Apparently the Duck Dynasty yokels are homophobic bigots and bible thumpers.
No one saw this coming.
This post is in: Gay Rights are Human Rights, hoocoodanode
Apparently the Duck Dynasty yokels are homophobic bigots and bible thumpers.
No one saw this coming.
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Dear “reality show” producers:
try doing reality shows of librarians next time.
We’re cheap, well-read, and tend not to be morans.
Newly minted wingnut martyrs as well. A&E is taking away their freedom of speech!
The Dangerman
Horny librarians and we’re there (call it “Dewey or Do Me”).
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
The only thing that surprises me is that they were that open about it. If nothing else, they know how to make a buck, and at least one of them is smart enough to tell the others to stay the hell away from stuff like that in interviews. Bad for business.
As TPM noted this morning, we should at least give them a bit of credit for variety in bigotry:
How often does one see anti-Shinto bigotry?
@Violet: Apparently they’re the Palin family of the bayou.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve never seen the show, but I did see something last week that they were complaining that their network was editing out their Jeebus talk.
Raised and swam with the crocodile
Snacked-eye taught me the moyo style
Sucked and weaned on chicken bile
I’m the lover of the bayou, yeah
@dmsilev: Has Caribou Barbie weighed in on this tragic denial of first amendment rights yet?
In the magical world of Jesusland, the Crusades never happened. Hallelujah.
poor quacker must be desperate for publicity, here’s another winner, and coming from the ChiTrib even.
Dog whistles, Duck calls . . . . He’s made it past suspended, so the cash ‘n’ gravy ‘n’ biscuits should be flowing in. Wonder when he’ll start selling art?
coin operated
Given the spate of redneck reality shows crowding the airwaves, I’m surprised it took this long for one of them to get into trouble with the network.
It was only a matter of time….
Mark S.
Prof Althouse found these comments worthy of serious discussion. I eagerly await Ross Douthat and Rod Dreher to weigh in.
@scav: Wonder how he explains all those darker hued folks from his state who did actually sing the blues? Didn’t happen because he never saw one?
Maybe I’m being naive, but A and E used to be a decent channel. Of course, I don’t have cable now so haven’t watched it for years. I missed out on the Jon and Kate thing also.
also.. Does this mean the guy is in trouble or is this Obama’s fault.
WTF is Duck Dynasty? Should I bother to find out?
Yes, I live under a rock. It’s quiet here.
@Violet: I cherish my ignorance about her latest blatherings, but I assume that if she hasn’t yet, she will soon.
TPM has a quote that indicates they are also anti-Shinto-ists.
” It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. ”
Yeah, well, That’s just me too, but I hope I understand that is just me, and don’t go bothering everyone about my personal tastes, or condemning people because of my personal tastes.
I guess the Duck Dynasty dude tried to say something nice, about how they don’t judge people themselves, they let God do it. But I note that he can’t keep that up for even a minute. He does judge.
I don’t understand why, with so many very deadly sins to worry about, some Christians obsess on the sexy time stuff to the exclusion of anything else.
Last night I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show
With some smart ass New York Jew
And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox
And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too
Well he may be a fool but he’s our fool
If they think they’re better than him they’re wrong
So I went to the park and I took some paper along
And that’s where I made this song
@JPL: No one was watching those channels for educational value. Those who watch cable don’t want to be educated; those who want to be educated read the book first.
@Mark S.: Will Bobo weigh in with a “more in sorrow than in anger” column? Perhaps Nooners will explain that the Duck fellows are just part of Real America–honest, sometimes uncouth, but straight-talking, real, calloused-hands, hardworking, salt-of-the-earth folks. The kind who used to grow our food and say grace over dinner in their farmhouses, but who are far fewer in number and we as a country are sadder for it. Ronald Reagan knew these people. They knew him. They’re as real as it comes.
@Belafon: Guess what? “Cable” is not just one thing.
@dmsilev: Eighty years of Shinto oppression!
” Will Bobo weigh in with a “more in sorrow than in anger” column? ”
Some one here needs to see whether it is possible to honk on a duck call with humbility, and compare it to what is heard on Duck Dynasty. Then they can give us a heads up on what to expect.
