Via Dave Weigel, who says:
Netflix just debuted the trailer for Mitt, its documentary about Willard M. Romney’s failed White House bid. And while it doesn’t contain any revelatory information about the Romney campaign, the trailer does show a side of the ever-composed candidate the electorate rarely saw in 2012.
You can’t help feeling a little sorry for the guy…
To quote one of my favorite movie characters, “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney was a terrible Massachusetts governor with a deeply weird and creepy view of his fellow citizens, and his family gave every indication of sharing the same repulsive oligarchial ideas.
Not sure I could stand to watch more than a trailer’s worth of The Romneying: #Fail2012, except possibly as an emetic, but it does give me the warm fuzzies that at least this Banana Republican isn’t in charge right now.
Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln Romney, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
The ‘Mitt ironing the arm of his jacket while he’s wearing said jacket’ scene is a classic. There’s something inside his brain which just ain’t wired right.
Netflix is supposed to be all awesome at predicting audience demand. Who is the audience for this?
RobertDSC-Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25
My hate for him has cooled a little since the election, but the hate is still there. Fuck you, Willard. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Any possibility this is a hoax? After telling myself I would pretend I never heard about such a thing, I saw an animated gif of Mitt trying to iron his tux sleeve while he was in it. It looked like Mitt.
Who else could it be? John Cleese in a lot of middle aged twit make-up?
I plan on ignoring it, and telling myself it’s a hoax. Lalalalalal! I can’t hear you.
You can’t help feeling a little sorry for the guy…
Yes, but who gives a fuck if there’s an actual human being inside somewhere? His policy positions haven’t improved, have they?
Have Weigel get back to me when Romney decides he needs a tax increase.
“You can’t help feeling a little sorry for the guy”
Utter fucking horseshit.
Fuck you Mitt Romney. Get out of my life. The number of lives you destroyed as a private citizen is appalling.
I shudder to think of what you would have done as our President.
Just go away.
@RobertDSC-Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25: Watch the first ten or twenty seconds of the trailer. It’s the moment on election night when Mitt and his family realize that he’s lost the election. Primo schadenfreude.
I feel about as bad watching reality sink in for Mitt Romney on election night as I felt watching reality sink in for Jerry Jones after the Cowboys blew that Green Bay game last weekend. Which is another way of saying I don’t feel bad at all.
Villago Delenda Est
This entire family of parasites needs to be dealt with appropriately.
I couldn’t even get through the trailer. What dreadful people.
Uhhhhhhhh…fuck no. Wiegel can be a real tool, sometimes. Romney’s best was not good enough. He was a shitty candidate and by his own admission, flawed. He couldn’t hack it on the big stage. He was not up to the god damned job. Period. Just because he’s not actually a robot and has some emotions means fucking shit to me. He wanted to fuck the country. The things he wanted to do were BAD FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That is not worthy of sympathy, Wiegel, you asshole.
The country would already be in the shitter completely if we were finishing year one of a Romney Admin, as opposed to only partly there now.
Bill E Pilgrim
@dmsilev: It reminds me of difficulties of creating AI, realizing how basic you have to get in teaching it things.
So you see Governorbot, humans flatten their clothing with hot, heavy metal devices like this. Ah, okay now see, that was our fault, we forgot to mention that the clothes are usually not being worn at the time.
RobertDSC-Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25
I would love to see the contrast of that footage with what happened when the President learned the news.
gogol's wife
@RobertDSC-Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25:
My sentiments exactly.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Yeah.This. But there’s someone who’s worse as a human being, and that’s his wife, Queen of the Dancing Horses. I grant you, she couldn’t have the same power to destroy our lives as he has, but she would have done everything she could to make it happen.
Bill E Pilgrim
Anyone feeling as if this guy was likeable should review the debate moment just before Obama’s “Please proceed, Governor” line. Everyone remembers the latter, but the sheer arrogance of Romney’s manner demanding an answer just before that, the pointing and the raised eyebrows, the sense that he was scolding this uppity boy, was just astonishing.
Mitt seemed to present an “aw shucks” sort of persona during the campaign often, but that gave me a glimpse directly into what it must be like to work for this prick.
By the time election night arrived, I couldn’t understand why it took so long to call. In what magical world was this guy living in? Never mind, it must have been the Fox news land. I was disappointed it wasn’t called earlier.
@craigie: Rubbernecking, Trainwrecks of NJ, Swapping Disfunction, America’s Funniest Home Videos, what is it? Who Wants to be a Jackass? It’s practically a genre with several awards to itself as well as lifetime achievement awards already gathering dust. The’re also the sympathy sales and knee-jerk-purchases to be counted on, cf the political coloring books suddenly arriving on the scene (Hey! there’s that art-GOOPy-gravy-train link again!)
