I’m very busy this week, and when I get busy, I like to relax by reading about crazy things that wingers are doing. Like this:
LUMAYE (a wingnut radio host): Let me just — to give an example just what the government can’t do — and I didn’t know this, I just found this out. And I’m not even going to pretend that I came up with this. I got it from Dr. Brannon. Stevie Wonder was given an award the other day. Right? By the president of the United —
BRANNON (a wingnut candidate for Senate): Well, he was there, yeah, for the Burt Bacharach award. Burt Bacharach got a medal for the “king of music.”
LUMAYE: Oh, it was Burt Bacharach. For the “king of music” or whatever it is.
BRANNON: And I just — and this is a small token. I’m not saying nothing wrong with that. I love Stevie’s music and all that stuff. But in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution it says there shall be no titles of nobility given.
Reminds me a little of the Seinfeld World’s Greatest Dad episode. And, yeah, it’s nitpicking but the Brannon could become Senator in 2014.
Guy doesn’t know Elvis is already the King?
Do these people not have anything useful to do?
Chyron HR
Would you believe… Rupert Holmes?
You can hear the Grand Ol’ Opry in Nashville Tennessee
It’s the home of country music,on that we all agree
But when you cross that ol’ Red River hoss that just don’t mean a thing
Cause’ once you’re down in Texas,Bob Wills is still the king
Screamin’ Lord Sutch doesn’t count because he’s British, right?
@BGinCHI: Elvis was king, then abdicated (he’s not dead, he actually owns three Dunkin Donuts in northern Arkansas), then Michael Jackson was king, but he died… a great council has been called to name the new king,
because the only Tagaryen left is on the Wallbecause we have nothing else to do.jl
For a week or so, what with true fact problem of difficult roll out of ACA website, I thought reactionaries would have a real reality-based, and actual substantive issue to wave around.
Silly me! What was I thinking?
‘Santa is really a White Man, IS TOO IS TOO!’ seems to be new crusade of wingnuts. And I see in TPM that NH GOPer is screaming violent armed revolt, because Scott Brown is a RINO and might get involved in NH politics.
They are lunatics, and losers.
Edit: And weeping John’s tough guy routine lasted two days. GOP debt crisis gang announced it is up and running again. Whee!
MY GOD Mick sangin Bob Wills is Still the King!
Oohhhh, but what about all those czars the presidents been sneaking into these Uuuuuuunited States governaments — haelp! they’re everywhere!
Ok, by the way, what I really love is it’s “for the king of music, or whatever it is” which then follows, the constitution says “no titles of nobility.” Sweet bloody Jeebus on a bender… an award that has been given out since 2007 is not a title of nobility.
Southern Beale
Right, and all of those Czars Obummer apppointed are totally not constitutional! IMPEACH!
Jesus. And so it goes. Before the internet these people blabbered on the far corners of the AM dial to an audience of dozens. Now it’s everywhere.
Southern Beale
Sorry but Elvis isn’t King. Michael Jackson is King of Pop.
And Prince is … PRINCE. He’s a prince. So … !!!
@KG: No. Michael Jackson was never the king of anything.
Felonius Monk
DougJ, I think you may be in need of psychiatric or at least psychological counseling if this is your method of relieving stress — most would term this behavior as masochistic.
OTOH, that piece does seem somewhat comedic, so perhaps it is a stress reliever after all.
Take it away, Leon!
@Southern Beale: Again. No. If you want to echo Entertainment Tonight, fine, but that doesn’t make it so.
Sir Stevie!
Certified Mutant Enemy
Didn’t Michael Jackson proclaim himself the king of pop?
Bono, one of only 76 people ever awarded Freedom of the City of Dublin, immediately starting grazing sheep on public property as was his right.
Perhaps the wingnuts are afraid that Stevie Wonder will be presented a Duchy and it will include their homes? If so, will we have to call him Sir Duke?
Not down to the bottom of the barrel yet. It seems like we’re getting closer…..
For your schadenfreude someone missed that Columbia was a dystopia
Plus, there’s Run of Run-DMC, who proclaimed himself the King of Rock.
These dudes are freaking morons. Sadly, the people who listen to them are, if it can believed, bigger morons.
Burt Bacharach was given the Gershwin Prize which is actually an award from the Library of Congress and is a relatively new award.
Bacharach was given it in 2012 and Stevie Wonder in 2009 (and was the second awardee).
Since this award was first given in out in 2008 there is usually some White House performance that goes with it. Obama doesn’t give out this so much as host the performance which is then televised on PBS.
Another Holocene Human
A title is a title TO LAND. By their paranoid logic let’s get the Supreme Court for allowing “property value” eminent domain proceedings that would let developers use the power of the state to obtain title to land–grants and rents ahoy!–so they could develop it at personal profit.