@Violet: Hey, his nazis weren’t christians, despite the (tacit?) support of the pope and the entire lutheran whatzit being native to Germany, I don’t think it matters to him. Jesus being a prophet in Islam is equally out of his frame. How the hell he managed to discover Shinto though and attach it to the right geography . . . . baffles.
@JPL: A&E, Discovery, National Geographic…they’ve all gotten into the reality show business. History is more about conspiracy theories and crap now, but that at least has an amusement factor.
Roger Moore
Oh sure. Librarians are going to draw way more viewers than crazy rednecks./sarcasm
@raven: Yeah, no kidding. “Cable” is everything from The Weather Channel to CNN to HBO to shopping channels. And of course trashy reality TV. Something for everyone!
@jl: Savor how he reduced these acts of intimacy down to the particular orifice employed. Sexytime in Duckland must be LOTS of fun.
@PeakVT: Decades ago, I happened to reach for a grocery shopping cart and what I perceived was a rude woman reaching for it also. Of course, I won. Anyway it was Rhea Perlman. I was with my mother-in-law and I said, OMG that was Rhea Perlman and she said “Well has she been on the Today Show”. That will forever be my line. I think that duck dynasty dude was on the Today Show.
BTW.. Danny was there also and I caught up with my hubby and said Danny Devito is grocery shopping in a hushed voice, he didn’t say has he been on the Today show. He said who the hell is Danny Devito as he walked in front of us. He laughed. Not my hubby at the time but Devito.
I’m the only person shopping with in-laws and hubby who didn’t know who Rhea Perlman and Danny Devito were.
@Persia: I noes. I missed the earlier comment pointing out the Shinto threat.
Wonder if Duck guy said anything about the Ainu?
mai naem
When I first heard the term Duck Dynasty I thought it was either an Asian(Peking Duck?!?!) deal or the Duck Race thing they used to do to raise money for Make A Wish. I still haven’t watched a show and I actually thought it had to be general hunting(which I find abhorrent) not just duck hunting. BTW the guy kinda looks like a slightly bulkier version of Willie Nelson.
” Savor how he reduced these acts of intimacy down to the particular orifice employed. ”
I will not judge. Does his wife look happy? No matter, we must not judge. Let God sort it out.
Edit: OMG, if God judged men on technique, truly, how many men could be justified and saved? I don’t want to think about it.
@mai naem: They sell Duck Dynasty t-shirts at my local supermarket. I think that’s where I first heard of them. Had no idea who they were, but since there were four separate t-shirt styles I figured they had to be somewhat popular.
doesn’t make you not an asshole, though.
@scav: Dog whistles, Duck calls… What does the Fox say?
@Violet: Bobo is having a very public midlife crisis now because all you people on the internet are so mean to him.
Pardon my lack of Hayekian modesty but I hope someone dishes the dirt on the details of his divorce.
@mellowjohn: It really is the classic conservative way of thinking–whatever he likes or believes is The Way It Should Be. Can’t imagine how things might be from anyone else’s perspective. Defining characteristic of conservatives: lack of empathy.
Requisite mod wolves.
@jl: Maybe he’s really a Zen Buddhist and the whole thing’s a koan.
That’s cause almost all the other deadly sins have become American Virtues. You know, like, greed is good.
@beltane: He’s having a public midlife crisis? Really? I never read him unless someone links an amusing excerpt here or a few other places I read. What’s the latest. I had forgotten he was getting divorced.
Mark S.
I wonder if this Duck guy is a Thought Leader.
@raven: I know. He was also the son of Scott Summers.
As for my original comment, explain A&E, Discovery, History…
mai naem
I was going to post this link last week with Megan Kelly’s Santa Claus is white crap. It’s from Goodness Gracious a Brit comedy show.
And this is another one which fits this Duck Dynasty moron situation.
Comrade Dread
@jl: Because talking about gluttony, and how it entails more than gorging yourself on food, but is about taking resources simply to feed your own greed at the expense of the needy, would make us all feel really bad about our Christian practice.
Whereas, if we get really amped up over a sin that doesn’t tempt us at all, we can act really pious and feel great about how godly we are.
@maya: They’re pretty big on Pride, Lust and Gluttony, too.
Well, fck a duck.
@sidhra: Lord Love a Duck.
” the details of his divorce. ”
What Bobo’s divorce? Huh? My idol has fallen. Whither (or is it whence, or whilst?) will I turn? How ironical.