@The Fat Kate Middleton: OK, but let’s not drag the dang horse into this, at least any more than necessary.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Exactly what I will be doing. We’re not North Korea yet.
Villago Delenda Est
When Ohio was called, Rove had a fucking conniption on the air, and the people in the back room who made that call laughed and laughed and laughed, because they knew something that Mr. “I have the math” did not. The actual math.
@Bill E Pilgrim: I suppose we should be grateful that Mitt was trying to iron his own arm, rather than someone else’s arm.
Then again, that sounds like the sort of thing teenage Mitt would have done as a “youthful prank”.
Oooooh, fucking Mitt Romney loves his wife and kids, and he slept on the floor of his airplane sometimes. Plus it was really hard on poor Ann Romney. She really took one for the team, didn’t she.
And then he lost the race. Geez, that’s tough, man, all he has to fall back on is fucking hundreds of millions of dollars. Wow. I’m really re-thinking the whole election now.
Fucking shut the fuck up. God. He fucking earned his loser also-ran status fair and god damn square. Fuck him, so much.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@jl: Well, it’s not like I’m suggesting any damage to the horse. Just expressing my loathing for the poor beast’s owner.
Villago Delenda Est
The Jerry Springer Show.
I have a theory…that a lot of people out there don’t think you’re a “real person” unless you’ve been on television. So they’ll do just about anything to become a “real person.”
This is not to give Mitt any props, but I suspect he’s not the first guy to iron a jacket while wearing it. I can see that as a guy thing.
gogol's wife
I love when his son says that if he loses the election he’ll be a laughing stock to the whole country, but not to his family. This is how they think — since when is someone a “laughing stock” to the whole country because they didn’t win the presidency? And the arrogance of saying he didn’t think to get the President’s phone number. Bleah.
@Villago Delenda Est: Did Mitt really not know? Surely, someone close to him understood the odds. Anyhow, I’m not watching the netflix show because there is actually better shows to stream.
” I can see that as a guy thing. ”
I dunno. Even I would never do anything like that. That is too goofus even for me. Maybe Cole should chime in on it.
James E. Powell
Mitt Romney turned out to be an even bigger asshole than I thought he was when he was governor of Massachusetts. If he wanted anything but disdain and disgust from me, he’d have to start by apologizing for the racist “Obama gutting Clinton’s welfare reform” ad, exposing whose idea it was, why it was proposed, and explaining his thought processes in approving it, then defending it.
And that would be only the first of 12 steps for his readmission into the human race.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Belafon: I’ve colored in worn lapel edges on my tux with a black magic marker before gigs, “sewn” an inner pocket back together using staples, and used iron-on patches in combination with all of the above to hem and fix holes in clothing before work or even dates. I have never in my life however ironed anything with me inside of it. Could be just me of course.
Mike in NC
So grateful we won’t be treated to fawning media coverage of the Romney Family Christmas Reunion 2013 Live From The White House.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Yes, but think of all the guys in America.
Just to note my official take on Romney back in 2012…
The guy would have been a disaster as President. He would have hired on all the worst people from Bush the Lesser’s years, all the ones he’d owe favors to getting through the primaries and to keep the GOP base satisfied… he’d have pushed for his killer tax cut, pushed for war as the neocons would want, alienate our NATO and Asian allies further… would have killed Obamacare to ensure the base wouldn’t abandon him like they abandoned Bush the Elder for abandoning his ‘no new taxes’ pledge… it would have wrecked the economy, wrecked our military, and his office and the Fox Not News crowd would have blamed it all on Obama and Clinton anyways.
I have no sympathy for him.
Mitt and family feels really, really bad for Mitt and family.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Belafon: Well it does seem a somewhat flat, one-dimensional place sometimes, so yes who knows.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@gogol’s wife: Do you have the student essays read and graded? And do I have the correct commenter here? That particular task took up twenty hours every week outside of class and prep time, and was an important reason why I retired when I could.
I can understand feeling sorry for him. As big an asshole as he is even he could feel the pain of not being good enough, I get that. It does not change my opinion of him or the relief and joy I felt that he got his ass kicked. I saw rat get it by a car one time and trying to drag its broken body out of the street. I felt bad for it. That did not make me want to help it recover or wish it hadn’t died. Fuck all the rats particularly the ones that populate the modern GOP.
