More than one million Americans signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act during the first three weeks of December, including 500,000 through the federal exchange, President Barack Obama announced Friday.
The Obama administration says nearly 3.9 million people have qualified for coverage through the health care law’s Medicaid expansion.
The numbers released Friday cover the period from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30 and underscore a pattern of Medicaid outpacing the law’s expansion of private insurance.
Big h/t to BrainWrap and his team at Daily Kos
The Medicaid number will grow substantially as the December numbers have not been reported. Plenty of people are going to and finding out that they are Medicaid eligible either through traditional pre-PPACA Medicaid or through expansion Medicaid in the non-IGMFY states.
The Exchange number will grow substantially over this weekend as well. The procrastinators are hitting a hard deadline to choose a plan and they don’t even have to come up with the money for another week or two. I will make a $10 dollar donation to the RNC if there are not 150,000 new enrollments between the state exchanges and between 12:01AM EST 12/20/13 and 11:59PM 12/23/13 EST. If that number is met, my $10 is going to Planned Parenthood instead.
I work in a non-expansion state. My company runs a Medicaid managed care plan. New enrollment is above typical pace at this time of year as people who were eligible but never signed up for Medicaid are signing up from the Exchange. On the private insurance Exchange side the pace of tiny niggling glitches, fixes and tweaks that we have to make on our systems have been expanding geometrically in the past two weeks as enrollment is coming in. And that enrollment is at a scale where there are a sufficient number of odd cases to find glitches that weren’t discovered in a six month testing cycle.
There is a very good chance that on January 1, 2014 seven or eight million people will have health insurance that they otherwise would not have had.
That is a win and I’ll celebrate that while I enjoy my Christmas bonus of Glen Livet 21 tonight.
Richard +1
Fucking A
negative 1
Even one more person would have been a win, so this is a f&*king celebration. Cheers, comrade.
As I watched O’s presser today and the “What do you think about how bad a President you are?” questions, I thought back on the eights years of Dubya: lied into a botched war, Osama at large, New Orleans drowning, economy tanked…and I realize what a difference a good Democrat makes: We’re fighting and squabbling and bitching and over GETTING PEOPLE HEALTH INSURANCE.
Besides being an unmixed, absolute good, the illustration in opposing values between the two parties could not be more stark: They want to kill anyone who’s not “right.” We want EVERYONE to live to have a chance.
Happy Everything to Everyone*
*Except Sarah Palin. She can eat shit until Arbor Day.
My mother-in-law is able to get healthcare via the Medicaid expansion – first time she will have health insurance after working in American sweatshops for the last 30 years. (She is a Chinese immigrant who came here in the 1980s).
She also was just diagnosed with cancer. Her treatment starts in the new year when her health insurance kicks in.
God bless President Barack Obama. Thanks to him, my wife has hope and she isn’t crying every night. My MIL is thanking him by filing to change from a permanent resident to an American citizen. His portrait is going on my living room wall, like my Catholic Depression-era grandparents with FDR and JFK.
And screw the Republicans, Firebaggers (and corporate Democrats who reduced the higher Medicaid limits Obama proposed). People’s blood is on their hands.
But according to Newsmax a GOP Rep says the Whitehouse is in full panic mode over Obamacare, and Chris Matthews says Obama has had a terrible year. The press won’t sufficiently cover any of this good news because it disrupts the sky is falling narrative they carry on and on about.
Richard Mayhew: Your posts have been terrific and I am very grateful for your clear explanations of the ACA and all its ramifications. Thank you many times over; I wish all Americans could get this kind of information.
Ash Can
You want some more good news? It’s OT, but a federal judge just struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Jose Arcadio Buendía
Great news, but not everyone signing up for the exchange wouldn’t have had insurance.
David M
Yes, the enrollment was always going to pick up in December. I was 99% sure of the plan I wanted at the beginning of November, but still didn’t enroll until a week ago.
