Harry Reid has been hospitalized with an undisclosed illness.
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by John Cole| 49 Comments
This post is in: Politics
Harry Reid has been hospitalized with an undisclosed illness.
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Yeah, I saw that. Hope he’s okay. Probably just frustration with the assholes he has to deal with every day, day in and day out.
By the way, any progress on the car?
His throat is hoarse from screaming F-bombs at Canadian Cruz.
Heard that news this morning. So far, everyone is saying it doesn’t sound all that dire. Let’s hope that’s true. I’ve had my differences with Harry Reid over the past few years, but he’s come through in the pinch more than once, and in any case I wish him well.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Which is saying something considering Mormons aren’t known for dropping F-bombs…
According to TPM he has been released from the hospitals and will once again tell the repubs to f..k off.
David Koch
Harry Reid is one tough mutherfucker. He was bit by a snake once, and after 5 days of excruciating pain, the snake died.
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
… although I would have given a lot to be in Romney campaign HQ the night of November 6, 2012.
Good news! Thought the hospital was keeping him overnight, so that’s really encouraging.
Certified Mutant Enemy
“Oh gosh darn it! That black fellow actually won.”
AP says Reid is released. It was exhaustion. But now he’s cleared to go back to work. (Maybe the good news about marriage equality in Utah helped.)
Give ’em Hell, Harry!
He is a wicked and effective inside fighter… he gets all of it and I hope he is well and stays well
Comrade Jake
Mosquitoes refuse to bite Reid, out of respect.
Betty Cracker
Glad to hear he’s on the mend. He gets a lot of flak, but he plays a lousy hand as well as anyone could more often than not.
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
“How excessively provoking.”
Glad Reid is doing better and glad he did the right thing and got checked out in the hospital. Also glad that beginning January 1st, so many more people can afford to do that very same thing if they need to without worrying they’ll lose their house in the process.
It’s obviously God’s vengeance for daring to change the holy filibuster.
/RW talk radio
Snicker, snicker .
Speaking of illness, where’s Yatsano?
[‘What a weird day.’]
@Betty Cracker:
Exactly what y’all two said. The man’s a tough motherfucker with his heart in all the right places, and never deserved a word of the shit that’s been said about him.
Fixed for bettah Southernness.
Last I saw, Yats was kinda freaking out over white stuff. Never could determine if he was talking about snow or meds.
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought he was talking about Duck Dynasty.
State supreme courts have had one hell of a good week.
Wow. Utah has legal gay marriage now. Did not see that coming at this point in time. And several gay couples did indeed get married in Utah today.
I’m waiting to see a mass gay wedding at the Marriott Center.
ETA: Enjoy the game last night?
Ash Can
@BruinKid: The tweets with photos have been awesome. The last one I saw showed a crowded corridor and said that the line for marriage licenses at the Salt Lake County Clerk’s office was about 200 deep. It’s a wonderful spontaneous celebration, and just in time for Christmas and New Year’s. Just great.
@geg6: Yeah. Ol’ Harry’s fine now, that’s what I hear on the radio news.
But what about the wrecked car? No car pix!?? I thought was going to be a new feature on this full service blog. I figured the car would be there until the end of the world, and we would get car pix and rants on a regular basis.
@Kay: Kay, you are awesome! Thank you for your always intelligent reporting (coming as I am from a family of reporters).
This is a Harry Reid thread, not a car-in-a- field thread. That will come later, after the Piglets-are-sleeping-and-Steve-is-floofy thread.
Some of us know how to pace these things.
Betty Cracker called it earlier today:
And now Google News shows a headline from the Daily Beast (is that still around?):
Maybe whoever wrote that lurks here.
Amir Khalid
I can’t tell you how proud I am that a Malaysian is taking centre stage in the run-up to this weekend’s Liverpool-Cardiff match in the EPL. (Not!) Vincent Tan, billionaire CEO and Master of The Universe, seems to have the idea that Cardiff is one of Berjaya Group’s smaller subsidiaries, and manager Malky Mackay a lowly department supervisor.
@SiubhanDuinne: We might get a fraternity-brothers-are-watching-Charlie-Brown-Christmas-special thread to mix it up a bit. Or maybe what-I-had-for-dinner thread.
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
Reid’s a former boxer, and has been acting like it the last couple of years. Maybe he got hospitalized because his fists were tired.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@BruinKid: Et Tu UT?
Or an I-was-shoveling-the-sidewalk-naked-while-cradling-Rosie-when-I-tripped-on-my-abandoned-car-and-fell-ass-over-teakettle-on-top-of-the-farmer’s-wife-before-I-could-notify-AAA thread.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Agreed.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Or an I-am-going-to-hell-because-I-hate-It’s-a-Wonderful-Life thread.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, I was close in mentioning what people in Cole’s house are watching on TV as a thread possibility.
@SiubhanDuinne: He changed things up just a skosh upstairs.
@Omnes Omnibus: Upstairs.
@Violet: Charlie Brown Christmas was on last night. Whew!! we survived it!
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I know. I cheated.
@Violet: Actually, the Anus Horribilis almost certainly belongs to Newt Gingrich. The man is a walking, talking hemmorhoid.
@David Koch: But, is he tougher than Chuck Norris? Or Kenny Loggins?
Jay C
SO is Utah now – officially or otherwise – the 18th marriage-equality state? I can’t imagine the Lege would let this go without some sort of fight, but since it was their SC’s decision, is there an alternative? Or have those overreaching liberal America-hating enemies-of-decency (on the Utah Supreme Court? Riiiight….) shoved another slab of slithering Satanism down the throats of God-
botheringfearing Americans???Jay C
Not very likely: the only person tougher than Chuck Norris would be another Chuck Norris; and since there is only one Chuck Norris, the answer would be “no”.
@Amir Khalid:
This is being handled poorly, isn’t it? Did tan get his MBA at the Mitt Romney School of Business Maladministration?
Gotta feel for the Cardiff supporters.
Jay C
@Jay C:
Oops. my bad: it was a [insert appropriate epithets HERE] FEDERAL judge who stuck down Utah’s ban on SSM. “RTWT” is actually a pretty usueful concept…