Who’s the audience for this glop? The 47% who take no responsibility for their own lives but care deeply about mitt’s? Or the people whose pensions he looted who don’t have Netflix because they’re now working 2 minimum wage jobs to pay the bills?
Villago Delenda Est
All I’ve been able to glean indicates that he and his inner circle actually believed that the polls were “skewed” and that the Marquis de Mittens would triumph.
He was unprepared for the possibility of defeat.
@Schlemizel: I am so conflicted about it, is why I will carefully ignore it.
I want to think positive thoughts about people. I read that in a family vote on whether he should run, Mitt voted ‘no’. OK then, that is my good thought for Mitt, and I move on to other thoughts (edit: usually next is fried liver, which I hate, then I work my way up from there).
The clip of him trying to iron his sleeve with his arm in it was funny, though. I think you will have to go through a whole lot of clueless dudes in America before you see that again.
If I hadn’t had the inside scoop on the rmoneys, told by tbogg, I still would have said what a bunch of self important sons of romneys they are. They make Dad a sympathetic character in comparison.
We’ll know that conservatism has run it’s course when all the rats are jumping ship. But right now the best thing that could happen is that all the rats get run over by cars. And I don’t mean the 4 legged kind.
It is a pox on our country. Which means I agree on fuck mitt and his entire over privileged family.
I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him and that goes double for his stuck-up harridan of a wife. I rarely actually hate public figures but I really, really hate her.
Cary Grant showered in his suit in Charade. Cary could pull off that sort of thing.
Oh, but I can.
Politics is probably the only time in Mitt’s extraordinarily privileged life that he couldn’t swing a bag of money at something, and have everything go his way.
That trailer is supposed to make me feel sorry for him? I could still see the condescension they have for everyone Not A Romney, everyone not a rich white douchebag. Fuck him.
Is it just me or does Bill Kristol look an awful lot like this Grand Moff Tarkin doll?
So how much mitt, the fuckwit, paid for this pity-me crying fest?
My hardcore GOP father-in-law sent me an email the night Romney was nominated saying “Congratulations. Hope the nation can survive four more years of Obama.”
He was furious. Still is, not because Romney lost (his further commentary on Romney and his unelectability was a thing of wonder) but because “his” party’s been shoved off the cliff by Tea Party psychos and Jesus freaks. He wants his genteel GOP back, the party of business, country clubs, well-dressed white folks and quiet rooms. It’s been taken over by trailer trash and they are trashing it but good.
David Koch
Not only is Mitt creepy and robotic in public, but he’s creepier in private.
Keith P
Since he and his wife still pop up occasionally to tell Politico how disappointed they are in Obama, no, I do not feel at all sorry for Mitt.
David Koch
@ruemara: Kristol is actually a midget.
Also, we not only dodged him as president, but the inevitable launching of his rotten kids into politics. Mitt is an awful human being. His wife is, miraculously, ten times worse. But both of them pale in comparison to their arrogant, privileged, snotty sociopathic children. The nation truly dodged a bullet in 2012.
@David Koch: Yup, him and his entire entitlement family. Fuck’em.
The Economist identified the post-Dubya GOP as the “party of white trash pride” in a postmortem on McCain’s 2008 defeat. They’ve only gotten worse since then.
The party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower, has become the party of Limbaugh, Palin, and Nugent.
fleeting expletive
There was a little black spider on my kitchen floor tonight. I rarely see any bugs here but spiders kind of freak me out. It was black and maybe half an inch in diameter. My vision isn’t too good, so I couldn’t see any more of its characteristics, but it moved kind of weirdly–skipping almost. The thing could move really fast for maybe a foot at a time. I left it alone once it looked like it was going into the cabinet under the sink or maybe outside (fingers crossed). Anyone know what that might have been?
@jl: I can’t believe he voted “no” in the family vote and then still ran. I suppose it’s possible, but just seems hard to imagine. And on some level I always feel bad for the losing nominees, whether I voted for them or not. To get that close to a goal that so few do, and then to lose, it can’t be fun.
@David Koch: So he’s a living Grand Moff Tarkin action figure? Poor Moff.
@Villago Delenda Est:
“Now you say you’re lonely …”
@gogol’s wife:
More to the point, this is how they think – “being a laughing stock” is the worst thing these people can conceive of. After all, it’s not as though they’ll ever go poor, hungry or homeless – they’ve never had a chance to learn that there are things far worse than ridicule. So, that’s what they go to sleep terrified of every night. The thought that someone, somewhere, is laughing at them.
All you need to know about his presidency-to-be is this: this is the guy who, when faced with polls telling him he was doing badly in the election, refused to believe them, pilloried the polls as a liberal plot, had his own doctored polls released… and honestly thought that was somehow going to change the reality that the polls were reflecting.
