot of what I deem to be crocodile tears and fake panic over the Iranian agreement in the news. I guess anything but beating them with an ever increasing economic sanctions stick forever is obviously automatically either cowardice or dupitude.
Now I see insincere posing is catching on:
Cruz: Filibuster Rule Change ‘Will Poison The Atmosphere Of The Senate’
schrodinger's cat
@Yatsuno: Are you sure its a she? The writer of the blog linked by RA’s blue name seems male.
@Fergus Wooster: Have you checked with the neighbors? I would canvas the neighborhood, ring some doorbells. When I was a kid, we recovered one lost and scared cat that way, who was just hunkered down in a yard a few doors away.
Though, I hope you don’t live in a stand-your-ground state with irate and sketchy neighbors.
@Fergus Wooster: Question: Is there anything obvious I should be doing that I have missed? Should I be moving toward accepting the worst outcome? The last two nights have been near-freezing here in Houston. (Further complicating things – we are leaving town for Thanksgiving on Tuesday. Not easy to leave right now.)
Well, my cat somehow jumped off when he was about 8 months old. We looked high and low and no sign of him. Then after two days I noticed paw prints on the front support joist for the balcony of my apartment. Looked like he had tried to jump up and had *just* missed a clawhold. So I knew he was around. I slept with my window open and along about 3 o’clock in the morning of the third day I heard him outside, ran outside and got him. He was very happy to see me.
Cats are solitary predators so in high traffic areas they’ll be nocturnal.
[‘If you haven’t given up, you should probably stay in town. He’ll be wanting to come back no matter how far he gets.’]
@gogol’s wife: Hear, hear!
Also — attempted joke re: John’s post:
Clown libel!
(closest thing to a funny that I can think of in the same breath with the vileness of Bolton)
@Yatsuno: Oooh, Pakistan! Nicely done.
@opiejeanne: Not as I recall. But I suppose that’s possible.
@burnspbesq: Khamaeni is not my concern with nukes in Iran. The Revolutionary Guard is. And if you think they wouldn’t use them without the sanction of the Supreme Leader I gots me a bridge ya might be interested in. In fact, any inspection regime has to include RG facilities or it will be meaningles.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Ramiya came from Miami F-L-A,
Hitachhiked her way across the USA,
Plucked her eyebrows on the way,
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
schrodinger's cat
@Fergus Wooster: No advice, but I hope you find your kitteh soon.
@schrodinger’s cat: I thought that was the identity given, but I could be mistaken. If so I apologise for my error.
@Fergus Wooster: Any chance the little guy was chipped? Shelters and vets scan new lost kittie arrivals, so if he does turn up at a shelter or vet office, they’ll be able to get in touch with you.
If he has any spot that he likes to hang out (like a greenbelt, park, or someone’s backyard) you could go there, call his name, and stay long enough for him to realize you’re there and come to you. (Cats have amazing hearing, but if they’re in an unfamiliar place may need some time to home in on the sound of your voice.)
Putting food out is a good idea, esp. if you’re leaving town for the weekend. He might not want to come near a stranger.
Best of luck, and I hope he comes home soon!
@Yatsuno: thanks. It may just be the drugs I’m on for a nasty case of the flu.
Fergus Wooster
@jl: I’ve rung some doorbells, posted flyers – and I’ll ring more bells tomorrow afternoon.
Here’s hoping. . .
@Fergus Wooster: along with leaving food out, leave a piece of clothing like a shirt near it, one that hasn’t been washed so that it smells like you.
Ah, the old nugget that “if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, they’ll totally use it, because Crazy Muslims argle bargle.” I hadn’t heard that one since I read Bibi’s reaction to the deal this morning.
So Khamenei broke down and signed this treaty because of a few hundred more Iranian children going hungry… but he’s also such an unreasoning fanatic that he’d totally use nuclear weapons if he had them, despite the knowledge that in so doing he’d be signing the death warrant of these children and his entire nation at the hands of the inevitable Israeli and/or American response?
What a guy.
We may have to agree to disagree on that one. I’m inclined to view the Quds Force as the trump card, and it’s pretty clear at whose behest they operate.
schrodinger's cat
@Yatsuno: I am not sure, I vaguely remember, that I once clicked on his/her name and found several posts about arranged marriage, where RA talked about his wife but I could be wrong. Gender aside, RA always comes and lectures, trying to show BJers the error of their ways.
