Long overdue thread for football and everything else.
Open Thread
by @mistermix.bsky.social| 133 Comments
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by @mistermix.bsky.social| 133 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Long overdue thread for football and everything else.
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Looks like broken leg for Gronk. Just a guess from the replay.
Culture of Truth
Sad that Nelson Mandela passed away, but at least he missed this Raiders – Jets game. (too soon?)
Browns up 12-0 over Pats at Gillette can only mean Cleveland will lose by 14 points instead of the usual 21. But what a great first half! *barking noises*
ETA: No sharp objects around Brady for the rest of the day.
@BruceFromOhio: not today. Browns win unless they self destruct.
schrodinger's cat
Submitted for purr review
Fuck fuck fuck Stillers. Fuck.
Countdown to Seattle-SF. Go, you made-up birds! I need my Monday morning office gloatfest.
@p.a.: ugh The only game that we have is the Falcons/Green Bay.
Mike in NC
@Culture of Truth: Hearing reports on some TV news outlets that in various places they are complaining about a directive to fly the flag at half staff since Mandela was not a
Real Americanwhite Republican.Zippity
I’d really like KC to look as good in the 2nd half as they did in the first. It seems like they get a good lead, then just start playing to protect it.
UCLA and FSU are playing for the national championship right now.
Eagle’s special teams…gah…blowing this game for their team…
@trollhattan: Made up birds? I think not. That’s an actual Seattle sea hawk I shot while standing on the deck of the Bonnie Dick in Elliot Bay. Ok, it’s a bad pic, but it’s not sasquatch bad.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Heh. Jeremy Ross absolutely sucked when he was with the Packers.
@p.a.: Thank you, Mr Gordon! Wow, still not calling it done, lots of football left – Pats have done more with less.
ETA: Case in point.
ETAA: 19-11 after 3? Only in a Browns game! ;)
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
When we were up in Central California, we had dinner at the Firestone Brewery restaurant in Buellton (not the one in Paso Robles) and brought home a bottle of Wookey Jack. I’m going to try to make beef stew with it tonight even though most recipes say, Dear god, don’t use an IPA, it’ll be too bitter! I found this homebrewer’s beef stew recipe that seems to account for the possible bitterness and adjust the flavorings accordingly, so we’ll see how it turns out.
seahawks are ospreys.
ETA: i see MikeJ beat me to it.
Jewish Steel
Not cool, MikeJ Cheney. Not cool.
Mustang Bobby
Watching the snowbowl between the Lions and Eagles, and they’re trading TD’s and slips and slides. They say there’s 8″ of snow on the field.
And I can barely hear the play-by-play over the air conditioner running here in Miami…
(No, I don’t give a rat’s patoot about the Dolphins.)
@Jewish Steel: Kinda scrawny, but good eatin’ on those birds. Not nearly as tough as a bald eagle.
and much better than spotted owl
and the packers dine upon falcon.
Asksistermarymartha.blogspot.com has a War on Christmas article that you will all love.
Amir Khalid
Interesting, this. Apparently, the von Trapps concur with the general lack of enthusiasm for Carrie Underwood’s portrayal of great-grandma Maria. They would have preferred Anne Hathaway; she can sing and act.
(Vorsicht! Link to Huffington Post.)
Dammit UCLA. Put the biscuit in the basket. Three shots and you come up with nothing.
@Pogonip: Points to pogonip as nym. I just learned the word last night as we were under a freezing fog warning.
Amir Khalid
Put down your drink before you click on this link.
Not an easy catch. Here’s mine, taken at Bodega Bay, literally a “wha?” swing & grab shot.
Have heard them referenced as sea eagles, but that’s also been applied to bald eagles, so there’s that.
@BruceFromOhio: I could have gone today, my shingles is running its course, but didn’t really feel like dealing with cold and crowds. Almost every time I go it’s an ugly game; field goals, penalties. Saw the Browns here in I think Couch’s 1st year. 9-3, 9-6, something like that. Was there for the Miami game where the Pats were helpless against the Wildcat. Only Pats blowout I’ve seen was when they took apart the Broncos. Plummer was their qb I think.