Maybe it will be humbling, we can hope that much for him.
@Belafon: There wasn’t a lot original programming but they used to have a biography show that was pretty good. I have no idea if they still do. I never got into the reality stuff. It’s cheap to produce so is a money maker, I presume.
Roger Moore
“This is Obama’s fault. Impeach!”
@JPL: Good story. Here’s my awkward brush with fame: I was at a REM concert in Roanoke, VA years ago (1989, I think) and I was watching the opening act with some friends. Two of them got up to visit the ladies room. A few minutes later a couple came and sat down in their place, which was 3-4 seats to my left. After a quick conference, one of my seated friends said that someone was sitting there. The man looked offended and the two left. About 30 seconds later, one of the others realized they had just asked Michael Stipe to move.
@jl: How long until we are subjected to columns describing the Public Thinker’s experiences with online dating sites?
So what do these Ducksters do for a living? Do they carve duck calls, duck hunters, taxidermists, tow truck operators?
Three spectacular things in that quote;
1) I really would like to slit the vocal chords of every ahistorical dimwit who claims “Nazis, no Jesus!” I suppose it fits with the general “the Nazis were left-wing, LOOK, it says “socialist” right there in the title, hurr durr” outlook, but still, nuke it from fucking orbit, someone.
2) Funny that he says “in the last eighty years” for islamism, considering that he comes from the mindset that usually sees “Islam” and “Islamism” as the same thing.
3) … he’s listing the four most recent main enemies of the United States (World War Two, Cold War, war on terror). “Evil,” “enemy of America” and “not Jesusy enough” are, apparently, sides of the same coin.
I discovered that they existed this Thanksgiving, took one look at their appearance, and said “no thanks.”
Not that I judge regular people for looking like rednecks, but reality show stars whose reality show is based around their looking like rednecks are probably trying hard to appeal to the mythology of a certain demographic. And what they like and I like have very little in common.
Was I profiling? Maybe. But hey, look, I was right!
I can remember when martyrdom required death. Apparently, now all it takes is being suspended from an A&E show. And the wingnut wurlitzer hasn’t even really fired up yet.
@PeakVT: Nice but has he been on the Today Show?
@Comrade Dread: Well, hell, greed and pride and spite, WTF, what’s wrong with that? Who said that was bad? Sex I don’t like is bad, as is sex I like but I can’t get is also bad. That is elementary.
a friend of mine saw him at a local pizza place two weeks ago on a date. Apparently he doesn’t even take them to Applebees because this place was a dump (that’s what my friend said)
NOT being a moran would work against you on a ‘reality’ show.
Villago Delenda Est
101 channels…and nothing is on.
@Comrade Dread:
QF bloody T.
This is exactly why you’ll never see divorce treated the way abortion and gay marriage are treated by the religious right. Even those of them who sincerely have no intention of ever leaving their wife would jump out of their skins at the thought of the power of the government being used to enforce that convention.
@JPL: Eventually, apparently, but not by 1989. Does that mean our ignorance is excused?
This is the greatest outrage since the war on Christmas.
Heywood J.
Looks like their “books” are still selling, in case you ever wanted to know how to field-dress a possum or convince people that you have a steel plate in your head.
This is going to be another one of those stupid fake culture wars, like we saw with Paula Deen, where the usual suspects get their backs up over uppity libruls looking down their hyper-edumacated noses at these salt o’ the earth, hard-workin’ real ‘murkins. Cue the Faux News / Saint Palin choreographed backlash in 3, 2, 1….
Then the Koan Brothers should make a movie of it.
Mike in NC
That these swamp scum are rich proves there is no God.
gogol's wife
This post is hilarious!
I think the Jebus dog whistle was there all along. The nutbag SIL was raving about the show a few weeks back & one of her big points was how thy were all Christians and ended shows with grace before eating so some such.. It was just below the surface I guess. I have only ever watched 2 shows that might be cause reality, Dirty Jobs and Mythbusters and both of them got worn out after a bit. But the majority of ‘reality’ shows are made up of people I regret walk this earth with me. I would not watch someone for 60 minutes that I would not want to spend 5 minutes with in real life.
So did Sci Fi. I remember spending my high school Friday evenings in front of the latest episode of Stargate, happily joined during my senior year by Battlestar Galactic and another Stargate show. And now it’s fucking wrestling.
