(Scott Meyer’s website)
Special second-career tip for our honorable bloghost. (Don’t think he should be allowed to handle the ‘power tools’, though.)
On another topic, rest assured that the RNC is already working hard to protect us from The Mean Lady Who Wants ‘Their’ Oval Office [Warning, Politico link]:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says the RNC has begun “focusing in” on Hillary Clinton as a candidate for 2016 and will continue to do so.
Priebus was asked by radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday whether the RNC would work to attack Clinton as the presumed Democratic nominee for president in 2016, according to a show transcript…
The RNC chairman said the group is focused on the 2014 midterms, but he agreed it needs to aggressively set the conversation about Clinton early.
“I think you’re right. I think that we have to be very aggressive on what she’s done or hasn’t done,” Priebus said. “And the things that she is famous for, like a botched health care rollout in the ’90s, and Benghazi, and the things that she is involved with that are or went obviously pretty badly, we need to focus in on.”
He said the RNC is still responsible for some of the “rough stuff” out there about Clinton, however.
“I think that there’s a lot of rough stuff coming out on Hillary that you know, it doesn’t just come out of thin air. It comes from somewhere. And sometimes, it comes from us, and sometimes, it comes from other groups,” Priebus said…
Apart from marveling at such big talk from such a little man, what’s on the agenda for the start of the weekend?
I fucking hate that little weasel college Republican from WI.
He’s like an evil, stupid, talentless Wally Shawn. In fact he’s even dumber than Shawn’s character in Princess Bride.
Can someone photoshop his head on that character’s head?
Somebody totally needs to send that comic to the NPR Car Talk guys. I can already hear them laughing…
Villago Delenda Est
An evil, stupid, talentless Wally Shawn is no Wally Shawn at all!
I think I miss Michael Steele.
Hows this for irony? Mayor “Stop and Frisk” announces creation of The Nelson Mandela School for Social Justice
@Villago Delenda Est: I know, but you can see the dilemma of having to describe him. It means having to go where you don’t want to go.
@lamh36: Problem is he thinks social justice is when rich people feel safe.
My take away, from the link to the notorious Cole pedicure post, and the GOP blockquote re HRC, is that AL is implying Cole has cankles.
Ash Can
Considering the bang-up job Priebus did of getting President Romney elected, I don’t think Clinton has anything to worry about.
Someone reminded me of this today. Man, I completely forgot about the end of Malcolm X when Nelson Mandela appeared on screen.
Who remembered this?
I lost all respect for the RNC, when they backed off nailing Hillary for the cold blooded murder of Vince Foster, as well as those two poor Arkansas teenagers, who were tied down to train tracks for an on coming train to run over them and end their precious lives by the Clinton death squads, because those young men were about to expose Clinton’s cocaine smuggling operations.
The RNC will talk about some light weight stuff like Benghazi, instead of looking at how the Clinton’s have amassed millions by sketchy investment banking deals that get money by sending poor, white Christian girls to “camps” that are actually brothels, where those girls live as sex slaves.*
Think about it, the Clinton’s have amassed $100 million since 2000 and you think all of it is legal. I would not be surprised, if Hitlary Clinton took over the Afghan opium trade, while Secretar of State and Benghazi was just another Chicago style gangland turf war gone bad.**
* I just made that one up
** Just made this one up too
@Gene108: I really like the way you worked Chicago in there.
Now if you can get Park Ridge a mention you are ready to go pro.
There’s no doubt that a Clinton candidacy in 2016 will drive wingers into a foaming-at-the-mouth frenzy. There’s just something about her that drives them wild.
Don’t forget her murdering Vince Foster Rinse Pubics. Seriously, who the fuck cares about the healthcare rollout from the 90’s? Meanwhile, anyone who buys into the Benghazi bullshit was never going to vote for Hillary anyway.
Yeah, sure it doesn’t.
So, business as usual then?