This after dining on the Redskins, if you listened to my play by play in thread below.
Eh, some team from the midwest that beat the Redskins. That’s most of them, right?
@trollhattan: Here’s a different osprey I got the same day.
@trollhattan: sea eagle: erne on your basic crossword. Osprey is a fish hawk, freshwater. Can’t remember seeing them by the sea. Loved the original ‘hawks’ unis. The new colors are too muddy.
@Amir Khalid:
He can try to be the Pixar of Faith, but Man on Dog is going to be his epitaph. You can’t pray that one away.
I am surprised they have a million dollar promotion budget.
Thread needs moar puppeh!
@Boudica: We get freezing fog a LOT where I live, that’s what gave me the idea. It’s not true that freezing fog will destroy your lungs–if it were, this area would long ago have been depopulated–but it is true that it tends to glue car windows shut.
And for all you (a-herm) late-adopters, the argument back when they held the name-that-team contest was, “there’s no such bird.” At this late date I don’t recall what the other finalists might have been (hopefully not Buccaneers). No doubt there were a few votes for 7-Football-7s. I’d have gone for Pilots II.
We were pretty sports-starved.
beer time somewhere
As I am going out to a friend’s for dinner and copious amounts of food and alcoholic beverages will be served, I want to get this in now —- Go ‘Aints.
Might not be in any shape to actually watch the game.
Thread needs moar chili cheese mac ‘n cheese.
@trollhattan: The original working name was the Seattle Kings. It’s a lame name, but it would have been interesting to see what they did when King County changed its name from “King County” (named after William Rufus King) to “King County” (named after MLK).
@Amir Khalid: Audra McDonaldl would have made a great Maria imo, but I also thought the Captain could have been played by Mandy Patikin so there is that. It would have made for a more interesting production.
Wish I had some alcohol. Not that we don’t have any. Hell, we have a fully stocked bar. But no alcohol that I like. The only thing we’re missing is wine. All I have is cheap cooking Chardonnay, a sweet red dessert wine and a bottle of champagne, which does not suit my mood at all. Come to think of it, we have a couple of small bottles that we got as favors at a wedding last fall. Don’t have a clue what is is but it’s white and the bottle can’t be more than 8 oz. a couple of those may be what the football gods have ordered. Fucking Stillers.
Amir Khalid
I think The Christmas Candle might have been a better fit for TV than for theatres. It’s basically a soppy Christmas story, and its main attraction is Susan Boyle in a minor role,.
They look beyond adoptable.
And they’re not even in scarves.
Sweet article re airlift of 400+ dogs from Van Nuys (LA area) airport to Montana and other points north. Private planes, mucho volunteers, and cute dogs in travel kennels.
Wings of Rescue has saved over 5,000 dogs from SoCal shelters since its founding in 2009.
Worth it to click the extended slideshow.
Amir Khalid
Patinkin’s a musical-theatre legend, but isn’t he a bit long in the tooth to play the Captain?
@Amir Khalid: but the captain is much older than Maria is supposed to be.
As to that Carrie Underwood abomination, I refuse to watch it. Sound of Music is my FAVORITE musical and I’m a big Julie Andrews fan as well, so Carrie was already “shit out of luck” in my book.
Love Audra MacDonald though.
@Amir Khalid: With that cast , no one would be bitchin about the acting.
So I turned 37 this year and it got me to thinking that in 3 years I’ll be 40 years old. So I began to reflect on my life so far and I’ve come to realize that I’m not quite close to where I want be in my life once I reach 40 years. So if I want to meet my expectations I’ve got to come up with a 3 year plan to start after New Year’s. Is it too early for resolutions…lol?
@p.a.: And once again, Brady and Pats pull yet another rabbit out of the hat.
NE gets some major credit for cardiac fortitude. Three times this season they have played to win after looking completely out of it. The fans must be aging in dog years at this point.