Sorry, back to the Ducks of Hazzard…
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
It’s almost like people with different sexual orientations find different things appealing, innit?
@Comrade Dread:
Ding ding ding. Yes, some of the homophobic stuff comes from people who are closeted, but a great deal of it comes from people who have no LGBT tendencies but find it a cheap and easy way to make themselves feel morally superior without having to actually put any effort into it. If they had to help the poor or visit prisoners, that would actually take up time and energy and money. But just not being gay when they’re already not gay? Piece of cake and an easy ride to Heaven without any of that “love thy neighbor” crap that’s too haaaarrrrdddd.
I actually went and read the GQ article. They sound like rather fascinating, pretty weird people, and I certainly wouldn’t mind going out hunting with them (they’ve probably forgotten more about their local ecosystem than I could ever learn) but hey, when you’re dealing with ignorant Jesus freaks they’re going to say ignorant Jesus freak things. I expect no less.
They made their money and they’re fine with it coming to an end if that’s how it works out.
The people to be pissed at are A&E. A&E gave these fine members of the American Taliban publicity and a platform, they should have known this was inevitable. Sadly, instead of being punished for that, they made a lot of money.
Hitting the various retail outlets this season I’ve definitely noticed that Duck Dynasty crap is the biggest thing going for adult cheesy gifts. And I live in a liberal college town in a blue state. I know, how about Chia Elizabeth Warren for us lefties?
I went into Walmart before the Christmas stuff went up, and there was EVERYTHING Duck Dynasty. Not just tees, but also jackets, overalls, sheets, comforters, tablecloths, napkins, books, notebooks, cups, plates, tents, backpacks, toys – EVERYTHING. There are Duck Dynasty CHIA PETS!
Jebediah, RBG
Ha! (And I really needed a laugh. Thanks!)
1. Gee, would they have said “doggone white people” to you? Even being disrespectful to white trash could get a black man killed pre-CRA.
2. I feel sorry for the half-black grandson.
3. Conservatives really do think their ignorance is just “common sense” don’t they.
I went into a Barnes & Noble a couple of days ago, and there was a HUGE Duck Dynasty display table. Bios, cookbooks, jigsaw puzzles, DVD gift sets, DD philosophy of life non-books. Surprised there weren’t paper dolls, coloring books, and stickers.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Visiting friends over Thanksgiving and could not find one thing worth watching on their cable. Best money saving thing I ever did, stopping cable.
What I want to know is why didn’t Sarah stand up for that guy who wanted to poop in her mouth
mai naem
There was a time(90s?) when A&E was called the Hitler channel because they just ran so much Nazi/Hitler/WWI1 related programming.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
You would think a bunch of guys who look like actors from Deliverance would be leery of pushing stereotypes. Well, just keep on plucking that banjo and chasing your sister’s backside Clyde.
the Duck Dynasty guys circa 2001 look like Romneys
Comrade Mary
@PaulW: But do you have EPIC beards? I kind of like those beards.
@Comrade Mary: EPIC beards. ZZ Top! Case closed.
Karen in GA
In defense of cable: Al Jazeera America. LinkTV, unless CBS is going to run Borgen on Sunday nights after 60 Minutes?
Game of Thrones, HBO documentaries, IFC, Sundance.
And Animal Planet.
So now the righwingers are defending the greasy looking long haired poorly dressed bearded types?
I can’t keep things straight anymore. It seems like only yesterday Ronald Reagan was telling us that pious Muslims fighting the Godless Commies in Afghanistan were the moral equivalent of the American founding fathers.
Unlike most reality tv show people,the Duck Dynasty family was already rich-through their line of duck calls,and related hunting products. No shyt.
Now because of the show, they crossed from being mere rich to rolling in the dough, hand over fist. All those products in Wal-Mart mean they have hit the licensing sweet spot. Had a gag gift bag just this week,and one of the gifts was a Chia Pet of a Duck Dynasty family member.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: The dude was also a pro-caliber quarterback. He went to Louisiana Tech and Terry Bradshaw was his back-up. The Washington Racist Names wanted him but he said no. None of this means that he isn’t a complete douchecanoe.
fleeting expletive
FYWP ate my comment thanking one and all for spider ID’s. I think it may have been one of those jumping spiders. I leave ’em be unless they scare me or come too close. Don’t love ’em but they do eat bugs.