If a politician doesn’t pay attention to the facts when his election’s on the line, he won’t pay attention to them, ever. That, alone, forgetting everything else about him, disqualifies him forever from being the kind of person who should be in power.
@CONGRATUALATIONS!: the sad thing is, Romney was the closest thing they had to an old school business/country club Republican. But of course, he was the worst kind of businessman possible – he didn’t have a career making things and selling them, he was a finance guy that just looked for a profit
That ain’t Weigel you’re quoting. Unless Dave is going by Emma Roller. Hey, I’m not judging nor would I be surprised.
@fleeting expletive:
Probably a Wolf spider.
Perfect Tommy
Some further fallout from the Govt. furlough: A number of talented folks leaving NASA. As part of the state unemployment compensation process, they had to actively look for work. Quite a few found that they were in demand and underpaid …
@fleeting expletive:
Don’t go see The Hobbit.
Good God, I watched the trailer and gotta revise some of my sociopathy ratings. You have Mitt, who is obviously bummed and trying to put a good face on it, and the kids, who are obviously bummed and trying to put a good face on it, and the camera pans to her.
She’s sitting there glaring at her husband in absolute rage, nothing else, the entire time.
What an awful woman. Succeeded in doing the impossible. I feel very bad for Mitt. Not because he lost. But because he’s married to her.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Villago Delenda Est:
That’s odd, because Mitt was the first to recover which suggests he knew he would lose.
Suffern ACE
@fleeting expletive: ok. I love this game. I need to know what state you live in, a guess at the size of the critter in terms of a dime, whether it was fuzzy/hairy or shiny, and whether it had long or short legs. Anything else you noticed?
@fleeting expletive:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Watching it on LO’D right now, and laughing at their bitter tears.
Love that they think he’s a “laughing stock”.
Huh. Wonder if she was going to be the Dick Cheney power-behind-the-throne character in the administration.
I want to cry from time-to-time when I lost a bid on a contract. When maybe I fear I won’t be able to afford stuff I’d like to buy the folks I love gifts. I don’t feel sorry for a person worth a few hundred million that couldn’t “buy” an election.
@Chris: To me, it’s the idea that losing a well-fought race makes you a “laughing stock”. To them, anything but first place makes you laughable. And they have no problem telling their father that, to his face, ON CAMERA. What a cold, cruel place their family life is.
Romney is an odious, sanctimonious, creep and we’re well rid of him.
James E. Powell
I can’t believe he voted “no” in the family vote and then still ran. I suppose it’s possible, but just seems hard to imagine.
That whole thing was bullshit. Mitt’s been running for president all his life.
@jl: Wrong Python. I think Mitt is more akin to Michael Palin’s character in Brazil.
This x eleventybillion.
Mitt’s loser stench has substantially decreased the likelihood that Tagg, Pip, Skip, Chip, and Dip will ever be Congressman/Governor/Senator Romney.
@CONGRATUALATIONS!: and if they were “sealed” that means they’ll be married in the next life too (if I understand my Mormon doctrine)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: true, maybe he really didn’t want the gig. And honestly, there were times when I got the feeling that Romney was running for president not because he wanted to, but because it was what he was supposed to do… JD/MBA from Harvard (check), married with kids (check), “successful” “business” career (check), become governor of a state (check)… What now? Guess I’ll run for president
Jim, Foolish Literalist
And I’d be willing to bet if we could see inside their souls, the only ones who bought harder in to the “Mormon Kennedys” BS than Willard (and old George) was the Mittlets. And The Lady Ann, the Mormon Barbara Bush.
I think the goober actually thought he was the personal fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy of Mormon lore.
Mike in NC
The most memorable quote from Mittens was that his five strapping young buck millionaire sons were serving their country by trying to get their asshole Mormon bishop dad elected to the presidency. We truly were not worthy of these degenerate plutocrats.
James E. Powell
Romney is an odious, sanctimonious, creep and we’re well rid of him.
Are you sure we are rid of him? I feel like he is dying to get back in front of the public and talk about his latest Bain-like plan for America, Inc. And the corporate press/media is in desperate need of a Republican spokes-creature who is not a demented bigot.
Southern Beale
I don’t feel sorry for Mitt. Why the fuck should I? He ran for president, he compromised his values, he was a huge phony, and he lost. He deserved to lose. Now fuck off and get off my TeeVee.