Though its a loss, hats off to the Browns, I expected a blowout and they played competent hand egg. Way to go Cameron, Gordon, Campbell, and the ferocious D.
yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! But now local Fox is showing Gints/Bolts. :(
@BruceFromOhio: I don’t think that was a head shot on Edelman’s TD. Replay showed shoulder pad Thai chest. Home cookin’. Pretty crappy ref. crew all around.
Shoulder pad to chest. Autocorrect strikes again.
with a big assist from the refs on that pass interference call that set up final NE TD.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: They are building Saabs in Trollhattan again. Cool, right?
@lamh36: As a wee lad, I got to see Mary Martin play Maria in the traveling NY cast version of The Sound of Music when they came to St. Paul. It was the first time I’d ever been in a real theater and I was enthralled.
Omnes Omnibus
@tybee: A squeaker, but I’ll take the win and be happy.
@barbequebob: What p.a. said, the officiating could have been better.
Still, exciting game, fun to watch, I know my Dawgs ain’t going nowhere, so they get to play spoiler for the Steelers if nothing else.
Christmas movie time: Watching The Preacher’s Wife on one of the HBO channels. Love me some Denzel W and RIP Whitney Houston.
Preacher’s Wife – I Believe In You And Me
@lamh36: I had a similar thing back at Halloween when I turned 34. I think when it comes to things like personal habits and doing the things you’ve been putting off doing, New Year starts when you say it does.
Insane finish to the Ravens-Viking’s game; five (yes, 5) scores in 2:05 (yes, just over two minutes.)
Almost impossible to believe consider the score was 7-3 at half (and had little scoring even in the third quarter.)
Shocked that the Steelers’ lost to dolphins in the snow and cold in the Steeler’s own stadium!! (OK, would be more surprised if they lost in the snow in Miami … .)
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Amir Khalid:
Santorum should start by prodicing movies that don’t suck dead donkey dick.
Davis X. Machina
@lamh36: My music prof in college used to call once a week for birthdays. We’d raise our hands, say how old we were, and he’d tell us what Mozart — sometimes Mendelsohn — had already written by that point.
To be fair, he also used to say “When he was my age, Mozart had been dead for ten years’.
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
Speaking of bad movies…
Omnes Omnibus
@Davis X. Machina: OTOH Grandma Moses didn’t start painting until her 70s.
That’s the same org that flew Bud back to the rescue org when I couldn’t keep him last year. Good folks, really care about the animals.
Bob In Portland
I hate Pete Carroll. And I really hate Golden Tate.
Ooooh. Welp, Rand Paul – plagarism…Chris Christie – RINO…now Ted Cruz…..
Can someone say…primary….
Anne Laurie
@JPL: If Audra McDonald is playing Maria, then Neil Patrick Harris plays the Captain. (Or Patrick Stewart, if he had the vocal stamina.) Either of them could persuasively play someone prepared to marry a penniless postulant of non-traditional casting.
But then, I’m still hoping for an avatar future where the digitalized Whoopie Goldberg can play Hannah Jarvis to to Bill Murray’s Peacock/Nightgale in Stoppard’s Arcadia!
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Davis X. Machina:
By the time T. E. Lawrence was my age, he’d already been dead for four years.
@Davis X. Machina:
The answers to that:
We can’t all be geniuses or in my own time.
Bob In Portland
“Desolation Of Smaug”. The original title was “A Weekend in Bejing”.
@Davis X. Machina: One of our film professors had a poster of Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, with a caption to the effect that, “He was 23 when he wrote and directed this. What have you done lately?”
I have to say, it made me feel inferior rather than inspired.
I’m only 37 and don’t consider myself particularly wise, but still I want to impart some wisdom on you young folk. If there is any advice I feel comfortable in giving is to take care of your credit while you’re young. I swear I’m still trying to make amends for things I did to my credit when I was in my early 20….hard lesson learned so you don’t have to.