Omnes Omnibus
@fleeting expletive: Spiders are a good first warning system for air quality. They die off faster than we do in poor air quality situations.
@Mark S.: Dreher’s got two posts up about it, outraged that this fine man’s “moral and religious beliefs” are getting him into trouble when there is so much trash on tv that people find acceptable.
pseudonymous in nc
Who knew that freedom of speech also extended to having your own TV show financed and produced by a big company?
Frankly, I suspect A&E is doing this to drum up interest in the new season and they’re trolling the viewer demo that doesn’t watch it simply to gawp.
Omnes Omnibus
@pseudonymous in nc: Very few people actually understand the First Amendment. Even fewer of them are of the right.
@The Dangerman:
I like the way you think, sir.
pseudonymous in nc
Fine. Let’s have A&E show a week of raw footage of the Duck Family Robertson, instead of carefully editing them into a marketable package and semi-scripting some japes for them to get into.
That GQ interview is an interesting read: the patriarch is a standard-issue Bible-basher, but that neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. And the Duckleberries aren’t particularly malign in the way that a swindler like Ralph Reed or a smarmy fucker like Rick Warren are malign. But I’m not sure how they’d sell themselves if their show was half hunting and half preaching.
pseudonymous in nc
They’re country, simple as that. They also signed a big fat contract in exchange for a big fat amount of money that probably says A&E can edit their rough edges, make them look like idiots, put them in contrived situations, and take action if anything they say outside the show that harms the show’s brand.
Death Panel Truck
@Belafon: Discovery was once a channel that focused on science, nature and technology. The History Channel used to focus on, you know, history, until it lost its way.
How do their wives stand it? I can’t imagine that they liked the fact that their husbands went from looking like clean cut guys to a bunch of grizzled veterans.
@mai naem: but Willie Nelson isnot a bigot
Paul in KY
@PeakVT: Good for them. He was supposed to be up on stage.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Back in the day, conservative argued there was no need for PBS because the Discovery Channel, A&E, The History Channel, etc. would fill the void….
Certified Mutant Enemy
Because Christian Europe never engaged in any kind of imperialism…
Certified Mutant Enemy
Apparently the Duck Dynasty yokels are homophobic bigots and bible thumpers.
In other news:
* Water is wet
* The Pope is Catholic
* Bears shit in the woods
@nellcote: Wow. A question to ponder — would you be willing to change your appearance like that for fame and money???
@nellcote: Wow. A question to ponder — would you be willing to change your appearance like that for fame and money???
Seems fairly clever to me. An exit strategy for the cameras-in-our-faces-all-day thing, combined with a ticket to the wingnut welfare gravy train.
Oftentimes when I use the groups Southern, Christian, or redneck to describe the heart of the anti-gay movement, I get chastised for stereotyping. Then something like this Duck Dynasty thing happens and everyone says, “What do you expect?”
@Mark S.: Rod Dreher has gone apeshit as predicted.
Jebediah, RBG
Sure – because it makes it much easier escape attention later by just going back to your normal appearance.
Let’s be honest, what the guy said is fairly reasonable for a 70 year old guy from a small town in Louisiana. Abhorrent to you and me? certainly. My guess is his kids probably find it embarrassing and wrong. The one guy adopted a black kid, so do you think he is a bigot? I think most of us know people that are that age, and were literally raised in an environment in which these ideas were nearly the only opinions they ever heard. Luckily, through a lot of hard work this is slowly changing, and people like this are dying off. But, personally; I can’t get too excited about some old bible thumper from Louisiana being biased against gay people.
Never watched this but I did hit a wrong button on the remote once and clicked over to DD so I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about. Watched about 15 seconds of this crap and started hurling violently. Well, not really but gawd, WTF?!?!?
@dmsilev: Some German soldiers wore belt buckles that said Gott Mit Uns.
Guess what that translates to.
Faux News
I never understood the fascination with the Duck Dynasty. A pure White Trash Ignorant Swampbillies who now happen to be millionaires. I watched two episodes and simply could not stomach it anymore. OF COURSE they are Homophobes and Bible Thumpers. Just like the Snowbilly White Trash Palin family.Both families are repulsive cretins who revel in their ignorance. Oh also, Honey Boo Boo’s family fits in with the Ducks and Douches families as well.