Seriously, I’m sick of this shit. You know who I feel sorry for? The people his vulture capital firm Bain Capital threw out of work. The small mom and pop businesses he bulldozed over via his companies like Staples. Etc. Etc.
I’m with Atrios on this one:
I really hope these people just go the fuck away.
@James E. Powell:
The baggers felt like they were force-fed Rmoney by the GOP establishment in the first place.
If it looked like the party brass was lining up behind him a second time, I think you’d see a third party revolt from the far right.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Around the time of the election, someone here mentioned the theory that the Lady Ann’s goal in life was to be the wife of the Chosen One (whatever the Mormon prophecy is) and that Mitt Romney turning out not to be that One would be the worst slap in the face for her (and the worst form of abasement for him).
Good a theory as any.
Nah. The creep was running for President during his last two years as governor of Mass. I’ve never met Romney but I have met people of his type and their sense of entitlement is beyond Jupiter. My assessment is he figured he would win because he was the incredible MITT ROMNEY! and all us untermenschen would be blinded by his shining brilliance.
Southern Beale
That whole thing looked so staged and phony to me. I swear, every time I saw the Romneys I felt like it was invasion of the pod people time. Seeing him try to iron his dinner jacket while wearing it seemed like something his handlers told him to do a la “I Love Lucy,” but it easily could have been the MittBot3000 not having been programmed for domestic appliances.
@Southern Beale:
Exactly. How many losers have had their bio-pics run on teevee?
Richard Fox
I don’t recall Willard ever uttering an honest statement throughout the campaign, beginning with his very first television ad. Not one. Not sure why anyone would invest time to watch him now. Loathsome man. Just thinking of him gives me the creeps.
@James E. Powell:
What Cacti said.
Plus there are other people better suited to the pencil-necked, low-life, knuckle-dragging troglodytes of the Republican Party.
@fleeting expletive: Are you sure it wasn’t a cricket? Some of them look like spiders off you don’t get a good look at them, and the motion sounds cricket-like.
This. THIS. This-y-this-y-this-y-this-y-this.
I am not a good enough person to avoid taking extreme pleasure in his disappointment. I may have jacked off to the thought of Mitt Romney being SAD. That may have happened.
Speaking of memorable quotes, did you see what our fine congressman from GA, Jack Kingston, said today? The one about poor kids and how they should have to sweep the cafeteria for their free lunch? That’ll teach them not to be takers! He and Mitt would get along great, mocking the 47% and all those poor children who would be fine if they would just learn the value of hard work. Jerks.
Trotsky, Mussolini, the History Channel would go out of business if it wasn’t for Hitler, seems I recall Saddam got his moment in the sun, & etc.
Speaking of memorable quotes, did you see what our fine congressman from GA, Jack Kingston, said today? The one about poor kids and how they should have to sweep the cafeteria for their free lunch? That’ll teach them not to be takers! He and Mitt would get along great, mocking the 47 percent and all those poor children who would be fine if they would just learn the value of hard work. Jerks.
Mike in NC
@KG: It was all about the White Horse Prophesy.
End of thread.
You win the internets.
Mike in NC
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Pretty sure the Beltway Village Idiots were all lined up to greet our new Mormon overlords in the person of Lord and Lady Romney.
mai naem
Wow, I thought I was the only who couldn’t stand Ann Romney. She totally comes across as a “mean girl” to me. I also don’t think they ran so that he could do anything. They ran so that he could play “POTUS” and she could play “FLOTUS.” His kids would have been able to grift off daddy’s position big time but they do that right now on a smaller scale anyhow.
@James E. Powell: Yeah, my first reaction hearing the “family meeting” story was that it was an obvious lie, cooked up to project a false humility. After the Mittlets’ stories about Mitt being so hypercompetitive as to shove a pregnant daughter-in-law to win the “family Olympics”, the idea of his participating in any democratic process where he can’t override everyone else seems ludicrous.
This newfound Mitt-passion seems to be something of a trend among so called liberal bloggers: New Documentary Threatens to Make You Like Mitt Romney
O.M.G! Other than the romney’s who could possibly be the audience for such tripe? Everyone hates mitt romney; democrats probably less than republicans, but they still think he’s a true skank thru and thru.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Speaking of moments in debates did anyone ever give an Explanation for the box under Bush’s coat in the first debate with Al Gore back in 2000?
@mai naem: Uh, no, you are not the only one. Quintessential grown-up Mean Girl. You can take the bitch out of high school, dot dot dot.
But now they’re LOO-HOO-HOO-SERS, and that is EMBARRASSING and therefore I LAFF.