Frigging Pats.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid: I’m sure The Christmas Candle was produced as a ‘holiday perennial’ for TV, but there’s a weird “local” American custom of going to see a movie on Xmas Day with the extended family. Mostly, from my experience, in families where everybody feels the social need to Be Together for the Sacred Day, but nobody actually wants to spend that much time talking to each other for fear of arguments. Imagine the whole Ailes-subsidized Palin family going to see Christmas Candle together… just after Bristol’s little boy asks ‘What does it mean when Granma calls Mommy a star-chasing whore?’, and/or or Willow refers to Trigg as ‘the Tard’ on-camera, and/or Todd gets into his hidden stash (midwestern custom is to hide a bottle of alcohol in the garage/workshop in families where public drunkenness is officially frowned upon) and stumbles in cursing his fate & all his relatives… Two hours of nobody talking, the tipsy/angry get to regulate their hormone levels, and by then whoops-look-at-the-time-better-get-the-little-ones-home-love-you-all!
Besides, theatrical release still has more cachet than made-for-TV, when it comes to selling Christmas Candle rights to the networks in future years.
@Anne Laurie:
He’s got the vocal stamina. What he doesn’t have is the vocal training. Which he will be the first to admit.
And the Seahacks are trying to kill me.
@R-Jud: I’ve seen something like that for Alexander the Great… At 19, he conquered the world, what have you done?
Interesting – I never knew the Seahawk was supposed to be an osprey – that’s an eagle beak! I always thought it was an immature Bald Eagle. The things you learn.
On a petty note, I HATE their current uniforms. My mental image of the ‘Hawks uniforms is that of the Zorn/Krieg years, and it’s always somehow a shock seeing the new ones. Grump, grump.
@Amir Khalid:
Thank you for the warning. I actually did have a glass of Pinot noir in one hand, and had I not heeded your advice, my new white sweater would have an embarrassing red stain down the front.
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
I hope they take page out of the MechaGodzilla play book and have Mecha Shark built by aliens to take over the world!
Couldn’t agree more and a lesson I try to impart to my students as often as possible. Sometimes they look at me like I have three heads and sometimes they get it and thank me for it. I had one call me a couple of weeks ago. She graduated about five years ago and I had encouraged her to pay the interest on her unsubsidized loans while she was in school. You can do that without penalty and save thousands of $$ and years of payments by keeping up with the interest and the payments are not in any way crippling if you have a part-time job. She wanted to let me know that she has paid down more than half the principal of the loan because when she entered into repayment, there was no interest that had capitalized with the principal and she will be student loan debt free in another three to four years, a year earlier than the original loan term. She wanted to thank me. It made my week.
@Anne Laurie: so true. One Christmas when all of my sisters and I were in the same city for once (DFW I think) we all went to the movies and saw Dreamgirls together after spending the day eating and laughing
Uncle Cosmo
@Davis X. Machina:
No points for your prof unless that class was some time prior to 1960, as in all probability he stole that line from Tom Lehrer, who delivers it in live performance patter somewhere on An Evening Wasted with Tom Lehrer, recorded at Hahvahd in March 1959.
@Bob In Portland:
Can you believe the photos of Beijing now? Also, too Shanghai. WTF China?? Do they really want to live like that.
The other day I saw a photo of a brand new 15 story apartment building in Shanghai that toppled over. If I lived in one of the identical buildings around it, I would be awfully worried right now.
@Anne Laurie:
I know families that do that. Can’t imagine it myself, but we have good family holidays with few arguments or fights. It helps a lot that of the ten of us that get together, nine are all on the same political page. And the one (one of my BILs) who isn’t keeps his mouth shut about politics, which is one of his best qualities and why I still like him.
The English lived like that in the late 19th Century.
Did you see the photo making the rounds on FB the other night, a photo of sweetly smiling Julie Andrews captioned “Nice try, dear.”
I saw that! Cray cray! What I didn’t see was any evidence of a foundation under that thing.