@Fergus Wooster: oh, and call your cat up and down the street but stop and listen for a while. Kitty may be shut in a garage or shed.
@schrodinger’s cat: We’re now on “winter rules” in our house, which means whoever has their lap occupied by our always-too-cold cat is free of dinner making duties and can request herb tea refills at will.
David Koch
I realize I’m probably asking the wrong crowd, but did any of you old timers put on your teeth and support stocking and go out and catch Hunger Games II?
You’re yapping loudly, but you’re not giving me any reason to reconsider my view.
Guy says “death to the Great Satan” often enough, it’s not irrational to think he really means it.
Unless you have some basis to think otherwise. If you do, feel free to share.
schrodinger's cat
@StringOnAStick: I has boss cat on my lap as I am typing this. I am his favored human.
Guy says “death to the Great Satan,” has been in power since 1989, and still hasn’t done anything about it? Yep, he sounds committed as hell.
@Fergus Wooster: My Iggy was about 14 the first time he got out and disappeared. Mind you, he was a TOTAL indoor cat. No clue what got into him. We walked the streets, drove in the car slowly shaking the bag of food, wandered around bushes, sat in the back yard for HOURS hoping to catch a glimpse. A week later, in mourning mode, I went to make coffee in the a.m. and there he was, sitting on a chair on the porch. Scraggly, dirty and missing about half of his tail, but good to go. Never even glanced outside for the remaining 4 years of his life.
They’re just unpredictable.
@David Koch: when I recover from this nasty flu I will bundle into my anorak and venture out to see it.
Did Cole used to participate in his own threads, in the past?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Did I miss an update on the doggies? I’ve had a taxing weekend with inlaws visiting (which leaves me wondering how cut out I am for this whole domestic situation). This means I’ve only seen some frantic requests for an update.
How are the dogs, Bobdammit?
Fergus Wooster
@opiejeanne: Thanks – shirt hanging now. I’ll pace again and listen tomorrow.
And Max – I’m now trying to arrange to stay home while the wife and the kids travel for Thanksgiving.
“Biding his time until he has the means to do something about it” didn’t occur to you?
Iran has no need for a nuclear deterrent. We wouldn’t launch a first strike, and Israel has never had the ability to launch a first strike over that much distance.
If you eliminate deterrence as a plausible reason for Iran to want nukes, there’s only one reason left.
“We wouldn’t launch a first strike?”
That’s your argument for why Iran doesn’t need a nuclear weapon? “We’re the good guys, just trust us?” Seriously?
” Iran has no need for a nuclear deterrent. We wouldn’t launch a first strike, and Israel has never had the ability to launch a first strike over that much distance.
If you eliminate deterrence as a plausible reason for Iran to want nukes, there’s only one reason left. ”
Sure. I guess the clerics who run Iran know what we cannot, that the fanatical GOPers will never run the U.S. government again. Iran was named as a star player in the dumb idea of some kind of unified Axis of Evil. And knowing what we cannot the Iranian leaders are displaying their evil ways in not thinking exactly like you do.
The issue of an Iranian nuclear program is not going away. I remember when the mullahs were stealing the presidential election several years ago, I read polls that the vast majority of Iranians believed that their country had a right to pursue a nuclear program. And I wondered about this, but then heard interviews with dissidents who said exactly that, and got a little huffy when European and U.S. journalist brought up the topic, often assuming that dissidents would be opposed.
I wonder what kind of agreement, no matter how temporary, exploratory, trial, whatever, would be acceptable to some of the other actors in the Middle East, short of Iran doing just whatever Likud and those very admirable leaders of Saudi Arabia want them to.
There is going to be a Muslim governed Iran, one that may continue to be horrible, or one hopes soon a better one. But unless public opinion there changes, the country will be pursuing some kind of nuclear program. And I suppose people think they are less capable of making a few bombs under strict sanctions than North Korea?
At some point, I think a reasonable person has to conclude that some people, some political parties (edit in Israel and the U.S.), and some despots nearby want to bomb the place, and that is their bottom line.