I feel not a whit of sorry for that sorry for himself jackass.He owns a King’s ransom, and is surrounded by folks whose job it is to ease his pain at a hundred bucks an hour. Ah da wada poosie.
@eemom: they only way I can put the idea of positive and Mitt Romney together would be upon hearing that he’s moved into a 85% tax bracket.
Mike in NC
@Southern Beale: Rmoney actually didn’t know what a donut was. He couldn’t come up with a name for these strange humanoid pastries.
the only appeal this could have is the bizarre attraction some people have to a freak show.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sidhra: Hell, I’d sell half my soul for a tenth of his money and that NH lake house.
Only half.
@Richard Fox:
Word. I don’t know if Romney is the prominent Republican I hate most out of all those I’ve seen in my short lifetime, but certainly the most loathsome among those who made it to the general election. (And considering that the president when I was growing up was Bush, that’s saying something).
@mai naem:
Ann Romney is not a Mean Girl. Ann Romney eats Mean Girls for lunch. Ann Romney’s ideal life partner should have been Darth Cheney and we’d better thank the FSM that that never happened.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Mike in NC:
I’m guessing that’s why this documentary was green-lighted in the first place. The media was so, so, so sure that Romney was going to beat Obama because, well, just look at him, amirite?
hmm. Newsmax headline now says “Cuccinelli Could Run for Rep. Wolf’s Open Seat.”
Maybe but I don’t see him winning. Wolf’s district, which is next to mine, is richass repub turf, not dumbass repub turf.
OTOH, Wolf himself is dumber than a box of very dumb hammers.
Schadenfreude at its wurst?
I’ll show myself out.
Mean Girls would eat Ann Romney for lunch – the Marie-Antoinette analogies were always the ones that struck me as most on the nose. She’s too sheltered and entitled to win the meanness pagent.
(“My horse has more breeding in its hoof than these people in their entire body?” You couldn’t script that into a movie aristocrat’s mouth and have it survive the editing process. She’s the kind of person the writers of Leverage looked at and went “we need to tone it down, no one’ll believe it otherwise.”)
wasabi gasp
Wish it was narrated by Palin just to have her explain why someone might use the grilled cheese machine on their arm.
Well, every goddamn thing that came out of his mouth during the campaign was a fucking lie, so there’s no particular reason to think otherwise about that little tidbit.
@James E. Powell:
I’m curious: have you worked out what all 12 steps should be, or just that first one?
Damn. I was so sure he was completely useless.
@Poopyman: Naaaah. Mormon Mean Girls aren’t straight-up about it. The one moment that I didn’t absolutely hate Cheney/Palpatine was when he talked about telling Leahy to go fuck himself. He said something akin to, “I was pissed, I said it, and then I felt better.” While it was unquestionably a dick move, he was at least straightforward and honest about it. I went to HS with scads of Mormon Mean Girls, and they are all shady shady. They would never consort with someone who was that coarse and abrasive, even if they agree with them. There is too much value put on maintaining an outward expression of CHEER! She and Mitt are perfect together. They will be selling used cars on Kolob.
@Villago Delenda Est: They need tumbrel rides; the children can go into the foster care system.
Mike in NC
@Monty: Media ignored it but he was being fed answers by Karl Rove.
The Angel Moroni weeps.
Suffern ACE
@Mike in NC: wouldn’t have helped Gore anyway. The media decided that he was Mr. Smarty-pants-nerd and would have ended up deciding that Gore was the bigger loser for not wearing a receiver.
Fuck, what a cretin. Of course the worst part of Romney’s 47% video is when he’s waxing on about the Chinese labor camp/factory with the overcrowded dorms and the razor wire and guard towers to, as Romney tells it because the Chinese told him, keep people from breaking in to the factory to work.
Between these two shitheels and the rotten think tank prick on The Daily Show who thinks American children need to be starving with distended bellies before they qualify for private charity I could just scream.
Hill Dweller
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
The Village still refuses to accept the outcome of the 2012 election. Since PO didn’t lose, the Village has decided to do the next best thing and try to destroy his presidency. They’ll continue to conjure fake scandals like the IRS sham and absurdly over-state the significance on any real problems for the rest of Obama’s time in office.
This week’s Village talking point is Obama has had the worst fifth year in Presidential history. First, it’s bullshit. Second, has the Village ever decided to make historic comparisons at the end of a year before? Why a year? Why not a month? Quarter?
The Republicans have started calling Obama a failure. Barbara Walters did her part to help their campaign last night. I suspect the Village will eventually pick it up. Good times.