@dmsilev: They can just change the names on the signs and t-shirts. Wingnut recycling.
Finishing preparations for nerd-a-palooza, which is to say our department’s annual Open House. Anyone in the Chicago area who’s interested is welcome to show up: https://mrsec.uchicago.edu/events/physics-bang-holiday-lecture-and-open-house
Then on Sunday I’m going to recover from Saturday.
@Ash Can: I had a soft spot for Michael Steele, though I should not since he was more successful at getting GOPers elected. Ol’ Reince makes Steele look good, so I have a soft spot for him too.
Edit: and making a goofball like Steele look good can’t be easy. So Ol’ Reince has some natural talent at it, you have to admit that.
I am going to watch the MAC Championship game between Northern Illinois and Bowling Green.
And it is my opinion that most right wing nut jobs seem to be resigning themselves to the fact that Hillary is going to be unbeatable.
Next up will be the unskewing of the polls and the pleas for money because of Benghazi or whatever other fake scandal they dream up.
And then they will lose. Again.
What is the Clinton death count up to now, anyway? Foster, Brown and I think at least one other. I always wondered what treatment the Clinton’s would get in the Internet era if they had been in the White house. Now we may find out, though it would be hilarious if Republicans focused all attention on Hillary and she doesn’t run. She could definitely run cover for some other candidates.
@BGinCHI: Benghazi is a two-fer, of course. I’m surprised we haven’t yet seen a conspiracy theory which states that Obama had the people at Benghazi killed as a way of either bolstering or torpedoing (take your pick) Clinton’s Presidential ambitions.
@dmsilev: I understand what you’re saying, but I think there’s something special about winger attitudes towards Hillary. I tried to come up with a metaphor for it that isn’t disgusting, but failed. So, I’ll just leave it at that.
Please, FSM, let them again attack Hillary for being a lesbian.
” What is the Clinton death count up to now, anyway? ”
Well, the Clintons murdered me while I was on a road trip through the Ozarks after I stumbled onto one of their secret drug running air strips out in the boonies. Not sure I made the count, though.
Hell, Fox news never even called me for an interview after I emailed them the details. And they call themselves a news organization.
Edit: though if the GOP is ramping up another Hillary attack machine, I should give them a call. I can testify first hand that Hills is a hell of shot with a colt .45. It’ll make a great attack ad.
Sipping on a Founders Centennial IPA after a long-ish day at work. Had my year-end review today…went much better than last year. Very pleased with it overall, and (fingers crossed) should get promoted.
Having dinner with my fiancee in a little bit at a nice new American cuisine joint in East Village shortly to celebrate nearly 6 years together. All in all, a very solid day across the board.
Villago Delenda Est
OK, I knew this was snark, and not a Poe’s Law tossup, when you failed to include the words “her lesbian lover” in front of Vince Foster.
@MattF: Pelosi gets a lot of the same virulent irrational hatred. Something about older Democratic women that they particularly can’t stand…maybe tied to the fact that they were sort of from the first generation of women who really bucked the trend these dudes’ moms followed of staying home, cooking and cleaning while wearing pearls and humming along to Lawrence Welk. And not just that they went out and got educations and jobs and ran for office – because obviously plenty of Republican women did too – but they used those things to push the evil liberal agenda rather than to help hold up the conservative one. HOW DARE THEY. Or something.
gogol's wife
I noticed the other night that you’re a fellow Hvorostovsky freak. Have you seen this concert with Netrebko in Red Square? It’s not his best singing, and I’m afraid it’s some kind of Putin lovefest, but Moscow looks so beautiful:
Dug out from a under a foot of snow. Resting easy, now, sipping a nice hot cocoa.
Villago Delenda Est
This is easy.
They’re women.