@Chris: Worse, trust the intentions, actions and white hat good guy intentions of Israel if technical constraints alter? The Geneva Conventions are officially optional with that lot on a good day, and then there are the hard-liners on a grumpy day.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Anybody who thinks you can prevent a country from acquiring 70-year-old technology if they really want to is living in a fool’s paradise.
I think they’re considerably more capable of making a few bombs than North Korea. When Bush got in and reneged on the Agreed Framework Clinton negotiated, the North Koreans fired up their toy reactor and cooked up some plutonium. IMO, they probably cooked it too long—that’s why their three tests have gone: 1) absolutely nothing, 2) fizzle, 3) dud. (And that’s probably their stockpile right there.)
@ burnspbesq: And as far as why Khamenei hasn’t delivered on his bellicose rhetoric “yet”—has living in the US the last 30 years not familiarized you with the concept of playing to one’s base?
@David Koch:
I was supposed to go with my boys to see it but I have been dealing with flu instead. They loved it and said it was better than the first.
@opiejeanne: Our cat loved attics. And was in the next door neighbors attic one morning.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
And I trust Israel as far as I could throw the Wailing Wall—imagine how much less the people they’ve been threatening for 65 years trust them.
There was a time years ago but now he just drops a turd & leaves us to ourselves.
See also:
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I don’t think we missed it. Several people have asked but unless its on the front page he apparently doesn’t see it, and maybe not then either. I guess we have to assume that no news is good news.
My Onyx ended up in the attic of two different neighbors, one year apart. He is a lucky boy- the first neighbor caught a glimpse of Onyx’s reflective collar just as he was boarding up the hole into his attic. I had to climb up there and coax him out. A year later, he went missing again, so I went door-to-door asking about attics with holes. A woman in the house right behind us told me her husband had boarded up an attic hole the day Onyx went missing. He didn’t believe me that a cat was stuck in there, (Onyx hadn’t been meowing- he was too terrified) but I persisted, and we got him out of there after a couple of days of climbing into the attic and calling him. He wouldn’t come when I called him- eventually, we had to open the attic back and put food by the hole. He ran home and we helped the neighbor put the board back.
Lost cats-listen at night when it’s very quiet. i had a cat as a kid that got ‘lost” twice. both times she got locked in a neighbors attic-chasing mice we think. first time my mom “found’ her by hearing her very faintly in the early quiet morning easter morning playing easter bunny for me. Only heard her because it was so quiet. The neighbors were away for the week but fortunately had asked my parents to keep an eye on the house and left us the key. 2nd time it was the other neighbor and pretty much the same except we thought of listening and checking attics.
20 years later a different cat was missing and someone saw my flyers and came and told me he had seen her hiding and running out of the apartment laundry room late at night. She evidently was so scared she wasn’t coming out for food except late late at night when all the scarey noises stopped. Night owl student saw her. I hid in my car where I could watch the laundry door until i saw her and called her over. That grad student barely spoke english but cared enough to come tell me.
Cats tend to be nocturnal hunters anyway and machines and stuff they don’t know about must be scarey.
Craigslist is also probably a good idea. they didn’t used to have that but I’ve seen lost pet pictures there myself.
Princess Leia
@Fergus Wooster: I always do the night walk when one of mine goes missing. Too noisy during the day. Somehow I can concentrate better on muted meows when I walkabout late at night. I also shake a bag of treats as I call. Hope you find the sweet baby soon!!
@Fergus Wooster: Lay that shirt down, so the kitty can make a bed in it. Your scent may attract him back to your yard. Cats have a really good sense of smell.
@Fergus Wooster: Really sorry to hear you are missing a cat. Hope it all works out OK, soon.
@Yatsuno: OK, suppose X is the “reason for the sanctions.” What is the reason for X?
@SoINeedAName48: Nicely done. Thank you for that.
@Yatsuno: If so I apologise for my error.
May I ask which one?
A remarkable statement.
Hilarious also.
@schrodinger’s cat:
And … ?
It’s an impossible task because no such errors exist?
Lectures are offensive and we can only learn from someone who shows us The Proper Respect?
We can’t be taught at all?
Suffern ACE
Well, we could let Iran set up a naval base in Nantucket similar to that little base we have in Bahrain. Then he might feel less threatened when one of our politicians spouts off about our desire for regime change.