@Chris: That’s how I see Ann Romney. She’s not a classic Mean Girl like Palin. She’s too sheltered. She’s got some Mean Girl characteristics, but she doesn’t have the killer instinct. She’s much more in the “MS patients can just use their dancing horse for therapy. They don’t need special treatment.” Marie Antoinette vein. Mean, but with a dash of ignorance.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bill E Pilgrim:
@Mike in NC: Hard to believe but I didn’t know what a donut was until I went to college. That’s not an indication of anything, except maybe having parents who eat really healthy and going to an alternative school.
Somebody spent 6 years following this douchebag? What a terrible job.
@fleeting expletive: a jumping spider. Harmless.
fleeting expletive
Did not look like that wolf spider. Could have been fuzzy, but I couldn’t really tell. It warren’t no cricket. We had a cricket explosion here in OK this summer and I saw a few in my house.
Suffren Ace, it was black all over as far as I could tell. Didn’t get close enough to see if it had a red fiddle on its back, which would’ve led me to bring a shoe sole to his backside.
Thanks for the warning for the Hobbit. I’m not wild about all white-dude movies anyway. I like to see diversity in movies and there hasn’t been any there, as far as I know.
Thank y’all.
fleeting expletive
OK, jumping spider, maybe that was the dude. I try to leave spiders alone unless they scare me. They eat bugs and I’m mighty fine with that.
Suffern ACE
@Hill Dweller: Lincoln’s fifth year ended on a particularly sour note.
…too soon.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: Well, year isn’t a particularly accurate term.
fleeting expletive
Thank y’all for the advice on the dadgum spider. It may haunt my dreams, but I’ll try to “Push those thoughts out of my mind” as my odious ex used to say.
I’m enjoying a visit from my daughter who lives in Boston these days. It’s a mess for her generation (25) but she’s a great kid. Radical, revolutionary person. I’ve been blessed with two amazing kids. I am humbled that these people exist and that I birthed and raised them both.
Hey, remember when all the media people started saying that Ann Romney was Mitt’s secret weapon because she was so likable and connected with people? What the fucking fuckingest fuck was that whole fucking thing about?
@FlipYrWhig: The media people are used to being saddled.
Omnes Omnibus
@FlipYrWhig: At best, cluelessness. At worst, whorishness.
Hill Dweller
Willard ran arguably the most mendacious Presidential campaign in history, but you’d never know it listening to the Village. Hell, while they were fixated on PO’s performance in the 1st debate, Romney’s repeated lies during said debate went unchallenged. IIRC, ThinkProgress had the total at 17 lies.
I don’t hate Romney as much as you Anne. While I think he would suck as President, the problem was more the Republican Party than Romney. People look back on 2012 and want to say Romney was a terrible candidate and an a terrible campaigner, but in reality he was the best that party could possibly hope for. The problem is much deeper than the weirdness of one man. It’s the weirdness and resentfulness of probably 10s of millions of Americans.
Yes, this one gives every sign of qualifying as one of the great examples of unintentional self-parody. Right up there with David Brooks’ immortal self-satirizing article “Thought Leaders.”
What next?
A flightsuit fashion video featuring Dubya?
Condi Rice doing commercials for mushrooms?
She’s got a degenerative disease (multiple sclerosis), so no one wants to point out what a creepily clueless twit she is.
Ann Romney is the evil twin of Chelsea Clinton, another nepotistic clueless twit freeriding on someone else’s big bucks while sailing through life in blissful ignorance of anything even remotely resembling reality.
Omnes Omnibus
@cokane: No, Romney is a worse person than Santorum. Romney would say or do anything to make money or get power. Santorum’s views are horrific but they are real.
A person has to be human to hate him. I don’t hate Mitt Romney but I do hope someone shuts that malfunctioning sociopathic android down permanently, or at least does a complete wipe of his hard drive and reprograms him as something useful, like a toaster or a washing machine.
@Hill Dweller: Steve Benen did a completely remarkable series on mittbot lies. And the fucking beltway hacks & pundtwits never called out the mittbot on any one of them.
@Omnes Omnibus: you have a point, but if you were to grant Romney’s wish and simply appoint him emperor, he would probably be less bad than Santorum. But as you say, he’s will to say or do anything to be elected.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
“You can land a 737 on his shoulders!” — Tweety
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Either one would be a disaster as president. Only their motivations would be different. In a consequentialist sense, it makes no difference.
Bubblegum Tate
So Dan Savage is kinda-sorta reviewing Snowbilly Snooki’s “book.” It’s pretty great:
notorious JRT
That was my take away, as well.
“You can’t help feeling a little sorry for the guy…”
You have GOT to be kidding me.