Not familiar with Park Ridge
Ash Can
Hillary worked and hung out at a pizza joint in Park Ridge when she was in high school. Since it was an Italian restaurant, there’s gotta be a mob connection there somewhere.
gogol's wife
Evening plan is to watch Blonde Venus on TCM. Marlene and Cary — let me make that more precise — Marlene in a gorilla suit and Cary.
OT: This is good for a chuckle . . . or nightmares (Onion via Reddit):
For a guy with a name that sounds like ‘Rinse Prepuce’ to be “coming out” with “the rough stuff” is just too…….Barney Fifish.
Clinton body count
@Baud: Now, that, that Onion photo,. was a spectacle both hilarious and disgusting. So, thanks, maybe.
@jl: Sorry, that was me and my gal Shillary. We thought you were trying to steal our meth.
My day has consisted of spilling a quart of paint over myself (and into a closet door track, which it neatly filled), getting pickpocketed, getting barfed on by the dog, being on hold for one hour/fighting for another hour with the California Franchise Tax Board over a document they misplaced, tripping and falling on my face while walking on a perfectly flat sidewalk…and not managing to get any work done at all.
Does it sound Pollyanna-ish to say that listing this really brings home how first-world all this shit is? I feel a lot better having done so.
@OzarkHillbilly: ‘were’? Shouldn’t that be ‘you was’? Are you a real hillbilly? Buddy, I’ve known hillbillies and you, Sir, are no hillbilly. Good day.
@shortstop: I didn’t know Cole commented under the name shortstop.
? Martin
@Gene108: Wow, 60+ killings. Who knew Hillary was one of America’s most notorious serial killers? Well, aside from every conservative in America…
@jl: At least I was clothed! That’s all I’m sayin’.
ETA: Although the paint cleanup would have been easier had I not been.
@? Martin: I wonder why Huckabee never pardoned her. Except for the “wondering” part.
Roger Moore
Irony is long dead; now they’re just doing horrible things to the corpse.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin:
Well, they’re not exactly clear who ordered the deaths…Bill, Hillary, Chelsea, or the mastermind behind all of it…Socks.
Ash Can
@shortstop: Sounds like you’re about ready for a double martini.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Presumably at the men’s room at GOP headquarters for all the value it has.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
Satire died in 1972, according to Tom Lehrer.
@Ash Can: Well, I don’t drink…but there will be chocolate. ;)
Roger Moore
Unpossible. Recycling is for DFHs.
Villago Delenda Est
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
If there’s anywhere that the wide stance is SOP, that’s the place.
I hope it’s Hillary against Jeb, so we can see our media nod their collective heads when Reince Priebus argues that Hillary’s a viable candidate just because of her name.
Roger Moore
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Shorter RNC PR BS:
Sometimes we lie about Hillary, and sometimes we just repeat other people’s lies.
@? Martin:
Wow. Sandy Hume, Brit’s kid. How could he never have mentioned this?
Sonuvabitch. I’m already working Christmas and picked up some OT for Christmas Eve. Now, the guy taking leave decided not to, I lost the shift, and then another OT was offered for that day while I was training and someone else snatched it up. I feel like I just got $500+ stolen from me. Motherfucker.
It’s fitting that the Republicans chose a guy with a name that sounds straight off of Hogan’s Heroes to be their chairman.
I can totally imagine him standing beside Major Hochstettler and saying ‘Ve haff vays of making you talk’ to Hogan.
Then par for the course, failing totally at his mission.
Just like in real life.
Mike in NC
This can only mean he’ll have his act together by 2020, right?
If I may perchance ask, even though it’s super in-advance (but had to plan because I have a wedding to go to), but any LA-area Juicers want to do a meetup potentially on April 16th? It’s a Wednesday.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Gene108: Oh so we have a Clinton appolgoist here. What about those Lesbian snuff movies Hillary made in the Whitehouse the Libertard media has suppressed? Always the lightweight stuff like Whitewater and crack brothels run by the Clintons.
@jharp: I hope Hilary doesn’t assume she’s going to be unbeatable and try to coast.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Why is nobody discussing the dildo Christmas tree?
