Good– now there are thousands others who deserve the same thing.
About Damned Time
by John Cole| 31 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, The War on Your Neighbor, aka the War on Drugs
by John Cole| 31 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, The War on Your Neighbor, aka the War on Drugs
Good– now there are thousands others who deserve the same thing.
Comments are closed.
Not soon enough…why is Obama pardoning a turkeys at Thanksgiving when he should be helping….Oh wait
Good thing!
Omnes Omnibus
This is also a step in the right direction.
This is a real example of the bully pulpit. Obama used his office to make a symbolic gesture. Now it’s up to other people to do the right thing.
But he didn’t commute the life sentence of that Duck Dynasty person so it’s all just for show.
David Koch
He does get any credit for passing the Fair Sentencing Act.
Funny how White liberal bloggers are so concerned about telephone metadata but never say peep about Blacks being condemned to gulags.
David Koch
@beltane: HAH! Now Caribou Barbie is screaming about free speech after she just got Martin Bashir fired for… um, free speech.
Bill E Pilgrim
@David Koch: Yeah, white liberal bloggers never say a peep about the racist war on drugs.
You want links? From Digby, Atrios, who else? Name me a “white liberal blogger” of any note who complains about the NSA and I’ll find you a post about what you’re claiming they “never say a peep” about.
The ridiculous claims here just get more stupid every day. Actually I take that back, it’s getting a little less Oboty-fanatic lately. With some exceptions.
It can’t help much that Obama himself doesn’t agree with you about Snowden, but instead now agrees that he revealed serious problems that need fixing. Gotta be hard, that one.
Omnes Omnibus
@David Koch: Do a fucking search of this site and you find multiple positive mentions of the Fair Sentencing Act. Or posts like this one that, while not specifically mentioning it, are about the results of the law. But get all stupid about the Fourth Amendment because it never has any application to criminal trials. Amirite?
Cool behind the scenes pics from the making of the Shining. OT, sorry.
Louisiana death row ruled to violate 8th amendment
@Omnes Omnibus: ABLE wrote about this a lot. Got treated like shit. Elon and crew discuss this kind if stuff a lot. The predominant comments tended to be about not liking his post. Cole, mix, etc. mention Snowden and “NSA bad” and get a sloppy blowjob for sloppy punditin’.
David Koch
Truth hurts. That’s why people can’t handle the truth.
Search string at GOS for “NSA or FISA” for last 6 years returns 7,420 diaries
Search string at GOS for “crack AND sentencing” for last 6 years returns 17 diaries
7,420 vs 17
Omnes Omnibus
@Cassidy: @David Koch: This post, the one you are using to bitch about the subject, is about the fucking topic. It is about the crack v. powder sentencing disparity.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@David Koch:
Different search parameters produce different results, genius.
Search NSA AND FISA v. crack OR sentencing.
@Omnes Omnibus: It is almost like they are trying to derail us from having the converstation that they say they want us to have so that they can keep complaining that we never have the conversation.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know, right? This is, like, Palin-level stupidity.
@Omnes Omnibus: Not bitching. Just pointing out that former front pagers who regularly blogged about these kinds of issues was treated like shit.
Omnes Omnibus
FWIW during the time – over 10 years ago – that I was working on criminal stuff in federal court, judges hated mandatory minimum sentences and disliked the crack/powder disparity. This was true across partisan lines.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cassidy: Fair enough. However, Kay, Cole, and AL have also posted on the war on drugs. Others may well have as well.
(As far as the treatment ABL and Elon receive/d at the hands of some commenters, it is fucking embarrassing.)
Villago Delenda Est
On the other end of the spectrum, time to toss Jaime Dimon in prison for a very, very long time for outright theft.
Same goes for the Marquis de Mittens.
David Koch
This blog is a demonstratively better than others. This blog supported ACA when GOS and FDL joined Fox News and Grover Norquist in trying to kill it. This blog has been head and shoulder above so-called liberal blogs on issue after issue.
But my original comment stands. The overwhelming numbers (7,420 vs 17) show blogs like GOS obsess about telephone metadata, but ignore actual draconian laws.
I appreciate the actual practical work Omnes Omnibus has contributed to this issue. I just wish there were some balance in how this issue is covered in the general blogosphere.
Omnes Omnibus
@David Koch: You should also realize that there is controversy among left of center folks over the NSA surveillance issue. Controversy about a lot of elements of it. I doubt there are many left of center people who are pro-Drug War. Disputes generate more posts and comments than agreements.
American Exceptionalism, huzzah!
Neutron Flux
(As far as the treatment ABL and Elon receive/d at the hands of some commenters, it is fucking embarrassing.)
in response to Omnes
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re right, it was and I think it points to some bigger issues here. It was very easy to dismiss a writer here that was talking about “those” problems. We have a lot of narrow, entitled people here who only give a shit about some sort of fantasy coffeehouse liberalism, the kind of liberalism that let’s them sit around and talk and pat themselves on the back for supporting those “other” people. It’s a little tacky for my tastes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cassidy: It takes all kinds.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s true, more so for ABL, at least as far as I could see. With Elon, I didn’t personally see anything dreadful, just a few people taking their time to say “Meh, I don’t like to listen to podcasts.” But I may have missed some shit.
Elon hasn’t departed BJ for good, has he? I hope not.
Omnes Omnibus
I believe Elon’s whole crew are up to their asses are up to theirs asses in alligators launch their new venture. Elon posted something about it a couple of weeks ago. More stuff should be come here later on IIRC.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I remember reading about that. Was hoping he was just busy with that, and hasn’t given up on us entirely.
@Omnes Omnibus:
ABL has been posting on her chronicles blog again and I think also busy with TWIB.