Tell you what, you go ahead. I will manage to restrain myself.
While getting a little nostalgic about the massive Schadenfreude I felt when my right wing Libertarian friend realized I had missed my projected total electoral votes prediction for Obama by only five or so votes. He, like Willard, were just CONVINCED Obama was going to lose in a landslide.
In all honesty, I am still wondering how the GOP managed to NOT steal Ohio this time.
I won’t be watching because I think they already showed the best part of the movie in the trailer – how could anything top that moment?
I can’t help mentally contrasting Romney and John Kerry, two tall, awkward, wealthy men who lost a presidential race. Here we are 9 years later and it’s not ridiculous to mention John Kerry and Nobel Prize in the same breath. 4 years from now, I suspect it won’t be ridiculous to mention Mitt Romney and ‘life sentence for securities fraud’ in the same breath.
J R in WV
I can’t describe the feelings I had on that election night. I’m pretty sure a Willard Romney administration would have resulted in the end of freedom in America, as that’s what the Mormon religion firmly believes in.
Non-freedom in every tiny detail of your life. Underware, for Morlock’s sake! And don’t say it couldn’t happen – another terrorist attack, and Willard wouldn’t have been doing anything to keep that from happening – and they would be watching you shower, and coming for you if you jerked off without a license.
And the polls were believable, but as was mentioned above, I can’t believe the R’s didn’t successfully steal Ohio (or some other big electoral vote state. So I was pretty nervous that night.
I haven’t seen much (any?) of the Willard family video since the election was called, maybe I should. I would enjoy seeing that boy finally being told “NO” after ordering up a presidency, and the look on his face when he realized he didn’t really even come close.
A close call for all of us and everything we believe in!
From what I’ve read about Mitt’s behavior toward his family, it’s no mystery where his kids learned that. Karma, baby.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Dear god, just shoot me. Or Tweety. Either way, I won’t complain.
47 percent of the voters in this great nation of ours voted for an Oligarch pushing oligarch policies who made his money doing oligarch things all the while stashing his ill gotten money overseas to avoid Uncle Sam.
In a healthy and functional democratic polity a guy like Mitt Romney would have been laughed offstage, instead he was 3 percent of the voting public changing their vote from being President of the United States
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: That is sweet!
Paul in KY
@dedc79: That was also quite sweet!
Paul in KY
@anthrosciguy: Cary Grant would have been 20 times better president too than Mittens (know he was British citizen & thus ineligible for office).
Paul in KY
@CONGRATUALATIONS!: I think she’s also glaring at the cameras being there capturing the shame we’re all laughing at.
Paul in KY
@Chris: Most of these right-wing nuts (male variety), the wife is evn nuttier & meaner.
Examples: Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Ted Olsen, Mittens, my ex-governor Ernie Flethcher…
Paul in KY
@Monty: No, but you know it was some wireless mike so Rove could feed him lines/info.
Paul in KY
@Chris: I hate Cheney alot more. Rove too.
Paul in KY
@Suffern ACE: Probably…VP Gore made a major error by not kissassing to the press columnists when he first got the VP position.
Paul in KY
@fleeting expletive: The movie does have humanoid races like Dwarves, various types of orcs, elves, and non-human immortal beings hey call ‘wizards’. Plus giant spiders.
Paul in KY
@mclaren: Certainly disagree about Chelsea Clinton. You need to back away from the bad crack.
Paul in KY
@HeartlandLiberal: Lot of great people came through & voted for us up in the Cleveland/Toledo area. Plus the Mittster couldn’t bring out the asswipes like Dubya could.
Context is everything.
Howlin Wolfe
@jharp: Also, he has an enormous amount of self pity. He doesn’t need our pity. He only expresses sorrow for himself. He never apologized for his bullying of the gay classmate. He never even tried to imagine that it would have been hurtful or traumatic.
Once, and one time only, Geo. W. Bush showed some actual humanity. He was honoring some autistic kid who played on a high school basketball team. The kid normally sat on the bench, but the team was behind and the coach thought what was the harm? might as well let him get some playing time. The kid sank an incredible number of 3 pointers, and the team won, thanks to his shooting.
Dubya was truly in awe of the kid’s accomplishment, and humble about being there to congratulate him. It’s the only time I felt like I could accept Bush as a not-horrible war criminal. He didn’t have that smirk, that look of stupid arrogance he usually wore, like it’s all about him. Of course, I recognized that this short moment of humanity would never erase the crimes he committed in furthering the criminal wars he and Darth undertook.
But I’ve never seen that with Mitt. He doesn’t project any human feelings at all.