Hey wingers, I think you actually have a point (by accident, and not really)!
The Red Pen
There is a fringe (even by wingnut standards) belief the the real 13th Amendment to the Constitution was an amendment forbidding any royal titles. I think that this was proposed, and that some people printed versions of the Constitution containing this amendment, but the amendment never really got off the ground.
Nevertheless, through tortured wingnut logic, these “thirteenthers” somehow argue that this invalidates the actual 13th Amendment. Hilarity ensues.
Also, too, this:
Youngest Obama Daughter’s Real Name NOT ‘Sasha’, but Soviet/Russian ‘Natasha’…
I think you can tell true wingnut stupid because it’s so stupid that you couldn’t possibly have imagined it.
P.S. Do not skip the comments.
@ET: No, no, no. Don’t confuse us with facts. Stevie Wonder is going to start exercising droit du seigneur and spoiling all those white women forever.
Another Holocene Human
@ET: Culture offends them unless somebody is making a buck off of it.
If not the performer, then the paranoid’s newsletters: MILEY CYRUS GAY MARRIAGE KILL YOUR PARENTS. Family values are under attack. Give generously now!
Villago Delenda Est
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
The stupid. It BURNS!
Ben Cisco
I see my state’s going to be front and center for the dumbassery parade all day today.
In other news, the obligatory “Shut up you fool!” edict has been issued to Sen. Hoekstro – I mean Rucho.
Omnes Omnibus
Good lord. Oops, now I’ve gone and done it too.
Suffern ACE
So if I’m following this, they are upset that Stevie Wonder was given the Gershwin prize in 2009 and that Obama is going to be at an award ceremony? Does the thing even come with a crown or sceptre?
As far as peerages that are still available, perhaps Brannon could receive the Dukedom of Derp.
Villago Delenda Est
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
He did, and he was roundly mocked for it, deservedly.
Say what you will about Elvis, but he wasn’t the self-declared King of Rock ‘n Roll.
Davis X. Machina
King Oliver is rolling in his grave…
Amir Khalid
@The Red Pen:
I like how this nutter seems unaware that all kinds of people — yes, even conservatives! — do give their kids formal first names, and then shorten those names for everyday use.
The Red Pen
@Amir Khalid: Yes, but they give them good American names like Reince and Newt.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ben Cisco:
The only apology that should be entertained from that assclown is a Captain Needa apology.
After looking at that list, I now suspect that they saw that Carole King was given the award and reading incomprehension did the rest.
Scott S.
Jack Kirby is always going to be King of Comics. And any wingnut who says differently had better EVACUATE THIS SECTION! I’M GOING TO DESTROY IT!
Federal judge: NSA Phone Collection Program Unconstitional:
Such a nothingburger. Amirite guys!
There’s an old law that states if Ben Franklin tells you to EXPLICIT then you’re a duke.
Hill Dweller
A wingnut and Bush flunky, Judge Richard Leon, ruled for the plaintiff, noted wingnut, crackpot and WND columnist Larry Klayman, in the NSA case. Although he stayed his ruling.
If the wingnuts can help rein in the NSA, I’m all for it. But I doubt any of this would be happening if a Republican was in the WH.
Oh, but the NSA lawsuit was brought up by a notorious Obama hater, so BOO!! Activist judge!!
@Certified Mutant Enemy: I rest my case.
@Hill Dweller:
So a crank won one of his crank lawsuits. Whoopee.
Though it is fascinating that the purported far left will jump on any anti-Obama bandwagon that comes along, no matter who’s driving it.
Not just a notorious Obama hater — a serial filer of crank lawsuits:
But, hey, he did something that a quick scan of the headlines led you to believe was on the right side, so now he’s a Genuine Hero whose past actions can never be mentioned.
wasabi gasp
@Mnemosyne: Haha ya, its not because the NSA phone program is unconstitutional, it is because they hate Obama! They must be racist!
@Socoolsofresh: When you’re done, I might say something like, “Good to hear the courts rule on something, instead of hearing a bunch of opinion.” But I don’t want to interrupt, so you just finish up.
Hill Dweller
@Socoolsofresh: If this reins in the the NSA, I’ll be thrilled. But let’s not pretend this ruling has anything to do with civil rights.
Both the judge(heavily involved in Iran-Contra and Whitewater for Republicans) and plaintiff(wingnut who publicly calls Obama both a muslim and communist) have never cared about civil liberties. This is an attempt to hammer a Democrat in the WH.
@Socoolsofresh: Rite you are, dudebro!
That makes the Burger King franchise illegal, I guess.
Time to start rounding ’em up and executing ’em. All the Burger King employees must go. To the gas chambers with them all…
Chyron HR
No, silly, Glenn Greenwald only supports Larry Klayman in this specific instance. Much like his incredibly selective support for the Oathkeepers, or as he calls them, “a coalition of former military, police and other public officials”.