Ted and Hellen
In a country of more than 300 million, the idea that the only, best option the Democrats have to offer as the next presidential candidate just happens to have been married to a person who ALSO just happens to have once been president, is indicative of a terminally sick, profoundly elitist, political system.
The fact that so many of the commenters here, and other Dems in general, are OK with the idea of a Hillary presidency, is pathetic.
Anne Laurie
My back aches in sympathy (and I hope those moochers in your first pic appreciated your efforts on their behalf!).
And re the second pic — great product placement, sir.
@Villago Delenda Est: But they’re not this way about women who toe the right lines. It’s not “women” they have a problem with, it’s equality.
@Baud: You honestly don’t think they show greater antipathy towards Dem women than Dem men? You’re living in a different world than I am, then.
A little far away but sounds possible.
Any ideas on a general area?
No, they clearly hate women more. But their level of hate is so great that I’m not sure how meaningful the relative difference is.
@jl: Ah’ll admit Ah was some edumacated befer moovin’ out har to the hills n hollers ov Washintin Kountie, but Ah lef awl thet behined meh. Sumtimes Ah steell slep upp tho.
@Baud: I think it’s about to become clearer in the 2016 election.
@Ruckus: Come on – I’m from NYC; to me, LA is a massive sprawl.
I will be landing at LAX in the early afternoon…where I go from there is pretty much undetermined as of now.
@Baud: It;s meaningful to women.
At least to this one.
It will be an interesting social experiment. Lots of people try to compare the first Clinton hatefest with the Obama hatefest, but Clinton I was long enough ago and essentially pre-Internet, so it’s hard to make the comparison. This will give us a better picture.
That’s fair. I was thinking more from the wingnut perspective.
@Anne Laurie: That mug is the first one sold from the BJ store.
@Baud: Well, don’t do THAT to yourself! Nothing you’ve done deserves such ill treatment, I’m sure ;)
No worries. I read of lot of wingnut stuff, and it hasn’t affected my Benghazi at all.
@Baud: It will still be apples and oranges. With all Dems, including Bill Clinton, we get general venom and over-the-top hatred. With Obama we get an almost bottomless pit of vicious racism that surprised most white liberals who thought they were already cynical about racism…plus general hatred of Dems. With Hillary Clinton we will get a level of sexism that many liberal men think was dead and buried 20 or 30 years ago…plus general hatred of Dems.
I don’t know how helpful it is, and I do know how impossible it is, to try to draw straight comparisons among these things. But if we have to try to contrast our first female presidential nominee’s treatment with male Dem nominees, they should at least be white men. There isn’t any way to view Obama’s treatment outside the lens of horrifying racism. Someday we’ll have a female black president and universe give her strength.
Roger Moore
I could probably make another LA meetup, provided there’s enough interest from the other locals.
Matt McIrvin
Clinton was the first Internet-era President, though it was in a relatively primitive form. The Lewinsky scandal was what made Matt Drudge; it was the first most people had ever heard of a blog.
(And, yes, I know the Internet is older than that; my own first encounter with it was while Reagan was President. But not many people outside of universities had access until the Clinton era.)
Roger Moore
Or FEMA camps. I think I prefer that option.
@Ted and Hellen:
Part of me thinks because Bill was President first, the chauvinist streak in this country will be able to accept Hillary as the first woman President.
I don’t think, we as a society, are ready to deal with a husband, who puts his career on hold to support his wife’s political ambitions. We are O.K. with the reverse, where a wife steps down from her career dreams to support her husband’s political career. Hell, 20 years ago, right-wingers were freaking out that Hillary even had a career and wasn’t just a political wife, who existed solely to prop up her husband’s image as being the head of the ideal American family.
Though, I guess looking back, Hillary put her career ambitions on hold a bit, when she agreed to settle down in Arkansas because Bill wanted to get into politics and running in his home state was what he figured was his best shot at get elected to a meaningful office.