Watch out. That got Martin Bashir canned.
Yes, if only we had some kind of profession that did that.
With first amendment protection maybe, even …
Jose Arcadio Buendía
@Elizabelle: No, no, she’s all for free speech this week.
Comrade Mary
@Elizabelle: Oh, yeah, thanks for the heads-up!
/hands Trentrunner a fake bushy beard and some camo.
There. Now he can say anything he fucking well pleases FIRST AMENDMENT FUCK YEAH!
@Ash Can:
I just heard this. I can only hope that the PA Supremes do the same when the time comes here.
Thanks for the update.
When RM gets over his ‘+’, which since Holiday break time is upon us, may be awhile, I respectfully request the lowdown on the developments in the expanded catastrophic policies, and mandate business. Which I guess has to with that evil Obama’s ‘Lie of the Year, 2013’, that he helpfully pre-lied three or four years ago.
Speaking of good, albeit highly unexpected, news, apparently a judge just overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
(yes, I’m sure it’ll be appealed)
How many ‘+’ would Mr. Mayhew need if he were covering the political side of the ACA? (That might be rhetorical question).
Stockman’s Campaign Defends ‘Duck Dynasty,’ Compares Cornyn To ‘Pajama Boy’
(Emphasis added Edit: just for funsies)
Ash Can
@geg6: Someone at LGF is posting tweets from a gay couple who are at some city hall in Utah right now, paying for and getting their marriage license, and waiting for their friends to arrive so that the ceremony can begin. It’s wonderful.
@jl: Some other wingnut apparently compared the Duck Dynast with Rosa Parks (link).
Suffern ACE
@dmsilev: look. Until Duck Dynasty came along, regular rural working class white people never got to see themselves on TV. Well, there was that fishing show, that logging show, that gold digging show, those countdown shows about the worst drunk party falls, those shows set in Alaska, that show where they customized motorcycles, the one where they did cars. But anyway. But leaving those shows aside, Duck Dynasty is trail blazing in its portrayal of normal every day rurual people of the type that hasn’t been seen on TV since the denizen’s of Hooterville were let go.
A-to the men!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Jose Arcadio Buendía:
True — a lot of them are merely getting better, more comprehensive coverage than their current insurance, and at a lower price.
At least, that’s how it’s been working here in California. YMMV if you’re in a red state that decided to block you from getting better insurance.
@David M:
And yet, this proposition was seemingly completely foreign to the press corps as they covered early enrollment numbers.
My mother got a letter about some stock my aunt bought for me years ago that said I had 45 days to claim it or it would be considered abandoned and transfered to the state (where I would have to jump through additional hoops to reclaim it). Did I call immediately since it was a couple thousands dollars at stake? I should have, but of course I didn’t actually find the time to do it until about an hour ago, which was 4:15 pm on Day 44.
Roger Moore
The Audacity of Derp.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Suffern ACE:
I have to admit, I kind of enjoyed the Alaska cops show when my mom made me watch it while I was visiting her. It’s not every day that you get to see a guy forced to shoot the moose that refused to let him go into his house.
Roger Moore
@Suffern ACE:
@Roger Moore:
“Cops” made me confront what a surprisingly small portion of the population it is that wears shirts.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
That’s exactly my situation in Florida. I only have insurance now because I was HIPAA-eligible when I lost a group plan, but my insurance options since 2006 have basically been “take it” or “leave it.” Over that time, my premiums tripled in exchange for less coverage (labs became subject to the deductible, pharmacy deductible doubled, outpatient mental health was excluded, etc.).
I didn’t like my old health plan, and thanks to PPACA, I don’t have to keep it. Starting January 1st, I’ll be on an all-copay plan with premiums and out-of-pocket costs that are less than half what I’m paying now.
For as long as it lasts, Cornyn vs. Stockman is going to be a source of unlimited comedy gold.