I know, it’s so weird that when a known white supremacist files a lawsuit against Obama, people assume he did it for racist reasons.
@mclaren: Why can’t we transition to a constitutional fast food monarchy?
@Mnemosyne: His past actions can be mentioned, doesn’t mean the program is any less unconstitutional. So I guess you guys were waiting for a republican to be in the White House before you brought your lawsuit.
What happens when Burger King and King Taco fight?
By the way, the United States did have an emperor — Joshua Norton, aka Emperor Norton I. He was a pal of Samuel Clemens.
Keep fucking that chicken.
@Socoolsofresh: Me, I’m willing to let the blind squirrel have his nut, but you might want to wait to hear what the supremos have to say before breaking into your end-zone dance.
(And personally, I’d be relieved to hear them say it’s unconstitutional as all fuck, if only for the reason that I could stop listening to the confused rantings of amateur constitutional experts.)
@Mnemosyne: The winner gets the hand of Dairy Queen.
Villago Delenda Est
The FAIL on all those would be every last judge not imposing financially crippling sanctions on that vile piece of shit who gives shysters a bad name.
Leon is a crank’s crank.
@Mnemosyne: So I’m guessing you are against the ruling then! I know right, BOOO! Regardless of motive, this is the outcome. When you talk about Citizens United, do you obsess with who brought up the case, or the results of that ruling? I think the results will have more impact, but ya, it must of only been done just to fuck with Obama, so the ruling is totally invalidated. Even if it means the NSA has to eventually suspend its phone spying program.
Chyron HR
David in NY
Oops. There goes the Congressional Medal of Honor!
Villago Delenda Est
Speaking of stupid that burns…
@Mnemosyne: I wish these self appointed purists of liberalism would put the same energy into advancing liberal causes. Fuck the poor, let’s figure out how to hamstring the most progressive POTUS in modern memory.
@Villago Delenda Est: Good one! Oh, I know right! Activist judges, the worst! Why isn’t Klayman in Guantanamo already? He is such a traitor!
Hill Dweller
@Socoolsofresh: The judge stayed his ruling.
@Socoolsofresh: the obots remind me of The New Republic under Peretz, which appeared to judge every issue based on whether it was good for Israel.
@Cassidy: Ya, so true! They only care about dudebro issues cause they are so pure! Obama needs to brought down because he isn’t brogressive enough! Obama has done tons of good for poor people, but fuck that, they need more porn!
Child molesting criminal, traitor, liar, thief, incompetent lawyer, violence inspiring racist…. Yes, those all describe Larry.
He should be in GITMO out of general principle.
And before you talk about his “win”, how much of a “win” is it when the judge uses tepid “probablys” and stays his own ruling?
I just keep waiting for the day when Larry loses his license. That’ll make me giggle – hopefully, he’ll eat a bullet soon after, because his grift will be done.
@Socoolsofresh: Wow. Just…wow.
@Botsplainer: For some people, purity is more important than results. I don think the poor care about their purity.
Wonder whether this guy ever referred to John Wayne as “the Duke.” Because if so (and I’m guessing “so”) he can just STFU.
So what does it mean that Carole King is the latest person to get the prize? Would she be Queen Carole King?
If I was prez, I think I would just stone cold troll these stupid muthafuggers. They stupidly misinterpret everything he says anyway, so why not play it up a little for some lulz?
Joseph Nobles
Good night, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.
Given that the plaintiffs were an anti-Hillary Clinton group called Citizens United Not Timid (get it? get it? nudge nudge!), you can’t separate the people who brought up the case from the results. Conservative activists won a case that benefits conservative activists.
In fact, the Citizens United results should make you a hell of a lot more worried about this case, given that cases brought by conservative activists often have poison pills stuck in the middle. What poison pill are you overlooking in your desperation for an end zone dance?
just one more canuck on a phone
The king is gone but he’s not forgotten – this is the story of Johnny Rotten
Villago Delenda Est
You’re aware, of course, that you are NOT cool, and you are NOT fresh.
Death Panel Truck
When someone writes, “would of,” “could of,” or “must of,” I just ignore them, because it is apparent they failed basic grammar school English.
That was a while ago, more than a year. Bacharach was there; Hal David’s wife was there on his behalf. It was a great evening. Mike Myers’ rendition of “What’s New, Pussycat?” — complete with costume — was fabulous; and his remarks were even better.
One hardly knows whether to laugh or cry.
“Peak wingnut” is an interesting idea but, ultimately, false.
But Marty, at least, knew what he was doing.
And I say this without approving your choice of epithet — Obama himself is noticeably more level-headed about the issue than some of these people are.