I think Hillary has a shot at being the first woman President because becoming President will not put her career accomplishments ahead of her husband’s career accomplishments.
Otherwise, I really do see a nasty chauvinist / misogynist attitude towards the husband of the first woman Presidential candidate that could hurt the candidate.
@Ted and Hellen: You’re free to give it a go any time you like, cupcake.
Somehow that photo made him look more attractive.
@gogol’s wife: Thank you!! I’ve bookmarked it to watch/hear this weekend when I have a leisurely couple of hours to enjoy it. (Hmmm, I’m scheduled for my very own mani-pedi tomorrow afternoon, and that always takes a good two hours.)
And you apparently have a better memory for what I’ve written than I have myself! I don’t remember saying anything about Hvorostovsky, but it is true that I’m a big fan of his looks, his voice, and his acting.
(Oh, wait, it was in that Yul Brynner conversation, wasn’t it?)
smedley the uncertain
@MattF: …and that’s a good thing, right?
something fabulous
@Ruckus: @PsiFighter37
you betcha!
@Ted and Hellen:
As opposed to any conceivable Repub as president? You better believe I’m OK with it.
No shit.
I’m certainly not excited about the idea of HRC as President, but given the choice between Calgary Cruz, Rick Perry, Chris Christie, or Hillary Clinton, I’ll punch the HRC ticket every time.
Then again my fantasy Dem ticket is Bernie Sanders*/Liz Warren, with either one holding the top spot.
Switching subjects, I had to get out today to stock up on supplies as the only food I had in my fridge was a bag of mixed vegetables, some iced tea, and several containers of different coffee.
Considering the weather, the city’s done a decent job on the main roads and my little Kia Spectra didn’t get stuck once, but its the idiots in 4 wheel drives and pickup trucks who think they’re exempt from the laws of physics that I had to worry about.
I kept wanting to scream at the assholes going 40 while fishtailing up the mostly (thank God) empty road “Let up on the damn gas and get some control back, dumbass”.
*Yes, I know he’s not a Democrat, but this is a dream ticket.
In some ways, I do believe the internet has helped Obama not get bogged down in scandal mongering, because there’s enough information available very rapidly that liberal keyboard commandos can drop a blitzkrieg ninja attack at light-speed across the intertubes that blunts the right-wing talking point de jour.
As much as we mock right-wingers because they cannot get “scandals” like Benghazi or Fast and Furious or Solyndra to stick in the minds of the average American as being worthy of ire, the same sort of fluff got blown into derailing the Clinton Administration.
Whitewater, firing the White House travel office, President Clinton holding up traffic at LAX to get a haircut by Christophe of Beverly Hills and a host of other right-wing noise that stuck, in my opinion, hasn’t worked against Obama because the internet allows a much faster response to right-wing attacks.
From the link above: “This claim, however, is completely false. According to a June 30, 1993, Newsday article headlined, “Bill’s Coif: The Myth; Runway trim delayed no one”
The runway scandal broke around May 21, 1993 and it took a news agency until June 30 1993 to get the facts straight, which is well after the political damage was done.
From a May 21, 1993 NY Times article:
I honestly can’t see waiting until June 30, 2013 for the push back to come to right-wing talking points that started floating on May 20, 2013. The internet has sped up the ability to fight back and make the right-wing lies look like the pathetic projections of little demented minds that they are.
@something fabulous: Good to see preliminary interest! I’ll post periodically in open threads to gauge interest and eventually email one of the FPers.
Hard to imagine her making that mistake…again.
Dear lord, I’m too busy envisioning the next batch of Republican whackaloons to ponder which dems will run. Not going to clarify until after the midterms, in any case.
The huge problem for the GOP in attacking Hillary is that EVERY POSSIBLE THING they might use as material for attacking her has already been thorougly aired with the electorate, including not just old stuff from Arkansas and husband Bill’s Presidency, but all the new stuff as well, including BENGAZI! And it’s already got as much traction (or not) as it will ever have.
