I am thankful this week when I remember that America is big enough and great enough to survive Grown-Up Trayvon in the White House!
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 26, 2013
We might need to give him the title for the rest of the year.
This post is in: Assholes
I am thankful this week when I remember that America is big enough and great enough to survive Grown-Up Trayvon in the White House!
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 26, 2013
We might need to give him the title for the rest of the year.
Comments are closed.
He’s always been an asshole. He was an asshole in college, and he hasn’t changed a bit. Entitled, small-minded, vicious … hasn’t changed.
John O
Just wow. King of all assholes?
Happy Thanksgiving, you vicious, twisted fuck!
The word needs to be tattooed on his face.
If I had any lungs left to cough up, I would right now. Wow.
But his opposition to Obama is about policy! It has nothing to do with race!
Bobby Thomson
Dinesh D’Ipshit.
FSM what an asshole.
Some people really, really need an editor between them and Twitter. Or a conscience. A conscience would do.
Is Dinesh Indian? Can we call him the name of one of India’s notorious recent rapists?
? Martin
Enjoying post-racial America.
The Red Pen
Jesus fuck.
@elmo: To be fair, DD is such a big asshole that he apparently gets mistaken for some X-ist tendencies when they’re really just blind stupidity. Things happen when a rat in a mouse trap has more functioning brain cells.
Hunter Gathers
Don’t be too hard on him. He’s just expressing the rage he feels toward his parents for not being white.
please proceed, dicksacks. keep winning all those hearts and minds.
Calling this guy an asshole is insulting to assholes.
How can he be a racist? He’s not white! See silly libz, we haz them too!
It’s almost (almost) sad watching the littlest kid (who invariably smells of pee) excitedly dragging plywood and carpet scraps to help build the treehouse they are never ever going to let him in.
()*)(*)Y*&&YIY (&T% RR^%^R%$^ you, Dinesh.
the response comments are pretty entertaining
Chyron HR
Well, jeepers, John, he sounds a lot like your good friend Ted & Hellen. Maybe you should make D’Souza a frontpager here.
Wow. No words. But this guy has been an ass forever. Remember his affair while head of King’s College, the Christian evangelical college? He brought his mistress along on subsidized trip, introduced her as his fiance, all while not yet having bothered to file for divorce.
It’s okay when they do it, apparently. Just not okay when anyone else does it.
Billmon, natch
billmon @billmon1 33m
@DineshDSouza @AdamSerwer Give it up, Dinesh. You’ll never unseat Ann Coulter in this game. You’re not half the man she is.
What the ever-lovin fuck does that tweet even mean?
Southern Beale
Wow. I was wondering why my Twitter feed was full of attacks on D’nesh D’Souza.
I’m thankful that our president is indeed a grown-up, not that petulant little frat boy with daddy issues who last occupied it.
Haha. Yeah. Zimmerman / Christie 2016, everybody! Hahaha.
Southern Beale
Now that he doesn’t have a job because he got busted cheating on his wife he can really let his freak flag fly.
Why has nobody walked up to Dinesh and split his skull?
schrodinger's cat
Dsquare has that title for life.
A year is not enough. The rest of his miserable little life of impotent rage and resentment is not enough.
predictable response from the freeper people:
FreeRepublic.txt @FreeRepublicTXT 4m
Dinesh D’Souza is a great example of positive aspects of immigrants.
Michael Bersin
He’s down to trolling on his own Twitter account. The responses to this and others are so much win.
Dude, just take the wingnut welfare money you’ve acquired up to this point and run. You’re almost making us embarrassed for you.
Davis X. Machina
@southend: A right-wing tweet should not mean, but be.
What about the title “Fucking Dick of the Century”?
Dear God, what an ineffable swine–but then he always has been. This is, however, an excellent example of wing-nut propaganda in that it packs an enormous volume of lies and slander into a very few words. Wingnut Trayvon Martin = violent hoodlum (aren’t they all!) who had it coming. point of wing nut comparison, to slander President Obama as the same. Real Trayvon Martin = innocent victim of racist nut-case and bully boy.
Actual effect of comparison on sane person: a reminder that vicious racism is alive and well in this country, and is directed at black citizens whether they are ordinary teenagers or occupy the highest office in the land.
I am thankful that there is another and larger element in our country (though not, alas, influential in proportion to its size) that rejects racism root and branch and was happy to elect President Obama.
schrodinger's cat
D’Souza’s nastiness, and the weather makes little kitteh has a sad.
Is there anything more pathetic than a white supremacist of color?