The PA Supremes did some real good for the people of Pennsylvania yesterday. I’m willing to give them a get out of jail free card.
gocart mozart
Methinks trentrunner just blew his chance at hosting a show on cable.
I signed up for Covered CA today. I was laid off this year and this month I was looking at my first COBRA payment of $1200 for me and my wife. Obamacare is providing me with health care coverage while I’m looking for my next gig at a tiny fraction of the cost of my COBRA coverage. It’s truly amazing, but the ACA really saved our bacon here.
Glad you are doing some celebrating tonight, Richard! You have been such a fantastic resource for us here at B-J. Thank you so much!
@Roger Moore: Don’t forget Honey Boo Boo and Teen Mom on MTV.
David Koch
And to think so-called liberals on the blogosphere wanted to “kill the bill” and deny these 8 million people health care. Bunch of fucking ass wipes, the whole lot of them.
I second this.
Thank you, Richard.
Richard, I just wanted to give you a shout-out since I don’t comment on your posts. You’ve been doing some really excellent and informative writing on all this stuff.
4-3 :)
It should say “Tea Party lawmakers”
@Kay: That’s some damn fine news Kay.
@Ash Can: @geg6: That’s a big step in the right direction. And to further that direction, I’d like to see a challenge to Utah’s prohibition on private abortion coverage. That strikes me as unconstitutional as well, tho not on the same grounds as a ban on SSM.
great news!
Central Planning
@Suffern ACE:
Yes, except when it doesn’t :)
Margarita +3
It is, and it’s embarrassing for Republicans because the dissenting judges didn’t even want to take it up. They say it isn’t a legal question but instead a political one.
Exactly. In more ways than one :)
@Goblue72: that’s wonderful news. If she can abide the racists and xenophobia who will undoubtedly come out from under rocks, that’s the kind of story that’s absolutely worth trying to get out to your local press.
Just read a summary at TPM of the Opinion on Utah’s gay marriage ban which was very entertaining. It takes teh “tongue in cheek” proclamations of Scalia regarding DOMA at face value and uses them as justification for the decision. Very clever, that judge.
Terrific news.
And it is only going to get better once the word gets out.
I live in a fairly well to do county in Indiana with 10% uninsured and 80% of them have no idea what they are missing. Once they figure it out, and they will, it’s over.
Wow. It just occurred to me that, with that massive Medicaid expansion, and the extensive subsidies for example for Silver plans if you’re not poor enough for Medicaid but too poor to afford any real insurance otherwise…. WE GOT OUR FUCKING PUBLIC OPTION. Stealthily, apparently, but by gawd we got it.
Yeah, I’d rather the Medicare age be lowered, etc etc. But all this Medicaid expansion means that poor people who could never have afforded insurance before are now insured.
This is a huge win. I’m thrilled.
Matt McIrvin
Except that states controlled by Republicans can nullify the Medicaid expansion, and do.
I also want to thank Richard for all his posts on the ACA. I’ve learned so much!
Meanwhile, Faux News devotes at least several hours each DAY conducting a furious propaganda carpet bombing campaign against ObamaCare, permitting no shred of information or argument on-air that contradicts the theme they’re selling that it’s a complete disaster being promoted by dishonest, corrupt, power-mad knaves. The sort of people who approvingly get their disinformation from Faux News will have to somehow experience transformationally dramatic positive experience, perhaps forced by personal necessity, to overcome the dissonance from all the negative disinformation being trained into them by Faux.
The number of people lacking health insurance that used to get cited, back before the ACA, was 40 million. 8 million people getting insurance is nice. What about the other 32 million?
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Lots of them live in red states that are not taking extra medicaid funding. Some are refusing to get insurance, and will pay a fine. Some will enroll next year, I suppose.
Also, many in blue states who are unaware, will be presumptive medicaid recipiants when they visit the ER for some minor thing or another.
I do hope it gets better. But ACA is batting .250, is all I’m saying.