The bigger problem for Hillary are those nominally in the democratic/progressive camp who are less than thrilled with the impurity of her progressive bona fides and supposed connection with DLC types, who may go sit in a corner and pout if she’s nominated (or worse, decide to support a progressive third party candidate with sufficient purity ponies and threaten a Nader 2000 redeaux result in the 2016 Presidential elections). And be totally, arrogantly, smugly shameless toward anyone expressing anger at their selfish stupidity in facilitating the advent of a far longer, deeper conservative dark ages upon the land that will make the reign of George W. look like a moderate peacenik.
I think some of you youngins like Cracker so here they are in the Athens xmas parade last night.
Pre-Internet my information options were pretty limited and most of what I read was slanted to the right.
To my eternal shame I was a Limbaugh fan up until the late 90’s when he finally told too many obvious lies even for me to accept.
It took the internet and the easy exposure to many differing sources, along with the GWB disaster, to wean me away from reflexively accepting whatever the National Review wrote as Gospel and start looking elsewhere.
Nowadays I think of myself as more of a socialist than anything else, though I still hold (and get condemned regularly here for) right leaning views on guns.
somebody finally posted a commentary on the late great Mandela that I can actually relate to:
“it’s crazy how they do revolutionary people of color, they’ll fight em tooth and nail while they’re alive and working to make positive changes for the disenfranchised, even question their use of emotions and lack of peace at times when peace isn’t necessary or useful.. and when they die, they call em a peaceful little angel who never broke a plate or moved no mountains. constantly belittled even after death.. damn. can’t have nothing.”
Roger Moore
Might I suggest repeating the Golden Road experience?
Tap Tap. . .
Certified Mutant Enemy
RNC has begun “focusing in” on Hillary Clinton as a candidate for 2016 and will continue to do so.
That was their strategy back in 2005. How’d that work out?
Roger Moore
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
Shhh. Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.
@raven: awwwwww… [utterly non-denominational as preferred] blessings on you! LOVE that song.
ETA: Sure they made the lyrics festivus friendly, but whose idea was it to have them sing _that_ song surrounded by children throwing candy (or running out of same) ..?
@Gene108: Srsly??
That old chestnut AGAIN!!!??
And the funny thing is that the lame brains at the GOP recycled most of the same list i order to compile an “Obama Body Count”.
How can somebody who was killed by the Clintons come back to life only to be killed by Obama?
In real news, OTOH, that ignorant asshole who (just last week) said that pre-existing conditions are the fault of the person who decided to be born with them (or something like that, had a lot to do with car crashes according to him), has just this week been diagnosed with prostrate cancer, and IF NOT for the Obamacare law (which he was fighting against last week) he would be dropped like a hot potato from his shit insurance policy BECAUSE HE GOT CANCER!!
Lucky for him his family won’t have to file for bankruptcy and have to live in a refrigerator box for the next 7 years.
Less than 1 week and he changes his tune.
Typical GOP.
Ted Cruz’s star is waning.
Omnes Omnibus
@mdblanche: The ravening masses on the right will not tolerate a moment of decency from their putative leaders.
@Lyrebird: Apparently David modified some lyrics. There was also a float with a dude from Of Montreal!
gogol's wife
Yes! He is a great Onegin, and a great Yeletsky. I wish I were energetic and organized enough to ever make it to the Met to see him. Although I don’t have much interest in seeing him made up as a bald, ugly Rigoletto, which is what’s on offer now.
gogol's wife
Okay, I just finished watching Blonde Venus. Marlene was fabulous, and Cary was gorgeous. I really didn’t like the ending, though. But I’m filled with new admiration for Madeline Kahn’s parody in Blazing Saddles. She has the Dietrich singing style DOWN!
