Time for another trip to the wondrous experience that is Randall Munroe’s inner life:
My next cat may have to answer to “Little Bobby Tables”
Talk about whatever.
This post is in: Humorous, Open Threads
Time for another trip to the wondrous experience that is Randall Munroe’s inner life:
My next cat may have to answer to “Little Bobby Tables”
Talk about whatever.
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Certified Mutant Enemy
I think Schrödinger would be a great name for a cat…
Central Planning
Mouseripper is the name I want to use for our next cat.
Central Planning
And off to Boston this weekend to see A Christmas Story: The Musical. Also will bring the oldest son to do the walking self-guided tour of MIT. Hopefully it’s good weather.
Tom, any interesting buildings that we should walk through (if they’re open)?
ok, I missed something.
MSNBC fired Martin Bashir?????
A) I’m sure it would be funny if I got it.
B) I’m really hoping to be pet free after this round. Maybe some birds or something, but definitely nothing dependent on multiple trips outside to shit.
People who give cutesy-wutesy names to their pets fry my grits.
“Cleocatra? Aw, isn’t that precious.” (turns around and makes gagging motions with finger down throat)
@lamh36: He resigned, I assume, because he called Palin’s bullshit and Phil Griffin crapped his thong.
Also, too, love xkcd.
@BGinCHI: ah, he “resigned”.
Um…MSNBC is losing people like crazy aint’ they
@Central Planning: MIT very nearly never closes.
Check out:
– the Stata Center (Michael Graves-designed new home of the Computer Science labs)
– the Great Sail (a huge Alexander Calder stabile in front of the Green Building.
– the Barker Engineering Library (housed inside the Great Dome).
– the MIT chapel (especially if you can go in sometime during mid-day)
– Kresge Auditorium is okay, mostly from the outside (I used to have a math book that used a photgraph of its curved windows in a discussion of integrals).
Walk along the Charles River from the Sloan School in the east at least to Baker House (the sinuous dormitory) in the west at sunset.
I’m also fond of the Great (Killian) Court.
If you walk towards Central Square (about a half mile?) there is the MIT Museum, which is charmingly funky. Plus you’ll not be far from Toscanini’s Ice Cream.
@lamh36: They are too fucking thin skinned. Morning Joke gets away with anything but not the others.
I wish Bashir would have gone on and repeatedly said why he was bashing Palin. Make it crystal clear and dare them to do something. Protecting his brand I guess.
@lamh36: Good riddance to that sanctimonious putz.
hey now. I’m not bemoaning Bashir’s “resignation”. I’ve been giving Bashir slack for some time now. I still didn’t trust him from way back in his tabloid days.
It’s just the idea that it was over something said about Sarah Palin.
Remember when Halperin called Obama a “dick”…he was placed “on hiatus”, but not fired. Hell, look how long it took MSNBC to let Pat BucKKKanan go.
I’m just saying, the message seems to be be careful when you speak at all unfavorably of Sarah Palin or any of the GOP, particularly for the “liberal” news stations.
Makes me wonder what it would take for FOXNews to fire anyone???
heh, knurd humor, don’t want to get it most of the time
@lamh36: My bitch is *not* about his comment regarding Mrs. Palin. I just found him, and I must repeat myself, sanctimonious.
Oh come on. SQL Injection is SO 2002.
Jebediah, RBG
Is our country even more chock full o’nuts than I thought? Robert Bateman posted this over at Pierce’s place yesterday. Over 500 comments, lots and lots* of which refer to him as a p*ssy, a traitor, a scummy worm and include variations on “come and take them, I dare you.”
I saw precious few admitting that the event that precipitated his column – the shooting of a football fan who had the nerve to admit that it’s just a fucking game – was incomprehensibly insane.
*After a couple pages worth, I couldn’t take anymore.
Jebediah, RBG
While I wait for my previous comment to escape moderation, here is what I saw this morning while walking the pups. It was pretty windy last night.
And here is one of those pups looking all cute and shit.
@Central Planning: Our cat’s business card says “Lizard Disassembly Technician”
@Disco: which is about when he drew that comic.
Wingnut welfare circuit–now serving oysters.
For the record, the current owners bought the oyster farm from its founders a decade or so back, knowing full well the 50-year lease was set to expire. And now they want the pesky lease, for farming on public waters, to stay in perpetuity. Because Freedom.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: They got rid of the FoxBlonde who called the Obamas’ fist-bump a “terrorist fist jab”, I think she’s actually at CNN now, and there were rumors that the Murdoch family was embarrassed by Glen Beck.
I liked Bashir, he clearly gave not a fuck about the Broderist rules of civility, but even I had to roll my eyes at him sometimes.
Freedom means, “I get stuff for free.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: agreed. I’m not bemoaning his resignation. I’m just saying the line just seems so much shorter for ‘liberal” news orgs than for Fox News and I would think those over at the lib news should be pissed about that…but meh.
@Central Planning:
@dm: has some good suggestions.
Also, don’t forget “Tomb of the Unknown Tool.”
That is, if you can find it.
xkcd explained.
So, I’m not the only one…. Whew.
Central Planning
Thanks everyone for the suggestions at MIT!
@Central Planning: , @dm:
This thread unspooled hours ago, but should either of you check back here:
Two other MIT tour recommendations:
If your son makes it to the east side of the campus, e.g., the Stata Center (which in fact was designed by Frank Gehry), he could enter the Wiesner Building, home to the MIT Media Lab and the List Visual Arts Center, the latter open to the public. Designed by I.M. Pei – one of several of his buildings at MIT including the Green Building mentioned by dm – it has an impressive lobby and imposing “mosaic” wall.
The “Infinite Corridor”: enter at Mass(achusetts) Ave(nue) and keep on walking. It’s a legendary feature of campus life and gives an indelible sense of the frenetic pace of the school.
So happy to read that Toscanini’s is still scooping it out! It’s been a long, long time since I last enjoyed that pleasure.
@handsmile: Right. Gehry. One of those G-architects, anyway.
Our office had an auction for the right to rename the meeting rooms to raise money for charity. Inspired by xkcd, we named a room
room)”;drop table ROOMS;–
It’s a good litmus test for technical job applicants. If they laugh, they go on to the next hurdle.