Anne Laurie
@lamh36: Lots of cultures use the winter solstice (Dec 21) for a “fresh start day” — that gives you enough time to make some plans, and then you can test out those Life Improvements during the season where your family & co-workers are too distracted and/or full of holiday spirits to ask the wrong questions or get on your case about stuff. By Jan 1, you’ll have a better idea which changes you need or want to make, without all the public pressure… and you’ll have a headstart on all those ‘lose x pounds by Valentines Day’ or ‘go to the gym five days a week’ or ‘read a good book instead of watching TV’ plans your friends will be talking about.
Hahahahahahahaha! Good one. I’m no fan of musicals in general or the Sound of Music in particular, but the idea that Carrie Underwood could begin to even think about filling Julie Andrews shoes is ridiculous. When I first heard about it, I seriously thought it was a joke. And then I saw one of the promos, saw it was going to be live to top it all off and knew it would be a shitshow of the first degee.
That’s what I noticed first also. Weird.
Amir Khalid
To play the captain, you need to be in the right age range to be the father of his eldest kid — forty to early fifties, say. Patinkin might pass for the high end of that age range, but it would be close; he’s just turned 61.
@Davis X. Machina:
Reminds me that John Lennon was taken from us 33 years ago today.
What with Reagan’s election and Lennon’s murder, the last two months of 1980 were about as grim as it gets.
@efgoldman: Errant Noo Yahkers in Beantown?
I guess it happened a few years ago and there was no foundation. It was built on slab with hollow pilings (no rebar even!) but that was it. Apparently the names of the developers and the names of some of the city officials were the same. hmmmm.
@Baud: We never learn I guess. The failure of China’s Great Wall hasn’t stopped us from thinking a “border fence” is going to magically prevent illegal immigration.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: I always thought that was a Jewish thing. Not their holiday, few other things open, a chance to avoid crowds. A friend from law school came back from the semester break saying that he had never felt more Jewish than he did watching Schindler’s List on Christmas Day in a theater at Water Tower Place in Chicago and then capping it off by getting Chinese food.
? Martin
My mom is getting mad at Brady. “I’m getting too old for these last minute wins – it’s not good for my blood pressure!”
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
When I saw Schindler’s List, it made me feel a little Jewish myself.
I watched a little of it this morning and had to turn it off. First, Carrie seems to just have two volumes–either you can barely hear her or she is scream-singing. I don’t think she can act at all–it was sooo strange.
I thought the dad looked the same age as Liesl. Truly a bizarre thing.
? Martin
@MomSense: I always compare the border fence to the Maginot line. Accusing them of copying the French pre-WWII usually shuts them up very quickly.
@lamh36: I’m 71 and I agree. My early irresponsibility still bites me in the ass when I least expect it.
I got Giants-Chargers too, but I live in the Philly area, so I’m not surprised we get the game of a division rival.
I’m enjoying the game so far :-)
Go Bolts!
I’ll be 40 in a few months.
I’m just working on letting go of the things I haven’t been able to do.
I sometimes wish time moved in more than one direction.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: So did I, growing up on the East Coast, but by the mid-80s a lot of my Midwestern friends were referring to it as ‘a thing’ that their families were doing. May be related to either A Christmas Story or that National Lampoon/Chevy Chase horror? I remember Santa Clause and Elf being pitched for the Dec 25 market, anyways… not to mention all the jokes about the Die Hard and Mission Impossible movies opening 12/25.
Thread needs moar kitteh!
? Martin
@MomSense: As a general rule, remakes are pointless in my book. If the original was a shitty adaptation of a book or something, then ok, but remaking the Sound of Music? Really, what were you going to fix? There’s no place to go but down.
@efgoldman: this is Giant’s legal TV turf.
@efgoldman: aha.. The Y.A. Tittle days, I presume.
Amir Khalid
@? Martin:
This wasn’t a remake of the movie as such, which I agree would be pointless; but a live-broadcast production of the musical. And there’s always room for that. Just like there’s always room for another production of Hamlet, or of Les Misérables if you can pay what Cameron Mackintosh charges for the performing rights.
@jeffreyw: Is that Ginger? He is gorgeous.