@David Koch: Yes, Mr. Suzanne and I took Spawn the Elder last night. We all loved it.
I am trying to decide if I should get Mr. Suzanne a monocle for Christmas.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: Trying to prevent additions to the nuclear weapons club. The more countries that have them, the more likely someone will fuck up and use them. Finding a solution to Iranian security concerns without nukes is a good thing.
@Fergus Wooster: Indoor cats have no outside territory and generally find a hiding place very close to home. My Phil stayed under the neighbour’s porch for three days one winter, and he finally came out at 5 am.
@Fergus Wooster: Here’s an article I have found to be very helpful in these situations; talks about how lost pets behave in predictable ways, and how understanding that behavior can help you find them:
I used to help with a “lost pets” Facebook page and wrote up this Lost Pet To-Do List. Good luck, hope you find your kitty!
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree with what you write but I don’t see that it addresses the question I asked (someone else).
Anyway, “trying to prevent additions to the nuclear weapons club” is a great idea in principle. An even better idea in principle is to encourage subtractions.
For example: Netanyahu says we gave Iran the “deal of the century.” If it is such a great deal for Iran, how’s about we offer the same terms to Israel? Let Israel abjure the development of nuclear weapons. Let Israel swear off refining uranium, plutonium, and what-have-you. Let Israel have “atoms for peace” only. And let Israel accept the same monitoring and verification regimes we want to (and should) impose on Iran. And if the Israelis reject this “deal of the century,” what should we do? Should we perhaps sic Saxby Chambliss and Lindsey Graham and John “Barbara Ann” McCain on ’em?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: The reason for sanctions is an interest in avoiding additions to the nuke club. That is the “x.” There are negotiations going on on multiple levels about reducing nuke levels worldwide. this is a part of them. Stopping proliferation is a good thing. Isn’t it?
BTW, in terms of your internet etiquette perceptions, how was I wrong for responding to the comments?
@Omnes Omnibus: BTW, in terms of your internet etiquette perceptions, how was I wrong for responding to the comments?
Not wrong at all. Anyone is free to respond; plus I always welcome your comments.
Sorry if my words gave a different impression — it was inadvertent.
@Omnes Omnibus: The reason for sanctions is an interest in avoiding additions to the nuke club.
If that were the case, we’d be imposing sanctions on all non-nuclear states.
There must be more to it than that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: Avoiding an increase in the nuke club is good. Effecting a decrease in the nuke club is a laudable, but not achievable goal. Iranian leaders saw what happened to Iraq and what happened to N. Korea. They made reasonable judgments. We are dealing with the results of the Bush Admin. It has had consequences.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: No. Only a few states are in a position that would be marginally improved by having nuke capabilities. Iran is one.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sorry, I’m not following.
You say (1): “The reason for sanctions is an interest in avoiding additions to the nuke club.”
I say (2): “If that were the case, we’d be imposing sanctions on all non-nuclear states.”
You say (3): “No. Only a few states are in a position that would be marginally improved by having nuke capabilities. Iran is one.”
To me, (3) is a non sequitur. Anyhow, I’m not particularly interested in (3). Someone had accused someone else of “missing the whole reason for the sanctions [against Iran] in the first place.” I was probing this accusation — in vain, it appears.
Great advice. Human beans project a lot of their own ideas and emotions into situations without thinking it through. Ya gotta think like the cat..
Cheese was a total indoor cat for the first 7 years. He slipped out one afternoon- so the first thing I did was walk all the way around the block barefoot, just in case he needed help. haha.
I suspected he was in the stand of bushes in the back yard, and that night I could see his eyes reflecting. Left the back slider open a few inches and he was back in his spot the next morning when I got up.
Paul in KY
@Fergus Wooster: Cold should not kill a cat (level of cold you mentioned). Hoping for best.
Paul in KY
@burnspbesq: I think Israel has capability to perform a first strike. Can use their planes.
if Israel were under the thumb of some pretty brutal sanctions it would be a good deal for them too. given that they aren’t, there’s not much of a meaningful comparison.
@Fergus Wooster: When you go around the neighbourhood calling his name, make sure you stop and wait for a few minutes before you move on- give him a chance to come to you.