Lovely little man. Wishes the Brits were still in charge of India. Bless his heart.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
I’m thankful this week when I remember that America is big enough and great enough to survive an even stupider, meaner and more racist Bobby Jindal. Also, too, a more pencil-necked one.
Ash Can
What’s up with this guy? Is he afraid that the yahoo who was arrested for threatening the president to the Secret Service agents’ faces is stealing all the limelight?
@southend: You’re thinking again. That’s not how you analyze this sort of dreck. This is a . . . it’s not even a dog whistle. Dogs have higher brain function than this. What this is is a straight jolt of electricity to the limbic center of the brain of Conservatus terrifiedus, also known as the Pissed-Pants Teabagger.
@schrodinger’s cat: Hey, did you know that Cole’s site is trying to sell me “cute T-shirts” named after you?
I hope you’re getting your commission checks.
Baron Elmo
I suppose what D’Shithead ultimately means is that Obama deserves to be shot — by a righteous white patriot, naturally, Standing His Ground as a citizen who’s been pushed too far by the Kenyan Usurper.
Dang — this might be the single most racist comment I’ve ever seen from a right-wing opiniator. John Derbyshire must be gnashing his yellowed choppers in frustration that he didn’t cough it up first.
Southern Beale
D’nesh D’Souza just Tweeted this:
Umm …. riiight. Okie dokie.
What. An. Asshole.
Southern Beale
@Michael Bersin:
This is true. It’s very sad but also a little delicious, no?
The left could do without the transphobia when dealing with Coulter.
Southern Beale
BTW did y’all know that D’souza’s Wikipedia entry refers to him as,
Wonder if he’s even noticed.
@Rosalita: Well I can’t top billmon. He does have a point.
What a completely unconscionable remark by D’Souza on the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, to compare the President to a teenager who was shot down in cold blood. How can this guy get paid to write words?
Ms. D. Ranged in AZ
I tweeted back at him: “And I am grateful that America is big and great enough to survive spiteful, selfish and immature grifters posing as grown men.”
@Southern Beale: He probably thinks it’s a point of honor.
Atrios @Atrios now
sunday on This Week, Pat Buchanan and Dinesh D’Souza discuss race in America
nancy graham
I am LOLing as I type this. I went to check Dinesh out on wiki and this is the first sentence. I’m wondering how long before someone finds out and takes it down.
@Southern Beale: When did President Obama “liken himself to Trayvon”?
Sometimes I think these wingnut haters say what they say to generate attention at themselves, because honestly I haven’t wondered about Dinesh all year. They genuinely go out of their way to say this sh-t knowing a lot of people are going to be outraged by what they say, and it will martyr themselves to their own far right base.
I hope to God Trayvon’s parents sue him for defamation, though. They should, because he’s implying by his disgust for Obama that Trayvon is a teen thug.
@Violet: I think he’s referring to the “Trayvon could be my son” remark.
when he was asked repeatedly about his thoughts on Trayvon’s shooting, he finally spoke about it and said that Trayvon could have been his son. At which point the Far Right went ballistic, screeched reverse racism, and turned the whole situation into more a media circus.
IIRC, he was making a point I took to be in effect “any innocent kid, even your own, can have this happen to him if as a society let this happen” when he said something like “it could have been me at his age”.
While we’re slagging Dinesh’s tweets, here’s a lovely one:
Dinesh D’Souza @DineshDSouza
If women are the intellectual equals of men, why is there a World Chess Championship and a separate Women’s World Chess Championship?
Keith P
@ranchandsyrup: Yup, and the tweet was him trolling for people to flip out so he could say “I’m only repeating what Obama said.”
Mike in NC
Makes you long to watch that Dave Chappelle bit about the blind black man who’s in the KKK. Dinesh D’Souza is about as self-aware.
schrodinger's cat
@Aji: No such luck..
@Southern Beale: From a former standard-bearer for the “new” right to a disgraced has-been with WAAAAYY <30k followers on teh Twitterz. Cool! Something more for me to be thankful for.
Lurking Buffoon
Christ, what an asshole. Seriously, wow.
@southend: All it means is that Democrats are the real racists, because shut up that’s why.
I look at this guy and at the previous thread on the 60 Minutes stupidity and I think, surely after a while, this over the top stuff registers on people and puts them off. Surely the current extreme stance of the right wing is counter productive. Right? Anyone? Anyone?
Looks like he deleted the tweet and the follow up.
But he left the chess one up.
Put me down in the ‘Wow. Just… wow.’ group.
Ash Can
I’ll repeat the reply posted by an alert commenter at LGF: “It’s so the men can win.”