@? Martin: How many of them know what the Maginot Line was? In my experience Americans tend to think “history” was sometime last month. I can’t tell you how many Americans I’ve known who thought Martin Luther and Martin Luther King were the same man.
Baker: Reagan Regretted Veto Of Sanctions Against South Africa
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Anne Laurie:
You do it in the Midwest because the kids are driving you nuts by mid-afternoon of Christmas Day, but it’s too goddamned cold outside to send them out to play. So the most sober adult drops all of the cousins off at the movie theater with the price of admission and returns to the house for some blessed quiet and adult conversation.
IOW, it’s not the adults who are trying to escape from each other — it’s the adults trying to get a break from the kids who woke them up at 5:30 am that day and have been bouncing off the walls ever since.
Oh, and apparently, Ted Cruz will be apart of the House delegation going to Mandela funeral….Say wha????
Newt Gingrich Shocked (Shocked!) at Nelson Mandela Backlash
@lamh36: Ya got something stuck in yer throat there dear.
@? Martin:
I am going to steal that–Republicans just want to bring failed European style border policies to the US.
@? Martin:
I would not want to sing a role that Julie Andrews performed so perfectly. I got as far as the thunderstorm scene. Instead of singing these are a few of my favorite things, Carrie screamed the lonely goat herd song–and I do mean screamed.
Mike E
@R-Jud: And at 26, his career was over. If you’re going after somebody like Hearst, you had better take him out or he’ll bury you.
Amir Khalid
You would think it couldn’t matter how Republican party handled the death of a foreign leader, but people must be wondering why their party base hates one of the world’s most widely admired and beloved people.
What is with NBC’s obsession with Carrie Underwood? As if last week’s SOM wasn’t enough, she’s got a special on this week called, I think, “A Cautionary Christmas.”
@Josie: No, that’s a random kitty at the shelter. He is a pretty boy.
Amir Khalid
Sorry, but I just can’t agree that the composers of You’ll Never Walk Alone, the greatest sports anthem of all time, could be capable of producing a weak musical.
Oh my. Way too much Carrie.
I thought that one was with the other girl that won American Idol. What the hell is her name? I like her much better than Carrie Underwood.
Kelly Clarkson! That’s it!
Was Carrie the winner the second year?? I think she was an idol winner, too.
Raygun didn’t regret anything he ever did to fuck over others. He could fake a lot of emotions in his “acting” but real empathy or regret? NFW
He was after all a conservative.
So certain, Jimmy, that you alone knew the thoughts of the man. That the man himself never said or did so indicates otherwise, so fuck off.
That’s so funny. I always get Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson mixed up in my mind! (Not that I spend any inordinate amount of time thinking about them, and would not recognize either one if they walked in right now and introduced themselves.)
And SF cranks one off over Seattle. So close …
Niners. Cool day.
Not to mention John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy.
Certain sure?
@Amir Khalid:
I can scarcely express to you how much I loathe, hate, and detest “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” It always makes me gag. Possibly the most revolting song R&H ever wrote (and i’m mostly a big fan of that duo, but I really can’t stand “YNWA”).
Excuse me now while I go throw up a little.
You may hate me for this, but as a Pats fan I have to admit that this is not the case. Having Tom Brady as your team’s QB means magic becomes merely I’m-really-not-surprised-he-did-it-again.
Anyone who think Peyton “Papa Johns Is Shit” Manning has had a better career than Brady should just stop watching football, because it isn’t even close.
I actually heard a 19 year old college sophomore say this at Thanksgiving:
Uncle Cosmo
@p.a.: This is a function of the TV contract that awards CBS the rights to broadcast AFC away games and Faux the rights when the visitor is an NFC team. Since there is no NFC team with a home town between NYC & Santa’s Sweatshop, Faux treats that as the Giants’ hinterland & will show their games unless the Elis are playing in the evening on Sunday (NBC) or Monday (ESPN).
Same problem down in Baltimore with the Ethnic Slurs that play ~40 miles to the southwest.