@Lyrebird: Beats me, it was the Flagpole float.
Roger Moore
He obviously peaked too early. The Teabaggers are the most fickle political group I can recall. They get on the bandwagon of any candidate who looks remotely promising and hop off just as quickly the moment he deviates even slightly from the party line. They aren’t just looking for Mr. Right; they’re looking for Mr. Perfect.
@gogol’s wife: I’m Tired!
@Omnes Omnibus: ravening huh
@efgoldman: Don’t bet on it.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: No offense meant.
@gogol’s wife: I loved his Met Onegin opposite Fleming a couple of seasons ago. Have not seen/heard him in Pique Dame.
Jerzy Russian
Hi All,
The colors on this fine blog look different when viewed with Safari (my normal browser) and Firefox. I noticed the colors on Safari started to slowly change. For example, the color of the balloon at the top should be a light blue, but it is starting to look purple on Safari. Also, the box with the date on the top of the post looks purple on Safari.
I have Safari 6.1 on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.7.5). Does anyone have any ideas on what is going on?
@PsiFighter37: I got no long range plans. Let’s do it.
I am baking this evening. White chocolate cranberry and I baked a rarebit crumpet thingy. Hoping to get things packed and shipped by next weekend.
smedley the uncertain
@gogol’s wife: Thank you for that link to two of the finest operatic singers on the stage today. While this was wonderful, concert appearances do not do justice to their emotional acting skills. Delayed comment as I watched the entire performance before realizing I owed you a thank you.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Got my ass kicked at work. The end of the day consisted of tuning an uninsured patient into the PPACA. He was looking at a $1600 premium six months ago. I’m guessing his premium will be about $200 for him and his wife starting in January.
@raven: Thanks for the link, fer sher. Wasn’t really expecting an explanation.
Neat to glimpse Athens, too – fabled city of B52s and lotsa other folks.
(Haven’t yet been to GA; changing planes doesn’t count.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ted and Hellen: Almost like putting up some frat boi slacker with a chemical addiction problem because his dad was president, isn’t it?
? Martin
I was a lot more supportive of HRC before I saw the dipshits she hired and who killed her candidacy. I could only imagine who she would hire into her cabinet.
Hopefully round 2 will involve some better staffing decisions.
smedley the uncertain
@gogol’s wife: I have seen both Netrebko and Dimitri H ; ) several times on Met Live Broadcasts; most recently he was the father in Traviata. These are satellite transmissions of live performances to be seen in large screen theatre venues around the country. While it’s not like being there, I still get to see half a dozen live Met performances a year. My venue is the local 1891 Opera House.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin:
Aye, that.
Hiring that incredible fuckup Penn was a searing indictment of Ms. Clinton’s judgement. I certainly hope she learned from that.
Waiting for the snow to start and getting ready to watch the shortest parade in the US, the Blue Jay Christmas Parade, which will close the road in front of our cabin from 1 to 3:30. They line up in front of our place for a parade that is so short it’s hilarious. It starts at the first restaurant on the edge of town, passes the grocery store and the McDonald’s, and ends. The local HS band, people walking dogs in costume, the local tea party elected idiots in a car, Scouts, clowns tossing candy, old cars from the Lake Arrowhead club, the fire department, and various other things. Lots of fun except for the politicians, but I usually turn my back when they pass me. Donovan and… Can’t remember right now. State rep anda congressman.
Want. Snow. Naow.
Villago Delenda Est
We’ve got six inches on the ground in places down here in Tracktown.
You’re welcome to as much as you can carry.
Warning: it’s dry stuff…like you’d find at Mt. Bachelor. Very unusual for the Willamette Valley. TERRIBLE for making snowballs! Terrific for skiing, though!
@Ted and Hellen:
I thought this fucker was banned.
@Yatsuno: it’s snowing now but it’s strange stuff, like flat feathers about an inch long. The sound it’s making ome me up, like mice on the roof.