@Ash Can: HA! That is awesome.
sm*t cl*de
why is there a World Chess Championship and a separate Women’s World Chess Championship?
Because chess players are weird?
First time I heard anyone argue that decisions made by the competitive chess-playing community could inform us in some way about reality.
I am thankful this week that Douche D’Souza is still an insignificant nothing striving to be relevant.
Ahh … D’Souza is just lamenting that there wasn’t a George Zimmerman running loose in Hawaii 4 decades ago, to save America from the blight of Obama.
Ash Can
Aaaand D’Souza apparently has deleted both of his Obama-Trayvon tweets. Brave Sir Dinesh ran away…
Betty Cracker
Holy crap. What a dick!
This is Stochastic Terrorism. Right-wingers continually inject their assassination and murder fantasies into the conservative fart bubble hoping some Second Amendment Hero (e.g. George Zimmerman) will kill the President.
Villago Delenda Est
Dumbfuck D’shithaid needs to be given an attitude adjustment treatment with a clue by four.
Me, I’m thankful to remember an America where adulterous hacks didn’t ride a high, cheap-shot racist high horse on the president of the U.S.
Bubblegum Tate
Man, he’s really trying hard, isn’t he? Poor guy just doesn’t know how to do the Coulter schtick.
@Bubblegum Tate:
I’ll say this for Ann Coulter, no way would she wuss out and delete the Tweet the way Dinesh DeFuckhead did. She’s willing to stand up for her bigotry and viciousness.
@Hunter Gathers:
And that’s the bottom line–this dude is a self-hating little bitch.
@Ash Can: As a patzer who has played at a few tournaments and hung out with chessplayers, I can offer this http://pastebin.com/8FCRMqJC as an answer to the vile comments of DD. Summary: a young woman explains why she left chess at 16 on account of the constant barrage of immature sexist garbage from male players. And that’s not the worst of it.
Jimmy Buffett has a song for D’Souza. (NSFW)
I think we should try to build a bridge of understanding with him.
Oh wait, that’s only for bigoted white dudes.
Villago Delenda Est
I think we should build a bridge out of him.
Dinesh D’Souza @DineshDSouza 1h
Exclusive “2016” Update with Dinesh D’Souza http://aweber.com/t/5kRpx
And the grift continues.
Does anyone actually WORK on the Right, or are they all on the self-promoter payroll? Those sheep won’t shear themselves, I guess.
gogol's wife
Very good analysis.
Pity the poor wingnuts. It’s not enough that this poor kid’s dead. They have to find more and more ways to keep kickng his dead body.
Ah, yes, this is the cheap idiot that coined the whole “Kenyan Anti-colonialist” bullshit.
Should we really be surprised?
Hey, Dinesh! How’s the wife?
Cluttered Mind
@Grung_e_Gene: It’s worked for them many times in the past. George Tiller is dead. Gabrielle Giffords didn’t die but a lot of people around her did and she had to resign and will never be the same again. The Secret Service has to deal with death threats against the president at a much higher rate in this administration than ever before. And through all this, people like D’Souza get to claim that they bear no responsibility for the house burning down even though they’ve sprayed oil all over the walls, pumped the rooms full of flammable gas, and directed a steady stream of teabaggers matchboxes to walk through.
Cluttered Mind
@MaryRC: Low blow. I wholeheartedly approve. 10 internet points to MaryRC.
Bubblegum Tate
Coulter at least knows how the act works. D’Souza just tries way too hard and ends up flailing and failing.
nancy graham
According to his wiki page, D’Souza is no longer a racist.
@Rosalita: He used to date Coulter.
And Laura Ingraham as well — though not simultaneously.
Actually, I prefer to flip this tweet around, to say, yes, just think what Trayvon could have grown up to be – he could’ve been President someday. While I know that’s not what DD meant, that’s actually the first thing that popped into my mind. Who knows what the future held for that kid, and what a tragedy he didn’t grow up to find out.
@jenn: Well, Obama himself explicitly identified with the boy, didn’t he?
Jebediah, RBG
well said
Jebediah, RBG
@nancy graham:
But the kerning is all wrong, so clearly he is still a racist.
@Cervantes: We all should. We were all teenagers once. Some of even liked Skittles. Sometimes I wonder if the only reason why I’m still alive is because I’m white.
In the end, we will never know what a grown-up Trayvon would have been like.
Tim in SF
Gunga Dim?
@Melissa: Did you know him? The spawn of the Dartmouth Review. ugh. He and Laura Ingraham make me flinch sometimes when I hear about my alma mater.
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